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Update RFC (Insert and Delete)

This RFC was written in February-March 2019. Only some of the insert features have been implemented as of March 2019. Some sections were redacted and edited before making this public.


This RFC proposes a new path for inserting and deleting facts in Akutan. With this proposal, users will have a convenient way to manage the graph and maintain its consistency, by leveraging Akutan's underlying support for transactions. This RFC would bring Akutan close to implementing a subset of the Sparql 1.1 Update specification.


The previous insert capability was developed for ProtoAkutan and has several limitations:

  • It does not handle automatic assignment of External IDs. Instead of writing akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow, users must write:

    New Subject Vars: [?banana, ?color, ?yellow]
    Facts: [
    [s:?banana, p:<HasExternalID>, o:"akutan:banana"],
    [s:?color,  p:<HasExternalID>, o:"akutan:color"],
    [s:?yellow, p:<HasExternalID>, o:"akutan:yellow"],
    [s:?banana, p:?color, o:?yellow]]
  • It does not enforce uniqueness of external IDs. Users can accidentally create multiple entities with the external ID akutan:banana or <banana>.

  • The client must know if it's creating a new entity or referencing an existing entity. This leads to time-of-check time-of-use races with concurrent clients.

  • This one is an easily fixable problem, but nevertheless, the existing insert path assumes that a transaction succeeds after an append of a commit decision command succeeds. However, it's possible that the transaction timer appends an abort decision command before the commit, in which case the transaction aborts. The user receives the wrong outcome right now.

  • The current insert API takes a data structure as input. Most other software in the ecosystem inserts with a multi-line string in one of various formats.

The only current delete capability is Wipe, which deletes the entire graph. This is unsuitable for a large production graph, where a fine-grained delete operation is necessary to update small parts of the graph without affecting other users.

This RFC proposes deprecating the current insert path and adding a new update mechanism, with the following goals:

  • It will support atomic inserts, deletes, and combined insert and delete (to form atomic updates).
  • It will maintain system invariants, including those around external IDs.
  • It will allow the user to maintain consistency in their data, giving users the necessary primitives they need to avoid time-of-check time-of-use races.
  • It will allow the user to specify updates in at least one convenient format, with the ability to add more formats over time (like TSV, N-triples, Turtle, etc).

Guide-level explanation

This RFC adds three new top-level Akutan API methods:

  1. Insert: to ensure facts exist,
  2. Delete: to ensure facts do not exist,
  3. Update: to delete and insert atomically.

Where the format supports it, Update can also be used to insert without deleting or delete without inserting. This doesn't work for formats like tsv that don't say whether to insert or delete the facts they describe.

Note that it is not an error to insert facts that already exist (the facts will not be duplicated). It is also not an error to delete facts that do not exist.

Update and Delete can only be used to remove static facts. Any attempt to remove inferred facts will have no effect on the graph.

Each API method will execute the entire request atomically, and concurrent requests will not observe intermediate results.

Each API method will take two arguments:

  • A format specifier, such as tsv or sparql.
  • A multi-line string in that format.

Each API method will return:

  • A status code from the following list:
    • OK
    • Parse error
    • Schema violation
    • Request too large to execute atomically
    • Unsupported (for requests that the current implementation cannot execute)
  • If successful (status is OK), a recent log index at which the requested outcome can be observed.
  • If not successful (status is not OK), a human-readable explanation.

This RFC defines the tsv format for Insert and Delete and the sparql format for Insert, Delete, and Update. These are described in the following subsections. Note that the concepts of blank nodes and variables are introduced in the tsv format, so readers shouldn't skip it. It is the intent of this RFC to describe a foundation for supporting additional formats in the future.

The tsv format

The tsv format will be a useful way to specify fact data without much packaging. Despite its name (suggestions are welcome), the tsv format will allow more flexible whitespace than just tabs.

It will accept triples like this:

akutan:banana   akutan:color akutan:yellow
akutan:eggplant akutan:color akutan:purple

where the details of different literal types, units, and languages are outside the scope of this RFC.

An Insert request with tsv data will ensure each fact exists exactly once in the graph. A Delete request with tsv data will ensure each of the facts does not exist in the graph. An Update request with tsv data is ambiguous (should these be inserted or deleted) and will result in a parse error.

Internal and External IDs

Entities in Akutan's underlying fact storage are represented as 64-bit integer IDs called KIDs. These will be mapped automatically when the first insert RPC first mentions them. For example, inserting the fact akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow will map akutan:banana to a new KID if the mapping for akutan:banana does not already exist, and the same for akutan:color and akutan:yellow.

The KIDs are still visible to end users in Akutan. This RFC proposes that they may be used inserted and deleted with tsv-format updates like so:

#50 akutan:color #52

Users will also continue to be able to insert mappings manually, like so:

#50 <HasExternalID> "banana"
<banana> <color> <yellow>


<eggplant> <HasExternalID> "aubergine"
<aubergine> <color> <purple>

Note: In the first example, the system will not confirm that KID 50 references an existing entity.

The following restrictions apply:

  • A manually mapped external ID may not be referenced before the fact that sets the mapping.
  • Attempting to map two different entities onto the same external ID will result in a schema violation error.
  • Attempting to map an entity onto one of its existing external IDs will produce no effect.
  • As a simplification for the implementation, attempting to map additional external IDs to the built-in predicate named HasExternalID will result in a schema violation.
    • Note: we could expand this restriction to apply to any built-in (well-known) entity. I believe that is simply a policy choice, whereas restricting additional external IDs for HasExternalID specifically has a significant impact on the implementation.

Variables and metafacts

Variables may be used in the first column of a four-column line to capture fact IDs. Then they may be used in subsequent facts in the subject or object position.

This allows inserting metafacts:

?f akutan:banana  akutan:color   akutan:yellow
   ?f           akutan:source  akutan:duh
   akutan:bob     akutan:likes   ?f

If an akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow fact already exists, this will ensure the metafacts exist about that existing base fact. If the akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow fact does not already exist, this will insert both the new base fact and the metafacts.

The same may be used to delete metafacts together with the base fact they belong to. However, this has two limitations:

  • If a user deletes a base fact and only some of its metafacts, Akutan will allow its other metafacts to be orphaned. These orphaned metafacts can still be deleted later using the KID form of the fact ID.
  • The tsv format can not express a request to delete a metafact without also deleting its base fact. This can be expressed using the DELETE template operation in the sparql format, described below.

Blank nodes

In Insert requests, users may use blank nodes with the _:abc syntax to indicate that they wish to create new entities but not assign them external IDs. The name given to a blank node is local to the Insert request and is not stored. For example:

_:b foaf:firstname "Bob"
_:b foaf:surname "Smith"

Every time this Insert request runs, it inserts two new facts.

Blank nodes are not allowed in Delete requests, as they cannot refer to existing facts.

Blank nodes could pose a problem when used as fact IDs. For example, consider the following insert request:

    akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow
_:f akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow
_:g akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:yellow

How many new facts should be inserted? As a consequence of this scenario, this RFC proposes that any Insert, Delete, or Update request with a blank node as a fact ID will result in a failure (parse error). See the discussion in "Rationale and alternatives".

The sparql format

The sparql format is more expressive than tsv, allowing more complex updates and conditions. The Sparql 1.1 Update specification defines several operations, described below.

In Sparql 1.1 Update, the operations can be joined together arbitrarily with semicolons into a larger request, which logically executes in the order given. Example 4 from Sparql 1.1 Update (§3.1.2) shows how to use a DELETE DATA operation and an INSERT DATA operation in a single request:

DELETE DATA { akutan:book123 dc:title "Compiler Desing" } ;
INSERT DATA { akutan:book123 dc:title "Compiler Design" }

This RFC proposes a restricted from of requests, where the only requests that allow multiple operations are of this DELETE DATA semicolon INSERT DATA form. (This restriction is explained in the "Rationale and alternatives" section). Specifically, this RFC proposes that:

  • An entire request will be atomic, combining all its operations into a single atomic unit.
  • The scopes of variables and blank nodes will be local to an operation, not shared across the request.
  • The Insert API method will accept only a single INSERT DATA or INSERT template operation.
  • The Delete API method will accept only a single DELETE DATA or DELETE template operation.
  • The Update API method will accept any of the following:
    • A single INSERT DATA operation,
    • A single DELETE DATA operation,
    • A single DELETE DATA operation followed by a semicolon and a single INSERT DATA operation,
    • A single INSERT template operation,
    • A single DELETE template operation, or
    • A single DELETE template INSERT template operation (this is one compound operation, without a semicolon).

Note: This section uses (nearly) standard Sparql syntax. However, the initial implementation in Akutan will not be standards-compliant, as Akutan's current parser is not yet standards compliant. The initial implementation will contain patterns with syntax more like the tsv format, analogous to how Akutan queries today have some Sparql syntax and some legacy syntax. Moreover, the Sparql syntax may be extended somewhat to support metafacts. For the purpose of this RFC, readers should focus on the shape of the requests, not the detailed syntax.


INSERT DATA operations have essentially the same capabilities as an Insert request with the tsv format. As defined in Sparql 1.1 Update (§3.1.1), INSERT DATA ensures each of the given facts exists in the graph. Here's a simple example:

  akutan:book123 dc:title   "The Tale of Akutan" ;
               dc:creator "Bob" .

DELETE DATA operations have essentially the same capabilities as a Delete request with the tsv format. As defined in Sparql 1.1 Update (§3.1.2), DELETE DATA ensures each of the given facts does not exist in the graph. Here's a simple example:

  akutan:book123 dc:title   "The Tale of Akutan" ;
               dc:creator "Bob" .

As in the Sparql 1.1 Update specification, blank nodes will be allowed in the subject, predicate, and object fields in INSERT DATA operations. Blank nodes will not be permitted in DELETE DATA operations.

The Sparql 1.1 Update specification restricts the data between the braces to disallow variables. This RFC instead proposes adding an optional, non-standard fact ID "column" to both INSERT DATA and DELETE DATA operations. This will enable capturing a fact ID as a variable to use in subsequent metafacts. This will behaves similarly as in Insert and Delete requests with the tsv format.

INSERT tpl, DELETE tpl, and DELETE tpl INSERT tpl operations

These three operations are described in Sparql 1.1 Update (§3.1.3). They are similar to the CONSTRUCT form of Sparql queries. In the three operations, the WHERE clause is evaluated as if part of the Sparql query SELECT * WHERE ....

The INSERT template operation looks like this:

INSERT { ?fruit akutan:color akutan:violet .
         akutan:bob akutan:dislikes ?fruit }
WHERE  { ?fruit akutan:color akutan:purple }

The DELETE template operation looks like this:

DELETE { ?person ?property ?value }
WHERE { ?person ?property ?value ;
                foaf:givenName "Bob" }

The combined DELETE template INSERT template operation looks like this:

DELETE { ?person foaf:givenName 'Bill' }
INSERT { ?person foaf:givenName 'William' }
WHERE  { ?person foaf:givenName 'Bill' }

Note that this is a single combined operation, not two distinct operations joined with a semicolon into the same request. The WHERE clause logically executes first and is evaluated only once. Its results are used to expand variables in both the DELETE template, and the deletes are performed. Then, the same results are used to expand variables in the INSERT template, and the inserts are performed.

The templates may contain triples with no variables. These will be deleted or inserted only if the solution from the WHERE clause is not empty.

Variables will have different behavior depending on where they appear:

  • Variables in the WHERE clause query will create bindings.
  • Variables in the fact ID position of INSERT and DELETE templates will create new bindings that capture the fact ID, usable only in subsequent facts within that template. Attempting to bind a bound variable will result in a parser error.
  • Variables in the subject, predicate, and object positions of INSERT and DELETE templates will refer to existing bindings.

Note that the DELETE template operation can be used to delete a metafact without deleting the base fact:

DELETE {     ?f           akutan:source  akutan:duh }
WHERE  { ?f  akutan:banana  akutan:color   akutan:yellow }

Blank nodes will have different behavior depending on where they appear:

  • Blank nodes in the WHERE clause query will be handled the same as in SELECT. Per the Sparql 1.1 Query specification, they are treated more-or-less as variables. Akutan today does not allow blank nodes in queries, and changing that behavior is outside the scope of this RFC.
  • Blank nodes will be prohibited in a DELETE template operation and in the DELETE section of a DELETE template INSERT template operation.
  • Blank nodes in the fact ID positions of any template will be disallowed.
  • Blank nodes in the subject, predicate, or object positions of an INSERT template operation and in the INSERT section of a DELETE template INSERT template operation will be instantiated separately for each solution (row) of the WHERE clause.

If nil values occur from optional matches, the insert or delete will continue, skipping over affected facts. In the following example, the akutan:email facts will remain unset for people that have no values for foaf:mbox:

INSERT { ?person akutan:name  ?name .
         ?person akutan:email ?email }
WHERE  { ?person foaf:name  ?name .
         OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:mbox ?email } }

The Sparql 1.1 Update spec may suggest (I'm not sure) that other unbound variables be skipped over in a similar manner. This RFC proposes failing the request with a parse error instead. Here's an example where ?foo is unbound because it does not appear in the WHERE clause, and this implies a client error:

INSERT { ?fruit akutan:taste ?foo }
WHERE  { ?fruit akutan:color akutan:yellow }

The Sparql 1.1 Update spec suggests that primitive values bound to subject or predicate fields be skipped over. This RFC proposes failing the request with a schema violation instead. Here's an example, assuming akutan:size has a numeric range:

INSERT { ?size  rdfs:label "but numbers can't have labels" }
WHERE  { ?fruit akutan:size  ?size }

Application-level consistency

This section gives examples on how the requests defined above will allow users to maintain consistency in their data.

This example (1) shows how to "update" an error in a base fact, but only if that fact exists:

DELETE { akutan:simon foaf:givenName 'Simone' }
INSERT { akutan:simon foaf:givenName 'Simon' }
WHERE  { akutan:simon foaf:givenName 'Simone' }

The previous example (1) will orphan any metafacts on the deleted fact. This next example (2) would "port" some of them over:

DELETE { akutan:simon foaf:givenName 'Simone' .
         ?fact ?p ?o }
INSERT { akutan:simon foaf:givenName 'Simon' .
         ?fact ?p ?o }
WHERE { ?fact akutan:simon foaf:givenName 'Simone' .
        OPTIONAL { ?fact ?p ?o } }

This example (2) still has two limitations:

  • It would not port metafacts over that have the base fact as their object. A pattern for such metafacts could be expressed in a similar way, but Akutan does not currently support lookup-by-object queries.
  • It also would not port over any meta-meta-facts. Each level of meta would require an additional optional match pattern.

This next example (3) shows how a user could maintain a uniqueness constraint on social security numbers:

INSERT { akutan:bob us:ssn "123456789" }
WHERE  { ?unused <HasExternalID> "HasExternalID" .
         FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?x us:ssn "123456789" } }

Note that this WHERE clause query yields one result if SSN 123456789 is not already in use and no results if SSN 123456789 is already in use. Therefore, the example (3) assigns the SSN to Bob only if the SSN is not already assigned. However, Akutan does not implement any form of negation in queries at this time.

Reference-level explanation

This section first describes the changes to various components in Akutan, then describes how to break up the changes into workable chunks.



The only change to the existing query parser will be to add support for blank nodes. The legacy query parser will be used to parse the Insert and Delete facts and templates.

Three new methods will be added to the parser: ParseInsert, ParseDelete, and ParseUpdate, corresponding to the three new API methods. They will all produce an AST like this:

type Update struct {
  Query     WhereClause // may be empty
  QueryVars []*Variable // set of variables bound from Query
  Delete    []*Quad     // may be empty
  Insert    []*Quad     // may be empty

Requests in tsv format will fill Delete or Insert but not both. Requests in sparql format may fill both. The INSERT DATA, DELETE DATA, and DELETE DATA ; INSERT DATA requests will leave Query empty. INSERT template, DELETE template, and DELETE template INSERT template requests will fill Query.

The parser will check that:

  • Variables are bound and used correctly:
    • That no variable is bound twice (not in QueryVars and capturing a fact ID, and not capturing two fact IDs).
    • That no variable in the Insert and Delete fields is used before it is bound (a variable comes into scope on the line after the variable captures a fact ID).
    • That every variable that captures a fact ID in the Insert and Delete fields is used in a subsequent quad.
  • Blank nodes are bound and used correctly:
    • Blank nodes cannot appear in a fact ID anywhere.
    • Blank nodes cannot appear in the Delete field anywhere.
    • Blank nodes may be allowed in the subject, predicate, or object positions in the query (more-or-less as variables) and in the Insert field (as entities without external IDs).

The parser will not resolve external IDs for Insert, Delete, or Update requests. The rewriter may be invoked separately, later, to resolve external IDs for the Query field, as normal queries do.

Update module implementation

Updates will use the following algorithm:

  1. Get a recent log index (from a local cache or by asking a log server).
  2. Execute the reads of the query, external ID mappings, and existing facts at the index from (1).
  3. Build up a Start Update Transaction command based on the reads from (2). Do not include facts to be inserted that already exist, nor facts to be deleted that do not exist.
  4. If the update transaction contains no inserts and no deletes, return successfully with the index from (1).
  5. Append the command from (3) to the log. The index it is assigned is the "transaction index".
  6. Execute the same reads as in (2) but at the index just before the transaction index from (5).
  7. If the reads in (6) did not have the same results as the reads in (2):
    • Append an Abort Decision command for the transaction started in (5).
    • Go to (3), using the latest reads from (6) in place of the earlier reads from (2).
  8. Append a Commit Decision command for the transaction started in (5).
  9. If the Update request included an Insert, execute a LookupSPO of the first inserted fact as of the transaction index from (5). Otherwise, execute a LookupSPO of the first deleted fact as of the transaction index.
  10. If the LookupSPO returns an empty result for an inserted fact or returns a non-empty result for a deleted fact, the transaction must have been aborted by some other process (the transaction timer) before the commit decision from (8) reached the log.
    • Go to (3), using the latest reads from (6) in place of the earlier reads from (2).
  11. Return with an OK status and the transaction index from (5).

Two possible optimizations are worth pointing out:

  • The second read in steps (6) and (7) can be skipped if the transaction index from (5) is exactly one greater than the index of the first reads from (2). This will be the case if the log saw no intervening writes (though optimizing for the idle case might be silly).
  • Step (9) can be started without waiting for step (8), since the LookupSPO won't return until the transaction has been resolved.

The Update module implementation will check that:

  • No external ID is used and then manually assigned.
  • Every manually assigned external ID is a non-empty string with no explicit language.
  • <HasExternalID> and its KID are not manually assigned any additional external IDs.
  • The update command is not too large to fit into a log entry and does not require too many KID offsets to cause an overflow.

Log commands

The current (legacy) insert commands are defined as follows:

message InsertTxCommand {
    repeated InsertFact facts = 1;

message InsertFact {
    // The resulting Fact will derive a FactID from this offset
    // and the log index that message was stored at.
    int32 factIDOffset = 1;
    KIDOrOffset subject = 2;
    KIDOrOffset predicate = 3;
    // Note that the ability to specify an KID offset in a
    // KGObject is part of KGObject itself rather than there
    // being a wrapper KGObjectOrOffset type.
    KGObject object = 4;

This RFC proposes deprecating InsertTxCommand and using a new command for all updates:

message UpdateTxCommand {
  // The deletes logically execute before the inserts.
  repeated DeleteFact deletes = 1;
  // InsertFact is the same as before.
  repeated InsertFact inserts = 2;

message DeleteFact {
  // All these fields, including the factID, must be set.
  uint64 factID = 1;
  uint64 subject = 2;
  uint64 predicate = 3;
  // The writer MUST NOT use an offset anywhere in the object,
  // neither for 'object' itself nor for its unit or language.
  KGObject object = 4;

This RFC suggests placing an additional limit on the writer of UpdateTxCommand, to limit the number of facts to delete and to insert. The current KID offset bounds the number of inserted facts, but no such bound applies to the deletes.


The DiskView will need several updates to support deleting facts using tombstones.

The first question is how to represent tombstones in the embedded key-value store (RocksDB).

Should they be represented as a marker in the key or a marker in the value? This is discussed in "Unresolved questions".

If tombstones are represented as values, the pending transactions tree will need to be updated to store values.

The various lookup calls will need to remove deleted facts, as appropriate for their log index. To minimize the chance of bugs, this should be implemented in one place, such as the newLatestIndexFilter. That object can probably be simplified on the basis that a fact can only be created, then deleted; it cannot have multiple "versions" over its lifetime.

The fact statistics that are fed into the query planner should exclude deleted facts.

The CarouselResult will need to include deleted facts, with a marker that they've been deleted. CarouselResult is currently defined as:

message CarouselResult {
    repeated Fact facts = 1;

Unfortunately, the Fact message is widely used throughout the codebase in places where tombstones aren't relevant. To avoid confusion, this RFC proposes updating CarouselResult as follows:

message CarouselResult {
    repeated FactOrTombstone facts = 1;
message FactOrTombstone {
    // True for deleted facts, false otherwise.
    bool tombstone = 1;
    // For tombstones, the index of the fact is the transaction
    // index when the delete took place. The fact ID, subject,
    // predicate, and object are that of the original fact.
    Fact fact = 2;

Implementation plan

This RFC proposes many changes, which could be broken down like this:

  • parser-tsv: Implement parser support for Insert and Delete with the tsv format. This is nearly complete in master for Insert, with the exception of blank nodes. Slightly different validation rules apply for Delete.
  • parser-sparql: Implement parser support for the sparql format (loosely speaking).
  • insert-data: Implement the Insert API for requests with no queries, using InsertTxCommand.
  • insert-query: Implement the Insert API for requests with queries.
  • update: Implement the Update and Delete API for deletes and delete-then-inserts with and without queries.
  • logentry: Migrate from InsertTxCommand to UpdateTxCommand.
  • diskview-store: Implement DiskView changes to store tombstones and filter them out for lookups.
  • diskview-carousel: Update the DiskView to return tombstones from the carousel and to exclude deleted facts from stats.
  • query-negation: Implement negation for queries, which is useful to allow users to enforce consistency properties like uniqueness constraints. This should probably be deferred and probably needs its own RFC.

It should be possible to parallelize much of the implementation. Here's a rough dependency diagram:

implementation dependencies


First, deletes make reasoning about the data more difficult. The codebase may have latent bugs that assume facts cannot be deleted (like caching an xid). However, I think some form of fine-grained deletes are necessary.

Second, this RFC assumes that using transactions to maintain consistency properties is desirable, yet in the Semantic Web environment, updates are necessarily handled more loosely. We think the consistency properties proposed in this RFC will be useful, but they may not be required.

Third, the Sparql 1.1 Update syntax may not be the best one:

  • Some simple invariants, like uniqueness constraints, are awkward to express.
  • Blank nodes may lead to undesirable duplication of facts.

Fourth, this RFC assumes the Akutan API server initiates transactions. An alternative would be to allow clients to do long-running transactions, as in SQL. Long-running transactions have the advantage of allowing clients to check application-level conditions, but they have the significant disadvantage of allowing clients to delay progress for each other. Long-running transactions would require a different use of the log and different API-level requests. However, support for Sparql 1.1 Update might still be good for simple updates, even if long-running transactions were someday supported.

Rationale and alternatives

One alternative in procedure would be to split this RFC into two parts: insert and delete/update. This would appear advantageous, since this RFC is quite large. However, insert and delete/update are probably too intertwined to consider separately.

An alternative to deleting facts internally would be to use metafacts to write deletions as normal facts. For example, one could delete:

?f akutan:banana akutan:color akutan:blue

by inserting:

   ?f akutan:status akutan:redacted

This would bring some new challenges:

  • Can you undelete a fact by redacting the redacted metafact?
  • Requiring users to check manually for redactions would be inconvenient.
  • Akutan currently does not store metafacts near facts, so automatically checking for redactions would cause substantial overhead for queries.

This RFC proposes three top-level API methods called Insert, Delete, and Update, with formats called tsv and sparql. Alternatively, we could have one high-level API method called Update with formats called tsv-insert, tsv-delete, and sparql. This seems easy to change later if we find a compelling reason to do so.

This RFC allows only DELETE DATA ; INSERT DATA compound requests. The reason for this is that it would be quite difficult to make arbitrary compound requests atomic with Akutan's current transaction mechanism. For example, if the second operation in a compound request required executing a Sparql query, it would need to somehow see the effects of the first operation. Yet, both operations must fit into a single log command. As a result, this RFC restricts the compound requests to something that seems both useful and reasonable to implement.

One issue with metafacts is that to logically update the base fact, users have to port over all of the metafacts (and meta-metafacts). Alternatively, we could make it possible to update facts in place, keeping the same fact ID as before. The more explicit semantics proposed in this RFC may be preferable, as the metafacts may no longer apply to the new fact.

This RFC proposes disallowing blank nodes as fact IDs in Insert and Update requests, and disallowing all blank nodes in describing facts to delete. Readers may want to refer to the tsv format section for the rationale. There are two reasonable alternatives:

  1. Treating blank nodes in the fact ID position similarly to variables would also be possible: they would capture (bind) the existing fact ID if the described fact exists, or they would capture the new fact ID otherwise. This way, the use of blank nodes would have fewer restrictions. However, the semantics of a blank node as a fact ID would differ from a blank node as a subject, predicate, or object.
  2. Another option is to allow blank nodes in the fact ID position, but fail the Update request with a schema violation error if a fact with the same subject, predicate, and object already exists.

The first alternative seems slightly more complex for users than disallowing blank nodes there altogether. The second alternative seems likely to lead to complex retry loops for clients, with no significant benefit. The proposed approach would allow us to switch to one of these alternatives later, while maintaining backwards compatibility.

Prior art

Dgraph offers a nice way of specifying metafacts in Insert requests, which they call facets or edge attributes. Here are some examples:

_:alice <car> "MA0123" (since=2006-02-02T13:01:09, first=true) .
_:person1 <name> "Daniel" (वंश="स्पेनी", ancestry="Español") .

Dgraph restricts edge attributes to be literal values.

Another possible syntax for metafacts is RDF*, in which the above example would look like this:

_:alice <car> "MA0123" .
<<_:alice <car> "MA0123">> <since> "2006..."^^<xsd:dateTime> .
<<_:alice <car> "MA0123">> <first> "true"^^<xsd:boolean> .

RDF* allows metafacts as objects, as in the following example:

akutan:bob akutan:said <<_:alice <car> "MA0123">> .

The Dgraph and RDF* syntaxes may be nice to support in Akutan. Both can be represented using internal variables in the proposed parser output (AST), so permitting either or both formats would be a localized change for Akutan's parser in the future.

Dgraph's restriction that metafacts can only have facts in the subject position may be a useful one. In particular, it would allow efficient queries from a fact ID to all of its metafacts, would allow metafacts to be stored with their base fact, and would allow Akutan to delete metafacts when a base fact is deleted. However, this restriction probably limits expressiveness too much. It's also difficult to enforce in Akutan in isolation, since a user can come along and insert a metafact as <s> <p> #235, where #235 is a fact ID. Or, similarly, a user can assign an external ID to a fact ID,then use that external ID later. To enforce Dgraph's restriction, Akutan would need either:

  • To enforce the following restrictions first:
    • Disallow the use of KIDs, so that all updates use external IDs.
    • Disallow assigning external IDs to fact IDs.
  • Or, an efficient way to determine if a KID refers to a fact ID, by either:
    • Allocating fact IDs from a different space, or
    • Maintaining an index for this.

This is probably worth revisiting at a later date.

There's more to Sparql 1.1 Update than the subset described in this RFC. Specifically, § describes a DELETE WHERE { query } shorthand. This RFC excludes this request type because its semantics are not obvious with respect to inference, and the benefit from keystrokes saved doesn't seem like it could overcome the potential for error in misunderstanding the semantics.

Unresolved questions

One concern is an Update request that you can express succinctly but which causes many facts to be changed. For example:

DELETE { ?person foaf:givenName 'Bill' }
INSERT { ?person foaf:givenName 'William' }
WHERE  { ?person foaf:givenName 'Bill' }

If the graph contains too many (about 500) people named Bill, the Update code will be unable to write out a single log command with all the affected facts. This would result in an Atomic Request Too Large error. As a result, the client would need to run the query, and execute smaller delete+insert requests with specific people in them. We hope that this is not an issue very often. Do we need a nonatomic version of Update, and what would that look like?

The Disk Views could represent deleted facts in a few different ways. Suppose a fact with ID 73 was created at index 1000 and deleted at index 2000. Here are three reasonable options:

  1. key="s:p:o:1000:73", value="D@2000" (overwriting previous empty value)
  2. key="s:p:o:2000:73:D", value="" (empty value)
  3. key="s:p:o:2000", value="ID:73;D"

Option (1) requires issuing a read before the write to find index 1000, which slows down the operation and adds a bit of complexity. Option (2) may be easier to implement now, since we don't currently use values. Option (3) might make encoding the keys easier by moving the fact ID to a ProtoBuf-encoded value. Are there more compelling reasons to prefer one over another?

Future possibilities

As mentioned above, supporting additional formats for update requests may be useful. Also, Akutan should handle QNames, prefixes, IRIs, literals, units, and languages better and more consistently for both queries and updates.

A Sparql protocol-compatible HTTP API for the update operations, as well as for queries, would certainly be useful for interoperability. However, such functionality seems out of scope for this RFC.

Akutan's current Wipe request is similar or equivalent to Sparql 1.1 Update's CLEAR DEFAULT request. We may want to add support for that in the Update API in the future, though it is dangerous to have readily available.

The Sparql 1.1 Update specification describes "Graph Management" of multiple "RDF graphs" in a single "Graph Store". This seems out of scope for this RFC. This RFC assumes all operations are done against the "unnamed graph" / "default graph". Additional "named graphs" are an idea we may want to consider in the future.

Someday, Akutan should probably purge deleted facts, rather than accumulating them. This should be defined by some policy (like keep monthly snapshots). This RFC also proposes a mechanism for automatically mapping external IDs to KIDs when the external ID is first used, but there is no automated mechanism to garbage collect external IDs when their KIDs are no longer needed.