In many large-scale solutions, data is divided into separate partitions that can be managed and accessed separately. The partitioning strategy must be chosen carefully to maximize the benefits while minimizing adverse effects. Partitioning can help to improve scalability, reduce contention, and optimize performance. A side-benefit of partitioning is that can also provide a mechanism for dividing data by the pattern of use; you could archive older, more inactive (cold) data to cheaper data storage.
Most cloud applications and services store and retrieve data as part of their operations. The design of the data stores that an application uses can have a significant bearing on the performance, throughput, and scalability of a system. One technique that is commonly applied in large-scale systems is to divide the data into separate partitions.
The term partitioning used in this guidance refers to the process of physically dividing data into separate data stores. This is not the same as SQL Server Table Partitioning, which is a different concept.
Partitioning data can offer a number of benefits. For example, it can be applied in order to:
- Improve scalability. Scaling up a single database system will eventually reach a physical hardware limit. Dividing data across multiple partitions, each of which is hosted on a separate server, allows the system to scale out almost indefinitely.
- Improve performance. Data access operations on each partition take place over a smaller volume of data. Provided that the data is partitioned in a suitable way, this is much more efficient. Operations that affect more than one partition can execute in parallel. Each partition can be located near the application that uses it to minimize network latency.
- Improve availability. Separating data across multiple servers avoids a single point of failure. If a server fails, or is undergoing planned maintenance, only the data in that partition is unavailable. Operations on other partitions can continue. Increasing the number of partitions reduces the relative impact of a single server failure by reducing the percentage of the data that will be unavailable. Replicating each partition can further reduce the chance of a single partition failure affecting operations. It also enables the separation of critical data that must be continually and highly available from low value data (such as log files) that has lower availability requirements.
- Improve security. Depending on the nature of the data and how it is partitioned, it may be possible to separate sensitive and non-sensitive data into different partitions, and therefore different servers or data stores. Security can then be specifically optimized for the sensitive data.
- Provide operational flexibility. Partitioning offers many opportunities for fine tuning operations, maximizing administrative efficiency, and minimizing cost. Some examples are defining different strategies for management, monitoring, backup and restore, and other administrative tasks based on the importance of the data in each partition.
- Match the data store to the pattern of use. Partitioning allows each partition to be deployed on a different type of data store, based on cost and the built-in features that data store offers. For example, large binary data could be stored in a blob data store, while more structured data could be held in a document database. For more information see Building a Polyglot Solution in the patterns & practices guide Data Access for Highly-Scalable Solutions: Using SQL, NoSQL, and Polyglot Persistence on the Microsoft website.
Some systems do not implement partitioning because it is considered an overhead rather than an advantage. Common reasons for this rationale include:
- Many data storage systems do not support joins across partitions, and it can be difficult to maintain referential integrity in a partitioned system. It is frequently necessary to implement joins and integrity checks in application code (in the partitioning layer), which can result in additional I/O and application complexity.
- Maintaining partitions is not always a trivial task. In a system where the data is volatile, you may need to rebalance partitions periodically to reduce contention and hot spots.
- Some common tools do not work naturally with partitioned data.
Data can be partitioned in different ways: horizontally, vertically, or functionally. The strategy you choose depends on the reason for partitioning the data, and the requirements of the applications and services that will use the data.
Note: The partitioning schemes described in this guidance are explained in a way that is independent of the underlying data storage technology. They can be applied to many types of data stores, including relational and NoSQL databases.
The three typical strategies for partitioning data are:
- Horizontal partitioning (often called sharding). In this strategy each partition is a data store in its own right, but all partitions have the same schema. Each partition is known as a shard and holds a specific subset of the data, such as all the orders for a specific set of customers in an ecommerce application.
- Vertical partitioning. In this strategy each partition holds a subset of the fields for items in the data store. The fields are divided according to their pattern of use, such as placing the frequently accessed fields in one vertical partition and the less frequently accessed fields in another.
- Functional partitioning. In this strategy data is aggregated according to how it is used by each bounded context in the system. For example, an ecommerce system that implements separate business functions for invoicing and managing product inventory might store invoice data in one partition and product inventory data in another.
It’s important to note that the three strategies described here can be combined. They are not mutually exclusive and you should consider them all when you design a partitioning scheme. For example, you might divide data into shards and then use vertical partitioning to further subdivide the data in each shard. Similarly, the data in a functional partition may be split into shards (which may also be vertically partitioned).
However, the differing requirements of each strategy can raise a number of conflicting issues that you must evaluate and balance when designing a partitioning scheme that meets the overall data processing performance targets for your system. The following sections explore each of the strategies in more detail.
Figure 1 shows an overview of horizontal partitioning or sharding. In this example, product inventory data is divided into shards based on the product key. Each shard holds the data for a contiguous range of shard keys (A-G and H-Z), organized alphabetically.
Figure 1. - Horizontally partitioning (sharding) data based on a partition key
Sharding enables you to spread the load over more computers; reducing contention, and improving performance. You can scale the system out by adding further shards running on additional servers.
The most important factor when implementing this partitioning strategy is the choice of sharding key. It can be difficult to change the key after the system is in operation. The key must ensure that data is partitioned so that the workload is as even as possible across the shards. Note that different shards do not have to contain similar volumes of data, rather the important consideration is to balance the number of requests; some shards may be very large but each item is the subject of a low number of access operations, while other shards may be smaller but each item is accessed much more frequently. It is also important to ensure that a single shard does not exceed the scale limits (in terms of capacity and processing resources) of the data store being used to host that shard.
The sharding scheme should also avoid creating hotspots (or hot partitions) that may affect performance and availability. For example, using a hash of a customer identifier instead of the first letter of a customer’s name will prevent the unbalanced distribution that would result from common and less common initial letters. This is a typical technique that helps to distribute the data more evenly across partitions.
The sharding key you choose should minimize any future requirements to split large shards into smaller pieces, coalesce small shards into larger partitions, or change the schema that describes the data stored in a set of partitions. These operations can be very time consuming, and may require taking one or more shards offline while they are performed. If shards are replicated, it may be possible to keep some of the replicas online while others are split, merged, or reconfigured, but the system may need to limit the operations that can be performed on the data in these shards while the reconfiguration is taking place. For example, the data in the replicas could be marked as read-only to limit the scope of any inconsistences that could otherwise occur while shards are being restructured.
For more detailed information and guidance about many of these considerations, and good practice techniques for designing data stores that implement horizontal partitioning, see the Sharding Pattern
The most common use for vertical partitioning is to reduce the I/O and performance costs associated with fetching the items that are accessed most frequently. Figure 2 shows an overview of an example of vertical partitioning, where different properties for each data item are held in different partitions; the name, description, and price information for products are accessed more frequently than the volume in stock or the last ordered date.
Figure 2. - Vertically partitioning data by its pattern of use
In this example, the application regularly queries the product name, description, and price together when displaying the details of products to customers. The stock level and date when the product was last ordered from the manufacturer are held in a separate partition because these two items are commonly used together. This partitioning scheme has the added advantage that the relatively slow-moving data (product name, description, and price) is separated from the more dynamic data (stock level and last ordered date). An application may find it beneficial to cache the slow-moving data in memory if it is frequently accessed.
Another typical scenario for this partitioning strategy is to maximize the security of sensitive data. For example, by storing credit card numbers and the corresponding card security verification numbers in separate partitions.
Vertical partitioning can also reduce the amount of concurrent access required to the data.
Vertical partitioning operates at the entity level within a data store, partially normalizing an entity to break it down from a wide item to a set of narrow items. It is ideally suited for column-oriented data stores such as HBase and Cassandra. If the data in a collection of columns is unlikely to change, you can also consider using column stores in SQL Server.
For systems where it is possible to identify a bounded context for each distinct business area or service in the application, functional partitioning provides a technique for improving isolation and data access performance. Another common use of functional partitioning is to separate read-write data from read-only data used for reporting purposes. Figure 3 shows an overview of functional partitioning where inventory data is separated from customer data.
Figure 3. - Functionally partitioning data by bounded context or subdomain
This partitioning strategy can help to reduce data access contention across different parts of the system.
It is vital to consider size and workload for each partition and balance them so that data is distributed to achieve maximum scalability. However, you must also partition the data so that it does not exceed the scaling limits of a single partition store.
Follow these steps when designing the partitions for scalability:
- Analyze the application to understand the data access patterns, such as size of the result set returned by each query, the frequency of access, the inherent latency, and the server-side compute processing requirements. In many cases, a few major entities will demand most of the processing resources.
- Based on the analysis, determine the current and future scalability targets such as data size and workload, and distribute the data across the partitions to meet the scalability target. In the horizontal partitioning strategy, choosing the appropriate shard key is important to make sure distribution is even. For more information see the Sharding pattern.
- Make sure that the resources available to each partition are sufficient to handle the scalability requirements in terms of data size and throughput. For example, the node hosting a partition might impose a hard limit on the amount of storage space, processing power, or network bandwidth that it provides. If the data storage and processing requirements are likely to exceed these limits it may be necessary to refine your partitioning strategy or split data out further. For example, one scalability approach might be to separate logging data from the core application features by using separate data stores to prevent the total data storage requirements exceeding the scaling limit of the node. If the total number of data stores exceeds the node limit, it may be necessary to use separate storage nodes.
- Monitor the system under use to verify that the data is distributed as expected and that the partitions can handle the load imposed on them. It could be possible that the usage does not match that anticipated by the analysis it may be possible to rebalance the partitions. Failing that, it may be necessary to redesign some parts of the system to gain the balance that is required.
Note that some cloud environments allocate resources in terms of infrastructure boundaries, and you should ensure that the limits of your selected boundary provide enough room for any anticipated growth in the volume of data, in terms of data storage, processing power, and bandwidth. For example, if you use Windows Azure table storage, a busy shard might require more resources than are available to a single partition to handle requests (there is a limit to the volume of requests that can be handled by a single partition in a given period of time—see the page Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets on the Microsoft website for more details). In this case, the shard may need to be repartitioned to spread the load. If the total size or throughput of these tables exceeds capacity of a storage account, it may be necessary to create additional storage accounts and spread the tables across these accounts. If the number of storage accounts exceeds the number of accounts that are available to a subscription, then it may be necessary to use multiple subscriptions.
Query performance can often be boosted by using smaller data sets and parallel query execution. Each partition should contain a small proportion of the entire data set, and this reduction in volume can improve the performance of queries. However, partitioning is not an alternative for designing and configuring a database appropriately. For example, make sure that you have the necessary indexes in place if you are using a relational database.
Follow these steps when designing the partitions for query performance:
- Examine the application requirements and performance:
- Use the business requirements to determine critical queries that must always perform quickly.
- Monitor the system to identify any queries that perform slowly.
- Establish which queries are performed most frequently. A single instance of each query might have minimal cost, but the cumulative consumption of resources could be significant. It may be beneficial to separate the data retrieved by these queries into a distinct partition, or even a cache.
- Partition the data that is causing slow performance. Ensure that you:
- Limit the size of each partition so that the query response time is within target.
- Design the shard key in a way that the application can easily find the partition if you are implementing horizontal partitioning. This prevents the query needing to scan through every partition.
- Consider the location of a partition on the performance of queries. If possible, try to keep data in partitions that are geographically close to the applications and users that access it.
- If an entity has throughput and query performance requirements, use functional partitioning based on that entity. If this is still not able to satisfy the requirements, apply horizontal partitioning as well. In most cases a single partitioning strategy will suffice, but in some cases it is more efficient to combine both strategies.
- Consider using asynchronous queries that run in parallel across partitions to improve the performance.
Partitioning data can improve the availability of applications by ensuring that the entire dataset does not constitute a single point of failure and that individual subsets of the dataset can be managed independently. Replicating partitions containing critical data can also improve availability.
When designing and implementing partitions, consider the following factors that affect availability:
- How critical the data is to business operations. Some data may comprise critical business information such as invoice details or bank transactions. Other data might simply be less critical operational data, such as log files, performance traces, and so on. After identifying each type of data, consider:
- Storing critical data in highly-available partitions with an appropriate back up plan.
- Establishing separate management and monitoring mechanisms or procedures for the different criticalities of each dataset. Place data that has the same level of criticality in the same partition so that it can backed up together at an appropriate frequency. For example, partitions holding data for bank transactions may need to be backed up more frequently than partitions holding logging or trace information.
- How individual partitions can be managed. Designing partitions to support independent management and maintenance provides several advantages. For example:
- If a partition fails, it can be recovered independently without affecting instances of applications that access data in other partitions.
- Partitioning data by geographical area may allow scheduled maintenance tasks to occur at off-peak hours for each location. Ensure that partitions are not too big to prevent any planned maintenance from being completed during this period.
- Whether to replicate critical data across partitions. This strategy can improve availability and performance, although it can also introduce consistency issues. It takes time for changes made to data in a partition to be synchronized with every replica, and during this period different partitions will contain different data values.
Using partitioning adds complexity to the design and development of the system. It is important to consider partitioning as a fundamental part of the system design even if the system only contains a single partition initially. Addressing partitioning as an afterthought when the system starts to suffer performance and scalability issues only increases complexity as you probably now have a live system to maintain. Updating the system to incorporate partitioning in this environment necessitates not only modifying the data access logic, it can also involve migrating large quantities of existing data to distribute it across partitions, often while users expect to be able to continue using the system.
In some cases, partitioning is not considered important because the initial dataset is small and can be easily handled by a single server. This may be true in a system that is not expected to scale beyond its initial size, but many commercial systems need to be able to expand as the number of users increases. This expansion is typically accompanied by a growth in the volume of data. You should also understand that partitioning is not always a function of large data stores. For example, a small data store might be heavily accessed by hundreds of concurrent clients. Partitioning the data in this situation can help to reduce contention and improve throughput.
You should consider the following points when you design a data partitioning scheme:
- Where possible, keep data for the most common database operations together in each partition to minimize cross-partition data access operations. Querying across partitions can be more time-consuming than querying only within a single partition, but optimizing partitions for one set of queries might adversely affect other sets of queries. To minimize the query time across partitions where this cannot be avoided, execute parallel queries over the partitions and aggregate the results within the application. However, this approach may not be possible in some cases, such as when it is necessary to obtain a result from one query and use this in the next query.
- If queries make use of relatively static reference data, such as postal code tables or product lists, consider replicating this data in all of the partitions to reduce the requirement for a separate lookup operation in different partition. This approach can also reduce the likelihood of the reference data becoming a "hot" dataset that is subject to heavy traffic from across the entire system, although there is an additional cost associated with synchronizing any changes that might occur to this reference data.
- Where possible, minimize requirements for referential integrity across vertical and functional partitions. In these schemes, the application itself is responsible for maintaining referential integrity across partitions when data is updated and consumed. Queries that must join data across multiple partitions run more slowly than queries that join data only within the same partition because the application will typically need to perform consecutive queries based on a key and then on a foreign key. Instead, consider replicating or de-normalizing the relevant data. To minimize the query time where cross-partition joins are necessary, execute parallel queries over the partitions and join the data within the application.
- Consider the effect that the partitioning scheme might have on the data consistency across partitions. You should evaluate whether strong consistency is actually a requirement. Instead, a common approach in the cloud is to implement eventual consistency. The data in each partition is updated separately, and the application logic can take responsibility for ensuring that the updates all complete successfully—as well as handling the inconsistencies that can arise from querying data while an eventually consistent operation is running. For more information about implementing eventual consistency, see the Consistency Guidance.(#insertlink#)
- Consider how queries will locate the correct partition. If a query must scan all partitions to locate the required data there will be a significant impact on performance, even when using multiple parallel queries. Queries used with the vertical and functional partitioning strategies can naturally specify the partitions. However, when using horizontal partitioning (sharding), locating an item can be difficult because every shard has the same schema. A typical solution for sharding is to maintain a map that can be used to look up the shard location for specific items of data. This map may be implemented in the sharding logic of the application, or maintained by the data store if it supports transparent sharding.
- When using a horizontal partitioning strategy, consider periodically rebalancing the shards to distribute the data evenly by size and by workload to minimize hotspots, maximize query performance, and work around physical storage limitations. However, this is a complex task that often requires the use of a custom tool or process.
- Replicating each partition provides additional protection against failure. If a single replica fails, queries can be directed towards a working copy.
- If you reach the physical limits of a partitioning strategy, you may need to extend the scalability to a different level. For example, if partitioning is at the database level it may mean locating or replicating partitions in multiple databases. If partitioning is already at the database level, and physical limitations are an issue, it may mean locating or replicating partitions in multiple hosting accounts.
- Avoid transactions that access data in multiple partitions. Some data stores implement transactional consistency and integrity for operations that modify data, but only when it is located in a single partition. If you need transactional support across multiple partitions, you will probably need to implement this as part of your application logic because most partitioning systems do not provide native support.
All data stores require some operational management and monitoring activity. The tasks can range from loading data, backing up and restoring data, reorganizing data, and ensuring that the system is performing correctly and efficiently.
Consider the following factors that affect operational management:
- Consider how you will implement appropriate management and operational tasks when the data is partitioned, such as backup and restore, archiving data, monitoring the system, and other administrative tasks. For example, maintaining logical consistency during backup and restore operations can be a challenge.
- How the data can be loaded into multiple partitions, and how new data arriving from other sources might be added. Some tools and utilities may not support sharded data operations such as loading data into the correct partition, and so this may require creating or obtaining new tools and utilities.
- How the data will be archived and deleted on a regular basis (perhaps monthly) to prevent excessive growth of partitions. It may be necessary to transform the data to match a different archive schema.
- Consider executing a periodic process to locate any data integrity issues such as data in one partition that references information in another, but this information is missing. The process could either attempt to fix these issues automatically or raise an alert to an operator to correct the problems manually. For example, in an ecommerce application, order information might be held in one partition but the line items that constitute each order might be held in another. The process of placing an order needs to add data to bother partitions. If this process fails, there could be line items stored for which there is no corresponding order.
Different data storage technologies typically provide their own features to support partitioning. The following sections summarize the options implemented by data stores commonly used by Azure applications, and describe considerations for designing applications that can take best advantage of these features.
Azure SQL Database is a relational database-as-a-service that runs in the cloud. It is based on Microsoft SQL Server. A relational database divides information into tables, and each table holds information about entities as a series of rows. Each row contains columns that hold the data for the individual fields of an entity. The Azure SQL Database page on the Microsoft website provides detailed documentation on creating and using SQL databases.
A single SQL database has a limit to the volume of data that it can contain, and throughput is constrained by architectural factors and the number of concurrent connections that it supports. Azure SQL Database provides Elastic Scale to support horizontal scaling for a SQL database. Using Elastic Scale, you can partition your data into shards spread across multiple SQL databases, and you can add or remove shards as the volume of data that you need to handle grows and shrinks. Using Elastic Scale can also help to reduce contention by distributing the load across databases.
Note: Elastic Scale is currently in preview as of January 2015. It is a replacement for Azure SQL Database Federations which will be retired. Existing Azure SQL Database Federation installations can be migrated to Elastic Scale by using the Federations Migration Utility. Alternatively, you can implement your own sharding mechanism if your scenario does not lend itself naturally to the features provided by Elastic Scale.
Each shard is implemented as a SQL database. A shard can hold more than one dataset (referred to as a shardlet), and each database maintains metadata that describes the shardlets that it contains. A shardlet can be a single data item, or it can be a group of items that share the same shardlet key. For example, if you are sharding data in a multi-tenant application, the shardlet key could be the tenant ID and all data for a given tenant would be held as part of the same shardlet. Data for other tenants would be held in different shardlets.
It is the programmer's responsibility to associate a dataset with a shardlet key. A separate SQL database acts as a global shard-map manager that contains a list of databases (shards) that comprise the entire system together with information about the shardlets in each database. A client application that accesses data first connects to the global shard-map manager database to obtain a copy of the shard-map (listing shards and shardlets) which it caches locally. The application then uses this information to route data requests to the appropriate shard. This functionality is hidden behind a series of APIs contained in the Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Client Library, available as a NuGet package. The page Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Overview on the Microsoft website provides a more comprehensive introduction to Elastic Scale.
Note: You can replicate the global shard-map manager database to reduce latency and improve availability. If you implement the database by using one of the Premium pricing tiers you can configure active geo-replication to continuously copy data to databases in different regions. Create a copy of the database in each region in which users are based, and configure your application to connect to this copy to obtain the shard map.
An alternative approach is to use Azure SQL Data Sync or an Azure Data Factory pipeline to replicate the shard-map manager database across regions. This form of replication runs periodically and is more suitable if the shard map changes infrequently. Additionally, the shard-map manager database does not have to be created by using a Premium pricing tier.
Elastic Scale provides two schemes for mapping data to shardlets and storing them in shards:
- A List Shard Map describes an association between single key and a shardlet. For example, in a multi-tenant system, the data for each tenant could be associated with a unique key and stored in its own shardlet. To guarantee privacy and isolation (to prevent one tenant from exhausting the data storage resources available to others), each shardlet could be held within its own shard.
Figure 4. - Using a list shard map to store tenant data in separate shards
- A Range Shard Map describes an association between a set of contiguous key values and a shardlet. In the multi-tenant example described previously, as an alternative to implementing dedicated shardlets, you could group the data for a set of tenants (each with their own key) within the same shardlet. This scheme is less expensive than the first (tenants share data storage resources), but at the risk of reduced data privacy and isolation.
Figure 5. - Using a range shard map to store data for a range of tenants in a shard
Note that a single shard can contain the data for several shardlets. For example, you could use list shardlets to store data for different non-contiguous tenants in the same shard. You can also mix range shardlets and list shardlets in the same shard, although they will be addressed through different maps in the global shard-map manager database (the global shard-map manager database can contain multiple shard maps). Figure 6 depicts this approach.
Figure 6. - Implementing multiple shard maps
The partitioning scheme that you implement can have a significant bearing on the performance of your system, and also affect the rate at which shards have to be added or removed or the data repartitioned across shards. You should consider the following points when using Elastic Scale to partition data:
Group data that is used together into the same shard and avoid operations that need to access data held in multiple shards. Bear in mind that with Elastic Scale a shard is a SQL database in its own right, and Azure SQL Database does not support cross-database joins; these operations have to be performed on the client-side. Also remember that with Azure SQL Database referential integrity constraints, triggers, and stored procedures in one database cannot reference objects in another, so don't design a system that has dependencies between shards. However, a SQL database can contain tables holding copies of reference data frequently used by queries and other operations, and these tables do not have to belong to any specific shardlet. Replicating this data across shards can help to remove the need to join data that spans databases. Ideally, such data should be static or slow-moving to minimize the replication effort and reduce the chances of it becoming stale.
Note: Although Azure SQL Database does not support cross-database joins, the Elastic Scale API enables you to perform cross-shard queries that can transparently iterate through the data held in all the shardlets referenced by a shard map. The Elastic Scale API breaks cross-shard queries down into a series of individual queries (one for each database) and then merges the results together. For more information, see the Multi-Shard Querying page on the Microsoft website.
The data stored in shardlets that belong to the same shard map should have the same schema. For example, don't create a list shard map that points to some shardlets containing tenant data and other shardlets containing product information. This rule is not enforced by Elastic Scale, but data management and querying becomes very complex if each shardlet has a different schema. In the example just cited, you should create two list shard maps; one referencing tenant data and the other point to product information. Remember that the data belonging to different shardlets can be stored in the same shard.
Note: The cross-shard query functionality of the Elastic Scale API depends on each shardlet in the shard map containing the same schema.
Transactional operations are only supported for data held within the same shard, and not across shards. Transactions can span shardlets as long as they are part of the same shard. Therefore, if your business logic needs to perform transactions, either store the affected data in the same shard or implement eventual consistency. For more information, see the Data Consistency guidance.
Place shards near to the users that access the data in those shards (geo-locate shards). This strategy will help to reduce latency.
Avoid having a mixture of highly active (hotspots) and relatively inactive shards. Try and spread the load evenly across shards. This may require hashing the shardlet keys.
If you are geo-locating shards, make sure that the hashed keys map to shardlets held in shards stored close to the users that access that data.
Currently, only a limited set of SQL data types are supported as shardlet keys; int, bigint, varbinary, and uniqueidentifier. The SQL int and bigint types correspond to the int and long data types in C#, and have the same ranges. The SQL varbinary type can be handled by using a Byte array in C#, and the SQL uniqueidentier type corresponds to the Guid class in the .NET Framework.
As the name implies, Elastic Scale enables a system to add and remove shards as the volume of data shrinks and grows. The APIs in the Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Client Library enable an application to create and delete shards dynamically (and transparently update the shard-map manager), but removing a shard is a destructive operation that also requires deleting all the data in that shard. If an application needs to split a shard into two separate shards or combine shards together, Elastic Scale provides a separate Split/Merge service. This service runs in a cloud-hosted service (the developer has to create this cloud-hosted service), and takes care of migrating data between shards safely. For more information, see the topic Splitting and Merging with Elastic Scale on the Microsoft website.
Azure storage provides three abstractions for managing data:
- Table Storage, which implements scalable structure storage. A table contains a collection of entities, each of which can comprise a set of properties and values.
- Blob Storage, which supplies storage for large objects and files.
- Storage Queues, which support reliable asynchronous messaging between applications.
Table Storage and Blob Storage are essentially key-value stores optimized to hold structured and unstructured data respectively. Storage Queues provide a mechanism for building loosely coupled, scalable applications. Table Storage, Blob Storage, and Storage Queues are created within the context of an Azure storage account. Azure storage accounts support three forms of redundancy:
- Locally redundant storage, which maintains three copies of data within a single datacenter. This form of redundancy protects against hardware failure but not against a disaster that encompasses the entire datacenter.
- Zone-redundant storage which maintains three copies of data spread across different datacenters within the same region (or across two geographically close regions). This form of redundancy can protect against disasters that occur within a single datacenter, but cannot protect against large-scale network disconnects that affect an entire region. Note that zone-redundant storage is only currently only available for block blobs.
- Geo-redundant storage, which maintains six copies of data; three copies in one region (your local region), and another three copies in a remote region. This form of redundancy provides the highest level of disaster protection.
Microsoft has published scalability targets for Azure storage accounts; see the page Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets on the Microsoft website. Currently, the total storage account capacity (the size of data held in table storage, blob storage, and outstanding messages held in storage queue) cannot exceed 500TB. The maximum request rate (assuming a 1KB entity, blob, or message size) is 20K per second. If your system is likely to exceed these limits, then consider partitioning the load across multiple storage accounts; a single Azure subscription can create up to 100 storage accounts. However, note that these limits may change over time.
Azure table storage is a key/value stored designed around partitioning. All entities are stored in a partition, and partitions are managed internally by Azure table storage. Each entity stored in a table must provide a two-part key comprising:
- The partition key. This is a string values that determines in which partition Azure table storage will place the entity. All entities with the same partition key will be stored in the same partition.
- The row key. This is another string value that identifies the entity within the partition. All entities within a partition are sorted lexically, in ascending order, by this key. The partition key/row key combination must be unique for each entity and cannot exceed 1KB in length.
The remainder of the data for an entity consists of application-defined fields. No particular schemas are enforced, and each row can contain a different set of application-defined fields. The only limitation is that the maximum size of an entity (including the partition and row keys) is currently 1MB. The maximum size of a table is 200TB, although these figures may change in the future (check the page Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets on the Microsoft website for the most recent information about these limits. If you are attempting to store entities that exceed this capacity, then consider splitting them into multiple tables; use vertical partitioning and divide the fields into the groups that are most likely to be accessed together.
Figure 7 shows the logical structure of an example storage account (Contoso Data) for a fictitious ecommerce application. The storage accounts contains three tables (Customer Info, Product Info, and Order Info), and each table has multiple partitions. In the Customer Info table the data is partitioned according to the city in which the customer is located, and the row key contains the customer ID. In the Product Info table the products are partitioned by product category and the row key contains the product number. In the Order Info table the orders are partitioned by the date on which they were placed and the row key specified the time the order was received. Note that all data is ordered by the row key in each partition.
Figure 7. - The tables and partitions in an example storage account
Note: Azure table storage also adds a timestamp field to each entity. The timestamp field is maintained by table storage and is updated each time the entity is modified and written back to a partition. The table storage service uses this field to implement optimistic concurrency (each time an application writes an entity back to table storage, the table storage service compares the value of the timestamp in the entity being written with the value held in table storage, and if they are different another application must have modified the entity since it was retrieved and the write operation fails). You should not modify this field in your own code, and neither should you specify a value for this field when you create a new entity.
Azure table storage uses the partition key to determine how to store the data. If an entity is added to a table with a previously unused partition key, Azure table storage will create a new partition for this entity. Other entities with the same partition key will be stored in the same partition. This mechanism effectively implements an automatic scale-out strategy. Each partition will be stored on a single server in an Azure datacenter (to help ensure that queries that retrieve data from a single partition run quickly), but different partitions can be distributed across multiple servers. Additionally, a single server can host multiple partitions if these partitions are limited in size.
You should consider the following points when you design your entities for Azure table storage:
The selection of partition key and row key values should be driven by the way in which the data is accessed. You should choose a partition key/row key combination that supports the majority of your queries. The most efficient queries will retrieve data by specifying the partition key and the row key. Queries that specify a partition key and a range of row keys can be satisfied by scanning a single partition; this is relatively fast because the data is held in row key order. Queries that don't at least specify the partition key may require Azure table storage to scan every partition for your data.
Tip: If an entity has one natural key, then use it as the partition key and specify an empty string as the row key. If an entity has a composite key comprising two properties, select the slowest changing property as the partition key and the other as the row key. If an entity has more than two key properties, use a concatenation of properties to provide the partition and row keys.
If you regularly perform queries that look up data using fields other than the partition and row keys, consider implementing the Index Table Pattern.
If you generate partition keys using a monotonic increasing or decreasing sequence (such as "0001", "0002", "0003", …) and each partition only contains a limited amount of data, then Azure table storage may physically group these partitions together on the same server. This mechanism assumes that the application is most likely to perform queries across a contiguous range of partitions (range queries) and is optimized for this case. However, this approach can lead to hotspots focused on a single server as all inserts of new entities will likely be concentrated at one or other end of the contiguous ranges. It can also reduce scalability. To spread the load more evenly across servers, consider hashing the partition key to make the sequence more random.
Azure table storage supports transactional operations for entities that belong to the same partition. This means that an application can perform multiple insert, update, delete, replace, or merge operations as an atomic unit (subject to the transaction not including more than 100 entities and the payload of the request not exceeding 4MB in size). Operations that span multiple partitions are not transactional, and may require you to implement eventual consistency as described by the Data Consistency Guidance. For more information about table storage and transactions, visit the Performing Entity Group Transactions page on the Microsoft website.
Give careful attention to the granularity of the partition key:
- Using the same partition key for every entity will cause the table storage service to create a single large partition held on one server preventing it from scaling out and instead focusing the load on a single server. As a result, this approach is only suitable for systems that manage a small number of entities. However, this approach does ensure that all entities can participate in entity group transactions.
- Using a unique partition key for every entity will cause the table storage service to create a separate partition for each entity, possibly resulting in a large number of small partitions (depending on the size of the entities). This approach is more scalable than using a single partition key, but entity group transactions are not possible and queries that fetch more than one entity may involve reading from more than one server. However, if the application performs range queries then using a monotonic sequence to generate the partition keys might help to optimize these queries.
- Sharing the partition key across a subset of entities enables you to group related entities in the same partition. Operations that involve related entities can be performed by using entity group transactions, and queries that fetch a set of related entities may be satisfied by accessing a single server.
For additional information on partitioning data in Azure table storage, see the article Designing a Scalable Partitioning Strategy for Azure Table Storage on the Microsoft website.
Azure Blob Storage enables you to hold large binary objects, currently up to 200GB in size for block blobs, or 1TB for page blobs (for the most recent information, visit the Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets page on the Microsoft website). Use block blobs in scenarios such as streaming where you need to upload or download large volumes of data quickly. Use page blobs for applications that require random rather than serial access to parts of the data.
Each blob (either block or page) is held in a container in an Azure storage account. You can use containers to group related blobs that have the same security requirements together, although this grouping is logical rather than physical. Inside a container each blob has a unique name.
Blob storage is automatically partitioned based on the blob name. Each blob is held in its own partition, and blobs in the same container do not share a partition. This architecture enables Azure blob storage to balance the load across servers transparently as different blobs in the same container may be distributed across different servers.
The actions of writing a single block (block blob) or page (page blob) are atomic, but operations that span blocks, pages, or blobs are not. If you need to ensure consistency when performing write operations across blocks, pages, and blobs, you will need to take out a write lock by using a blob lease.
Azure blob storage supports transfer rates of up to 60MB per second or 500 requests per second for each blob. If you anticipate surpassing these limits, and the blob data is relatively static, then consider replicating blobs by using the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN). For more information, see the page Using CDN for Azure on the Microsoft website. For additional guidance and considerations, see the article Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Azure storage queues enable you to implement asynchronous messaging between processes. An Azure storage account can contain any number of queues, and each queue can contain any number of messages. The only limitation is the space available in the storage account. The maximum size of an individual message is 64KB. If you require messages bigger than this, then consider using Azure Service Bus queues instead.
Each storage queue has a unique name within the storage account in which it is contained. Azure partitions queues based on the name, and all messages for the same queue are stored in the same partition, controlled by a single server. Different queues can be managed by different servers to help balance the load. The allocation of queues to servers is transparent to applications and users. In a large scale application, don't use the same storage queue for all instances of the application as this approach may cause the server hosting the queue to become a hotspot; use different queues for different functional areas of the application. Azure storage queues do not support transactions, so directing messages to different queues should have little impact on messaging consistency.
An Azure storage queue can handle up to 2000 messages per second. If you need to process messages at a greater rate than this then consider creating multiple queues. For example, in a global application, create separate storage queues in separate storage accounts to handle application instances running in each region.
Azure Service Bus uses a message broker to handle messages sent to a Service Bus queue or topic. By default, all messages sent to a queue or topic are handled by the same message broker process. This architecture can place a limitation on the overall throughput of the message queue. However, you can also partition a queue or topic when it is created by setting the EnablePartitioning property of the queue or topic description to true. A partitioned queue or topic is divided up into multiple fragments, each of which is backed by a separate message store and message broker. Service Bus takes responsibility for creating and managing these fragments. When an application posts a message to a partitioned queue or topic, Service Bus assigns the message to a fragment for that queue or topic. When an application receives a message from a queue or subscription, Service Bus checks each fragment for the next available message and then passes it to the application for processing. This structure helps to distribute the load across message brokers and message stores, increasing scalability and improving availability; if the message broker or message store for one fragment is temporarily unavailable, Service Bus can retrieve messages from one of the remaining available fragments.
Service Bus assigns a message to a fragment as follows:
If the message belongs to a session, all messages with the same value for the _ SessionId_ property are sent to the same fragment.
If the message does not belong to a session but the sender has specified a value for the PartitionKey property, then all messages with the same PartitionKey value are send to the same fragment.
Note: If the SessionId and PartitionKey properties are both specified, then they must be set to the same value otherwise the message will be rejected.
If the SessionId and PartitionKey properties for a message are not specified, but duplicate detection is enabled, the MessageId property will be used. All messages with the same MessageId will be directed to the same fragment.
If messages do not include a SessionId, PartitionKey, or MessageId property, then Service Bus assigns messages to fragments in a round-robin fashion. If a fragment is unavailable, Service Bus will move on to the next. In this way, a temporary fault in the messaging infrastructure does not cause the message-send operation to fail.
You should consider the following points when deciding and how, or whether, to partition a Service Bus message queue or topic:
- Service Bus queues and topics are created within the scope of a Service Bus namespace. Service Bus currently allows up to 100 partitioned queues or topics per namespace.
- Each Service Bus namespace imposes quotas on the resources available, such as the number of subscriptions per topic, the number of concurrent send and receive requests per second, and the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be established. These quotas are documented on the Microsoft website on the page Service Bus Quotas. If you expect to exceed these values, then create additional namespaces with their own queues and topics, and spread the work across these namespaces. For example, in a global application, create separate namespaces in each region and configure application instances to use the queues and topics in the nearest namespace.
- Messages that are sent as part of a transaction must specify a partition key. This can be a SessionId, PartitionKey, or MessageId. All messages that are sent as part of the same transaction must specify the same partition key because they must be handled by the same message broker process. You cannot send messages to different queues or topics within the same transaction.
- You cannot configure a partitioned queue or topic to be automatically deleted when it becomes idle.
- If you are building cross-platform or hybrid solutions, you cannot currently use partitioned queues and topics with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).
Azure DocumentDB is a NoSQL database that can store documents. A document in DocumentDB is a JSON-serialized representation of an object or other piece of data. No fixed schemas are enforced except that every document must contain a unique ID.
Database resources are provisioned (and billed) in terms of capacity units; a single capacity unit provides a fixed maximum amount of storage space, and also defines the maximum throughput (defined in terms of request units) allowed before access to the database is throttled. For more information about capacity units and request units, visit the page Manage DocumentDB Capacity and Performance on the Microsoft website.
Documents are organized into collections. A collection enables you to group related documents together. For example, in a system that maintains blog postings, you could store the contents of each blog post as a document in a collection, and create collections for each subject type. Alternatively, in a multitenant application such as a system that enables different authors to control and manage their own blog posts, you could partition blogs by author and create a separate collection for each author. The storage space allocated to collections is elastic and can shrink or grow as needed.
Document collections provide a natural mechanism to partition data within a single database. Internally, a DocumentDB database can span several servers, and DocumentDB may attempt to spread the load by distributing collections across servers. The simplest way to implement sharding is to create a collection for each shard.
All databases are created in the context of a DocumentDB account. A single DocumentDB account can contain several databases, and specifies in which region the databases are created (see the page DocumentDB Limits for the Preview Release on the Microsoft website for more information). Each DocumentDB account also enforces its own access control. You can use DocumentDB accounts to geo-locate shards (collections within databases) close to the users that need to access them, and enforce restrictions so that only those users can connect to them.
If you implement a system where all shards belong to the same database, or are spread across databases that belong to the same DocumentDB account, you might reach the resource limits defined by the available capacity units for that DocumentDB account. In this case, you can either add more capacity units, or if this is not possible then create additional DocumentDB accounts and databases and distributing the shards across these databases. Another advantage of using multiple databases is that each database has its own set of users and permissions, so you can use this mechanism to isolate access to collections on a per-database basis. Figure 8 illustrates the high-level structure of the DocumentDB architecture.
Figure 8. - The structure of DocumentDB
It is the responsibility of the client application to direct requests to the appropriate shard, usually by implementing its own mapping mechanism based on some attributes of the data that define the shard key. Figure 9 shows two DocumentDB databases, each containing two collections acting as shards. The data is sharded by tenant ID and contains the data for a specific tenant. The databases are created in separate DocumenDB accounts which are located in the same region as the tenants whose data they contain. The routing logic in the client application uses the tenant ID as the shard key.
Figure 9. - Implementing sharding using Azure DocumentDB
You should consider the following points when deciding how to partition data with DocumentDB:
- The resources available to a DocumentDB database are determined by the number of capacity units assigned to a DocumentDB account. Each capacity unit supports up to 3 elastic collections, 10GB of SSD backed provisioned document storage and 2000 request units worth of provisioned throughput. The provisioned storage and the throughput capacity associated with a capacity unit are distributed across the DocumentDB collections you create. There are also limits to the number of databases that you can create in a DocumentDB account, and the number of capacity units that can be allocated to a database. For more information, visit the DocumentDB Limits page on the Microsoft website.
- Each document must have an attribute that can be used to uniquely identify that document within the collection in which it is held. This is different from the shard key which defines in which collection the document is held. A collection can contain a large number of documents, in theory only limited by the maximum length of the document ID. The document ID can be up to 255 characters.
- All operations against a document are performed within the context of a transaction that is scoped to the collection in which the document is contained. If an operation fails, the work that it has performed is rolled back. While a document is subject to an operation, any changes made are subject to snapshot level isolation. This mechanism guarantees that if, for example, a request to create a new document fails, another user querying the database simultaneously will not see a partial document that is then removed.
- DocumentDB queries are also scoped to the collection level. A single query can only retrieve data from one collection. If you need to retrieve data from multiple collections you must query each collection individually and merge the results in your application code.
- DocumentDB supports programmable items that can all be stored in a collection alongside documents: stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers (written in JavaScript). These items can access any document within the same collection. Furthermore, these items execute either inside the scope of the ambient transaction (in the case of a trigger that fires as the result of a create, delete, or replace operation performed against a document), or by starting a new transaction (in the case of a stored procedure that is executed as the result of an explicit client request). If the code in a programmable item throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back. You can use stored procedures and triggers to maintain integrity and consistency between documents, but these documents must all be part of the same collection.
- You should ensure that the collections that you intend to hold in the databases in a DocumentDB account are unlikely to exceed the sizing and throughput limits of the available capacity units for that account. These limits are described on the Manage DocumentDB Capacity and Performance page on the Microsoft website. If you anticipate reaching these limits, then either scale the DocumentDB account by adding more capacity units (you can monitor the load and implement autoscaling), or split collections across databases in different DocumentDB accounts to reduce the load per account.
The ability to search for data is often the primary method of navigation and exploration provided by many web applications, enabling users to quickly find resources (for example, products in an ecommerce application) based on combinations of search criteria. The Azure Search service provides full-text search capabilities over web content, and includes features such as type-ahead, suggested queries based on near matches, and faceted navigation. A full description of these capabilities is available on the Azure Search Overview page on the Microsoft website.
The Search service stores searchable content as JSON documents in a database. You define indexes that specify the searchable fields in these documents and provide these definitions to the Search service. When a user submits a search request, the Search service uses the appropriate indexes to find matching items.
To reduce contention, the storage used by the Search service can be divided into up into 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 partitions, and each partition can be replicated up to 6 times. The product of the number of partitions multiplied by the number of replicas is called the Search Unit (SU). A single instance of the Search Service can contain a maximum of 36 SUs (a database with 12 partitions only supports a maximum of 3 replicas). You are billed for each SU that is allocated to your service. As the volume of searchable content increases or the rate of search requests grows, you can add SUs to an existing instance of the Search service to handle the extra load. The Search Service itself takes responsibility for distributing the documents evenly across the partitions, and no manual partitioning strategies are currently supported.
Each partition can contain a maximum of 15 million documents or occupy 300GB of storage space (whichever is the lower, depending on the size of your documents and indexes). You can create up to 50 indexes. The performance of the service will vary depending on the complexity of the documents, the available indexes, and the effects of network latency. On average, a single replica (1SU) should be able to handle 15 queries per second (QPS), although you should perform benchmarking with your own data to obtain a more precise measure of throughput. For more information, see the Limits and Constraints (Azure Search API) page on the Microsoft website.
Note: You can store a limited set of data types in searchable documents; strings, Booleans, numeric data, datetime data, and some geographical data. For more details, see the Supported Data Types (Azure Search) page on the Microsoft website.
You have limited control over how the Azure Search service partitions data for each instance of the service. However, in a global environment you may be able to improve performance and reduce latency and contention further by partitioning the service itself using either of the following strategies:
- Create an instance of the Search service in each geographic region, and ensure that client applications are directed towards the nearest available instance. This strategy requires that any updates to searchable content are replicated in a timely manner across all instances of the service.
- Create two-tiers of Search service; a local service in each region that contains the data most frequently accessed by users in that region, and a global service that encompasses all of the data. Users can direct requests either to the local service (for fast but limited results), or to the global service (for slower but more complete results). This approach is most suitable when there is a significant regional variation in the data being searched.
Azure Redis Cache provides a shared caching service in the cloud that is based on the Redis key/value data store. As its name implies, Azure Redis Cache is intended as a caching solution and so should only be used for holding transient data rather than as a permanent data store; applications that utilize Azure Redis Cache should be able to continue functioning if the cache is unavailable. Azure Redis Cache supports primary/secondary replication to provide high availability, but currently limits the maximum cache size to 53GB. If you need more space than this, you must create additional caches. For more information visit the Microsoft Azure Cache page on the Microsoft website.
Partitioning a Redis data store involves splitting the data across instances of the Redis service. Each instance constitutes a single partition. Azure Redis Cache abstracts the Redis services behind a façade and does not expose them directly. The simplest way to implement partitioning is to create multiple Azure Redis caches and spread the data across them. You can associate each data item with an identifier (a partition key) that specifies in which cache it should be stored. Your client application logic can use this identifier to route requests to the appropriate partition. This scheme is very simple, but if the partitioning scheme changes (if additional Azure Redis Caches are created, for example), client applications may need to be reconfigured.
Native Redis (not Azure Redis Cache) supports server-side partitioning based on Redis clustering. In this approach, the data is divided evenly across servers by using a hashing mechanism. Each Redis server stores metadata that describes the range of hash keys that the partition holds, and also contains information about which hash keys are located in the partitions on other servers. Client applications simply send requests to any of the participating Redis servers (probably the closest server).The Redis server examines the client request and if it can be resolved locally it will perform the requested operation, otherwise it will forward the request on to the appropriate server. This model is implemented by using Redis clustering, and is described in more detail on the Redis cluster tutorial page on the Redis website. Redis clustering is transparent to client applications, and additional Redis servers can be added to the cluster (and the data re-partitioned) without requiring that you reconfigure the clients.
Important: Azure Redis Cache does not currently support Redis clustering. If you wish to implement this approach with Azure then you must implement your own Redis servers by installing Redis on a set of Azure virtual machines and configuring them manually. The page Running Redis on a CentOS Linux VM in Azure on the Microsoft website walks through an example showing how to build and configure a Redis node running as an Azure VM.
The page Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances on the Redis website provides further information about implementing partitioning with Redis. The remainder of this section assumes that you are implementing client-side or proxy-assisted partitioning.
You should consider the following points when deciding how to partition data with Azure Redis Cache:
- Azure Redis Cache is not intended to act as a permanent data store, so whatever partitioning scheme you implement your application code should be prepared to accept that the data is not found in the cache and has to be retrieved from elsewhere.
- Keep data that is frequently accessed together in the same partition. Redis is a powerful key/value store that provides several highly-optimized mechanisms for structuring data, ranging from simple strings (actually, binary data up to 512MB in length) to aggregate types such as lists (that can act as queues and stacks), sets (ordered and unordered), and hashes (that can group related fields together, such as the items that represent the fields in an object). The aggregate types enable you to associate many related values with the same key; a Redis key identifies a list, set, or hash rather than the data items that it contains. These types are all available with Azure Redis Cache and are described by the Data Types page on the Redis website. For example, in part of an ecommerce system that tracks the orders placed by customers, the details of each customer could be stored in a Redis hash keyed by using the customer ID. Each hash could hold a collection of order IDs for the customer. A separate Redis set could hold the orders, again structured as hashes, keyed by using the order ID. Figure 10 shows this structure. Note that Redis does not implement any form of referential integrity, so it is the developer's responsibility to maintain the relationships between customers and orders.
Figure 10. - Suggested structure in Redis storage for recording customer orders and their details
Note: In Redis, all keys are binary data values (like Redis strings) and can contain up to 512MB of data, so in theory a key can contain almost any information. However, you should adopt a consistent naming convention for keys that is descriptive of the type of data and that identifies the entity, but that is not excessively long. A common approach is to use keys of the form "entity_type:ID", such as "customer:99" to indicate the key for customer with the ID 99.
You can implement vertical partitioning by storing related information in different aggregations in the same database. For example, in an ecommerce application you could store commonly accessed information about products in one Redis hash and the less frequently used detailed information in another. Both hashes could use the same product ID as part of the key, for example "product:nn" where nn is the product ID for product information and "product_details: nn" for the detailed data. This strategy can help to reduce the volume of data that most queries are likely to retrieve.
Repartitioning a Redis data store is a complex and time-consuming task. Redis clustering can repartition data automatically, but this facility is not available with Azure Redis Cache. Therefore, when you design your partitioning scheme, you should endeavor to leave sufficient free space in each partition to allow for expected data growth over time. However, remember that Azure Redis Cache is intended to cache data temporarily, and that data held in the cache can have a limited lifetime specified as a time-to-live (TTL) value. For relatively volatile data the TTL should be short, but for static data the TTL can be a lot longer. You should avoid storing large amounts of long-lived data in the cache if the volume of this data is likely to fill the cache. You can specify an eviction policy that causes Azure Redis Cache to remove data if space is at a premium.
Note: Azure Redis cache enables you to specify the maximum size of the cache (from 250MB to 53GB) by selecting the appropriate pricing tier. However, once an Azure Redis Cache has been created, you cannot increase (or decrease) its size.
Redis batches and transactions cannot span multiple connections, so all data affected by a batch or transaction should be held in the same database (shard).
Note: A sequence of operations in a Redis transaction is not necessarily atomic. The commands that comprise a transaction are verified and queued prior to execution, and if an error occurs during this phase the entire queue is discarded. However, once the transaction has been successfully submitted, the queued commands will be executed in sequence. If any command fails only that command is aborted; all previous and subsequent commands in the queue are performed. If you need to perform atomic operations. For more information, visit the Transactions page on the Redis website.
Redis supports a limited number of atomic operations, and the only operations of this type that support multiple keys and values are MGET (which returns a collection of values for a specified list of keys), and MSET (which can store a collection of values for a specified list of keys). If you need to use these operations, the key/value pairs referenced by the MSET and MGET commands must be stored within the same database.
As a system matures and the pattern of usage becomes better understood, it is possible that it may be necessary to adjust the partitioning scheme. This could be due to individual partitions attracting a disproportionate volume of traffic and becoming hot, leading to excessive contention. Additionally, you might have under-estimated the volume of data in some partitions, causing you to approach the limits of the storage capacity in these partitions. Whatever the cause, it is sometimes necessary to rebalance partitions to spread the load more evenly.
In some cases, data storage systems which do not publicly expose the way in which data is allocated to servers can automatically rebalance partitions within the limits of the resources available. In other situations, rebalancing is an administrative task that consists of two stages:
- Determining the new partitioning strategy to ascertain which partitions may need to be split (or possibly combined), and how to allocate data to these new partitions by designing new partition keys.
- Migrating the affected data from the old partitioning scheme to the new set of partitions.
Note: The mapping of DocumentDB collections to servers is transparent, but you might still reach the storage capacity and throughput limits of a DocumentDB account, in which case you may need to redesign your partitioning scheme and migrate the data.
Depending on the data storage technology and the design of your data storage system, you may be able to migrate data between partitions while they are in use (online migration). If this is not possible, you may need to make the affected partitions temporarily unavailable while the data is relocated (offline migration).
Offline migration is arguably the simplest approach as it reduces the chances of contention occurring; the data being migrated should not change while it is being moved and restructured.
Conceptually, this process comprises the following steps:
- Mark the shard offline,
- Split/merge and move the data to the new shards,
- Verify the data,
- Bring the new shards online,
- Remove the old shard.
To retain some availability, it could be possible to mark the original shard as read-only in step 1 rather than making it unavailable. This would allow applications to read the data while it is being moved but not change it.
Online migration is more complex to perform but is less disruptive to users as data remains available during the entire procedure. The process is similar to that used by offline migration, except that the original shard is not marked offline (step 1). Depending on the granularity of the migration process (item by item or shard by shard), the data access code in the client applications may have to handle reading and writing data held in two locations (the original shard and the new shard)
For an example of a solution that supports online migration, see the Split/Merge Service for Elastic Scale, documented online on the Microsoft website.
The following patterns may also be relevant to your scenario when considering strategies for implementing data consistency:
- The Data Consistency Guidance page, available on the Microsoft website, describes strategies for maintaining consistency in a distributed environment such as the cloud.
- The Data Partitioning Guidance page on the Microsoft website provides a general overview of designing partitions to meet various criteria in a distributed solution.
- The Sharding Pattern, described on the Microsoft website, summarizes some common strategies for sharding data.
- The Index Table Pattern described on the Microsoft website illustrates how to create secondary indexes over data. This approach enables an application to quickly retrieve data by using queries that do not reference the primary key of a collection.
- The Materialized View Pattern discussed on the Microsoft website describes how to generate pre-populated views that summarize data to support fast query operations. This approach can be useful in a partitioned data store if the partitions containing the data being summarized are distributed across multiple sites.
- The article Content Delivery Network (CDN) provides additional guidance on configuring and using CDN with Azure.
- The Azure SQL Database page on the Microsoft website provides detailed documentation describing how to create and use SQL databases.
- The page Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Overview on the Microsoft website provides a comprehensive introduction to Elastic Scale.
- The topic Splitting and Merging with Elastic Scale on the Microsoft website contains information on using the Split/Merge service to manage Elastic Scale shards.
- The page Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets on the Microsoft website documents the current sizing and throughput limits of Azure storage.
- The Performing Entity Group Transactions page on the Microsoft website provides detailed information about implementing transactional operations over entities stored in Azure table storage.
- The article Designing a Scalable Partitioning Strategy for Azure Table Storage on the Microsoft website contains detailed information on partitioning data in Azure table storage.
- The page Using CDN for Azure on the Microsoft website describes how to replicate data held in Azure Blob Storage by using the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN).
- The page DocumentDB Limits for the Preview Release on the Microsoft website describes the current limits and quotas for Microsoft DocumentDB.
- The page Manage DocumentDB Capacity and Performance on the Microsoft website contains information about how Azure DocumentDB allocates resources to databases.
- The Azure Search Overview page on the Microsoft website provides a full description of the capabilities available with the Azure Search service.
- The Limits and Constraints (Azure Search API) page on the Microsoft website contains information on the capacity of each instance of the Azure Search service.
- The Supported Data Types (Azure Search) page on the Microsoft website summarizes the data types that you can use in searchable documents and indexes.
- The Microsoft Azure Cache page on the Microsoft website provides an introduction to Azure Redis Cache.
- The page Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances on the Redis website provides information on implementing partitioning with Redis.
- The page Running Redis on a CentOS Linux VM in Azure on the Microsoft website walks through an example showing how to build and configure a Redis node running as an Azure VM.
- The Data Types page on the Redis website describes the data types that are available with Redis and Azure Redis Cache.