Authors: Martin-Karl Lefrançois, Neil Bickford
Tutorial (Setup)
This is an extension of the Vulkan ray tracing tutorial.
Like closest hit shaders, any hit shaders operate on intersections between rays and geometry. However, the any hit shader will be executed for all hits along the ray. The closest hit shader will then be invoked on the closest accepted intersection.
The any hit shader can be useful for discarding intersections, such as for alpha cutouts for example, but can also be used for simple transparency. In this example we will show what is needed to do to add this shader type and to create a transparency effect.
Note: This example is based on many elements from the Antialiasing Tutorial.
Create a new shader file raytrace.rahit
and rerun CMake to have it added to the solution.
This shader starts like raytrace.chit
, but uses less information.
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_EXT_scalar_block_layout : enable
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int64 : require
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference2 : require
#include "random.glsl"
#include "raycommon.glsl"
#include "wavefront.glsl"
// clang-format off
layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInEXT hitPayload prd;
layout(buffer_reference, scalar) buffer Vertices {Vertex v[]; }; // Positions of an object
layout(buffer_reference, scalar) buffer Indices {uint i[]; }; // Triangle indices
layout(buffer_reference, scalar) buffer Materials {WaveFrontMaterial m[]; }; // Array of all materials on an object
layout(buffer_reference, scalar) buffer MatIndices {int i[]; }; // Material ID for each triangle
layout(set = 1, binding = eObjDescs, scalar) buffer ObjDesc_ { ObjDesc i[]; } objDesc;
// clang-format on
in the Antialiasing Tutorial here.
For the any hit shader, we need to know which material we hit, and whether that material supports transparency. If it is opaque, we simply return, which means that the hit will be accepted.
void main()
// Object data
ObjDesc objResource = objDesc.i[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT];
MatIndices matIndices = MatIndices(objResource.materialIndexAddress);
Materials materials = Materials(objResource.materialAddress);
// Material of the object
int matIdx = matIndices.i[gl_PrimitiveID];
WaveFrontMaterial mat = materials.m[matIdx];
if (mat.illum != 4)
Now we will apply transparency:
if (mat.dissolve == 0.0)
else if(rnd(prd.seed) > mat.dissolve)
As you can see, we are using a random number generator to determine if the ray hits or ignores the object. If we accumulate enough rays, the final result will converge to what we want.
The random seed
also needs to be passed in the ray payload.
In raycommon.glsl
, add the seed:
struct hitPayload
vec3 hitValue;
uint seed;
The any hit shader will be part of the hit shader group. Currently, the hit shader group only contains the closest hit shader.
In createRtPipeline()
, after loading raytrace.rchit.spv
, load raytrace.rahit.spv
enum StageIndices
// Hit Group - Any Hit
stage.module = nvvk::createShaderModule(m_device, nvh::loadFile("spv/raytrace.rahit.spv", true, defaultSearchPaths, true));
stages[eAnyHit] = stage;
The Any Hit goes in the same Hit group as the Closest Hit, so we need to add the Any Hit stage index and push back the shader module to the stages.
// closest hit shader
// Payload 0
group.generalShader = VK_SHADER_UNUSED_KHR;
group.closestHitShader = eClosestHit;
group.anyHitShader = eAnyHit;
In createDescriptorSetLayout()
, we need to allow the Any Hit shader to access the scene description buffer
// Obj descriptions
m_descSetLayoutBind.addBinding(eObjDescs, VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1,
In the example, when creating VkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR
objects, we set their flags to VK_GEOMETRY_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR
. However, this avoided invoking the any hit shader.
We could remove all of the flags, but another issue could happen: the any hit shader could be called multiple times for the same triangle. To have the any hit shader process only one hit per triangle, set the VK_GEOMETRY_NO_DUPLICATE_ANY_HIT_INVOCATION_BIT_KHR
If you have done the previous Jitter Camera/Antialiasing tutorial, you will need just a few changes.
First, seed
will need to be available in the any hit shader, which is the reason we have added it to the hitPayload structure.
Change the local seed
to prd.seed
prd.seed = tea(gl_LaunchIDEXT.y * gl_LaunchSizeEXT.x + gl_LaunchIDEXT.x, pushC.frame);
For optimization, the TraceRayEXT
call was using the gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT
flag. But
this will skip the any hit shader, so change it to
uint rayFlags = gl_RayFlagsNoneEXT;
Similarly, in the closest hit shader, change the flag to gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT
, as we want to enable the any hit and miss shaders, but we still don't care
about the closest hit shader for shadow rays. This will enable transparent shadows.
uint flags = gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT;
For a more interesting scene, you can replace the helloVk.loadModel
calls in main()
with the following scene:
helloVk.loadModel(nvh::findFile("media/scenes/wuson.obj", defaultSearchPaths, true));
helloVk.loadModel(nvh::findFile("media/scenes/sphere.obj", defaultSearchPaths, true),
* nvmath::translation_mat4(nvmath::vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));
helloVk.loadModel(nvh::findFile("media/scenes/plane.obj", defaultSearchPaths, true));
By default, all objects are opaque, you will need to change the material description.
Edit the first few lines of media/scenes/wuson.mtl
and media/scenes/sphere.mtl
to use a new illumination model (4) with a dissolve value of 0.5:
newmtl default
illum 4
d 0.5
As mentioned earlier, for the effect to work, we need to accumulate frames over time. Please implement the following from Jitter Camera/Antialiasing:
The above code works, but might not work in the future. The reason is, the shadow ray traceRayEXT
call in the Closest Hit shader, uses payload 1
and when intersecting the object, the any hit shader will be executed using payload 0. In the time of writing those lines, the driver add
padding and there are no side effect, but this is not how thing should be done.
Each traceRayEXT
invocation should have as many Hit Groups as there are trace calls with different payload. For the other examples, it is still fine,
because we are using the gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderNV
flag and the closest hit shader (payload 0) will not be called and there were not
any hit or intersection shaders in the Hit Group. But in this example, the closest hit will be skiped, but not the any hit.
To fix this, we need to add another hit group.
This is how the current SBT looks like.
And we need to add the following to the ray tracing pipeline, a copy of the previous Hit Group, with a new AnyHit using the proper payload.
Create two new files raytrace_0.ahit
and raytrace_1.ahit
, and rename raytrace.ahit
to raytrace_ahit.glsl
Note: Cmake need to be re-run to add the new files to the project.
In raytrace_0.ahit
add the following code
#version 460
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#define PAYLOAD_0
#include "raytrace_rahit.glsl"
and in raytrace_1.ahit
, replace PAYLOAD_0
Then in raytrace_ahit.glsl
remove the #version 460
and add the following code, so that we have the right layout.
#ifdef PAYLOAD_0
layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInNV hitPayload prd;
#elif defined(PAYLOAD_1)
layout(location = 1) rayPayloadInNV shadowPayload prd;
We cannot simply have a bool for our shadow ray payload. We also need the seed
for the random function.
In the raycommon.glsl
file, add the following structure
struct shadowPayload
bool isHit;
uint seed;
The usage of the shadow payload is done in the closest hit and shadow miss shader. First, let's modify raytraceShadow.rmiss
to look like this
#version 460
#extension GL_NV_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#include "raycommon.glsl"
layout(location = 1) rayPayloadInNV shadowPayload prd;
void main()
prd.isHit = false;
The the change in the closest hit shader raytrace.rchit
, need to change the usage of the payload, but also the call to traceRayEXT
Replace the payload to
layout(location = 1) rayPayloadNV shadowPayload prdShadow;
Then just before the call to traceRayEXT
, initialize the values to
prdShadow.isHit = true;
prdShadow.seed = prd.seed;
and after the trace, set the seed value back to the main payload
prd.seed = prdShadow.seed;
And check if the trace shadow hit an object of not
When we call traceRayEXT
, since we are using the payload 1 (last argument), we also
need the trace to hit the alternative hit group, the one using the payload 1.
To do this, we need to set the sbtRecordOffset to 1
traceRayEXT(topLevelAS, // acceleration structure
flags, // rayFlags
0xFF, // cullMask
1, // sbtRecordOffset
0, // sbtRecordStride
1, // missIndex
origin, // ray origin
tMin, // ray min range
rayDir, // ray direction
tMax, // ray max range
1 // payload (location = 1)
The final step is to add the new Hit Group. This is a change in HelloVulkan::createRtPipeline()
We need to load the new any hit shader and create a new Hit Group.
Replace the "shaders/raytrace.rahit.spv"
for "shaders/raytrace_0.rahit.spv"
Load the new shader module.
enum StageIndices
// Hit Group - Any Hit
stage.module = nvvk::createShaderModule(m_device, nvh::loadFile("spv/raytrace_0.rahit.spv", true, defaultSearchPaths, true));
stages[eAnyHit] = stage;
stage.module = nvvk::createShaderModule(m_device, nvh::loadFile("spv/raytrace_1.rahit.spv", true, defaultSearchPaths, true));
stages[eAnyHit2] = stage;
Then, after the creating of the first Hit Group, create a new one, where only the any hit using payload 1 is added. We are skipping the closest hit shader in the trace call, so we can ignore it in the Hit Group.
// Payload 1
group.generalShader = VK_SHADER_UNUSED_KHR;
group.closestHitShader = VK_SHADER_UNUSED_KHR;
group.anyHitShader = eAnyHit2;