Simple CLI to instantly enhance your movie & TV show subtitles.
pip install subclean
$ subclean
12:35:30.337 | INFO | Importing subtitle
12:35:30.344 | INFO | BlacklistProcessor running
12:35:30.397 | INFO | SDHProcessor running
12:35:30.421 | INFO | DialogProcessor running
12:35:30.426 | INFO | ErrorProcessor running
12:35:30.458 | INFO | LineLengthProcessor running
12:35:30.466 | INFO | Saving subtitle
subclean [-h] [-v] [-V] [-o OUTPUT | --overwrite]
[--processors {LineLength,SDH,Blacklist,Error,Style,Dialog}
[--regex REGEX] [--line-length LINE_LENGTH]
positional arguments:
FILE Subtitle file to be processed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity
-V, --version show program's version number and
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Set output filename
--overwrite Overwrite input file
--processors {LineLength,SDH,Blacklist,Error,Style,Dialog}
Processors to run
(default: Blacklist SDH Dialog Error LineLength Style)
--regex REGEX Add custom regular expression to BlacklistProcessor
--line-length LINE_LENGTH
Maximum total line length when concatenating short lines.
(default: 50)