From 73e8d4375db593e63b7e0193b71cce830a21a35c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jake Tufts <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 12:15:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Tooltips fixes post bh (#47)
* Feat: Adding inputs from all pages (not just LA) so that bookmarking works
* Feat: Alphabetically ordering indicators for when all topics is selected
* Feat: Using the global covid method to find what years should be treated as covid
* Feat: Using a join instead of filter so that each measure uses its right year for the covid NA years (mainly for Create Your Own plots)
* Feat: Adding new covid years method to all relevant scripts
* Feat: Tooltip for LA input to explain can scroll or type, also doing this in placeholders
* Feat: Adding bslib tooltip to reactable cell instead of tippy
* Chore: Roxygen comments for new tooltip fns
* Feat: Applying new tooltip with direction to each reactable tooltip
* Feat: Setting tooltip class with arrow gov colour and changing icon to information
* Feat: Adding tooltip to Year Range and making tooltip text html
* Feat: Adding tooltips to Create Your Own tables and Charts (instead of brackets)
* Feat: Adding placeholder to multi-chart selections and improving Create Your Own placeholder to suggest multiple selections
* Feat: Making year range tooltip bulletpoints
* Feat: Adding tooltip to ui Create Your Own charts, removing fullstops
* Tests: Fixing tests for new default indicator and using .data to specify Measure in filter by topic
.../create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R | 309 +--
02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app.R | 1282 ++++++-------
02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app_mod.R | 4 +-
.../la_level_page/la_page_features_workshop.R | 14 +-
02_dev/region_level_page/region_dev_app_mod.R | 10 +-
02_dev/stat_n_level_page/stat_n_dev_app_mod.R | 10 +-
R/fn_analysis.R | 8 +-
R/fn_plotting.R | 46 +-
R/fn_table_helpers.R | 113 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_app_inputs.R | 39 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_charts.R | 32 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R | 976 +++++-----
R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R | 1696 +++++++++--------
R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_charts.R | 733 +++----
R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_table.R | 6 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_region_charts.R | 67 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_region_table.R | 3 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_charts.R | 65 +-
R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_table.R | 6 +-
global.R | 15 +-
server.R | 30 +-
.../la-charts-la_line_chart.png | Bin 27467 -> 25789 bytes
.../testthat/test-Server-mod_la_lvl_charts.R | 4 +-
tests/testthat/test-UI-01-basic_load.R | 79 +-
tests/testthat/test-UI-app_inputs.R | 2 +-
tests/testthat/test-UI-mod_la_lvl_table.R | 2 +-
ui.R | 5 +-
www/dfe_shiny_gov_style.css | 32 +-
28 files changed, 2887 insertions(+), 2701 deletions(-)
diff --git a/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R b/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R
index c1639a9a..f1ddea44 100644
--- a/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R
+++ b/02_dev/create_your_own_page/create_own_table_dev_mod_app.R
@@ -1,153 +1,156 @@
-# Load global
-# Load functions
-list.files("R/", full.names = TRUE) |>
- (\(x) {
- x[grepl("fn_", x)]
- })() |>
- purrr::walk(source)
-# Load modules
-list.files("R/lait_modules/", full.names = TRUE) |>
- purrr::walk(source)
-# Main App UI
-ui <- bslib::page_fillable(
- ## Other language dependencies ===============================================
- shiny::includeCSS(here::here("www/dfe_shiny_gov_style.css")),
- tags$head(htmltools::includeScript("www/custom_js.js")),
- # Makes the remove button work
- reactable.extras::reactable_extras_dependency(),
- # Start of app ===============================================================
- # Main selections ============================================================
- h1("Create your own"),
- # Full dataset notification banner
- full_data_on_github_noti(),
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible; padding: 1rem;",
- bslib::layout_column_wrap(
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Main choices"],
- ),
- bslib::layout_column_wrap(
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["LA grouping"],
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Other grouping"],
- YearRangeUI("year_range"),
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Clear all current selections"]
- )
- ),
- # Staging table and Add selections button
- StagingTableUI("staging_table"),
- QueryTableUI("query_table"),
- CreateOwnTableUI("create_own_table"),
- # Charts =====================================================================
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- h3("Output Charts (Charts showing data from saved selections)"),
- p("Note a maximum of 4 geographies and 3 indicators can be shown."),
- # Line chart ---------------------------------------------------------------
- bslib::navset_tab(
- CreateOwnLineChartUI("create_own_line"),
- CreateOwnBarChartUI("create_own_bar")
- )
- )
-# Main App Server
-server <- function(input, output, session) {
- # Call the main inputs module
- create_inputs <- Create_MainInputsServer(
- "create_inputs",
- topic_indicator_full
- )
- # Year range
- year_input <- YearRangeServer(
- "year_range",
- bds_metrics,
- create_inputs$indicator,
- create_inputs$clear_selections
- )
- # Geog Groupings
- geog_groups <- GroupingInputServer(
- "geog_groups",
- create_inputs,
- la_names_bds,
- region_names_bds,
- stat_n_geog,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Filtering BDS for staging data
- staging_bds <- StagingBDSServer(
- "staging_bds",
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Build staging data
- staging_data <- StagingDataServer(
- "staging_data",
- create_inputs,
- staging_bds,
- region_names_bds,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Output staging table
- StagingTableServer(
- "staging_table",
- create_inputs,
- region_names_bds,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics
- )
- query_data <- QueryDataServer(
- "query_data",
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- staging_data
- )
- query_table <- QueryTableServer(
- "query_table",
- query_data
- )
- CreateOwnTableServer(
- "create_own_table",
- query_table,
- bds_metrics
- )
- CreateOwnLineChartServer(
- "create_own_line",
- query_table,
- bds_metrics,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
- CreateOwnBarChartServer(
- "create_own_bar",
- query_table,
- bds_metrics,
- covid_affected_indicators
- )
-# Run the application
-shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
+# Load global
+# Load functions
+list.files("R/", full.names = TRUE) |>
+ (\(x) {
+ x[grepl("fn_", x)]
+ })() |>
+ purrr::walk(source)
+# Load modules
+list.files("R/lait_modules/", full.names = TRUE) |>
+ purrr::walk(source)
+# Main App UI
+ui <- bslib::page_fillable(
+ ## Other language dependencies ===============================================
+ shiny::includeCSS(here::here("www/dfe_shiny_gov_style.css")),
+ tags$head(htmltools::includeScript("www/custom_js.js")),
+ # Makes the remove button work
+ reactable.extras::reactable_extras_dependency(),
+ # Start of app ===============================================================
+ # Main selections ============================================================
+ h1("Create your own"),
+ # Full dataset notification banner
+ full_data_on_github_noti(),
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible; padding: 1rem;",
+ bslib::layout_column_wrap(
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Main choices"],
+ ),
+ bslib::layout_column_wrap(
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["LA grouping"],
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Other grouping"],
+ YearRangeUI("year_range"),
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Clear all current selections"]
+ )
+ ),
+ # Staging table and Add selections button
+ StagingTableUI("staging_table"),
+ QueryTableUI("query_table"),
+ CreateOwnTableUI("create_own_table"),
+ # Charts =====================================================================
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ h3(
+ "Output Charts",
+ create_tooltip_icon("Charts showing data from all the saved selections")
+ ),
+ p("Note a maximum of 4 geographies and 3 indicators can be shown."),
+ # Line chart ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ bslib::navset_tab(
+ CreateOwnLineChartUI("create_own_line"),
+ CreateOwnBarChartUI("create_own_bar")
+ )
+ )
+# Main App Server
+server <- function(input, output, session) {
+ # Call the main inputs module
+ create_inputs <- Create_MainInputsServer(
+ "create_inputs",
+ topic_indicator_full
+ )
+ # Year range
+ year_input <- YearRangeServer(
+ "year_range",
+ bds_metrics,
+ create_inputs$indicator,
+ create_inputs$clear_selections
+ )
+ # Geog Groupings
+ geog_groups <- GroupingInputServer(
+ "geog_groups",
+ create_inputs,
+ la_names_bds,
+ region_names_bds,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Filtering BDS for staging data
+ staging_bds <- StagingBDSServer(
+ "staging_bds",
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Build staging data
+ staging_data <- StagingDataServer(
+ "staging_data",
+ create_inputs,
+ staging_bds,
+ region_names_bds,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Output staging table
+ StagingTableServer(
+ "staging_table",
+ create_inputs,
+ region_names_bds,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ query_data <- QueryDataServer(
+ "query_data",
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ staging_data
+ )
+ query_table <- QueryTableServer(
+ "query_table",
+ query_data
+ )
+ CreateOwnTableServer(
+ "create_own_table",
+ query_table,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ CreateOwnLineChartServer(
+ "create_own_line",
+ query_table,
+ bds_metrics,
+ covid_affected_data
+ )
+ CreateOwnBarChartServer(
+ "create_own_bar",
+ query_table,
+ bds_metrics,
+ covid_affected_data
+ )
+# Run the application
+shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
diff --git a/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app.R b/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app.R
index 7bd991af..7bc32945 100644
--- a/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app.R
+++ b/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app.R
@@ -1,637 +1,645 @@
-# Load global
-# Load functions
-list.files("R/", full.names = TRUE) |>
- (\(x) {
- x[grepl("fn_", x)]
- })() |>
- purrr::walk(source)
-# UI
-ui_dev <- bslib::page_fillable(
- ## Custom CSS =============================================================
- shiny::includeCSS(here::here("www/dfe_shiny_gov_style.css")),
- # Tab header ==============================================================
- h1("Local Authority View"),
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::layout_column_wrap(
- width = "15rem", # Minimum width for each input box before wrapping
- shiny::selectizeInput(
- inputId = "la_input",
- label = "LA:",
- choices = la_names_bds
- ),
- shiny::selectizeInput(
- inputId = "topic_input",
- label = "Topic:",
- choices = c("All topics", metric_topics),
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(
- maxItems = 1,
- placeholder = "No topic selected, showing all indicators.",
- plugins = list("clear_button"),
- dropdownParent = "body"
- )
- ),
- shiny::selectizeInput(
- inputId = "indicator",
- label = "Indicator:",
- choices = metric_names
- )
- ),
- # Conditional State-funded school banner
- shiny::uiOutput("state_funded_banner")
- ),
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::card(
- bslib::card_header("Local Authority, Region and England"),
- bslib::card_body(
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- reactable::reactableOutput("la_table"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::card(
- bslib::card_body(
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- reactable::reactableOutput("la_stats_table"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8",
- size = 0.5,
- proxy.height = "100px"
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::navset_card_underline(
- id = "la_charts",
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Line chart",
- bslib::card(
- bslib::card_body(
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- ggiraph::girafeOutput("la_line_chart"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- )
- ),
- full_screen = TRUE
- ),
- ),
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Bar chart",
- bslib::card(
- id = "la_bar_body",
- bslib::card_body(
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- ggiraph::girafeOutput("la_bar_chart"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- )
- ),
- full_screen = TRUE
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::card(
- bslib::card_body(
- h3("Description:"),
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- textOutput("description"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- ),
- h3("Methodology:"),
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- uiOutput("methodology"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- ),
- div(
- # Creates a flex container where the items are centered vertically
- style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
- h3("Last Updated:",
- style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
- ),
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- textOutput("last_update"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- )
- ),
- div(
- style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
- h3("Next Updated:",
- style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
- ),
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- uiOutput("next_update"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- )
- ),
- div(
- style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
- h3("Source:",
- style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
- ),
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- uiOutput("source"),
- type = 6,
- color = "#1d70b8"
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
-# Server
-server_dev <- function(input, output, session) {
- # Input ----------------------------------
- # Using the server to power to the provider dropdown for increased speed
- shiny::observeEvent(input$topic_input,
- {
- # Save the currently selected indicator
- current_indicator <- input$indicator
- # Get indicator choices for selected topic
- # Include all rows if no topic is selected or "All topics" is selected
- filtered_topic_bds <- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(
- if (is.null(input$topic_input) || "All topics" %in% input$topic_input) {
- } else {
- .data$Topic %in% input$topic_input # Filter by selected topic(s)
- }
- ) |>
- pull_uniques("Measure")
- # Ensure the current indicator stays selected if it's in the new list of available indicators
- # Default to the first available indicator if the current one is no longer valid
- selected_indicator <- if (current_indicator %in% filtered_topic_bds) {
- current_indicator
- } else {
- filtered_topic_bds[1]
- }
- shiny::updateSelectizeInput(
- session = session,
- inputId = "indicator",
- label = "Indicator:",
- choices = filtered_topic_bds,
- selected = selected_indicator
- )
- },
- ignoreNULL = FALSE
- )
- # Main LA Level table ----------------------------------
- # Filter for selectedindicator
- # Define filtered_bds outside of observeEvent
- filtered_bds <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
- observeEvent(input$indicator, {
- # Don't change the currently selected indicator if no indicator is selected
- if (is.null(input$indicator) || input$indicator == "") {
- return()
- }
- # Main LA Level table ----------------------------------
- # Filter for selected indicator
- filtered_bds$data <- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(
- Measure == input$indicator
- )
- })
- # Get decimal places for indicator selected
- indicator_dps <- reactive({
- filtered_bds$data |>
- get_indicator_dps()
- })
- # Long format LA data
- la_long <- reactive({
- # Filter stat neighbour for selected LA
- filtered_sn <- stat_n_la |>
- dplyr::filter(`LA Name` == input$la_input)
- # Statistical Neighbours
- la_sns <- filtered_sn |>
- pull_uniques("LA Name_sn")
- # LA region
- la_region <- filtered_sn |>
- pull_uniques("GOReg")
- # Determine London region to use
- la_region_ldn_clean <- clean_ldn_region(
- la_region,
- filtered_bds$data
- )
- # Then filter for selected LA, region, stat neighbours and relevant national
- la_filtered_bds <- filtered_bds$data |>
- dplyr::filter(
- `LA and Regions` %in% c(input$la_input, la_region_ldn_clean, la_sns, "England")
- )
- # SN average
- sn_avg <- la_filtered_bds |>
- dplyr::filter(`LA and Regions` %in% la_sns) |>
- dplyr::summarise(
- values_num = dplyr::na_if(mean(values_num, na.rm = TRUE), NaN),
- .by = c("Years", "Years_num")
- ) |>
- dplyr::mutate(
- "LA Number" = "-",
- "LA and Regions" = "Statistical Neighbours",
- .before = "Years"
- )
- # LA levels long
- la_filtered_bds |>
- dplyr::filter(`LA and Regions` %notin% c(la_sns)) |>
- dplyr::select(`LA Number`, `LA and Regions`, Years, Years_num, values_num) |>
- dplyr::bind_rows(sn_avg) |>
- dplyr::mutate(
- `LA and Regions` = factor(
- `LA and Regions`,
- levels = c(
- input$la_input, la_region_ldn_clean,
- "Statistical Neighbours", "England"
- )
- )
- )
- })
- # Difference between last two years
- la_diff <- reactive({
- la_long() |>
- dplyr::group_by(`LA and Regions`) |>
- dplyr::arrange(`LA and Regions`, desc(Years)) |>
- dplyr::mutate(
- values_num = dplyr::lag(values_num) - values_num,
- Years = "Change from previous year"
- ) |>
- dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() == 2)
- })
- # Build Main LA Level table
- la_table <- shiny::reactive({
- # Join difference and pivot wider to recreate LAIT table
- la_long() |>
- dplyr::bind_rows(la_diff()) |>
- tidyr::pivot_wider(
- id_cols = c("LA Number", "LA and Regions"),
- names_from = Years,
- values_from = values_num
- ) |>
- dplyr::arrange(`LA and Regions`)
- })
- # Stet funded school banner (appears for certain indicators)
- output$state_funded_banner <- renderUI({
- # Get whether state-funded idnicator
- state_funded <- filtered_bds$data |>
- pull_uniques("state_funded_flag") |>
- (\(x) !
- # Render banner if state-funded
- if (state_funded) {
- tagList(
- br(),
- shinyGovstyle::noti_banner(
- inputId = "notId",
- title_txt = "Note",
- body_txt = "Data includes only State-funded Schools."
- )
- )
- }
- })
- output$la_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- dfe_reactable(
- la_table(),
- columns = utils::modifyList(
- format_num_reactable_cols(
- la_table(),
- get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds$data),
- num_exclude = "LA Number"
- ),
- set_custom_default_col_widths()
- ),
- rowStyle = function(index) {
- highlight_selected_row(index, la_table(), input$la_input)
- }
- )
- })
- # Stats LA Level table ----------------------------------
- la_stats_table <- shiny::reactive({
- # Extract change from prev year (from LA table)
- la_change_prev <- la_diff() |>
- filter_la_regions(input$la_input, pull_col = "values_num")
- # Set the trend value
- la_trend <- as.numeric(la_change_prev)
- # Get polarity of indicator
- la_indicator_polarity <- filtered_bds$data |>
- pull_uniques("Polarity")
- # Get latest rank, ties are set to min & NA vals to NA rank
- la_rank <- filtered_bds$data |>
- filter_la_regions(la_names_bds, latest = TRUE) |>
- calculate_rank(la_indicator_polarity) |>
- filter_la_regions(input$la_input, pull_col = "rank")
- # Calculate quartile bands for indicator
- la_quartile_bands <- filtered_bds$data |>
- filter_la_regions(la_names_bds, latest = TRUE, pull_col = "values_num") |>
- quantile(na.rm = TRUE)
- # Extracting LA latest value
- la_indicator_val <- filtered_bds$data |>
- filter_la_regions(input$la_input, latest = TRUE, pull_col = "values_num")
- # Boolean as to whether to include Quartile Banding
- no_show_qb <- input$indicator %in% no_qb_indicators
- # Calculating which quartile this value sits in
- la_quartile <- calculate_quartile_band(
- la_indicator_val,
- la_quartile_bands,
- la_indicator_polarity
- )
- # Build stats LA Level table
- la_stats_table <- build_la_stats_table(
- la_diff(),
- input$la_input,
- la_trend,
- la_change_prev,
- la_rank,
- la_quartile,
- la_quartile_bands,
- get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds$data),
- la_indicator_polarity,
- no_show_qb
- )
- la_stats_table
- })
- output$la_stats_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- dfe_reactable(
- la_stats_table(),
- columns = modifyList(
- # Create the reactable with specific column alignments
- format_num_reactable_cols(
- la_stats_table(),
- get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds$data),
- num_exclude = "LA Number",
- categorical = c(
- "Trend", "Quartile Banding", "Latest National Rank",
- "A", "B",
- "C", "D"
- )
- ),
- # Style Quartile Banding column with colour
- list(
- set_custom_default_col_widths(),
- Trend = reactable::colDef(
- header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
- "Trend",
- "Based on change from previous year"
- ),
- cell = trend_icon_renderer,
- style = function(value) {
- get_trend_colour(value, la_stats_table()$Polarity[1])
- }
- ),
- `Quartile Banding` = reactable::colDef(
- style = function(value, index) {
- quartile_banding_col_def(la_stats_table()[index, ])
- }
- ),
- `Latest National Rank` = reactable::colDef(
- header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
- "Latest National Rank",
- "Rank 1 is always best/top"
- )
- ),
- Polarity = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE)
- )
- )
- )
- })
- # LA Level line chart plot ----------------------------------
- la_line_chart <- reactive({
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- input$indicator %in% covid_affected_indicators
- # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long(), covid_affected, "line")
- # Build plot
- la_line_chart <- la_long() |>
- # Set geog orders so selected LA is on top of plot
- reorder_la_regions(reverse = TRUE) |>
- ggplot2::ggplot() +
- ggiraph::geom_line_interactive(
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- color = `LA and Regions`,
- data_id = `LA and Regions`
- ),
- na.rm = TRUE,
- linewidth = 1
- ) +
- # Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
- ggplot2::geom_point(
- data = subset(create_show_point(la_long(), covid_affected), show_point),
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- color = `LA and Regions`
- ),
- shape = 15,
- size = 1,
- na.rm = TRUE
- ) +
- # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
- add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
- format_axes(la_long()) +
- set_plot_colours(la_long(), focus_group = input$la_input) +
- set_plot_labs(filtered_bds$data) +
- custom_theme() +
- # Revert order of the legend so goes from right to left
- ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
- # Creating vertical geoms to make vertical hover tooltip
- vertical_hover <- lapply(
- get_years(la_long()),
- tooltip_vlines,
- la_long(),
- indicator_dps(),
- input$la_input
- )
- # Plotting interactive graph
- ggiraph::girafe(
- ggobj = (la_line_chart + vertical_hover),
- width_svg = 8.5,
- options = generic_ggiraph_options(
- opts_hover(
- css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;"
- )
- ),
- fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
- )
- })
- output$la_line_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
- la_line_chart()
- })
- # LA Level bar plot ----------------------------------
- la_bar_chart <- reactive({
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- input$indicator %in% covid_affected_indicators
- # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long(), covid_affected, "bar")
- # Build plot
- la_bar_chart <- la_long() |>
- ggplot2::ggplot() +
- ggiraph::geom_col_interactive(
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- fill = `LA and Regions`,
- tooltip = tooltip_bar(la_long(), indicator_dps(), input$la_input),
- data_id = `LA and Regions`
- ),
- position = "dodge",
- width = 0.6,
- na.rm = TRUE,
- colour = "black"
- ) +
- # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
- add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
- format_axes(la_long()) +
- set_plot_colours(la_long(), "fill", input$la_input) +
- set_plot_labs(filtered_bds$data) +
- custom_theme()
- # Plotting interactive graph
- ggiraph::girafe(
- ggobj = la_bar_chart,
- width_svg = 8.5,
- options = generic_ggiraph_options(
- opts_hover(
- css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;"
- )
- ),
- fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
- )
- })
- output$la_bar_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
- la_bar_chart()
- })
- # LA Metadata ----------------------------------
- # Reactive values to store previous data
- previous_metadata <- reactiveValues(
- description = NULL,
- methodology = NULL,
- last_update = NULL,
- next_update = NULL,
- source = NULL
- )
- # Outputs using the helper function
- output$description <- renderText({
- update_and_fetch_metadata(
- input$indicator,
- "Description",
- previous_metadata,
- "description"
- )
- })
- output$methodology <- renderUI({
- update_and_fetch_metadata(
- input$indicator,
- "Methodology",
- previous_metadata,
- "methodology"
- )
- })
- output$last_update <- renderText({
- update_and_fetch_metadata(
- input$indicator,
- "Last Update",
- previous_metadata,
- "last_update"
- )
- })
- output$next_update <- renderUI({
- update_and_fetch_metadata(
- input$indicator,
- "Next Update",
- previous_metadata,
- "next_update"
- )
- })
- output$source <- renderUI({
- hyperlink <- update_and_fetch_metadata(
- input$indicator,
- "Hyperlink(s)",
- previous_metadata,
- "source"
- )
- dfeshiny::external_link(href = hyperlink, link_text = input$indicator)
- })
-# App
-shinyApp(ui_dev, server_dev)
+# Load global
+# Load functions
+list.files("R/", full.names = TRUE) |>
+ (\(x) {
+ x[grepl("fn_", x)]
+ })() |>
+ purrr::walk(source)
+# UI
+ui_dev <- bslib::page_fillable(
+ ## Custom CSS =============================================================
+ shiny::includeCSS(here::here("www/dfe_shiny_gov_style.css")),
+ # Tab header ==============================================================
+ h1("Local Authority View"),
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::layout_column_wrap(
+ width = "15rem", # Minimum width for each input box before wrapping
+ shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = "la_input",
+ label = "LA:",
+ choices = la_names_bds
+ ),
+ shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = "topic_input",
+ label = "Topic:",
+ choices = c("All topics", metric_topics),
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(
+ maxItems = 1,
+ placeholder = "No topic selected, showing all indicators.",
+ plugins = list("clear_button"),
+ dropdownParent = "body"
+ )
+ ),
+ shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = "indicator",
+ label = "Indicator:",
+ choices = metric_names
+ )
+ ),
+ # Conditional State-funded school banner
+ shiny::uiOutput("state_funded_banner")
+ ),
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::card(
+ bslib::card_header("Local Authority, Region and England"),
+ bslib::card_body(
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ reactable::reactableOutput("la_table"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::card(
+ bslib::card_body(
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ reactable::reactableOutput("la_stats_table"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8",
+ size = 0.5,
+ proxy.height = "100px"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::navset_card_underline(
+ id = "la_charts",
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Line chart",
+ bslib::card(
+ bslib::card_body(
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ ggiraph::girafeOutput("la_line_chart"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ )
+ ),
+ full_screen = TRUE
+ ),
+ ),
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Bar chart",
+ bslib::card(
+ id = "la_bar_body",
+ bslib::card_body(
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ ggiraph::girafeOutput("la_bar_chart"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ )
+ ),
+ full_screen = TRUE
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::card(
+ bslib::card_body(
+ h3("Description:"),
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ textOutput("description"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ ),
+ h3("Methodology:"),
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ uiOutput("methodology"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ ),
+ div(
+ # Creates a flex container where the items are centered vertically
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
+ h3("Last Updated:",
+ style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
+ ),
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ textOutput("last_update"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
+ h3("Next Updated:",
+ style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
+ ),
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ uiOutput("next_update"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline;",
+ h3("Source:",
+ style = "margin-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem;"
+ ),
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ uiOutput("source"),
+ type = 6,
+ color = "#1d70b8"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+# Server
+server_dev <- function(input, output, session) {
+ # Input ----------------------------------
+ # Using the server to power to the provider dropdown for increased speed
+ shiny::observeEvent(input$topic_input,
+ {
+ # Save the currently selected indicator
+ current_indicator <- input$indicator
+ # Get indicator choices for selected topic
+ # Include all rows if no topic is selected or "All topics" is selected
+ filtered_topic_bds <- bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ if (is.null(input$topic_input) || "All topics" %in% input$topic_input) {
+ } else {
+ .data$Topic %in% input$topic_input # Filter by selected topic(s)
+ }
+ ) |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure")
+ # Ensure the current indicator stays selected if it's in the new list of available indicators
+ # Default to the first available indicator if the current one is no longer valid
+ selected_indicator <- if (current_indicator %in% filtered_topic_bds) {
+ current_indicator
+ } else {
+ filtered_topic_bds[1]
+ }
+ shiny::updateSelectizeInput(
+ session = session,
+ inputId = "indicator",
+ label = "Indicator:",
+ choices = filtered_topic_bds,
+ selected = selected_indicator
+ )
+ },
+ ignoreNULL = FALSE
+ )
+ # Main LA Level table ----------------------------------
+ # Filter for selectedindicator
+ # Define filtered_bds outside of observeEvent
+ filtered_bds <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
+ observeEvent(input$indicator, {
+ # Don't change the currently selected indicator if no indicator is selected
+ if (is.null(input$indicator) || input$indicator == "") {
+ return()
+ }
+ # Main LA Level table ----------------------------------
+ # Filter for selected indicator
+ filtered_bds$data <- bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ Measure == input$indicator
+ )
+ })
+ # Get decimal places for indicator selected
+ indicator_dps <- reactive({
+ filtered_bds$data |>
+ get_indicator_dps()
+ })
+ # Long format LA data
+ la_long <- reactive({
+ # Filter stat neighbour for selected LA
+ filtered_sn <- stat_n_la |>
+ dplyr::filter(`LA Name` == input$la_input)
+ # Statistical Neighbours
+ la_sns <- filtered_sn |>
+ pull_uniques("LA Name_sn")
+ # LA region
+ la_region <- filtered_sn |>
+ pull_uniques("GOReg")
+ # Determine London region to use
+ la_region_ldn_clean <- clean_ldn_region(
+ la_region,
+ filtered_bds$data
+ )
+ # Then filter for selected LA, region, stat neighbours and relevant national
+ la_filtered_bds <- filtered_bds$data |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ `LA and Regions` %in% c(input$la_input, la_region_ldn_clean, la_sns, "England")
+ )
+ # SN average
+ sn_avg <- la_filtered_bds |>
+ dplyr::filter(`LA and Regions` %in% la_sns) |>
+ dplyr::summarise(
+ values_num = dplyr::na_if(mean(values_num, na.rm = TRUE), NaN),
+ .by = c("Years", "Years_num")
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ "LA Number" = "-",
+ "LA and Regions" = "Statistical Neighbours",
+ .before = "Years"
+ )
+ # LA levels long
+ la_filtered_bds |>
+ dplyr::filter(`LA and Regions` %notin% c(la_sns)) |>
+ dplyr::select(`LA Number`, `LA and Regions`, Years, Years_num, values_num) |>
+ dplyr::bind_rows(sn_avg) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ `LA and Regions` = factor(
+ `LA and Regions`,
+ levels = c(
+ input$la_input, la_region_ldn_clean,
+ "Statistical Neighbours", "England"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ # Difference between last two years
+ la_diff <- reactive({
+ la_long() |>
+ dplyr::group_by(`LA and Regions`) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(`LA and Regions`, desc(Years)) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ values_num = dplyr::lag(values_num) - values_num,
+ Years = "Change from previous year"
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() == 2)
+ })
+ # Build Main LA Level table
+ la_table <- shiny::reactive({
+ # Join difference and pivot wider to recreate LAIT table
+ la_long() |>
+ dplyr::bind_rows(la_diff()) |>
+ tidyr::pivot_wider(
+ id_cols = c("LA Number", "LA and Regions"),
+ names_from = Years,
+ values_from = values_num
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(`LA and Regions`)
+ })
+ # Stet funded school banner (appears for certain indicators)
+ output$state_funded_banner <- renderUI({
+ # Get whether state-funded idnicator
+ state_funded <- filtered_bds$data |>
+ pull_uniques("state_funded_flag") |>
+ (\(x) !
+ # Render banner if state-funded
+ if (state_funded) {
+ tagList(
+ br(),
+ shinyGovstyle::noti_banner(
+ inputId = "notId",
+ title_txt = "Note",
+ body_txt = "Data includes only State-funded Schools."
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ output$la_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ dfe_reactable(
+ la_table(),
+ columns = utils::modifyList(
+ format_num_reactable_cols(
+ la_table(),
+ get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds$data),
+ num_exclude = "LA Number"
+ ),
+ set_custom_default_col_widths()
+ ),
+ rowStyle = function(index) {
+ highlight_selected_row(index, la_table(), input$la_input)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ # Stats LA Level table ----------------------------------
+ la_stats_table <- shiny::reactive({
+ # Extract change from prev year (from LA table)
+ la_change_prev <- la_diff() |>
+ filter_la_regions(input$la_input, pull_col = "values_num")
+ # Set the trend value
+ la_trend <- as.numeric(la_change_prev)
+ # Get polarity of indicator
+ la_indicator_polarity <- filtered_bds$data |>
+ pull_uniques("Polarity")
+ # Get latest rank, ties are set to min & NA vals to NA rank
+ la_rank <- filtered_bds$data |>
+ filter_la_regions(la_names_bds, latest = TRUE) |>
+ calculate_rank(la_indicator_polarity) |>
+ filter_la_regions(input$la_input, pull_col = "rank")
+ # Calculate quartile bands for indicator
+ la_quartile_bands <- filtered_bds$data |>
+ filter_la_regions(la_names_bds, latest = TRUE, pull_col = "values_num") |>
+ quantile(na.rm = TRUE)
+ # Extracting LA latest value
+ la_indicator_val <- filtered_bds$data |>
+ filter_la_regions(input$la_input, latest = TRUE, pull_col = "values_num")
+ # Boolean as to whether to include Quartile Banding
+ no_show_qb <- input$indicator %in% no_qb_indicators
+ # Calculating which quartile this value sits in
+ la_quartile <- calculate_quartile_band(
+ la_indicator_val,
+ la_quartile_bands,
+ la_indicator_polarity
+ )
+ # Build stats LA Level table
+ la_stats_table <- build_la_stats_table(
+ la_diff(),
+ input$la_input,
+ la_trend,
+ la_change_prev,
+ la_rank,
+ la_quartile,
+ la_quartile_bands,
+ get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds$data),
+ la_indicator_polarity,
+ no_show_qb
+ )
+ la_stats_table
+ })
+ output$la_stats_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ dfe_reactable(
+ la_stats_table(),
+ columns = modifyList(
+ # Create the reactable with specific column alignments
+ format_num_reactable_cols(
+ la_stats_table(),
+ get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds$data),
+ num_exclude = "LA Number",
+ categorical = c(
+ "Trend", "Quartile Banding", "Latest National Rank",
+ "A", "B",
+ "C", "D"
+ )
+ ),
+ # Style Quartile Banding column with colour
+ list(
+ set_custom_default_col_widths(),
+ Trend = reactable::colDef(
+ header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
+ "Trend",
+ "Based on change from previous year"
+ ),
+ cell = trend_icon_renderer,
+ style = function(value) {
+ get_trend_colour(value, la_stats_table()$Polarity[1])
+ }
+ ),
+ `Quartile Banding` = reactable::colDef(
+ style = function(value, index) {
+ quartile_banding_col_def(la_stats_table()[index, ])
+ }
+ ),
+ `Latest National Rank` = reactable::colDef(
+ header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
+ "Latest National Rank",
+ "Rank 1 is always best/top"
+ )
+ ),
+ Polarity = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ # LA Level line chart plot ----------------------------------
+ la_line_chart <- reactive({
+ # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ la_long(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ input$indicator,
+ "line"
+ )
+ # Build plot
+ la_line_chart <- la_long() |>
+ # Set geog orders so selected LA is on top of plot
+ reorder_la_regions(reverse = TRUE) |>
+ ggplot2::ggplot() +
+ ggiraph::geom_line_interactive(
+ ggplot2::aes(
+ x = Years_num,
+ y = values_num,
+ color = `LA and Regions`,
+ data_id = `LA and Regions`
+ ),
+ na.rm = TRUE,
+ linewidth = 1
+ ) +
+ # Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
+ ggplot2::geom_point(
+ data = subset(create_show_point(
+ la_long(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ input$indicator
+ ), show_point),
+ ggplot2::aes(
+ x = Years_num,
+ y = values_num,
+ color = `LA and Regions`
+ ),
+ shape = 15,
+ size = 1,
+ na.rm = TRUE
+ ) +
+ # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
+ add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
+ format_axes(la_long()) +
+ set_plot_colours(la_long(), focus_group = input$la_input) +
+ set_plot_labs(filtered_bds$data) +
+ custom_theme() +
+ # Revert order of the legend so goes from right to left
+ ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
+ # Creating vertical geoms to make vertical hover tooltip
+ vertical_hover <- lapply(
+ get_years(la_long()),
+ tooltip_vlines,
+ la_long(),
+ indicator_dps(),
+ input$la_input
+ )
+ # Plotting interactive graph
+ ggiraph::girafe(
+ ggobj = (la_line_chart + vertical_hover),
+ width_svg = 8.5,
+ options = generic_ggiraph_options(
+ opts_hover(
+ css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;"
+ )
+ ),
+ fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
+ )
+ })
+ output$la_line_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
+ la_line_chart()
+ })
+ # LA Level bar plot ----------------------------------
+ la_bar_chart <- reactive({
+ # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ la_long(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ input$indicator,
+ "bar"
+ )
+ # Build plot
+ la_bar_chart <- la_long() |>
+ ggplot2::ggplot() +
+ ggiraph::geom_col_interactive(
+ ggplot2::aes(
+ x = Years_num,
+ y = values_num,
+ fill = `LA and Regions`,
+ tooltip = tooltip_bar(la_long(), indicator_dps(), input$la_input),
+ data_id = `LA and Regions`
+ ),
+ position = "dodge",
+ width = 0.6,
+ na.rm = TRUE,
+ colour = "black"
+ ) +
+ # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
+ add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
+ format_axes(la_long()) +
+ set_plot_colours(la_long(), "fill", input$la_input) +
+ set_plot_labs(filtered_bds$data) +
+ custom_theme()
+ # Plotting interactive graph
+ ggiraph::girafe(
+ ggobj = la_bar_chart,
+ width_svg = 8.5,
+ options = generic_ggiraph_options(
+ opts_hover(
+ css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;"
+ )
+ ),
+ fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
+ )
+ })
+ output$la_bar_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
+ la_bar_chart()
+ })
+ # LA Metadata ----------------------------------
+ # Reactive values to store previous data
+ previous_metadata <- reactiveValues(
+ description = NULL,
+ methodology = NULL,
+ last_update = NULL,
+ next_update = NULL,
+ source = NULL
+ )
+ # Outputs using the helper function
+ output$description <- renderText({
+ update_and_fetch_metadata(
+ input$indicator,
+ "Description",
+ previous_metadata,
+ "description"
+ )
+ })
+ output$methodology <- renderUI({
+ update_and_fetch_metadata(
+ input$indicator,
+ "Methodology",
+ previous_metadata,
+ "methodology"
+ )
+ })
+ output$last_update <- renderText({
+ update_and_fetch_metadata(
+ input$indicator,
+ "Last Update",
+ previous_metadata,
+ "last_update"
+ )
+ })
+ output$next_update <- renderUI({
+ update_and_fetch_metadata(
+ input$indicator,
+ "Next Update",
+ previous_metadata,
+ "next_update"
+ )
+ })
+ output$source <- renderUI({
+ hyperlink <- update_and_fetch_metadata(
+ input$indicator,
+ "Hyperlink(s)",
+ previous_metadata,
+ "source"
+ )
+ dfeshiny::external_link(href = hyperlink, link_text = input$indicator)
+ })
+# App
+shinyApp(ui_dev, server_dev)
diff --git a/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app_mod.R b/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app_mod.R
index 88f975c6..c5bbb4f6 100644
--- a/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app_mod.R
+++ b/02_dev/la_level_page/la_dev_app_mod.R
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# LA bar chart ----------------------------------
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# LA Meta
diff --git a/02_dev/la_level_page/la_page_features_workshop.R b/02_dev/la_level_page/la_page_features_workshop.R
index fa7c124d..14120234 100644
--- a/02_dev/la_level_page/la_page_features_workshop.R
+++ b/02_dev/la_level_page/la_page_features_workshop.R
@@ -279,11 +279,13 @@ dfe_reactable(
# LA line chart plot ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Check if measure affected by COVID
-covid_affected <- selected_indicator %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
-covid_plot_line <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long, covid_affected, "line")
+covid_plot_line <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ la_long,
+ covid_affected_data,
+ selected_indicator,
+ "line"
# Plot
la_line_chart <- la_long |>
@@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ la_line_chart <- la_long |>
# Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
data = subset(
- create_show_point(la_long, covid_affected),
+ create_show_point(la_long, covid_affected_data, selected_indicator),
), ggplot2::aes(
x = Years_num,
@@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(ggiraph_test_save, tempfile(fileext = ".html"))
# LA bar plot -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE (for bar chart)
-covid_plot_bar <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long, covid_affected, "bar")
+covid_plot_bar <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long, covid_affected_data, selected_la, "bar")
# Plot
la_bar_chart <- la_long |>
diff --git a/02_dev/region_level_page/region_dev_app_mod.R b/02_dev/region_level_page/region_dev_app_mod.R
index ce0a3ba4..be984773 100644
--- a/02_dev/region_level_page/region_dev_app_mod.R
+++ b/02_dev/region_level_page/region_dev_app_mod.R
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
# Extract selected LA, Topic and Indicator
- app_inputs <- appInputsServer("region_inputs", shared_values)
+ app_inputs <- appInputsServer("region_inputs", shared_values, topic_indicator_full)
# Region tables =============================================================
# Region LA table -----------------------------------------------------------
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region multi-choice line chart --------------------------------------------
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region focus bar chart ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region multi-choice bar chart ---------------------------------------------
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
diff --git a/02_dev/stat_n_level_page/stat_n_dev_app_mod.R b/02_dev/stat_n_level_page/stat_n_dev_app_mod.R
index cf699531..4be7992f 100644
--- a/02_dev/stat_n_level_page/stat_n_dev_app_mod.R
+++ b/02_dev/stat_n_level_page/stat_n_dev_app_mod.R
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
# Extract selected LA, Topic and Indicator
- app_inputs <- appInputsServer("stat_n_inputs", shared_values)
+ app_inputs <- appInputsServer("stat_n_inputs", shared_values, topic_indicator_full)
# Statistical Neighbour tables ==============================================
# LA statistical neighbours table -------------------------------------------
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Multi-choice line chart ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Focus bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Multi-choice bar chart ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ server_mod <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
diff --git a/R/fn_analysis.R b/R/fn_analysis.R
index 6db2f57c..8c58e048 100644
--- a/R/fn_analysis.R
+++ b/R/fn_analysis.R
@@ -440,7 +440,13 @@ get_query_table_values <- function(data, column) {
filter_by_topic <- function(data, topic_column, selected_topics) {
# Check if selected topics are all selected or empty (return whole df if so)
if (is.null(selected_topics) || any(selected_topics %in% c("All Topics", ""))) {
- return(data)
+ # Return data ordered alphabetically by "Measure", with letters first
+ alphabet_ordered <- data |>
+ dplyr::arrange(
+ !grepl("^[A-Za-z]", .data$Measure),
+ .data$Measure
+ )
+ return(alphabet_ordered)
# Filter by selected topic
diff --git a/R/fn_plotting.R b/R/fn_plotting.R
index 4617f399..abfdb3dc 100644
--- a/R/fn_plotting.R
+++ b/R/fn_plotting.R
@@ -1115,7 +1115,13 @@ display_no_data_plot <- function(label = "No plot due to no available data.") {
#' # Process data
#' result <- create_show_point(data, covid_affected)
-create_show_point <- function(data, covid_affected) {
+create_show_point <- function(data, covid_affected_data, selected_indicators) {
+ # Check if all indicators affected by COVID
+ all_covid_affected <- all(
+ covid_affected_data |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure") %in% selected_indicators
+ )
data |>
`LA and Regions`,
@@ -1150,8 +1156,8 @@ create_show_point <- function(data, covid_affected) {
(dplyr::row_number() == dplyr::n() & dplyr::lag(is_na)) |
# Covid start and end points
# (uses all for multiple indicators in create your own)
- (all(covid_affected) & is_prev_covid) |
- (all(covid_affected) & is_post_covid),
+ (all_covid_affected & is_prev_covid) |
+ (all_covid_affected & is_post_covid),
@@ -1212,23 +1218,25 @@ create_show_point <- function(data, covid_affected) {
#' # Line chart example
#' covid_plot_data <- calculate_covid_plot(data, covid_affected, "line")
-calculate_covid_plot <- function(data, covid_affected, chart_type) {
- if (any(covid_affected)) {
- # Filter rows with NA values in `values_num` between 2019 and 2021 (COVID)
- # Do not include NaN here as these are user created missing vars in Create Own
+calculate_covid_plot <- function(data, covid_affected_data, selected_indicators, chart_type) {
+ # Check if measures affected by COVID
+ covid_affected <- covid_affected_data |>
+ dplyr::filter(Measure %in% selected_indicators)
+ if (nrow(covid_affected) > 0) {
+ # Group/ filter by `Measure` if it exists (for Create Own charts - multiple indicators)
+ grouping_vars <- if ("Measure" %in% colnames(data)) "Measure" else NULL
+ # Join covid data to find the NA years due to COVID
na_rows <- data |>
- dplyr::filter(
- Years_num >= 2019, Years_num <= 2021,
-, !is.nan(values_num)
- ) |>
- dplyr::arrange(Years_num)
+ dplyr::inner_join(
+ covid_affected |> dplyr::select(Measure, Years_num),
+ by = c(grouping_vars, "Years_num")
+ )
# Whether to offset vline to last/next non-NA point (for line chart)
yr_offset <- ifelse(chart_type == "line", 1, 0)
- # Group by `Measure` if it exists (for Create Own charts - multiple indicators)
- grouping_vars <- if ("Measure" %in% colnames(na_rows)) "Measure" else NULL
# Find missing COVID period and calculate label position
# (by indicator for Create Own)
na_periods <- na_rows |>
@@ -1253,8 +1261,14 @@ calculate_covid_plot <- function(data, covid_affected, chart_type) {
label_x = (min(start_year) + max(end_year)) / 2
+ # Check if all indicators affected by COVID
+ all_covid_affected <- all(
+ covid_affected |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure") %in% selected_indicators
+ )
# Set label based on whether the COVID period is the same across all indicators
- if (shared_period$same_period && all(covid_affected)) {
+ if (shared_period$same_period && all_covid_affected) {
shared_period$label <- "No data\ndue to COVID"
} else {
shared_period$label <- "Some indicators have\nmissing data due to COVID"
diff --git a/R/fn_table_helpers.R b/R/fn_table_helpers.R
index 41b855bd..4bcee0f4 100644
--- a/R/fn_table_helpers.R
+++ b/R/fn_table_helpers.R
@@ -987,46 +987,91 @@ truncate_cell_with_hover <- function(text, tooltip) {
-#' Add Tooltip to Reactable Column
+#' Create a Tooltip with a FontAwesome Icon
-#' Creates a tooltip with an embedded Font Awesome icon for a specified value
-#' in a reactable column. The tooltip is styled and positioned for better
-#' usability and appearance, including options for color, interactivity,
-#' and cursor following.
+#' Generates a tooltip that displays a specified message when hovering over
+#' a FontAwesome icon. The tooltip and icon can be customised using parameters
+#' for text, style, and class.
-#' @param value Character string. The main content to display in the cell.
-#' @param tooltip Character string or HTML content. The tooltip text or HTML
-#' to display when hovering over the icon.
-#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `tippy::tippy` for further
-#' customization.
+#' @param tooltip_text A character string specifying the tooltip text to display.
+#' @param icon_class A character string specifying the FontAwesome class for the
+#' icon. Default is `"fas fa-question-circle"`.
+#' @param icon_style A character string specifying the CSS styling for the icon.
+#' Default is `"color: #5694ca; padding-right: 7px; cursor: help; font-size: 1.2em;"`.
+#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `bslib::tooltip` for further
+#' customisation.
-#' @return A div element containing the `value` and an embedded Font Awesome
-#' icon with an interactive tooltip.
+#' @return An HTML element containing a FontAwesome icon with an attached tooltip.
#' @examples
-#' # Basic usage in a reactable column
-#' add_tooltip_to_reactcol("Sample Text", "This is a tooltip example")
+#' # Create a tooltip with default icon and style
+#' create_tooltip_icon("Hover to see the tooltip")
-#' @importFrom htmltools div htmlDependency tags
-#' @importFrom tippy tippy
-add_tooltip_to_reactcol <- function(value, tooltip, ...) {
- div(
- style = "rt-th rt-th-resizable rt-align-right bar-sort-header",
- value,
- tippy::tippy(
- htmltools::tags$span(
- htmltools::tags$i(
- class = "fas fa-question-circle",
- style = "color: #5694ca; padding-right: 7px; cursor: help; font-size: 1.2em;"
- )
- ),
- tooltip = tooltip,
- theme = "gov",
- interactive = TRUE,
- interactiveBorder = 10,
- arrow = TRUE,
- inertia = TRUE,
- ...
+#' # Customise the icon style
+#' create_tooltip_icon(
+#' "Hover to see the tooltip",
+#' icon_style = "color: red; font-size: 1.5em;"
+#' )
+#' # Pass additional options to the tooltip
+#' create_tooltip_icon(
+#' "Tooltip with placement",
+#' placement = "bottom"
+#' )
+create_tooltip_icon <- function(
+ tooltip_text,
+ icon_class = "fas fa-info-circle",
+ icon_style = "color: #5694ca; padding-right: 7px; padding-left: 7px; cursor: help;",
+ ...) {
+ bslib::tooltip(
+ htmltools::tags$span(
+ htmltools::tags$i(
+ class = icon_class,
+ style = icon_style
+ )
+ ),
+ shiny::HTML(tooltip_text),
+ options = list(customClass = "gov-tooltip"),
+ ...
+ )
+#' Add a Tooltip to a Reactable Column Header
+#' Creates an interactive tooltip for a reactable column header with an
+#' accompanying FontAwesome icon. The tooltip displays specified text when the
+#' user hovers over the icon. The function also formats the header content for
+#' better alignment and appearance.
+#' @param value A character string specifying the main text to display in the
+#' column header.
+#' @param tooltip_text A character string specifying the tooltip text to display
+#' when hovering over the icon.
+#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `create_tooltip_icon` for further
+#' customisation of the tooltip or icon.
+#' @return A character string containing HTML for the styled column header with
+#' an embedded tooltip icon.
+#' @examples
+#' # Add a tooltip to a column header
+#' add_tooltip_to_reactcol("Trend", "Based on change from previous year")
+#' # Customise the tooltip placement
+#' add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
+#' "Latest Rank",
+#' "Rank 1 is the top rank",
+#' placement = "bottom"
+#' )
+add_tooltip_to_reactcol <- function(value, tooltip_text, ...) {
+ as.character(
+ div(
+ style = "rt-th rt-th-resizable rt-align-right bar-sort-header",
+ value,
+ create_tooltip_icon(tooltip_text, ...)
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_app_inputs.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_app_inputs.R
index 76892863..1fd03c96 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_app_inputs.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_app_inputs.R
@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ appInputsUI <- function(id) {
width = "15rem", # Minimum width for each input box before wrapping
inputId = ns("la_name"),
- label = "Local Authority:",
+ label = tags$label(
+ "Local Authority:",
+ create_tooltip_icon("Change selection by scrolling or typing")
+ ),
choices = la_names_bds,
options = list(
- placeholder = "Select a Local Authority...",
+ placeholder = "Start typing or scroll to find a Local Authority...",
plugins = list("clear_button")
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ appInputsUI <- function(id) {
choices = c("All Topics", metric_topics),
selected = "All Topics",
options = list(
- placeholder = "No topic selected, showing all indicators.",
+ placeholder = "No topic selected, showing all indicators...",
plugins = list("clear_button")
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ appInputsUI <- function(id) {
label = "Indicator:",
choices = metric_names,
options = list(
- placeholder = "Select an indicator...",
+ placeholder = "Start typing or scroll to find an indicator...",
plugins = list("clear_button")
@@ -80,20 +83,6 @@ appInputsServer <- function(id,
debounced_topic_name <- shiny::debounce(reactive(input$topic_name), 150)
debounced_indicator_name <- shiny::debounce(reactive(input$indicator_name), 150)
- # Synchronise inputs across pages:
- # LA
- observe({
- shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "la_name", selected = shared_values$la)
- })
- # Topic
- observe({
- shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "topic_name", selected = shared_values$topic)
- })
- # Indicator
- observe({
- shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "indicator_name", selected = shared_values$indicator)
- })
# Update Indicator dropdown for selected Topic
@@ -159,6 +148,20 @@ appInputsServer <- function(id,
shared_values$indicator <- debounced_indicator_name()
+ # Synchronise inputs across pages:
+ # LA
+ observe({
+ shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "la_name", selected = shared_values$la)
+ })
+ # Topic
+ observe({
+ shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "topic_name", selected = shared_values$topic)
+ })
+ # Indicator
+ observe({
+ shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "indicator_name", selected = shared_values$indicator)
+ })
# Return reactive settings
app_settings <- list(
la = reactive({
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_charts.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_charts.R
index 1c97e673..c4649a02 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_charts.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_charts.R
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ CreateOwnLineChartUI <- function(id) {
#' @return None; this function is used to create and manage reactive elements
#' within the Shiny application.
-CreateOwnLineChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_indicators) {
+CreateOwnLineChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Load Create Own Table data
create_own_data <- CreateOwnDataServer(
@@ -168,12 +168,17 @@ CreateOwnLineChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_indi
chart_info$no_indicators() <= 3,
chart_info$no_geogs() <= 4
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- create_own_bds() |>
- pull_uniques("Measure") %in% covid_affected_indicators
+ # Get selected indicators
+ selected_indicators <- create_own_bds() |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure")
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(chart_info$data(), covid_affected, "line")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ chart_info$data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ selected_indicators,
+ "line"
+ )
# Plot data - colour represents Geographies & linetype represents Indicator
chart_info$data() |>
@@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ CreateOwnLineChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_indi
# Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
data = subset(
- create_show_point(chart_info$data(), covid_affected),
+ create_show_point(chart_info$data(), covid_affected_data, selected_indicators),
@@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ CreateOwnBarChartUI <- function(id) {
#' @return None; this function is used to create and manage reactive elements
#' within the Shiny application.
-CreateOwnBarChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_indicators) {
+CreateOwnBarChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Load Create Own Table data
create_own_data <- CreateOwnDataServer(
@@ -430,12 +435,17 @@ CreateOwnBarChartServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics, covid_affected_indic
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- create_own_bds() |>
- pull_uniques("Measure") %in% covid_affected_indicators
+ # Get selected indicators
+ selected_indicators <- create_own_bds() |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure")
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(clean_plot_data, covid_affected, "bar")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ clean_plot_data,
+ covid_affected_data,
+ selected_indicators,
+ "bar"
+ )
# Plot chart - split by indicators, colours represent Geographies
clean_plot_data |>
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R
index ceaf0d40..18cefca9 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_inputs.R
@@ -1,481 +1,495 @@
-# nolint start: object_name
-# Create Own main user inputs ==================================================
-# Can choose Geography, Topic, Indicator,
-# LA group, England, Regions, Year range and the "Add selection" button
-# Create Own main user inputs UI -----------------------------------------------
-#' Create Main User Inputs UI
-#' This function creates a user interface for selecting geographical areas,
-#' topics, and indicators for the "Create Your Own" feature in the Shiny app.
-#' It includes inputs for LA groupings and options to include all regions
-#' or England, along with an action button to add selections.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @return A list of UI elements for user input.
-Create_MainInputsUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- tagList(
- "Main choices" = bslib::layout_column_wrap(
- # Geographic input
- div(
- style = "margin-bottom: 1rem;",
- shiny::selectizeInput(
- inputId = ns("geog_input"),
- label = "LAs, Regions, and England:",
- choices = c(la_names_bds, region_names_bds, "England"),
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(
- "placeholder" = "Select a LA, Region or England...",
- plugins = list("remove_button")
- )
- )
- ),
- # Topic input
- div(
- style = "margin-bottom: 1rem;",
- shiny::selectizeInput(
- inputId = ns("topic_input"),
- label = "Topic:",
- choices = c("All Topics", metric_topics),
- selected = "All Topics",
- options = list(
- placeholder = "No topic selected, showing all indicators.",
- plugins = list("clear_button")
- )
- )
- ),
- # Indicator input
- div(
- style = "margin-bottom: 1rem;",
- shiny::selectizeInput(
- inputId = ns("indicator"),
- label = "Indicator:",
- choices = metric_names,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(
- "placeholder" = "Select an indicator...",
- plugins = list("remove_button")
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- # LA groupings
- "LA grouping" = shiny::radioButtons(
- inputId = ns("la_group"),
- label = "LA Groupings (choose one):",
- choices = list(
- "None" = "no_groups",
- "Include All LAs" = "all_las",
- "Include LAs in the same Region" = "region_las",
- "Include statistical neighbours" = "la_stat_ns"
- ),
- selected = NULL,
- inline = FALSE
- ),
- # Other groupings
- "Other grouping" = div(
- shiny::p("Other groupings:"),
- shiny::checkboxInput(ns("inc_regions"), "Include All Regions", FALSE),
- shiny::checkboxInput(ns("inc_england"), "Include England", FALSE)
- ),
- # Clear all current selections
- "Clear all current selections" = div(
- style = "height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end;",
- shinyGovstyle::button_Input(
- inputId = ns("clear_all"),
- label = "Clear all current selections",
- type = "warning"
- )
- ),
- # Add selection (query) button
- "Add selection" = div(
- style = "height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end;",
- shinyGovstyle::button_Input(
- inputId = ns("add_query"),
- label = "Add selections",
- type = "start"
- )
- )
- )
-# Create Own Inputs Server -----------------------------------------------------
-#' Create Main User Inputs Server
-#' This function handles the server logic for the user inputs in the
-#' "Create Your Own" feature of the Shiny app. It allows users to select
-#' topics and indicators, managing the selections to ensure consistency
-#' across different topics. It also provides reactive outputs for the
-#' selected inputs.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the available metrics
-#' used for filtering indicators based on selected topics.
-#' @return A list of reactive values containing user inputs.
-Create_MainInputsServer <- function(id, topic_indicator_full) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Reactive to store all selected topic-indicator pairs
- # Used to filter BDS correctly (due to duplication of indicator names
- # across topics)
- selected_indicators <- reactiveVal(NULL)
- # Filter indicator choices based on the selected topic
- # But keep already selected indicators from other topics
- shiny::observeEvent(input$topic_input,
- {
- req(input$topic_input)
- # Available indicators (based on topic chosen)
- topic_indicators <- topic_indicator_full |>
- filter_by_topic("Topic", input$topic_input) |>
- pull_uniques("Measure")
- # Get the already selected topic-indicator pairs
- current_selection <- selected_indicators()
- # Combine already selected topic-indicator pairs with new topic indicators
- # Allows indicators to stay selected despite not being part of the new topic
- # Ensure only valid indicators are retained
- combined_choices <- unique(c(current_selection, topic_indicators))
- # Update the choices with new topic whilst retaining the
- # already selected indicators
- shiny::updateSelectizeInput(
- session = session,
- inputId = "indicator",
- choices = combined_choices,
- selected = current_selection
- )
- },
- priority = 1
- )
- # Update the selected_indicators reactive for newly selected topic-indicator pairs
- # This keeps selection consistent across topics
- shiny::observeEvent(input$indicator,
- {
- # Get the new topic-indicator pairs
- current_filtered <- topic_indicator_full |>
- dplyr::filter(
- Measure %in% input$indicator
- ) |>
- pull_uniques("Measure")
- # Get previously selected indicators
- previous_selection <- selected_indicators()
- # Remove any topic-indicator pairs that have been deselected
- updated_selection <- setdiff(input$indicator, previous_selection)
- # Combine the new topic-indicator pairs with the previous selections
- combined_selection <- unique(c(updated_selection, current_filtered))
- # Update the reactive value for all topic-indicator pairs
- selected_indicators(combined_selection)
- },
- ignoreNULL = FALSE,
- priority = 2
- )
- # Clear all current selections
- observeEvent(input$clear_all, {
- # Reset inputs to their initial state
- updateSelectizeInput(session, "geog_input", selected = NA)
- updateSelectizeInput(session, "indicator", selected = NA)
- updateRadioButtons(session, "la_group", selected = "no_groups")
- updateCheckboxInput(session, "inc_regions", value = FALSE)
- updateCheckboxInput(session, "inc_england", value = FALSE)
- # Emit a reset signal for year_range
- session$sendCustomMessage("clear_year_range", TRUE)
- })
- # Return create your own main inputs
- create_inputs <- list(
- geog = reactive(input$geog_input),
- indicator = reactive(selected_indicators()),
- la_group = reactive(input$la_group),
- inc_regions = reactive(input$inc_regions),
- inc_england = reactive(input$inc_england),
- clear_selections = reactive(input$clear_all),
- add_query = reactive(input$add_query)
- )
- # Return inputs
- create_inputs
- })
-# Year range input UI ----------------------------------------------------------
-#' Year Range Input UI
-#' This function creates a user interface component for selecting a range
-#' of years. It utilizes a picker input to allow users to select one
-#' or more years from the available options.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @return A shinyWidgets picker input for year range selection.
-YearRangeUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- ns("year_range"),
- "Select Year Range",
- choices = all_year_types,
- choicesOpt = list(
- content = rep("Loading...", length(all_year_types))
- ),
- options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(
- noneSelectedText = "Loading...",
- maxOptions = 2,
- maxOptionsText = "Still loading...",
- size = 1
- ),
- multiple = TRUE
- )
-# Year range input server ------------------------------------------------------
-#' Year Range Input Server
-#' This function handles the server-side logic for the year range input.
-#' It dynamically generates the choices available for years based on
-#' the selected indicator. The year range can be updated accordingly
-#' and provides feedback when no indicators are selected.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing metrics used to determine
-#' available years based on selected indicators.
-#' @param indicator_input A reactive expression that returns the current
-#' selection of indicators.
-#' @return A list containing reactive values for selected year range
-#' and available year choices.
-YearRangeServer <- function(id, bds_metrics, indicator_input, clear_selections) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Compute years choices available based on selected indicator
- years_choices <- reactive({
- years_dict <- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(Measure %in% indicator_input()) |>
- dplyr::distinct(Years, Years_num)
- # Boolean to check for matching years' suffixes
- consistent_year_suffix <- years_dict |>
- check_year_suffix_consistency()
- # Display string years if matching suffix (numeric/clean if not)
- if (consistent_year_suffix) {
- sort(years_dict$Years)
- } else {
- sort(years_dict$Years_num)
- }
- })
- # Update the year range choices based on the selected indicator
- observeEvent(indicator_input(), {
- # Get the valid choices based on the selected indicator
- valid_choices <- years_choices()
- # Retain only the valid selected years from the current input
- valid_selection <- intersect(input$year_range, valid_choices)
- # Update the picker input with the new choices and valid selections
- shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(
- session = session,
- inputId = "year_range",
- choices = valid_choices,
- selected = valid_selection,
- options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(
- maxOptions = 2,
- maxOptionsText = "Deselect a year",
- multipleSeparator = " to ",
- noneSelectedText = "All years available",
- size = "auto"
- )
- )
- })
- # When no indicators selected year range displays "Select an indicator"
- observe({
- if (is.null(indicator_input()) || length(indicator_input()) == 0) {
- shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(
- session = session,
- inputId = "year_range",
- choices = "Please select an indicator first",
- options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(
- noneSelectedText = "Select an indicator to see year range",
- maxOptions = 2,
- maxOptionsText = "Select and indicator",
- size = "auto"
- )
- )
- }
- })
- # Reset year range when clear all current selections button clicked
- observeEvent(clear_selections(), {
- shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(session, "year_range", selected = NULL)
- })
- # Collect selected year range and available year choices
- # (choices are used in query table to set year range info)
- year_input <- list(
- range = reactive(input$year_range),
- choices = years_choices
- )
- # Return year inputs
- year_input
- })
-# Geography grouping -----------------------------------------------------------
-# Combines the user geography input with any additional geography groupings
-#' Geography Grouping Server
-#' This function combines user-selected geography inputs with any additional
-#' geography groupings based on the chosen options. It allows for the
-#' inclusion of all local authorities, regions, or statistical neighbors
-#' based on user input.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs created by the main input
-#' module, including user selections for geography,
-#' indicators, and groupings.
-#' @param la_names_bds A vector of local authority names used for
-#' selecting all LAs.
-#' @param region_names_bds A vector of region names used for selecting
-#' all regions.
-#' @param stat_n_geog A data frame containing geographical information for
-#' local authorities and their regions.
-#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbor information
-#' for local authorities.
-#' @return A reactive value containing the combined geography inputs based
-#' on user selections and additional groupings.
-GroupingInputServer <- function(id,
- create_inputs,
- la_names_bds,
- region_names_bds,
- stat_n_geog,
- stat_n_la) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Combine the geography selections
- geog_inputs <- reactive({
- # Value from main geography input
- inputs <- create_inputs$geog()
- # Add geography groupings (if selected)
- # All LAs
- if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "all_las")) {
- inputs <- unique(c(inputs, la_names_bds))
- }
- # All Regions
- if (isTRUE(create_inputs$inc_regions())) {
- inputs <- unique(c(inputs, region_names_bds))
- }
- # Include England
- if (isTRUE(create_inputs$inc_england())) {
- inputs <- unique(c(inputs, "England"))
- }
- # All LAs from selected LA region
- if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "region_las")) {
- selected_la_regions <- get_la_region(stat_n_geog, create_inputs$geog())
- all_region_las <- get_las_in_regions(stat_n_geog, selected_la_regions)
- inputs <- unique(c(inputs, all_region_las))
- }
- # LA statistical neighbours
- if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "la_stat_ns")) {
- selected_la_stat_n <- get_la_stat_neighbrs(stat_n_la, create_inputs$geog())
- inputs <- c(inputs, selected_la_stat_n)
- }
- # Return unique geographies
- unique(inputs)
- })
- # Return full geography input
- geog_inputs
- })
-# Statistical neighbour association --------------------------------------------
-# Assign statistical neighbours their parent LA association
-#' Statistical Neighbour Association Server
-#' This function establishes associations between statistical neighbours
-#' (SNs) and their parent local authority (LA) based on user selections.
-#' It computes the association only if the statistical neighbour grouping
-#' is selected.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs created by the main input
-#' module, which includes user selections for local
-#' authorities and grouping options.
-#' @param la_names_bds A vector of local authority names used to identify
-#' which LAs are selected.
-#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbour information
-#' for local authorities.
-#' @return A reactive value containing a data frame that lists local
-#' authorities and their corresponding statistical neighbours, with
-#' the parent LA indicated for each SN.
-StatN_AssociationServer <- function(id,
- create_inputs,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- stat_n_association <- reactive({
- # Only if SN grouping selected compute rest of module
- req(create_inputs$la_group() == "la_stat_ns")
- # Create mini association df of SNs and their parent LA
- association_table <- data.frame(
- `LA and Regions` = character(),
- `sn_parent` = character(),
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- # Get parent LAs from geogs selected (all LAs in main geog input)
- input_las <- intersect(create_inputs$geog(), la_names_bds)
- if (length(input_las) > 0) {
- # Build association df (include LA itself too)
- stat_n_groups <- lapply(input_las, function(la) {
- data.frame(
- `LA and Regions` = c(la, get_la_stat_neighbrs(stat_n_la, la)),
- `sn_parent` = la,
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- })
- # Combine all statistical neighbour associations into a single data frame
- association_table <-, stat_n_groups)
- }
- # Return the association df
- association_table
- })
- })
-# nolint end
\ No newline at end of file
+# nolint start: object_name
+# Create Own main user inputs ==================================================
+# Can choose Geography, Topic, Indicator,
+# LA group, England, Regions, Year range and the "Add selection" button
+# Create Own main user inputs UI -----------------------------------------------
+#' Create Main User Inputs UI
+#' This function creates a user interface for selecting geographical areas,
+#' topics, and indicators for the "Create Your Own" feature in the Shiny app.
+#' It includes inputs for LA groupings and options to include all regions
+#' or England, along with an action button to add selections.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @return A list of UI elements for user input.
+Create_MainInputsUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ "Main choices" = bslib::layout_column_wrap(
+ # Geographic input
+ div(
+ style = "margin-bottom: 1rem;",
+ shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = ns("geog_input"),
+ label = tags$label(
+ "LAs, Regions, and England:",
+ create_tooltip_icon("You can change selection by typing or scrolling")
+ ),
+ choices = c(la_names_bds, region_names_bds, "England"),
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(
+ "placeholder" = "Start typing or scroll to add LAs, Regions or England...",
+ plugins = list("remove_button")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ # Topic input
+ div(
+ style = "margin-bottom: 1rem;",
+ shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = ns("topic_input"),
+ label = "Topic:",
+ choices = c("All Topics", metric_topics),
+ selected = "All Topics",
+ options = list(
+ placeholder = "No topic selected, showing all indicators...",
+ plugins = list("clear_button")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ # Indicator input
+ div(
+ style = "margin-bottom: 1rem;",
+ shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = ns("indicator"),
+ label = "Indicator:",
+ choices = metric_names,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(
+ "placeholder" = "Start typing or scroll to add indicators...",
+ plugins = list("remove_button")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ # LA groupings
+ "LA grouping" = shiny::radioButtons(
+ inputId = ns("la_group"),
+ label = "LA Groupings (choose one):",
+ choices = list(
+ "None" = "no_groups",
+ "Include All LAs" = "all_las",
+ "Include LAs in the same Region" = "region_las",
+ "Include statistical neighbours" = "la_stat_ns"
+ ),
+ selected = NULL,
+ inline = FALSE
+ ),
+ # Other groupings
+ "Other grouping" = div(
+ shiny::p("Other groupings:"),
+ shiny::checkboxInput(ns("inc_regions"), "Include All Regions", FALSE),
+ shiny::checkboxInput(ns("inc_england"), "Include England", FALSE)
+ ),
+ # Clear all current selections
+ "Clear all current selections" = div(
+ style = "height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end;",
+ shinyGovstyle::button_Input(
+ inputId = ns("clear_all"),
+ label = "Clear all current selections",
+ type = "warning"
+ )
+ ),
+ # Add selection (query) button
+ "Add selection" = div(
+ style = "height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end;",
+ shinyGovstyle::button_Input(
+ inputId = ns("add_query"),
+ label = "Add selections",
+ type = "start"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+# Create Own Inputs Server -----------------------------------------------------
+#' Create Main User Inputs Server
+#' This function handles the server logic for the user inputs in the
+#' "Create Your Own" feature of the Shiny app. It allows users to select
+#' topics and indicators, managing the selections to ensure consistency
+#' across different topics. It also provides reactive outputs for the
+#' selected inputs.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the available metrics
+#' used for filtering indicators based on selected topics.
+#' @return A list of reactive values containing user inputs.
+Create_MainInputsServer <- function(id, topic_indicator_full) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Reactive to store all selected topic-indicator pairs
+ # Used to filter BDS correctly (due to duplication of indicator names
+ # across topics)
+ selected_indicators <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ # Filter indicator choices based on the selected topic
+ # But keep already selected indicators from other topics
+ shiny::observeEvent(input$topic_input,
+ {
+ req(input$topic_input)
+ # Available indicators (based on topic chosen)
+ topic_indicators <- topic_indicator_full |>
+ filter_by_topic("Topic", input$topic_input) |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure")
+ # Get the already selected topic-indicator pairs
+ current_selection <- selected_indicators()
+ # Combine already selected topic-indicator pairs with new topic indicators
+ # Allows indicators to stay selected despite not being part of the new topic
+ # Ensure only valid indicators are retained
+ combined_choices <- unique(c(current_selection, topic_indicators))
+ # Update the choices with new topic whilst retaining the
+ # already selected indicators
+ shiny::updateSelectizeInput(
+ session = session,
+ inputId = "indicator",
+ choices = combined_choices,
+ selected = current_selection
+ )
+ },
+ priority = 1
+ )
+ # Update the selected_indicators reactive for newly selected topic-indicator pairs
+ # This keeps selection consistent across topics
+ shiny::observeEvent(input$indicator,
+ {
+ # Get the new topic-indicator pairs
+ current_filtered <- topic_indicator_full |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ Measure %in% input$indicator
+ ) |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure")
+ # Get previously selected indicators
+ previous_selection <- selected_indicators()
+ # Remove any topic-indicator pairs that have been deselected
+ updated_selection <- setdiff(input$indicator, previous_selection)
+ # Combine the new topic-indicator pairs with the previous selections
+ combined_selection <- unique(c(updated_selection, current_filtered))
+ # Update the reactive value for all topic-indicator pairs
+ selected_indicators(combined_selection)
+ },
+ ignoreNULL = FALSE,
+ priority = 2
+ )
+ # Clear all current selections
+ observeEvent(input$clear_all, {
+ # Reset inputs to their initial state
+ updateSelectizeInput(session, "geog_input", selected = NA)
+ updateSelectizeInput(session, "indicator", selected = NA)
+ updateRadioButtons(session, "la_group", selected = "no_groups")
+ updateCheckboxInput(session, "inc_regions", value = FALSE)
+ updateCheckboxInput(session, "inc_england", value = FALSE)
+ # Emit a reset signal for year_range
+ session$sendCustomMessage("clear_year_range", TRUE)
+ })
+ # Return create your own main inputs
+ create_inputs <- list(
+ geog = reactive(input$geog_input),
+ indicator = reactive(selected_indicators()),
+ la_group = reactive(input$la_group),
+ inc_regions = reactive(input$inc_regions),
+ inc_england = reactive(input$inc_england),
+ clear_selections = reactive(input$clear_all),
+ add_query = reactive(input$add_query)
+ )
+ # Return inputs
+ create_inputs
+ })
+# Year range input UI ----------------------------------------------------------
+#' Year Range Input UI
+#' This function creates a user interface component for selecting a range
+#' of years. It utilizes a picker input to allow users to select one
+#' or more years from the available options.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @return A shinyWidgets picker input for year range selection.
+YearRangeUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ ns("year_range"),
+ label = tags$label(
+ "Select Year Range:",
+ create_tooltip_icon(
+ "
+ - Select a year to view data for that year
+ - Select two years to view data from Year A to Year B
+ - Leave unselected to display all years
+ ",
+ placement = "right"
+ )
+ ),
+ choices = all_year_types,
+ choicesOpt = list(
+ content = rep("Loading...", length(all_year_types))
+ ),
+ options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(
+ noneSelectedText = "Loading...",
+ maxOptions = 2,
+ maxOptionsText = "Still loading...",
+ size = 1
+ ),
+ multiple = TRUE
+ )
+# Year range input server ------------------------------------------------------
+#' Year Range Input Server
+#' This function handles the server-side logic for the year range input.
+#' It dynamically generates the choices available for years based on
+#' the selected indicator. The year range can be updated accordingly
+#' and provides feedback when no indicators are selected.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing metrics used to determine
+#' available years based on selected indicators.
+#' @param indicator_input A reactive expression that returns the current
+#' selection of indicators.
+#' @return A list containing reactive values for selected year range
+#' and available year choices.
+YearRangeServer <- function(id, bds_metrics, indicator_input, clear_selections) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Compute years choices available based on selected indicator
+ years_choices <- reactive({
+ years_dict <- bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(Measure %in% indicator_input()) |>
+ dplyr::distinct(Years, Years_num)
+ # Boolean to check for matching years' suffixes
+ consistent_year_suffix <- years_dict |>
+ check_year_suffix_consistency()
+ # Display string years if matching suffix (numeric/clean if not)
+ if (consistent_year_suffix) {
+ sort(years_dict$Years)
+ } else {
+ sort(years_dict$Years_num)
+ }
+ })
+ # Update the year range choices based on the selected indicator
+ observeEvent(indicator_input(), {
+ # Get the valid choices based on the selected indicator
+ valid_choices <- years_choices()
+ # Retain only the valid selected years from the current input
+ valid_selection <- intersect(input$year_range, valid_choices)
+ # Update the picker input with the new choices and valid selections
+ shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(
+ session = session,
+ inputId = "year_range",
+ choices = valid_choices,
+ selected = valid_selection,
+ options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(
+ maxOptions = 2,
+ maxOptionsText = "Deselect a year",
+ multipleSeparator = " to ",
+ noneSelectedText = "All years selected",
+ size = "auto"
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ # When no indicators selected year range displays "Select an indicator"
+ observe({
+ if (is.null(indicator_input()) || length(indicator_input()) == 0) {
+ shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(
+ session = session,
+ inputId = "year_range",
+ choices = "Please select an indicator first",
+ options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(
+ noneSelectedText = "Select an indicator to see year range",
+ maxOptions = 2,
+ maxOptionsText = "Select and indicator",
+ size = "auto"
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ # Reset year range when clear all current selections button clicked
+ observeEvent(clear_selections(), {
+ shinyWidgets::updatePickerInput(session, "year_range", selected = NULL)
+ })
+ # Collect selected year range and available year choices
+ # (choices are used in query table to set year range info)
+ year_input <- list(
+ range = reactive(input$year_range),
+ choices = years_choices
+ )
+ # Return year inputs
+ year_input
+ })
+# Geography grouping -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Combines the user geography input with any additional geography groupings
+#' Geography Grouping Server
+#' This function combines user-selected geography inputs with any additional
+#' geography groupings based on the chosen options. It allows for the
+#' inclusion of all local authorities, regions, or statistical neighbors
+#' based on user input.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs created by the main input
+#' module, including user selections for geography,
+#' indicators, and groupings.
+#' @param la_names_bds A vector of local authority names used for
+#' selecting all LAs.
+#' @param region_names_bds A vector of region names used for selecting
+#' all regions.
+#' @param stat_n_geog A data frame containing geographical information for
+#' local authorities and their regions.
+#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbor information
+#' for local authorities.
+#' @return A reactive value containing the combined geography inputs based
+#' on user selections and additional groupings.
+GroupingInputServer <- function(id,
+ create_inputs,
+ la_names_bds,
+ region_names_bds,
+ stat_n_geog,
+ stat_n_la) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Combine the geography selections
+ geog_inputs <- reactive({
+ # Value from main geography input
+ inputs <- create_inputs$geog()
+ # Add geography groupings (if selected)
+ # All LAs
+ if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "all_las")) {
+ inputs <- unique(c(inputs, la_names_bds))
+ }
+ # All Regions
+ if (isTRUE(create_inputs$inc_regions())) {
+ inputs <- unique(c(inputs, region_names_bds))
+ }
+ # Include England
+ if (isTRUE(create_inputs$inc_england())) {
+ inputs <- unique(c(inputs, "England"))
+ }
+ # All LAs from selected LA region
+ if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "region_las")) {
+ selected_la_regions <- get_la_region(stat_n_geog, create_inputs$geog())
+ all_region_las <- get_las_in_regions(stat_n_geog, selected_la_regions)
+ inputs <- unique(c(inputs, all_region_las))
+ }
+ # LA statistical neighbours
+ if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "la_stat_ns")) {
+ selected_la_stat_n <- get_la_stat_neighbrs(stat_n_la, create_inputs$geog())
+ inputs <- c(inputs, selected_la_stat_n)
+ }
+ # Return unique geographies
+ unique(inputs)
+ })
+ # Return full geography input
+ geog_inputs
+ })
+# Statistical neighbour association --------------------------------------------
+# Assign statistical neighbours their parent LA association
+#' Statistical Neighbour Association Server
+#' This function establishes associations between statistical neighbours
+#' (SNs) and their parent local authority (LA) based on user selections.
+#' It computes the association only if the statistical neighbour grouping
+#' is selected.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs created by the main input
+#' module, which includes user selections for local
+#' authorities and grouping options.
+#' @param la_names_bds A vector of local authority names used to identify
+#' which LAs are selected.
+#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbour information
+#' for local authorities.
+#' @return A reactive value containing a data frame that lists local
+#' authorities and their corresponding statistical neighbours, with
+#' the parent LA indicated for each SN.
+StatN_AssociationServer <- function(id,
+ create_inputs,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ stat_n_association <- reactive({
+ # Only if SN grouping selected compute rest of module
+ req(create_inputs$la_group() == "la_stat_ns")
+ # Create mini association df of SNs and their parent LA
+ association_table <- data.frame(
+ `LA and Regions` = character(),
+ `sn_parent` = character(),
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ # Get parent LAs from geogs selected (all LAs in main geog input)
+ input_las <- intersect(create_inputs$geog(), la_names_bds)
+ if (length(input_las) > 0) {
+ # Build association df (include LA itself too)
+ stat_n_groups <- lapply(input_las, function(la) {
+ data.frame(
+ `LA and Regions` = c(la, get_la_stat_neighbrs(stat_n_la, la)),
+ `sn_parent` = la,
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ })
+ # Combine all statistical neighbour associations into a single data frame
+ association_table <-, stat_n_groups)
+ }
+ # Return the association df
+ association_table
+ })
+ })
+# nolint end
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R
index d57e4e40..bc184d69 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_create_own_table.R
@@ -1,842 +1,854 @@
-# nolint start: object_name
-# Staging table ================================================================
-# Staging BDS ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Filter the BDS for current user input selections
-# (used to create the staging table)
-#' Staging BDS Server
-#' This function filters the BDS (Business Data Service) metrics based on
-#' user input selections to create a staging table. It filters for selected
-#' topic-indicator pairs, geographic groupings, and a specified year range.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main
-#' input module, including selected topic-indicator pairs.
-#' @param geog_groups A reactive expression providing the selected geographic
-#' groups based on user input.
-#' @param year_input A list containing reactive expressions for selected
-#' year range and available years choices.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the business data service metrics
-#' used for filtering based on user selections.
-#' @return A reactive data frame that contains the filtered BDS metrics
-#' suitable for display in the staging table.
-StagingBDSServer <- function(id,
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Forcing module to react to change in year input (not best practice)
- observeEvent(year_input$range(), {
- year_input$range()
- })
- # Filter BDS for topic-indicator pairs in the selected_values reactive
- topic_indicator_bds <- reactive({
- req(length(create_inputs$indicator()) > 0)
- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(Measure %in% create_inputs$indicator())
- })
- # Now filter BDS for geographies and year range
- # Split from above so if indicator doesn't change then don't recompute
- staging_bds <- reactive({
- req(geog_groups(), topic_indicator_bds())
- # Filter by full geography inputs
- filtered_bds <- topic_indicator_bds() |>
- dplyr::filter(
- `LA and Regions` %in% geog_groups()
- )
- # Cleaning Years
- # Check if all years have consistent suffix
- consistent_str_years <- check_year_suffix_consistency(filtered_bds)
- # If not consistent suffix use the cleaned year cols (numeric years)
- if (!consistent_str_years) {
- filtered_bds <- filtered_bds |>
- dplyr::mutate(
- Years = Years_num
- )
- }
- # Apply the year range filter
- # If only one year selected then show just that year
- if (length(year_input$range()) == 1) {
- filtered_bds <- filtered_bds |>
- dplyr::filter(
- Years == year_input$range()[1]
- )
- } else if (length(year_input$range()) == 2) {
- filtered_bds <- filtered_bds |>
- dplyr::filter(
- Years >= year_input$range()[1],
- Years <= year_input$range()[2]
- )
- }
- # Return the user selection filtered data for staging table
- filtered_bds
- })
- # Return staging BDS
- staging_bds
- })
-# Staging data -----------------------------------------------------------------
-#' Staging Data Server
-#' This function builds a staging table for displaying filtered BDS metrics
-#' in a Shiny application. It incorporates statistical neighbour associations
-#' if selected and formats the data into a wide format for easier analysis.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main
-#' input module, including selected topic-indicator pairs.
-#' @param staging_bds A reactive expression providing the filtered BDS metrics
-#' based on user selections.
-#' @param region_names_bds A vector of names representing regions in the BDS.
-#' @param la_names_bds A vector of names representing local authorities in the BDS.
-#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbour data for LAs.
-#' @return A reactive data frame that contains the formatted staging table
-#' ready for display in the Shiny app.
-StagingDataServer <- function(
- id, create_inputs, staging_bds, region_names_bds, la_names_bds, stat_n_la) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Make statistical neighbour association table available
- stat_n_association <- StatN_AssociationServer(
- "stat_n_association",
- create_inputs,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Build the staging table
- staging_table <- reactive({
- # Selected relevant cols
- # Coerce to wide format
- # (any new values created set to NaN so can be picked up as user created NAs)
- # Set regions and England as themselves for Region
- wide_table <- staging_bds() |>
- dplyr::select(
- `LA Number`, `LA and Regions`, Region, Topic,
- Measure, Years, Years_num, values_num, Values
- ) |>
- tidyr::pivot_wider(
- id_cols = c("LA Number", "LA and Regions", "Region", "Topic", "Measure"),
- names_from = Years,
- values_from = values_num,
- values_fill = NaN
- ) |>
- dplyr::mutate(Region = dplyr::case_when(
- `LA and Regions` %in% c("England", region_names_bds) ~ `LA and Regions`,
- TRUE ~ Region
- ))
- # Order columns (and sort year cols order)
- wide_table_ordered <- wide_table |>
- dplyr::select(
- `LA Number`, `LA and Regions`, Region,
- Topic, Measure,
- dplyr::all_of(sort_year_columns(wide_table))
- )
- # If SNs included, add SN LA association column
- # Multi-join as want to include an association for every row (even duplicates)
- if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "la_stat_ns")) {
- wide_table_ordered <- wide_table_ordered |>
- dplyr::left_join(
- stat_n_association(),
- by = "LA and Regions",
- relationship = "many-to-many"
- ) |>
- dplyr::relocate(sn_parent, .after = "Measure") |>
- dplyr::rename("Statistical Neighbour Group" = "sn_parent")
- }
- # Staging table formatted and ready for output
- wide_table_ordered
- })
- # Return staging table
- staging_table
- })
-# Staging table UI -------------------------------------------------------------
-# Simple reactable table inside a well div
-#' Staging Table UI
-#' This function creates the user interface for the staging table, which
-#' displays the current selections in a well-styled format. The UI includes
-#' a header and a reactable output for rendering the staging data.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @return A div containing the UI elements for the staging table, including
-#' a header and a reactable output.
-StagingTableUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- bslib::layout_column_wrap(
- h3("Staging Table (View of current selections)"),
- # Include empty divs so matches inputs above and add selections aligns
- div(),
- div(),
- # Add selections button
- Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Add selection"]
- ),
- bslib::card(
- with_gov_spinner(
- reactable::reactableOutput(ns("staging_table")),
- size = 0.5
- )
- )
- )
-# Staging table Server ---------------------------------------------------------
-# Output a formatted reactable table of the staging data
-# Few error message table outputs for incorrect/ missing selections
-#' Staging Table Server
-#' This function generates the server-side logic for the staging table, which
-#' renders a reactable table of the current selections. It handles error
-#' messages for incorrect or missing selections and formats the staging data
-#' for better readability. It filters the BDS data based on user inputs and
-#' prepares it for display.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main input
-#' module, including selected indicators and geography.
-#' @param region_names_bds A vector of names representing regions in the BDS.
-#' @param la_names_bds A vector of names representing local authorities in the BDS.
-#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbour data for LAs.
-#' @param geog_groups A reactive expression that provides the selected geography
-#' groups based on user input.
-#' @param year_input A reactive expression providing the selected year range.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the BDS metrics used for filtering.
-#' @return A reactable output for the staging table, displaying filtered BDS data
-#' or error messages based on user selections.
-StagingTableServer <- function(id,
- create_inputs,
- region_names_bds,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Staging table reactable ouput
- output$staging_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- # Display messages if there are incorrect selections
- if (length(create_inputs$indicator()) == 0 && is.null(geog_groups())) {
- return(reactable::reactable(
- data.frame(
- `Message from tool` = "Please add selections (above).",
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- ))
- } else if (length(create_inputs$indicator()) == 0) {
- return(reactable::reactable(
- data.frame(
- `Message from tool` = "Please add an indicator selection (above).",
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- ))
- } else if (is.null(geog_groups())) {
- return(reactable::reactable(
- data.frame(
- `Message from tool` = "Please add a geography selection (above).",
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- ))
- }
- # Filtering BDS for staging data
- staging_bds <- StagingBDSServer(
- "staging_bds",
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Build staging data
- staging_data <- StagingDataServer(
- "staging_data",
- create_inputs,
- staging_bds,
- region_names_bds,
- la_names_bds,
- stat_n_la
- )
- # Output table - formatting numbers, long text and page settings
- dfe_reactable(
- staging_data(),
- columns = utils::modifyList(
- format_num_reactable_cols(
- staging_data(),
- get_indicator_dps(staging_bds()),
- num_exclude = c("LA Number", "Topic", "Measure")
- ),
- list(
- set_custom_default_col_widths(
- Measure = set_min_col_width(90)
- ),
- # Truncates long cell values and displays hover with full value
- Measure = reactable::colDef(
- html = TRUE,
- cell = function(value, index, name) {
- truncate_cell_with_hover(text = value, tooltip = value)
- }
- )
- )
- ),
- defaultPageSize = 3,
- showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
- pageSizeOptions = c(3, 5, 10, 25),
- compact = TRUE
- )
- })
- })
-# Query table ==================================================================
-# Query data -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#' Query Data Server
-#' This function manages the server-side logic for storing and displaying
-#' queries based on user selections. It allows users to add queries to a
-#' saved list and formats the data for display. The function maintains
-#' a reactive data structure that includes the selected topics, indicators,
-#' geography, and year range.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main input
-#' module, including selected indicators and geography.
-#' @param geog_groups A reactive expression that provides the selected geography
-#' groups based on user input.
-#' @param year_input A reactive expression providing the selected year range.
-#' @param staging_data A reactive expression that contains the staging data
-#' filtered based on user selections.
-#' @return A reactive value list containing the current queries and output data
-#' for display, including options for removing queries.
-QueryDataServer <- function(id,
- create_inputs,
- geog_groups,
- year_input,
- staging_data) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Reactive value "query" used to store query data
- # Uses lists to store multiple inputs (Geographies & Indicators)
- query <- reactiveValues(
- data = data.frame(
- Topic = I(list()),
- Indicator = I(list()),
- `LA and Regions` = I(list()),
- `Year range` = I(list()),
- `Click to remove query` = character(),
- `.query_id` = numeric(),
- check.names = FALSE
- ),
- output = data.frame(
- `LA Number` = character(),
- `LA and Regions` = character(),
- Region = character(),
- Topic = character(),
- Measure = character(),
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- )
- # When "Add table" button clicked - add query to saved queries
- observeEvent(create_inputs$add_query(),
- {
- # Check if anything selected
- req(length(geog_groups()) > 0 && length(create_inputs$indicator()) > 0)
- # Create a unique identifier for the new query (current no of queries + 1)
- new_q_id <- max(c(0, query$data$.query_id), na.rm = TRUE) + 1
- # Creating year range info
- # Get the range of available years
- available_years <- range(year_input$choices())
- # Define the year range info logic
- # None selected - all years - "All years (x to y)"
- # Range selected - "x to y"
- # One year selected - "x"
- year_range_display <- dplyr::case_when(
- length(year_input$range()) == 0 ~ paste0("All years (", available_years[1], " to ", available_years[2], ")"),
- length(year_input$range()) == 2 ~ paste(year_input$range()[1], "to", year_input$range()[2]),
- length(year_input$range()) == 1 ~ paste0("", year_input$range()[1])
- )
- # Evaluate user inputs for get_geog_selection()
- evaluated_inputs <- list(
- geog = create_inputs$geog(),
- la_group = create_inputs$la_group(),
- inc_regions = create_inputs$inc_regions(),
- inc_england = create_inputs$inc_england()
- )
- # Get selected Indicator Topics
- selected_topics <- staging_data() |>
- pull_uniques("Topic")
- # Create query information
- # Split multiple input choices with commas and line breaks
- # (indicator x, indicator y)
- # Assign the new query ID, selected topic-indicator pairs,
- # create the geog selections (special formatting for groupings),
- # year range (with logic from above) and the remove col
- new_query <- data.frame(
- .query_id = new_q_id,
- Topic = paste(selected_topics, collapse = ",
- Indicator = paste(create_inputs$indicator(), collapse = ",
- `LA and Regions` = paste(
- get_geog_selection(evaluated_inputs, la_names_bds, region_names_bds, stat_n_geog),
- collapse = ",
- ),
- `Year range` = year_range_display,
- `Click to remove query` = "Remove",
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- # Append new query to the existing queries
- query$data <- query$data |>
- rbind(new_query)
- # Appending the data of the new query to the output table
- # Adding new query ID to staging data
- # (so remove button also removes relevant data from output table)
- query_output <- query$output
- staging_to_append <- staging_data()
- staging_to_append$.query_id <- new_q_id
- consistent_staging_final_yrs <- data.frame(
- Years = c(
- colnames(query_output)[grepl("^\\d{4}", colnames(query_output))],
- colnames(staging_to_append)[grepl("^\\d{4}", colnames(staging_to_append))]
- )
- ) |> check_year_suffix_consistency()
- # If not consistent suffixes then clean both dfs year cols
- if (!consistent_staging_final_yrs && nrow(query_output) > 0) {
- query_output <- rename_columns_with_year(query_output)
- staging_to_append <- rename_columns_with_year(staging_to_append)
- }
- # Get all years across both dfs
- all_year_columns <- union(
- grep("^\\d{4}", names(query_output), value = TRUE),
- grep("^\\d{4}", names(staging_to_append), value = TRUE)
- )
- # Add the new (missing) years onto the existing dfs with values as NaN
- # This is so that they can be coded as "-" in the table
- # Saved queries
- if (nrow(query_output) > 0) {
- for (col in setdiff(all_year_columns, names(query_output))) {
- query_output[[col]] <- NaN
- }
- }
- # New query
- if (nrow(staging_to_append) > 0) {
- for (col in setdiff(all_year_columns, names(staging_to_append))) {
- staging_to_append[[col]] <- NaN
- }
- }
- # Combine query tables for final table output
- query$output <- rbind(query_output, staging_to_append)
- },
- ignoreInit = TRUE
- )
- query
- })
-# Query Table UI ---------------------------------------------------------------
-#' Query Table UI
-#' This function creates the user interface for displaying a summary of
-#' saved queries in a well-styled format. It includes a reactable table
-#' output to present the user's selections.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @return A UI element that displays a summary of selections in a
-#' reactable table format.
-QueryTableUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- h3("Summary of Selections"),
- bslib::card(
- with_gov_spinner(
- reactable::reactableOutput(ns("query_table")),
- size = 0.5
- )
- )
- )
-# Query Table Server -----------------------------------------------------------
-# Renders the query table and manages removal actions
-#' Query Table Server
-#' This function handles the server-side logic for rendering the query
-#' table and managing the removal of saved queries. It displays the
-#' current queries and allows users to remove specific entries.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param query A reactive list containing the current query data, including
-#' saved queries and output for display.
-#' @return A reactive value list that updates when queries are added or
-#' removed, reflecting the current state of the query data.
-QueryTableServer <- function(id, query) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Display message if there are no saved selections
- output$query_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- req(nrow(query$data))
- if (nrow(query$data) == 0) {
- return(reactable::reactable(
- data.frame(`Message from tool` = "No saved selections.", check.names = FALSE)
- ))
- }
- # Output table - Allow html (for
- # add the JS from reactable.extras::button_extra() for remove button
- # Show only unique topics and remove the query ID col
- dfe_reactable(
- query$data,
- columns = list(
- Indicator = html_col_def(),
- `LA and Regions` = html_col_def(),
- `Click to remove query` = reactable::colDef(
- cell = reactable::JS(
- "function(cellInfo) {
- const buttonId = 'query_table-remove-' + cellInfo.row['.query_id'];
- console.log('Generated button ID:', buttonId); // Confirm buttonId in console
- return React.createElement(ButtonExtras, {
- id: buttonId,
- label: 'Remove',
- uuid: cellInfo.row['.query_id'],
- column:,
- class: 'govuk-button--warning',
- className: 'govuk-button--warning'
- }, cellInfo.index);
- }"
- )
- ),
- Topic = html_col_def(),
- .query_id = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE)
- ),
- defaultPageSize = 5,
- showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
- pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 25),
- compact = TRUE
- )
- })
- # Remove query button logic
- observe({
- req(nrow(query$data))
- # Create button observers for each row using the query ID
- lapply(query$data$.query_id, function(q_id) {
- # Create matching query ID for each remove button
- remove_button_id <- paste0("remove-", q_id)
- # Observe the button click
- observeEvent(input[[remove_button_id]],
- {
- # Remove the corresponding row (query) from query$data using the query ID
- query$data <- query$data[query$data$.query_id != q_id, , drop = FALSE]
- # Also remove the corresponding rows from query$output
- query$output <- query$output[query$output$.query_id != q_id, , drop = FALSE]
- # If no rows (queries) left then also remove the years cols
- # This is so that if a user wants a range of years next
- # the legacy years aren't still there
- if (nrow(query$output) == 0) {
- query$output <- query$output |>
- dplyr::select(
- `LA Number`,
- `LA and Regions`,
- Region,
- Topic,
- Measure,
- .query_id
- )
- }
- },
- ignoreInit = TRUE
- )
- })
- })
- # Output updated query (which is up-to-date with any removed rows)
- query
- })
-# Create Own Table =============================================================
-# Create Own Data --------------------------------------------------------------
-#' Create Own Data Server
-#' This function processes saved queries and generates a cleaned final
-#' table output for display. It checks for year suffix consistency and
-#' adjusts the column names accordingly. If there are no saved queries,
-#' it returns a message indicating this.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param query A reactive list containing the current query data, including
-#' saved queries and output for display.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing metrics related to the BDS,
-#' which is used to verify year suffix consistency.
-#' @return A reactive data frame containing the cleaned final output table
-#' with correctly formatted year columns and relevant information.
-CreateOwnDataServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Building data for the output of all saved queries
- clean_final_table <- reactive({
- req(query$data)
- # Check if there are any saved queries
- if (nrow(query$data) == 0) {
- return(
- data.frame(
- `Message from tool` = "No saved selections.",
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- )
- }
- # Remove columns that contain only NaN values
- # (aka user removed query that was including these years so no need to display them now)
- query_output_clean <- query$output[, !sapply(query$output, function(x) all(is.nan(x)))]
- # Logic to reset the year cols to have year suffixes if they match
- # (As they may have been cleaned from the code logic at end of the new query chunk)
- # Determine if output indicators share year suffix consistency
- output_indicators <- query_output_clean |> pull_uniques("Measure")
- share_year_suffix <- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(Measure %in% output_indicators) |>
- check_year_suffix_consistency()
- # Reapply year suffixes to columns if needed
- if (share_year_suffix) {
- years_dict <- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::filter(Measure %in% output_indicators) |>
- dplyr::distinct(Years, Years_num)
- # Replace numeric year columns with the corresponding suffix
- new_col_names <- colnames(query_output_clean) |>
- vapply(function(col) {
- if (col %in% years_dict$Years_num) {
- return(years_dict$Years[match(col, years_dict$Years_num)])
- } else {
- return(col)
- }
- }, character(1))
- colnames(query_output_clean) <- new_col_names
- }
- # Final query output table with ordered columns (SN parent if selected)
- # and sorted year columns
- query_output_clean |>
- dplyr::select(
- `LA Number`, `LA and Regions`,
- Region, Topic, Measure,
- tidyselect::any_of("Statistical Neighbour Group"),
- dplyr::all_of(sort_year_columns(query_output_clean))
- )
- })
- # Return data ready to render as output of Create Own Table
- clean_final_table
- })
-# Create Own BDS ---------------------------------------------------------------
-#' Create Own BDS Server
-#' This function filters the BDS metrics based on the topic-indicator pairs
-#' present in the final output table. It returns a reactive data frame
-#' containing only the relevant entries from the BDS that match the specified
-#' selections.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param create_own_table A reactive expression that returns the final output
-#' table containing selected topic-indicator pairs.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the full BDS metrics to be
-#' filtered based on the selections.
-#' @return A reactive data frame containing the filtered BDS metrics based
-#' on the selected topic-indicator pairs from the final output table.
-CreateOwnBDSServer <- function(id, create_own_table, bds_metrics) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Filtering BDS for all topic-indicator pairs in the final output table
- # (The filtered_bds only has the staging topic-indicator pairs)
- final_filtered_bds <- reactive({
- output_table_filters <- create_own_table() |>
- dplyr::distinct(`LA and Regions`, Topic, Measure)
- bds_metrics |>
- dplyr::semi_join(
- output_table_filters,
- by = c("LA and Regions", "Topic", "Measure")
- )
- })
- final_filtered_bds
- })
-# Create Own Table UI ----------------------------------------------------------
-#' Create Own Table UI
-#' This function generates the user interface for displaying the output table
-#' that shows all saved selections, along with a download section for exporting
-#' the table in various file formats.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module, used for namespacing.
-#' @return A UI component consisting of a well containing the output table and
-#' download options.
-CreateOwnTableUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- div(
- class = "well",
- style = "overflow-y: visible;",
- h3("Output Table (View of all saved selections)"),
- bslib::navset_card_tab(
- # Create Own Table -------------------------------------------------------
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Output Table",
- with_gov_spinner(
- reactable::reactableOutput(ns("output_table")),
- size = 0.75
- )
- ),
- # Create Own Download ----------------------------------------------------
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Download",
- file_type_input_btn(ns("file_type")),
- Download_DataUI(ns("table_download"), "Output Table")
- )
- )
- )
-# Create Own Table Server ------------------------------------------------------
-#' Create Own Table Server
-#' This function manages the server logic for displaying the output table
-#' based on all saved selections. It handles the formatting of the data
-#' and the functionality for downloading the table in different formats.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
-#' @param query A reactive object containing saved queries and their data.
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the full BDS metrics used
-#' for filtering and formatting the output table.
-#' @return None. This function updates the output table and manages
-#' download functionality within the Shiny app.
-CreateOwnTableServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Load data for Create Own Table
- create_own_data <- CreateOwnDataServer(
- "create_own_table",
- query,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Load BDS made from Create Own data
- create_own_bds <- CreateOwnBDSServer(
- "create_own_bds",
- create_own_data,
- bds_metrics
- )
- # Final output table (based on saved queries) ------------------------------
- output$output_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- # Display the final query table data
- # Format numeric cols (using dps based of output table indicators),
- # Truncate measure with hover and page settings
- dfe_reactable(
- create_own_data(),
- columns = utils::modifyList(
- format_num_reactable_cols(
- create_own_data(),
- get_indicator_dps(create_own_bds()),
- num_exclude = c("LA Number", "Topic", "Measure")
- ),
- list(
- set_custom_default_col_widths(),
- Measure = reactable::colDef(
- html = TRUE,
- cell = function(value, index, name) {
- truncate_cell_with_hover(text = value, tooltip = value)
- }
- )
- )
- ),
- defaultPageSize = 5,
- showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
- pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 25),
- compact = TRUE
- )
- })
- # Download the output table ------------------------------------------------
- Download_DataServer(
- "table_download",
- reactive(input$file_type),
- reactive(replace_nan_with_empty(create_own_data())),
- reactive("LAIT-create-your-own-table")
- )
- })
-# nolint end
+# nolint start: object_name
+# Staging table ================================================================
+# Staging BDS ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Filter the BDS for current user input selections
+# (used to create the staging table)
+#' Staging BDS Server
+#' This function filters the BDS (Business Data Service) metrics based on
+#' user input selections to create a staging table. It filters for selected
+#' topic-indicator pairs, geographic groupings, and a specified year range.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main
+#' input module, including selected topic-indicator pairs.
+#' @param geog_groups A reactive expression providing the selected geographic
+#' groups based on user input.
+#' @param year_input A list containing reactive expressions for selected
+#' year range and available years choices.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the business data service metrics
+#' used for filtering based on user selections.
+#' @return A reactive data frame that contains the filtered BDS metrics
+#' suitable for display in the staging table.
+StagingBDSServer <- function(id,
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Forcing module to react to change in year input (not best practice)
+ observeEvent(year_input$range(), {
+ year_input$range()
+ })
+ # Filter BDS for topic-indicator pairs in the selected_values reactive
+ topic_indicator_bds <- reactive({
+ req(length(create_inputs$indicator()) > 0)
+ bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(Measure %in% create_inputs$indicator())
+ })
+ # Now filter BDS for geographies and year range
+ # Split from above so if indicator doesn't change then don't recompute
+ staging_bds <- reactive({
+ req(geog_groups(), topic_indicator_bds())
+ # Filter by full geography inputs
+ filtered_bds <- topic_indicator_bds() |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ `LA and Regions` %in% geog_groups()
+ )
+ # Cleaning Years
+ # Check if all years have consistent suffix
+ consistent_str_years <- check_year_suffix_consistency(filtered_bds)
+ # If not consistent suffix use the cleaned year cols (numeric years)
+ if (!consistent_str_years) {
+ filtered_bds <- filtered_bds |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ Years = Years_num
+ )
+ }
+ # Apply the year range filter
+ # If only one year selected then show just that year
+ if (length(year_input$range()) == 1) {
+ filtered_bds <- filtered_bds |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ Years == year_input$range()[1]
+ )
+ } else if (length(year_input$range()) == 2) {
+ filtered_bds <- filtered_bds |>
+ dplyr::filter(
+ Years >= year_input$range()[1],
+ Years <= year_input$range()[2]
+ )
+ }
+ # Return the user selection filtered data for staging table
+ filtered_bds
+ })
+ # Return staging BDS
+ staging_bds
+ })
+# Staging data -----------------------------------------------------------------
+#' Staging Data Server
+#' This function builds a staging table for displaying filtered BDS metrics
+#' in a Shiny application. It incorporates statistical neighbour associations
+#' if selected and formats the data into a wide format for easier analysis.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main
+#' input module, including selected topic-indicator pairs.
+#' @param staging_bds A reactive expression providing the filtered BDS metrics
+#' based on user selections.
+#' @param region_names_bds A vector of names representing regions in the BDS.
+#' @param la_names_bds A vector of names representing local authorities in the BDS.
+#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbour data for LAs.
+#' @return A reactive data frame that contains the formatted staging table
+#' ready for display in the Shiny app.
+StagingDataServer <- function(
+ id, create_inputs, staging_bds, region_names_bds, la_names_bds, stat_n_la) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Make statistical neighbour association table available
+ stat_n_association <- StatN_AssociationServer(
+ "stat_n_association",
+ create_inputs,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Build the staging table
+ staging_table <- reactive({
+ # Selected relevant cols
+ # Coerce to wide format
+ # (any new values created set to NaN so can be picked up as user created NAs)
+ # Set regions and England as themselves for Region
+ wide_table <- staging_bds() |>
+ dplyr::select(
+ `LA Number`, `LA and Regions`, Region, Topic,
+ Measure, Years, Years_num, values_num, Values
+ ) |>
+ tidyr::pivot_wider(
+ id_cols = c("LA Number", "LA and Regions", "Region", "Topic", "Measure"),
+ names_from = Years,
+ values_from = values_num,
+ values_fill = NaN
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(Region = dplyr::case_when(
+ `LA and Regions` %in% c("England", region_names_bds) ~ `LA and Regions`,
+ TRUE ~ Region
+ ))
+ # Order columns (and sort year cols order)
+ wide_table_ordered <- wide_table |>
+ dplyr::select(
+ `LA Number`, `LA and Regions`, Region,
+ Topic, Measure,
+ dplyr::all_of(sort_year_columns(wide_table))
+ )
+ # If SNs included, add SN LA association column
+ # Multi-join as want to include an association for every row (even duplicates)
+ if (isTRUE(create_inputs$la_group() == "la_stat_ns")) {
+ wide_table_ordered <- wide_table_ordered |>
+ dplyr::left_join(
+ stat_n_association(),
+ by = "LA and Regions",
+ relationship = "many-to-many"
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::relocate(sn_parent, .after = "Measure") |>
+ dplyr::rename("Statistical Neighbour Group" = "sn_parent")
+ }
+ # Staging table formatted and ready for output
+ wide_table_ordered
+ })
+ # Return staging table
+ staging_table
+ })
+# Staging table UI -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Simple reactable table inside a well div
+#' Staging Table UI
+#' This function creates the user interface for the staging table, which
+#' displays the current selections in a well-styled format. The UI includes
+#' a header and a reactable output for rendering the staging data.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @return A div containing the UI elements for the staging table, including
+#' a header and a reactable output.
+StagingTableUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ bslib::layout_column_wrap(
+ h3(
+ "Staging Table",
+ create_tooltip_icon("Showing data from current selections")
+ ),
+ # Include empty divs so matches inputs above and add selections aligns
+ div(),
+ div(),
+ # Add selections button
+ Create_MainInputsUI("create_inputs")["Add selection"]
+ ),
+ bslib::card(
+ with_gov_spinner(
+ reactable::reactableOutput(ns("staging_table")),
+ size = 0.5
+ )
+ )
+ )
+# Staging table Server ---------------------------------------------------------
+# Output a formatted reactable table of the staging data
+# Few error message table outputs for incorrect/ missing selections
+#' Staging Table Server
+#' This function generates the server-side logic for the staging table, which
+#' renders a reactable table of the current selections. It handles error
+#' messages for incorrect or missing selections and formats the staging data
+#' for better readability. It filters the BDS data based on user inputs and
+#' prepares it for display.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main input
+#' module, including selected indicators and geography.
+#' @param region_names_bds A vector of names representing regions in the BDS.
+#' @param la_names_bds A vector of names representing local authorities in the BDS.
+#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical neighbour data for LAs.
+#' @param geog_groups A reactive expression that provides the selected geography
+#' groups based on user input.
+#' @param year_input A reactive expression providing the selected year range.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the BDS metrics used for filtering.
+#' @return A reactable output for the staging table, displaying filtered BDS data
+#' or error messages based on user selections.
+StagingTableServer <- function(id,
+ create_inputs,
+ region_names_bds,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Staging table reactable ouput
+ output$staging_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ # Display messages if there are incorrect selections
+ if (length(create_inputs$indicator()) == 0 && is.null(geog_groups())) {
+ return(reactable::reactable(
+ data.frame(
+ `Message from tool` = "Please add selections (above).",
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ ))
+ } else if (length(create_inputs$indicator()) == 0) {
+ return(reactable::reactable(
+ data.frame(
+ `Message from tool` = "Please add an indicator selection (above).",
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ ))
+ } else if (is.null(geog_groups())) {
+ return(reactable::reactable(
+ data.frame(
+ `Message from tool` = "Please add a geography selection (above).",
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ # Filtering BDS for staging data
+ staging_bds <- StagingBDSServer(
+ "staging_bds",
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Build staging data
+ staging_data <- StagingDataServer(
+ "staging_data",
+ create_inputs,
+ staging_bds,
+ region_names_bds,
+ la_names_bds,
+ stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Output table - formatting numbers, long text and page settings
+ dfe_reactable(
+ staging_data(),
+ columns = utils::modifyList(
+ format_num_reactable_cols(
+ staging_data(),
+ get_indicator_dps(staging_bds()),
+ num_exclude = c("LA Number", "Topic", "Measure")
+ ),
+ list(
+ set_custom_default_col_widths(
+ Measure = set_min_col_width(90)
+ ),
+ # Truncates long cell values and displays hover with full value
+ Measure = reactable::colDef(
+ html = TRUE,
+ cell = function(value, index, name) {
+ truncate_cell_with_hover(text = value, tooltip = value)
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ defaultPageSize = 3,
+ showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
+ pageSizeOptions = c(3, 5, 10, 25),
+ compact = TRUE
+ )
+ })
+ })
+# Query table ==================================================================
+# Query data -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#' Query Data Server
+#' This function manages the server-side logic for storing and displaying
+#' queries based on user selections. It allows users to add queries to a
+#' saved list and formats the data for display. The function maintains
+#' a reactive data structure that includes the selected topics, indicators,
+#' geography, and year range.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_inputs A list of reactive inputs generated by the main input
+#' module, including selected indicators and geography.
+#' @param geog_groups A reactive expression that provides the selected geography
+#' groups based on user input.
+#' @param year_input A reactive expression providing the selected year range.
+#' @param staging_data A reactive expression that contains the staging data
+#' filtered based on user selections.
+#' @return A reactive value list containing the current queries and output data
+#' for display, including options for removing queries.
+QueryDataServer <- function(id,
+ create_inputs,
+ geog_groups,
+ year_input,
+ staging_data) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Reactive value "query" used to store query data
+ # Uses lists to store multiple inputs (Geographies & Indicators)
+ query <- reactiveValues(
+ data = data.frame(
+ Topic = I(list()),
+ Indicator = I(list()),
+ `LA and Regions` = I(list()),
+ `Year range` = I(list()),
+ `Click to remove query` = character(),
+ `.query_id` = numeric(),
+ check.names = FALSE
+ ),
+ output = data.frame(
+ `LA Number` = character(),
+ `LA and Regions` = character(),
+ Region = character(),
+ Topic = character(),
+ Measure = character(),
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ )
+ # When "Add table" button clicked - add query to saved queries
+ observeEvent(create_inputs$add_query(),
+ {
+ # Check if anything selected
+ req(length(geog_groups()) > 0 && length(create_inputs$indicator()) > 0)
+ # Create a unique identifier for the new query (current no of queries + 1)
+ new_q_id <- max(c(0, query$data$.query_id), na.rm = TRUE) + 1
+ # Creating year range info
+ # Get the range of available years
+ available_years <- range(year_input$choices())
+ # Define the year range info logic
+ # None selected - all years - "All years (x to y)"
+ # Range selected - "x to y"
+ # One year selected - "x"
+ year_range_display <- dplyr::case_when(
+ length(year_input$range()) == 0 ~ paste0("All years (", available_years[1], " to ", available_years[2], ")"),
+ length(year_input$range()) == 2 ~ paste(year_input$range()[1], "to", year_input$range()[2]),
+ length(year_input$range()) == 1 ~ paste0("", year_input$range()[1])
+ )
+ # Evaluate user inputs for get_geog_selection()
+ evaluated_inputs <- list(
+ geog = create_inputs$geog(),
+ la_group = create_inputs$la_group(),
+ inc_regions = create_inputs$inc_regions(),
+ inc_england = create_inputs$inc_england()
+ )
+ # Get selected Indicator Topics
+ selected_topics <- staging_data() |>
+ pull_uniques("Topic")
+ # Create query information
+ # Split multiple input choices with commas and line breaks
+ # (indicator x, indicator y)
+ # Assign the new query ID, selected topic-indicator pairs,
+ # create the geog selections (special formatting for groupings),
+ # year range (with logic from above) and the remove col
+ new_query <- data.frame(
+ .query_id = new_q_id,
+ Topic = paste(selected_topics, collapse = ",
+ Indicator = paste(create_inputs$indicator(), collapse = ",
+ `LA and Regions` = paste(
+ get_geog_selection(evaluated_inputs, la_names_bds, region_names_bds, stat_n_geog),
+ collapse = ",
+ ),
+ `Year range` = year_range_display,
+ `Click to remove query` = "Remove",
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ # Append new query to the existing queries
+ query$data <- query$data |>
+ rbind(new_query)
+ # Appending the data of the new query to the output table
+ # Adding new query ID to staging data
+ # (so remove button also removes relevant data from output table)
+ query_output <- query$output
+ staging_to_append <- staging_data()
+ staging_to_append$.query_id <- new_q_id
+ consistent_staging_final_yrs <- data.frame(
+ Years = c(
+ colnames(query_output)[grepl("^\\d{4}", colnames(query_output))],
+ colnames(staging_to_append)[grepl("^\\d{4}", colnames(staging_to_append))]
+ )
+ ) |> check_year_suffix_consistency()
+ # If not consistent suffixes then clean both dfs year cols
+ if (!consistent_staging_final_yrs && nrow(query_output) > 0) {
+ query_output <- rename_columns_with_year(query_output)
+ staging_to_append <- rename_columns_with_year(staging_to_append)
+ }
+ # Get all years across both dfs
+ all_year_columns <- union(
+ grep("^\\d{4}", names(query_output), value = TRUE),
+ grep("^\\d{4}", names(staging_to_append), value = TRUE)
+ )
+ # Add the new (missing) years onto the existing dfs with values as NaN
+ # This is so that they can be coded as "-" in the table
+ # Saved queries
+ if (nrow(query_output) > 0) {
+ for (col in setdiff(all_year_columns, names(query_output))) {
+ query_output[[col]] <- NaN
+ }
+ }
+ # New query
+ if (nrow(staging_to_append) > 0) {
+ for (col in setdiff(all_year_columns, names(staging_to_append))) {
+ staging_to_append[[col]] <- NaN
+ }
+ }
+ # Combine query tables for final table output
+ query$output <- rbind(query_output, staging_to_append)
+ },
+ ignoreInit = TRUE
+ )
+ query
+ })
+# Query Table UI ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#' Query Table UI
+#' This function creates the user interface for displaying a summary of
+#' saved queries in a well-styled format. It includes a reactable table
+#' output to present the user's selections.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @return A UI element that displays a summary of selections in a
+#' reactable table format.
+QueryTableUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ h3("Summary of Selections"),
+ bslib::card(
+ with_gov_spinner(
+ reactable::reactableOutput(ns("query_table")),
+ size = 0.5
+ )
+ )
+ )
+# Query Table Server -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Renders the query table and manages removal actions
+#' Query Table Server
+#' This function handles the server-side logic for rendering the query
+#' table and managing the removal of saved queries. It displays the
+#' current queries and allows users to remove specific entries.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param query A reactive list containing the current query data, including
+#' saved queries and output for display.
+#' @return A reactive value list that updates when queries are added or
+#' removed, reflecting the current state of the query data.
+QueryTableServer <- function(id, query) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Display message if there are no saved selections
+ output$query_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ req(nrow(query$data))
+ if (nrow(query$data) == 0) {
+ return(reactable::reactable(
+ data.frame(`Message from tool` = "No saved selections.", check.names = FALSE)
+ ))
+ }
+ # Output table - Allow html (for
+ # add the JS from reactable.extras::button_extra() for remove button
+ # Show only unique topics and remove the query ID col
+ dfe_reactable(
+ query$data,
+ columns = list(
+ Indicator = html_col_def(),
+ `LA and Regions` = html_col_def(),
+ `Click to remove query` = reactable::colDef(
+ cell = reactable::JS(
+ "function(cellInfo) {
+ const buttonId = 'query_table-remove-' + cellInfo.row['.query_id'];
+ console.log('Generated button ID:', buttonId); // Confirm buttonId in console
+ return React.createElement(ButtonExtras, {
+ id: buttonId,
+ label: 'Remove',
+ uuid: cellInfo.row['.query_id'],
+ column:,
+ class: 'govuk-button--warning',
+ className: 'govuk-button--warning'
+ }, cellInfo.index);
+ }"
+ )
+ ),
+ Topic = html_col_def(),
+ .query_id = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE)
+ ),
+ defaultPageSize = 5,
+ showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
+ pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 25),
+ compact = TRUE
+ )
+ })
+ # Remove query button logic
+ observe({
+ req(nrow(query$data))
+ # Create button observers for each row using the query ID
+ lapply(query$data$.query_id, function(q_id) {
+ # Create matching query ID for each remove button
+ remove_button_id <- paste0("remove-", q_id)
+ # Observe the button click
+ observeEvent(input[[remove_button_id]],
+ {
+ # Remove the corresponding row (query) from query$data using the query ID
+ query$data <- query$data[query$data$.query_id != q_id, , drop = FALSE]
+ # Also remove the corresponding rows from query$output
+ query$output <- query$output[query$output$.query_id != q_id, , drop = FALSE]
+ # If no rows (queries) left then also remove the years cols
+ # This is so that if a user wants a range of years next
+ # the legacy years aren't still there
+ if (nrow(query$output) == 0) {
+ query$output <- query$output |>
+ dplyr::select(
+ `LA Number`,
+ `LA and Regions`,
+ Region,
+ Topic,
+ Measure,
+ .query_id
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ ignoreInit = TRUE
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ # Output updated query (which is up-to-date with any removed rows)
+ query
+ })
+# Create Own Table =============================================================
+# Create Own Data --------------------------------------------------------------
+#' Create Own Data Server
+#' This function processes saved queries and generates a cleaned final
+#' table output for display. It checks for year suffix consistency and
+#' adjusts the column names accordingly. If there are no saved queries,
+#' it returns a message indicating this.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param query A reactive list containing the current query data, including
+#' saved queries and output for display.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing metrics related to the BDS,
+#' which is used to verify year suffix consistency.
+#' @return A reactive data frame containing the cleaned final output table
+#' with correctly formatted year columns and relevant information.
+CreateOwnDataServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Building data for the output of all saved queries
+ clean_final_table <- reactive({
+ req(query$data)
+ # Check if there are any saved queries
+ if (nrow(query$data) == 0) {
+ return(
+ data.frame(
+ `Message from tool` = "No saved selections.",
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ # Remove columns that contain only NaN values
+ # (aka user removed query that was including these years so no need to display them now)
+ query_output_clean <- query$output[, !sapply(query$output, function(x) all(is.nan(x)))]
+ # Logic to reset the year cols to have year suffixes if they match
+ # (As they may have been cleaned from the code logic at end of the new query chunk)
+ # Determine if output indicators share year suffix consistency
+ output_indicators <- query_output_clean |> pull_uniques("Measure")
+ share_year_suffix <- bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(Measure %in% output_indicators) |>
+ check_year_suffix_consistency()
+ # Reapply year suffixes to columns if needed
+ if (share_year_suffix) {
+ years_dict <- bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::filter(Measure %in% output_indicators) |>
+ dplyr::distinct(Years, Years_num)
+ # Replace numeric year columns with the corresponding suffix
+ new_col_names <- colnames(query_output_clean) |>
+ vapply(function(col) {
+ if (col %in% years_dict$Years_num) {
+ return(years_dict$Years[match(col, years_dict$Years_num)])
+ } else {
+ return(col)
+ }
+ }, character(1))
+ colnames(query_output_clean) <- new_col_names
+ }
+ # Final query output table with ordered columns (SN parent if selected)
+ # and sorted year columns
+ query_output_clean |>
+ dplyr::select(
+ `LA Number`, `LA and Regions`,
+ Region, Topic, Measure,
+ tidyselect::any_of("Statistical Neighbour Group"),
+ dplyr::all_of(sort_year_columns(query_output_clean))
+ )
+ })
+ # Return data ready to render as output of Create Own Table
+ clean_final_table
+ })
+# Create Own BDS ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#' Create Own BDS Server
+#' This function filters the BDS metrics based on the topic-indicator pairs
+#' present in the final output table. It returns a reactive data frame
+#' containing only the relevant entries from the BDS that match the specified
+#' selections.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param create_own_table A reactive expression that returns the final output
+#' table containing selected topic-indicator pairs.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the full BDS metrics to be
+#' filtered based on the selections.
+#' @return A reactive data frame containing the filtered BDS metrics based
+#' on the selected topic-indicator pairs from the final output table.
+CreateOwnBDSServer <- function(id, create_own_table, bds_metrics) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Filtering BDS for all topic-indicator pairs in the final output table
+ # (The filtered_bds only has the staging topic-indicator pairs)
+ final_filtered_bds <- reactive({
+ output_table_filters <- create_own_table() |>
+ dplyr::distinct(`LA and Regions`, Topic, Measure)
+ bds_metrics |>
+ dplyr::semi_join(
+ output_table_filters,
+ by = c("LA and Regions", "Topic", "Measure")
+ )
+ })
+ final_filtered_bds
+ })
+# Create Own Table UI ----------------------------------------------------------
+#' Create Own Table UI
+#' This function generates the user interface for displaying the output table
+#' that shows all saved selections, along with a download section for exporting
+#' the table in various file formats.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module, used for namespacing.
+#' @return A UI component consisting of a well containing the output table and
+#' download options.
+CreateOwnTableUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ div(
+ class = "well",
+ style = "overflow-y: visible;",
+ h3(
+ "Output Table",
+ create_tooltip_icon(
+ '
+ - Showing data from all the saved selections
+ - Populate by clicking the "Add selections" button
+ '
+ )
+ ),
+ bslib::navset_card_tab(
+ # Create Own Table -------------------------------------------------------
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Output Table",
+ with_gov_spinner(
+ reactable::reactableOutput(ns("output_table")),
+ size = 0.75
+ )
+ ),
+ # Create Own Download ----------------------------------------------------
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Download",
+ file_type_input_btn(ns("file_type")),
+ Download_DataUI(ns("table_download"), "Output Table")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+# Create Own Table Server ------------------------------------------------------
+#' Create Own Table Server
+#' This function manages the server logic for displaying the output table
+#' based on all saved selections. It handles the formatting of the data
+#' and the functionality for downloading the table in different formats.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the Shiny module.
+#' @param query A reactive object containing saved queries and their data.
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the full BDS metrics used
+#' for filtering and formatting the output table.
+#' @return None. This function updates the output table and manages
+#' download functionality within the Shiny app.
+CreateOwnTableServer <- function(id, query, bds_metrics) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Load data for Create Own Table
+ create_own_data <- CreateOwnDataServer(
+ "create_own_table",
+ query,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Load BDS made from Create Own data
+ create_own_bds <- CreateOwnBDSServer(
+ "create_own_bds",
+ create_own_data,
+ bds_metrics
+ )
+ # Final output table (based on saved queries) ------------------------------
+ output$output_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ # Display the final query table data
+ # Format numeric cols (using dps based of output table indicators),
+ # Truncate measure with hover and page settings
+ dfe_reactable(
+ create_own_data(),
+ columns = utils::modifyList(
+ format_num_reactable_cols(
+ create_own_data(),
+ get_indicator_dps(create_own_bds()),
+ num_exclude = c("LA Number", "Topic", "Measure")
+ ),
+ list(
+ set_custom_default_col_widths(),
+ Measure = reactable::colDef(
+ html = TRUE,
+ cell = function(value, index, name) {
+ truncate_cell_with_hover(text = value, tooltip = value)
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ defaultPageSize = 5,
+ showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
+ pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 25),
+ compact = TRUE
+ )
+ })
+ # Download the output table ------------------------------------------------
+ Download_DataServer(
+ "table_download",
+ reactive(input$file_type),
+ reactive(replace_nan_with_empty(create_own_data())),
+ reactive("LAIT-create-your-own-table")
+ )
+ })
+# nolint end
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_charts.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_charts.R
index e8979697..d2707df5 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_charts.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_charts.R
@@ -1,365 +1,368 @@
-# nolint start: object_name
-#' Line Chart UI Module
-#' Creates a user interface component for displaying a line chart with
-#' download options. This UI module is designed to be used within a Shiny
-#' application and provides a structured layout for presenting a line chart
-#' alongside relevant download buttons.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the module. This is used for namespacing
-#' the UI elements within the Shiny app.
-#' @return A `shiny::tagList` containing a navigation panel with a line chart
-#' display, download options, and a hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
-#' functionality.
-#' @details
-#' The UI includes:
-#' - A navigation panel titled "Line chart".
-#' - A flexbox layout that contains the line chart and download options,
-#' styled for a cohesive appearance.
-#' - A hidden plot used for copying the chart to the clipboard, ensuring
-#' users can easily export the chart without additional steps.
-#' @examples
-#' # Example usage in UI
-#' LA_LineChartUI("line_chart_ui")
-LA_LineChartUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Line chart",
- div(
- style = "display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; background: white;",
- # Line chart
- create_chart_card_ui(ns("line_chart")),
- # Download options
- create_download_options_ui(
- ns("download_btn"),
- ns("copybtn")
- )
- ),
- # Hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
- create_hidden_clipboard_plot(ns("copy_plot"))
- )
-#' Local Authority Line Chart Server Module
-#' This module generates and renders an interactive line chart for
-#' Local Authorities
-#' using the ggiraph package, based on the selected inputs and data.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the module instance.
-#' @param app_inputs A reactive object containing the application inputs
-#' (e.g., selected topic, indicator).
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the metrics data for
-#' various Local Authorities.
-#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical data for the
-#' Local Authorities.
-#' @return None (This function is used for its side effects).
-#' @details
-#' This server module creates a reactive expression for generating the
-#' line chart based on the filtered data.
-#' The line chart is constructed using `ggplot2` and made interactive
-#' with `ggiraph`.
-#' Custom tooltips, hover effects, and interactive elements are added for
-#' enhanced user experience.
-#' The final chart is rendered using `ggiraph::renderGirafe` and displayed
-#' in the `line_chart` UI output.
-#' The chart is designed to be fully responsive and interactive,
-#' allowing users to explore the data visually.
-LA_LineChartServer <- function(id,
- app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Filter for selected topic and indicator
- filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
- # Long format LA data
- la_long <- LA_LongDataServer(
- "la_table_data", app_inputs,
- bds_metrics, stat_n_la
- )
- # Build main static plot
- line_chart <- reactive({
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
- # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long(), covid_affected, "line")
- # Build plot
- la_long() |>
- # Set geog orders so selected LA is on top of plot
- reorder_la_regions(reverse = TRUE) |>
- ggplot2::ggplot() +
- ggiraph::geom_line_interactive(
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- color = `LA and Regions`,
- data_id = `LA and Regions`
- ),
- na.rm = TRUE,
- linewidth = 1
- ) +
- # Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
- ggplot2::geom_point(
- data = subset(create_show_point(la_long(), covid_affected), show_point),
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- color = `LA and Regions`
- ),
- shape = 15,
- size = 1,
- na.rm = TRUE
- ) +
- # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
- add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
- format_axes(la_long()) +
- set_plot_colours(la_long(), "colour", app_inputs$la()) +
- set_plot_labs(filtered_bds()) +
- custom_theme() +
- # Revert order of the legend so goes from right to left
- ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
- })
- # Build interactive line chart
- interactive_line_chart <- reactive({
- # Creating vertical geoms to make vertical hover tooltip
- vertical_hover <- lapply(
- get_years(la_long()),
- tooltip_vlines,
- la_long(),
- get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds()),
- app_inputs$la()
- )
- # Plotting interactive graph
- ggiraph::girafe(
- ggobj = (line_chart() + vertical_hover),
- width_svg = 8.5,
- options = generic_ggiraph_options(
- opts_hover(
- css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;"
- )
- ),
- fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
- )
- })
- # Line chart download ------------------------------------------------------
- # Initialise server logic for download button and modal
- DownloadChartBtnServer("download_btn", id, "Line")
- # Set up the download handlers for the chart
- Download_DataServer(
- "chart_download",
- reactive(input$file_type),
- reactive(list("svg" = line_chart(), "html" = interactive_line_chart())),
- reactive(c(app_inputs$la(), app_inputs$indicator(), "LA-Level-Line-Chart"))
- )
- # Plot used for copy to clipboard (hidden)
- output$copy_plot <- shiny::renderPlot(
- {
- line_chart()
- },
- res = 200,
- width = 24 * 96,
- height = 12 * 96
- )
- # LA Level line chart plot ------------------------------------------------
- output$line_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
- interactive_line_chart()
- })
- })
-#' Bar Chart UI Module
-#' Creates a user interface component for displaying a bar chart with
-#' download options. This UI module is intended for use within a Shiny
-#' application and provides a structured layout for presenting a bar chart
-#' alongside relevant download buttons.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the module. This is used for namespacing
-#' the UI elements within the Shiny app.
-#' @return A `shiny::tagList` containing a navigation panel with a bar chart
-#' display, download options, and a hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
-#' functionality.
-#' @details
-#' The UI includes:
-#' - A navigation panel titled "Bar chart".
-#' - A flexbox layout that contains the bar chart and download options,
-#' styled for a cohesive appearance.
-#' - A hidden plot used for copying the chart to the clipboard, allowing
-#' users to easily export the chart without additional steps.
-#' @examples
-#' # Example usage in UI
-#' LA_BarChartUI("bar_chart_ui")
-LA_BarChartUI <- function(id) {
- ns <- NS(id)
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Bar chart",
- div(
- style = "display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; background: white;",
- # Bar chart
- create_chart_card_ui(ns("bar_chart")),
- # Download options
- create_download_options_ui(
- ns("download_btn"),
- ns("copybtn")
- )
- ),
- # Hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
- create_hidden_clipboard_plot(ns("copy_plot"))
- )
-#' Local Authority Bar Chart Server Module
-#' This module generates and renders an interactive bar chart for
-#' Local Authorities
-#' using the ggiraph package, based on the selected inputs and data.
-#' @param id A unique identifier for the module instance.
-#' @param app_inputs A reactive object containing the application inputs
-#' (e.g., selected topic, indicator).
-#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the metrics data for various
-#' Local Authorities.
-#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical data for the
-#' Local Authorities.
-#' @return None (This function is used for its side effects).
-#' @details
-#' This server module creates a reactive expression for generating the
-#' bar chart based on the filtered data.
-#' The bar chart is constructed using `ggplot2` and made interactive
-#' with `ggiraph`.
-#' Custom tooltips, hover effects, and interactive elements are added
-#' for enhanced user experience.
-#' The final chart is rendered using `ggiraph::renderGirafe` and
-#' displayed in the `bar_chart` UI output.
-#' The chart is designed to be fully responsive and interactive,
-#' allowing users to explore the data visually.
-LA_BarChartServer <- function(id,
- app_inputs,
- bds_metrics,
- stat_n_la,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- # Filter for selected topic and indicator
- filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
- # Long format LA data
- la_long <- LA_LongDataServer(
- "la_table_data", app_inputs,
- bds_metrics, stat_n_la
- )
- # Build main static plot
- bar_chart <- reactive({
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
- # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(la_long(), covid_affected, "bar")
- # Build plot
- la_long() |>
- ggplot2::ggplot() +
- ggiraph::geom_col_interactive(
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- fill = `LA and Regions`,
- tooltip = tooltip_bar(
- la_long(),
- get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds()),
- app_inputs$la()
- ),
- data_id = `LA and Regions`
- ),
- position = "dodge",
- width = 0.6,
- na.rm = TRUE,
- colour = "black"
- ) +
- # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
- add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
- format_axes(la_long()) +
- set_plot_colours(la_long(), "fill", app_inputs$la()) +
- set_plot_labs(filtered_bds()) +
- custom_theme()
- })
- # Plotting interactive graph
- interactive_bar_chart <- reactive({
- ggiraph::girafe(
- ggobj = bar_chart(),
- width_svg = 8.5,
- options = generic_ggiraph_options(
- opts_hover(
- css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:yellow;stroke-width:2px;"
- )
- ),
- fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
- )
- })
- # Bar chart download ------------------------------------------------------
- # Initialise server logic for download button and modal
- DownloadChartBtnServer("download_btn", id, "Bar")
- # Set up the download handlers for the chart
- Download_DataServer(
- "chart_download",
- reactive(input$file_type),
- reactive(list("svg" = bar_chart(), "html" = interactive_bar_chart())),
- reactive(c(app_inputs$la(), app_inputs$indicator(), "LA-Level-Bar-Chart"))
- )
- # Plot used for copy to clipboard (hidden)
- output$copy_plot <- shiny::renderPlot(
- {
- bar_chart()
- },
- res = 200,
- width = 24 * 96,
- height = 12 * 96
- )
- # LA Level bar chart plot -------------------------------------------------
- output$bar_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
- interactive_bar_chart()
- })
- })
-# nolint end
+# nolint start: object_name
+#' Line Chart UI Module
+#' Creates a user interface component for displaying a line chart with
+#' download options. This UI module is designed to be used within a Shiny
+#' application and provides a structured layout for presenting a line chart
+#' alongside relevant download buttons.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the module. This is used for namespacing
+#' the UI elements within the Shiny app.
+#' @return A `shiny::tagList` containing a navigation panel with a line chart
+#' display, download options, and a hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
+#' functionality.
+#' @details
+#' The UI includes:
+#' - A navigation panel titled "Line chart".
+#' - A flexbox layout that contains the line chart and download options,
+#' styled for a cohesive appearance.
+#' - A hidden plot used for copying the chart to the clipboard, ensuring
+#' users can easily export the chart without additional steps.
+#' @examples
+#' # Example usage in UI
+#' LA_LineChartUI("line_chart_ui")
+LA_LineChartUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Line chart",
+ div(
+ style = "display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; background: white;",
+ # Line chart
+ create_chart_card_ui(ns("line_chart")),
+ # Download options
+ create_download_options_ui(
+ ns("download_btn"),
+ ns("copybtn")
+ )
+ ),
+ # Hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
+ create_hidden_clipboard_plot(ns("copy_plot"))
+ )
+#' Local Authority Line Chart Server Module
+#' This module generates and renders an interactive line chart for
+#' Local Authorities
+#' using the ggiraph package, based on the selected inputs and data.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the module instance.
+#' @param app_inputs A reactive object containing the application inputs
+#' (e.g., selected topic, indicator).
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the metrics data for
+#' various Local Authorities.
+#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical data for the
+#' Local Authorities.
+#' @return None (This function is used for its side effects).
+#' @details
+#' This server module creates a reactive expression for generating the
+#' line chart based on the filtered data.
+#' The line chart is constructed using `ggplot2` and made interactive
+#' with `ggiraph`.
+#' Custom tooltips, hover effects, and interactive elements are added for
+#' enhanced user experience.
+#' The final chart is rendered using `ggiraph::renderGirafe` and displayed
+#' in the `line_chart` UI output.
+#' The chart is designed to be fully responsive and interactive,
+#' allowing users to explore the data visually.
+LA_LineChartServer <- function(id,
+ app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ covid_affected_data) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Filter for selected topic and indicator
+ filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
+ # Long format LA data
+ la_long <- LA_LongDataServer(
+ "la_table_data", app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics, stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Build main static plot
+ line_chart <- reactive({
+ # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ la_long(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "line"
+ )
+ # Build plot
+ la_long() |>
+ # Set geog orders so selected LA is on top of plot
+ reorder_la_regions(reverse = TRUE) |>
+ ggplot2::ggplot() +
+ ggiraph::geom_line_interactive(
+ ggplot2::aes(
+ x = Years_num,
+ y = values_num,
+ color = `LA and Regions`,
+ data_id = `LA and Regions`
+ ),
+ na.rm = TRUE,
+ linewidth = 1
+ ) +
+ # Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
+ ggplot2::geom_point(
+ data = subset(
+ create_show_point(la_long(), covid_affected_data, app_inputs$indicator()),
+ show_point
+ ),
+ ggplot2::aes(x = Years_num, y = values_num, color = `LA and Regions`),
+ shape = 15,
+ size = 1,
+ na.rm = TRUE
+ ) +
+ # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
+ add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
+ format_axes(la_long()) +
+ set_plot_colours(la_long(), "colour", app_inputs$la()) +
+ set_plot_labs(filtered_bds()) +
+ custom_theme() +
+ # Revert order of the legend so goes from right to left
+ ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
+ })
+ # Build interactive line chart
+ interactive_line_chart <- reactive({
+ # Creating vertical geoms to make vertical hover tooltip
+ vertical_hover <- lapply(
+ get_years(la_long()),
+ tooltip_vlines,
+ la_long(),
+ get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds()),
+ app_inputs$la()
+ )
+ # Plotting interactive graph
+ ggiraph::girafe(
+ ggobj = (line_chart() + vertical_hover),
+ width_svg = 8.5,
+ options = generic_ggiraph_options(
+ opts_hover(
+ css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;"
+ )
+ ),
+ fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
+ )
+ })
+ # Line chart download ------------------------------------------------------
+ # Initialise server logic for download button and modal
+ DownloadChartBtnServer("download_btn", id, "Line")
+ # Set up the download handlers for the chart
+ Download_DataServer(
+ "chart_download",
+ reactive(input$file_type),
+ reactive(list("svg" = line_chart(), "html" = interactive_line_chart())),
+ reactive(c(app_inputs$la(), app_inputs$indicator(), "LA-Level-Line-Chart"))
+ )
+ # Plot used for copy to clipboard (hidden)
+ output$copy_plot <- shiny::renderPlot(
+ {
+ line_chart()
+ },
+ res = 200,
+ width = 24 * 96,
+ height = 12 * 96
+ )
+ # LA Level line chart plot ------------------------------------------------
+ output$line_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
+ interactive_line_chart()
+ })
+ })
+#' Bar Chart UI Module
+#' Creates a user interface component for displaying a bar chart with
+#' download options. This UI module is intended for use within a Shiny
+#' application and provides a structured layout for presenting a bar chart
+#' alongside relevant download buttons.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the module. This is used for namespacing
+#' the UI elements within the Shiny app.
+#' @return A `shiny::tagList` containing a navigation panel with a bar chart
+#' display, download options, and a hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
+#' functionality.
+#' @details
+#' The UI includes:
+#' - A navigation panel titled "Bar chart".
+#' - A flexbox layout that contains the bar chart and download options,
+#' styled for a cohesive appearance.
+#' - A hidden plot used for copying the chart to the clipboard, allowing
+#' users to easily export the chart without additional steps.
+#' @examples
+#' # Example usage in UI
+#' LA_BarChartUI("bar_chart_ui")
+LA_BarChartUI <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Bar chart",
+ div(
+ style = "display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; background: white;",
+ # Bar chart
+ create_chart_card_ui(ns("bar_chart")),
+ # Download options
+ create_download_options_ui(
+ ns("download_btn"),
+ ns("copybtn")
+ )
+ ),
+ # Hidden static plot for copy-to-clipboard
+ create_hidden_clipboard_plot(ns("copy_plot"))
+ )
+#' Local Authority Bar Chart Server Module
+#' This module generates and renders an interactive bar chart for
+#' Local Authorities
+#' using the ggiraph package, based on the selected inputs and data.
+#' @param id A unique identifier for the module instance.
+#' @param app_inputs A reactive object containing the application inputs
+#' (e.g., selected topic, indicator).
+#' @param bds_metrics A data frame containing the metrics data for various
+#' Local Authorities.
+#' @param stat_n_la A data frame containing statistical data for the
+#' Local Authorities.
+#' @return None (This function is used for its side effects).
+#' @details
+#' This server module creates a reactive expression for generating the
+#' bar chart based on the filtered data.
+#' The bar chart is constructed using `ggplot2` and made interactive
+#' with `ggiraph`.
+#' Custom tooltips, hover effects, and interactive elements are added
+#' for enhanced user experience.
+#' The final chart is rendered using `ggiraph::renderGirafe` and
+#' displayed in the `bar_chart` UI output.
+#' The chart is designed to be fully responsive and interactive,
+#' allowing users to explore the data visually.
+LA_BarChartServer <- function(id,
+ app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics,
+ stat_n_la,
+ covid_affected_data) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ # Filter for selected topic and indicator
+ filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
+ # Long format LA data
+ la_long <- LA_LongDataServer(
+ "la_table_data", app_inputs,
+ bds_metrics, stat_n_la
+ )
+ # Build main static plot
+ bar_chart <- reactive({
+ # Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ la_long(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "bar"
+ )
+ # Build plot
+ la_long() |>
+ ggplot2::ggplot() +
+ ggiraph::geom_col_interactive(
+ ggplot2::aes(
+ x = Years_num,
+ y = values_num,
+ fill = `LA and Regions`,
+ tooltip = tooltip_bar(
+ la_long(),
+ get_indicator_dps(filtered_bds()),
+ app_inputs$la()
+ ),
+ data_id = `LA and Regions`
+ ),
+ position = "dodge",
+ width = 0.6,
+ na.rm = TRUE,
+ colour = "black"
+ ) +
+ # Add COVID plot if indicator affected
+ add_covid_elements(covid_plot) +
+ format_axes(la_long()) +
+ set_plot_colours(la_long(), "fill", app_inputs$la()) +
+ set_plot_labs(filtered_bds()) +
+ custom_theme()
+ })
+ # Plotting interactive graph
+ interactive_bar_chart <- reactive({
+ ggiraph::girafe(
+ ggobj = bar_chart(),
+ width_svg = 8.5,
+ options = generic_ggiraph_options(
+ opts_hover(
+ css = "stroke-dasharray:5,5;stroke:yellow;stroke-width:2px;"
+ )
+ ),
+ fonts = list(sans = "Arial")
+ )
+ })
+ # Bar chart download ------------------------------------------------------
+ # Initialise server logic for download button and modal
+ DownloadChartBtnServer("download_btn", id, "Bar")
+ # Set up the download handlers for the chart
+ Download_DataServer(
+ "chart_download",
+ reactive(input$file_type),
+ reactive(list("svg" = bar_chart(), "html" = interactive_bar_chart())),
+ reactive(c(app_inputs$la(), app_inputs$indicator(), "LA-Level-Bar-Chart"))
+ )
+ # Plot used for copy to clipboard (hidden)
+ output$copy_plot <- shiny::renderPlot(
+ {
+ bar_chart()
+ },
+ res = 200,
+ width = 24 * 96,
+ height = 12 * 96
+ )
+ # LA Level bar chart plot -------------------------------------------------
+ output$bar_chart <- ggiraph::renderGirafe({
+ interactive_bar_chart()
+ })
+ })
+# nolint end
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_table.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_table.R
index 0f8de484..d445014f 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_table.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_la_lvl_table.R
@@ -382,7 +382,8 @@ LA_StatsTableServer <- function(id,
Trend = reactable::colDef(
header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
- "Based on change from previous year"
+ "Based on change from previous year",
+ placement = "top"
cell = trend_icon_renderer,
style = function(value) {
@@ -397,7 +398,8 @@ LA_StatsTableServer <- function(id,
`Latest National Rank` = reactable::colDef(
header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
"Latest National Rank",
- "Rank 1 is always best/top"
+ "Rank 1 is always best/top",
+ placement = "right"
Polarity = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE)
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_region_charts.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_region_charts.R
index 34fd8d75..3478401c 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_region_charts.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_region_charts.R
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Region_FocusLineChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Get data for the region's long format plot
region_long_plot <- Region_LongPlotServer(
@@ -233,11 +233,13 @@ Region_FocusLineChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(chart_data(), covid_affected, "line")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "line"
+ )
# Build plot
chart_data() |>
@@ -254,10 +256,12 @@ Region_FocusLineChartServer <- function(id,
) +
# Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
- data = subset(create_show_point(chart_data(), covid_affected), show_point),
+ data = subset(
+ create_show_point(chart_data(), covid_affected_data, app_inputs$indicator()),
+ show_point
+ ),
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
+ x = Years_num, y = values_num,
color = `LA and Regions`,
size = `LA and Regions`
@@ -391,7 +395,7 @@ Region_FocusBarChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Get data for the region's long format plot
region_long_plot <- Region_LongPlotServer(
@@ -423,11 +427,13 @@ Region_FocusBarChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(chart_data(), covid_affected, "bar")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "bar"
+ )
# Build plot
chart_data() |>
@@ -525,7 +531,8 @@ Region_MultiChartInputUI <- function(id) {
options = list(
maxItems = 3,
plugins = list("remove_button"),
- dropdownParent = "body"
+ dropdownParent = "body",
+ placeholder = "Start typing or scroll to add..."
@@ -536,7 +543,8 @@ Region_MultiChartInputUI <- function(id) {
options = list(
maxItems = 3,
plugins = list("remove_button"),
- dropdownParent = "body"
+ dropdownParent = "body",
+ placeholder = "Start typing or scroll to add..."
@@ -764,7 +772,7 @@ Region_MultiLineChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Obtain data for plotting by region
region_long_plot <- Region_LongPlotServer(
@@ -817,11 +825,13 @@ Region_MultiLineChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(chart_data(), covid_affected, "line")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "line"
+ )
# Built plot
chart_data() |>
@@ -839,7 +849,10 @@ Region_MultiLineChartServer <- function(id,
) +
# Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
- data = subset(create_show_point(chart_data(), covid_affected), show_point),
+ data = subset(
+ create_show_point(chart_data(), covid_affected_data, app_inputs$indicator()),
+ show_point
+ ),
x = Years_num,
y = values_num,
@@ -977,7 +990,7 @@ Region_MultiBarChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Get data for the region's long format plot
region_long_plot <- Region_LongPlotServer(
@@ -1026,11 +1039,13 @@ Region_MultiBarChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(multi_chart_data(), covid_affected, "bar")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ multi_chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "bar"
+ )
# Build plot
multi_chart_data() |>
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_region_table.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_region_table.R
index 3c814ca0..f770bd6a 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_region_table.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_region_table.R
@@ -690,7 +690,8 @@ Region_StatsTableServer <- function(id,
Trend = reactable::colDef(
header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
- "Based on change from previous year"
+ "Based on change from previous year",
+ placement = "top"
cell = trend_icon_renderer,
style = function(value) {
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_charts.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_charts.R
index 6f01a79f..2d3ef8b8 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_charts.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_charts.R
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ StatN_FocusLineChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Filter for selected topic and indicator
filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
@@ -98,11 +98,13 @@ StatN_FocusLineChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(focus_chart_data(), covid_affected, "line")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ focus_chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "line"
+ )
# Build plot
focus_chart_data() |>
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ StatN_FocusLineChartServer <- function(id,
# Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
data = subset(
- create_show_point(focus_chart_data(), covid_affected),
+ create_show_point(focus_chart_data(), covid_affected_data, app_inputs$indicator()),
@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ StatN_FocusBarChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Filter for selected topic and indicator
filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
@@ -324,11 +326,13 @@ StatN_FocusBarChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(focus_chart_data(), covid_affected, "bar")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ focus_chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "bar"
+ )
# Build plot
focus_chart_data() |>
@@ -436,7 +440,8 @@ StatN_Chart_InputUI <- function(id) {
options = list(
maxItems = 3,
plugins = list("remove_button"),
- dropdownParent = "body"
+ dropdownParent = "body",
+ placeholder = "Start typing or scroll to add..."
@@ -447,7 +452,8 @@ StatN_Chart_InputUI <- function(id) {
options = list(
maxItems = 3,
plugins = list("remove_button"),
- dropdownParent = "body"
+ dropdownParent = "body",
+ placeholder = "Start typing or scroll to add..."
@@ -695,7 +701,7 @@ StatN_MultiLineChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Filter for selected topic and indicator
filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
@@ -740,11 +746,13 @@ StatN_MultiLineChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(chart_data(), covid_affected, "line")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "line"
+ )
# Plot - selected areas
chart_data() |>
@@ -761,12 +769,11 @@ StatN_MultiLineChartServer <- function(id,
) +
# Only show point data where line won't appear (NAs)
- data = subset(create_show_point(chart_data(), covid_affected), show_point),
- ggplot2::aes(
- x = Years_num,
- y = values_num,
- color = `LA and Regions`
+ data = subset(
+ create_show_point(chart_data(), covid_affected_data, app_inputs$indicator()),
+ show_point
+ ggplot2::aes(x = Years_num, y = values_num, color = `LA and Regions`),
shape = 15,
na.rm = TRUE,
size = 1.5
@@ -941,7 +948,7 @@ StatN_MultiBarChartServer <- function(id,
- covid_affected_indicators) {
+ covid_affected_data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# Filter for selected topic and indicator
filtered_bds <- BDS_FilteredServer("filtered_bds", app_inputs, bds_metrics)
@@ -985,11 +992,13 @@ StatN_MultiBarChartServer <- function(id,
if (all($values_num))) {
} else {
- # Check if measure affected by COVID
- covid_affected <- app_inputs$indicator() %in% covid_affected_indicators
# Generate the covid plot data if add_covid_plot is TRUE
- covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(multi_chart_data(), covid_affected, "bar")
+ covid_plot <- calculate_covid_plot(
+ multi_chart_data(),
+ covid_affected_data,
+ app_inputs$indicator(),
+ "bar"
+ )
# Build plot
multi_chart_data() |>
diff --git a/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_table.R b/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_table.R
index beac697c..7122eff4 100644
--- a/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_table.R
+++ b/R/lait_modules/mod_stat_n_table.R
@@ -670,7 +670,8 @@ StatN_StatsTableServer <- function(id,
Trend = reactable::colDef(
header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
- "Based on change from previous year"
+ "Based on change from previous year",
+ placement = "top"
cell = trend_icon_renderer,
style = function(value) {
@@ -687,7 +688,8 @@ StatN_StatsTableServer <- function(id,
`Latest National Rank` = reactable::colDef(
header = add_tooltip_to_reactcol(
"Latest National Rank",
- "Rank 1 is always best/top"
+ "Rank 1 is always best/top",
+ placement = "right"
Polarity = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE)
diff --git a/global.R b/global.R
index 7e2e1ec0..f153f114 100644
--- a/global.R
+++ b/global.R
@@ -391,8 +391,15 @@ testthat::test_that("Ther are 11 Region names & match Stat Neighbours", {
# Metric topics
metric_topics <- pull_uniques(topic_indicator_full, "Topic")
-# Metric names
-metric_names <- pull_uniques(topic_indicator_full, "Measure")
+# Metric names (alphabetically ordered)
+metric_names <- tibble::tibble(
+ Measure = topic_indicator_full |>
+ pull_uniques("Measure")
+) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(
+ !grepl("^[A-Za-z]", Measure),
+ Measure
+ )
# All Years across string and num Years
# (for Create Your Own year range choices - initially)
@@ -405,12 +412,12 @@ all_year_types <- unique(c(
# Indicators that are impacted by COVID
# (aka missing data across all LAs for a whole year between 2091-2022)
-covid_affected_indicators <- bds_metrics |>
+covid_affected_data <- bds_metrics |>
dplyr::filter(Years_num >= 2019, Years_num <= 2022) |>
dplyr::group_by(Topic, Measure, Years_num) |>
dplyr::summarise(all_na = all(, .groups = "keep") |>
dplyr::filter(all_na) |>
- pull_uniques("Measure")
+ dplyr::ungroup()
# Indicators with too small a range for QB'ing
no_qb_indicators <- metrics_clean |>
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
index 03d2fb10..b217b782 100644
--- a/server.R
+++ b/server.R
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
included_inputs <- c(
+ "region_inputs-la_name",
+ "region_inputs-indicator_name",
+ "stat_n_inputs-la_name",
+ "stat_n_inputs-indicator_name",
+ "all_la_inputs-la_name",
+ "all_la_inputs-indicator_name",
@@ -146,7 +152,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# LA bar chart
@@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# LA Metadata ===============================================================
@@ -227,7 +233,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region multi-choice line chart --------------------------------------------
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region focus bar chart ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -248,7 +254,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region multi-choice bar chart ---------------------------------------------
@@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Region Metadata ===========================================================
@@ -322,7 +328,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Multi-choice line chart ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -332,7 +338,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Focus bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------
@@ -341,7 +347,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Multi-choice bar chart ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -351,7 +357,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Statistical Neighbour Metadata ============================================
@@ -488,7 +494,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Bar chart -----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -496,7 +502,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
- covid_affected_indicators
+ covid_affected_data
# Extras ====================================================================
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows-4.4/UI-mod_la_lvl_table/la-charts-la_line_chart.png b/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows-4.4/UI-mod_la_lvl_table/la-charts-la_line_chart.png
index 5b93213a19b3732dbff08cf96e8538649256c38c..23881829a191d6b82bee5e47e338e35f952c1030 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 25789
literal 27467