The following items need to be installed to run LAN-Caster.
LAN-Caster uses Python 3.6 or higher (tested on python 3.10) which can be installed from https://www.python.org/downloads/.
If multiple versions of python are installed, ensure you are running python 3.6+, not python 3.5 or python 2. The examples in this README use the "python" command assuming python 3.6+ is the default. The command "python3" (Linux) or "py -3" (Windows) may be required to force the correct version.
LAN-Caster requires two added python modules to be installed.
- Pygame is used by the clients to open the game window, render graphics, and collect player input.
- Msgpack is used to encode and decode messages between the server and clients.
To install pygame and msgpack on Windows use:
py -3 -m pip install pygame msgpack
To install pygame and msgpack on Linux use:
pip3 install pygame msgpack
Note, if a computer is only running the LAN-Caster server then the pygame module is not required.
The LAN-Caster code can be cloned with git from: https://github.com/dbakewel/lan-caster.git or downloaded in zip form from: https://github.com/dbakewel/lan-caster/archive/master.zip
On windows, double click "run-demo.bat" in the root of the LAN-Caster directory.
If this does not work, open a command window (cmd), cd into the directory containing run-demo.bat and type "rundemo.bat".
The rundemo script will start 4 processes on the local computer: 1 server and 3 clients. Normally, each client would run on a different computer and be used by a different player. The run-demo.bat allows one user to move back and forth between all 3 clients and play all the players at once.
For example:
- computer 1 has IP address of
- computer 2 has IP address of
- computer 3 has IP address of
- computer 4 has IP address of
The server can be run on computer 1 with:
py -3 src/startserver.py -game "demo"
The server will listen on and
A client can be run on Computer 2, 3, and 4 with:
py -3 src/startclient.py -game "demo" -sip
Note, if you want to run LAN-Caster across a network then the ports you choose must be open in the OS and network firewalls for two way UDP traffic. By default, LAN-Caster uses ports of 20000 and above but any available UDP ports can be used.
The server and client allow some customization with command line switches. Use the -h switch to display help. For example:
d:\lan-caster>py -3 src/startserver.py -h
usage: startserver.py [-h] [-game dir] [-register name] [-ch hostname] [-cp port] [-sip ipaddr] [-sp port] [-fps fps]
[-busy secs] [-pause secs] [-test] [-profile] [-verbose] [-debug]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-game dir Directory to load game from (default: demo)
-register name Experimental: Register with connector as name (False == do not register) (default: False)
-ch hostname Experimental: Connector hostname or IP address (default: lan-caster.net)
-cp port Experimental: Connector port number (default: 20000)
-sip ipaddr Server IP address (default:
-sp port Server port number (default: 20001)
-fps fps Target frames per second (aka steps/sec) (default: 30)
-busy secs Seconds between logging percent busy (default: 60)
-pause secs Duration to pause in seconds before starting server (for testing) (default: 0)
-test Start server in test mode (default: False)
-profile Print function performance profile on exit. (default: False)
-verbose Print VERBOSE level log messages (default: False)
-debug Print DEBUG level log messages (includes -verbose) (default: False)
d:\lan-caster>py -3 src/startclient.py -h
pygame 2.1.2 (SDL 2.0.18, Python 3.10.4)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
usage: startclient.py [-h] [-game dir] [-player name] [-connect name] [-ch hostname] [-cp port] [-sip ipaddr]
[-sp port] [-ip ipaddr] [-p port] [-width width] [-height height] [-fps fps] [-busy secs]
[-pause secs] [-profile] [-verbose] [-debug]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-game dir Directory to load game from (default: demo)
-player name Player's name to display in game (default: anonymous)
-connect name Experimental: Connect to server using connector. "name" must match server's "-register name" (if
False then use -sip and -sp to connect to server) (default: False)
-ch hostname Experimental: Connector hostname or IP address (default: lan-caster.net)
-cp port Experimental: Connector port number (default: 20000)
-sip ipaddr Server IP address (default:
-sp port Server port number (default: 20001)
-ip ipaddr Client IP address (default:
-p port Client port number (client will search for an available port starting with this number.) (default:
-width width Window width (default: 640)
-height height Window height (default: 640)
-fps fps Target frames per second (default: 30)
-busy secs Seconds between logging percent busy (default: 60)
-pause secs Duration to pause in seconds before starting client (for testing) (default: 0)
-profile Print function performance profile on exit. (default: False)
-verbose Print VERBOSE level log messages (default: False)
-debug Print DEBUG level log messages (includes -verbose) (default: False)
Assuming lan-caster has been installed under a linux user name 'lan-caster' with home dir '/home/lan-caster'
cd /home/lan-caster/lan-caster/systemd
sudo cp connector.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable connector.service