for translators. Ignore this line. The changes made to the documentation (the main will be write here. Use this file to update the documentation for your destination language. Each new change will be write at the end of the file. So, you just need to find the latest translated paragraph. If a text were deleted, the word "deleted" will be written at the begin of the line.
For the documentation, I created a file called "". you can use that file to see what has been changed in the documentation and update the documentation for your language.
- If you want to translate the documentation too, you can see the new changes of the documentation at this link. You can see the full english documentation here.
New sentence: Also note that if you are using Hong Kong Cantonese or Chinese IBMTTS libraries, you may want to disable the use spelling functionality if supported option, to prevent some characters in these languages from being spelled out using the pinyin they are internally converted to.