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Spider Shield

🚧 Under Construction 🚧

An AT protocol labeling service that blocks photos of spiders from your Bluesky experience. Operated by, and inspired by the moderation example from Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation, this service consumes from the Bluesky firehose and forwards new images to Anthropic's Messages API to get a yes/no verdict on whether each image contains a spider.

Next Up

  • Ingest firehose using multi-processing

Setup Instructions

Paste in your Anthropic API key into a file called build/anthropic_api_key.txt. This will get pulled into docker as secret. Generate an API key by following these steps:

echo -n "<your key here>" > build/anthropic_api_key.txt

Make sure you keep these keys secret:

chmod 600 build/anthropic_api_key.txt  # restrict permissions so that only you can read the file

Export environment variables in current terminal session:

source .env

Build docker images:

docker build -f build/firehose_ingest.Dockerfile -t bluesky-firehose-ingest .
docker build -f build/flask_app.Dockerfile -t spidershield-api .

Start docker containers:

docker compose -p atproto-spidershield up -d

To subscribe to labels via http:

# by default it will subscribe starting with new labels
curl http://localhost:5001/xrpc/com.atproto.label.subscribeLabels --no-buffer --output -

# or give it a specific cursor location to start from
curl http://localhost:5001/xrpc/com.atproto.label.subscribeLabels\?cursor\=1000 --no-buffer --output -

To consume from kafka directly, exec into the kafka docker container and run this command:

opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test_post_labels --from-beginning

To run the linters:

source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

# run black
python -m black . --verbose --color

# run isort
python -m isort . --color -s venv -s -p test

# flake
python -m autoflake --in-place -r . --exclude venv --remove-all-unused-imports

# mypy
python -m mypy --no-strict-optional -p .