All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- nothing yet
- todomvc-like demo app
- more docs
- basic docs with demo app
- Invalid state returned when dependency of a selector function changed without changing the store state
- deps updated
- fixed TS complaining on module.scss files on demo
- don't publish .next folder
- hooks support
- direct access to the underlying state store (
instance`) for all your non-React needs
- General API changes, you need to use a factory function to get Provider and connect (and new hooks)
no longer returns a method which takes a component but requires a component as a first argument and returns new component instead- instead of passing default state to Provider you need to create a
- TypeScript typings
- bad component display name because of ref forwarding
- if updater function returns a value it is now accessible when this function is called
- dev deps audit warnings
- files extensions to JSX (this is only breaking change)
- dev stuff to make package smaller
- React ref not being passed into wrapped component
- dev deps audit warnings
- Missing name in LICENSE file
- (development issue) eslint not running correctly on every OS
- performance optimization - mapUpdateToProps results are cached until props are changed
- some docs
- first version