## Primary outputs Primary outputs define the list of template files for further processing. The primary outputs are returned by template engine API after template instantiation (`Microsoft.TemplateEngine.IDE.Bootstrapper.CreateAsync`, `Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Edge.Template.TemplateCreator.InstantiateAsync`) or dry run (`Microsoft.TemplateEngine.IDE.Bootstrapper.GetCreationEffectsAsync`). The main use for primary outputs is to provide the list of files to perform post actions implemented by the host. dotnet CLI host and Visual Studio host implement the default set of post actions based on primary outputs returned by API, described in [post-action registry](https://github.com/dotnet/templating/wiki/Post-Action-Registry). In case the template files have to be used in post actions, they should be added as the primary outputs in `template.json` definition. The template can define any number of primary outputs. Each primary output contains the following information: - `path` - the path should contain the relative path to the file after template instantiation is done and prior to symbol based renaming is applied. - `condition` - if the condition evaluates to `true`, the corresponding path will be added to primary outputs, if `false`, the path is ignored. If no condition is provided for a path, the condition defaults to `true`. Basic example: template files: - `MyTestProject.csproj` - `Class.cs` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "BasicTemplate", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.BasicTemplate", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.BasicTemplate", "shortName": "TestAssets.BasicTemplate", "tags": { "language": "C#", "type": "project" }, "sourceName": "MyTestProject", "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "MyTestProject.csproj" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, "args": { "files": [ "MyTestProject.csproj" ] } } ] } ``` Note that the example above contains primary output with original name. The actual primary output returned by API, will contain the final file name after renames are applied. Example: ``` dotnet new TestAssets.BasicTemplate --name Awesome ``` The primary output returned by API is `Awesome.csproj` and actual file produced is `Awesome.csproj`. ## Using primary outputs with source modifiers Source modifiers defined in `template.json` can override source or target location during template instantiation, or rename files during instantiation. It is important that primary outputs are specified correctly in combination with source modifiers. ### Changing source When changing the source, make sure that primary output path contains final location of the file after instantiation relative to default target path (`./`) Example: template files: - `./Custom/Path/MyTestProject.csproj` - `./Custom/Path/Class.cs` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourcePath", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourcePath", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourcePath", "shortName": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourcePath", "sourceName": "MyTestProject", "sources": [ { "source": "./Custom/Path/" } ], "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "MyTestProject.csproj" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, "args": { "files": [ "./Custom/Path/MyTestProject.csproj" ] } } ] } ``` Note that the example above contains primary output with original name in the final location. The actual primary output returned by API, will contain the final file name after renames are applied. Post action `files` should contain the original location in template definition. Example: ``` dotnet new TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourcePath --name Awesome ``` The primary output returned by API is: `Awesome.csproj`. The final location of the files is: - `./Awesome.csproj` - `./Class.cs` ### Changing target When changing the target for template instantiation, make sure that primary output path contains final location of the file after instantiation including target path. Example: template files: - `MyTestProject.csproj` - `Class.cs` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomTargetPath", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomTargetPath", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomTargetPath", "shortName": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomTargetPath", "sourceName": "MyTestProject", "sources": [ { "target": "./Custom/Path/" } ], "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "./Custom/Path/MyTestProject.csproj" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, "args": { "files": [ "MyTestProject.csproj" ] } } ] } ``` Note that the example above contains primary output with original name in the final location. The actual primary output returned by API, will contain the final file name after renames are applied. `files` argument should contain the original location in template definition. Example: ``` dotnet new TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomTargetPath --name Awesome ``` The primary output returned by API is: `/Custom/Path/Awesome.csproj`. The final location of the files is: - `./Custom/Path/Awesome.csproj` - `./Custom/Path/Class.cs` ### Changing source and target When changing both source and target for template instantiation, make sure that primary output path contains final location of the file after instantiation including target path. Example: template files: - `./Src/Custom/Path/MyTestProject.csproj` - `./Src/Custom/Path/Class.cs` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "shortName": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "sourceName": "MyTestProject", "sources": [ { "source": "./Src/Custom/Path/", "target": "./Target/Output/" } ], "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "./Target/Output/MyTestProject.csproj" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, "args": { "files": [ "./Src/Custom/Path/MyTestProject.csproj" ] } } ] } ``` Note that the example above contains primary output with original name in the final location. The actual primary output returned by API, will contain the final file name after renames are applied. Post action `files` should contain the original location in template definition. Example: ``` dotnet new TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths --name Awesome ``` The primary output returned by API is: `Target/Output/Awesome.csproj`. The final location of the files is: - `./Target/Output/Awesome.csproj,` - `./Target/Output/Class.cs` ### Renaming When using renames in source modifiers, make sure that primary output path contains the filename after source based file rename is applied, however before symbol based renames are applied. Example: template files: - `MyTestProject.csproj` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "TemplateWithSourceBasedRenames", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceBasedRenames", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceBasedRenames", "shortName": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceBasedRenames", "sourceName": "foo", "sources": [ { "rename": { "MyTestProject.csproj": "MyFirstTestProject.csproj" } } ], "symbols": { "firstRename": { "type": "parameter", "dataType": "string", "fileRename": "First" } }, "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "MyFirstTestProject.csproj" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, "args": { "files": [ "MyTestProject.csproj" ] } } ] } ``` Note that the example above contains primary output with name after source based rename is applied. The actual primary output returned by API, contains the final file name after symbol based renames are applied. Post action `files` should contain the original location in template definition. Example: ``` dotnet new TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceBasedRenames --firstRename Awesome ``` The primary output returned by API is: `MyAwesomeTestProject.csproj`. The final location of the files is: `./MyAwesomeTestProject.csproj`. # Different ways of using primary outputs in post actions Post actions support different ways of choosing the files to process, for more details see the documentation for specific post action. ## Example 1 - apply post action to all primary outputs The following example restores the projects mentioned in primary outputs: template files: - `./Custom/MyTestProject/MyTestProject.csproj` - `./Custom/MyTestProject/Class.cs` - `./Custom/MyTestProject.Tests/MyTestProject.Tests.csproj` - `./Custom/MyTestProject.Tests/Class.cs` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "shortName": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "sourceName": "MyTestProject", "sources": [ { "source": "./Custom/MyTestProject/", "target": "./src/MyTestProject/" }, { "source": "./Custom/MyTestProject.Tests/", "target": "./test/MyTestProject.Tests/" }, ], "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "./src/MyTestProject/MyTestProject.csproj" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, } ] } ``` ## Example 2 - reference source files in post action arguments The following example restores individual project specified in `files` property. Defining them in primary outputs is optional. template files: - `./Custom/MyTestProject/MyTestProject.csproj` - `./Custom/MyTestProject/Class.cs` - `./Custom/MyTestProject.Tests/MyTestProject.Tests.csproj` - `./Custom/MyTestProject.Tests/Class.cs` `template.json` definition ``` { "author": "Test Asset", "classifications": [ "Test Asset" ], "name": "TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "generatorVersions": "[*)", "groupIdentity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "precedence": "100", "identity": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "shortName": "TestAssets.TemplateWithSourceNameAndCustomSourceAndTargetPaths", "sourceName": "MyTestProject", "sources": [ { "source": "./Custom/MyTestProject/", "target": "./src/MyTestProject/" }, { "source": "./Custom/MyTestProject.Tests/", "target": "./test/MyTestProject.Tests/" }, ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Restore NuGet packages required by this project.", "manualInstructions": [ { "text": "Run 'dotnet restore'" } ], "actionId": "210D431B-A78B-4D2F-B762-4ED3E3EA9025", "continueOnError": true, "args": { "files": [ "./Custom/MyTestProject/MyTestProject.csproj" ] //here the source location should be used as the post action supports this notation } } ] } ``` Specifying files in post action arguments is supported by: - restore NuGet packages (dotnet CLI) - `files` argument - add reference to a project file (dotnet CLI) - `targetFiles` argument - add project(s) to a solution file (dotnet CLI) - `projectFiles` argument ## Example 3 - using primary output indexes in post action arguments Opens the file from primary outputs defined by index. `template.json` definition: ``` "primaryOutputs": [ { "path": "Company.ClassLibrary1.csproj" }, { "path": "Class1.cs" } ], "postActions": [ { "description": "Opens Class1.cs in the editor", "manualInstructions": [ ], "actionId": "84C0DA21-51C8-4541-9940-6CA19AF04EE6", "args": { "files": "1" }, "continueOnError": true } ] ``` Using indexes in post action arguments is supported by: - open a file in the editor (Visual Studio)