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Notification usage

digogid edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

ValidateMe is not only a validation lib. It also has a notification center. When you use any extension method that ValidateMe offers and do not set the first parameter as false, once a validation fails, ValidateMe will generate an error message. There's a default error message for every single validation on it.

Once a validation fails and the message is created. Everytime you need to retrieve the messages, you just need to call


Get Method

Get method will return all error messages generated until the moment it is called. It receives a single parameter called clearAfterGet that will clear the error message stack after return. If you do not want it to clear, just pass false as parameter.


In any of the cases above, a

is returned. Each item of the list consists in "Code: Message" structure.

Support Properties

If you do not want to retrive the messages and just know if has occurred any error while validating, you can use Count that will return the number of errors or HasErrors that will return a boolean whether has errors.


By default, ValidateMe has one error message for each validation that fails. But, if you want to change the messages it is possible. You can create your own error messages by generating a JSON file and set it on Error class in its SetPath(string file) static method. Your JSON must be in the following structure:

{ "MessageTitle": "New message" }

In the following table you can check all messages title, content and code.

Title Type Content Code
HasNoValue General {0} is required 1001
IsNotGreaterThan String/Numeric {0} must be greater than {1} {2} 1002
IsNotSmallerThan String/Numeric {0} must be smaller than {1} {2} 1003
Misformatted String {0} is not well formatted 1101
IsNotAlphabetic String {0} must contains only letters 1102
IsNotNumeric String {0} must contains only numbers 1103
IsNotAlphanumeric String {0} must contains at least one letter and one number 1104
IsNotEmail String {0} is not a valid email 1105
IsNotGuid String {0} must be in Guid format 1106
IsNotSafe String {0} does not match our security patterns 1107
HasNotExactLength String {0} must has exactly {1} characters 1108
HasNoSpecialCharacters String {0} does not contains any special character 1109
HasNotMinimumWords String {0} must contains at least {1} words 1110
IsNotInPast DateTime {0} must be in the pas 1201
IsNotInFuture DateTime {0} must be in the future 1202
IsNotToday DateTime {0} must be today 1203
IsNotYesterday DateTime {0} must be yesterday 1204
IsNotTomorrow DateTime {0} must be tomorrow 1205
IsNotInLast365Days DateTime {0} must be in the last 365 days 1206
IsNotInNext365Days DateTime {0} must be in the next 365 days 1207
IsNotDawn DateTime {0} must be dawn 1208
IsNotMorning DateTime {0} must be morning 1209
IsNotAfternoon DateTime {0} must be afternoon 1210
IsNotEvening Numeric {0} must be evening 1211
IsNotLeapYear DateTime {0} must be a leap year 1212
IsNotMoreRecentThan DateTime {0} must be more recent than {1} 1213
IsNotOlderThan DateTime {0} must be older than {1 1214
IsNotWeekday DateTime {0} must be weekday 1215
IsNotWeekend DateTime {0} must be weekend 1216
HasNotEnoughYears DateTime {0} must has at least {1} years until now 1217
HasMoreThanNeededYears DateTime {0} must has up to {1} years 1218
HasNotEnoughDays DateTime {0} must has at least {1} days until now 1219
HasMoreThanNeededDays DateTime {0} must has up to {1} days 1220
IsNotPositive Numeric {0} must be a positive number 1301
IsNotNegative Numeric {0} must be a negative number 1302
IsNotZero Numeric {0} must be zero 1303
IsNotEven Numeric {0} must be even 1304
IsNotOdd Numeric {0} must be odd 1305
IsNotEqual Numeric {0} must be equals to {1} 1306
IsNotInLast24Hours TimeSpan {0} must be in last 24 hours 1401
IsNotInNext24Hours TimeSpan {0} must be in next 24 hours 1402
IncorrectType* Nullable types {0} was expected. Got {1} instead. ---

* This message is not returned to Notification message stack. Instead it throws an exception, since it validates the type - which is developer responsability - and not its content.

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