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File metadata and controls

209 lines (165 loc) · 8.07 KB

Create compose relay env without devel user (at least not the already registered ones)

These are notes about how to create a compose file and all need resources to run a network composed of

  • 2 Relay chain validator with no develop account
  • 1 Relay rpc node
  • 2 Parachain collator with develop account (Alice and Bob)
  • 1 Parachain rpc node

In order to generate this network we should do the follow steps:

  • Generate the relay chain and parachain docker images
  • Generate validators credentials and secret files
  • Generate relay chain spec and modify it
  • Generate parachain spec files, genesis state and genesis wasm.
  • Run python script to create compose file and network resources
  • start the network

We assume now that we already built the two docker images

  • horizenlabs/zkv-relay for relay chain
  • paratest for relay chain

and we created a new empty folder new_network with a staging subfolder

> mkdir -p new_network/staging
> cd new_network

We will always use the docker image every time we need to run the node to build some useful file.

Generate validators credentials and secret files

For the two validators we'll use some derivatives from polkadot development account. We need

  • private derivate path
    • //Validator1
    • //Validator2
  • Their sr25519 public key
  • Their ed25519 public key

To get the sr25519 use

docker run --rm -a stdout --entrypoint "" horizenlabs/zkv-relay zkv-relay key inspect "//Validator1" | grep "SS58 Address" | awk '{print $3}'
docker run --rm -a stdout --entrypoint "" horizenlabs/zkv-relay zkv-relay key inspect "//Validator1" --scheme "ed25519" | grep "SS58 Address" | awk '{print $3}'
docker run --rm -a stdout --entrypoint "" horizenlabs/zkv-relay zkv-relay key inspect "//Validator2" | grep "SS58 Address" | awk '{print $3}'
docker run --rm -a stdout --entrypoint "" horizenlabs/zkv-relay zkv-relay key inspect "//Validator2" --scheme "ed25519" | grep "SS58 Address" | awk '{print $3}'
Keys sr25519 ed25519
//Validator1 5Hb48vxYpQZQHRbzLMak1AKhtuww6wNK1oMFyigysK8zvHyW 5CpBzkEqzW5RPjDqMMqJuTSkaNrdbo3WxYC8arVjysd96DCN
//Validator2 5G6win2P1ty9X6DYuvfSFkijHGVx8yceVp1uNFntENyu7H4j 5CkhLKX285NbSy4FioEBTwF7Q5X69wmr2d8z58tWr1V8sZK4

Generate relay chain spec and modify it

Here we should generate the spec file and replace the validator public keys with the one that we had computed in the previous chapter.

docker run --rm -a STDOUT \
    --entrypoint "" \
    horizenlabs/zkv-relay \
    zkv-relay build-spec \
        --chain local \
        --disable-default-bootnode \
        > staging/plain-chainspec.json

So staging/plain-chainspec.json contains the base chain spec for local chain: this chain use. Alice and Bob as validators and we want to replace them by Validator1 and Validator2:

Open the file with an editor and replace the Alice and Bob public keys with the new ones:

  • sr25519 Alice 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY -> sr25519 Validator1 5Hb48vxYpQZQHRbzLMak1AKhtuww6wNK1oMFyigysK8zvHyW
  • ed25519 Alice 5FA9nQDVg267DEd8m1ZypXLBnvN7SFxYwV7ndqSYGiN9TTpu -> ed25519 Validator1 5CpBzkEqzW5RPjDqMMqJuTSkaNrdbo3WxYC8arVjysd96DCN
  • sr25519 Alice 5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty -> sr25519 Validator2 5G6win2P1ty9X6DYuvfSFkijHGVx8yceVp1uNFntENyu7H4j
  • ed25519 Alice 5GoNkf6WdbxCFnPdAnYYQyCjAKPJgLNxXwPjwTh6DGg6gN3E -> ed25519 Validator2 5CkhLKX285NbSy4FioEBTwF7Q5X69wmr2d8z58tWr1V8sZK4

Or use sed:

sed -i 's~5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY~5Hb48vxYpQZQHRbzLMak1AKhtuww6wNK1oMFyigysK8zvHyW~g' staging/plain-chainspec.json
sed -i 's~5FA9nQDVg267DEd8m1ZypXLBnvN7SFxYwV7ndqSYGiN9TTpu~5CpBzkEqzW5RPjDqMMqJuTSkaNrdbo3WxYC8arVjysd96DCN~g' staging/plain-chainspec.json
sed -i 's~5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty~5G6win2P1ty9X6DYuvfSFkijHGVx8yceVp1uNFntENyu7H4j~g' staging/plain-chainspec.json
sed -i 's~5GoNkf6WdbxCFnPdAnYYQyCjAKPJgLNxXwPjwTh6DGg6gN3E~5CkhLKX285NbSy4FioEBTwF7Q5X69wmr2d8z58tWr1V8sZK4~g' staging/plain-chainspec.json

Now we can create the raw spec file:

docker run --rm -a STDOUT \
        -v "./staging/plain-chainspec.json:/plain-chainspec.json" \
        --entrypoint "" \
        horizenlabs/zkv-relay \
        zkv-relay build-spec \
            --chain /plain-chainspec.json \
            --raw \
            --disable-default-bootnode > staging/raw-chainspec.json

Generate parachain spec files, genesis state and genesis wasm

docker run --rm -a STDOUT \
    --entrypoint "" \
    paratest \
    paratest-node build-spec \
        --chain local \
        --disable-default-bootnode \
        > staging/plain-parachain-chainspec.json
docker run --rm -a STDOUT \
    -v "./staging/plain-parachain-chainspec.json:/plain-chainspec.json" \
    --entrypoint "" \
    paratest \
    paratest-node build-spec \
        --chain /plain-chainspec.json \
        --disable-default-bootnode \
        --raw \
        > staging/raw-para-chainspec.json
docker run --rm -a STDOUT \
    -v "./staging/raw-para-chainspec.json:/raw-chainspec.json" \
    --entrypoint "" \
    paratest \
    paratest-node export-genesis-state \
        --chain /raw-chainspec.json \
        > staging/para-genesis
docker run --rm -a STDOUT \
    -v "./staging/raw-para-chainspec.json:/raw-chainspec.json" \
    --entrypoint "" \
    paratest \
    paratest-node export-genesis-wasm \
        --chain /raw-chainspec.json \
        > staging/para-wasm

Run python script to create compose file and network resources

Now we assume that is in your path (otherwise use a complete path).

mdamico@miklap:~/devel/zkVerify/new_network$ --help
usage: [-h] [-r RELAY] [-p PARA] [-c CHAIN_SPEC] [-C PARA_CHAIN_SPEC] [--validator1_key VALIDATOR1_KEY] [--validator2_key VALIDATOR2_KEY] [project_root]

Modify a YAML file in the project and create necessary folders.

positional arguments:
  project_root          The root directory of the project (default: current directory)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RELAY, --relay RELAY
                        The relay chain docker image
  -p PARA, --para PARA  The parachain chain docker image
  -c CHAIN_SPEC, --chain-spec CHAIN_SPEC
                        The relay chain spec file path
  -C PARA_CHAIN_SPEC, --para-chain-spec PARA_CHAIN_SPEC
                        The para chain spec file path
  --validator1_key VALIDATOR1_KEY
                        Validator1 private key
  --validator2_key VALIDATOR2_KEY
                        Validator2 private key

If you used the value from this tutorial just run the script with the default value should work. If you changed something you should change the flags values accordantly.

Use Relay image horizenlabs/zkv-relay:latest.
Use Parachain image paratest:latest.
Use chain-spec from in staging/raw-chainspec.json.
Use para-chain-spec from in staging/raw-para-chainspec.json.
Created project root: /home/mdamico/devel/zkVerify/new_network
Created 'envs' and 'resources' folders in /home/mdamico/devel/zkVerify/new_network
Create compose.yaml in /home/mdamico/devel/zkVerify/new_network and all environments files.

Now start:

> docker compose up

It exposes 9944 and 8844 on local host for both relay chain and parachain. In order to operate on this relay chain network you need the 2 validators key on your wallet or on polkadot.js directly.

Add an account on polkadot js

  1. On Settings -> account options -> In-browser account creation : click and allow
  2. On Accounts -> My accounts -> + Account
  3. Switch Mnemonic into Development (to use polkadot development seed phrase)
  4. On Advanced creation option -> secret derivation path -> Validator1
  5. Set your name and password.