You can use the following materials and resources for learning Kotlin:
- Basic syntax – get a quick overview of the Kotlin syntax.
- Idioms – learn how to write idiomatic Kotlin code for popular cases.
- Java to Kotlin migration guide: Strings – learn how to perform typical tasks with strings in Java and Kotlin.
- Java to Kotlin migration guide: Collections — learn how to perform typical tasks with collections in Java and Kotlin.
- Java to Kotlin migration guide: Nullability — learn how to handle nullability in Java and Kotlin.
- Kotlin Koans – complete exercises to learn the Kotlin syntax. Each exercise is created as a failing unit test and your job is to make it pass. Recommended for developers with Java experience.
- Kotlin by example – review a set of small and simple annotated examples for the Kotlin syntax.
- Kotlin Basics track – learn all the Kotlin essentials while creating working applications step by step on JetBrains Academy.
- Kotlin books – find books we've reviewed and recommend for learning Kotlin.
- Kotlin tips – watch short videos where the Kotlin team shows you how to use Kotlin in a more efficient and idiomatic way, so you can have more fun when writing code.
- Advent of Code puzzles – learn idiomatic Kotlin and test your language skills by completing short and fun tasks.
- Kotlin hands-on tutorials – complete long-form tutorials to fully grasp a technology. These tutorials guide you through a self-contained project related to a specific topic.
- Kotlin for Java Developers – learn the similarities and differences between Java and Kotlin in this course on Coursera.
- Kotlin documentation in PDF format – read our documentation offline.