- Transport: Inclusive mobility
- About making it available for EVERYBODY
- Not excluding - not catering for a specific subset
- Sight
- Hearing
- Learning difficulties
- Mobility difficulties
- Colour Blindness
- YOU (imagine if you broke your wrist)
- Users == Money/Revenue
- Readable code == happy developers (more productive == money!)
- Legal requirement (Don’t get sued == money!) http://www.lflegal.com/2017/06/winn-dixie/
- Write good code - use the right element for the right content
- Check design - colours, fonts, interface
- Test: Wave Accessibility Tool http://wave.webaim.org/
- Video captioning
- Big enough buttons
- Cluttered/busy/animated pages
- Lots of text (20ish words per line)
- Font size
- Not just using colour as feedback
- Colour contrast
- Zoomable
- Images of text
In case you use elements that aren't for what they're suppose to be for
For when you want to give users more information about those elements & modules
<button aria-label="Close" onclick="myDialog.close()">X</button>