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This project is a collection of classes to assist with loading of various enrichment and threat intelligence sources into Metron.

Simple HBase Enrichments/Threat Intelligence

The vast majority of enrichments and threat intelligence processing tend toward the following pattern:

  • Take a field
  • Look up the field in a key/value store
  • If the key exists, then either it's a threat to be alerted or it should be enriched with the value associated with the key.

As such, we have created this capability as a default threat intel and enrichment adapter. The basic primitive for simple enrichments and threat intelligence sources is a complex key containing the following:

  • Type : The type of threat intel or enrichment (e.g. malicious_ip)
  • Indicator : The indicator in question
  • Value : The value to associate with the type, indicator pair. This is a JSON map.

At present, all of the dataloads utilities function by converting raw data sources to this primitive key (type, indicator) and value to be placed in HBase.

In the case of threat intel, a hit on the threat intel table will result in:

  • The is_alert field being set to true in the index
  • A field named threatintels.hbaseThreatIntel.$field.$threatintel_type is set to alert
    • $field is the field in the original document that was a match (e.g. src_ip_addr)
    • $threatintel_type is the type of threat intel imported (defined in the Extractor configuration below).

In the case of simple hbase enrichment, a hit on the enrichments table will result in the following new field for each key in the value:enrichments.hbaseEnrichment.$field.$enrichment_type.$key

  • $field is the field in the original document that was a match (e.g. src_ip_addr)
  • $enrichment_type is the type of enrichment imported (defined in the Extractor configuration below).
  • $key is a key in the JSON map associated with the row in HBase.

For instance, in the situation where we had the following very silly key/value in HBase in the enrichment table:

  • indicator:
  • type : important_addresses
  • value: { "name" : "localhost", "location" : "home" }

If we had a document whose ip_src_addr came through with a value of, we would have the following fields added to the indexed document:

  • : localhost
  • enrichments.hbaseEnrichment.ip_src_addr.important_addresses.location : home

Extractor Framework

For the purpose of ingesting data of a variety of formats, we have created an Extractor framework which allows for common data formats to be interpreted as enrichment or threat intelligence sources. The formats supported at present are:

  • CSV (both threat intel and enrichment)
  • STIX (threat intel only)
  • Custom (pass your own class)

All of the current utilities take a JSON file to configure how to interpret input data. This JSON describes the type of data and the schema if necessary for the data if it is not fixed (as in STIX, e.g.).

CSV Extractor

Consider the following example configuration file which describes how to process a CSV file.

  "config" : {
    "columns" : {
         "ip" : 0
        ,"source" : 2
    ,"indicator_column" : "ip"
    ,"type" : "malicious_ip"
    ,"separator" : ","
  ,"extractor" : "CSV"

In this example, we have instructed the extractor of the schema (i.e. the columns field), two columns at the first and third position. We have indicated that the ip column is the indicator type and that the enrichment type is named malicious_ip. We have also indicated that the extractor to use is the CSV Extractor. The other option is the STIX extractor or a fully qualified classname for your own extractor.

The meta column values will show up in the value in HBase because it is called out as a non-indicator column. The key for the value will be 'meta'. For instance, given an input string of,something,the grapevine, the following key, value would be extracted:

  • Indicator :
  • Type : malicious_ip
  • Value : { "source" : "the grapevine" }

STIX Extractor

Consider the following config for importing STIX documents. This is a threat intelligence interchange format, so it is particularly relevant and attractive data to import for our purposes. Because STIX is a standard format, there is no need to specify the schema or how to interpret the documents.

We support a subset of STIX messages for importation:

STIX Type Specific Type Enrichment Type Name
Address IPV_4_ADDR address:IPV_4_ADDR
Address IPV_6_ADDR address:IPV_6_ADDR
Address E_MAIL address:E_MAIL
Address MAC address:MAC
Domain FQDN domain:FQDN
Hostname hostname

NOTE: The enrichment type will be used as the type above.

Consider the following configuration for an Extractor

  "config" : {
    "stix_address_categories" : "IPV_4_ADDR"
  ,"extractor" : "STIX"

In here, we're configuring the STIX extractor to load from a series of STIX files, however we only want to bring in IPv4 addresses from the set of all possible addresses. Note that if no categories are specified for import, all are assumed. Also, only address and domain types allow filtering via stix_address_categories and stix_domain_categories config parameters.

Enrichment Config

In order to automatically add new enrichment and threat intel types to existing, running enrichment topologies, you will need to add new fields and new types to the zookeeper configuration. A convenience parameter has been made to assist in this when doing an import. Namely, you can specify the enrichment configs and how they associate with the fields of the documents flowing through the enrichment topology.

Consider the following Enrichment Configuration JSON. This one is for a threat intelligence type:

  "zkQuorum" : "localhost:2181"
 ,"sensorToFieldList" : {
    "bro" : {
           "type" : "THREAT_INTEL"
          ,"fieldToEnrichmentTypes" : {
             "ip_src_addr" : [ "malicious_ip" ]
            ,"ip_dst_addr" : [ "malicious_ip" ]

We have to specify the following:

  • The zookeeper quorum which holds the cluster configuration
  • The mapping between the fields in the enriched documents and the enrichment types.

This configuration allows the ingestion tools to update zookeeper post-ingestion so that the enrichment topology can take advantage immediately of the new type.

Loading Utilities

The two configurations above are used in the three separate ingestion tools:

  • Taxii Loader
  • Bulk load from HDFS via MapReduce
  • Flat File ingestion

Taxii Loader

The shell script $METRON_HOME/bin/ can be used to poll a Taxii server for STIX documents and ingest them into HBase.
It is quite common for this Taxii server to be an aggregation server such as Soltra Edge.

In addition to the Enrichment and Extractor configs described above, this loader requires a configuration file describing the connection information to the Taxii server. An illustrative example of such a configuration file is:

   "endpoint" : "http://localhost:8282/taxii-discovery-service"
  ,"type" : "DISCOVER"
  ,"collection" : "guest.Abuse_ch"
  ,"table" : "threat_intel"
  ,"columnFamily" : "cf"
  ,"allowedIndicatorTypes" : [ "domainname:FQDN", "address:IPV_4_ADDR" ]

As you can see, we are specifying the following information:

  • endpoint : The URL of the endpoint
  • type : POLL or DISCOVER depending on the endpoint.
  • collection : The Taxii collection to ingest
  • table : The HBase table to import into
  • columnFamily : The column family to import into
  • allowedIndicatorTypes : an array of acceptable threat intel types (see the "Enrichment Type Name" column of the Stix table above for the possibilities).

The parameters for the utility are as follows:

Short Code Long Code Is Required? Description
-h No Generate the help screen/set of options
-e --extractor_config Yes JSON Document describing the extractor for this input data source
-c --taxii_connection_config Yes The JSON config file to configure the connection
-p --time_between_polls No The time between polling the Taxii server in milliseconds. (default: 1 hour)
-b --begin_time No Start time to poll the Taxii server (all data from that point will be gathered in the first pull). The format for the date is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
-l --log4j No The Log4j Properties to load
-n --enrichment_config No The JSON document describing the enrichments to configure. Unlike other loaders, this is run first if specified.

Bulk Load from HDFS

The shell script $METRON_HOME/bin/ will kick off a MR job to load data staged in HDFS into an HBase table. Note: despite what the naming may suggest, this utility works for enrichment as well as threat intel due to the underlying infrastructure being the same.

The parameters for the utility are as follows:

Short Code Long Code Is Required? Description
-h No Generate the help screen/set of options
-e --extractor_config Yes JSON Document describing the extractor for this input data source
-t --table Yes The HBase table to import into
-f --column_family Yes The HBase table column family to import into
-i --input Yes The input data location on HDFS
-n --enrichment_config No The JSON document describing the enrichments to configure. Unlike other loaders, this is run first if specified.
or threat intel.

Flatfile Loader

The shell script $METRON_HOME/bin/ will read data from local disk and load the enrichment or threat intel data into an HBase table.
Note: This utility works for enrichment as well as threat intel due to the underlying infrastructure being the same.

One special thing to note here is that there is a special configuration parameter to the Extractor config that is only considered during this loader:

  • inputFormatHandler : This specifies how to consider the data. The two implementations are BY_LINE and org.apache.metron.dataloads.extractor.inputformat.WholeFileFormat.

The default is BY_LINE, which makes sense for a list of CSVs where each line indicates a unit of information which can be imported. However, if you are importing a set of STIX documents, then you want each document to be considered as input to the Extractor.

The parameters for the utility are as follows:

Short Code Long Code Is Required? Description
-h No Generate the help screen/set of options
-e --extractor_config Yes JSON Document describing the extractor for this input data source
-t --hbase_table Yes The HBase table to import into
-c --hbase_cf Yes The HBase table column family to import into
-i --input Yes The input data location on local disk. If this is a file, then that file will be loaded. If this is a directory, then the files will be loaded recursively under that directory.
-l --log4j No The log4j properties file to load
-n --enrichment_config No The JSON document describing the enrichments to configure. Unlike other loaders, this is run first if specified.
-p --threads No The number of threads to use when extracting data. The default is the number of cores.
-b --batchSize No The batch size to use for HBase puts

GeoLite2 Loader

The shell script $METRON_HOME/bin/ will retrieve MaxMind GeoLite2 data and load data into HDFS, and update the configuration.


The parameters for the utility are as follows:

Short Code Long Code Is Required? Description
-h No Generate the help screen/set of options
-g --geo_url No GeoIP URL - defaults to
-r --remote_dir No HDFS directory to land formatted GeoIP file - defaults to /apps/metron/geo//
-t --tmp_dir No Directory for landing the temporary GeoIP data - defaults to /tmp
-z --zk_quorum Yes Zookeeper Quorum URL (zk1:port,zk2:port,...)