A Simple payment processor, that tries to follow pci rules https://pt.pcisecuritystandards.org/pci_security/
git clone $project
cd $project
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
- The tests will run and the containers will be up after all of them pass
Login Endpoint:
POST http://localhost:8081/user/login
{ "username": "admin", "password": "@#$RF@!718" }
- The response Will contain a array of strings, which each one represents a token, we need one of them for the next endpoint
Process Endpoint
- This Endpoint is the endpoint to process a purchase
POST http://localhost:8082/process/payment
"token" : "eb2cd9bf2054de63b62330b3ae319e517f195afcc0ed19e984910f833d7f95a2", "card" : { "open" : { "name": "Felipe Gomes", "flag": "Visa", "date": "09/23" } }, "process": { "totalvalue": 1000.00, "items": [ { "name": "Geladeira", "value": 1000.00 } ], "installments": 10, "seller": { "name": "Magazine Luiza", "cnpj": "39.890.918/0001-99", "address": { "street": "Rua Jeronimo da Veiga", "number": 185, "zipcode": "04812-190" } } }, "acquirer_id" : 2 }
It will return the following JSON RESPONSE {
"success": true,
"errors": {
"Validation": null,
"Internal": null
Email: [email protected]