Please use the issue tracker to report issues.
You are welcome to submit pull requests to propose changes.
See GitHub: Creating a pull request for information about creating a pull request.
Before submitting a pull request:
- If it is not a minor change you may want to discuss this first: Use the Slack channel #typo3-documentation on (register for Slack first) or create an issue for this.
- If you make changes to the rendering, be sure to test this locally before submitting the pull request
As usual, fork and clone the GitHub repository t3dock/docker-render-documentation
Enter the cloned repository:
cd docker-render-documentation
As usual, create a branch:
git checkout -b feature/xyz
You can build the docker image locally, using a different name:
docker build -t render-documentation-local .
Now get a documentation project and use the locally built docker image, for example:
git clone cd TYPO3CMS-Guide-ContributionWorkflow docker-compose run --rm html-local
The name/version used in the docker-compose.yml file must be the same one as used by docker build. Here, we use the name render-documentation-local.
If your documentation project does not have a docker-compose.yml file for docker-compose you can easily add one, see Quickstart with Docker Compose.
If you use the workflow with source / run and dockrun_t3rd makehtml, then once you generated the documentation, you can modify the file Documentation-GENERATED-temp/ and replace the name / version of the Docker image with your locally built one and execute this file to render the documentation with your locally built Docker image.
While working on you need to test those changes.
In order to do so, run the Container and add another volume, in order to overwrite the included theme. The additional volume looks like:
-v /home/daniels/Projects/typo3/docs/t3SphinxThemeRtd/t3SphinxThemeRtd:/ALL/userhome/.local/share/virtualenvs/venv-y0waPz_e/lib/python2.7/site-packages/t3SphinxThemeRtd:ro
The left side it the full absolute path to the theme. The right one is the absolute path to the installed theme within the container.
NOTE that venv-y0waPz_e might be different for each build version of the container. In order to get the working path, start the container and attach to it, and look up the concrete path.