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File metadata and controls

155 lines (126 loc) · 6.43 KB

Clarification: The term "lock-free" does not mean the implementation is entirely without lock, but that the heavy-lifting workloads of adding/modifying an entry in the map is done without the need to lock the entire map. A read lock is still used to acess the buckets of map, but this is much more lightweight and efficient than locking the entire map for every insert/modify operation.


Golang's native map is not designed to be thread-safe at first place, so you'll need to do concurrency control where multiple go-routines/threads are accessing the same map.

Golang provides sync.Map as a solution, which uses a sync.Mutex to coordinate access to the map. However, this is a lock at the entire map level and somehow inefficient.

How it works

The basic idea is quite straightforward: implement the map as a linked-list that is sorted by each entry's hash, and use CAS operation to insert new entries into the list, thus achieving concurrent access to the map.

In order to efficiently access the map, special nodes (called fence) are inserted into the list, breaking the list into multiple chunks. Each chunk begins with its fence node, with its last node linking to next chunk's fence node. These chunks constitute buckets of our hashmap.


For the sake of simplicity, let's assume the hash is 8-bit (a number in [0, 255]) and the resulting map holds 256 entries in the following explanation. The actual implementation used 64-bit long hash so the map can store 2^64 entries, which should suffice any conceivable use-case.

map.Get() is quite easy

To get an existing entry from the map, first determine which bucket it belongs to according to its hash value

func (h *hmap) Get(key) {
    hash := h.hash(key)
    bucket := h.getBucket(hash)
    return bucket.get(key, hash)

bucket.get simply runs through the bucket until either the entry is found or the next bucket's fence node is hit.

map.Set() using CAS

To insert a new entry <key, value> to the map, a hash is first computed using key as input to a hash function hash = h(key). The resulting hash value is then used to find out the insertion position in the bucket.

In our example below, a map keeps track of the number of animals living in a happy farm. We want to add a new entry that there are 9 rats (hash = 131). By searching the hash value, this new entry is to be inserted between A and B.

At the same time, a second go-routine/thread is also reporting that there are 97 ants (with hash = 136), and its position is also between A and B, as shown in the figure below:


Here's where the CAS kicks in -- let the 2 go-routines compete for linking A to itself, whoever wins the CAS instruction gets its entry inserted, while the other would fail the CAS and attempt again.

for {
	A, B = search(node) = B
	if CAS(, B, node) {
		// success

Assume go-routine 1 wins the race, the bucket now looks like:


Note the 2 red arrows indicating change in node linkage. Now is equal to the newly inserted node (hash = 131), instead of B. Hence go-routine 2 would fail the CAS on its first attempt and go around the for loop again, and this time it will successfully insert its entry into the bucket.

map.Del() is a little tricky

Deleting an entry requires changing prev to link to next atomically (with curr being the node to be deleted), this cannot be safely done with only CAS because at anytime, new node could be inserted between prev and curr, or between curr and next.


This actually comes down to a double-CAS operation if we want to do it in one- shot, something like:

func doubleCAS(prev, curr, next) bool {
	// do the following atomically
	if == curr && == next { = next
		return true
	return false

I haven't seen such implementation in Golang. Please let me know if you know of a good one. Hence the current implementation is to lock the entire map for the delete operation.

An alternative solution is to mark the node as tombstone, and deleting them during the buckets grow/shrink stage.

However, benchmark result shows that this solution is even slightly slower. This is mostly due to the following 2 reasons:

  1. Get() and Set() has to add an additional check if an entry is marked as tombstone
  2. the cost of checking and removing tombstone during bucket grow/shrink

Looks like the benefit gained by not locking the map cannot compensate for the penalty incurred.

No re-hash, just grow/shrink the buckets

As more and more entries are added to the map, the time it takes to search an entry in the bucket keeps growing. Once the average size of bucket exceeds a threshold value, another fence node is added in the middle.

The figure below shows inserting a new fence node (hash = 128). Now access to all entries with hash >= 128 would start from this new node. This effectively splits the bucket into 2, and reduces the search/insert time by half.


And next time as the 2 buckets become crowded enough, another split is triggered to insert 2 more fence nodes (hash = 64 and 192), making a total of 4 buckets.

In the same fashion, when enough entries are deleted from the map, the average size of bucket keeps decreasing and once it drops below a threshold, we don't need that many buckets. When that happens, 2 consecutive buckets are merged back into one by removing the fence node in the middle -- an exact opposite to the split operation.

This split/merge is very fast since it's no more than adding/removing particular nodes to/from the list. This approach eradicates the costly data copy between buckets usually seen in the re-hash stage of a traditional hash table, turning re-hash to very simple and fast bucket adjustment as the toal number of entries in the map varies along time.

Hash-flooding attack

If an attacker manages to create many collision keys or keys that all hash to a limited range (for instance 0~65535), that is a so-called hash-flooding DoS attack and can severely degrade the hashmap's performance.

Our implementation used 64-bit SipHash to compute hash from key. The SipHash is immune to this attack, and also more efficient than a cryptographically secure hash function (such as SHA256).