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Akutan Control Plane Requirements

This document was written in August-September 2018 to describe the key scenarios in operating a production Akutan cluster, as well as how those should be handled. The document aims to be agnostic of how this is implemented. Some sections were redacted and edited before making this public.

A global Akutan database

This is what we expect a global Akutan database to look like:

cross-datacenter Akutan deployment

For the purpose of this document, we define a Akutan Database as a (potentially) global deployment, consisting of a (potentially) global log and one or more Akutan Clusters. Each Akutan Cluster resides in a single datacenter and contains multiple redundant copies of the entire database state. Note that the log is defined as being outside the Akutan clusters, for the purpose of this document.

The log is a single, (potentially) global, distributed, replicated, persistent queue. The log determines the ordering for all changes to the database state, thereby removing the need for other components in Akutan to coordinate. The consistency of the entire database rests on that of the log, so the log will fundamentally require a distributed consensus protocol at some level. The log is not the final resting place for the data, and the log is not expected to scale in terms of capacity: the old entries at the start of the log will be truncated periodically.

The API servers within a Akutan cluster serve clients. They have two roles:

  1. They submit changes to the database state as new entries are appended to the log.

  2. They collect data from various view servers to answer database queries. This part is fairly sophisticated, as described in the ProtoAkutan v3 doc.

The view servers within a Akutan cluster each maintain a subset of the database state in some data structure. They update their state deterministically based solely on the contents of the log, and they respond to various lookup requests from the API servers. The view servers may store their local state on disk or in volatile memory. We expect the types of views to grow over time.

One important and special type of view is called the Disk View. In aggregate, the Disk View instances store the entire dataset on disk (with several copies), except perhaps the latest entries that have been recently written to the log. Other views and new Disk Views may be initialized from the existing Disk View instances, plus the recent entries in the log.

Spaces, replication, and partitioning

Each Akutan cluster has multiple types of views and many instances of each. The views logically provide lookups in multiple spaces: multiple hash-spaces or key-spaces. An instance of a view hosts a single range of a single space.

For example, ProtoAkutan v3's Disk Views operate in two modes, forming two different hash-spaces: the HashSP-space and the HashPO-space. The basic unit of data in v3 is a id-subject-predicate-object fact. The HashSP space is defined as the 64-bit output of a hash of the fact's subject concatenated with its predicate. The HashPO space is defined as a similar hash but with the predicate and the object. Each DiskView instance is booted as either a HashSP instance with a start and an end hash, or as a HashPO instance with a start and an end hash.

It is important to note that Akutan views are not replicated in the traditional sense. Once they're booted, each instance applies changes to its state from the central log. View instances only communicate with each other in the special case of a new instance initializing its state from the Disk Views.

Each space will require management over time. For example, as the dataset grows, a single view instance will need a smaller hash- or key-range of the space. Key-spaces will also need to be adjusted based on the shape of the data: some ranges of a key-space might grow while other ranges might shrink.

As shorthand, we might talk about a hash-space partitioned 4 ways and replicated 3 ways. This implies 12 distinct view instances:

  • Three serving hashes 0x00.. to 0x40..,
  • Three serving hashes 0x40.. to 0x80..,
  • Three serving hashes 0x80.. to 0xc0.., and
  • Three serving hashes 0xc0.. to 0xff...

Creating logical partitions with logical replica groups would be a simple and reasonable way to manage a cluster.

Akutan can also operate in the case of uncleanly partitioned spaces. This is especially useful during cluster transitions. An example of this, with a diagram, is given in the RPC Fanout section of the ProtoAkutan v3 doc.

A Akutan cluster is defined as fully available (for writes and non-stale reads) if the following conditions are met:

  1. Each of its spaces is fully covered: every point (a key or hash) in every space is served by at least one available and up-to-date view instances (with respect to their position in the log).

  2. The log is available for appends and non-stale reads.

  3. At least one API server is available.

A Akutan cluster is defined as healthy if the following conditions are met:

  1. Each of its spaces is fully covered three times: every point (a key or hash) in every space is served by at least three available and up-to-date view instances (with respect to their position in the log).

  2. The log is available for non-stale reads and appends.

  3. At least three API servers are available.

Log management

The log presents two unique challenges when it comes to Akutan's control plane:

  1. In a global Akutan database, the log is really the only global component. It needs to replicate its state across datacenters, while the other Akutan components will not communicate across datacenters.

  2. The consistency of the entire database rests on that of the log, so the log will fundamentally require a distributed consensus protocol at some level. These usually require careful initialization and cluster membership change sequences.

Because of (1), how to manage the log itself is a fairly distinct problem from how to manage the rest of a Akutan database.

Managing the log itself will have well-understood scenarios:

  • Provision a new cluster: probably requires some special initialization of the original replicas' volumes.
  • Cold start: nothing in particular.
  • Rolling restart: nothing in particular.
  • Recover from failed servers: invoke some cluster membership change request to add new replicas and remove the old ones.
  • Upgrade/rollback: probably has some restrictions on when rollback is permitted.

Akutan cluster management

This section describes production scenarios for a single Akutan cluster (excluding the log) in a single datacenter.

Provision new clusters for a new Akutan database

  • Initialize the global log.
  • Fire up the API and view servers in the new Akutan clusters. The servers can be booted in any order, but they will not be useful until the log is ready.

Provision new clusters for an existing Akutan database

  • In this scenario, we assume that the existing Akutan database has been running for so long that log entry at index 1 has already been discarded.
  • In this case, the Disk Views in the new cluster would need to initialize from the Disk Views in an existing cluster.
    • We have not designed any special mechanism for this. It may be best done as a file-oriented backup/restore rather than a cross-datacenter carousel.
  • The remaining view instances in the new cluster could then initialize from the Disk Views in the new cluster.

Cold start

  • After a complete cluster outage, bring everything up in no particular order.
  • The log and disk-based views need their old disks back (to avoid data loss).

Rolling restart

  • Nothing special here, just go slowly and check health before proceeding.

Recover a failed server

  • For a failed API server, just spawn another.
  • For a failed stateless view instance, just spawn another.
  • For a failed stateful view instance, such as a Disk View instance:
    • Spawn another instance with the same parameters.
    • Wait for it to boot, load data from the Disk Views, and replay through near the end of the log:
      uint64_t index;  
      do {
          index = log.getLastIndex();
      } while (view.getLastApplied() < index);
    • Throw away the state of the old server.


  • For an API server, just add a new one, check health, and drop an old one.
  • For a stateless view instance:
    • Add a new equivalent instance.
    • Wait for it to be ready / replay near the end of the log (as above).
    • Remove an equivalent old instance.
    • This allows rolling back in an obvious manner.
  • For a stateful view instance, do the same, but then delete the state of the old instance.
  • You could also do in-place upgrades for stateful services:
    • This would be more efficient, avoiding a network copy of the disk contents.
    • However, it would also be riskier, since a broken new version could corrupt the disk contents.
    • Some upgrades might not be able to roll back this way (for example, if they change the format of the files on disk in a way that the old version can't understand).
    • Because of these downsides, it may be simplest to avoid in-place upgrades, assuming the cost of copying data is acceptable.

Split/merge partitions

  • If an instance of a view gets too large with respect to its storage or memory capacity, or overloaded in terms of CPU, it should be logically split. Similarly, if an instance drops to too low resource utilization, it should be logically merged.
  • The simplest procedure to split is to bring up two new instances, check their health, then delete the old instance. Similarly, the simplest procedure to merge is to bring up a new instance, check its health, then delete the old instances.
  • One could imagine a binary splitting algorithm, where each view instance would split in half, and a view instance could only be merged with its buddy. This might be OK for hash-spaces but would be too restrictive for key-spaces.
  • Another question is whether to make merge/split decisions at the level of single view instances, or to merge/split at the level of partitions, where multiple instances are logical replicas of the same key/hash-range.
    • While Akutan can cope with either one, the logical partitions with multiple replicas each may be simpler to reason about.
    • Treating each view instance independently may have advantages in case of heterogeneous deployments (for example, if some servers had larger disks than others).

Global Akutan Deployment Management

This section describes production scenarios where coordination is required across Akutan clusters in multiple datacenters that share a single log.

Truncate log prefix

  • The log can't grow forever because it has limited disk capacity. On occasion, it's necessary to delete a prefix of the log.
  • It's safe to delete a prefix of the log once that prefix has reached enough Disk Views (where it will persist).
  • It shouldn't be necessary to clean up the log too aggressively. We expect it to grow at a low rate relative to the disk capacity. It could cause extra work or availability gaps if the log is truncated too aggressively. Deleting the prefix every few minutes, a few minutes behind the maximum deletable index, would be reasonable.
  • It may be wise to back up the log prefix somewhere before deleting it, though that's only useful if it can be restored.
  • Each Akutan cluster should decide independently how much of the log can be discarded.
  • Then some global process should globally discard a prefix of the log that every (critical) Akutan cluster can tolerate losing.

Log entry version change

  • On rare occasions, it may be necessary to change the format of the entries in the log.
  • Each server image knows that it's capable of processing a log up to version N.
  • A server will start interpreting the log differently after seeing a log entry that says "update to version N+1". If the server does not support version N+1 at that point, it will crash.
  • So the first step will be rolling out a release globally.
  • Second, it'd be wise to confirm that all the critical servers (globally) support version N+1.
  • Once that check has passed, the system or an operator should write a log entry that says "update to version N+1".
  • This cannot be undone.


This document outlined a bunch of scenarios that Akutan's control plane would need to handle for a production deployment. Most of these are relatively straightforward thanks to Akutan's architecture, and we have identified only two scenarios that require cross-datacenter coordination.