diff --git a/test/functionality4/xmpp-mam.sh b/test/functionality4/xmpp-mam.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c0cfab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functionality4/xmpp-mam.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"
+cd "$script_dir"
+source ../util/setup.sh
+set -xe
+sleep 3 # MongooseIM takes some time to flush messages to the DB
+q "delete from person"
+q "delete from banned_person"
+q "delete from banned_person_admin_token"
+q "delete from duo_session"
+q "delete from mam_message" duo_chat
+q "delete from mam_server_user" duo_chat
+q "delete from last" duo_chat
+q "delete from inbox" duo_chat
+q "delete from mam_server_user" duo_chat
+q "delete from duo_last_notification" duo_chat
+q "delete from duo_push_token" duo_chat
+q "delete from intro_hash" duo_chat
+../util/create-user.sh user1 0 0
+../util/create-user.sh user2 0 0
+../util/create-user.sh user3 0 0
+../util/create-user.sh user4 0 0
+assume_role user1 ; user1token=$SESSION_TOKEN
+assume_role user2 ; user2token=$SESSION_TOKEN
+assume_role user3 ; user3token=$SESSION_TOKEN
+assume_role user4 ; user4token=$SESSION_TOKEN
+user1uuid=$(get_uuid 'user1@example.com')
+user2uuid=$(get_uuid 'user2@example.com')
+user3uuid=$(get_uuid 'user3@example.com')
+user4uuid=$(get_uuid 'user4@example.com')
+user1id=$(get_id 'user1@example.com')
+user2id=$(get_id 'user2@example.com')
+user3id=$(get_id 'user3@example.com')
+user4id=$(get_id 'user4@example.com')
+query_id () {
+ cat /tmp/duo_query_id 2> /dev/null
+next_query_id () {
+ local _query_id=$(query_id)
+ if [[ -z "$_query_id" ]]
+ then
+ _query_id=0
+ fi
+ local _next_query_id=$(( "$_query_id" + 1 ))
+ printf "%s" "$_next_query_id" > /tmp/duo_query_id
+ printf "%s" "$_next_query_id"
+send_messages () {
+ local fromUuid=$1
+ local fromToken=$2
+ local toUuid=$3
+ local messages=("${@:4}")
+ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/config -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
+ "service": "ws://chat:5443",
+ "domain": "duolicious.app",
+ "resource": "testresource",
+ "username": "'$fromUuid'",
+ "password": "'$fromToken'"
+ }'
+ sleep 1
+ for message in "${messages[@]}"; do
+ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/send -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "
+ $message
+ "
+ done
+ sleep 1
+get_stanza_id () {
+ grep -oP "]+id='\K[^']+" || true
+get_first_stanza_id () {
+ head -n1 | get_stanza_id
+assert_fin () {
+ local id=$1
+ tail -n1 \
+ | grep -P "]+id='$id'" \
+ | grep -P "]+type='result'" \
+ | grep -P " /dev/null
+get_conversation () {
+ local userUuid=$1
+ local userToken=$2
+ local otherPersonUuid=$3
+ local pageSize=${4:-3}
+ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/config -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
+ "service": "ws://chat:5443",
+ "domain": "duolicious.app",
+ "resource": "testresource",
+ "username": "'$userUuid'",
+ "password": "'$userToken'"
+ }'
+ sleep 1
+ curl -sX GET http://localhost:3000/pop > /dev/null
+ sleep 0.5
+ local beforeId=''
+ while true
+ do
+ local queryId=$(next_query_id)
+ local query="
+ urn:xmpp:mam:2
+ ${otherPersonUuid}@duolicious.app
+ ${pageSize}
+ ${beforeId}
+ "
+ curl \
+ -X POST http://localhost:3000/send \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
+ -d "$query"
+ sleep 0.2
+ local response=$(curl -sX GET http://localhost:3000/pop)
+ assert_fin "$queryId" <<< "$response"
+ beforeId=$(get_first_stanza_id <<< "$response")
+ # Print the messages with hard-to-mock parts redacted
+ echo "$response" \
+ | sed -E "s/stamp='[0-9TZ:\.-]+'/stamp='redacted'/g" \
+ | sed -E "s/(]+id=)'[0-9a-z-]+'/\1'redacted'/g" \
+ | sed -E "s/(]+id=)'[0-9A-Z]+'/\1'redacted'/g" \
+ | sed -E "s/(]+>)[0-9A-Z]+(<\/first>)/\1redacted\2/g" \
+ | sed -E "s/()[0-9A-Z]+(<\/last>)/\1redacted\2/g"
+ if [[ -z "$beforeId" ]]
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+echo "Conversations are as expected after users message each other"
+# Who messaged who:
+# ┌───┐ ┌───┐
+# │ 1 │◄───────────│ 2 │
+# └───┘ ┌─────►└─┬─┘
+# ▲ ┌─┴─┐ │
+# └────┤ 3 │◄─────┘
+# └───┘
+# ┌───┐
+# │ 4 │
+# └───┘
+send_messages "$user2uuid" "$user2token" "$user1uuid" \
+ "1st message from user 2 to user 1" \
+ "2nd message from user 2 to user 1" \
+ "3rd message from user 2 to user 1" \
+ "4th message from user 2 to user 1" \
+ "5th message from user 2 to user 1"
+# 2 to 3
+send_messages "$user2uuid" "$user2token" "$user3uuid" \
+ "1st message from user 2 to user 3"
+# 3 to 1
+send_messages "$user3uuid" "$user3token" "$user1uuid" \
+ "1st from user 3 to user 1" \
+ "2st from user 3 to user 1" \
+ "3st from user 3 to user 1" \
+ "4st from user 3 to user 1" \
+ "5st from user 3 to user 1" \
+ "6st from user 3 to user 1" \
+ "7st from user 3 to user 1"
+# 3 to 2
+send_messages "$user3uuid" "$user3token" "$user2uuid" \
+ "1st from user 3 to user 2" \
+ "2st from user 3 to user 2" \
+ "3st from user 3 to user 2"
+actual_conversation_2_1=$(get_conversation "$user2uuid" "$user2token" "$user1uuid")
+actual_conversation_2_3=$(get_conversation "$user2uuid" "$user2token" "$user3uuid")
+actual_conversation_3_1=$(get_conversation "$user3uuid" "$user3token" "$user1uuid")
+actual_conversation_3_2=$(get_conversation "$user3uuid" "$user3token" "$user2uuid")
+actual_conversation_3_4=$(get_conversation "$user3uuid" "$user3token" "$user4uuid")
+expected_conversation_2_1=$(cat << EOF
+3rd message from user 2 to user 1
+4th message from user 2 to user 1
+5th message from user 2 to user 1
+1st message from user 2 to user 1
+2nd message from user 2 to user 1
+expected_conversation_2_3=$(cat << EOF
+1st from user 3 to user 2
+2st from user 3 to user 2
+3st from user 3 to user 2
+1st message from user 2 to user 3
+expected_conversation_3_1=$(cat << EOF
+5st from user 3 to user 1
+6st from user 3 to user 1
+7st from user 3 to user 1
+2st from user 3 to user 1
+3st from user 3 to user 1
+4st from user 3 to user 1
+1st from user 3 to user 1
+expected_conversation_3_2=$(cat << EOF
+1st from user 3 to user 2
+2st from user 3 to user 2
+3st from user 3 to user 2
+1st message from user 2 to user 3
+expected_conversation_3_4=$(cat << EOF
+diff -u --color \
+ <(echo "$actual_conversation_2_1") \
+ <(echo "$expected_conversation_2_1")
+diff -u --color \
+ <(echo "$actual_conversation_2_3") \
+ <(echo "$expected_conversation_2_3")
+diff -u --color \
+ <(echo "$actual_conversation_3_1") \
+ <(echo "$expected_conversation_3_1")
+diff -u --color \
+ <(echo "$actual_conversation_3_2") \
+ <(echo "$expected_conversation_3_2")
+diff -u --color \
+ <(echo "$actual_conversation_3_4") \
+ <(echo "$expected_conversation_3_4")
diff --git a/test/util/setup.sh b/test/util/setup.sh
index 18fedba..e8750d2 100644
--- a/test/util/setup.sh
+++ b/test/util/setup.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
-export PS4='${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}: '
+say () {
+ local text="$1"
+ echo -e "\033[1;30;47m${text}\033[0m"
+highlight() {
+ local text="$1"
+ echo -e "\[\033[1;30;47m\]${text}\[\033[0m\]"
+export PS4="$(highlight '${BASH_SOURCE}'):$(highlight '${LINENO}'): "