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Upgrading from Edward to Edward2

This guide outlines how to port code from the Edward probabilistic programming system to Edward2. We recommend Edward users use Edward2 for specifying models and other TensorFlow primitives for performing downstream computation.

Edward2 is a distillation of Edward. It is a low-level language for specifying probabilistic models as programs and manipulating their computation. Probabilistic inference, criticism, and any other part of the scientific process (Box, 1976) use arbitrary TensorFlow ops. Their associated abstractions live in the TensorFlow ecosystem and do not strictly require Edward2.

Are you having difficulties upgrading to Edward2? Raise a GitHub issue and we're happy to help. Alternatively, if you have tips, feel free to send a pull request to improve this guide.



import edward as ed
from edward.models import Empirical, Gamma, Poisson

## ['criticisms',
##  'inferences',
##  'models',
##  'util',
##   ...,  # criticisms in global namespace for convenience
##   ...,  # inference algorithms in global namespace for convenience
##   ...]  # utility functions in global namespace for convenience


import edward2 as ed

## [...,  # random variables
##  'layers',  # Bayesian Layers (Tran et al., 2019)
##  'initializers',
##  'regularizers',
##  'constraints',
##  'condition',  # tools for manipulating program execution
##  'get_next_tracer',
##  'make_log_joint_fn',
##  'make_random_variable',
##  'tape',
##  'trace',
##  'traceable']

Probabilistic Models

Edward. You write models inline with any other code, composing random variables. As illustration, consider a deep exponential family (Ranganath et al., 2015).

bag_of_words = np.random.poisson(5., size=[256, 32000])  # training data as matrix of counts
data_size, feature_size = bag_of_words.shape  # number of documents x words (vocabulary)
units = [100, 30, 15]  # number of stochastic units per layer
shape = 0.1  # Gamma shape parameter

w2 = Gamma(0.1, 0.3, sample_shape=[units[2], units[1]])
w1 = Gamma(0.1, 0.3, sample_shape=[units[1], units[0]])
w0 = Gamma(0.1, 0.3, sample_shape=[units[0], feature_size])

z2 = Gamma(0.1, 0.1, sample_shape=[data_size, units[2]])
z1 = Gamma(shape, shape / tf.matmul(z2, w2))
z0 = Gamma(shape, shape / tf.matmul(z1, w1))
x = Poisson(tf.matmul(z1, w0))

Edward2. You write models as functions, where random variables operate with the same behavior as Edward's.

def deep_exponential_family(data_size, feature_size, units, shape):
  """A multi-layered topic model over a documents-by-terms matrix."""
  w2 = ed.Gamma(0.1, 0.3, sample_shape=[units[2], units[1]], name="w2")
  w1 = ed.Gamma(0.1, 0.3, sample_shape=[units[1], units[0]], name="w1")
  w0 = ed.Gamma(0.1, 0.3, sample_shape=[units[0], feature_size], name="w0")

  z2 = ed.Gamma(0.1, 0.1, sample_shape=[data_size, units[2]], name="z2")
  z1 = ed.Gamma(shape, shape / tf.matmul(z2, w2), name="z1")
  z0 = ed.Gamma(shape, shape / tf.matmul(z1, w1), name="z0")
  x = ed.Poisson(tf.matmul(z0, w0), name="x")
  return x

Broadly, the function's outputs capture what the probabilistic program is over (the y in p(y | x)), and the function's inputs capture what the probabilistic program conditions on (the x in p(y | x)). Note it's best practice to write names to all random variables: this is useful for cleaner names in the computational graph as well as for manipulating model computation.

Graph vs Eager Execution

Edward. In TensorFlow graph mode, you fetch values from the TensorFlow graph using a built-in Edward session. Eager mode is not available.

# Generate from model: returns np.ndarray of shape (data_size, feature_size).
with ed.get_session() as sess:

Edward2. Edward2 operates with TensorFlow 2.0. It always uses eager execution so there is no TensorFlow session.

# Generate from model: returns tf.Tensor of shape (data_size, feature_size).
x = deep_exponential_family(data_size, feature_size, units, shape)
x.numpy()  # converts from eagerly executed tf.Tensor to np.ndarray

Probabilistic Inference

In Edward, there is a taxonomy of inference algorithms, with many built-in from the abstract classes of ed.MonteCarlo (sampling) and ed.VariationalInference (optimization). In Edward2, inference algorithms are modularized so that they can depend on arbitrary TensorFlow ops; any associated abstractions do not live in Edward2. Below we outline variational inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo.

Variational Inference

Edward. You construct random variables with free parameters, representing the model's posterior approximation. You align these random variables together with the model's and construct an inference class.

def trainable_positive_pointmass(shape, name=None):
  """Learnable point mass distribution over positive reals."""
  with tf.variable_scope(None, default_name="trainable_positive_pointmass"):
    return PointMass(tf.nn.softplus(tf.get_variable("mean", shape)), name=name)

def trainable_gamma(shape, name=None):
  """Learnable Gamma via shape and scale parameterization."""
  with tf.variable_scope(None, default_name="trainable_gamma"):
    return Gamma(tf.nn.softplus(tf.get_variable("shape", shape)),
                 1.0 / tf.nn.softplus(tf.get_variable("scale", shape)),

qw2 = trainable_positive_pointmass(w2.shape)
qw1 = trainable_positive_pointmass(w1.shape)
qw0 = trainable_positive_pointmass(w0.shape)
qz2 = trainable_gamma(z2.shape)
qz1 = trainable_gamma(z1.shape)
qz0 = trainable_gamma(z0.shape)

inference = ed.KLqp({w0: qw0, w1: qw1, w2: qw2, z0: qz0, z1: qz1, z2: qz2},
                    data={x: bag_of_words})

To schedule training, you call which automatically handles the schedule. Alternatively, you manually schedule training with inference's class methods.


for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
  info_dict = inference.update()


Edward2. You set up variational inference manually and/or build your own abstractions.

Below we use Edward2's tracing in order to manipulate model computation. We define the variational approximation—another Edward2 program—and apply tracers to write the evidence lower bound (Hinton & Camp, 1993; Jordan, Ghahramani, Jaakkola, & Saul, 1999; Waterhouse, MacKay, & Robinson, 1996). Note we use factory functions (functions which build other functions) for simplicity, but you can also use tf.keras.Models as stateful classes which automatically manage the variables.

def build_trainable_positive_pointmass(shape, name=None):
  """Builds point mass r.v. over positive reals and its parameters."""
  mean = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(shape))
  def positive_pointmass():
    return ed.PointMass(tf.nn.softplus(mean), name=name)
  return positive_pointmass, [mean]

def build_trainable_gamma(shape, name=None):
  """Builds Gamma random variable and its parameters."""
  shape_param = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(shape))
  scale_param = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(shape))
  def gamma():
    return ed.Gamma(tf.nn.softplus(shape_param), 1./tf.nn.softplus(scale_param), name=name)
  return gamma, [shape_param, scale_param]

def build_deep_exponential_family_variational():
  """Builds posterior approximation q(w{0,1,2}, z{1,2,3} | x) and parameters."""
  QW2, qw2_params = build_trainable_positive_pointmass(w2.shape, name="qw2")
  QW1, qw1_params = build_trainable_positive_pointmass(w1.shape, name="qw1")
  QW0, qw0_params = build_trainable_positive_pointmass(w0.shape, name="qw0")
  QZ2, qz2_params = build_trainable_gamma(z2.shape, name="qz2")
  QZ1, qz1_params = build_trainable_gamma(z1.shape, name="qz1")
  QZ0, qz0_params = build_trainable_gamma(z0.shape, name="qz0")
  parameters = (qw2_params + qw1_params + qw0_params +
                qz2_params + qz1_params + qz0_params)
  def deep_exponential_family_variational():
    return QW2(), QW1(), QW0(), QZ2(), QZ1(), QZ0()
  return deep_exponential_family_variational, parameters

To schedule training, you use typical TensorFlow. For an equivalent API, see Keras' model.compile and high-level API). Below uses a custom training loop.

max_steps = 10000  # number of training iterations
model_dir = None  # directory for model checkpoints

writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(model_dir)
 trainable_variables] = build_deep_exponential_family_variational()

def train_step(bag_of_words, step):
  with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    # Compute expected log-likelihood. First, sample from the variational
    # distribution; second, compute the log-likelihood given the sample.
    qw2, qw1, qw0, qz2, qz1, qz0 = deep_exponential_family_variational()

    # Compute forward pass of model, setting value of the priors to the
    # approximate posterior samples. We also record the forward pass' execution
    # via ed.tape().
    with ed.tape() as model_tape:
      with ed.condition(w2=qw2, w1=qw1, w0=qw0,
                        z2=qz2, z1=qz1, z0=qz0):
        posterior_predictive = deep_exponential_family(data_size, feature_size, units, shape)

    log_likelihood = posterior_predictive.distribution.log_prob(bag_of_words)

    # Compute analytic KL-divergence between variational and prior distributions.
    kl = 0.
    for rv_name, variational_rv in [("z0", qz0), ("z1", qz1), ("z2", qz2),
                                    ("w0", qw0), ("w1", qw1), ("w2", qw2)]:
      kl += tf.reduce_sum(variational_rv.distribution.kl_divergence(

    elbo = tf.reduce_mean(log_likelihood - kl)
    with writer.default():
      tf.summary.scalar("elbo", elbo, step=step)
     loss = -elbo
  optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-3)
  gradients = tape.gradient(loss, trainable_variables)
  optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, trainable_variables))
  return loss

for step in range(max_steps):
  start_time = time.time()
  bag_of_words = next(train_data)
  loss = train_step(bag_of_words, step)
  if step % 500 == 0:
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    print("Step: {:>3d} Loss: {:.3f} ({:.3f} sec)".format(
        step, elbo_value, duration))

Markov chain Monte Carlo

Edward. Similar to variational inference, you construct random variables with free parameters, representing the model's posterior approximation. You align these random variables together with the model's and construct an inference class.

num_samples = 10000  # number of events to approximate posterior

qw2 = Empirical(tf.get_variable("qw2/params", [num_samples, units[2], units[1]]))
qw1 = Empirical(tf.get_variable("qw1/params", [num_samples, units[1], units[0]]))
qw0 = Empirical(tf.get_variable("qw0/params", [num_samples, units[0], feature_size]))
qz2 = Empirical(tf.get_variable("qz2/params", [num_samples, data_size, units[2]]))
qz1 = Empirical(tf.get_variable("qz1/params", [num_samples, data_size, units[1]]))
qz0 = Empirical(tf.get_variable("qz0/params", [num_samples, data_size, units[0]]))

inference = ed.HMC({w0: qw0, w1: qw1, w2: qw2, z0: qz0, z1: qz1, z2: qz2},
                   data={x: bag_of_words})

You use the inference class' methods to schedule training.

Edward2. Use, e.g., a transition kernel which may be a Tensor-in Tensor-out function propagating from one state to the next. Apply that transition kernel over multiple iterations until convergence.

Below we first rewrite the Edward2 model in terms of its target log-probability as a function of latent variables. Namely, it is the model's log-joint probability function with fixed hyperparameters and observations anchored at the data. We then apply a function which executes a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo transition kernel to return a collection of new states given previous states.

import no_u_turn_sampler  # local file import

num_samples = 10000  # number of events to approximate posterior
qw2 = tf.nn.softplus(tf.random.normal([units[2], units[1]]))  # initial state
qw1 = tf.nn.softplus(tf.random.normal([units[1], units[0]]))
qw0 = tf.nn.softplus(tf.random.normal([units[0], feature_size]))
qz2 = tf.nn.softplus(tf.random.normal([data_size, units[2]]))
qz1 = tf.nn.softplus(tf.random.normal([data_size, units[1]]))
qz0 = tf.nn.softplus(tf.random.normal([data_size, units[0]]))

log_joint = ed.make_log_joint_fn(deep_exponential_family)

def target_log_prob_fn(w2, w1, w0, z2, z1, z0):
  """Target log-probability as a function of states."""
  return log_joint(data_size, feature_size, units, shape,
                   w2=w2, w1=w1, w0=w0, z2=z2, z1=z1, z0=z0, x=bag_of_words)

target_log_prob = grads_target_log_prob = None
for _ in range(num_samples):
      [qw2, qw1, qw0, qz2, qz1, qz0],
  ] = no_u_turn_sampler.kernel(
      current_state=[qw2, qw1, qw0, qz2, qz1, qz0],
      step_size=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1],

Tracking Markov chain Monte Carlo diagnostics is the same workflow as in variational inference. Instead of tracking a loss function, however, one uses, for example, a counter for the number of accepted samples. This lets us monitor a running statistic of MCMC's acceptance rate.

Model & Inference Criticism

Edward. You typically use two functions: ed.evaluate for assessing how model predictions match the true data; and ed.ppc for assessing how data generated from the model matches the true data.

# Build posterior predictive: it is parameterized by a variational posterior sample.
posterior_predictive = ed.copy(
    x, {w0: qw0, w1: qw1, w2: qw2, z0: qz0, z1: qz1, z2: qz2})

# Evaluate average log-likelihood of data.
ed.evaluate('log_likelihood', data={posterior_predictive: bag_of_words})
## np.ndarray of shape ()

# Compare TF-IDF on real vs generated data.
def tfidf(bag_of_words):
  """Computes term-frequency inverse-document-frequency."""
  num_documents = bag_of_words.shape[0]
  idf = tf.log(num_documents) - tf.log(tf.count_nonzero(bag_of_words, axis=0))
  return bag_of_words * idf

observed_statistics, replicated_statistics = ed.ppc(
    lambda data, latent_vars: tf_idx(data[posterior_predictive]),
    {posterior_predictive: bag_of_words},

Edward2. Build the metric manually or use TensorFlow abstractions such as tf.keras.metrics.

# See posterior_predictive built in Variational Inference section.
log_likelihood = tf.reduce_mean(posterior_predictive.distribution.log_prob(bag_of_words))
## tf.Tensor of shape ()

# Compare statistics by sampling from model in a for loop.
observed_statistic = tfidf(bag_of_words)
replicated_statistics = [tfidf(posterior_predictive) for _ in range(100)]


  1. George Edward Pelham Box. Science and statistics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 71(356), 791–799, 1976.
  2. Hinton, G. E., & Camp, D. van. (1993). Keeping the neural networks simple by minimizing the description length of the weights. In Conference on learning theory. ACM.
  3. Jordan, M. I., Ghahramani, Z., Jaakkola, T. S., & Saul, L. K. (1999). An introduction to variational methods for graphical models. Machine Learning, 37(2), 183–233.
  4. Rajesh Ranganath, Linpeng Tang, Laurent Charlin, David M. Blei. Deep exponential families. In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2015.
  5. Dustin Tran, Michael W. Dusenberry, Mark van der Wilk, Danijar Hafner. Bayesian Layers: A Module for Neural Network Uncertainty. In Neural Information Processing Systems, 2019.
  6. Waterhouse, S., MacKay, D., & Robinson, T. (1996). Bayesian methods for mixtures of experts. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 351–357.