In this module we will look at knative and its components.
Knative is broken up into three major parts.
Knative extends Kubernetes to provide a set of middleware components that are essential to build modern, source-centric, and container-based applications that can run anywhere: on premises, in the cloud, or even in a third-party data center.
Each of the components under the Knative project attempt to identify common patterns and codify the best practices that are shared by successful real-world Kubernetes-based frameworks and applications
Cloud platforms provide a wealth of benefits for the organizations that use them. There’s no denying, however, that adopting the cloud can put strains on DevOps teams. Developers must use microservices to architect for portability, meanwhile operators are managing extremely large hybrid and multi-cloud deployments. Istio lets you connect, secure, control, and observe services.
At a high level, Istio helps reduce the complexity of these deployments, and eases the strain on your development teams. It is a completely open source service mesh that layers transparently onto existing distributed applications. It is also a platform, including APIs that let it integrate into any logging platform, or telemetry or policy system. Istio’s diverse feature set lets you successfully, and efficiently, run a distributed microservice architecture, and provides a uniform way to secure, connect, and monitor microservices.
Istio makes it easy to create a network of deployed services with load balancing, service-to-service authentication, monitoring, and more, without any changes in service code. You add Istio support to services by deploying a special sidecar proxy throughout your environment that intercepts all network communication between microservices, then configure and manage Istio using its control plane functionality, which includes:
Automatic load balancing for HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket, and TCP traffic.
Fine-grained control of traffic behavior with rich routing rules, retries, failovers, and fault injection.
A pluggable policy layer and configuration API supporting access controls, rate limits and quotas.
Automatic metrics, logs, and traces for all traffic within a cluster, including cluster ingress and egress.
Secure service-to-service communication in a cluster with strong identity-based authentication and authorization.
We have already covered that :)
Now we know that knatve and what it does we will use one of its components istio to to limit out bound traffic from our pods.