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Deltachat URI-Schemes

Currently URI schemes are mainly supported by the app-internal QRcode scanner, at this time only openpgp4fpr (used for securejoin) is also registered as uri scheme handler on all platforms (android, ios and desktop)

Generic deltachat scheme, currently used by android as callback url for the oauth2 login method.

Used for oauth2 Login (only android currently)
Related Terms* -
Available on iOS (defined, but not used yet), android
Handled by the core No
Other apps using it none, only DeltaChat
Notes Only used as scheme currently, not in qr codes




<!-- this scheme is used as the redirect_url for getOauth2Url()
    and should be whitelisted by the supported oauth2 services -->
<data android:scheme="" android:path="/${applicationId}/auth" tools:ignore="AppLinkUrlError"/>
<data android:scheme="" android:path="/auth" tools:ignore="AppLinkUrlError"/>


Used for Verify Contact and Join a group
Related Terms* Securejoin
Available on iOS, android, desktop
Decoded by the core** Yes
Other apps using it
  • OpenKeychain(android)
  • Syntax


    The fields a, g and n are URL encoded. i & s are 66 random bits endcoded as base-64.

    Note: Everything after # is a Delta Chat extension

    The OPENPGP4FPR scheme's data is also used for so called "Invite Links"


    verify contact

    join regular group

    join verified/protected group (same format as join regular group)

    Invite Links:

    Universal link
    Used for Verify Contact and Join a group
    Related Terms* Securejoin, universal links
    Available on iOS, android, desktop (only QR and paste)
    Decoded by the core** Yes
    Other apps using it No, not possible without a pr to the invite repo

    "Invite Links" are an alternative to scan each other's QR code to get in contact or to join groups.

    The existing OPENPGP4FPR links have 2 major problems: they are not usable by people who don't have Delta Chat installed and they are not linkified (and thus not shareable) on 3rd party platforms.

    The "Invite Links" solve these problems:

    • You can share them over any 3rd party platform.
    • If recipients taps the links, they are either offered to install Delta Chat and tap an "Open Chat" link or, depending on the platform, an installed Delta Chat opens directly without even going to the website.

    Since the 1.44 releases the qr codes that you copy to clipboard have this format.


    The syntax is the same as in OPENPGP4FPR with two differences:

    • OPENPGP4FPR: is replaced by
    • The # that comes directly after the FINGERPRINT is replaced by an & character.
      • This is to make browsers and operating systems handle the link correctly

    Note, that all data are added to the URI Fragment, by that, no user data is sent to the server.


    get in contact / verify contact

    join regular group

    join verified/protected group (same format as join regular group)

    Related Links


    Scheme DCACCOUNT:
    Used for Account setup
    Related Terms* Burner Accounts
    Available on iOS (only QR), android(only QR), desktop (only QR)
    Decoded by the core ** Yes
    Other apps using it none, only DeltaChat


    currently this only accepts a url that gives back account setup information as a json object. see the mailadm project for more details as this api was designed for use with burner account qr codes generated by mailadm.


    You may want to use DCLOGIN instead, if you want a qr code containing login information for a single account.

    The http endpoint needs the following api:

    On Success

    HTTP Status code 200

        email: string,
        password: string

    json object can have other properties too, but currently they are ignored by core.

    On Error

    HTTP Status code: NOT 2XX, idealy the 4XX if it's user error and 5XX if it's the servers fault

        // The user facing error string, should explain what failed.
        error: string,

    json object can have other properties too, but currently they are ignored by core.


    Scheme DCLOGIN:
    Used for Account setup
    Related Terms* Account Login QR code
    Available on draft
    Decoded by the core ** draft
    Other apps using it none, only DeltaChat


    The generic URI schema is:

    URI = scheme ":" ["//" authority] path ["?" query] ["#" fragment] authority = [userinfo "@"] host [":" port]

    For DCLOGIN this means:

    • scheme is always dclogin
    • There must be an authority section
      • The userinfo part is required.
    • The path may be omitted or be a single /.
    • The fragment must be omitted.
    • The query parameters are described down below.


    # example: (email: [email protected], password: securePassword)
    dclogin://[email protected]?p=securePassword&v=1
    # example: (email: [email protected], password: url/Encoded\@passw@rd)
    dclogin://[email protected]?p=url%2FEncoded%5C%40passw%40rd&v=1
    # example: (email: [email protected], password: 123456, insecure smtp at different server)
    dclogin://[email protected]?p=123456&v=1&

    Options ?options

    Format: URL Query parameters also known as GET variables (varname=value behind the question mark, chained/delimited by &)

    The query parameters contain advanced options and a version parameter. All advanced options are optional except for v and p, which are the only required options at this point. (BTW: Later/Other versions in the future might specify a different authentication and thus p might become unnecessary in those formats.)

    short name stands for description example
    v version defines the format version, more explanation below v=1
    p password required in version 1, password of the account
    ---------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------
    ih imap_host IMAP host
    ip imap_port IMAP port ip=993
    iu imap_username IMAP username
    ipw imap_password IMAP password
    is imap_security IMAP security: "ssl" or "default" or "plain" is=ssl
    ic imap_certificate_checks IMAP certificate checks, see below for options ic=1
    ---------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------
    sh smtp_host SMTP host
    sp smtp_port SMTP port sp=465
    su smtp_username SMTP username
    spw smtp_password SMTP password
    ss smtp_security SMTP security: "ssl", "starttls" or "plain" ss=plain
    sc smtp_certificate_checks SMTP certificate checks, see below for options sc=3

    format version

    Format version: Used for breaking new versions that add new required properties, basically deltachat checks for this and if it's newer than the version deltachat supports it prompts the user to update the app.

    The version number only increases on incompatible changes (changes to required properties).


    New versions of Delta Chat do not have separate options for IMAP certificate checks and SMTP certificate checks. For best compatibility both ic and sc must be always set to the same value. sc is actually ignored by new Delta Chat and ic is used to configure both IMAP and SMTP certificate checks.

    code name & description
    0 Automatic, same as AcceptInvalidCertificates unless overridden by strict_tls setting in provider database.
    1 Strict
    3 AcceptInvalidCertificates

    Important information for using the DCLOGIN: scheme

    • There is a maximum length of how much data fits in side of a qr code (depending on the error correction level 1273 chars to 2953 chars)
      • only use the short names for advanced properties
      • If working with long domains/password/usernames in advanced options, consider creating a configuration file at the server instead using either Autoconfigure
    • Every value (username & password too) needs to be URI encoded:

    Implementation hints

    implementations should be somewhat tolerant:

    • both dclogin: and dclogin:// should work (though only dclogin:// is technically correct)
    • only implement short names (not the full names they stand for)
    • have a test for usename+extension@host cases
    • if version number is higher than what is implemented, tell the user to update


    Scheme DCWEBRTC:
    Used for Setting the WebrtcInstance config value from an qrcode
    Related Terms* webrtc_instance
    Available on ? [TODO]
    Decoded by the core ** Yes
    Other apps using it none, only DeltaChat


    DCWEBRTC:[address of video call service]


    Here is a list of variables that can be used in the config value, these might not be updated in the future, so you should also check to current documentation if it doesn't work.

    • $ROOM gets replaced with a random string.
    • $NOROOM gets replcaed with an empty string
    • if no variable is set a random string is appended to the url




    service with no random roomname, webex in this case



    Scheme DCBACKUP:
    Used for transferring a backup to another deltachat device
    Related Terms* -
    Available on android, ios, desktop
    Decoded by the core Yes
    Other apps using it No



    The data itself contains an encoded iroh::provider::Ticket structure serialised using it's Display trait. Ultimately that implementation is the reference but here the details:

    • The ticket itself consists of this struct:
      struct Ticket {
          hash: [u8; 32],
          peer: [u8; 32],
          addrs: Vec<SocketAddr>,
          token: [u8; 32],
    • This ticket is serialised to bytes using postcard.
    • These bytes are encoded using Base64 URL SAFE without padding.


    This shows what a ticket looks like in practice.



    Usable as share to deltachat.

    Scheme mailto:
    Used for sharing to deltachat, creating a contact
    Related Terms* -
    Available on android, desktop (own decoding), [TODO does ios support it?]
    Decoded by the core Yes, partially (only extracts address and creates contact)
    Other apps using it most other email clients



    standard mailto syntax though deltachat might not respect all options yet, probably refer to and

    SMTP (unused?)

    similar to mailto:

    Scheme SMTP:
    Used for sharing to deltachat, creating a contact
    Related Terms* -
    Available on ? [TODO]
    Decoded by the core Yes, partially (only extracts address and creates contact)
    Other apps using it ?



    MATMSG (unused?)

    similar to mailto:

    Scheme MATMSG:
    Used for sharing to deltachat, creating a contact
    Related Terms* -
    Available on ? [TODO]
    Decoded by the core Yes, partially (only extracts address and creates contact)
    Other apps using it ?




    Scheme BEGIN:VCARD
    Used for importing a contact
    Related Terms* vcard
    Available on ? [TODO]
    Decoded by the core Yes
    Other apps using it ?


    VCARD:BEGIN\nN:last name;first name;...;\nEMAIL;<type>:addr...;

    URI schemes that are qrcode reader only

    • http:// & https:// - to make the qr code scanner more complete and allow users to scan common qr codes.

    Registered Handlers per Platform

    List of which schemes the app is registered to handle in the OS. When an scheme is reqistered as a handler

    Platform Schemes Sources (and a keyword to look for when the line-numbers have changed)
    iOS mailto:***,, openpgp4fpr:, dclogin:, dcaccount:, deltachat-ios/Info.plist CFBundleURLSchemes
    android mailto:,, openpgp4fpr:, dclogin:, dcaccount:, AndroidManifest.xml search for android:scheme
    desktop mailto:***, openpgp4fpr:, dclogin:, dcaccount: build/gen-electron-builder-config.js build['protocols']
    src/main/windows/main.ts#L61 app.on('open-url', ...)

    Caveat: the flathub version has sometimes problems in the support of uri schemes see: flathub/

    Footnote / Legend

    * terms that are used in the project that are related to it. Sometimes there are multiple terms refering to the same thing, for example contact requests are still sometimes refered to as "dead drops".

    ** wether the core has logic to detect and decode it

    *** not usable yet, does not work out of the box on desktop and for iOS we need to request permission from apple