From 978f0f65e43b1f2d31b97913e2f425ac12068cc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Carsten Milling Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 01:37:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Remove anonymous-everyman.xml Testing removal with webhook after refactoring of dracor-org/dracor-api#240. --- tei/anonymous-everyman.xml | 1711 ------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 1711 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 tei/anonymous-everyman.xml diff --git a/tei/anonymous-everyman.xml b/tei/anonymous-everyman.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 03ba7ec..0000000 --- a/tei/anonymous-everyman.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1711 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - Everyman - - Anonymous - Q4233718 - - - Prepared under the supervision of - Julia Jennifer Beine - - - Prepared by - Madeleine Justin Nadolny - Adara Anu Denise Oehlenberg - Mahdi Zeinali - - - - Ruhr-University Bochum, Faculty of Philology - DraCor - - - - CC BY-SA 3.0 - Licence - -

copyright of the text edition (c) Manchester University Press. Cf. A. C. - Cawley(ed.): Everyman. Manchester: Manchester University Press 1961 (= Old and Middle - English Texts 3).

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Revised version of


Manchester edition drawn from first printed edition by Iohan Skot. edt (Editor) - Cawley, A. C. Manchester University Press.Everyman. Anonymous 1485. - Prepared by Ian Lancashire. University of Oxford Text Archive Subject Headings. - Library of Congress Subject Headings. Manchester 1961.

- - A. C. Cawley(ed.): Everyman. - Manchester: Manchester University Press - 1961 (= Old and Middle English Texts 3). -
- - - - - Everyman - - - Messenger - - - God - - - Dethe - - - Felawshyp - - - Kynrede - - - Cosyn - - - Goods - - - Good Dedes - - - Knowledge - - - Confessyon - - - Beaute - - - Strength - - - Dyscretion - - - V. Wyttes - - - The Anguell - - - Doctour - - - - - - Comedy - - Q40831 - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here begynneth a treatyse how the hye - Fader of heuen sendeth Dethe to - somon euery creature to come and - gyue a-counte of theyr lyues in - this worlde/and is in maner - of a morall playe. - - - Messenger. - I pray you all gyue your audyence, - And here this mater with reuerence, - By fygure a morall playe. - The Somonynge of Eueryman called it is, - That of our lyues and endynge shewes - How transytory we be all daye. - This mater is wonders precyous; - But the entent of it is more gracyous, - And swete to bere awaye. - The story sayth: Man, in the begynnynge - Loke well, and take good heed to the endynge, - Be you neuer so gay! - Ye thynke synne in the begynnynge full swete, - Whiche in the ende causeth the soule to wepe, - Whan the body lyeth in claye. - Here shall you se how Felawshyp/and Iolyte, - Bothe/Strengthe/Pleasure/and Beaute, - Wyll fade from the as floure in Maye; - For ye shall here how our Heuen Kynge - Calleth Eueryman to a generall rekenynge. - Gyue audyence, and here what he doth saye. - - God speketh. - - God. - I perceyue, here in my maieste, - How that all creatures be to me vnkynde, - Lyuynge without drede in worldly prosperyte. - Of ghostly syght the people be so blynde, - Drowned in synne, they know me not for theyr God. - In worldely ryches is all theyr mynde; - They fere not my ryghtwysnes, the sharpe rod. - My lawe that I shewed, whan I for them dyed, - They forget clene/and shedynge of my blode rede. - I hanged bytwene two theues, it can not be denyed; - To gete them lyfe I suffred to be deed; - I heled theyr fete/with thornes hurt was my heed. - I coude do no more than I dyde, truely; - And nowe I se the people do clene for-sake me. - They vse the seuen deedly synnes dampnable, - As pryde, coueytyse, wrath, and lechery - Now in the worlde be made commendable; - And thus they leue of aungelles the heuenly company. - Euery man lyueth so after his owne pleasure, - And yeyt of theyr lyfe they be nothynge sure. - I se the more that I them forbere - The worse they be fro yere to yere. - All that lyueth appayreth faste; - Therefore I wyll, in all the haste, - Haue a rekenynge of euery mannes persone; - For, and I leue the people thus alone - In theyr lyfe and wycked tempestes, - Veryly they will become moche worse than beestes, - For now one wolde by enuy another vp ete; - Charyte they do all clene forgete. - I hoped well that euery man - In my glory sholde make his mansyon, - And therto I had them all electe; - But now I se, lyke traytours deiecte, - They thanke me not for the pleasure that I to them ment, - Nor yet for theyr beynge that I them haue lent. - I profered the people grete multytude of mercy, - And fewe there be that asketh it hertly. - They be so combred with worldly ryches - That nedes on them I must do iustyce, - On euery man lyuynge without fere. - Where arte thou, Deth, thou myghty messengere? - - - Dethe. - Almyghty God, I am here at your wyll, - Your commaundement to fulfyll. - - - God. - Go thou to Eueryman - And shewe hym, in my name, - A pylgrymage he must on hym take, - Whiche he in no wyse may escape; - And that he brynge with hym a sure rekenynge - Without delay or ony taryenge. - - - Dethe. - Lorde, I wyll in the worlde go renne ouer-all - And cruelly out-serche both grete and small. - Euery man wyll I beset that lyueth beestly - Out of Goddes lawes, and dredeth not foly. - He that loueth rychess I wyll stryke with my darte, - His syght to blynde, and fro heuen to departe— - Excepte that almes be his good frende— - In hell for to dwell, worlde without ende. - Loo, yonder I se Eueryman walkynge. - Full lytell he thynketh on my comynge; - His mynde is on flesshely lustes and his treasure, - And grete payne it shall cause hym to endure - Before the Lorde, Heuen Kynge. - Eueryman, stande styll! Whyder arte thou goynge - Thus gayly? / Hast thou thy Maker forgete? - - - Eueryman. - Why askest thou? - Woldest thou wete? - - - Dethe. - Ye, syr. I wyll shewe you: - In grete hast I am sende to the - Fro God out of his mageste. - - - Eueryman. - What, sente to me? - - - Dethe. - Ye, certaynly. - Thoughe thou haue forgete hym here, - He thynketh on the in the heuenly spere, - As, or we departe, thou shalte knowe. - - - Eueryman. - What desyreth God of me? - - - Dethe. - That shall I shewe the: - A rekenynge he wyll nedes haue - Without ony lenger respyte. - - - Eueryman. - To gyue a rekenynge longer layser I craue; - This blynde mater troubleth my wytte. - - - Dethe. - On the thou must take a long iourney; - Therfore thy boke of counte with the thou brynge, - For tourne agayne thou can not by no waye. - And loke thou be sure of thy rekenynge, - For before God thou shalte answere, and shewe - Thy many badde dedes, and good but a fewe; - How thou hast spente thy lyfe, and in what wyse, - Before the chefe Lorde of paradyse. - Haue ado that thou were in that waye, - For wete thou well thou shalte make none attournay. - - - Eueryman. - Full vnredy I am suche rekenynge to guye. - I knowe the not. What messenger arte thou? - - - Dethe. - I am Dethe that no man dredeth— - For euery man I reste-and no man spareth; - For it is Goddes commaundement - That all to me sholde be obedyent. - - - Eueryman. - O Deth, thou comest whan I had the leest in mynde! - in thy power it lyeth me to saue; - Yet of my good wyl I guye the, yf thou wyl be kynde— - Ye, a thousande pounde shalte thou haue— - And dyfferre this mater tyll an other daye. - - - Dethe. - Eueryman, it may not be by no waye. - I set not by golde, syluer, nor rychesse, - Ne by pope/emperour/kynge/duke, ne prynces; - For, and I wolde receyue gyftes grete, - All the worlde I myght gete; - But my custome is clene contrary. - I gyue the no respyte. Come hens, and not tary! - - - Eueryman. - Alas, shall I haue no lenger respyte? - I may saye Deth gyueth no warnynge! - To thynke on the, it maketh my herte seke, - For all vnredy is my boke of rekenynge. - But xii. yere and I myght haue a-bydynge, - My countynge-boke I wolde make so clere - That my rekenynge I sholde not nede to fere. - Wherfore, Deth, I praye the, for Goddes mercy, - Spare me tyll I be prouyded of remedy. - - - Dethe. - The auayleth not to crye, wepe, and praye; - But hast the lyghtly that thou were gone that iournaye, - And preue thy frendes yf thou can. - For wete thou well the tyde abydeth no man, - And in the worlde eche lyuynge creature - For Adams synne must dye of nature. - - - Eueryman. - Dethe, yf I sholde this pylgrymage take, - And my rekenynge suerly make, - Shewe me, for saynt charyte, - Sholde I not come agayne shortly? - - - Dethe. - No, Eueryman; and thou be ones there, - Thou mayst neuer more come here, - Trust me veryly. - - - Eueryman. - O gracyous God in the hye sete celestyall, - Haue mercy on me in this moost nede! - Shall I haue no company fro this vale terestryall - Of myne acqueyntaunce, that way me to lede? - - - Dethe. - Ye, yf ony be so hardy - That wolde go with the and bere the company. - Hye the that thou were gone to Goddes magnyfycence, - Thy rekenynge to gyue before his presence. - What, wenest thou thy lyue is gyuen the, - And thy worldely gooddes also? - - - Eueryman. - I had wende so, veryle. - - - Dethe. - Nay, nay, it was but lende the; - For as soone as thou arte go, - Another a whyle shall haue it, and than go ther-fro, - Euen as thou hast done. - Eueryman, thou arte made! Thou hast thy wyttes fyue, - And here on erthe wyll not amende thy lyue; - For sodeynly I do come. - - - Eueryman. - O wretched caytyfe, wheder shall I flee, - That I myght scape this endles sorowe? - Now, gentyll Deth, spare me tyll to-morowe, - That I may amende me - With good aduysement. - - - Dethe. - Naye, therto I wyll not consent, - Nor no man wyll I respyte; - But to the herte sodeynly I shall smyte - Without ony aduysement. - And now out of thy syght I wyll me hy. - Se thou make the redy shortely, - For thou mayst saye this is the daye - That no man lyuynge may scape a-way. - - - Eueryman. - Alas, I may well wepe with syghes depe! - Now haue I no maner of company - To help me in my iourney, and me to kepe; - And also my wrytynge is full vnredy. - How shall I do now for to exscuse me? - I wolde to God I had neuer be get! - To my soule a full grete profyte it had be, - For now I fere paynes huge and grete. - The tyme passeth. Lorde, helpe, that all wrought! - For though I mourne, it auayleth nought. - The day passeth and is almoost ago; - I wote not well what for to do. - To whome were I best my complaynt to make? - What and I to Felawshyp therof spake, - And shewed hym of this sodeyne chaunce? - For in hym is all muyne affyaunce; - We haue in the worlde so many a daye - Be good frendes in sporte and playe. - I se hym yonder, certaynely. - I trust that he wyll bere me company; - Therfore to hym wyll I speke to ese my sorowe. - Well mette, Good Felawshyp, and good morowe! - - Felawshyp speketh. - - Felawship. - Eueryman, good morowe, by this daye! - Syr, why lokest thou so pyteously? - If ony thynge be a-mysse, I praye the me saye, - That I may helpe to remedy. - - - Eueryman. - Ye, good Felawshyp, ye, - I am in greate ieoparde. - - - Felawship. - My true frende, shewe to me your mynde. - I wyll not forsake the to my lyues ende, - In the waye of good company. - - - Eueryman. - That was well spoken and louyngly. - - - Felawshyp. - Syr, I must nedes knowe your heuynesse; - I haue pyte to se you in ony dystresse. - I ony haue you wronged, ye shall reuenged be, - Thoughe I on the grounde be slayne for the, - Though that I knowe before that I sholde dye. - - - Eueryman. - Veryly, Felawshyp, gramercy. - - - Felawship. - Tusshe! by thy thankes I set not a strawe. - Shewe me your grefe, and saye no more. - - - Eueryman. - If I my herte sholde to you breke, - And than you to tourne your mynde fro me - And wolde not me comforte whan ye here me speke, - Than sholde I ten tymes soryer be. - - - Felawship. - Syr, I saye as I wyll do in dede. - - - Eueryman. - Than be you a good frende at nede. - I haue founde you true here-before. - - - Felawship. - And so ye shall euermore; - For, in fayth, and thou go to hell, - I wyll not forsake the by the waye. - - - Eueryman. - Ye speke lyke a good frende; I byleue you well - I shall deserue it, and I maye. - - - Felawship. - I speke of no deseruynge, by this daye! - For he that wyll saye, and nothynge do, - Is not worthy with good company to go; - Therfore shewe me the grefe of your mynde, - As to your frende moost louynge and kynde. - - - Eueryman. - I shall shewe you how it is: - Commaunded I am to go a iournaye, - A longe waye harde and daungerous, - And gyue a strayte counte, without delaye, - Before the hye Iuge, Adonay. - Wherfore, I pray you, bere me company, - As ye haue promysed, in this iournaye. - - - Felawship. - That is mater in dede! Promyse is duty; - But, and I sholde take suche a vyage on me, - I knowe it well, it sholde be to my payne; - Also it maketh me aferde, certayne. - But let vs take counsell here as well as we can, - For your wordes wolde fere a stronge man. - - - Eueryman. - Why, ye sayd yf I had nede - Ye wolde me neuer forsake, quycke ne deed, - Thoughe it were to hell, truely. - - - Felawship. - So I sayd, certaynely, - But suche pleasures be set a-syde, the sothe to saye; - And also, yf we toke suche a iournaye, - Whan sholde we agayne come? - - - Eueryman. - Naye, neuer agayne tyll the daye of dome. - - - Felawship. - In fayth, than wyll not I come there! - Who hath you these tydynges brought? - - - Eueryman. - In dede, Deth was with me here. - - - Felawshyp. - Now, by God that all hathe bought, - If Deth were the messenger, - For no man that is lyuynge to-daye - I wyll not go that lothe iournaye— - Not for the fader that bygate me! - - - Eueryman. - Ye promysed other wyse, parde. - - - Felawship. - I wote well I sayd so, truely; - And yet, yf thou wylte ete & drynke & make good chere, - Or haunt to women the lusty company, - I wolde not forsake you whyle the daye is clere, - Trust me veryly. - - - Eueryman. - Ye, therto ye wolde be redy! - To go to myrthe, solas, and playe - Your mynde wyll soner apply, - Than to bere me company in my longe iournaye. - - - Felawship. - Now, in good fayth, I wyll not that waye; - But and thou wyll murder, or ony man kyll, - In that I wyll helpe the with a good wyll. - - - Eueryman. - O, that is a symple aduyse in dede. - Gentyll felawe, helpe me in my necessyte! - We haue loued longe, and now I nede; - And now, gentyll Felawshyp, remembre me. - - - Felawship. - Wheder ye haue loued me or no, - By Saynt Iohan I wyll not with the go! - - - Eueryman. - Yet, I pray the, take the labour & do so moche for me - To brynge me forwarde, for saynt charyte, - And comforte me tyll I come without the towne. - - - Felawship. - Nay, and thou wolde gyue me a newe gowne, - I wyll not a fote with the go; - But, and thou had taryed, I wolde not haue lefte the so. - And as now God spede the in thy iournaye, - For from the I wyll departe as fast as I maye. - - - Eueryman. - Wheder a-waye, Felawshyp? Wyll thou forsake me? - - - Felawship. - Ye, by my faye! To God I be-take the. - - - Eueryman. - Farewell, good Felawshyp! For the my herte is sore. - A-dewe for euer! I shall se the no more. - - - Felawship. - In fayth, Eueryman, fare well now at the endynge! - For you I wyll remembre that partynge is mournynge. - - - Eueryman. - A-lacke, shall wee thus departe in ded— - A, Lady, helpe!—without ony more comforte? - Lo, Felawshyp forsaketh me in my moost nede. - For helpe in this worlde wheder shall I resorte? - Felawshyp here-before with me wolde mery make, - And now lytell sorowe for me dooth he take. - It is sayd, `In prosperyte men frendes may fynde, - Whiche in aduersyte be full vnkynde.' - Now wheder for socoure shall I flee, - Syth that Felawshyp hath forsaken me? - To my kynnesmen I wyll, truely, - Prayenge them to helpe me in my necessyte. - I byleue that they wyll do so, - For kynde wyll crepe where it may not go. - I wyll go saye, for yonder I se them. - Where be ye now, my frendes and kynnesmen? - - - Kynrede. - Here be we now at your commaundement. - Cosyn, I praye you shewe vs your entent - In ony wyse, and not spare. - - - Cosyn. - Ye, Eueryman, and to vs declare - If ye be dysposed to go ony-whyder; - For, wete you well, we wyll lyue and dye to-gyder. - - - Kynrede. - In welth and wo we wyll with you holde, - For ouer his kynne a man may be bolde. - - - Eueryman. - Gramercy, my frendes and kynnesmen kynde. - Now shall I shewe you the grefe of my mynde: - I was commaunded by a messenger, - That is a hye kynges chefe offycer. - He bad me go a pylgrymage, to my payne, - And I knowe well I shall neuer come agayne. - Also I must gyue a rekenynge strayte, - For I haue a grete enemy that hath me in wayte, - Whiche entendeth me for to hynder. - - - Kynrede. - What a-counte is that whiche ye must render? - That wolde I knowe. - - - Eueryman. - Of all my workes I must shewe - How I haue lyued and my dayes spent; - Also of yll dedes that I haue vsed - In my tyme, syth lyfe was me lent; - And of all vertues that I haue refused. - Therfore, I praye you, go thyder with me - To helpe to make myn accounte, for saynt charyte. - - - Cosyn. - What, to go thyder? Is that the mater? - Nay, Eueryman, I had leuer fast brede and water - All this fyue yere and more. - - - Eueryman. - Alas, that euer I was bore! - For now shall I neuer be mery, - If that you forsake me. - - - Kynrede. - A, syr, what ye be a mery man! - Take good herte to you, and make no mone. - But one thynge I warne you, by Saynt Anne— - As for me, ye shall go alone. - - - Eueryman. - My Cosyn, wyll you not with me go? - - - Cosyn. - No, by our Lady! I haue the crampe in my to. - Trust not to me; for, so God me spede, - I wyll deceyue you in your moost nede. - - - Kynrede. - It auayleth not vs to tyse. - Ye shall haue my mayde with all my herte; - She loueth to go to feestes, there to be nyse, - And to daunce, and a-brode to sterte. - I wyll gyue her leue to helpe you in that iourney, - If that you and she may a-gree. - - - Eueryman. - Now shewe me the very effecte of your mynde: - Wyll you go with me, or abyde be-hynde? - - - Kynrede. - Abyde behynde? / Ye, that wyll I, and I maye! - Therfore farewell tyll another daye. - - - Eueryman. - Howe sholde I be mery or gladde? - For fayre promyses men to me make, - But whan I haue moost nede they me forsake. - I am deceyued; that maketh me sadde. - - - Cosyn. - Cosyn Eueryman, farewell now, - For veryly I wyll not go with you. - Also of myne owne an vnredy rekenynge - I haue to accounte; therfore I make taryenge. - Now God kepe the, for now I go. - - - Eueryman. - A, Iesus, is all come here-to? - Lo, fayre wordes maketh fooles fayne; - They promyse, and nothynge wyll do, certayne. - My kynnesmen promysed me faythfully - For to a-byde with me stedfastly, - And now fast a-waye do they flee. - Euen so Felawshyp promysed me. - What frende were best me of to prouyde? - I lose my tyme here longer to abyde. - Yet in my mynde a thynge there is: - All my lyfe I haue loued ryches; - If that my Good now helpe my myght, - He wolde make my herte full lyght. - I wyll speke to hym in this dystresse. - Where arte thou, my Gooddes and ryches? - - - Goodes. - Who calleth me? Eueryman? / What, hast thou haste? - I lye here in corners, trussed and pyled so hye, - And in chestes I am locked so fast, - Also sacked in bagges. Thou mayst se with thyn eye - I can not styre; in packes, lowe I lye. - What wolde ye haue? Lyghtly me saye. - - - Eueryman. - Come hyder, Good, in al the hast thou may, - For of counseyll I must desyre the. - - - Goodes. - Syre, & ye in the worlde haue sorowe or aduersyte, - That can I helpe you to remedy shortly. - - - Eueryman. - It is another dysease that greueth me; - In this worlde it is not, I tell the so. - I am sent for, an other way to go, - To gyue a strayte counte generall - Before the hyest Iupyter of all. - And all my lyfe I haue had ioye & pleasure in the, - Therfore, I pray the, go with me; - For parauenture, thou mayst before God Almyghty - My rekenynge helpe to clene and puryfye, - For it is sayd euer amonge - That ‘money maketh all ryght that is wronge.’ - - - Goodes. - Nay, Eueryman, I synge an other songe. - I folowe no man in suche vyages; - For, and I wente with the, - Thou sholdest fare moche the worse for me. - For bycause on me thou dyd set thy mynde, - Thy rekenynge I haue made blotted and blynde, - That thyne accounte thou can not make truly-- - And that hast thou for the loue of me! - - - Eueryman. - That wolde greue me full sore, - Whan I sholde come to that ferefull answere. - Vp, let vs go thyder to-gyder. - - - Goodes. - Nay, not so! I am to brytell, I may not endure. - I wyll folowe no man one fote, be ye sure. - - - Eueryman. - Alas, I haue the loued, and had grete pleasure - All my lyfe-dayes on good and treasure. - - - Goodes. - That is to thy dampnacyon, without lesynge, - For my loue is contrary to the loue euerlastynge. - But yf thou had me loued moderately durynge, - As to the poore gyue parte of me, - Than sholdest thou not in this dolour be, - Nor in this grete sorowe and care. - - - Eueryman. - Lo, now was I deceyued or I was ware; - And all I may wyte my spendynge of tyme. - Goodes, What, wenest thou that I am thyne? - - - Eueryman. - I had went so. - - - Goodes. - Naye, Eueryman, I saye no. - As for a whyle I was lente the; - A season thou hast had me in prosperyte. - My condycyon is mannes soule to kyll; - If I saue one, a thousande I do spyll. - Wenest thou that I wyll folowe the? - Nay, fro this worlde not, veryle. - - - Eueryman. - I had wende otherwyse. - - - Goodes. - Therfore to thy soule Good is a thefe; - For whan thou arte deed, this is my gyse— - Another to deceyue in this same wyse - As I haue done the, and all to his soules represe. - - - Eueryman. - O false Good, cursed thou be, - Thou traytour to God, that hast deceyued me - And caught me in thy snare! - - - Goodes. - Mary, thou brought they selfe in care, - Wherof I am gladde. - I must nedes laugh; I can not be sadde. - - - Eueryman. - A, Good, thou hast had longe my hertely loue; - I gaue the that whiche sholde be the Lordes aboue. - But wylte thou not go with me in dede? - I praye the trouth to saye. - - - Goodes. - No, so God me spede! - Therfore fare well, and haue good daye. - - - Eueryman. - O, to whome shall I make my mone - For to go with me in that heuy iournaye? - Fyrst Felawshyp sayd he wolde with me gone; - His wordes were very pleasaunt and gaye, - But afterwarde he lefte me alone. - Than spake I to my kynnesmen, all in dyspayre, - And also they gaue me wordes fayre; - They lacked no fayre spekynge, - But all forsake me in the endynge. - Than wente I to my Goodes that I loued best, - In hope to haue comforte; but there had I leest, - For my Goodes sharpely dyd me tell - That he bryngeth many in to hell. - Than of my selfe I was ashamed, - And so I am worthy to be blamed; - Thus may I well my selfe hate. - Of whome shall I now counseyll take? - I thynke that I shall neuer spede - Tyll that I go to my Good Dede. - But, alas, she is so weke - That she can nother go nor speke; - Yet wyll I venter on her now. - My Good Dedes, where be you? - - - Good Dedes. - Here I lye, colde in the grounde. - Thy synnes hath me sore bounde, - That I can not stere. - - - Eueryman. - O Good Dedes, I stande in fere! - I must you pray of counseyll, - For help now sholde come ryght well. - - - Good Dedes. - Eueryman, I haue vnderstandynge - That ye be somoned a-counte to make - Before Myssyas, of Iherusalem kynge; - And you do by me, that iournay with you wyll I take. - - - Eueryman. - Therfore I come to you my moone to make. - I praye you that ye wyll go with me. - - - Good Dedes. - wolde full fayne, but I can not stande, - veryly. - - - Ereryman. - Why, is there ony thynge on you fall? - - - Goode Dedes. - Ye, syr, I may thanke you of all. - If ye had parfytely chered me, - Your boke of counte full redy had be. - Loke, the bokes of your workes and dedes eke - Ase how they lye vnder the fete, - To your soules heuynes. - - - Eueryman. - Our Lorde Iesus help me! - For one letter here I can not se. - Good Dedes. There is a blynde rekenynge in tyme of dystres. - - - Eueryman. - Good Dedes, I praye you helpe me in this nede, - Or elles I am for euer dampned in dede; - Therfore helpe me to make rekenynge - Before the Redemer of all thynge, - That Kynge is, and was, and euer shall. - - - Good Dedes. - Eueryman, I am sory of your fall, - And fayne wolde I help you, and I were able. - - - Eueryman. - Good Dedes, your counseyll I pray you gyue me. - - - Good Dedes. - That shall I do veryly. - Thoughe that on my fete I may not go, - I haue a syster that shall with you also, - Called Knowlege, whiche shall with you abyde, - To helpe you to make that dredefull rekenynge. - - - Knowlege. - Eueryman, I wyll go with the and be thy gyde, - In they moost nede to go by thy syde. - - - Eueryman. - In good condycyon I am now in euery thynge, - And am holy content with this good thynge, - Thanked be God my creature. - - - Good Dedes. - And whan she hath brought you there - Where thou shalte hele the of thy smarte, - Than go you with your rekenynge & your Good Dedes togyder, - For to make you ioyfull at herte - Before the Blessyd Trynyte. - - - Eueryman. - My Good Dedes, gramercy! - I am well content, certaynly, - With your wordes swete. - - - Knowlege. - Now go we togyder louyngly - To Confessyon, that clensynge ryuere. - - - Eueryman. - For ioy I wepe; I wolde we were there! - But, I pray you, gyue me cognycyon - Where dwelleth that holy man, Confessyon. - - - Knowlege. - In the house of saluacyon; - We shall fynde hym in that place, - That shall vs comforte, by Goddes grace. - Lo, this is Confessyon. Knele downe & aske mercy, - For he is in good conceyte with God Almyghty. - - - Eueryman. - O gloryous fountayne, that all vnclennes doth - claryfy, - Wasshe fro me the spottes of vyce vnclene, - That on me no synne may be sene. - I come with Knowlege for my redempcyon, - Redempte with herte and full contrycyon; - For I am commaunded a pylgrymage to take, - And grete accountes before God to make. - Now I praye you, Shryfte, moder of saluacyon, - Helpe my Good Dedes for my pyteous exclamacyon. - - - Confessyon. - I knowe your sorowe well, Eueryman. - Bycause with Knowlege ye come to me, - I wyll you comforte as well as I can. - And a precyous iewell I wyll gyue the, - Called penaunce, voyder of aduersyte; - Therwith shall your body chastysed be, - With abstynence & perseueraunce in Goddes seruyture. - Here shall you receyue that scourge of me, - Whiche is penaunce stronge that ye must endure, - To remembre thy Sauyour was scourged for the - With sharpe scourges, and suffred it pacyently; - So must thou or thou scape that paynful pylgrymage. - Knowlege, kepe hym in this vyate, - And by that tyme Good Dedes wyll be with the. - But in ony wyse be seker of mercy, - For your tyme draweth fast; and ye wyll saued be, - Aske God mercy, and he wyll graunte truely. - Whan with the scourge of penaunce man doth hym bynde, - The oyle of forgyuenes than shall he fynde. - - - Eueryman. - Thanked be God for his gracyous werke! - For now I wyll my penaunce begyn. - This hath reioysed and lyghted my herte, - Though the knottes by paynful and harde, within. - - - Knowlege. - Eueryman, loke your penaunce that ye fulfyll, - What payne that euer it to you be; - And Knowlege shall guyue you counseyll at wyll - How your accounte ye shall make clerely. - - - Eueryman. - O eternall God / O heuenly fygure, - O way of ryghtwysnes / O goodly vysyon, - Whiche dyscended downe in a vyrgyn pure - Bycause he wolde euery man redeme, - Which Adam forfayted by his dysobedyence: - O blessyd God-heed, electe and hye deuyne, - Forgyue me my greuous offence! - Here I crye the mercy in this presence. - O ghostly treasure, O raunsomer and redemer, - Of all the worlde hope and conduyter, - Myrrour of ioye, foundatour of mercy, - Whiche enlumyneth heuen and erth therby, - Here my clamorous complaynt, though it late be, - Receyue my prayers vnworthy in this heuy lyfe! - Though I be a synner moost abhomynable, - Yet let my name be wryten in Moyses table. - O Mary, praye to the Maker of all thynge, - Me for to helpe at my endynge; - And saue me from the power of my enemy, - For Deth assayleth me strongly. - And, Lady, that I may by meane of thy prayer - Of your Sones glory to be partynere, - By the meanes of his passyon, I it craue; - I besech you helpe my soule to saue. - Knowlege, gyue me the scourge of penaunce; - My flesshe therwith shall guye acqueyntaunce. - I wyll now begyn yf God gyue me grace. - - - Knowlege. - Eueryman, God gyue you tyme and space! - Thus I bequeth you in the handes of our Sauyour; - Now may you make your rekenynge sure. - - - Eueryman. - In the name of the Holy Trynyte, - My body sore punysshed shall be: - Take this, body, for the synne of the flesshe! - Also thou delytest to go gay and fresshe, - And in the way of dampnacyon thou dyd me brynge; - Therfore suffre now strokes of punysshynge. - Now of penaunce I wyll wade the water clere, - To saue me from Purgatory, that sharpe fyre. - - - Goode Dedes. - I thanke God, now I can walke and go, - And am delyuered of my sykenesse and wo. - Therfore with Eueryman I wyll go, and not spare; - His good workes I wyll helpe hym to declare. - - - Knowlege. - Now, Eueryman, be mery and glad! - Your Good Dedes cometh now; ye may not be sad. - Now is your Good Dedes hole and sounde, - Goynge vpryght vpon the grounde. - - - Eueryman. - My herte is lyght, and shal be euermore; - Now wyll I smyte faster than I dyde before. - - - Good Dedes. - Eueryman, pylgryme, my specyall frende, - Blessyd be thou without ende! - For the is preparate the eternall glory. - Ye haue me made hole and sounde, - Therfore I wyll byde by the in euery stounde. - - - Eueryman. - Welcome, my Good Dedes! Now I here thy voyce - I wepe for very swetenes of loue. - - - Knowlege. - Be no more sad, but euer reioyce; - God seeth thy lyuynge in his trone aboue. - Put on this garment to thy behoue, - Whiche is wette with your teres, - Or elles before God you may it mysse, - Whan ye to your iourneys ende come shall. - - - Eueryman. - Gentyll Knowlege, what do ye it call? - - - Knowlege. - It is a garment of sorowe; - Fro payne it wyll you borowe. - Contrycyon it is - That getteth forgyuenes; - He pleaseth God passynge well. - - - Good Dedes. - Eueryman, wyll you were it for your hele? - - - Eueryman. - Now blessyde be Iesu, Maryes sone, - For now haue I on true contrycyon; - And lette vs go now without taryenge. - Good Dedes, haue we clere our rekenynge? - - - Good Dedes. - Ye, in dede, I haue it here. - - - Eueryman. - Than I trust we nede not fere. - Now, frendes, let vs not parte in twayne. - - - Knowlege. - Nay, Eueryman, that wyll we not, certayne. - - - Good Dedes. - Yet must thou lede with the - Thre persones of grete myght. - - - Eueryman. - Who sholde they be? - - - Good Dedes. - Dyscrecyon and Strength they hyght, - And thy Beaute may not abyde behynde. - - - Knowlege. - Also ye must call to mynde - Your Fyue Wyttes as for your counseylours. - - - Good Dedes. - You must haue them redy at all houres. - - - Eueryman. - My frendes, come hyder and be present, - Dyscrecyon, Strengthe, my Fyue Wyttes, and Beaute. - - - Beaute. - Here at your wyll we be all redy. - What wolde ye that we shold do? - - - Good Dedes. - That ye wolde with Eueryman go, - And help hym in his pylgrymage. - Aduyse you / wyll ye with him or not in that vyage? - - - Strength. - We wyll brynge hym all thyder, - To his helpe and comforte / ye may byleue me. - - - Dyscrecion. - So wyll we go with hym all togyder. - - - Eueryman. - Almyghty God, loued may thou be! - I gyue the laude that I haue hyder brought - Strength, Dyscrecyon, Beaute, & V. Wyttes. Lacke I nought. - And my Good Dedes, with Knowlege clere, - All be in company at my wyll here. - I desyre no more to my besynes. - - - Strengthe. - And I, Strength, wyll gy you stande in dystres, - Though thou wolde in batayle fyght on the grounde. - - - V. Wyttes. - And though it were thrugh the worlde rounde, - We wyll not departe for swete ne soure. - - - Beaute. - No more wyll I vnto dethes houre, - What so euer therof befall. - - - Dyscrecion. - Eueryman, aduyse you fyrst of all; - Go with a good aduysement and delyberacyon. - We all gyue you vertuous monycyon - That all shall be well. - - - Eueryman. - My frendes, harken what I wyll tell: - I praye God rewarde you in his heuenly spere. - Now herken, all that be here, - For I wyll make my testament - Here before you all present: - In almes / halfe my good I wyll gyue with my handes - twayne - In the way of charyte with good entent, - And the other hald styll shall remayne - In queth, to be retourned there it ought to be. - This I do in despyte of the fende of hell, - To go quyte out of his perell - Euer after and this daye. - - - Knowlege. - Eueryman, herken what I saye: - Go to Presthode, I you aduyse, - And receyue of hym in ony wyse - The holy sacrament and oyntement togyder. - Than shortly se ye tourne agayne hyder; - We wyll all abyde you here. - - - V. Wwyttes. - Ye, Eueryman, hye you that ye redy were. - There is no Emperour, Kynge, Duke, ne Baron, - That of God hath commycyon - As hath the leest preest in the worlde beynge; - For of the blessyd sacraments pure and benygne - He bereth the keyes, and therof hath the cure - For mannes recempcyon--it is euer sure-- - Whiche God for our soules medycyne - Gaue vs out of his herte with grete pyne. - Here in this transytory lyfe, for the and me, - The blessyd sacraments vii. there be: - Baptym, confyrmacyon, with preesthode good, - And the sacrament of Goddes precyous flesshe & blod, - Maryage, the holy extreme vnccyon, and penaunce. - These seuen be good to haue in remembraunce, - Gracyous sacraments of hye deuynyte. - - - Eueryman. - Fayne wolde I receyue that holy body, - And mekely to my ghostly fader I wyll go. - - - V. Wyttes. - Eueryman, that is the best that ye can do. - God wyll you to saluacyon brynge, - For preesthode excedeth all other thynge: - To vs holy scrypture they do teche, - And conuerteth man fro synne, heuen to reche; - God hath to them more power gyuen - Than to ony aungell that is in heuen. - With v. wordes he may consecrate, - Goddes body in flesshe and blode to make, - And handeleth his Maker bytwene his handes. - The preest byndeth and vnbyndeth all bandes, - Bothe in erthe and in heuen. - Thou mynystres all the sacramentes seuen; - Though we kysse thy fete, thou were worthy. - Thou arte surgyon that cureth synne deedly; - No remedy we fynde vnder God - But all onely preesthode. - Eueryman, God gaue preest that dygnyte, - And setteth them in his stede amonge vs to be; - Thus be they aboue aungelles in degree. - - - Knowlege. - If preestes be good, it is so, suerly. - But whan Iesu hanged on the crosse with grete smarte, - There he gaue out of his blessyd herte - The seuen sacraments in grete tourment; - He solde them not to vs, that Lorde omnypotent. - Therfore Saynt Peter the apostell dothe saye - That Iesus curse hath all they - Whiche God theyr Sauyour do by or sell, - Or they for ony money do take or tell. - Synfull preestes gyueth the synners example bad: - Theyr chyldren sytteth by other mennes fyres, I haue harde; - And some haunteth womens company - With vnclene lyfe, as lustes of lechery. - These be with synne made blynde. - - - V. Wyttes. - I trust to God no suche may we fynde; - Therfore let vs preesthode honour, - And folowe theyr doctryne for our soules socoure. - We be theyr shepe, and they shepeherdes be - By whome we all be kepte in suerte. - Peas! For yonder I se Eueryman come, - Which hath made true satysfaccyon. - - - Good Dedes. - Me thyhnke it is he in ded. - - - Eueryman. - Now Iesu be your alder spede! - I haue receyued the sacrament for my redempycon, - And than myne extreme vnccyon. - Blessyd be all they that counseyled me to take it! - And now, frendes, let vs go with-out longer respyte. - I thanke God that ye haue taryed so longe. - Now set eche of you on this rodde your honde, - And shortely folowe me. - I go before there I wolde be. God be our gyde! - - - Strength. - Eueryman, we wyll not fro you go - Tyll ye haue done this vyage longe. - - - Dyscrecion. - I, Dyscrecyon, wyll byde by you also. - - - Kniowlege. - And though this pylgrymage be neuer so stronge, - I wyll neuer parte you fro. - - - Strength. - Eueryman, I wyll be as sure by the - As euer I dyde by Iudas Machabee. - - - Eueryman. - Alas, I am so faynt I may not stande; - My lymmes vnder me do folde. - Frendes, let vs not tourne agayne to this lande, - Not for all the worldes golde; - For in to this caue must I crepe - And tourne to erth, and there to slepe. - - - Beaute. - What, in to this graue? Alas! - - - Eueryman. - Ye, there shall ye consume, more and lesse. - - - Beaute. - And what, sholde I smoder here? - - - Eueryman. - Ye, by my fayth, and neuer more appere. - In this worlde lyue no more we shall, - But in heuen before the hyest Lorde of all. - - - Beaute. - I crosse out all this. / Adewe, by Saynt Iohan! - I take my tappe in my lappe and am gone. - - - Eueryman. - What, Beaute, whyder wyll ye? - - - Beaute. - Peas! I am defe. I loke not behynde me, - Not & thou wolde gyue me all the golde in thy chest. - - - Eueryman. - Alas, wherto may I truste? - Beaute gothe fast awaye fro me. - She promysed with me to lyue and dye. - - - Strength. - Eueryman, I wyll the also forsake and denye; - Thy game lyketh me not at all. - - - Eueryman. - Why, than, ye wyll forsake me all? - Swete Strength, tary a lyttel space. - - - Strengthe. - Nay, syr, by the rode of grace! - I wyll hye me from the fast, - Though thou wepe to thy herte to-brast. - - - Eueryman. - Ye wolde euer byde by me, ye sayd. - - - Strength. - Ye, I haue you ferre ynoughe conueyde. - Ye be olde ynoughe, I vnderstande, - Your pylgrymage to take on hande. - I repent me that I hyder came. - - - Eueryman. - Strength, you to dysplease I am to blame. - Wyll ye breke promyse that is dette? - - - Strength. - In fayth, I care not. - Thou arte but a foole to complayne; - You spend your speche and wast your brayne. - Go thryst the in to the grounde. - - - Eyeryman. - I had wende surer I sholde you haue founde. - He that trusteth in his Strength, - She hym deceyueth at the length. - Bothe Strength and Beaute forsaketh me; - Yet they promysed me fayre and louyngly. - - - Dyscrecion. - Eueryman, I wyll after Strength be gone. - As for me, I wyll leue you alone. - - - Eueryman. - Why, Dyscrecyon, wyll ye forsake me? - - - Dyscrecionn. - Ye, in faytyh, I wyll go fro the, - For whan Strength goth before - I folowe after euer more. - - - Eueryman. - Yet, I pray the, for the loue of the Trynyte, - Loke in my graue ones pyteously. - - - Dyscrecion. - Nay, so nye wyll I not come. - Fare well, euerychone! - - - Eueryman. - O, all thynge fayleth, saue God alone-- - Beaute, Strength, and Dyscrecyon; - For whan Deth bloweth his blast, - They all renne fro me full fast. - - - V. Wyttes. - Eueryman, my leue now of the I take. - I wyll folowe the other, for here I the forsake. - - - Eueryman. - Alas, than may I wayle and wepe, - For I toke you for my best frende. - - - V. Wyttes. - I wyll no lenger the kepe. - Now fare well, and there an ende. - - - Eueryman. - O Iesu, helpe! All hath forsaken me. - - - Good Dedes. - Nay, Eueryman, I wyll byde with the. - I wyll not forsake the in dede; - Thou shalte fynde me a good frende at nede. - - - Eueryman. - Gramercy, Good Dedes! Now may I true - frendes se. - They haue forsaken me, euerychone; - I loued them better than my Good Dedes alone. - Knowlege, wyll ye forsake me also? - - - Knowlege. - Ye, Eueryman, whan ye to Deth shall go; - But not yet, for no maner of daunger. - - - Everyman. - Gramercy, Knowlege, with all my herte. - - - Knowlege. - Nay, yet I wyll not from hens departe - Tyll I se where ye shall be-come. - - - Eueryman. - Me thynke, alas, that I must be gone - To make my rekenynge and my dettes paye, - For I se my tyme is nye spent awaye. - Take example, all ye that this do here or se, - How they that I loued best do forsake me, - Except my Good Dedes that bydeth truely. - - - Good Dedes. - All erthly thynges is but vanyte: - Beaute, Strength / and Dyscrecyon do man forsake, - Folysshe frendes and kynnesmen that fayre spake-- - All fleeth saue Good Dedes, and that am I. - - - Eueryman. - Haue mercy on me, God moost myghty, - And stande by me, thou moder & mayde, Holy Mary! - - - Good Dedes. - Fere not; I wyll speke for the. - - - Eueryman. - Here I crye God mercy. - - - Good Dedes. - Shorte our ende and mynysshe our payne; - Let vs go and neuer come agayne. - - - Eueryman. - In to they handes, Lorde, my soule I commende; - Receyue it, Lorde, that it be not lost. - As thou me boughtest, so me defende, - And saue me from the fendes boost, - That I may appere with that blessyd hoost - That shall be saued at the day of dome. - In manus tuas, of myghtes moost - For euer, Commendo spiritum meum. - - - Knowlege. - Now hath he suffred that we all shall endure; - The Good Dedes shall make all sure. - Now hath he made endynge; - Me thynketh that I here aungelles synge - And make grete ioy and melody - Where Euerymannes soule receyued shall be. - - - The Aungell. - Come, excellente electe spouse, to Iesu! - Here aboue thou shalte go - Bycause of thy synguler vertue. - Now thy soule is taken thy body fro, - Thy rekenynge is crystall-clere. - Now shalte thou in to the heuenly spere, - Vnto the whiche all ye shall come - That lyueth well before the daye of dome. - - - Doctour. - This morall men may haue in mynde. - Ye herers, take it of worth, olde and yonge, - And forsake Pryde, for he deceyueth you in the ende; - And remembre Beaute, V. Wyttes, Strength, & Dyscrecyon, - They all at the last do Eueryman forsake, - Saue his Good Dedes there dothe he take. - But be-ware, for and they be small, - Before God he hath no helpe at all: - None excuse may be there for Eueryman. - Alas, how shall he do than? - For after dethe amendes may no man make, - For than mercy and pyte doth hym forsake. - If his rekenynge be not clere whan he doth come, - God wyll saye, ‘Ite, maledicti, in ignem eternum.’ - And he that hath his accounte hole and sounde, - Hye in heuen he shall be crounde. - Vnto which place God brynge vs all thyder, - That we may lyue body and soule togyder. - Therto helpe the Trynyte! - Amen, saye ye, for saynt charyte. - FINIS. - Thus endeth this morall playe of Eueryman. - Imprynted at London in Poules - chyrche yarde by me - Iohan Skot. - - - -