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Quick Start |
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Install a Cassandra cluster using DC/OS CLI:
Note: Your cluster must have at least 3 private nodes.
$ dcos package install cassandra
Once the cluster is installed, retrieve connection information by running the
command:$ dcos cassandra connection { "address": [ "", "", "" ], "dns": [ "node-0.cassandra.mesos:9042", "node-1.cassandra.mesos:9042", "node-2.cassandra.mesos:9042" ] }
$ dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader core@ip-10-0-6-153 ~ $
Now that you are inside your DC/OS cluster, you can connect to your Cassandra cluster directly.
Launch a docker container containing
to connect to your cassandra cluster:core@ip-10-0-6-153 ~ $ docker run -ti cassandra:3.0.7 cqlsh --cqlversion="3.4.0" node-0.cassandra.mesos cqlsh>
You are now connected to your Cassandra cluster. Create a sample keyspace called
:cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE demo WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 };
Create a sample table called
in ourdemo
keyspace:cqlsh> USE demo;CREATE TABLE map (key varchar, value varchar, PRIMARY KEY(key));
Insert some data in the table:
cqlsh> INSERT INTO, value) VALUES('Cassandra', 'Rocks!'); cqlsh> INSERT INTO, value) VALUES('StaticInfrastructure', 'BeGone!'); cqlsh> INSERT INTO, value) VALUES('Buzz', 'DC/OS is the new black!');
Query the data back to make sure it persisted correctly:
cqlsh> SELECT * FROM;