diff --git a/website/README.md b/website/README.md
index 61963be..bcc45e4 100644
--- a/website/README.md
+++ b/website/README.md
@@ -1,65 +1,298 @@
-# Qwik City App ⚡️
+# qwik-sonner
-- [Qwik Docs](https://qwik.builder.io/)
-- [Discord](https://qwik.builder.io/chat)
-- [Qwik GitHub](https://github.com/BuilderIO/qwik)
-- [@QwikDev](https://twitter.com/QwikDev)
-- [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/)
+An opinionated toast component for qwik.
+Based on [emilkowalski](https://github.com/emilkowalski)'s React [implementation](https://sonner.emilkowal.ski/).
+> [!NOTE]
+> This readme was created using the svelte-sonner readme as template
-## Project Structure
+## Quick start
-This project is using Qwik with [QwikCity](https://qwik.builder.io/qwikcity/overview/). QwikCity is just an extra set of tools on top of Qwik to make it easier to build a full site, including directory-based routing, layouts, and more.
+Install it:
-Inside your project, you'll see the following directory structure:
+npm i qwik-sonner
+# or
+yarn add qwik-sonner
+# or
+pnpm add qwik-sonner
+# or
+bun add qwik-sonner
+Add `` to your app, it will be the place where all your toasts will be rendered. After that, you can use `toast()` from anywhere in your app.
+import { Toaster, toast } from "qwik-sonner";
+export const QwikComponent = component$(() => {
+ return (
+ );
+## Types
+### Default
+Most basic toast. You can customize it (and any other type) by passing an options object as the second argument.
+toast("Event has been created");
+With custom icon and description:
+import Icon from "./Icon.tsx";
+toast("Event has been created", {
+ description: "Monday, January 3rd at 6:00pm",
+ icon: Icon,
+### Success
+Renders a checkmark icon in front of the message.
+toast.success("Event has been created");
+### Info
+Renders a question mark icon in front of the message.
+toast.info("Event has new information");
+### Warning
+Renders a warning icon in front of the message.
+toast.warning("Event has warning");
+### Error
+Renders an error icon in front of the message.
+toast.error("Event has not been created");
+### Action
+Renders a button.
+toast("Event has been created", {
+ action: {
+ label: "Undo",
+ onClick: $(() => console.log("Undo")),
+ },
+> You must import the dollar sign when passing a onClick function.
+### Promise
+Starts in a loading state and will update automatically after the promise resolves or fails.
+toast.promise(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)), {
+ loading: "Loading",
+ success: "Success",
+ error: "Error",
+You can pass a function to the success/error messages to incorporate the result/error of the promise.
+toast.promise(promise, {
+ loading: "Loading...",
+ success: (data) => {
+ return `${data.name} has been added!`;
+ },
+ error: "Error",
+### Custom Component
+You can pass a component as the first argument instead of a string to render custom component while maintaining default styling. You can use the headless version below for a custom, unstyled toast.
My custom toast
+### Updating a toast
+You can update a toast by using the `toast` function and passing it the id of the toast you want to update, the rest stays the same.
+const toastId = toast("Sonner");
+toast.success("Toast has been updated", {
+ id: toastId,
-├── public/
-│ └── ...
-└── src/
- ├── components/
- │ └── ...
- └── routes/
- └── ...
+## Customization
+### Headless
+You can use `toast.custom` to render an unstyled toast with custom component while maintaining the functionality.
+toast.custom((t) => (
Custom toast
-- `src/routes`: Provides the directory-based routing, which can include a hierarchy of `layout.tsx` layout files, and an `index.tsx` file as the page. Additionally, `index.ts` files are endpoints. Please see the [routing docs](https://qwik.builder.io/qwikcity/routing/overview/) for more info.
+### Theme
+You can change the theme using the `theme` prop. Default theme is light.
-- `src/components`: Recommended directory for components.
-- `public`: Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public directory. Please see the [Vite public directory](https://vitejs.dev/guide/assets.html#the-public-directory) for more info.
+### Position
-## Add Integrations and deployment
+You can change the position through the `position` prop on the `` component. Default is `bottom-right`.
-Use the `pnpm qwik add` command to add additional integrations. Some examples of integrations includes: Cloudflare, Netlify or Express Server, and the [Static Site Generator (SSG)](https://qwik.builder.io/qwikcity/guides/static-site-generation/).
+// Available positions
+// top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right
-pnpm qwik add # or `pnpm qwik add`
-## Development
+### Expanded
-Development mode uses [Vite's development server](https://vitejs.dev/). The `dev` command will server-side render (SSR) the output during development.
+Toasts can also be expanded by default through the `expand` prop. You can also change the amount of visible toasts which is 3 by default.
-npm start # or `pnpm start`
-> Note: during dev mode, Vite may request a significant number of `.js` files. This does not represent a Qwik production build.
+### Styling for all toasts
+You can style your toasts globally with the `toastOptions` prop in the `Toaster` component.
-## Preview
-The preview command will create a production build of the client modules, a production build of `src/entry.preview.tsx`, and run a local server. The preview server is only for convenience to preview a production build locally and should not be used as a production server.
+### Styling for individual toast
-pnpm preview # or `pnpm preview`
+toast("Event has been created", {
+ style: "background: red;",
+ class: "my-toast",
+ descriptionClass: "my-toast-description",
-## Production
+### Close button
-The production build will generate client and server modules by running both client and server build commands. The build command will use Typescript to run a type check on the source code.
+Add a close button to all toasts that shows on hover by adding the `closeButton` prop.
-pnpm build # or `pnpm build`
+### Rich colors
+You can make error and success state more colorful by adding the `richColors` prop.
+### Custom offset
+Offset from the edges of the screen.
+### Programmatically remove toast
+To remove a toast programmatically use `toast.dismiss(id)`.
+const toastId = toast("Event has been created");
+You can also dismiss all toasts at once by calling `toast.dismiss()` without an id.
+### Duration
+You can change the duration of each toast by using the `duration` property, or change the duration of all toasts like this:
+toast("Event has been created", {
+ duration: 10000,
+// Persisent toast
+toast("Event has been created", {
+ duration: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
+### On Close Callback
+You can pass `onDismiss` and `onAutoClose` callbacks. `onDismiss` gets fired when either the close button gets clicked or the toast is swiped. `onAutoClose` fires when the toast disappears automatically after it's timeout (`duration` prop).
+toast("Event has been created", {
+ onDismiss: $((t) => console.log(`Toast with id ${t.id} has been dismissed`)),
+ onAutoClose: $((t) =>
+ console.log(`Toast with id ${t.id} has been closed automatically`)
+ ),
+## Keyboard focus
+You can focus on the toast area by pressing ⌥/alt + T. You can override it by providing an array of `event.code` values for each key.
+## License