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Version 6 Release Notes And Migration Guide

(NOTE: We're Still RC right now, just getting ready, this doc still applies)

As this is a major version release, we have a few breaking changes we need to make sure every knows about, and we need to let all of you know how to migrate your apps to v6 as smoothly as possible.

Helpful Tips For Migration

To get started using v6 with your existing v5 code, please try the following steps:

  1. Update to the latest 5.5.X version of RxJS. This will uncover any errors that might be a result of bugs in your code exposed by bug fixes. In particular a bug was fixed in 5.5.6 that stopped some errors thrown synchronously in operators like mergeMap from being properly propagated. (They were swallowed). So get pasted 5.5.6 right away to make sure those issues are covered.
  2. Install rxjs 6 via npm or yarn (e.g. npm i -S rxjs@rc) (TODO: Update this after rc is over)
  3. Install rxjs-compat via npm or yarn (e.g. npm i -S rxjs-compat@rc) (TODO: Update this after rc is over) - This library will enable imports from locations that are removed in v6, as well as provide the ability to use the rxjs/add/operator/-style imports. At this point, the app should be working for most of you.
  4. TypeScript Users: Try installing and running rxjs-lint with tslint --fix. This will automagically going through and update your code to be v6 compliant. You may need to run it more than once. More information can be found here:
  5. LAST DITCH: If steps 2-3 DO NOT work... you can try rxjs@forward-compat, (a.k.a 5.6.0-forward-compat). This package is almost exactly the same as v5.5, only it exports from rxjs just like v6 does, so importing the kitchen sink like some people did in v5 is the only thing that will break.
  6. If you are STILL having problems. Please file an issue with any error messages or reproduction you can provide.

Major Changes are as follows:

Consolidated Exports

There are now fewer entry points to the library. Instead of importing your RxJS types from all over the library, you'll import from (generally) two locations: rxjs and rxjs/operators, there are a few more, but those are the main two.

Main export points:

  • rxjs: All classes (Observable, Subject, etc), creation methods (from, interval, concat, merge etc), schedulers, utilities and helpers can be found here.
  • rxjs/operators: All operators can be found here (map, filter, mergeMap, etc).

Other export points:

  • rxjs/testing: The TestScheduler and friends can be found here
  • rxjs/ajax: This is the new home for the rxjs AJAX implementation
  • rxjs/webSocket: This is the home for the rxjs web socket implementation.

Import Migration Table

v6 v5.5
any operator, such as mergeMap
import { mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators/mergeMap';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import { mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operator/mergeMap';
creation methods like fromEvent or interval
import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs/observable/fromEvent';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent';
schedulers like async are now asyncScheduler
import { asyncScheduler } from 'rxjs';
import { async } from 'rxjs/scheduler/async';
utilities like pipe and noop
import { pipe } from 'rxjs';
import { pipe } from 'rxjs/util/pipe';

Moved Or Restricted Internal Implementation Details

There were many types exposed before that were really internal implementation details that people were using freely. Most notable of these were the exposed Observable classes, such as ErrorObservable or ArrayObservable that many people were using. Unfortunately, we never intended for these classes to be used directly. Instead, their creation function counterparts should be used, as that was the original intention.

Moved Observable Types

v6 v5
from ArrayLikeObservable
of ArrayObservable
bindCallback BoundCallbackObservable
bindNodeCallback BoundNodeCallbackObservable
defer DeferObservable
empty or EMPTY (constant) EmptyObservable
throwError ErrorObservable
forkJoin ForkJoinObservable
fromEvent FromEventObservable
fromEventPattern FromEventPatternObservable
from FromObservable
generate GenerateObservable
iif IfObservable
interval IntervalObservable
from IteratorObservable
NEVER (constant) NeverObservable
pairs PairsObservable
from PromiseObservable
range RangeObservable
of ScalarObservable
timer TimerObservable
using UsingObservable

Removed fromPromise

Just use from. The reason is that any use of an operator/method that accepts an observable or something that can be observed (like a Promise or Array, etc), already imports most of the from implementation anyhow. fromPromise just increased the API surface area.

Unhandled Errors Are No Longer Thrown Synchronously

All uncaught errors are no being thrown a new callstack via "host report errors". This basically means unhandled errors are thrown in a setTimeout. The main reason for doing this is to prevent a really nasty set of bugs calls "producer interfence", in which unhandled, synchronous errors thrown after a multicast would break the mulicast for all listeners.

This means that some code that relied on synchronous error handling will now be broken. This includes, things like:

try {
    source$.subscribe(() => {
       throw new Error('bad');
} catch (err) {
  // this will no longer ne hit.


expect(source$.pipe(x => { throw new Error('bad'); }))
  .toThrow(new Error(bad));

// Will throw, but it will no longer pass.

New Operator

errorIfEmpty<T>(errorFactory: () => any): Observable<T> - If the source observable completes without emitting a value, the errorFactory will be called and the returned error will be emitted as an error from the resulting Observable. This operator was developed to mirror defaultIfEmpty, and to enable creating smaller first and last operators.



Result selectors on operators like mergeMap, switchMap, etc, are deprecated and will be removed in version 7.


with resultSelector (v 5.x). NOTE: The concurrency limit argument is still optional, it is only shown here to be thorough.

  mergeMap(fn1, fn2, concurrency)

the same functionality without resultSelector, achieved with inner map.

  mergeMap((a, i) => fn1(a, i).pipe(
    map((b, ii) => fn2(a, b, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v 5.x)

  mergeMapTo(a$, resultSelector)

without resultSelector

  mergeMap((x, i) => a$.pipe(
    map((y, ii) => resultSelector(x, y, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v 5.x)

  concatMap(fn1, fn2)

the same functionality without resultSelector, achieved with inner map

  concatMap((a, i) => fn1(a, i).pipe(
    map((b, ii) => fn2(a, b, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v 5.x)

  concatMapTo(a$, resultSelector)

without resultSelector

  concatMap((x, i) => a$.pipe(
    map((y, ii) => resultSelector(x, y, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v 5.x)

  switchMap(fn1, fn2)

the same functionality without resultSelector, achieved with inner map

  switchMap((a, i) => fn1(a, i).pipe(
    map((b, ii) => fn2(a, b, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v 5.x)

  switchMapTo(a$, resultSelector)

without resultSelector

  switchMap((x, i) => a$.pipe(
    map((y, ii) => resultSelector(x, y, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v 5.x)

  exhaustMap(fn1, fn2)

the same functionality without resultSelector, achieved with inner map

  exhaustMap((a, i) => fn1(a, i).pipe(
    map((b, ii) => fn2(a, b, i, ii))


with resultSelector (v5)

  first(predicate, resultSelector, defaultValue)

without resultSelector (if you're not using the index in it):

  first(predicate, defaultValue),

without resultSelector (if you ARE using the index in it)

  map((v, i) => [v, i]),
  first(([v, i]) => predicate(v, i)),
  map(([v, i]) => resultSelector(v, i)),


with resultSelector (v5)

  last(predicate, resultSelector, defaultValue)

without resultSelector (if you're not using the index in it):

  last(predicate, defaultValue),

without resultSelector (if you ARE using the index in it)

  map((v, i) => [v, i]),
  last(([v, i]) => predicate(v, i)),
  map(([v, i]) => resultSelector(v, i)),


with resultSelector

forkJoin(a$, b$, c$, resultSelector)

// or

forkJoin([a$, b$, c$], resultSelector)

without resultSelector

forkJoin(a$, b$, c$).pipe(
  map(x => resultSelector(...x))

// or

forkJoin([a$, b$, c$]).pipe(
  map(x => resultSelector(...x))


with resultSelector

zip(a$, b$, c$, resultSelector)

// or

zip([a$, b$, c$], resultSelector)

without resultSelector

zip(a$, b$, c$).pipe(
  map(x => resultSelector(...x))

// or

zip([a$, b$, c$]).pipe(
  map(x => resultSelector(...x))


with resultSelector

combineLatest(a$, b$, c$, resultSelector)

// or

combineLatest([a$, b$, c$], resultSelector)

without resultSelector

combineLatest(a$, b$, c$).pipe(
  map(x => resultSelector(...x))

// or

combineLatest([a$, b$, c$]).pipe(
  map(x => resultSelector(...x))


with resultSelector

fromEvent(button, 'click', resultSelector)

without resultSelector

fromEvent(button, 'click').pipe(

never and empty

never() is deprecated and you should use NEVER, which is a constant. empty() without a scheduler is also deprecated in favor of EMPTY which is a constant.