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Blend-sonic is a new way to use Sonic Pi and sync to the 3D Blender scene.
Blend-sonic has been designed with the aim to make Sonic Pi easy to write and play with. This let you connect sound events(Sonic PI programs) to 3D object actions/animations in Blender.
Livecoding music is cool, but I got tired of the "coding" part and write and remember all the options
Moreover controlling the music/sounds inside blender it's very useful because you can use all the 3D enviroment variables to control when and how this applies to the sound
Blend-sonic is made out of
- a small Blender. plugin/addon that take care of the OSC comuication with Sonic PI
- hundreds of nodes (reflecting sonic-pi language) inside Animation Nodes addon that let you build a Sonic Pi program. This program is sent live via osc to sonic-pi for every small change. The entire operation usually takes place in few ms (depending on the node-tree)
Sonic Pi is a complete open source programming environment originally designed to explore and teach programming concepts within schools through the process of creating new sounds.
In addition to being an engaging education resource it has evolved into an extremely powerful and performance-ready live coding instrument suitable for professional artists and DJs.
A powerful 3D program that render even the music if you ask it to... :) more on Blender
Animation Nodes is a node based visual scripting system designed for motion graphics in Blender.
Blend-sonic is under active development, and welcomes new contributors