- Music generation with Deep Learning
- ABC files
- Scraping web resources
- Slope of a function
Click on "Run in Google Colab"
Execute each cell
- Workflow: ABC -> MIDI -> WAVE
- We need to crawl for ABC files on the Internet.
- Merged all these ABC files into a single text file.
- Upload this text file to github
- Replace
with your raw github link - Retrieve multiple produced ABC text and save these to your github.
- Extra: convert ABC to midi using
, convert midi to wave withtimidity
C, D, E, F,|G, A, B, C|D E F G|A B c d|e f g a|b c' d' e'|f' g' a' b'|]
* http://deeplearning.net/datasets/
* https://www.kaggle.com/datasets
- ImageNet
- MovieLens
- Celebs
Celebs, 200,000 images of celebrities
Machine learning depends on large amounts of data
For music, let's google for ABC music files
How we can we scrape for ABC music files? (discuss algorithm)
For Chinese tunes: Hint: http://abcnotation.com/searchTunes?q=china
How about for midi files?
def getFilename(link):
idx = link.rfind("/")
idx = idx+1 if idx > -1 else 0
return link[idx:]
url = "https://news.ycombinator.com/y18.gif"
filename = getFilename(url)
import urllib.request
import os
def downloadResource(url, folder="."):
file = getFilename(url)
path = os.path.join(folder, file)
if os.path.exists(path):
return # skip already downloaded files (maybe check size > 0?)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, path)
# Download an image
url = "https://news.ycombinator.com/y18.gif
downloadResource(url, "download")
# Download the MP3
url = "/getResource/resources/media/ai-erwa.mp3"
downloadResource("http://abcnotation.com" + url, "download", "chinese.mp3")
# Download an ABC song page
url = "http://abcnotation.com/getResource/resources/media/ai-erwa.mp3?a=ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/esac/HAN2/0495/"
downloadResource(url, "download")
url = "/tunePage?a=ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/esac/HAN2/0495"
downloadResource("http://abcnotation.com" + url, "download")
# I'd rather save as HTML: "0495.html"
downloadResource("http://abcnotation.com" + url, "download", "0495.html")
def downloadResource(url, folder='.', name=None):
file = name or getFilename(url)
path = os.path.join(folder, file)
if os.path.exists(path):
return # skip already downloaded files (maybe check size > 0?)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, path)
# Download an ABC song page
url = "/tunePage?a=ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/esac/HAN2/0495"
downloadResource("http://abcnotation.com" + url, "download", "0495.html")
content = open("download/0495.html", 'r').read()
abcStartTag = '<textarea cols="62" rows="13" readonly="readonly">'
start = content.find(abcStartTag) + len(abcStartTag)
end = content.find("</textarea>", start)
abcSong = content[start:end].strip()
print(abcSong, file=open('0495.abc', 'w'))
url = "/tunePage?a=ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/esac/HAN2/0495"
req = urllib.request.urlopen("http://abcnotation.com" + url)
content = req.read()
abcStartTag = '<textarea cols="62" rows="13" readonly="readonly">'
start = content.find(abcStartTag) + len(abcStartTag)
end = content.find("</textarea>", start)
abcSong = content[start:end]
print(abcSong, file=open('0495.abc', 'w'))
Go to the search result page (starting at s=0)
url = "http://abcnotation.com/searchTunes?q=chinese&f=c&o=a&s=0"
for each search_result_page
find all links to song pages
for each link in song pages:
get the content of the song page
retrieve the ABC song and save it
The HTML structure looks so weird...
Maybe it's time for some beautiful soup!!
# conda install -c anaconda beautifulsoup4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Song page
html_doc = open('download/0495.html', 'r').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
textarea = soup.find("textarea")
song = textarea.contents[0].strip()
links = soup.find_all('a')
for link in links:
# See: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/
# Search result page
url = "http://abcnotation.com/searchTunes?q=china&f=c&o=a&s=0"
html_filename = "search_result_china_00.html"
downloadResource(url, "download", html_filename)
html_doc = open(f"download/{html_filename}", 'r').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
abcLinks = []
for link in soup.find_all('a'):
if link.get_text().find("tune page") == 0:
if link.get_text() == "next":
nextPage = link
filename = "myfile.txt"
file = open(filename, "w") # "a" for append
file.write("Roses are red")
file.write("Violets are blue")
file.write("Sugar is sweet")
file = open(filename, "r") # "r": read
content = file.read()
- For the serious scrapper
- It's like a ladder
- m=1: for every step in X, we move one step in Y
- m=2: for every step in X, we move 2 steps in Y
- m=10: for every step in X, 10 steps in Y
- m=0.5: for every step in X, half a step in Y
- m=-1: for every step in X, one step back in Y
X = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
plt.plot(X, X**2-3*X+10)
# Let's plot the slope for (4,14) - (3,10)
# slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) = (14-10) / (4-3) = 4
plt.plot(X, 4*X) # Not quite there as the tangent
plt.plot(X, 4*X-3) # Quite close!
plt.plot(X, 4*X-2.4) # Quite close!
- By approximation. How? How many steps?
Y = lambda x: x**2 - 3*x + 10
plt.plot(X, Y(X))
Pick 2 points, compute the slope
p1 = (3, Y(3)) # 10?
p2 = (4, Y(4)) # 14?
slope = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
# slope = 4 # quite steep!
plt.plot(X, X*slope)
plt.plot(X, X*slope-2.4)
plt.plot(X, X)
# How do we find out the zero slope?
# Well, the slope is 4, very steep and positive.
# For a "convex" function, we want to go opposite the slope direction
step = -1
p1 = (2, Y(2))
p2 = (3, Y(3))
slope = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
# slope = 2.0 # The slope has decreased! Keep going!
plt.plot(X, slope*X)
plt.plot(X, slope*X+4)
step = -2
p1 = (0, Y(0))
p2 = (1, Y(1))
slope = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
# slope = -2 # Ooops. We are negative!
plt.plot(X, X*slope)
step = +1
p1 = (1, Y(1))
p2 = (2, Y(2))
slope = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
# slope = 0
plt.plot(X, slope*X)
plt.plot(X, slope*X+8)
# But there are many points with slope = 0
# Let's get a "better" approximation to Min(x,Y(x))
step=.49, .51
p1 = (1.49, Y(1.49))
p2 = (1.51, Y(1.51))
slope = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
# slope = 0 # Still zero, but this point is closer to the truth
# Guessing that the minimum is at (1.5, Y(1.5))?
Compute the slope at current position
Is the slope == 0, break
Is the slope positive? go to the left
Is the slope negative? go to the right
Who will implement the "fastest" search
for the minimum given a lambda as an input.
"Fastest" is defined as the minimum number of
iterations to get the minimum.
minimum, steps = find_minimum(some_lambda)
(1.5, Y(1.5)), 10 # 10 steps to get estimate the minimum 1.5, Y(1.5))
The challenge is how to determine the "step" to get to the next 2 points to get the slope.
Hello Magenta
Melody Mixer