We're glad you're interested in contributing to our project! Here are a few guidelines to help you get started.
If you find a bug in the code, please submit an issue on GitHub. Be sure to include a clear description of the problem, and steps to reproduce the issue.
If you have an idea for a new feature, please submit an issue on GitHub. Be sure to include a clear description of the feature and why you think it would be useful.
If you'd like to make a code contribution, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and include clear, concise, and meaningful commit messages.
- Submit a pull request on GitHub.
Please make sure your code follows the style and conventions of the existing code, and that it includes appropriate tests and documentation.
Please also be sure to read and follow our Code of Conduct.
Thank you for your contributions to our project!