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352 lines (241 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

352 lines (241 loc) · 12.9 KB


  • iOS: Properly convert peripheral UUID for isConnected (#1033)


  • iOS: Fix support for 16 & 32-bit UUIDs on iOS (#1031, #1032)


  • Update ble.js to use require format to improve loading reliability (#1030, #1029) thanks @sithwarrior


  • iOS: Improve input validation of UUIDs on iOS to avoid crashes (#1014, #905)
  • iOS: Address iOS deprecation warnings & general warnings (#919)
  • iOS: Harden up iOS service discovery (#741)
  • Android: Tidy up some warnings
  • Android: Mark broadcast receivers as exported for Android v34 (#1020)


  • More cleanly support isConnected usage with a bool return value #1018 with review from @MaximBelov


  • Android: Expose Promise version of requestMtu for async/await
  • Types: Added returned mtu to requestMtu success callback thanks #1012 @ksievers-irco


  • Android: add isConnectable Property for API26+ (O) #823 (#993) thanks @Gargamil


  • Android: Add forceScanFilter option for Android (#989, #987) thanks @younesspotmaster


  • iOS: Prevent API warnings on iOS if Bluetooth is disabled during timed scan
  • iOS: Ensure scan timeout is cleared and reset when new scans are started
  • Android: Ensure scan timeout is cleared and reset when new scans are started
  • Standardise all scans to go via scanWithOptions
  • Add duration flag (in seconds) to scan with options
  • CI: Create GitHub Cordova & Capacitor Actions (#969)
  • Documentation: update readme with info for advertisement parsing module
  • Documentation: Detail capacitor installation instructions


  • Android: Implement manual bond control on #605 #843


  • Android: Don't leak refreshDeviceCache callback
  • Android: More thoroughly clean up callbacks on device disconnect #954
  • Android: Don't disconnect if refreshDeviceCache fails


No changes - republish only


  • Android: Fix enable bluetooth permissions on Android 12+ #940 #941 Thanks @samvimes01
  • Android: Clear up time-based stopScan when new scan is started #902
  • Android: Report if Bluetooth is disabled when scanning/connecting #826
  • Android: Restore refreshDeviceCache to 1.3.X functionality (related to #936)
  • Android: Prevent various null ref exceptions (#936, #901 #871, #773, #698)
  • Android: Document advanced android scan options
  • Android: Improve Android 11 background permissions request ordering
  • iOS: Make connect failure errors on iOS more concise #933 Thanks @doug-a-brunner


  • Android: Exclude ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION from plugin.xml to avoid complications with Capacitor #928


  • Android: Request BLUETOOTH_CONNECT on Android 12+ when device name is requested #924
  • Android: Avoid Null reference exceptions in service discovery callbacks
  • Documentation & type fixes


  • Android: Add support for target SDK version 31 (Android 12) #923 #879 #875 Thanks @LDLCLid3
  • Add L2CAP support (minimum iOS 11 & Android 10 required) for connection-oriented Bluetooth streams #812
  • Add ble.withPromises.startNotification variant to indicate when notifications are successfully subscribed #903 #95


  • Browser: Add support via navigator.Bluetooth #907 #231 Thanks @joeferner
  • iOS: More explicitly handle edge cases when starting/stopping notifications on iOS #577 #893
  • iOS: Improve ble.write handling when given non-ArrayBuffer types #897 #900
  • Android: Report peripherals as disconnected when BLE is turned off #894 #896
  • Android: Properly dispose of connected gatts on plugin reset #825 #845


  • iOS: Make BLUETOOTH_RESTORE_STATE variable optional
  • Android Synchronise access to the gatt during cleanup to avoid null ref errors #799
  • Android: Ensure scan settings are correctly applied when permissions are requested
  • Android: Correctly set match mode rather than callback type for scanWithOptions
  • Android: Align "Not connected" message with iOS #784


  • Add typescript definitions for all methods
  • Add location state notifications on Android (similar to Bluetooth state notifications)
  • Add support for iOS state restoration. This is opt-in, see README for usage details #717
  • Turn API misuse warnings on iOS into reported errors to prevent dead scans #828


  • Add additional options to startScanWithOptions() on Android #835 Thanks @helllamer
  • Fix some instances where the Android command loop locks up #847 #830 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Improve documentation around requestConnectionPriority usage #877


  • Android has new plugin variable ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION enable or disable background scanning permissions. Defaults to false. #844 #821 #870 Thanks @marioshtika


  • Android updated to BluetoothLeScanner removing deprecated LeScanCallback #796 Thanks @pentabarf
  • Android updated to work with android-cordova@8 and android-cordova@9 #819
  • iOS has new plugin variable IOS_INIT_ON_LOAD to delay plugin initialization. Defaults to false. #739 #769 Thanks @jospete


  • Add new location permssions Android 10 (API29) #771 Thanks @tiagoblackcode, @subratpalhar92 & @QuentinFarizon


  • Add setPin method for Android #718 Thanks @untilbit
  • Give the user feedback after an MTU size request #715 Thanks @agren
  • Add requestConnectionPriority for Android #714 #713 Thanks @agren @vamshik113


  • Add sequence numbers to notifications on Android to handle out of order notifications. Android #625 #656 Thanks @timburke
  • Location services is now a warning on Android. Add isLocationEnabled() #607 #633 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Use printf of cordova for LOG, reuse pattern, improve loop #647 Thanks @ChristianLutz
  • Add queueCleanup method to API #695 Thanks @untilbit
  • Fix null pointer in onLeScan #500 Thanks @fjms
  • Remove cordova-plugin-compat #705 #617


  • Fix iOS crash when advertising data contains kCBAdvDataLeBluetoothDeviceAddress #685 #697 Thanks @jospete
  • Fix problem with multiple devices and notifications when one device disconnected #674 Thanks @mandrade-digmap
  • Add NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription for iOS13 #704 #700 Thanks @favnec5


  • Remove lambda from to maintain 1.6 source compatibility #602
  • Remove showBluetoothSettings for iOS #603


  • Fix EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iOS #389 Thanks @claudiovolpato
  • Return error if bad device id is passed to disconnect #410
  • Better error message when location permission is denied Android #218
  • Scan returns an error if location services are disabled Android #527
  • Improve autoconnect for iOS #599
  • Add ble.refreshDeviceCache (Android) #587 Thanks @Domvel
  • Add ble.bondedDevices (Android)
  • Add ble.connectedPeripheralsWithServices and ble.peripheralsWithIdentifiers (iOS)


  • Added un-scanned Peripheral concept on Android #560 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Fixed failure to fire callbacks on Android when read or write in flight #561 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Fixed dangling promises when reconnecting Android #562 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Added error when starting a scan while another is running Android #565 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Request MTU Size on Android #568 Thanks @Domvel and @Algoritma
  • Don't prompt user to enable Bluetooth on iOS CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey #580 #174 Thanks @H0rst and @cairin @michie
  • Implement showBluetoothSettings on iOS #591 Thanks @cairinmichie
  • Improve disconnect logic on Android #582


  • iOS error #558


  • Fix merge conflicts


  • Use same characteristic uuid with different service in iOS #349 Thanks @riccardodegan-geekcups
  • example #346 Thanks @ktemby
  • Remove pending stopNotificationCallback for iOS #355 Thanks @legege
  • Add missing resolve and reject callbacks to Promise wrapper #360 Thanks @aj-dev
  • Fix documentation typo #371 Thanks @maxchu2021
  • Fix documentation typo #424 Thanks @ChanHyuk-Im
  • Fix duplicate symbol when using with with cordova-plugin-ble-peripheral #373 Thanks @lucatorella
  • Add admonition about using with beacons #413 Hugh Barnes (hughbris)
  • Handle errors in didUpdateValueForCharacteristic #385 Thanks @soyelporras
  • Fix spelling error in Android code # Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • cordova-plugin-compat deprecated #466 #483 thanks @ddugue
  • Fix NullPointer exception on scan #504
  • Fixed deprecated iOS CBPeripheral RSSI calls and build warning #446 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Trapped commands that caused iOS API misuse warnings #450 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Fire callbacks on iOS when device is disconnecting #451 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Fixed NSInvalidArgumentException when 'undefined' passed to plugin cmds #452 Thanks @doug-a-brunner
  • Better errors on Android, when trying to read or write to a non-existing service #486 Thanks @ddugue
  • Add autoConnect support #499 Thanks @hypersolution1


  • Prevents scan from removing connecting Peripherals on Android #315 & #341 Thanks @mebrunet
  • Documentation fixes #330 Thanks @motla
  • Documenation clarification about Location Services #318 Thanks @petrometro
  • Ensure peripheral is connected for startNotification and stopNotification on Android #343
  • Error message for Android 4.3 devices that don't support BLE #263 Thanks @PeacePan
  • Must call scan before connect. Update documentation #340


  • NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription #324 Thanks @timkim


  • Call connect failure callback for peripheral if user disables Bluetooth #264
  • Fix iOS problem with multiple keys in service data #288 Thanks @senator
  • Add errorMessage to JSON object that is returned (to connect failure callback) when a peripheral disconnects
  • Call gatt.disconnect() before gatt.close() to get problematic devices to disconnect #221, #254, #214
  • Include version of JavaScript API with promises #247 Thanks @kellycampbell
  • stopNotification on Android writes DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE to the descriptor #225 Thanks @zjw1918


  • Update advertising data in peripheral while scanning (Android) #253


  • Add documentation about receiving notifications in the background on iOS #169
  • Add option to report duplicates during scan #172 Thanks @chris-armstrong
  • Read RSSI value from an active BLE connection #171 Thanks @chris-armstrong
  • Register for callbacks on Bluetooth state change #136 Thanks @rrharvey
  • Fix example for write characteristic #195 Thanks @Wynout
  • Fix documentation for write & writeWithoutResponse #193 Thanks @blakeparkinson
  • Update CC2650 example #200 Thanks @jplourenco
  • Connect peripheral with missing ble-flag (Android SDK 23) #226 Thanks @PeacePan


  • Fix compile error with Cordova 5.x #219


  • Request Permissions for Android 6.0 (API level 23) #182
  • Update documentation for isEnabled #170



  • Don't block UI thread on Android when starting scan #121 Thanks @kellycampbell
  • Return characteristic even if properties don't match #132 #113 Thanks @kanayo
  • StopNotification for Android fixes #51
  • Fix conflicts with the BluetoothSerial plugin #114


  • Update plugin id for examples
  • Fix npm keywords


  • Handle services that reuse UUIDs across characteristics #82 #94 Thanks @ggordan
  • Disconnect cancels pending connections on iOS #93 Thanks @rrharvey
  • Add dummy browser platform implementation for better PhoneGap developer app support #87 #90 Thanks @surajpindoria
  • Replace notify in examples with startNotification #63
  • Stop notification from stacking on Android #71 Thanks @charlesalton
  • Connect failure callback returns the peripheral #16
  • Better log message for unsupported iOS hardware #60
  • Update bluefruitle example to work with new versions of the hardware


  • Change plugin id cordova-plugin-ble-central
  • Move to NPM #86
  • iOS 9 #62 Thanks Khashayar Pourdeilami


  • Add start of WP8 for PGDA


  • Remove SDK version from config.xml (user is responsible for adding)
  • Add tests for plugin
  • Fix BluetoothLE example for Adafruit nRF8001 #57


  • Add showBluetoothSettings and enable for Android #43
  • Update documentation about UUIDs #38


  • startNotification handles both notifications and indications


  • Add startScan and stopScan #40
  • Update to RFduino example


  • Change Android behavior for leScan without service list


  • Remove NO_RESULT on iOS fixes #32


  • Ensure connect success callback is only called 1x on iOS #30
  • Rename notify to startNotification
  • Add stopNotification (iOS only)


  • Return reason code when write fails on iOS #29


  • Return advertising data in scan results #6, #7, #18
  • Connect success returns service, characteristic and descriptor info #6
  • iOS connectCallbackId is stored in Peripheral #17
  • Move plugin directory to top level for phonegap build compatibility #20
  • Rename writeCommand to writeWithoutResponse #21
  • Services callback latch is per peripheral #19
  • Connect callback is per peripheral #17
  • Fix iOS crash when scanning 2x #5
  • Add ble.isEnabled method #11
  • Add RedBearLab example
  • Add BatteryService example


  • iOS - fix bug read callback was being called 2x
  • iOS - fix bug write callback wasn't being called


initial release