- Git
- Docker: You'll need to ensure that your hosts file has a line pointing *.docker.internal to localhost (
Open up a terminal and enter these commands:
git config --global core.autocrlf false
- Or ensure that `./docker/mysql/dev_bootstrap.sh uses the LF end-of-line sequence instead of CRLF.
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/LEAF.git LEAF
cd LEAF/docker
docker network create leaf
docker network create leaf-sql
docker volume create leaf-php-data
docker volume create leaf-lib
- Make sure you're in the LEAF/docker directory
- Run the below command. Note that this can take several minutes the first time it is run.
docker compose up --build -d
- Open your browser and go to https://host.docker.internal/
The leaf_vue_ui container is used for the Form Editor and Site Designer Vue apps, and for the updated admin-side SASS files.
Log in to container, access the terminal, and run the command:
npm run dev
Webpack will watch for changes to /docker/vue-app/src
Remember to build for production if src files have been edited
Log in to container, access the terminal, and run the command:
npm run build
form editor and site designer apps builds to respective folders under /libs/js/vue-dest sass (leaf.css and related fonts and assets) builds to /libs/css