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GraphQL API for Apache Cassandra

Using the Playground

The easiest way to get started is to use the built-in GraphQL playground. After running the commands from the installation step the GraphQL playground can be accessed by going to http://localhost:8080/graphql-playground. Once in the playground, you can create new schema and interact with the GraphQL APIs.

Creating Schema

Before you can get started using GraphQL APIs you must create a keyspace and at least one table. If your Cassandra database already has existing schema then the server has already imported your schema and you might skip this step. Otherwise, use the following steps to create new schema.

Inside the playground, navigate to http://localhost:8080/graphql-schema, then create a keyspace by executing:

mutation {
    name:"library", # The name of your keyspace
    # Controls how your data is replicated,
    dcs: { name:"dc1", replicas: 1 }  # Use at least 3 replicas in production

After the keyspace is created you can create tables by executing:

mutation {
  books: createTable(
    partitionKeys: [ # The keys required to access your data
      { name: "title", type: {basic: TEXT} }
    values: [ # The values associated with the keys
      { name: "author", type: {basic: TEXT} }
  authors: createTable(
    partitionKeys: [
      { name: "name", type: {basic: TEXT} }
    clusteringKeys: [ # Secondary key used to access values within the partition
      { name: "title", type: {basic: TEXT} }

You can also create the schema using cqlsh and the server will automatically apply your schema changes.

CREATE KEYSPACE library WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1': '3'};

CREATE TABLE library.books (
    title text PRIMARY KEY,
    author text

CREATE TABLE library.authors (
    name text,
    title text,
    PRIMARY KEY (name, title)

Path Layout

By default, the server paths are structured to provide:

  • /graphql-playground: An interactive playground to explore your GraphQL APIs.
  • /graphql-schema: An API for exploring and creating schema, in database terminology this is know as: Data Definition Language (DDL). In Cassandra these are the queries used to create, modify, drop keyspaces and tables e.g. CREATE KEYSPACE ..., CREATE TABLE ..., DROP TABLE ....
  • /graphql/<keyspace>: An API for querying and modifying your Cassandra tables using GraphQL fields.


For each keyspace created in your Cassandra schema, a new path is created under the root graphql-path (default is: /graphql). For example, a path /graphql/library is created for the library keyspace when it is added to the Cassandra schema.

Tip: If your application wants to focus on a single keyspace, then the environment variable DATA_API_KEYSPACE=<your keyspace> can be added to the docker run -e DATA_API_KEYSPACE=<your keyspace> ... command. In this mode, the provided keyspace's GraphQL API will live under /graphql and other keyspaces in your database will no longer be accessible via /graphql/<keyspace>.

API Generation

For each table in your Cassandra schema, several fields are created for handling queries and mutations. For example, the GraphQL API generated for the books table looks like this:

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

type Query {
  books(value: BooksInput, orderBy: [BooksOrder], options: QueryOptions): BooksResult
  booksFilter(filter: BooksFilterInput!, orderBy: [BooksOrder], options: QueryOptions): BooksResult

type Mutation {
  insertBooks(value: BooksInput!, ifNotExists: Boolean, options: UpdateOptions): BooksMutationResult
  updateBooks(value: BooksInput!, ifExists: Boolean, ifCondition: BooksFilterInput, options: UpdateOptions): BooksMutationResult
  deleteBooks(value: BooksInput!, ifExists: Boolean, ifCondition: BooksFilterInput, options: UpdateOptions): BooksMutationResult


  • books(): Query book values by equality. If no value argument is provided then the first 100 (default pagesize) values are returned.

  • booksFilter: Query book values by filtering the result with additional operators e.g. gt (greater than), lt (less than), in (in a list of values) etc. The books() equality style query is preferable if your queries don't require the use non-equality operators.


  • insertBooks(): Insert a new book. This is an "upsert" operation that will update the value of existing books if they already exists unless ifNotExists is set to true. Using ifNotExists causes the mutation to use a lightweight transaction (LWT) adding significant overhead.

  • updateBooks(): Update an existing book. This is also an "upsert" and will create a new book if one doesn't exists unless ifExists is set to true. Using ifExists or ifCondition causes the mutation to use a lightweight transaction (LWT) adding significant overhead.

  • deleteBooks(): Deletes a book. Using ifExists or ifCondition causes the mutation to use a lightweight transaction (LWT) adding significant overhead.

As more tables are added to a keyspace additional fields will be added to the Query and Mutation types to handle queries and mutations for those new tables.

API Naming Convention

The default naming convention converts CQL (tables and columns) names to lowerCamelCase for GraphQL fields and UpperCamelCase for GraphQL types. If the naming convention rules result in a naming conflict, a number suffix is appended to the name e.g. someExistingColumn --> someExistingColumn2. If a naming conflict is not resolved within the maximum suffix value of 999 it will result in a error.

Using the API

This section will show you how to add and query books. Navigate to your keyspace inside the playground by going to http://localhost:8080/graphql/library and add some entries.

Insert Books

mutation {
  moby: insertBooks(value: {title:"Moby Dick", author:"Herman Melville"}) {
    value {
  catch22: insertBooks(value: {title:"Catch-22", author:"Joseph Heller"}) {
    value {

Query Books

To query those values you can run the following:

query {
    books {
      values {
  "data": {
    "books": {
      "values": [
          "author": "Joseph Heller",
          "title": "Catch-22"
          "author": "Herman Melville",
          "title": "Moby Dick"

Query a Single Book

A specific book can be queried by providing a key value:

query {
    books (value: {title:"Moby Dick"}) {
      values {
  "data": {
    "books": {
      "values": [
          "author": "Herman Melville",
          "title": "Moby Dick"

Using Apollo Client

This is a basic guide for getting started with Apollo Client 2.x in Node. First you'll need to install dependencies. These examples also utilize the books schema created in the schema section.


$ npm init # Follow prompts
$ npm install apollo-client apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-link-http \
  apollo-link-error apollo-link graphql graphql-tag node-fetch --save

Copy this into a file of your chose or your main entry point, usually index.js.

const { HttpLink } = require('apollo-link-http')
const { InMemoryCache } = require('apollo-cache-inmemory')
const { ApolloClient } = require('apollo-client')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const gql = require('graphql-tag')

const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: new HttpLink({
    uri: 'http://localhost:8080/graphql/library',
    fetch: fetch
  cache: new InMemoryCache()

const query = 
  query: gql`
       books {
         values {
}).then(result => {

Then run then example.

$ node index.js # Use the name of the file you created in the previous step
  data: { books: { values: [Array], __typename: 'BooksResult' } },
  loading: false,
  networkStatus: 7,
  stale: false

In the Browser

The Apollo Client can also be used inside the browser:, but CORS needs to be enabled. This can be done by starting the Docker image with the environment variable -e DATA_API_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN=*

docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -e DATA_API_HOSTS=<cassandra_hosts_here> \
  -e DATA_API_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN="*" datastaxlabs/cassandra-data-apis

Controlling and managing access to your GraphQL API

Strategies for protecting the GraphQL API can be found in the following documentation page.

API Features

Query Options

Query field operations have an options argument which can be used to control the behavior queries.

input QueryOptions {
  consistency: QueryConsistency
  limit: Int
  pageSize: Int
  pageState: String


Query consistency controls the number of replicas that must agree before returning your query result. This is used to tune the balance between data consistency and availability for reads. SERIAL and LOCAL_SERIAL are for use when doing conditional inserts and updates which are also known as lightweight transactions (LWTs), they are similar to QUORUM and LOCAL_QUORUM, respectively. More information about read consistency levels can be found in How is the consistency level configured?.

enum QueryConsistency {
  LOCAL_ONE    # Only wait for one replica in the local data center
  LOCAL_QUORUM # Wait for a quorum, `floor(total_replicas / 2 + 1)`, of replicas in the local data center
  ALL          # Wait for all replicas in all data centers
  SERIAL       # Used to read the latest value checking for inflight updates
  LOCAL_SERIAL # Same as `SERIAL, but only in the local data center


Limit sets the maximum number of values a query returns.

PageSize and PageState

Query paging can be controlled by modifying the values of pagingSize and pageState in the input type QueryOptions argument. The default pageSize is 100 values.

The pageState is returned in the data result of queries. It is a marker that can be passed to subsequent queries to get the next page.

query {
    books (options:{pageSize: 10}) {
      values {
        # ...
      pageState # Return the page state

The pageState value is returned in the result:

  "data": {
    "books": {
      "pageState": "CENhdGNoLTIyAPB////+AA==",
      "values": [

pageState from the previous result can be passed into a followup query to get the next page:

query {
    books (options:{pageSize: 10, pageState: "CENhdGNoLTIyAPB////+AA=="}) {
      # ...

Order By

The order of values returned can be controlled by passing an enumeration value argument, orderBy, for the given field.

Given the schema below this would return the books written by "Herman Melville" in order of his books by page length.

query {
  bookBySize(value:{author:"Herman Melville"}, orderBy: pages_DESC) {
    values {

Each query field has an orderBy argument and a specific order enumeration type, in this case, BookBySizeOrder.

type Query {
  bookBySize(options: QueryOptions, value: BookBySizeInput, orderBy: [BookBySizeOrder]): BookBySizeResult
  # ...

enum BookBySizeOrder {

# ...


Filter queries allow for the use of additional operators to control which values are returned.

The filter parameter allows for using more flexible conditional operators, eq (equal), gte (greater than, or equal), lte (less than, or equal), etc. This query returns all the books by "Herman Melville" with a length between 100 and 800 pages.

query {
  bookBySizeFilter(filter:{author: {eq: "Herman Melville"}, pages: {gte: 100, lte: 800}}) {
    values {

The in operator allow for filtering a specific set of values. This query returns the books by "Herman Melvillein the providedin` set.

query {
  bookBySizeFilter(filter:{author: {eq: "Herman Melville"}, title: {in: ["Moby Dick", "Redburn"]}) {
    values {

Supported Operators

Operator Example Description
eq filter: { title: { eq: "Moby Dick" } Equals
ne filter: { title: { ne: "Moby Dick" } Not equals
lt filter: { pages: { lt: 800 } Less than
lte filter: { pages: { lte: 799 } Less than equals
gt filter: { pages: { gt: 100 } Greater than
gte filter: { pages: { gte: 99 } Greater than equal
in title: {in: ["Moby Dick", "Redburn"]} In a list of values

Mutation Options

Mutation field operations have an options argument which can be used to control the behavior mutations (inserts, updates, and deletes).

input MutationOptions {
  consistency: MutationConsistency
  serialConsistency: SerialConsistency
  ttl: Int = -1


Mutation consistency controls the number of replicas that must acknowledge a mutation before returning. This is used to tune the balance between data consistency and availability for writes. More information about write consistency levels can be found in How is the consistency level configured?.

enum MutationConsistency {
  LOCAL_ONE    # Acknowledge only a single replica in the local data center
  LOCAL_QUORUM # Acknowledge a quorum of replicas in the local data center
  ALL          # Acknowledge all replicas

Serial Consistency

Serial consistency is used in conjunction with conditional inserts and updates (LWTs) and in all other mutations types it is ignored if provided.

enum SerialConsistency {
  SERIAL       # Linearizable consistency for conditional inserts and updates
  LOCAL_SERIAL # Same as `SERIAL`, but local to a single data center

Time-to-live (TTL)

Time-to-live (TTL), defined in seconds, controls the amount of time a value lives in the database before expiring e.g. ttl: 60 means the associated values are no longer readable after 60 seconds. More information about TTL can be found in Expiring data with time-to-live.

Conditional Inserts, Updates, and Deletes

Conditional mutations are mechanism to add or modify field values only when a provided condition, ifExists, ifNotExists, and ifCondition`, is satisfied. These conditional mutations require the use lightweight transactions (LWTs) which are significantly more expensive than regular mutations. More information about LWTs can be found in Using lightweight transactions.

The following book will only be added if an existing entry does not exist. The applied field can be used to determine if the mutation succeeded. If the mutation succeeded then applied: true is returned.

mutation {
  insertBooks(value: {title: "Don Quixote", author: "Miguel De Cervantes"}, ifNotExists: true) {
    value {


  "data": {
    "insertBooks": {
      "applied": true,
      "value": {
        "author": "Miguel De Cervantes",
        "title": "Don Quixote"

Return values

When mutations fail with applied: false, the most up-to-date, existing values are returned in the result. Using the previous query, if the book already exists then the result would return a value for the author. Values that part of the paritition and clustering keys are always returned in the result, independent of whether the mutation was applied.

mutation {
  insertBooks(value: {title: "Don Quixote", author: "Herman Melville"}, ifNotExists: true) {
    value {


  "data": {
    "insertBooks": {
      "applied": false,
      "value": {
        "author": "Miguel De Cervantes",
        "title": "Don Quixote"