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Specifically, the proposed RoPE encodes the absolute position with a rotation matrix and meanwhile incorporates the explicit relative position dependency in self-attention formulation
RoFormer(2021)에서 제안됨
RoPE는 extrapolation 안됨
YaRN (Yet another RoPE extensioN method) 제안
compute-efficient method to extend the context window of such models, requiring 10x less tokens and 2.5x less training steps than previous methods
10배 적은 토큰과 2.5배 적은 tr steps로 모델 학습 가능
YaRN은 finetuning dataset 이상의 context에서도 extrapolation 능력이 있음을 알수있었음
The original Transformer architecture used an absolute sinusoidal position encoding, which was later improved to a learnable absolute position encoding
Since then, relative positional encoding schemes [32] have further increased the performance of Transformers. Currently, the most popular relative positional encodings are T5 Relative Bias [30], RoPE [34], XPos [35], and ALiBi [27].
two improvements of the "NTK-aware" interpolation have been proposed, with different emphasis:
the "Dynamic NTK" interpolation method [14] for pre-trained models without fine-tuning.
the "NTK-by-parts" interpolation method [7] which performs the best when fine-tuned on a small amount of longer-context data.
The "NTK-aware" interpolation and the "Dynamic NTK" interpolation have already seen their presence in the open-source models such as Code Llama [31] (using "NTK-aware" interpolation) and Qwen 7B [2] (using "Dynamic NTK").
In this paper, in addition to making a complete account of the previous unpublished works on the "NTK-aware", the "Dynamic NTK" and the "NTK-by-part" interpolations, we present YaRN (Yet another RoPE extensioN method), an improved method to efficiently extend the context window of models trained with Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE) including the LLaMA [38], the GPT- NeoX [5], and the PaLM [10] families of models.
기존 NTK 연구들을 완성시키겠다라는 방향성으로 YaRN
YaRN reaches state-of-the-art performances in context window extensions after fine-tuning on less than ∼0.1% of the original pre-training data
1T tokens면 0.1%면 1B tokens인가?
In the meantime, by combining with the inference-time technique called Dynamic Scaling, the Dynamic-YaRN allows for more than 2x context window extension without any fine-tuning.
dynamic-yarn은 파인튜닝없이 2배 커버 가능
- 위 그림에서 특이한건 10개의 문서만 썼다는것(+sliding window가 256으로 엄청 작다?!)
Background and Related Work
Rotary Position Embeddings
2D case
2개의 차원마다 rotate 시켜줌 (general form은 diagonal 위주의 sparse matrix인데 더 효율적으로도 구현가능)
Concurrently with our work, LM-Infinite [16] proposes similar ideas to YaRN, but focuses on "on-the- fly" length generalization for non-fine-tuned models. Since they also modify the attention mechanism of the models, it is not an embedding interpolation method and is not immediately compatible with Flash Attention 2.
Whereas PI stretches all RoPE dimensions equally, we find that the theoretical interpolation bound described by PI [9] is insufficient at predicting the complex dynamics between RoPE and the LLM’s internal embeddings. In the following subsections, we describe the main issues with PI we have individually identified and solved, so as to give the readers the context, origin and justifications of each method which we use in concert to obtain the full YaRN method.
Loss of High Frequency information - "NTK-aware" interpolation
If we look at RoPE only from an information encoding perspective, it was shown in [36], using Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) theory, that deep neural networks have trouble learning high frequency information if the input dimension is low and the corresponding embeddings lack high frequency components.
Here we can see the similarities: a token’s positional information is one-dimensional, and RoPE expands it to an n-dimensional complex vector embedding
토큰의 포지션 정보는 1개의 dim 정보인데 n dim의 complex vector embedding에 이걸 확장해야하는 상황
정보의 인코딩관점에서 보면 NTK는 high freq information을 다루기가 어렵(input dim이 낮을수록) / high frequency가 뭘까.. 미세한 차이같은건가 -> dim 개수 차이를 의미하는듯
Fourier features let networks learn high frequency functions in low dimensional domains (NIPS 2020) 논문에서 NTK언급
NTK는 NeurIPS2018)에서 나온 개념, kernel trick을 이용해 neural network를 설명하려는 노력의 일환, width가 무한대인 deep한 NN의 GD based training을 kernel regression으로 설명하려는 이론
이 논문은 Neural Tangent Kernel 을 바탕으로 Fourier-featuring (coordinate space point 의 frequency space 로의 embedding) 이 network 관점에서 stationary 한 (isotrophic) 성질을 갖게 된다는 사실을 수학적으로 규명하고, 이를 통해 3d shape, 2d reconstruction 등의 low-dimension to high-dimension vision task 의 성능을 증대시킬 수 있다는 것을 이론적, 실험적으로 규명한 논문이다. NeurIPS2020 Spotlight
RoPE closely resembles Fourier Features [36] in many aspects, as it is possible to define RoPE as a special 1D case of a Fourier Feature
Stretching the RoPE embeddings indiscriminately results in the loss of important high frequency details which the network needs in order to resolve tokens that are both very similar and very close together (the rotation describing the smallest distance needs to not be too small for the network to be able to detect it)
We hypothesise that the slight increase of perplexity for short context sizes after fine-tuning on larger context sizes seen in PI [9] might be related to this problem.
앞쪽의 passkey fail 현상이 있긴한데, 이거랑은 다른거려나, 이런현상을 딱히 보진못했던듯
In order to resolve the problem of losing high frequency information when interpolating the RoPE embeddings, the "NTK-aware" interpolation was developed in [6]. Instead of scaling every dimension of RoPE equally by a factor s, we spread out the interpolation pressure across multiple dimensions by scaling high frequencies less and low frequencies more
기존 방식은 모든 dim을 균일하게 늘렸지만, NTK-aware은 high freq는 적게, low freq는 많이 늘리는 방식으로 수정
One can obtain such a transformation in many ways, but the simplest would be to perform a base change on the value of θ.
많은 방법이 있지만 심플하게하는건 base값을 수정하는것
하지만 out-of-bound value가 발생해서 PI 보다 성능이 떨어지기도함
Loss of Relative Local Distances - "NTK-by-parts" interpolation
scale factor인 s(학습길이 대비 실제 사용길이의 비율)과 base frequency b를 늘리면 토큰들이 가까워지고 두 벡터의 dot product가 커지게됨 -> LLM이 small, local relationships을 갖는 internal embeddings을 이해하는데 안좋은 영향을 주게됨
dim이 특정값을 넘냐 안넘냐에 따라 base를 바꿔줌 (어렵 ㅠ)
Dynamic Scaling - "Dynamic NTK" interpolation
당연히 두번째 방법이 더 좋아보임
forward 할 때 그 길이에 따라 scale factor를 max함수 결과 내에서 바꿔주는 것
Scaling as (2), it allows the model to gracefully degrade instead of immediately breaking when hitting the trained context limit L′. We call this inference-time method the Dynamic Scaling method.
inference time에 하기 때문에 (길이에 따라 계속 바꿔주니) dynamic이라는 term이 붙게 된 것
When it is combined with "NTK-awared" interpolation, we call it "Dynamic NTK" interpolation. It first appeared in public as a reddit post in [14].
One notable fact is that the "Dynamic NTK" interpolation works exceptionally well on models pretrained on L without any finetuning (L′ = L). This is supported by the experiment in Appendix B.3.
튜닝 없이 매우 잘되는편
Often in the repeated forward-passes, the kv-caching [8] is applied so that we can reuse the previous key-value vectors and improve the overall efficiency.
forward-pass가 여러번 일어나게 되나보니 key value vectors이 같은 값을 계속 쓰게 되서 캐싱할 수 있게됨 (vllm이나 캐싱하는 프레임워크들이 이런걸 잘하는듯)
We point out that in some implementations when the RoPE embeddings are cached, some care has to be taken in order to modify it for Dynamic Scaling with kv-caching. The correct implementation should cache the kv-embeddings before applying RoPE, as the RoPE embedding of every token changes when s changes.
캐싱할때 스케일 바뀌니 구현도 바껴야함
we also observe that introducing a temperature t on the logits before the attention softmax has a uniform impact on perplexity regardless of the data sample and the token position over the extended context window (See Appendix A.2)
The reparametrization of RoPE as a set of 2D matrices has a clear benefit on the implementation of this attention scaling
YaRN의 경우에는 attention scaling 을 추가한 기법인듯(실제로는 softmax가 적용되기 전에 추가하는 느낌)
왜 dynamic으로 쓰진 않았을까?, 추후에 그냥 적용이 가능한건가?
Appendix B.3 참고
we observe that Dynamic Scaling effectively extend the inference length and Dynamic-YaRN achieves better performance than Dynamic-PI. The resulting chart is in Figure 5.
Dynamic Scaling effectively prevents the blow-up of perplexity score beyond pretrained context window;
Dynamic-YaRN outperforms Dynamic-PI in terms of long-range perplexity on pretrained Llama-2 without any finetuning.
YaRN successfully achieves context window extension of language models using RoPE as its position embedding. Moreover, this result is achieved with only 400 training steps, representing approximately 0.1% of the model’s original pre-training corpus, a 10x reduction from Rozière et al. [31] and 2.5x reduction in training steps from Chen et al. [9], making it highly compute-efficient for training with no additional inference costs.
적은 학습으로도 잘 동작하게 만들 수 있음
4.1 Training
For training, we extended the Llama 2 [39] 7B and 13B parameter models
calculation of the embedding frequencies as described in 3.4 with s = 16 and s = 32
We used a learning rate of 2 × 10−5 with no weight decay and a linear warmup of 20 steps along with AdamW [24] β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.95. For s = 16 we fine-tuned for 400 steps with global batch size 64 using PyTorch [26] Fully Sharded Data Parallelism [42] and Flash Attention 2 [13] on the PG19 dataset [29] chunked into 64k segments bookended with the BOS and EOS token.
For s = 32 we followed the same procedure, but started from the finished s = 16 checkpoint and trained for an additional 200 steps.
s가 작은건 추가로 더 학습했네?!
학습이 필요한 근본적인 이유는 attention score distribution 및 rotary 셋팅 값이 달라져서인가?
4.2 Extrapolation and Transfer Learning
In Code Llama [31], a dataset with 16k context was used with a scale factor set to s ≈ 88.6, which corresponds to a context size of 355k.
와우 355k... 128k보다 훨씬 크네
They show that the network extrapolates up to 100k context without ever seeing those context sizes during training
YaRN also supports training with a higher scale factor s than the length of the dataset. Due to compute constraints, we test only s = 32 by further fine-tuning the s = 16 model for 200 steps using the same dataset with 64k context.
We show in 4.3.1 that the s = 32 model successfully extrapolates up to 128k context using only 64k context during training. Unlike previous "blind" interpolation methods, YaRN is much more efficient at transfer learning when increasing the scale s. This demonstrates successful transfer learning from s = 16 to s = 32 without the network needing to relearn the interpolated embeddings, as the s = 32 model is equivalent to the s = 16 model across the entire context size, despite only being trained on s = 32 for 200 steps.
extrapolation도 보니까 잘되더라
4.3 Evaluation
the perplexity scores of fine-tuned models with extended context window,
the passkey retrieval task on fine-tuned models,
the common LLM benchmark results of fine-tuned models,
4.3.1 Long Sequence Language Modeling
we use the GovReport [18] and Proof-pile [4] datasets both of which contain many long sequence samples.
All perplexity evaluations were calculated using the sliding window method from Press et al. [27] with S = 256.
슬라이딩 윈도우로 ppl 측정하도록함
Firstly, we evaluated how the model performed as the context window increased. We selected 10 random samples from Proof-pile with at least 128k tokens each and evaluated the perplexity of each of these samples when truncated at 2k steps from a sequence length of 2k tokens through 128k tokens.
4.3.2 Passkey Retrieval
The passkey retrieval task as defined in [25] measures a model’s ability to retrieve a simple passkey (i.e., a five-digit number) from amongst a large amount of otherwise meaningless text.
we performed 10 iterations of the passkey retrieval task with the passkey placed at a random location uniformly distributed across the evaluation context window on different context window sizes ranging from 8k to 128k. Both 7b and 13b models fine-tuned using YaRN at 128k context size passes the passkey retrieval task with very high accuracy (> 99%) within the entire context window size. We show detailed results in Appendix B.2.
4.3.3 Standardized Benchmarks
The Hugging Face Open LLM Leaderboard
Specifically, we use 25-shot ARC-Challenge [11], 10-shot HellaSwag [41], 5-shot MMLU [17], and 0-shot TruthfulQA [23].
llama 대비 큰 하락은 없는듯
We observe that there is minimal performance degradation between the YaRN models and their respective Llama 2 baselines. We also observe that there was on average a 0.49% drop in scores between the YaRN s = 16 and s = 32 models. From this we conclude that the the iterative extension from 64k to 128k results in negligible performance loss.
YaRN improves upon all existing RoPE interpolation methods and can act as a drop-in replacement to PI, with no downsides and minimal implementation effort.
Furthermore, YaRN allows efficient extrapolation with fine- tuning on shorter datasets and can take advantage of transfer learning for faster convergence, both of which are crucial under compute-constrained scenarios
Finally, we have shown the effectiveness of extrapolation with YaRN where it is able to "train short, and test long".
Background and Related Work
Rotary Position Embeddings
2D case
Attention은 아래와 같이 변형 가능
LLaMA2 Long에 있던 RoPE 수식
Position Interpolation
Related work
Loss of High Frequency information - "NTK-aware" interpolation
If we look at RoPE only from an information encoding perspective, it was shown in [36], using Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) theory, that deep neural networks have trouble learning high frequency information if the input dimension is low and the corresponding embeddings lack high frequency components.
Here we can see the similarities: a token’s positional information is one-dimensional, and RoPE expands it to an n-dimensional complex vector embedding
RoPE closely resembles Fourier Features [36] in many aspects, as it is possible to define RoPE as a special 1D case of a Fourier Feature
Stretching the RoPE embeddings indiscriminately results in the loss of important high frequency details which the network needs in order to resolve tokens that are both very similar and very close together (the rotation describing the smallest distance needs to not be too small for the network to be able to detect it)
We hypothesise that the slight increase of perplexity for short context sizes after fine-tuning on larger context sizes seen in PI [9] might be related to this problem.
In order to resolve the problem of losing high frequency information when interpolating the RoPE embeddings, the "NTK-aware" interpolation was developed in [6]. Instead of scaling every dimension of RoPE equally by a factor s, we spread out the interpolation pressure across multiple dimensions by scaling high frequencies less and low frequencies more
One can obtain such a transformation in many ways, but the simplest would be to perform a base change on the value of θ.
하지만 out-of-bound value가 발생해서 PI 보다 성능이 떨어지기도함
Loss of Relative Local Distances - "NTK-by-parts" interpolation
Dynamic Scaling - "Dynamic NTK" interpolation
4.1 Training
4.2 Extrapolation and Transfer Learning
4.3 Evaluation
4.3.1 Long Sequence Language Modeling
4.3.2 Passkey Retrieval
4.3.3 Standardized Benchmarks
Notation 이해를 위한 설명
vw의 내적이면 w의 켤레복소수를 곱해서 처리함
복소공간에서의 내적이기 때문에 m-n으로 표현됨 (m, n이 각각 복소수를 나타내는 i에 있고, 복소공간에서의 내적은 켤레복소수기 때문에 i에 -가 붙게됨
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