- Fix window resizing issue with YouCompleteMe.
- Ctrl+s doesn’t seem to work
- I suspect my readline bindings are not getting honored
- Ctrl+t is overlapping with something in ctrlp plugin
- I think Ctrl+t ends up closing a window it shouldn’t
- [MINOR] When closing a terminal session, the numbering of the terminals may get skewed.
- For example, starting with two terminals and closing the 0th would result in having 'term-toggle-1' occupying the '0' slot on the statusline "switcher".
- As a solution, I could rename the buffer.
- When closing a terminal session, it's possible to end up with multiple buffers using the same name.
- :TermClose doesn’t work
- Weird behavior when closing terminal not at end of list
- Fixed issue with Toggle (just fix s:AddNewTerm function reference)
- Calling TermToggle the first time creates two windows (TermOpenWindow is called twice)
- Simple fix for now is to not call TermSwitch at the end of AddNewTerm
- If TermToggle is called before opening any files, the termnumber indicator in the statusline doesn’t work (i.e. the current terminal isn’t highlighted)
- Implement AddNewTerm feature
- Implement shortcut to close all terminals?
- Allow user to configure the shortcut used to switch terminals (i.e. 1, 2, etc.)