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Post Action Registry

Mike Lorbetske edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 27 revisions

Run NuGet restore

ID                  210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025
Configuration       (None)
Supported In        dotnet new3, dotnet new (2.0.0 or higher), Visual Studio 2017.3 Preview 1 (ignored)

Run script

ID                  3A7C4B45-1F5D-4A30-959A-51B88E82B5D2
Configuration       There are two required properties that must be specified
                    executable   (string) The executable to launch
                    args         (string) The arguments to pass to the executable
Supported In        dotnet new3, dotnet new (2.0.0 or higher)
Notes               The working directory for the launched executable is set to
                    the root of the output template content

Open a file in the editor

ID                  84C0DA21-51C8-4541-9940-6CA19AF04EE6
Configuration       (TBD)
Supported In        (None)

Open a file in the web browser

ID                  FEA7469E-E2E7-4431-B86B-27EBC1744883
Configuration       (TBD)
Supported In        (None)

Add a reference to a project file

ID                  B17581D1-C5C9-4489-8F0A-004BE667B814
Configuration       referenceType (string) Either "package", "project" or "framework"
                    reference (string) The package ID or relative path of the project to add the reference to
                    projectFileExtensions (string, optional) A semicolon delimited list of literal file extensions 
                                                             to use when searching for the project to add the reference to
                    version (string, required if referenceType="package") The version of the package to add a reference to
Supported In        dotnet new3 ("framework" is not supported), dotnet new (2.0.0 or higher - "framework" is not supported), Visual Studio 2017.3 Preview 1

Add project(s) to a solution file

ID                  D396686C-DE0E-4DE6-906D-291CD29FC5DE
Configuration       primaryOutputIndexes (string) A semicolon delimited list of indexes to the primary outputs. 
                                         Note: If primary outputs are conditional, multiple post actions with the same
                                               conditions as the primary outputs might be necessary.
Supported In        dotnet new3, dotnet new (2.0.0 or higher), Visual Studio 2017.3 Preview 1 (ignored)