This wiki page is migrating to
This describes the changes for older versions of IntelliJ IDEA
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Navigate to "New Project" from any view
Select Gradle -> Java as the type of Project and make sure the correct JDK is selected (Java8 or higher)
Provide a title for your project and define your GroupId and optionally the ArtifactId and initial Version in the "Artifact Coordinates" subsection
Optionally enable Auto-Importing of the gradle file in the Gradle Settings
Note: this is also the place where you could switch the runner for your project (By default, Gradle is used to run your application and tests)
- Let intellij index your project.
- Open
- Populate the build file with the following
plugins { id'application' id'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '5.2.0' } mainClassName = 'com.example.jda.Bot' version '1.0' def jdaVersion = 'JDA_VERSION_HERE' sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = 1.8 repositories { mavenCentral() maven { // on kotlin dsl use `maven("")` instead url "" } } dependencies { implementation("net.dv8tion:JDA:$jdaVersion") } compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
Note: Replace the
with the one mentioned here (release) or with the latest build here
Replace themainClassName
value with the path to your main class later on!
- If IntelliJ IDEA didn't already do so automatically, set up a source folder as
- Create your group package. Example:
- Make your main class. Example:
. Your directory tree should look like this:ProjectName -> src/main/java -> me/name/bot -> -> gradle/wrapper -> -> gradle/wrapper -> gradle-wrapper.jar -> build.gradle -> settings.gradle
- Configure the
value in thebuild.gradle
to your class.
- To build your finished project simply use the
task in your gradle tool window on right hand side of your editor. This will build a jar inbuild/libs
. The one with the-all
suffix is the shadow jar.You can also run your project with the
gradle task! - [[Setup Logback|Logging-Setup]]
- Continue with [[Getting Started|3)-Getting-Started]]