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Using Apache Kafka in Akutan

This doc was written in March 2018 to discuss the use of Apache Kafka as a replicated log in the Akutan project. Some sections were redacted and edited before making this public.


Akutan relies on its log to store its incoming requests in a consistent order. We used Apache Kafka as a plausible placeholder for the log in ProtoAkutan v1. During the ProtoAkutan v2 effort, we more carefully evaluated Kafka for this use case.

Although Kafka is commonly used as a message queue, it's implemented much more like a replicated log. Unfortunately, we found significant problems with using Kafka in this manner. Our recent experience with Kafka has exposed significant problems with both reading and writing from Kafka:

  • Reading: Kafka's protocol for consumers reading the log is inefficient. In our benchmarks, a single Kafka log consumer received only about half the throughput that the disks could provide. Worse yet, Kafka only reads from the leader broker; code changes would be needed to utilize the follower brokers for reads.

  • Writing: Kafka brokers don't implement group commit, so Kafka's log append performance will collapse with constant load spread across more clients. This would drastically limit our ability to scale out Akutan's API tier.

Kafka could still work as Akutan's log, but working through the issues may be more trouble than it's worth. We plan to continue to use Kafka during the ProtoAkutan v3 effort. In parallel we will investigate our options for Akutan's log and try to determine the best path forward.

Akutan's requirements for a replicated log

Akutan relies on its log to store its incoming requests in a consistent order. Once the log externalizes a log entry to other views, Akutan depends on that log entry to be at that position in the log forever after; otherwise, the views could diverge and the entire state could become corrupt. Therefore, changes to the log need to be synchronously persisted (to handle crashes and power outages) and synchronously replicated (to handle machine failures).

Akutan's log replication may need to span datacenters. We don't yet know whether Akutan will be deployed within a single datacenter or whether Akutan will need to span datacenters. If a Akutan deployment is to span datacenters, we plan to do that by replicating the log across datacenters and running independent sets of Akutan views in each datacenter. This focuses the most of the cross-datacenter concerns on the replicated log.

Akutan's log should be accessible from various programming languages. The Akutan API tier and all of the views need to be able to access the log. The API tier needs to append to the log, while most views only need to read from the log. We want the flexibility to create views in various languages to leverage existing code bases and exploit their relative strengths. To do so, we need Akutan's log to have support for many languages, at least for reading.

These are the access patterns we anticipate on Akutan's log:

  1. Multiple readers tailing the log: During normal operation in Akutan, many views will be reading newly-written entries from the end of the log.

  2. Multiple writers appending to the log: During normal operation in Akutan, multiple API servers with potentially high levels of concurrency will be appending requests to the log.

  3. Long sequential reads: When a view starts up, it will need to read a potentially large suffix of the log. Multiple views may start up in parallel, and they may read from different starting indexes in the log and at different speeds.

  4. Prefix truncation: Occasionally, the log will become too large to fit comfortably on its disks. Once Akutan's persistent DiskViews have processed enough of the log, Akutan will request that a prefix of the log be deleted. This topic of how views boot once the log has been truncated is covered in detail in the Booting Akutan Views doc.

Akutan's log will need to handle all of these scenarios, and they may all happen concurrently in a Akutan deployment.

Brief introduction to Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka (Wikipedia) was originally created at LinkedIn and open sourced in 2011. Kafka became popular across the industry, and many of the original authors started a company named Confluent in 2014 to continue developing Kafka. Kafka runs on the JVM and is implemented in Java and Scala. An official C/C++ client for Kafka called librdkafka is the basis of bindings for many other languages, and a third-party client called Sarama also exists for Go.

Although Kafka is most often used as a message queue, it's implemented much more like a replicated log, and it claims to be suitable for a replicated log use case. For Akutan, we are using a single Kafka topic with a single Kafka partition as Akutan's log. Kafka servers are called brokers, and Kafka uses Apache ZooKeeper to elect a broker as leader for each partition. All appends to a partition are received and ordered by its leader broker, which then persists and replicates the new log entry to the follower brokers. For Akutan, we configure the brokers to acknowledge and externalize a log append to clients only after the entry has been replicated to a majority of the brokers and each of a majority of brokers has written the entry safely to its disk. For example, in our test cluster, each entry is durably written to 2 of 3 of the disks in the cluster before it's acknowledged.

Kafka is particularly attractive for Akutan because it's so widely used. On paper, it appears to be a good fit for most of Akutan's requirements. We've used Kafka for ProtoAkutan v1 and v2, thereby gaining some hands-on experience with it, and we've benchmarked Kafka's performance for some of the key Akutan scenarios described above. The rest of this document describes our benchmark results and discusses various concerns with using Kafka in Akutan.

Kafka performance evaluation

This section evaluates Apache Kafka's performance as a log for Akutan:

  • The "Read performance" subsection focuses on the throughput of log reads (this is Scenario 3: "Long sequential reads").

  • The "Write performance" subsection focuses on the throughput of log appends (this is Scenario 2: "Multiple writers appending to the log").

We have not directly measured the performance for the other two scenarios we identified above:

  • We assume that the performance for Scenario 1: "Multiple readers tailing the log" will be acceptable if the above two perform well.

  • Scenario 4: "Prefix truncation" is an occasional background event with no performance requirements.

We have chosen to focus this evaluation on throughput, rather than latency, because we aren't aware of any strict latency requirements for Akutan. We are concerned about the log's ability to ingest large amounts of data, as we expect the log append throughput to determine Akutan's overall write throughput.

This section omits many details of our configuration and benchmarks for brevity. More details can be found in the appendix at the end of this document.

Read performance

This section focuses on how fast a Akutan view can sequentially read a large suffix of the log. Views will read potentially large suffixes of the log when they start up, and reading a large part of the log may also provide insights into the performance of tailing the log. As a baseline, we first measured the performance of reading large files from disk. Then, we measured the performance of reading large parts of the Kafka log from Kafka clients, both locally and remotely.

Baseline: cat

To measure our servers' sequential read performance, we used cat on some large files (that happened to be Kafka log files) and sent them to /dev/null. These measurements were taken on a VM (4 VCPU, 8GB Ram, 40GB disk). The set of files was large enough to exceed the RAM size of the VM, so we can reasonably ignore caching effects.

We found that our servers' sequential read performance with cat varied significantly depending on different Linux readahead settings. We adjusted the readahead setting using blockdev, ranging from its default of 128 KiB all the way up to 8 MiB. Disk read throughput at various readahead settings is shown in the following table (rounded to the nearest 5 MiB/sec):

Readahead Size Read Throughput
128 KiB (default) 320 MiB/sec
256 KiB 405 MiB/sec
512 KiB 510 MiB/sec
1 MiB (used in all other tests) 555 MiB/sec
2 MiB 660 MiB/sec
4 MiB 710 MiB/sec
8 MiB 775 MiB/sec

The results show that the default read-ahead setting of 128 KiB leaves a lot of disk bandwidth on the table. We adjusted it to 1 MiB, which we think is still a conservative number for this workload. With readahead of 1 MiB or more, the SSDs perform quite well, exceeding the read throughput of a spinning disk by 5-8x.

The Kafka server will not only have to read the log, but it'll also have to send it over the network. We measured the network performance in our test cluster with iperf3 at 1090 MiB/sec, so Kafka's sequential log read performance shouldn't be limited by the network bandwidth. Therefore, we'd hope to see a Kafka consumer be able to read a large suffix of a remote log at a rate of around 500 MiB/sec or more.

Kafka benchmark

The following table summarizes our benchmark results (rounded to the nearest 5 MiB/sec):

Client Read Throughput
Local, Cached Local, Uncached Remote, Uncached Remote, Uncached
Java 195 MiB/s 180 MiB/s 150 MiB/s 150 MiB/s
Rust using rdkafka BaseConsumer 895 MiB/s 455 MiB/s 345 MiB/s 320 MiB/s
Go using Sarama 630 MiB/s 325 MiB/s 270 MiB/s 235 MiB/s

More details on each client can be found in the appendix at the end of this document. The "Local" scenarios run the client on the same VM as the broker; they are only interesting for comparison. The "Remote" scenarios run the client on a different VM. The "Cached" scenarios read the first 2 million log entries, which fit in the broker's OS disk cache. The "Uncached" scenarios read the entire log, which is too large to fit in the broker's OS disk cache.

We think the "Remote, Uncached" scenario will be the most representative of a Akutan view booting. The "Remote, Cached" scenario may be more representative of Akutan views tailing a growing log.

The table presents the best numbers we can currently measure in each language. We've tried many other options and have seen varying results:

  • In the past, we have seen the Java client perform better (up to 460 MiB/sec on a local uncached benchmark). We think its performance dropped when we updated to the Kafka 1.0 version of the Kafka protocol. We haven't looked into this.

  • We also tried a Rust-native Kafka library called rust-kafka. It doesn't implement the latest Kafka protocol needed to leverage the processor's CRC32C instruction for checksumming. Even with checksumming disabled, it did not perform as well as rdkafka.

  • We initially tried rust-rdkafka's StreamConsumer. Due to a performance bug (using an unbuffered channel instead of a buffered channel), this was much slower than the BaseConsumer. We think this was fixed upstream recently, but the BaseConsumer is fine for us right now.

  • We haven't tried confluent-kafka-go, the client for Go that Confluent officially supports. This library is a wrapper around librdkafka, the same library that our Rust tests use. It's possible that confluent-kafka-go could exceed the performance of Sarama, but it's also possible the expensive crossings between Go and C would negate any benefit.

Almost all of the numbers in the table are much lower than we'd like. Rust with librdkafka performs the best, but even that one in the "Remote" scenarios is 200 MiB/sec lower than we'd like. Somehow, reading the disk through the Kafka broker on localhost is slower than it should be, and sending the data over the network is much slower than that.

Kafka's inefficient consumer protocol

Reading the Kafka log does not perform nearly as well as reading the broker's disk or sending data over the network. To our surprise, the benchmarks aren't all CPU-bound, either: they're limited by Kafka's network protocol.

The following diagram shows communication pattern between a Kafka consumer and a Kafka broker. The blue rectangles indicate heavy CPU usage. This diagram is annotated with approximate timings when using the Rust rdkafka client on a cached local run (cached remote runs are similar but may do more processing before sending any reply packets).

fetch sequence

The consumer pulls data from the broker with a series of Fetch requests. Each Fetch request specifies the index in the Kafka log from which to start reading, as well as a maximum message size for the reply. Upon receiving the request, the broker does some processing, then streams out the result, apparently interleaving more processing as it sends the data. During this time, each of the three clients we looked at will simply buffer the reply, waiting until it has received the entire reply before processing it. Once the client receives the entire reply, it then has to look through the entire message to determine how many log entries it contains; this information is not readily available at the start of the message. Then, it can send out the next Fetch request, setting the start index to the previous start index plus the number of log entries in the previous response.

The problem with this protocol, coupled with these client implementations, is that the client is idle while the broker is working, and the broker is idle while the client is working. They both have significant computation to do:

  • The broker has to assemble a response. It has to read from the right files and offsets on disk or in the disk cache. We believe our Kafka brokers used sendfile() during these benchmarks, thereby pushing some work down to the OS and avoiding some context switches or buffer copies. Still, the time it took the broker to send the reply would indicate the broker still has significant computation (it took 18ms to prepare and send an 8MiB reply on localhost).

  • The client has to decode the entire packet, which contains many variable-length fields. We believe our 3 client implementations also check the CRC32C checksums on the response before sending out the next Fetch request.

Better consumer implementations/protocols

One could imagine a better client implementation would begin processing the reply as it was streaming in. However, none of these three client libraries do this. It may be too complex to implement or not a priority for the authors of these client libraries. Considering we're including two official Kafka client libraries in our tests (the Java one and librdkafka), we can only assume that consumer throughput from a single partition isn't a priority for Kafka overall.

Instead of streaming, one could imagine a better protocol that was pipelined using large messages as a unit of work, like this:

kafka read interactions

The broker could prepare a full message before sending it, and the client could buffer that in its entirely before processing it. This may be simpler to implement than getting both the broker and client to stream out/in messages. With this pipeline, the slowest resource (the broker, in the figure) would determine the throughput, and the other resources would overlap with it.

There are a few possible ways to achieve this pipeline:

  • As a small tweak to the existing Kafka protocol, imagine if the client could send "Fetch next" requests. It could send these upon receiving the previous reply or even ahead of that time.

  • As another possible tweak to the existing Kafka protocol, imagine if the client could limit the reply not only by bytes, but also by the number of entries in the message. So a client could send "Fetch index 1000, limit 1000", then without processing the next reply, send "Fetch index 2000, limit 1000".

  • Or better yet, if Kafka used gRPC, a Server Streaming RPC would be a great fit here. That would allow the client to make one request, which would trigger the server to send back a series of replies. The client could then process each reply as a whole, and the underlying protocol would take care of flow control (slowing the replies down to the speed of the client, if necessary).

Read performance conclusion

In the best case, we've seen Kafka remote read performance in the range of 250-350 MiB/sec, while our disks can read at 500-800 MiB/sec. Sadly, Kafka's consumer protocol was not designed for high throughput. The results aren't so bad that Kafka is entirely unusable for Akutan, but it is a significant concern.

Write performance

This section focuses on how fast the log can handle appends coming from Akutan's API tier. We measured the throughput of log appends in Kafka, comparing both a single-broker Kafka cluster and a three-broker Kafka cluster.

Kafka write benchmark

To test Kafka's write performance, we created a client program called "kafkaw", or affectionately "calf cow". It repeatedly sends Produce requests to the Kafka leader broker for a topic, using variable levels of concurrency. It initiates multiple client connections, keeping only one outstanding Produce request per connection. For each connection, it spawns multiple goroutines (lightweight threads) that each try to append to the log. When multiple goroutines issue appends on the same connection and the previous Produce request is still in flight, the client library batches them together into the next Produce request.

We used 2 KiB values to append to the log. We configured Kafka to durably write to disks before acknowledging each append. We ran the client on a single VM and ran the Kafka brokers each on separate VMs.

In this benchmark, we spawned 128 goroutines but split them over varying numbers of client connections. On the left side, we have 128 goroutines on 1 connection, then 64 goroutines on each of 2 connections, etc, going all the way out to 1 goroutine on each of 128 connections. This simulates a constant write request rate coming into Akutan API servers, and what Akutan's overall write throughput would look like as we scaled up the number of API servers. The ideal implementation of group commit would result in a nearly flat line, where the throughput was not dependent on the number of client connections.

kafka appends vs # clients

The "1 of 1" replication shows a Kafka topic that resides on only the leader broker with no replication to follower brokers. The "2 of 3" replication shows a Kafka topic where each entry must be durably written to the leader broker and at least one of two follower brokers before acknowledging the client.

Unfortunately, the overall log append throughput collapses as we spread the write load over more client connections. The problem is that Kafka brokers do not implement group commit. On the left-hand side of the curve, the Kafka client is able to batch together many goroutines into larger Produce requests. On the right-hand side of the curve, the Kafka client can't; the broker receives small Produce requests and does nothing to collect them together.

This behavior drastically limits the scalability of Akutan's API tier. Even if we only scale out Akutan's API tier to a few servers, we will have given up most of Kafka's potential log append throughput.

  • With many connections and a single goroutine each, the single broker receives a continuous stream of Produce requests, each with a single 2-KiB request. It writes durably to its disk but does so one log entry at a time.

  • With 1 connection shared among 128 goroutines, the client library batches writes together into much larger Produce requests. We expect the goroutines to end up in two groups; one group will be part of the Produce request that's in flight, while the other will be queuing up to go out as part of the next Produce request. As a rough estimate, suppose each group had 64 goroutines, so each Produce request is made up of 128-KiB. The broker receives a nearly continuous stream of Produce requests, with gaps in between to round-trip back to the client. The broker writes 128-KiB durably to its disk at a time.

Discussion: faster hardware

Fast enough durable disk writes could change Kafka's scalability properties. As an experiment, we ran the same benchmark as before but with fsync disabled. In this configuration, Kafka acknowledged the Produce requests as soon as they reached the OS buffer cache and met their replication requirements. This is unsafe for Akutan but may give us an upper bound in performance.

The following graph shows the throughput like before, offering a constant load of 128 appends split over an increasing number of client connections. Note the y-axis goes up to 100 thousand here but only 10 thousand before.

kafka appends vs clients no fsync

The shape of these curves is drastically different. The curve without replication looks like it reaches some other problem after about 8 clients, but we're not too concerned with that for now. The curve with replication looks much healthier in that it's nearly flat: the log append performance does not depend on how many client connections we distribute the requests on.

This suggests that drastically faster durable disk writes could both increase performance substantially and could effectively mitigate Kafka's lack of group commit.

Discussion: implementing group commit

The basic concept behind implementing group commit is simple. The broker would do the following (ignoring replication for simplicity):

  1. Pull all the Produce requests off a queue.

  2. Append all the new entries into the log file maintained in the OS buffer cache.

  3. Invoke fsync on log file.

  4. Reply to all the Produce requests.

This will be more complicated in Kafka for the following reasons:

  • Kafka needs to support replication, and different Produce requests may specify different replication requirements (see Kafka protocol documentation).

  • Kafka's Produced requests can specify any number of topics and partitions on which to append data. Errors returned are on a per-topic-partition basis.

  • Kafka appears to use a threading model where each request is assigned to a Java system-level thread, and this thread runs the request to completion. For a large number of client connections, this may require a large number of threads, which could lead to other engineering challenges.

Another possibility would be to implement group commit in a proxy sitting right in front of the leader broker. This could help Akutan get most of the performance of having group commit in Kafka, without having to modify Kafka broker code. However, it'd be quite a kludge and would leave some performance on the table. It might also interact poorly with Kafka's exactly once semantics (see the discussion on "Duplicate Appends" below).

Write performance conclusion

Kafka's log append throughput collapses when more than a couple of clients submit requests. This is because Kafka brokers don't implement group commit. The Kafka project does not see durable writes as important (they suggest disabling fsync calls), but they are necessary to ensure Akutan's consistency in the face of correlated log server crashes. If Akutan is to use Kafka as its log, we will need to address this serious problem.

Additional concerns about Kafka

This section discusses additional concerns and considerations about using Apache Kafka in Akutan. We haven't explored these in as much detail yet, but they are certainly relevant to the discussion of evaluating Apache Kafka for Akutan's replicated log.

Duplicate appends (at-most-once semantics)

When a Akutan API server sends a request to be appended to the log, we'd like that to end up as a single entry in the log. Sometimes, however, the request or the response will be lost (the TCP connection will be broken), and the API server won't know what happened. It'll need to retry the request. If the request was lost in transit, no harm is done, but if the reply was lost, then the request would end up creating multiple log entries. Depending on the semantics of the request and what other operations were taking place concurrently, this may pose a problem.

This problem is a fundamental one in any distributed system, and it's generally solved like this:

  1. The client opens a session with the server, establishing a session ID. (If this session establishment is duplicated, it only wastes a small amount of memory but doesn't do much harm.)

  2. The client includes its session ID and a request ID with every request.

  3. If the server receives a duplicate request ID for the same session ID, it does not re-process the request. The server usually replies back with the earlier response.

  4. The client usually needs to send keep-alive messages during periods of inactivity to keep its session active.

  5. Eventually, once the server gets tired of holding state for the client, it deletes the session. Subsequent requests with that session ID are then rejected.

With respect to Akutan's log, there are several ways this could be implemented. The duplicate requests could be filtered out on production before they are appended to the log, or they could be filtered out on consumption as they are read from the log. To filter them out during production, we require support from the log implementation; to filter them out during consumption, this could be implemented in the log itself or as part of every Akutan log consumer. Of course, we'd prefer if this complexity was all handled by the log implementation.

Kafka recently added features for "exactly-once" semantics, which we believe would solve this problem for Akutan. With this enabled, Kafka brokers will filter out duplicate requests on the production side, before they end up in the log. This requires some changes to producer clients to send over session and request IDs, too. These features are explained in a Kafka blog post and design doc. Unfortunately, they have intermingled a design for cross-partition transactions there too, along with a discussion about how this extends to Kafka streams, neither of which are relevant for Akutan at this time.

The implementation of "exactly-once" semantics was added to Kafka brokers and the Java client in v0.11, released in June 2017. As of this writing, the implementation for the librdkafka client is still planned, and the discussion about supporting this in Sarama is ongoing.

For Akutan, we plan to wait on this issue for now. We think Kafka's new features will work for Akutan once more client support exists. We prefer to wait until the client libraries have better support for this, and if it becomes blocking for us, we will consider modifying the clients ourselves. For now, this hasn't affected our ability to develop ProtoAkutan.

A related discussion is that, at least before the "exactly-once" feature set, Kafka did not guarantee FIFO Client Order. FIFO Client Order states that if a client submits m1 then m2, m2 won't precede m1 in the log. We don't plan to make use of FIFO Client Order for Akutan, so this isn't an issue for us.

Reading from follower brokers

When Akutan views boot, they may need to read a substantial suffix of the log. It could be useful during this time to offload the leader broker by letting follower brokers serve these reads. Then, once the views are caught up to the end of the log, they could move over to tailing the log from the leader broker directly.

Surprisingly, Kafka does not support this. Their stance appears to be that topics should have many partitions; load will be well-balanced across brokers because each broker will be the leader for many partitions. This isn't the case for Akutan, however, which uses only one partition to obtain a simple global ordering of requests.

There is a special way that Kafka clients can read from follower brokers, introduced in KAFKA-432. Based on that patch, if a client passes a Broker ID of -2 in its Fetch request, instead of the usual value of -1, it should be allowed to read from follower brokers. However, we have not attempted this, and both librdkafka and Sarama hardcode the value to -1.

Akutan may not need this optimization. If it does turn out to be important, we will probably need to modify Kafka's client libraries.

Kafka's wire protocol

One limitation of Apache Kafka is that the project uses its own serialization format. At first we didn't think this would be a serious issue, and it's a fairly simple encoding. However, it brings a number of problems:

  • The description (and here) is written in English, often in paragraph form, and is usually imprecise and incomplete.

  • Client libraries must hand-roll large amounts of code just to invoke simple RPCs. For example, serializing the simple DeleteRecords request and response and testing this required us to write over 350 lines of Go.

  • Wireshark has support for decoding the Kafka protocol, but it can't decode the latest versions of some of the messages. The C parser needs to be updated.

  • The semantics of some messages have changed in subtle ways over time, leading us to encounter difficult bugs like Issue 1032 in Sarama.

  • Client libraries are more difficult to update, so they tend to lag behind the Java/Scala library on the latest protocol features, like CRC32C (earlier versions of Kafka used IEEE CRC) and "exactly-once" semantics.

For Akutan, this protocol decision has significantly harmed our ability to access the latest Kafka features from multiple languages and to debug correctness and performance issues.

The hand-rolled protocol would also make it harder for us to extend Kafka's functionality. Realistically, we may want the log to filter entries or extract parts of log entries on behalf of readers. For example, a secondary index view may only be interested in one particular field of a particular data type, not every log entry. Filtering out the unnecessary data at the log server could save network bandwidth. However, Kafka makes adding this functionality especially difficult because it's hard to extend the Kafka protocol.

Alternatives to Kafka

Apache Kafka is appealing because it's widely used, but there are other alternatives. Admittedly, we haven't spent much time looking at these yet, since Kafka was our initial choice.

Apache BookKeeper is a distributed log service used at a handful of companies, including Twitter and Salesforce. Like Kafka, it uses ZooKeeper to maintain metadata about logs and coordinate changes to the storage servers. While not as popular as Kafka, BookKeeper may be more focused on use cases like Akutan's. One problem, however, is that the client library for BookKeeper embeds quite a lot of functionality, and we're not aware of support for non-Java languages. We would like to avoid having a proxy between Akutan views and the log, yet we wouldn't want to restrict Akutan to Java-only views.

CORFU is a research paper published in 2012 that proposes an alternative architecture for a shared distributed log. For log appends, a single sequencer server hands out the next log index by incrementing a local integer, then the writer stores its data at the servers that own that log index. This should have an overall throughput much larger than Kafka, for example, since the single bottleneck is only a volatile integer, not a persistent log. Several of the authors of CORFU moved onto VMWare Research and have released CorfuDB, which appears to contain an implementation of CORFU. We don't know much about this implementation, whether it's production ready, and what the operational implications would be.

We've also considered building our own log using the Raft algorithm. In this case, we would likely leverage an existing open source Raft implementation. Such a log implementation could meet all of Akutan's requirements, but it would take our time away from working on Akutan itself.


Although Kafka was initially attractive for storing Akutan's log, our recent experience with Kafka has exposed significant problems with both reading and writing:

  • Reading: Kafka's protocol for consumers reading the log is inefficient. In our benchmarks, a single Kafka log consumer received only about half the throughput that the disks could provide. Worse yet, Kafka only reads from the leader broker; code changes would be needed to utilize the follower brokers for reads.

  • Writing: Kafka brokers don't implement group commit, so Kafka's log append performance will collapse with constant load spread across more clients. This would drastically limit our ability to scale out Akutan's API tier.

Kafka was designed like a replicated log for a storage system, but it's not commonly used that way. We think the issues we're seeing are because the focus on Kafka lately has been on broader use cases, which don't seem relevant for Akutan.

Kafka could still work as Akutan's log, but working through the issues may be more trouble than it's worth. We plan to continue to use Kafka during the ProtoAkutan v3 effort. In parallel, we will investigate our options for Akutan's log and try to determine the best path forward.

Appendix: benchmark configuration/script

All VMs ran on Openstack. Unless otherwise stated, we used VMs with 4 VCPU, 8GB ram, 40GB disk, with local SSDs. The OS was Ubuntu 16.04.

The OS readahead setting was set to 1 MiB for all tests (unless otherwise noted) by issuing the following command as root: /sbin/blockdev --setra 2048 /dev/vda

We ran 3 Kafka brokers using kafka_2.11-1.0.1.tgz (released 2018-03-05). The Java runtime was openjdk-9 JRE/JDK version 9~b114-0ubuntu1. We ran 3 ZooKeeper servers on the same VMs.

We made only a few changes to Kafka's default broker configuration. The options are documented here. Our tests did not use TLS. The following changes were made to Kafka's default configuration:


We use a single Kafka topic with a single partition, created as follows:

~/kafka/bin/ --create --topic akutan --if-not-exists --zookeeper localhost:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 3

For the tests involving single-broker Kafka clusters, the --replication-factor was set to 1 instead.

For the write benchmarks, the topic was further configured as follows (documentation here):

Topic setting Durability on (most tests) Durability off (where noted)
min.insync.replicas 1 for single-broker cluster, 2 for three-broker cluster 1 1
flush.messages 1 infinity infinity infinity

This command helps with determining which broker is the current leader (all reads and writes go to the leader):

~/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic akutan --describe

Kafka read benchmark

The data we used was a mix of 20M data points packed into ~8.4M Kafka entries totalling ~17,250 MiB uncompressed.

Configuration Command
Java ~/kafka/bin$ ./ --zookeeper kafka01:2181 --topic akutan --threads 1 --messages 8400000
Rust using rdkafka BaseConsumer ~/protoakutan/dist/rust-rdkafkasink --base-consumer --fetch-message-max-bytes=8388608 kafka01:9092
Go using Sarama ~/protoakutan/bin/kafkasink -cfg ~/protoakutan/dist/cluster.json

The "cached" tests read only the first 2 million entries in the log. Each cached test was run once to prime the broker's disk cache, then the numbers were recorded from the second run. The "uncached" tests read the entire ~8.4 million entries in the log -- far too many to fit in cache.