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79 lines (47 loc) · 1.5 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (47 loc) · 1.5 KB

Alert Service

Manages system alerts.


Make sure to copy all of the .env file and etc/mysql.env

Then run docker-compose up.

From inside of the emporium-svc-alert-php container. run ./artisan doctrine:migrations:migrate -n to load migrations.


If you ever need to test any code, you can create a playground file which allows you to test anything in the system.

Create the play ground file in the root of the repo.

cp playground.example.php playground.php


Use the dump command to printout useful information.


Routes are defined in src/app.php


The model holds all of the business logic and entities for the system.


All commands are created in the src/Console directory and are registered in the AlertServiceProvider.


Migrations are generated in src/Doctrine/Migrations.

File mappings are in config/doctrine-mapping.

Run ./artisan doctrine:migrations:migrate -n to run all migrations.

Run ./artisan doctrine:migrations:diff to generate migration from the

Perform DQL Queries


$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT alert FROM Alert:Alert alert');

Use an entity repo


$repo = $em->getRepository('Alert:Alert');
$report = $repo->findOneBy([
    'severity' => $severity

Persist an entity


$alert = new Alert();

// flush will persist to the db, you only need to call it like once or twice per request