CTF-related resources.
- Rapid Tables
- dcode.fr
- Factordb - Database of large factored numbers
- How RSA works - There's always an RSA problem...
- HashID - Identify hash types
- John the Ripper - JtR w/ Jumbo patches
- Large hex/decimal conversion @ ss64.com
- OpenSSL - Probably already installed on your system. Create certificates, hashes, connect to SSL wrapped services, ...
- yafu - Helps factor large numbers
- featherduster - Crypto tools
- 1xor - Helps solve 1 byte XOR puzzles
- Skull Security Wordlists
- strings
- exiftool
- outguess
- StegSolve
- ImageMagick
- TinEye - Reverse image search.
- Sonic Visualizer
- Stereograms (Magic eye puzzles where you look at pictures cross eyed to see a boat or something equally stupid)
- file
- binwalk
- foremost
- strings
- Wireshark
- Volatility
- Emacs hexl-mode or vi with xxd as hex editors
Most of the tools for these two categories overlap.
- radare2
- Binary Ninja
- pwntools
- pattern
- objdump
- strace
- ltrace
- Uncompyle2
- Uncompyle6
- DNS tools: dig, host, etc.
- Whois
- The Wayback Machine
- TinEye - Reverse image search.
- wget/curl one liners
- Having social media accounts is helpful:
- ...
- nmap
- Shodan
- BugMeNot
- Browser developer consoles
- Burp Suite
- Nikto
- Dirbuster (discontinued, but included with Kali and ZAP)
- JWT Decoder
- sqlmap
- Have a machine capable of running VMs with VirtualBox and VMWare Workstation/Player installed before the contest starts.
- Ability to read Office documents (LibreOffice/MS Office/cloud readers/...)
- QR code reader
- Barcode reader
- Online Character Recognition - Converts pictures of text to text you can use on a computer.