(Changes relative to Release_2016.03.1)
Brian Kelley, John May, Roger Sayle, Paolo Tosco, Riccardo Vianello
- Fixed a few typos in Code/PgSQL/rdkit/CMakeLists.txt (github pull #867 from ptosco)
- Fixes regression in python api CalcNumRotatableBonds (github pull #870 from bp-kelley)
- Single atoms setting radius 1 bits in Morgan fingerprints (github issue #874 from greglandrum)
- Providing subImgSize argument to MolsToGridImage() causes drawing failure (github issue #876 from greglandrum)
- adjust cartridge tests after the fix for #874 (github pull #884 from greglandrum)
- Fixes depictor problem with empty fragments (github pull #894 from greglandrum)
- Fix building with g++ on Mac OS X (github pull #900 from johnmay)
- PAINS filters update fails when old Python is installed (github issue #904 from greglandrum)
- rdMolDraw2D.PrepareMolForDrawing() should not default to forceCoords=True (github issue #906 from greglandrum)
- ugly coordinates generated for peptide chains (github issue #910 from greglandrum)
- Cartridge: makefile not using -O2 for C code (github issue #920 from rvianello)
(Changes relative to Release_2015.09.2)
In order to build the RDKit, it is now necessary to have at least v1.7 of numpy installed.
Note: The RDKit has the wonderful "problem" that there are a lot of contributors and it's tough for me to capture them all to put together release notes. I don't even know many of the contributors (which is awesome!) The names here come largely from what I pull in an automated way from github. In cases where there's no real name listed in github, I either guessed or used just the github alias in quotes. If I got it wrong, please let me know!
Josep Arus, Nik Bates-Haus, Andrew Dalke, 'DoliathGavid', 'elcaceres', Peter Gedeck, James Jeffryes, Brian Kelley, Juuso Lehtivarjo, Rich Lewis, Daniel Lowe, 'maddogcz', Kozo Nishida, Michal Nowotka, Axel Pahl, Steven Roughley, Alexander Savelyev, Nadine Schneider, Gianluca Sforna, Teague Sterling, Nik Stiefl, Matt Swain, Eric Ting, Paolo Tosco, Samo Turk, Riccardo Vianello
- Improvements to the build system: it's now much easier to build with InChI and/or Avalon support since cmake now knows how to fetch the appropriate source code for you. Building the PostgreSQL cartridge is now integrated into normal build process.
- Some improvements to molecule rendering and Jupyter notebook integration: The
function takes care of standard tasks like wedging bonds, kekulization, and adding chiral Hs.Draw.MolsToGridImage()
can generate SVGs and uses the new molecular drawing code for PNGs when possible. The Jupyter notebook integration uses the new drawing code when possible. - Error and warning messages from the C++ core can now be displayed in the Jupyter notebook
- Sanitizer rejects higher valency halides (github issue #115 from dan2097)
- Bad E/Z assignment from ctab (github issue #188 from greglandrum)
- bad E/Z assignment from ctab (github issue #192 from greglandrum)
- Documentation is still python2 specific. (github issue #374 from greglandrum)
- SVG export - Python 3 support (github issue #398 from maddogcz)
- FragmentOnBonds() producing incorrect chirality (github issue #511 from greglandrum)
- Rings containing all dummy atoms with single bonds are flagged as aromatic (github issue #518 from greglandrum)
- IPython integration broken with latest Jupyter (github issue #666 from samoturk)
- Added missing include/forward declarations (github pull #668 from ptosco)
- Fixes a memory leak in fragmentMol (github pull #669 from bp-kelley)
- resetVect option being ignored by reaccsToFingerprint() (github issue #671 from greglandrum)
- failure in AddHs when addCoords is true and coords are all zero (github issue #678 from greglandrum)
- 404 error for the link to Installation instructions (github issue #679 from EricTing)
- Fix java8 build (github pull #681 from greglandrum)
- Smiles containing "[as]" do not parse. (github issue #682 from greglandrum)
- SMARTS reaction triggers invariant violation on chiral compounds (github issue #685 from JamesJeffryes)
- partially specified chiral substructure queries don't work properly (github issue #688 from bp-kelley)
- ExactMolWt ignoring the mass of the electron (github issue #694 from greglandrum)
- Bad 1-4 bounds matrix elements in highly constrained system (github issue #696 from greglandrum)
- More ChEMBL molecules that fail bounds smoothing (github issue #697 from greglandrum)
- Molecule serialization doesn't read/write atomic numbers above 128 (github issue #713 from greglandrum)
- AddHs cip rank is declared should be unsigned int? (github issue #717 from bp-kelley)
- ensure line endings are handled consistently for all users (github pull #729 from rvianello)
- Fixes return type of operator[] (fails on later clangs) (github pull #733 from bp-kelley)
- Fix/thread safe localeswitcher line endings (github pull #743 from bp-kelley)
- Fixes Boost 1.46 issues with type traits (github pull #748 from bp-kelley)
- PR #749 causes seg faults on windows (github issue #750 from greglandrum)
- Fixes notebook problems with newer jupyter installs (github pull #753 from bp-kelley)
- Double bond geometry loss on calling removeHs (github issue #754 from sroughley)
- Bug fix to getShortestPath (github pull #757 from JLVarjo)
- reversed stereochemistry with sulfoxides and ring closures (github issue #760 from greglandrum)
- libRDBoost.so.1: undefined symbol (github issue #762 from kozo2)
- Removed -Xdoclint:none flag when packing org.RDKitDoc.jar (github pull #763 from undeadpixel)
- AnyBond specification treated as single when joining rings in SMARTS (github issue #766 from teaguesterling)
- CanonicalRankAtomsInFragment() leaks when called from Python (github issue #769 from greglandrum)
- MolCanvas2D drawing upside down (github issue #774 from greglandrum)
- Drawing single-atom molecules hangs. (github issue #781 from greglandrum)
- chiral lexical order for ring closure after branch (github issue #786 from adalke)
- surface -> self.surface (github pull #787 from mnowotka)
- Chem.MolToSmarts param misnomer (github issue #792 from elcaceres)
- Fixes MolToSmarts python docs (github pull #793 from bp-kelley)
- npscorer.py: Py3 compat and importable from other locations (github #801 from apahl)
- Pre-condition Violation: bad bond type (github issue #805 from nbateshaus)
- rooted atom fingerprint non identical for the same molecules (github issue #811 from nisti74)
- test60RunSingleReactant() not being run (github issue #825 from greglandrum)
- PostgreSQL bug fixes (github pull #835 from ptosco)
- Crash while running testGithub497() on Windows (github pull #842 from ptosco)
- Return value of NumRadicalElectrons and NumValenceElectrons should be integer (github issue #846 from gedeck)
- Fixed a bug in getUFFAngleBendParams() (github pull #850 from ptosco)
- Lines used to wedge bonds are too thick (github issue #852 from greglandrum)
- Fix out of range dereference in MCS code. (github pull #857 from DoliathGavid)
- Atom symbols in wrong order if bond comes from right (github issue #860 from greglandrum)
- switch to using new version of avalon toolkit (github issue #382 from greglandrum)
- MolDraw2D: Expand basic drawing api (github issue #417 from greglandrum)
- MolDraw2D: add options (github issue #424 from greglandrum)
- fixed FutureWarning in PeriodicTable.py (github pull #665 from richlewis42)
- first pass, using google style (github pull #672 from greglandrum)
- Use sets instead of and map. Minor comments cleanup. (github pull #675 from DoliathGavid)
- Dev/squash msvc14 warnings (github pull #684 from bp-kelley)
- Fix/stop unnecessary filtercatalog updates (github pull #690 from bp-kelley)
- Add RDK_USE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION configure option (On by default) (github pull #691 from bp-kelley)
- Minor optimizations of the force field minimization code, fix for issue 696 (github pull #693 from greglandrum)
- Include cis/trans stereochemistry when useChirality=true with the morgan fingerprints (github issue #695 from greglandrum)
- Fixed a couple of compilation warnings in Resonance.cpp/Resonance.h (github pull #701 from ptosco)
- Dev/run single reactant (github pull #705 from bp-kelley)
- Updates CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR (github pull #707 from bp-kelley)
- Make LocaleSwitcher threadsafe (github issue #710 from greglandrum)
- Exposes Get/Set Double, Int, Uint and bool props to molecules (github pull #711 from bp-kelley)
- Speed up molblock generation (github pull #712 from greglandrum)
- Expose generateOneProductSet? (github issue #721 from DoliathGavid)
- Add a reader for FPB files (still experimental) (github pull #724 from greglandrum)
- replace std::map::at with std::map::operator[] (github pull #730 from rvianello)
- Fix/get double prop get props asdict (github pull #734 from bp-kelley)
- Add support for Tversky similarity to the FPB reader (github pull #735 from greglandrum)
- Fix ConformerParser to use const std::string & (github pull #737 from mcs07)
- Fix/expose invariant exception (github pull #740 from bp-kelley)
- Support CTABs where the second letter in atom symbols is capitalized (github issue #741 from greglandrum)
- Adds support for capturing RDLogs in Python StdErr streams (github pull #749 from bp-kelley)
- Allow adding Hs only to atoms matching a query operator (github issue #758 from greglandrum)
- Add argument to addHs allowing only certain Hs to be considered (github pull #759 from greglandrum)
- avoid the multiple definition of rdkitVersion/boostVersion (github pull #761 from rvianello)
- cleanup possible pythonObjectToVect leaks in python wrappers (github issue #764 from greglandrum)
- Stop possible core leaks in pythonObjectToVect() (github pull #770 from greglandrum)
- Add C++ function to prepare mol for rendering (github issue #771 from greglandrum)
- Prefer wedging bonds to Hs (github issue #772 from greglandrum)
- Add prepareMolForDrawing() function to C++ (github pull #775 from greglandrum)
- Support blanks in MolsToGridImage() (github issue #776 from greglandrum)
- A number of small additions and features to the drawing code (github pull #802 from greglandrum)
- Support larger isotope deltas in the chirality assignment (github issue #803 from greglandrum)
- Adds option RDK_USE_COMPLEX_ROTOR_DEFINITION (github pull #810 from bp-kelley)
- add Draw.MolsToSVGGrid() (github pull #817 from greglandrum)
- make Hs black instead of gray (github pull #819 from greglandrum)
- Fix alignMols so that it takes into account of QueryAtoms and QueryBonds (github pull #821 from DoliathGavid)
- feat/github831: Add getText() static method. (github pull #832 from greglandrum)
- Add an unfolded count-based version of the RDKFingerprint (github pull #838 from NadineSchneider)
- Add some utils functions to ChemReactions (github pull #840 from NadineSchneider)
- Autodetect boost c++ library and compile with matching one (github pull #845 from bp-kelley)
- Add automatic downloads of junit.jar (github pull #859 from greglandrum)
- support providing InChI (or InChI key) generation options in cartridge (github pull #755 from greglandrum)
- building the cartridge is now integrated with the cmake build system (github pull #785 from ptosco)
- Add a bit more control over the lazy MaxMin picker to the java layer (github pull #791 from greglandrum)
- Ensure reduceProductToSideChains exposed in Java/Swig (github issue #744 from bp-kelley)
(Changes relative to Release_2015.09.1)
Brian Kelley, Paolo Tosco, Riccardo Vianello
- Fixed a post-decrement which causes a crash when compiling under Windows with MSVC 9 (from ptosco)
- Fixes a memory leak in fragmentMol (github #669 from bp-kelley)
- MMPA compile error with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (github #655 from rvianello)
(Changes relative to Release_2015.03.1)
Pierre Bhoorasingh, Gungor Budak, Andrew Dalke, JP Ebejer, Peter Ertl, Jan Holst Jensen, Brian Kelley, Joos Kiener, Noel O'Boyle, Axel Pahl, Sereina Riniker, Alexander Savelyev, Roger Sayle, Nadine Schneider, Andrew Stretton, Paolo Tosco, Samo Turk, JL Varjo, Riccardo Vanello, Maciek Wojcikowski
- Addition of parsers/writers for sequence notation, FASTA, and basic HELM
- Improved conformation generation based on experimental torsional parameters
- Much better filtering of generated conformations to ensure they match the chirality of the input structure
- New method for enumerating molecular resonance structures
- Addition of a molecular FilterCatalog data structure
- Draw.MolToImage(mol) does not work for Python 3, because cairo for Python 3 has not yet implemented Surface.create_for_data (github issue #460 from apahl)
- SDWriter.close() fails when the underlying stream has an error (github issue #498 from greglandrum)
- Hexafluorophosphate cannot be handled (github issue #510 from greglandrum)
- Labels of highlighted atoms are invisible (github issue #519 from NadineSchneider)
- MolDraw2D: Fix in highlighting atoms (github pull #521 from NadineSchneider)
- Cartridge: index failing for molecular equality in some circumstances (github issue #525 from greglandrum)
- Bad ring finding in a complex fused ring (github issue #526 from greglandrum)
- Fixed crash upon closing a gzip/bzip2 stream opened in binary mode for use with SDWriter under Python3 (github pull #531 from ptosco)
- Regression: _smilesAtomOutputOrder incorrect for dot disconnected molecules (github issue #532 from baoilleach)
- Fix #532 - smilesAtomOutputOrder incorrect (github pull #535 from baoilleach)
- Fix Python3 encoding for FilterCatalog/Entry serialization (github pull #537 from bp-kelley)
- Catalog::setCatalogParams needs to be virtual now (github pull #538 from bp-kelley)
- Bonds in allyl cation are not conjugated (github issue #539 from greglandrum)
- Fixes GitHub issue 539 (github pull #540 from ptosco)
- SaltBuilder._initPatterns incorrectly handles SMARTS errors (github issue #541 from adalke)
- merging query Hs failing on recursive SMARTS (github issue #544 from greglandrum)
- Crash in O3A alignment when running multi-threaded (github issue #546 from greglandrum)
- PyMol.py: changed xmlrpc import to have Python2/Python3 compatibility (github pull #547 from apahl)
- fix MMPA bugs for some tests (github pull #548 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- TFD fix for single bonds adjacent to triple bonds (github pull #550 from sriniker)
- Canonicalization paper Aug2015 (github pull #552 from NadineSchneider)
- Chirality not affected by atom-map index (github issue #553 from adalke)
- Implicit Hs should not appear in depictions for query atoms. (github issue #556 from greglandrum)
- Fix issue with invalid reactions throwing NameError (github pull #559 from bp-kelley)
- InChI radicals not properly converted (github issue #562 from pierrelb)
- MMPA code not python3 compatible (github issue #564 from greglandrum)
- mmpa: fix bug with num_of_cuts > 2 case (github pull #566 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Incorrect stereochemistry after embedding (github issue #568 from greglandrum)
- changed FrameToGridImage() so that the dataframe index can be used as legend (github pull #570 from apahl)
- MolDraw2DCairo.GetDrawingText() doesn't work with Python3 (github issue #571 from greglandrum)
- addBond return value (github issue #572 from JLVarjo)
- Process aborts during ForwardSDMolSupplier gc when the file object is closed (github issue #579 from adalke)
- Fix/update pains filter catalog (github pull #581 from bp-kelley)
- Importing PandasTools on Windows fails due to Salts.txt (github issue #583 from baoilleach)
- renumberAtoms() not setting conformer dimensionality properly (github issue #584 from greglandrum)
- stereo atoms property on double bonds not being updated properly with insertMol (github issue #608 from greglandrum)
- UFF Atom type not properly assigned to lanthanides (github issue #613 from greglandrum)
- segfault from MolToInchi when bad bond stereochem info is present (github issue #614 from greglandrum)
- MQN12 (heavy atom count) seems to be always 0. (github issue #623 from kienerj)
- fmcs: fix issue with initial seed for PR 580 (github pull #624 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- fmcs: fixes #631 with chiralirty (github pull #634 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Fixes sprintf not found on some gcc compiles (github pull #635 from bp-kelley)
- Fix AppVeyor and Travis UnitTests (github pull #636 from bp-kelley)
- Fixes #629 - python GetSubstructureMatch thread safety (github pull #637 from bp-kelley)
- Fix regressions occurring when building with msvc9 (github pull #638 from rvianello)
- Fix/python gil release on rdkit threadsafe sss only (github pull #639 from bp-kelley)
- ctest not running some of the python tests. (github issue #643 from greglandrum)
- Issue643 (github pull #646 from greglandrum)
- Fix/various bug fixes filtercatalog and bad operator (github pull #648 from bp-kelley)
- unlocking or destroying a locked mutex in the substructure matcher (github issue #653 from greglandrum)
- MMPA compile error with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (github issue #655 from rvianello)
- new canon: fix in special symmetry invariant (github pull #663 from NadineSchneider)
- enable popcount by default for cartridge (github issue #428 from greglandrum)
- Added the RSMD calculation over N molecules in the cookbook. (github pull #495 from malteseunderdog)
- Modified force field constraint tests to be more robust (github pull #503 from ptosco)
- Fix mol drawing on Python3 (issue #460) (github pull #504 from apahl)
- mmpa first version was added (github pull #505 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Forcefield tests now use RDKit::feq() instead of RDKit::round() (github pull #506 from ptosco)
- SDMolSupplier(), setData() and strictParsing (github pull #507 from ptosco)
- Improvements to LoadSDF and WriteSDF (github pull #513 from samoturk)
- updates to mmpa. reduce number of smiles parsing (github pull #515 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Some enhancements for the new canonicalization (github pull #520 from NadineSchneider)
- mmpa: remove boost_regex dependency at all. Add new test references (github pull #527 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Support getting atoms involved in Pharm2D bits (github issue #530 from greglandrum)
- Optimized MMFF::MMFFOptimizeMoleculeConfs() (github pull #534 from ptosco)
- RDKit learns how to filter PAINS/BRENK/ZINC/NIH via FilterCatalog (github pull #536 from bp-kelley)
- Expose Conformer's copy constructor to Python (github issue #545 from greglandrum)
- PyMol.py: changed xmlrpc import to have Python2/Python3 compatibility (github pull #547 from apahl)
- Update PAINS smarts to validated set. Always use mergeQueryHs when reading Smarts (github pull #549 from bp-kelley)
- Add a curated set of PAINS filters to the RDKit (github issue #555 from greglandrum)
- Update pains from wehi_pains.csv (github pull #560 from bp-kelley)
- Change MMPA to use CanonicalRankAtoms instead of _CIPRank (github issue #561 from adalke)
- Add adjustQuery() function to make substructure queries more specific. (github issue #567 from greglandrum)
- changed sascorer.py to enable import from different location (github pull #569 from apahl)
- add export_values() to enums in the python wrapper where it's sensible to do so (github issue #573 from greglandrum)
- Support Sheridan's BT and BP fingerprints (github issue #574 from greglandrum)
- Locale dependent float for _GasteigerCharge (github issue #577 from adalke)
- fmcs: implement adding an initial seed structure (github pull #580 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Where possible convert docs from RST to MD (github issue #585 from greglandrum)
- [UGM2015] Autodetection of numThreads (github issue #586 from mwojcikowski)
- Generating SVG Images with Transparent Background (github issue #587 from gungorbudak)
- updates to PandasTools.LoadSDF (github pull #599 from adalke)
- Can control mol depiction size with PandasTools.molSize = (200,200). (github pull #600 from samoturk)
- pandas performance and functionality improvements (github pull #601 from adalke)
- Adding documentation for installation with conda. (github pull #602 from strets123)
- Automatic atom reordering in TorsionFingerprints (github pull #603 from sriniker)
- remove bare excepts (github pull #606 from adalke)
- Added option to use SVG rendering in pandas data frames (github pull #609 from samoturk)
- Handle inserting molecules with conformers into molecules without conformers (github issue #610 from greglandrum)
- If wedged bonds are already present, write them to mol blocks (github issue #611 from greglandrum)
- Dev/filter catalog java wrapper (github pull #612 from bp-kelley)
- Support extended reduced graphs (github issue #615 from greglandrum)
- port NumSpiroCenters and NumBridgeheadAtoms descriptors to C++ (github issue #617 from greglandrum)
- Add parser/writer for peptide sequences (github issue #620 from greglandrum)
- Add parser/writer for FASTA (github issue #621 from greglandrum)
- Add parser/writer for HELM (github issue #622 from greglandrum)
- Migrate std::string APIs to const std::string & (github pull #627 from bp-kelley)
- Chirality tests (github pull #628 from sriniker)
- Improvements of TFD (github pull #630 from sriniker)
- Added ResonanceMolSupplier (github pull #632 from ptosco)
- Image tostring/fromstring methods replaced by tobytes/frombytes (github pull #644 from rvianello)
- ET(K)DG implementation (github pull #647 from sriniker)
- Build multithreading support by default when boost::threads is present (github issue #649 from greglandrum)
- Minimal SWIG Java wrappers for ResonanceMolSupplier (github pull #657 from ptosco)
- Support for PostgreSQL v8.x has been removed
- NumSpiroCenters and NumBridgeheadAtoms added
- Support for FilterCatalogs
- Support for ResonanceMolSuppliers
- rdkit/DataStructs/BitVect.py : a C++ version is used, this was only present for historical reasons
- rdkit/DataStructs/SparseIntVect.py : a C++ version is used, this was only present for historical reasons
- Addition of Peter Ertl's Natural Product Likeness score.
- Much of the documentation has been translated from RST to MD
(Changes relative to Release_2014.09.2)
- This release has a new algorithm for canonical atom ordering. This means that canonical SMILES generated with the new version will be different from those generated with previous versions.
David Cosgrove, Andrew Dalke, JP Ebejer, Niko Fechner, Igor Filippov, Patrick Fuller, David Hall, J Bach Hardie, Jan Holst Jensen, Brian Kelley, Rich Lewis, John May, Michael Reutlinger, Sereina Riniker, Alexander Savelyev, Roger Sayle, Nadine Schneider, Gianluca Sforna, Paolo Tosco, Samo Turk, JL Varjo, Riccardo Vianello
- A new algorithm for generating canonical atom orders. The new algorithm is faster and more robust than the old one.
- C++-based molecule drawing code, allows consistent molecule renderings from C++, Java, and Python. This will become the default renderer in the next release.
- General performance improvements and reduction of memory usage.
- Torsion Fingerprints for comparing 3D conformations to each other
- MCS code now available from the PostgreSQL cartridge
- fmcs: use the zero bond type instead of other (github issue #368 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- bug fixed in TorsionFingerprints.GetTFDMatrix (github issue #376 from sriniker)
- rdkit.Chem.MolDb.Loader_sa does not work with python3.4 (github issue #390)
- ChemReactions: Bugfix/Memleak-fix in runReactants (github issue #394 from NadineSchneider)
- TorsionConstraint bug fix (github issue #395 from ptosco)
- Fixed LoadSDF to keep 3D info (github pull #401 from samoturk)
- Incorrect expected absolute stereochemistries in a test (github issue #407)
- GetSubstructMatches() consumes all available memory (github issue #409)
- Bugfix in the chirality handling of chemical reactions (github pull #410 from NadineSchneider)
- fixed two minor bugs in MMFF code (github issue #416 from ptosco)
- Varied sanitise rejection with hydrogen representation (github issue #418)
- Fixed two trivial bugs (github issue #419 from ptosco)
- RDKit learns how to roundtrip MOLFile values. (github issue #420 from bp-kelley)
- cairoCanvas.py python3 compatibility (github issue #426 from bach-hardie)
- Chem.FragmentOnSomeBonds() should update implicit H count on aromatic heteroatoms when addDummies is False (github issue #429)
- Chem.FragmentOnSomeBonds() crashes if the bond list is empty (github issue #430)
- Increase limit for smallest ring size (github issue #431 from cowsandmilk)
- Problems caused by heteroatoms with radicals in aromatic rings. (github issue #432)
- Conversion from mol to InChI getting ring stereo wrong (github issue #437)
- Metals in mol2 blocks handled incorrectly (github issue #438)
- Fixed a few tests failing when the Windows git client is used (github pull #439 from ptosco)
- Fixed tests failing on Windows when retrieving sources through the Windows git client (github pull #440 from ptosco)
- Conformers not copied correctly in renumberAtoms (github issue #441)
- Radicals are not correctly assigned when reading from SMILES (github issue #447)
- moving RDBoost/Exceptions.h to RDGeneral (github pull #458 from rvianello)
- Add code to accept blank SMILES input. (github issue #468 from janholstjensen)
- Accept empty SMILES and SMARTS (github issue #470)
- Fix MolFile Atom Line List Writer (github issue #471 from bp-kelley)
- Moved 3D ipython renderer to dependency (github pull #472 from patrickfuller)
- Windows build/test failure fixes (github issue #473 from ptosco)
- install missing FMCS/Graph.h header file (github pull #478 from rvianello)
- added const qualifiers to some methods of Atom/Bond iterator classes (github pull #479 from rvianello)
- Bugfix in SmilesWrite and some additional tests for getMolFrags function (github issue #482 from NadineSchneider)
- Removed a while(1) {} in BFGSOpt.h which might result in an infinite loop (github issue #484 from ptosco)
- Gasteiger charge calculation fails with hexavalent sulfur #485 (github issue #485)
- SmilesWriter not creating automatic name values for molecules read from CTABs (github issue #488)
- Fix StringType access, remove unused imports (github issue #494 from bp-kelley)
- Isomeric fix in PandasTools (github issue #369 from samoturk)
- added SaveXlsxFromFrame - first version (github issue #371 from samoturk)
- New feature: Torsion fingerprints (github issue #372 from sriniker)
- Add function to extract a molecule with a single (particular) conformer from a multiconf mol (github issue #384)
- Added C++ and Python helpers to retrieve force-field parameters (github issue #387 from ptosco)
- Support providing all options to SWIG-wrapped FMCS (github issue #397)
- Add function to request if calling UpdatePropertyCache is necessary (github issue #399)
- Add function to test if UpdatePropertyCache is necessary (github issue #400 from NadineSchneider)
- Substructure highlighting in pandas dataframe (fixes #362) (github issue #403 from nhfechner)
- Added SDF Export to PandasTools and adjusted SDF Import (github issue #404 from nhfechner)
- support count-based avalon fingerprint (github issue #408)
- New C++ drawing code (github issue #412 from greglandrum)
- RDKit learns how to compute code coverage for tests (github issue #413 from bp-kelley)
- Dictionary access is saniztized and optimized. (github issue #414 from bp-kelley)
- expose MolOps::rankAtoms() and MolOps::rankAtomsInFragment() to python (github issue #421)
- Dev/expose rank atoms to python (github issue #422 from bp-kelley)
- rdkit learns how to wrap a proper RWMol in python (github issue #423 from bp-kelley)
- Docs: document "magic" property values that are used throughout the code (github issue #425)
- MolDraw2D: expose class to Python (github issue #433)
- RDKit learns how to query properties on Atoms (github issue #442 from bp-kelley)
- Issue445: provide helper functions for multithreaded evaluation of some expensive functions (github issue #448 from greglandrum)
- RDKit learns how to release the GIL in python (github pull #449 from bp-kelley)
- Dev/property queries (github pull #450 from bp-kelley)
- Support a confId argument to the atom pair fingerprinting code (github issue #453)
- Save the atom bookmarks so we can deconvolute reaction products. (github pull #454 from bp-kelley)
- Cartridge: Support converting no structs to InChI (github issue #455)
- RDKit learns how to expose ChemicalReaction copy constructor to python (github pull #456 from bp-kelley)
- chirality flag was implemented for fmcs() function (github pull #466 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Support copy and deepcopy properly for at least Mol and RWMol (github issue #467)
- Cartridge: add qmol_from_smiles() and qmol_from_ctab() (github issue #469)
- restore java and python wrappers. New parameter (matchChiralTag) (github issue #477 from AlexanderSavelyev)
- Added a Python wrapper for getShortestPath() (github issue #487 from ptosco)
- Dev/merge query hs no unmapped atoms (github issue #490 from bp-kelley)
- The MCS code is now available within the cartridge
- The functions qmol_from_smiles() and qmol_from_ctab()
- The new molecule rendering code is accessible from the SWIG wrappers.
- C++: The functionality in $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/MolDrawing has been superseded by the new drawing code in $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol and will be removed in the next release.
- Python:
- rdkit/Dbase/Pubmed
- rdkit/Chem/fmcs (this has been superseded by the C++ implementation)
- Cartridge: support for v8.x of PostgreSQL (v8.4 is no longer supported by the PostgreSQL project team as of July 2014)
- the method Atom::setMass() has been removed. Please use setIsotope() instead.
- the methods involving an atom's dativeFlag have been removed.
- Python 2.6 support is deprecated. Starting with the next RDKit release, we will only support python 2.7 and python 3.4 and higher. Python 2.6 has not been supported since October 2013. If you believe that you are stuck with python 2.6 because of the version of RHEL you are running, please read this post to learn about your options: http://www.curiousefficiency.org/posts/2015/04/stop-supporting-python26.html
- The RDKit molecule objects (ROMol and RWMol) now require about 15% less memory to store
(Changes relative to Release_2014.09.1)
Sereina Riniker, Nadine Schneider, Paolo Tosco
- SMILES parser doing the wrong thing for odd dot-disconnected construct (github issue #378)
- O3A code generating incorrect results for multiconformer molecules (github issue #385)
- Suppliers probably not safe to read really large files (github issue #392)
- Torsion constraints not worrking properly for negative torsions (github issue #393)
- Core leak in reactions (github issue #396)
(Changes relative to Release_2014.03.1)
Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, Jan Domanski, Patrick Fuller, Seiji Matsuoka, Noel O'Boyle, Sereina Riniker, Alexander Savelyev, Roger Sayle, Nadine Schneider, Matt Swain, Paolo Tosco, Riccardo Vianello, Richard West
- Bond query information not written to CTAB (github issue #266)
- Bond topology queries not written to CTABs (github issue #268)
- Combined bond query + topology query not correctly parsed from CTAB (github issue #269)
- SWIG wrapped suppliers leak memory on .next() (github issue #270)
- SWIG wrappers don't build with SWIG 3.0.x (github issue #277)
- core leak from DataStructs.ConvertToNumpyArray (github issue #281)
- MolTransforms not exposed to Java wrapper (github issue #285)
- Seg fault in ReactionFromRxnBlock (github issue #290)
- BitInfo from GetHashedMorganFingerprint() has non-folded values (github issue #295)
- bad inchi for chiral S when the molecule is sanitized (github issue #296)
- Cannot generate smiles for ChEBI 50252 (github issue #298)
- Either molecule-molecule substruct matching is wrong OR the docs for Atom::Match incorrect (github issue #304)
- fluorine F-F gives segmentation fault with MMFF forcefield (github issue #308)
- cartridge: MACCS similarity wrong when using the builtin popcount and the index (github issue #311)
- Substructure Search via SMARTS implicit hydrogens (github issue #313)
- SMARTS output for [x] is wrong (github issue #314)
- Bonds not being set up properly in renumberAtoms (github issue #317)
- Python 2 code in python 3 branch (github issue #326)
- Linking error with ICC 15.0 on Linux (github issue #327)
- Using explicit hydrogens in the SMILES lead to the same AP FP for two different molecules (github issue #334)
- memory leaks when smiles/smarts parsers fail (github issue #335)
- No double bond stereo perception from CTABs when sanitization is turned off (github issue #337)
- missing MACCS key 44 might be found (github issue #352)
- Hydrogens in mol blocks have a valence value set (github issue #357)
- Computed props on non-sanitized molecule interfering with substructure matching (github issue #360)
- Fixed a weakness in the angular restraint code (github pull #261 from ptosco)
- A few fixes to improve MMFF/UFF robustness (github pull #274 from ptosco)
- Static webGL rendering fix (github pull #287 from patrickfuller)
- Revert #include ordering in SmilesMolSupplier.cpp (github pull #297 from mcs07)
- Add missing include for RDDepict::compute2DCoords (github pull #301 from baoilleach)
- Herschbach-Laurie fallback implemented to fix GitHub 308 (github pull #312 from ptosco)
- Issue #320 Making GetBestRMS more idiot-proof (github pull #322 from jandom)
- Update URLs to InChI API after inchi-trust.org website redesign. (github pull #341 from rwest)
- Should be able to do intramolecular bond breaking in reactions. (github issue #58)
- Support reactions in cartridge (github issue #223)
- Documentation of Inchi methods (github issue #240)
- add DescribeQuery() to Bond python wrapper (github issue #267)
- support avalon fingerprint in cartridge (github issue #286)
- support partial fragmentation with fragmentOnSomeBonds (github issue #288)
- Add calcNumHeterocycles() descriptor (github issue #351)
- C++ implementation of FMCS algorithm
- Reordering feature for Butina clustering (github pull #302 from sriniker)
- Changes and new functions for the calculation of RMS values between conformers of a molecule (github pull #306 from sriniker)
- Extended chemical reaction functionality and add chemical reactions to cartridge (github pull #315 from NadineSchneider)
- Custom color to highlight atoms in Mol2Image (github pull #316 from jandom)
- Several different fingerprint algorithms for chemical reactions are now available
- add Chem.Draw.MolToQPixmap (github pull #355 from mojaie)
- NOTE: the configuration variable rdkit.ss_fp_size has been renamed to rdkit.sss_fp_size
- Chemical reactions and several operations on them are now supported
- Avalon fingerprints now supported (when support has been compiled in)
- FMCS implementation exposed
- Fingerprints for chemical reactions
- Possible core leak in some of the MolSuppliers was fixed
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- Projects/SDView4
- rdkit/utils/
- GUIDs.py
- GenLicense.py
- Licensing.py
- PiddleTools.py
- PilTools.py
- REFile.py
- SliceTools.py
- rdkit/Logger
Removed modules:
- The RDKit now supports both python3 and python2.
- There is now conda integration for the RDKit.
- SMILES generation is substantially faster
(Changes relative to Release_2013.09.2)
- Due to a bug fix in the rotatable bonds definition, the default rotatable bond calculation returns different values than before. This also affects MQN descriptor #18.
Paul Czodrowski, James Davidson, Markus Elfring, Nikolas Fechner, Jan Holst Jensen, Christos Kannas, Sereina Riniker, Roger Sayle, Paolo Tosco, Samo Turk, Riccardo Vianello, Maciej Wójcikowski, Toby Wright
- Dict::DataType declaration causing problems with C++11 std::lib (github issue 144)
- Pre-condition Violation in AllChem.Compute2DCoords (github issue 146)
- GetSimilarityMapForFingerprint() fails when similarity is zero (github issue 148)
- PatternFingerprint failure for substructure matching (github issue 151)
- query atoms don't match ring queries (github issue 153)
- Incorrect SMILES generated after calling MMFF parameterization (github issue 162)
- Problems with Xe from SDF (github issue 164)
- Radicals not being used in atom--atom matches (github issue 165)
- Cannot skip sanitization while reading PDB (github issue 166)
- Distance Geometry embedding not thread safe (github issue 167)
- O3A::align() and O3A::trans() now return "true" RMSD value (github pull 173)
- RangeError when pre-incrementing or decrementing AtomIterators (github issue 180)
- ctabs do not contain wedged bonds for chiral s (github issue 186)
- ctabs do not contain "A" when appropriate (github issue 187)
- Problems round-tripping Al2Cl6 via CTAB (github issue 189)
- Don't merge Hs onto dummies (github issue 190)
- Wavy bonds to Hs in CTABs should affect the stereochemistry of attached double bonds (github issue 191)
- Rendering binary compounds as ClH, FH, BrH or IH rather than putting H first. (github issue 199)
- Fixed data race condition in Code/GraphMol/MolAlign/testMolAlign.cpp (github pull 202)
- Re-prepared SDF/SMILES files of the MMFF validation suite + a fix (github pull 205)
- Problems round-tripping P with non-default valence. (github issue 206)
- Added a stricter definition of rotatable bonds as a new function in the ... (github pull 211)
- Code/GraphMol/AddHs patch proposal (github pull 212)
- Fix: Changed getNumReactantTemplates to GetNumReactantTemplates. (github pull 219)
- aromatic B ("b") causes errors from SMARTS parser (github issue 220)
- Segmentation fault for MMFF optimization with dummy atoms (github issue 224)
- isMoleculeReactantOfReaction() and isMoleculeProductOfReaction() not useable from SWIG wrappers (github issue 228)
- cartridge: mol_from_ctab() ignores argument about keeping conformers (github issue 229)
- Reaction not correctly preserving chirality on unmapped atoms. (github issue 233)
- AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate() fails with nitro groups (github issue 235)
- Fix molecule dataframe rendering in pandas 0.13.x (github pull 236)
- Dummy labels copied improperly into products (github issue 243)
- Two bugfixes in MMFF code (github pull 248)
- seg fault when trying to construct pharmacophore with no conformation (github issue 252)
- EmbedMolecule() should not create a conformer for molecules that have zero atoms (github issue 256)
- cartridge: dice similarity calculation does not use USE_BUILTIN_POPCOUNT flag (github issue 259)
- cartridge: similarity calculations wrong for maccs fps when USE_BUILTIN_POPCOUNT flag is set (github issue 260)
- Expose gasteiger charge calculation to SWIG (github issue 152)
- Added additional functionality to PandasTools (github pull 155)
- Add MMFFHasAllMoleculeParams() to SWIG interface (github issue 157)
- O3A code should throw an exception if the parameterization is not complete. (github issue 158)
- Support zero order bonds (github issue 168)
- Add attachmentPoint argument to ReplaceSubstructs (github issue 171)
- Forcefield constraints (distances, angles, torsions, positions) (github pull 172)
- Add kekulize flag to SDWriter (github issue 174)
- Support operator= for RWMol (github issue 175)
- Get GetAromaticAtoms() and GetQueryAtoms() working from python (github issue 181)
- Support richer QueryAtom options in Python (github issue 183)
- Support writing V3000 mol blocks (github issue 184)
- Allow disabling the building of tests (github issue 185)
- Expand DbCLI to allow updating databases (github issue 197)
- Code refactoring and enhancement to allow for O3A alignment according to atom-based Crippen logP contribs (github pull 201)
- call MolOps::assignStereochemistry() with flagPossibleStereoCenters true from within the molecule parsers. (github issue 210)
- Support passing of file-like PandasTools.LoadSDF (github pull 221)
- Reaction SMARTS parser should support agents (github issue 222)
- Add function to MolOps to allow a molecule to be split into fragments based on a query function This is useable from python as Chem.SplitMolByPDBResidues() and Chem.SplitMolByPDBChainId() (github issue 234)
- Adding option useCounts for Morgan fingerprints (github pull 238)
- support SimpleEnum functionality for adding recursive queries to reactions (github issue 242)
- Additional functions for bit vectors (github pull 244)
- Support of RDK fingerprints added to SimilarityMaps (github pull 246)
- add get3DDistance
- support 3D distances in the atom pair fingerprints (github issue 251)
- added MolOps::get3DDistanceMat() (Chem.Get3DDistanceMatrix() from python)
- Support configuration of fingerprint sizes in cartridge. (github issue 216)
- Add mol_to_ctab(mol, bool default true) to Postgres cartridge. (github pull 230)
- Adds sum formula function to PG cartridge. (github pull 232)
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- The CMIM integration (previously available to python in the rdkit.ML.FeatureSelect package) has been removed due to license incompatibility.
- Added Contribution to train ChEMBL-based models (github pull 213)
- ConformerParser functionality (github pull 245)
- The Open3DAlign code is considerably faster.
- The SMILES parsing code is faster.
- Fix Bison 3.x incompabtility (github pull 226)
- Add Travis support (github pull 227)
- port of rdkit.ML bindings from Python/C API to boost::python (github pull 237)
- The code now builds more easily using the Anaconda python distribution's conda package manager (github pull 247)
(Changes relative to Release_2013.09.1)
Andrew Dalke, JP Ebejer, Daniel Moser, Sereina Riniker, Roger Sayle, Manuel Schwarze, Julia Weber
- cannot pickle unsanitized molecules (github issue 149)
- Problems reading PDB files when locale is DE (github issue 170)
- calling RWMol::clear() leaves property dict empty (github issue 176)
- zero atom molecule generates exception in MolToSmiles when rootedAtAtom is provided (github issue 182)
- bond orders not being set when PDB files are read (github issue 194)
- GenMACCSKeys() raises an exception with an empty molecule (github issue 195)
- left-justified SDF bond topology of "0" raises an unexpected exception (github issue 196)
(Changes relative to Release_2013.06.1)
James Davidson, JP Ebejer, Nikolas Fechner, Grégori Gerebtzoff, Michal Nowotka, Sereina Riniker, Roger Sayle, Gianluca Sforna, Matthew Szymkiewicz, Paolo Tosco, Dan Warner,
- Due to a bug fix in the parameter set, the MolLogP and MolMR descriptor calculators now return different values for molecules with pyrrole (or pyrrole-like) Ns.
- The pymol ShowMol method can now handle molecules with more than 999 atoms (they are sent via PDB)
- Various stability improvements to the Pandas integration. (github issues 129 and 51)
- Some RDKit methods require python lists and don't allow passing numpy arrays or pandas series directly (github issue 119)
- mol2 parser not setting E/Z flags on double bonds (github issue 114)
- Incorrect angle terms in UFF (github issue 105)
- Problems with stereochemistry flags and PathToSubmol() (github issue 103)
- Bad Crippen atom type for pyrrole H (github issue 92)
- PandasTools tests fail with Pandas v0.12 (github issue 91)
- Isotope information not affecting chirality (github issue 90)
- properties are not read from SDF files with V3000 mol blocks. (github issue 88)
- assignStereochemistry does not remove bond wedging that shouldn't be there. (github issue 87)
- Drawing code modifies wedge bonds in reactions (github issue 86)
- Stereochemistry not perceived when parsing CTABs unless sanitization is done. (github issue 82)
- 2D rendering issue for epoxide ( CAS 70951-83-6) (github issue 78)
- PandasTools doctests should be failing, but are not (github issue 75)
- Better handling of radicals to/from mol files (github issue 73)
- Benzothiazolium structure can be parsed from ctab, but the SMILES generated cannot be processed. (github issue 72)
- Chem.MolFromInch hangs on CID 23691477 and CID 23691480 (github issue 68)
- Chem.MolFromInchi on CHEMBL104337 leads to segmentation fault (github issue 67)
- "Could not embed molecule." (The Anthony Conundrum) (github issue 55)
- Add fragmentOnBonds() to python wrapper (github issue 142)
- Allow renumbering atoms in a molecule. (github issue 140)
- MMFF94 and MMFF94S support
- implementation of the Open3DAlign rigid alignment algorithm
- Support for reading and writing PDB files
- The python function AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate() can be used to assign bond orders from a reference molecule to the bonds in another molecule. This is helpful for getting bond orders correct for PDB ligands. (github issue 135)
- Bond lengths, angles, and torsions can now be queries and adjusted. (github issue 132)
- Implementation of similarity maps (github issue 94)
- Python implementation of the Fraggle similarity algorithm. See Jameed Hussain's presentation from the 2013 UGM for details: https://github.com/rdkit/UGM_2013/blob/master/Presentations/Hussain.Fraggle.pdf?raw=true
- SparseIntVects now support -=, +=, /=, and *= with ints from C++ and Python
- support \ in SMILES (github issue 136)
- Support a similarity threshold in DbCLI (github issue 134)
- Support construction molecules from other molecules in the python wrapper (github issue 133)
- support tversky similarity in DbCLI (github issue 130)
- support tversky similarity in cartridge (github issue 121)
- support reading and writing reactionComponentType and reactionComponentNumber from ctabs (github issue 118)
- Add in-place forms of addHs(), removeHs(), and mergeQueryHs() (github issue 117)
- modify MolOps::cleanUp() to support this azide formulation: C-N=N#N (github issue 116)
- Dihedral rotation exposed in python (github issue 113)
- Support for cairocffi (cairo drop-in replacement that plays nicely with virtualenv) (github issue 80)
- Grey color for Hydrogens (github issue 97)
- Improvements to the Dict interface in C++ (github issue 74)
- customizable drawing options (github issue 71)
- Add method for setting the chiral flag in mol blocks (github issue 64)
- New descriptors added (Python only for now): MaxPartialCharge(),MinPartialCharge(),MaxAbsPartialCharge(),MinAbsPartialCharge(), MaxEStateIndex(),MinEStateIndex(),MaxAbsEStateIndex(),MinAbsEStateIndex()
- MMFF support
- PDB reading and writing
- Open3DAlign support
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- The MMPA implementation has been updated See Jameed Hussain's tutorial from the 2013 UGM for details: https://github.com/rdkit/UGM_2013/tree/master/Tutorials/mmpa_tutorial [Jameed Hussain]
- An implementation of Ertl and Schuffenhauer's Synthetic Accessibility score is available in Contrib/SA_Score [Peter Ertl, Greg Landrum]
- Command line scripts for the Fraggle similarity algorithm See Jameed Hussain's presentation from the 2013 UGM for details: https://github.com/rdkit/UGM_2013/blob/master/Presentations/Hussain.Fraggle.pdf?raw=true [Jameed Hussain]
- Some of the changes to UFF deviate from the published force field. Specifics of the changes, and the reasoning behind them, are in Paolo Tosco's 2013 RDKit UGM presentation: https://github.com/rdkit/UGM_2013/blob/master/Presentations/Tosco.RDKit_UGM2013.pdf?raw=true
- Reaction drawing has been improved. Support for reaction drawing has been added to the IPython notebook.
(Changes relative to Release_2013.03.2)
Administrivia note: In the course of this release cycle, development was moved over entirely to github. The sourceforge svn repository no longer contains an up-to-date version of the code.
Andrew Dalke, JP Ebejer, Nikolas Fechner, Roger Sayle, Riccardo Vianello, Yingfeng Wang, Dan Warner
- The docs for Descriptors.MolWt are now correct (GitHub #38)
- Molecules coming from InChi now have the correct molecular weight. (GitHub #40)
- RemoveAtoms() no longer leads to problems in canonical SMILES generation when chiral ring atoms are present. (GitHub #42)
- Atom invariants higher than the number of atoms in the molecule can now be provided to the atom pairs and topological torsions fingerprinters. (GitHub #43)
- A typo with the handling of log levels was fixed in the python wrapper code for InChI generation. (GitHub #44)
- Stereochemistry no longer affects canonical SMILES generation if non-stereo SMILES is being generated. (GitHub #45)
- The ExactMolWt of [H+] is no longer zero. (GitHub #56)
- The MPL canvas now has an addCanvasDashedWedge() method. (GitHub #57)
- RWMol::insertMol() now copies atom coordinates (if present). (GitHub #59)
- The "h" primitive in SMARTS strings now uses the method getTotalNumHs(false) instead of getImplicitValence(). (GitHub #60)
- bzip2 files now work better with the SDWriter class. (GitHub #63)
- a crashing bug in InChI generation was fixed. (GitHub #67)
- Sanitization can now be disabled when calling GetMolFrags() from Python (GitHub #39)
- Bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble() has been added to the python wrapper. (GitHub #48)
- The fmcs code now includes a threshold argument allowing the MCS that hits a certain fraction of the input molecules (instead of all of them) to be found. The code has also been synced with the most recent version of Andrew Dalke's version.
- Atoms now have a getTotalValence() (GetTotalValence() from Python) method. (GitHub #61)
- R labels from Mol files now can go from 0-99
- chiral flags in CTABs are now handled on both reading and writing. The property "_MolFileChiralFlag" is used.
- {Get,Set}Prop() methods are now available for both Atoms and Bonds. (GitHub #32)
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- rdkit.utils.pydoc_local
- the handling of flex/bison output files as dependencies has been improved (GitHub #33)
- the molecule drawing code should now also work with pillow (a fork of PIL)
- the PANDAS integration has been improved.
(Changes relative to Release_2013.03.1)
Manuel Schwarze
- The hashed topological torsion fingerprints generated are now the same as in previous rdkit versions. (GitHub issue 25)
(Changes relative to Release_2012.12.1)
- The algorithm for hashing subgraphs used in the RDKit fingerprinter has changed. The new default behavior will return different fingerprints than previous RDKit versions. This affects usage from c++, python, and within the postgresql cartridge. See the "## Other" section below for more details.
Paul Czodrowski, Andrew Dalke, Jan Domanski, Jean-Paul Ebejer, Nikolas Fechner, Jameed Hussain, Stephan Reiling, Sereina Riniker, Roger Sayle, Riccardo Vianello
- removeBond now updates bond indices (sf.net issue 284)
- dummy labels are no longer lost when atoms are copied (sf.net issue 285)
- more specific BRICS queries now match before less specific ones (sf.net issue 287, github issue 1)
- molAtomMapNumber can now be set from Python (sf.net issue 288)
- the legend centering for molecular image grids has been improved (sf.net issue 289)
- make install now includes all headers (github issue 2)
- InChIs generaged after clearing computed properties are now correct (github issue 3)
- Reacting atoms that don't change connectivity no longer lose stereochemistry (github issue 4)
- Aromatic Si is now accepted (github issue 5)
- removeAtom (and deleteSubstructs) now correctly updates stereoAtoms (github issue 8)
- [cartridge] pg_dump no longer fails when molecules cannot be converted to SMILES (github issue 9)
- a canonicalization bug in MolFragmentToSmiles was fixed (github issue 12)
- atom labels at the edge of the drawing are no longer cut off (github issue 13)
- a bug in query-atom -- query-atom matching was fixed (github issue 15)
- calling ChemicalReaction.RunReactants from Python with None molecules no longer leads to a seg fault. (github issue 16)
- AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts now generates an error message when called with an empty string.
- Writing CTABs now includes information about atom aliases.
- An error in the example fdef file $RDBASE/Contrib/M_Kossner/BaseFeatures_DIP2_NoMicrospecies.fdef has been fixed. (github issue 17)
- Quantize.FindVarMultQuantBounds() no longer generates a seg fault when called with bad arguments. (github issue 18)
- The length of SDMolSuppliers constructed from empty files is no longer reported as 1. (github issue 19)
- Partial charge calculations now work for B, Si, Be, Mg, and Al. (github issue 20)
- Two logging problems were fixed (github issues 21 and 24)
- Molecules that have had kappa descriptors generated can now be written to SD files (github issue 23)
- The handling of chirality in reactions has been reworked and improved. Please see the RDKit Book for an explanation.
- Atom-pair and topological-torsion fingerprints now support the inclusion of chirality in the atom invariants.
- A number of new compositional descriptors have been added: calcFractionCSP3, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Rings, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Heterocycles, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Carbocycles
- An implementation of the molecular quantum number (MQN) descriptors has been added.
- RDKFingerprintMol now takes an optional atomBits argument which is used to return information about which bits atoms are involved in.
- LayeredFingerprintMol no longer takes the arguments tgtDensity and minSize. They were not being used.
- LayeredFingerprintMol2 has been renamed to PatternFingerprintMol
- The substructure matcher can now properly take stereochemistry into account if the useChirality flag is provided.
- The module rdkit.Chem.Draw.mplCanvas has been added back to svn.
- A new module integrating the RDKit with Pandas (rdkit.Chem.PandasTools) has been added.
- The new compositional descriptors are available: calcFractionCSP3, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Rings, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Heterocycles, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Carbocycles
- MACCS fingerprints are available
- the substruct_count function is now available
- substructure indexing has improved. NOTE: indexes on molecule columns will need to be rebuilt.
- The new compositional descriptors are available: calcFractionCSP3, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Rings, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Heterocycles, calcNum{Aromatic,Aliphatic,Saturated}Carbocycles
- The molecular quantum number (MQN) descriptors are available
- MACCS fingerprints are available
- BRICS decomposition is available.
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- RDKit fingerprint generation is now faster. The hashing algorithm used in the RDKit fingerprinter has changed.
- Force-field calculations are substantially faster (sf.net issue 290)
- The core of the BRICS implementation has been moved into C++.
- The MACCS fingerprint implementation has been moved into C++. (contribution from Roger Sayle)
- New documentation has been added: Cartridge.rst, Overview.rst, Install.rst
(Changes relative to Release_2012.09.1)
Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, Robert Feinstein, Nikolas Fechner, Nicholas Firth, Markus Hartenfeller, Jameed Hussain, Thorsten Meinl, Sereina Riniker, Roger Sayle, Gianluca Sforna, Pat Walters, Bernd Wiswedel
- Using parentheses for zero-level grouping now works in reaction SMARTS. This allows intramolecular reactions to be expressed.
- SMILES generated for molecules with ring stereochemistry (e.g. N[C@H]1CCC@HC(O)=O) are now canonical. (issue 40)
- SKP lines in a CTAB property block are now properly handled. (issue 255)
- The molecular drawing code now shows dotted lines for Any bonds. (issue 260)
- ROMol::debugMol() (ROMol.DebugMol() in Python) now reports isotope information. (issue 261)
- The molecular drawing code now correctly highlights wedged bonds. (issue 262)
- RWMol::addAtom() now adds atoms to conformers. (issue 264)
- TDT files with atomic coordinates now have those coordinates in the correct order. (issue 265)
- A ring-finding error/crash has been fixed. (issue 266)
- Dummy atoms now have a default valence of 0 and no maximim valence. (issue 267)
- The Python code no longer throws string exceptions. (issue 268)
- Invalid/unrecognized atom symbols in CTABs are no longer accepted. (issue 269)
- Chem.RDKFingerprint now accepts atom invariants with values larger than the number of atoms. (issue 270)
- The code should now all work when the locale (LANG) is set to values other than "C" or one of the English locales. (issue 271)
- Two-coordinate Hs are no longer removed by MolOps::removeHs(). (issue 272)
- R groups read from CTABs are now marked using setIsotope() instead of setMass(). (issue 273)
- Hs present in the molecule graph no longer incorrectly impact substructure matches. (issue 274)
- Murcko decomposition of molecules with chiral ring atoms now works. (issue 275)
- Methane now shows up in molecular drawings. (issue 276)
- '&' in SLN properties is now correctly handled. (issue 277)
- Molecules with string-valued molAtomMapNumber atomic properties can now be serialized. (issue 280)
- SMARTS strings containing a dot in a recursive piece are now properly parsed. (issue 281)
- The SMILES and SLN parsers no longer leak memory when sanitization of the result molecule fails. (issue 282)
- The cairo canvas drawing code now works with PIL v1.1.6 as well as more recent versions.
- RDKit ExplicitBitVects and DiscreteValueVects can now be directly converted into numpy arrays.
- Rogot-Goldberg similarity has been added.
- C++: BitVects and SparseIntVects now support a size() method.
- C++: DiscreteValueVects now support operator[].
- An initial version of a SWIG wrapper for C# has been added.
- Support for easily adding recursive queries to molecules and reactions has been added. More documentation is required for this feature.
- To allow more control over the reaction, it is possible to flag reactant atoms as being protected by setting the "_protected" property on those atoms. Flagged atoms will not be altered in the reaction.
- Atoms and Bonds now support a ClearProp() method from python.
- The new Python module rdkit.ML.Scoring.Scoring includes a number of standard tools for evaluating virtual screening experiments: ROC curve generation, AUC, RIE, BEDROC, and Enrichment.
- The function RDKit::Descriptors::getCrippenAtomContribs() (rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors._CalcCrippenContribs() from Python) can now optionally return atom-type information as ints or text.
- The Chi and Kappa descriptors are now available
- The Chi and Kappa descriptors are now available
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- The old SWIG wrapper code in $RDBASE/Code/Demos/SWIG has been removed. The SWIG wrappers are now in $RDBASE/Code/JavaWrappers
- The C++ code for drawing molecules previously found in $RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/Draw has been moved to $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/MolDrawing
- Calculation of the Chi and Kappa descriptors has been moved into C++.
- To make builds easier, the thread-safety of the recursive-smarts matcher has been made optional. The build option is RDK_BUILD_THREADSAFE_SSS.
- There are two new entries in the Contrib directory:
- Contrib/PBF : An implementation of the Plane of Best Fit contributed by Nicholas Firth.
- Contrib/mmpa : An implementation of GSK's matched molecular pairs algorithm contributed by Jameed Hussain
- A new "Cookbook" has been added to the documentation to provide a collection of recipes for how to do useful tasks.
(Changes relative to Release_2012.06.1)
- Some of the bug fixes affect the generation of SMILES. Canonical SMILES generated with this version of the RDKit will be different from previous versions.
- The fix to Issue 252 (see below) will lead to changes in calculated logP and MR values for some compounds.
- The fix to Issue 254 (see below) will lead to changes in some descriptors and geometries for sulfur-containing compounds.
- The fix to Issue 256 (see below) has changed the name of the optional argument to mol.GetNumAtoms from onlyHeavy to onlyExplicit. For compatibility reasons, Python code that uses explicitly uses onlyHeavy will still work, but it will generate warnings. This compatibility will be removed in a future release.
Gianpaolo Bravi, David Cosgrove, Andrew Dalke, Fabian Dey, James Davidson, JP Ebejer, Gabriele Menna, Stephan Reiling, Roger Sayle, James Swetnam
- The molecules that come from mergeQueryHs() now reset the RingInfo structure. (issue 245)
- The output from MurckoScaffold.MakeScaffoldGeneric no longer includes stereochemistry or explicit Hs. (issue 246)
- D and T atoms in CTABs now have their isotope information set. (issue 247)
- Some problems with ring finding in large, complex molecules have been fixed. (issue 249)
- The "rootedAtAtom" argument for FindAllSubgraphsOfLengthN is now handled properly. (issue 250)
- Bonds now have a SetProp() method available in Python. (issue 251)
- A number of problems with the Crippen atom parameters have been fixed. (issue 252)
- Ring closure digits are no longer repeated on the same atom in SMILES generated by the RDKit. (issue 253)
- Non-ring sulfur atoms adjacent to aromatic atoms are no longer set to be SP2 hybridized. This allows them to be stereogenic. (issue 254)
- The combineMols() function now clears computed properties on the result molecule.
- A couple of problems with the pickling functions on big endian hardware were fixed.
- The molecule drawing code now uses isotope information
- Superscript/Subscript handling in the agg canvas has been improved.
- SKP lines in CTABS are now propertly handled. (Issue 255)
- The name of the optional argument to mol.GetNumAtoms has been changed from onlyHeavy to onlyExplicit. The method counts the number of atoms in the molecular graph, not the number of heavy atoms. These numbers happen to usually be the same (which is why this has taken so long to show up), but there are exceptions if Hs or dummy atoms are in the graph. (Issue 256)
- Unknown bonds in SMILES are now output using '
' instead of '?'. The SMILES parser now recognizes '' as an "any bond" query. (Issue 257) - Lines containing only white space in SDF property blocks are no longer treated as field separators.
- Transition metals and lanthanides no longer have default valences assigned.
- The RDKit now has a maximum common substructure (MCS) implementation contributed by Andrew Dalke. This is currently implemented in Python and is available as: from rdkit.Chem import MCS Documentation is available as a docstring for the function MCS.FindMCS and in the GettingStarted document.
- A few new functions have been added to rdkit.Chem.Draw: MolsToImage(), MolsToGridImage(), ReactionToImage()
- CalcMolFormula() now provides the option to include isotope information.
- The RDKit and Layered fingerprinters both now accept "fromAtoms" arguments that can be used to limit which atoms contribute to the fingerprint.
- Version information is now available in the Java wrapper.
- The descriptor NumRadicalElectrons is now available.
- The PyMol interface now supports a GetPNG() method which returns the current contents of the viewer window as an PIL Image object.
- Molecules (ROMol in C++, rdkit.Chem.Mol in Python) now have a getNumHeavyAtoms() method.
- Component-level grouping (parens) can be used in reaction SMARTS.
- support for molecule <-> pickle conversion via the functions mol_to_pkl, mol_from_pkl, and is_valid_mol_pkl.
- support for bit vector <-> binary text conversion via the functions bfp_to_binary_text, bfp_from_binary_text
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- During this release cycle, the sourceforge project was updated to their new hosting system. This explains the change in bug/issue ids.
- the SMILES parser is now substantially faster.
- The molecular drawings generated by Code/Demo/RDKit/Draw/MolDrawing.h have been improved.
- There is now demo code availble for using the C++ drawing code within Qt applications. (contributed by David Cosgrove)
- The directory $RDBASE/Regress now contains sample data and scripts for benchmarking the database cartridge.
- Fused-ring aromaticity is now only considered in rings of up to size 24.
- It is no longer necessary to have flex and bison installed in order to build the RDKit.
(Changes relative to Release_2012.03.1)
- Some of the bug fixes affect the generation of SMILES. Canonical SMILES generated with this version of the RDKit will be different from previous versions.
Andrew Dalke, JP Ebejer, Igor Filippov, Peter Gedeck, Jan Holst Jensen, Adrian Jasiński, George Papadatos, Andrey Paramonov, Adrian Schreyer, James Swetnam
- Radicals are now indicated in molecular depictions. (Issue 3516995)
- Calling .next() on an SDMolSupplier at eof no longer results in an infinite loop. (Issue 3524949)
- Chirality perception no longer fails in large molecules. (Issue 3524984)
- problem creating molblock for atom with four chiral nbrs (Issue 3525000)
- A second sanitization leads to a different molecule. (Issue 3525076)
- can't parse Rf atom in SMILES (Issue 3525668)
- generates [HH2-] but can't parse it (Issue 3525669)
- improper (re)perception of 1H-phosphole (Issue 3525671)
- ForwardSDMolSupplier not skipping forward on some errors (Issue 3525673)
- SMILES/SMARTS parsers don't recognize 0 atom maps (Issue 3525776)
- R group handling in SMILES (Issue 3525799)
- Canonical smiles failure in symmetric heterocycles (Issue 3526810)
- Canonical smiles failure with "extreme" isotopes (Issue 3526814)
- Canonical smiles failure with many symmetric fragments (Issue 3526815)
- Canonical smiles failure with dependent double bonds (Issue 3526831)
- Build Fails Due to Missing include in Code/RDBoost/Wrap.h (Issue 3527061)
- Incorrect template parameter use in std::make_pair (Issue 3528136)
- Canonicalization failure in cycle (Issue 3528556)
- incorrect values reported in ML analysis (Issue 3528817)
- Cartridge does not work on 32bit ubuntu 12.04 (Issue 3531232)
- Murcko Decomposition generates unuseable molecule. (Issue 3537675)
- A few memory leaks were fixed in the Java Wrappers
- The exact mass of molecules with non-standard isotopes is now calculated correctly.
- The default (Euclidean) distance metric should now work with Butina clustering.
- Some bugs in the depictor were fixed.
- AvalonTools bug with coordinate generation for mols with no conformers fixed.
- ChemicalFeatures now support an optional id
- Isotope handling has been greatly improved. Atoms now have a getIsotope() (GetIsotope() in Python) method that returns zero if no isotope has been set, the isotope number otherwise.
- The function MolFragmentToSmiles can be used to generate canonical SMILES for pieces of molecules.
- The function getHashedMorganFingerprint (GetHashedMorganFingerprint in Python) has been added.
- The functions mol_from_smiles(), mol_from_smarts(), and mol_from_ctab() now return a null value instead of generating an error when the molecule processing fails. This allows molecule tables to be constructed faster.
- The functions mol_to_smiles() and mol_to_smarts() have been added.
- Creating gist indices on bit-vector fingerprint columns is faster.
- The indexing fingerprint for molecular substructures has been changed. The new fingerprint is a bit slower to generate, but is considerably better at screening. More information here: http://code.google.com/p/rdkit/wiki/ImprovingTheSubstructureFingerprint
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- Support for older (pre9.1) postgresql versions.
Removed modules:
- rdkit.Excel
- the code in $RDBASE/Code/PgSQL/RDLib
- rdkit.Chem.AvailDescriptors : the same functionality is now available in a more useable manner from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors
- Similarity calculations on ExplicitBitVectors should now be much faster
- Use of [Xa], [Xb], etc. for dummy atoms in SMILES is no longer possible. Use the "" notation and either isotopes (i.e. [1], [2*]) or atom maps (i.e. [:1], [:2]) instead.
- Initial work was done towards make the RDKit work on big endian hardware (mainly changes to the way pickles are handled)
- Canonical SMILES generation is now substantially faster.
(Changes relative to Release_2011.12.1)
- The atom-atom match behavior for non-query atoms has been changed. This affects the results of doing substructure matches using query molecules that are not constructed from SMARTS.
JP Ebejer, Paul Emsley, Roger Sayle, Adrian Schreyer, Gianluca Sforna, Riccardo Vianello
- the older form of group evaluations in Mol blocks is now correctly parsed. (Issue 3477283)
- some problems with handling aromatic boron were fixed. (Issue 3480481)
- the SD writer no longer adds an extra $$$$ when molecule parsing fails (Issue 3480790)
- molecules in SD files that don't contain atoms are now parsed without warnings and their properties are read in. (Issue 3482695)
- it's now possible to embed molecules despite failures in the triangle bounds checking (Issue 3483968)
- Isotope information in Mol blocks is now written to M ISO lines instead of going in the atom block. (Issue 3494552)
- Better 2D coordinates are now generated for neighbors of atoms with unspecified hybridization. (Issue 3487469)
- Dummy atoms and query atoms are now assigned UNSPECIFIED hybridization instead of SP. (Issue 3487473)
- Error reporting for SMARTS involving recursion has been improved. (Issue 3495296)
- Some problems of queries and generating SMARTS for queries were resolved. (Issues 3496759, 3496799, 3496800)
- It's now possible to do database queries with SMARTS that use the index. (Issue 3493156).
- A series of problems related to thread safety were fixed.
- Tracking the lifetime of owning molecules across the C++/Python border is now being handled better (Issue 3510149)
- A bug with ring-finding in some complex fused ring systems was fixed. (Issue 3514824)
- The AllChem module now imports successfully even if the SLN parser hasn't been built.
- The molecular sanitization is now configurable using an optional command-line argument.
- It's now possible to get information from the sanitization routine about which operation failed.
- Suppliers support GetLastItemText()
- ComputeDihedralAngle() and ComputeSignedDihedralAngle() were added to the rdkit.Geometry module.
- computeSignedDihedralAngle() was added to the C++ API
- ChemicalReactions now support a GetReactingAtoms() method
- the Mol file and Mol block parsers, as well as the SD suppliers, now support an optional "strictParsing" argument. When this is set to False, problems in the structure of the input file are ignored when possible
- EditableMols return the index of the atom/bond added by AddAtom/AddBond
- rdkit.Chem.Draw.MolToImage() now supports an optional "legend" argument
- The MolToSmiles function now supports an optional "allBondsExplicit" argument.
- the functions mol_from_smiles() and mol_from_smarts() were added
- the diversity picker now supports an optional random-number seed
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- rdkit.Excel
Removed modules:
- rdkit.ML.Descriptors.DescriptorsCOM
- rdkit.ML.Composite.CompositeCOM
- Assigning/cleaning up stereochemistry is now considerably faster. This makes standard molecule construction faster.
(Changes relative to Release_2011.09.1)
- The functions for creating bit vector fingerprints using atom pairs and topological torsions have been changed. The new default behavior will return different fingerprints than previous RDKit versions. This affects usage from c++, python, and within the postgresql cartridge. See the "## Other" section below for more details.
- Due to a bug fix in the parameter set, the MolLogP and MolMR descriptor calculators now return different values for some molecules. See the "## Bug Fixes" section below for more details.
- To make storage more efficient, the size of the fingerprint used to store morgan fingerprints in the database cartridge has been changed from 1024 bits to 512 bits. If you update the cartridge version all morgan and featmorgan fingerprints and indices will need to be re-generated.
Andrew Dalke, JP Ebejer, Roger Sayle, Adrian Schreyer, Gianluca Sforna, Riccardo Vianello, Toby Wright
- molecules with polymeric S group information are now rejected by the Mol file parser. (Issue 3432136)
- A bad atom type definition and a bad smarts definition were fixed in $RDBASE/Data/Crippen.txt. This affects the values returned by the logp and MR calculators. (Issue 3433771)
- Unused atom-map numbers in reaction products now produce warnings instead of errors. (Issue 3434271)
- rdMolDescriptors.GetHashedAtomPairFingerprint() now works. (Issue 3441641)
- ReplaceSubstructs() now copies input molecule conformations to the output molecule. (Issue 3453144)
- three-coordinate S and Se are now stereogenic (i.e. the stereochemistry of O=S@F is no longer ignored). (Issue 3453172)
- Integration with the new IPython graphical canvas has been added. For details see this wiki page: http://code.google.com/p/rdkit/wiki/IPythonIntegration
- Input and output from Andrew Dalke's FPS format (http://code.google.com/p/chem-fingerprints/wiki/FPS) for fingerprints.
- The descriptor CalcNumAmideBonds() was added.
- Support for PostgreSQL v9.1
- Integration with PostgreSQL's KNN-GIST functionality. (Thanks to Adrian Schreyer)
- the functions all_values_gt(sfp,N) and all_values_lt(sfp,N) were added.
- A function for doing diversity picking using fingerprint similarity.
- support for the Avalon Toolkit (see below)
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- rdkit.Excel
- rdkit.ML.Descriptors.DescriptorsCOM
- rdkit.ML.Composite.CompositeCOM
Removed modules:
- rdkit.WebUtils
- rdkit.Reports
- rdkit.mixins
- Improvements to the SMARTS parser (Roger Sayle)
- The atom-pair and topological-torsion fingerprinting functions that return bit vectors now simulate counts by setting multiple bits in the fingerprint per atom-pair/torsion. The number of bits used is controlled by the nBitsPerEntry argument, which now defaults to 4. The new default behavior does a much better job of reproducing the similarities calculated using count-based fingerprints: 95% of calculated similarities are within 0.09 of the count-based value compared with 0.22 or 0.17 for torsions and atom-pairs previously. To get the old behavior, set nBitsPerEntry to 1.
- Optional support has been added for the Avalon Toolkit (https://sourceforge.net/projects/avalontoolkit/) to provide an alternate smiles canonicalization, fingerprint, and 2D coordination generation algorithm.
- The SLN support can now be switched off using the cmake variable RDK_BUILD_SLN_SUPPORT.
- There are now instructions for building the RDKit and the SWIG wrappers in 64bit mode on windows.
(Changes relative to Release_2011.06.1)
- A bug in the definition of the Lipinski HBD descriptor was fixed in this release. The descriptor Lipinski.NHOHCount will return different values for molecules containing Ns or Os with more than one attached H.
Eddie Cao, Richard Cooper, Paul Czodrowski, James Davidson, George Papadatos, Riccardo Vianello
- A problem with interpretation of stereochemistry from mol files was fixed (Issue 3374639)
- Sterochemistry information for exocyclic double bonds in mol blocks is no longer lost. (Issue 3375647)
- linear double bonds from mol files now have their stereochemistry set correctly(Issue 3375684)
- Chirality for phosphates and sulfates is not longer automatically removed. (Issue 3376319)
- A bug with the reading of query information from mol files was fixed. (Issue 3392107)
- Sterochemistry is now cleaned up after processing mol2 files. (Issue 3399798)
- mergeQueryHs now correctly handles atoms with multiple Hs (Issue 3415204)
- mergeQueryHs now correctly handles atoms without initial query information (Issue 3415206)
- the calcLipinskiHBD() (equivalent to Lipinski.NHOHCount) descriptor now correctly handles Ns or Os with multiple Hs. (Issue 3415534)
- Morgan fingerprints generated using the fromAtoms argument now have all bits from those atoms set.(Issue 3415636)
- A problem with the way MolSuppliers handle the EOF condition when built with the most recent versions of g++ was fixed.
- Translation of RDKit stereochemistry information into InChI stereochemistry information is improved.
- molecules can now be built from mol blocks using the function mol_from_ctab(). The corresponding is_valid_ctab() function was also added.
- the radius argument is now optional for the functions morganbv_fp, morgan_fp, featmorganbv_fp, and featmorgan_fp. The default radius for all four functions is 2.
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- The documentation in $RDBASE/Docs/Book has been migrated to use Sphinx instead of OpenOffice.
- The optional InChI support can now be built using a system installation of the InChI library.
(Changes relative to Release_2011.03.2)
- Eddie Cao, Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, JP Ebejer, Gianluca Sforna, Riccardo Vianello, Bernd Wiswedel
- A problem with similarity values between SparseIntVects that contain negative values was fixed. (Issue 3295215)
- An edge case in SmilesMolSupplier.GetItemText() was fixed. (Issue 3299878)
- The drawing code now uses dashed lines for aromatic bonds without kekulization. (Issue 3304375)
- AllChem.ConstrainedEmbed works again. (Issue 3305420)
- atomic RGP values from mol files are accessible from python (Issue 3313539)
- M RGP blocks are now written to mol files. (Issue 3313540)
- Atom.GetSymbol() for R atoms read from mol files is now correct. (Issue 3316600)
- The handling of isotope specifications is more robust.
- A thread-safety problem in SmilesWrite::GetAtomSmiles() was fixed.
- some of the MACCS keys definitions have been corrected
- Atoms with radical counts > 2 are no longer always written to CTABs with a RAD value of 3. (Issue 3359739)
- The smiles, smarts, and reaction smarts parsers all now take an additional argument, "replacements", that carries out string substitutions pre-parsing.
- There is now optional support for generating InChI codes and keys for molecules.
- the atom pair and topological torsion fingerprint generators now take an optional "ignoreAtoms" argument
- a function to calculate exact molecular weight was added.
- new java wrappers are now available in $RDBASE/Code/JavaWrappers
- the methods getMostCommonIsotope() and getMostCommonIsotopeMass() have been added to the PeriodicTable class.
- Support for generating InChIs and InChI keys (if the RDKit InChI support is enabled).
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- The original SWIG wrappers in $RDBASE/Code/Demos/SWIG are deprecated
Removed modules:
- The quality of the drawings produced by both the python molecule drawing code and $RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/Draw is better.
- the python molecule drawing code will now use superscripts and subscripts appropriately when using the aggdraw or cairo canvases (cairo canvas requires pango for this to work).
- $RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/Draw now includes an example using cairo
- A lot of compiler warnings were cleaned up.
- The error reporting in the SMILES, SMARTS, and SLN parsers was improved.
- the code for calculating molecular formula is now in C++ (Descriptors::calcMolFormula())
(Changes relative to Release_2011.03.1)
- A problem in the refactored drawing code that caused the rdkit.Chem.Draw functionality to not work at all was fixed.
(Changes relative to Release_2010.12.1)
- Eddie Cao, James Davidson, Kirk DeLisle, Peter Gedeck, George Magoon, TJ O'Donnell, Gianluca Sforna, Nik Stiefl, Bernd Wiswedel
- The performance of SSSR finding for molecules with multiple highly-fused ring systems has been improved. (Issue 3185548)
- Isotope information is now correctly saved when molecules are serialized (pickled). (Issue 3205280)
- Generating SMILES for a molecule no longer changes the molecule. This fixes a round-trip bug with certain highly symmetric molecules read from SD files. (Issue 3228150)
- Another bounds-matrix generation bug for highly (con)strained systems was fixed. (Issue 3238580)
- Conformation information is now better handled by deleteSubstructs(), replaceSubstructs(), and replaceCore().
- the rdkit.Chem.Draw package has been significantly refactored.
- Code for doing Murcko decomposition of molecules has been added. From Python this is in the module: rdkit.Chem.Scaffolds.MurckoScaffold It's available in C++ in the GraphMol/ChemTransforms area.
- rdkit.Chem.AllChem.TransformMol() now takes optional arguments allowing the conformation to be transformed to be specified and other existing conformations to be preserved.
- Calculations for most of the descriptors in rdkit.Chem.Lipinski and rdkit.Chem.MolSurf have been moved into C++. The python API is the same, but the calculations should be somewhat faster.
- Extensive feature additions to the SWIG-based java wrapper.
- The Chem.ReplaceCore() function is now better suited for use in R-group decomposition.
- The Morgan fingerprinting code can now return information about which atoms set particular bits.
- The function pathToSubmol() now copies coordinate information from conformations (if present). The function is also now available from Python
- The path and subgraph finding code now takes an optional rootedAtAtom argument to allow only paths/subgraphs that start at a particular atom to be generated.
- The function findAtomEnvironmentOfRadiusN has been added to allow circular atom environments to be located in molecules.
- MolOps::assignStereochemistry now can also flag potential stereocenters that are not specified.
- the descriptor-calculation functions mol_numrotatablebonds(), mol_numheteroatoms(), mol_numrings(), and mol_tpsa() have been added.
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- In C++, the functions CalcCrippenDescriptors and CalcAMW have been renamed calcCrippenDescriptors and calcAMW to make them consistent with the other descriptor calculators.
- The molecule serialization (pickling) format has been changed. The new format is more compact.
(Changes relative to Release_2010.09.1)
- Due to changes made to the fingerprinting code, RDKit and layered fingerprints generated with this release are not compatible with those from previous releases. For users of the database cartridge: you will need to re-generate RDKit fingerprint columns and any indices on molecule tables.
- Eddie Cao, Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, Kirk DeLisle, Peter Gedeck, TJ O'Donnell, Gianluca Sforna, Nik Stiefl, Riccardo Vianello
- The depiction code no longer crashes with single-atom templates (issue 3122141)
- Aromatic bonds in the beginning of a SMILES branch are now correctly parsed (issue 3127883)
- A crash when generating 2d constrained coordinates was fixed (issue 3135833)
- Stereochemistry no longer removed from double bonds in large rings. (issue 3139534)
- Atom mapping information no longer in reaction products (issue 3140490)
- Smiles parse failure with repeated ring labels and dot disconnects fixed (issue 3145697)
- a bug causing the molecule drawing code to not use the cairo canvas when it's installed was fixed
- the SMILES generated for charged, aromatic Se or Te has been fixed (issue 3152751)
- PropertyMols constructed from pickles and then written to SD files will now include the properties in the SD file.
- SMILES can now be generated correctly for very large molecules where more than 50 rings are open at once. (issue 3154028)
- All molecular descriptor calculators are now pulled in by the rdkit.Chem.Descriptors module. So you can do things like: Descriptors.MolLogP(mol) or Descriptors.fr_amide(mol)
- Atom-map numbers in SMILES are now supported. They can be accessed as the atomic "molAtomMapNumber" property. (issue 3140494)
- It's now possible to tell the RDKit to generate non-canonical SMILES via an optional argument to MolToSmiles. This is faster than generating canonical SMILES, but is primarity intended for debugging/testing. (issue 3140495)
- The function GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure() has been added to the rdkit.Chem.AllChem module to make generating template-aligned depictions easier.
- Generating FCFP-like fingerprints is now more straightforward via the useFeatures optional argument to GetMorganFingerprint()
- Extensive changes were made to the layered fingerprinting code to allow better coverage of queries.
- Functionality for stripping common salts from molecules has been added in rdkit.Chem.SaltRemover. The salts themselves are defined in $RDBASE/Data/Salts.txt
- Functionality for recognizing common functional groups has been added in rdkit.Chem.FunctionalGroups. The functional groups themselves are defined in $RDBASE/Data/Functional_Group_Hierarchy.txt
- The cartridge now supports SMARTS queries.
- The functions is_valid_{smiles,smarts}() are now available (issue 3097359).
- The operator @= is now supported for testing molecule equality. (issue 3120707)
- The functions featmorgan_fp() and featmorganbv_fp() are now available for generating FCFP-like fingerprints.
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- rdkit.Chem.AvailDescriptors : the same functionality is now available in a more useable manner from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors (see above).
Removed modules:
- RDKit support has been added to the Knime data mining and reporting tool. More information is available from the knime.org community site: http://tech.knime.org/community/rdkit Thanks to Thorsten, Bernd, Michael, and the rest of the crew at knime.com for making this possible.
- RPMs to allow easy installation of the RDKit on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL and similar systems are now available. Thanks to Gianluca Sforna for doing this work.
- The database cartridge now statically links the RDKit libraries. This should make installation easier.
- The RDKit fingerprinter now by default sets 2 bits per hashed subgraph instead of 4. The old behavior can be regained by setting nBitsPerHash to 4.
(Changes relative to Release_Q22010_1)
- Due to changes made to the layered fingerprinting code, fingerprints generated with this release are not compatible with fingerprints from earlier releases.
- The default arguments to the Morgan fingerprinting code will yield fingerprints that are not backwards compatible.
- Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, Paul Emsley, Peter Gedeck, Uwe Hoffmann, Christian Kramer, Markus Kossner, TJ O'Donnell, Gianluca Sforna, Nik Stiefl, Riccardo Vianello
- A typo in the parameters for the Crippen clogp calculator was fixed. (issue 3057201)
- some problems in the layered fingerprinting code were fixed. (issue 3030388)
- a bug in the ring-finding code that could lead to incorrect results or crashes in large molecules was fixed.
- the Murtagh clustering code should now execute correctly on recent versions of the MacOS.
- some problems with the cairo canvas were fixed
- a problem with matching non-default isotope SSS queries for molecules read in from CTABs was fixed (issue 3073163).
- a problem with calculating AMW for molecules with non-default isotopes was fixed.
- a PostgreSQL cartridge for similarity and substructure searching has been added to the RDKit distribution.
- The Morgan fingerprinting code accepts additional arguments that control whether or not bond order and chirality are taken into account. By default chirality is ignored and the bond order is used. Another change with the MorganFPs is that ring information is now included by default.
- 2D coordinates can now be generated for chemical reactions.
- The functions IsMoleculeReactantOfReaction and IsMoleculeProductOfReaction have been added to the C++ interface. From python these are methods of the ChemicalReaction class: rxn.IsMoleculeReactant and rxn.IsMoleculeProduct
- The default bond length for depiction can now be changed.
- FCFP-like fingerprints can now be generated with the Morgan fingerprinting code by starting with feature invariants.
- The close() method has been added to MolWriters.
- Morgan, atom-pair, and topological-torsion fingerprints can now also be calculated as bit vectors.
- RDKit and layered fingerprints can now be generated using only linear paths.
- the function findAllPathsOfLengthMtoN() was added
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
Removed modules:
- rdkit/qtGui
- rdkit/RDToDo
- Projects/SDView
- As of this release a new version numbering scheme is being used: YYYY.MM.minor. An example, this release was done in Sept. of 2010 so it's v2010.09.1.
- the RDBASE environment variable is no longer required. It will be used if set, but the code should work without it
- The directory Contrib/M_Kossner contains two new contributions from Markus Kossner.
- A change was made to the subgraph matching code that speeds up substructure searches involving repeated recursive queries.
- the deprecated registerQuery argument has been removed from the substructure matching functions.
- the empty header files AtomProps.h and BondProps.h have been removed.
- in order to simplify the build process the test databases are now in svn
- some python functions to calculate descriptors (i.e. pyMolWt, pyMolLogP, etc.) that have C++ equivalents have been removed to clean up the interface
- the PIL canvas should no longer generate warnings
- Thanks to the help of Gianluca Sforna and Riccardo Vianello, it is now much easier to package and distribute the RDKit.
- the bjam-based build system has been removed.
(Changes relative to Release_Q12010_1)
- There are a couple of refactoring changes that affect people using the RDKit from C++. Please look in the ## Other section below for a list.
- If you are building the RDKit yourself, changes made in this release require that you use a reasonably up-to-date version of flex to build it. Please look in the ## Other section below for more information.
- Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, Kirk DeLisle, Thomas Heller, Peter Gedeck, Greg Magoon, Noel O'Boyle, Nik Stiefl,
- The depictor no longer generates NaNs for some molecules on windows (issue 2995724)
- query features work correctly with chiral atoms. (issue 3000399)
- mols will no longer be deleted by python when atoms/bonds returned from mol.Get{Atom,Bond}WithIdx() are still active. (issue 3007178)
- a problem with force-field construction for five-coordinate atoms was fixed. (issue 3009337)
- double bonds to terminal atoms are no longer marked as "any" bonds when writing mol blocks. (issue 3009756)
- a problem with stereochemistry of double bonds linking rings was fixed. (issue 3009836)
- a problem with R/S assignment was fixed. (issue 3009911)
- error and warning messages are now properly displayed when cmake builds are used on windows.
- a canonicalization problem with double bonds incident onto aromatic rings was fixed. (issue 3018558)
- a problem with embedding fused small ring systems was fixed. (issue 3019283)
- RXN files can now be written. (issue 3011399)
- reaction smarts can now be written.
- v3000 RXN files can now be read. (issue 3009807)
- better support for query information in mol blocks is present. (issue 2942501)
- Depictions of reactions can now be generated.
- Morgan fingerprints can now be calculated as bit vectors (as opposed to count vectors.
- the method GetFeatureDefs() has been added to MolChemicalFeatureFactory
- repeated recursive SMARTS queries in a single SMARTS will now be recognized and matched much faster.
- the SMILES and SMARTS parsers can now be run safely in multi-threaded code.
Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
- rdkit/qtGui
- Projects/SDView
Removed modules:
- SVD code: External/svdlibc External/svdpackc rdkit/PySVD
- rdkit/Chem/CDXMLWriter.py
The large scale changes in the handling of stereochemistry were made for this release. These should make the code more robust.
If you are building the RDKit yourself, changes made in this release require that you use a reasonably up-to-date version of flex to build it. This is likely to be a problem on Redhat, and redhat-derived systems. Specifically: if your version of flex is something like 2.5.4 (as opposed to something like 2.5.33, 2.5.34, etc.), you will need to get a newer version from http://flex.sourceforge.net in order to build the RDKit.
Changes only affecting C++ programmers:
- The code for calculating topological-torsion and atom-pair fingerprints has been moved from $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/Descriptors to $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/Fingerprints.
- The naming convention for methods of ExplicitBitVect and SparseBitVect have been changed to make it more consistent with the rest of the RDKit.
- the bjam-based build system should be considered deprecated. This is the last release it will be actively maintained.
(Changes relative to Release_Q42009_1)
- Andrew Dalke, Jean-Marc Nuzillard, Noel O'Boyle, Gianluca Sforna, Nik Stiefl, Anna Vulpetti
- Substantial improvements were made to the SLN parser
- A bad depiction case was fixed. (issue 2948402)
- Hs added to planar carbons are no longer in the same plane as the other atoms. (issue 2951221)
- Elements early in the periodic table (e.g. Mg, Na, etc.) no longer have their radical counts incorrectly assigned. (issue 2952255)
- Some improvements were made to the v3k mol file parser. (issue 2952272)
- Double bonds with unspecified stereochemistry are now correctly flagged when output to mol files. (issue 2963522)
- A segmentation fault that occured when kekulizing modified molecules has been fixed. (issue 2983794)
- The MaxMin diversity picker can now be given a seed for the random number generator to ensure reproducible results.
- the vflib source, which is no longer used, was removed from the External source tree. It's still available in svn at rev1323 or via this tarball: http://rdkit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rdkit/trunk/External/vflib-2.0.tar.gz?view=tar&pathrev=1323
- the directory Contrib has been added to the RDKit distribution to house contributions that don't necessarily fit anywhere else. The first contribution here is a collection of scripts required to implement local-environment fingerprints contributed by Anna Vulpetti.
- Some optimization work was done on the molecule initialization code: reading in molecules is now somewhat faster.
- Some optimization work was done on the RDK and Layered fingerprinting code.
(Changes relative to Release_Q32009_1)
- A bug fix in the SMARTS parser has changed the way atom-map numbers in Reaction SMARTS are parsed. Earlier versions of the RDKit required that atom maps be specified at the beginning of a complex atom query: [CH3:1,NH2]>>[:1]O The corrected version only accepts this form: [CH3,NH2:1]>>[:1]O This change may break existing SMARTS patterns.
- A switch to using cmake as the build system instead of bjam has made the RDKit much easier to build.
- Andrew Dalke, Kirk DeLisle, David Hall, Markus Kossner, Adrian Schreyer, Nikolaus Stiefl, Jeremy Yang
- the SMARTS parser now correctly requires tha atom-map numbers be at the end of a complex atom query. (issue 1804420)
- a bug in the way SMARTS matches are uniquified has been fixed (issue 2884178)
- The new SMARTS atomic query feature "x" (number of ring bonds) is now supported.
- The proof-of-concept for a SWIG-based wrapper around the RDKit has been expanded a bit in functionality. Samples are now included for Java, C#, and Python.
- Information about the current RDKit and boost versions is now available from C++ (file RDGeneral/versions.h) and Python (rdBase.rdkitVersion and rdBase.boostVersion)
- The KNN code now supports weighted nearest-neighbors calculations with a radius cutoff.
- The lapack dependency has been completely removed from the RDKit.
- The supported build system for the RDKit is now cmake (http://www.cmake.org) instead of bjam. See the file INSTALL for the new installation instructions. Files for bjam are still included in the distribution but are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
(Changes relative to Release_Q22009_1)
- Due to bug fixes in the boost random-number generator, RDK fingerprints generated with boost 1.40 are not backwards compatible with those from earlier versions.
- Uwe Hoffmann, Nik Stiefl, Greg Magoon, Ari Gold-Parker, Akihiro Yokota, Kei Taneishi, Riccardo Vianello, Markus Kossner
- the canonOrient argument to the depiction code now works (issue 2821647)
- typo in the depictor 2D embedding code fixed
(issue 2822883) - single aromatic atoms in chains now (correctly) fail sanitization (issue 2830244)
- problem with embedding and fused rings fixed (issue 2835784)
- crash when reading some large molecules fixed (issue 2840217)
- trailing newline in TemplateExpand.py fixed (issue 2867325)
- fingerprint incompatibility on 64bit machines fixed (issue 2875658)
- PropertyMol properties are now written to SD files (issue 2880943)
- to the extent possible, reactions now transfer coordinates from reactant molecules to product molecules (issue 2832951)
- the function DaylightFingerprintMol() has been removed
- the outdated support for Interbase has been removed
- the Compute2DCoords() function in Python now canonicalizes the orientation of the molecule by default.
- the distance-geometry code should now generate less bad amide conformations. (issue 2819563)
- the quality of distance-geometry embeddings for substituted- and fused-ring systems should be better.
(Changes relative to Release_Q12009_2)
- Uwe Hoffmann, Marshall Levesque, Armin Widmer
- handling of crossed bonds in mol files fixed (issue 2804599)
- serialization bug fixed (issue 2788233)
- pi systems with 2 electrons now flagged as aromatic (issue 2787221)
- Chirality swap on AddHs (issue 2762917)
- core leak in UFFOptimizeMolecule fixed (issue 2757824)
- cairo support in the mol drawing code (from Uwe Hoffmann) (issue 2720611)
- Tversky and Tanimoto similarities now supported for SparseIntVects
- AllProbeBitsMatch supported for BitVect-BitVect comparisons
- ChemicalReactions support serialization (pickling) (issue 2799770)
- GetAtomPairFingerprint() supports minLength and maxLength arguments
- GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint() added
- preliminary support added for v3K mol files
- ForwardSDMolSupplier added
- CompressedSDMolSupplier added (not supported on windows)
- UFFHasAllMoleculeParams() added
- substructure searching code now uses an RDKit implementation of the vf2 algorithm. It's much faster.
- Atom.GetPropNames() and Bond.GetPropNames() now available from python
- BRICS code now supports FindBRICSBonds() and BreakBRICSBonds()
- atom labels Q, A, and * in CTABs are more correctly supported (issue 2797708)
- rdkit.Chem.PropertyMol added (issue 2742959)
- support has been added for enabling and disabling logs (issue 2738020)
- A demo has been added for using the MPI with the RDKit ($RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/MPI).
- Embedding code is now better at handling chiral structures and should produce results for molecules with atoms that don't have UFF parameters.
- the UFF code is more robust w.r.t. missing parameters
- GetHashedAtomPairFingerprint() returns SparseIntVect instead of ExplicitBitVect
- the CTAB parser (used for mol files and SD files) is faster
- extensive changes to the layered fingerprinting code; fingerprinting queries is now possible
- molecule discriminator code moved into $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/Subgraphs
- the SDView4 prototype has been expanded
- $RDBASE/Regress has been added to contain regression and benchmarking data and scripts.
- support for sqlalchemy has been added to $RDBASE/rdkit/Chem/MolDb
- $RDBASE/Projects/DbCLI/SDSearch.py has been removed; use the CreateDb.py and SearchDb.py scripts in the same directory instead.
- the BRICS code has been refactored
(Changes relative to Release_Q42008_1)
- The directory structure of the distribution has been changed in order to make installation of the RDKit python modules more straightforward. Specifically the directory $RDBASE/Python has been renamed to $RDBASE/rdkit and the Python code now expects that $RDBASE is in your PYTHONPATH. When importing RDKit Python modules, one should now do: "from rdkit import Chem" instead of "import Chem". Old code will continue to work if you also add $RDBASE/rdkit to your PYTHONPATH, but it is strongly suggested that you update your scripts to reflect the new organization.
- For C++ programmers: There is a non-backwards compatible change in the way atoms and bonds are stored on molecules. See the ## Other section for details.
- Kirk DeLisle, Noel O'Boyle, Andrew Dalke, Peter Gedeck, Armin Widmer
- Incorrect coordinates from mol2 files (issue 2727976)
- Incorrect handling of 0s as ring closure digits (issues 2525792, and 2690982)
- Incorrect handling of atoms with explicit Hs in reactions (issue 2540021)
- SmilesMolSupplier.GetItemText() crashes (issue 2632960)
- Incorrect handling of dot separations in reaction SMARTS (issue 2690530)
- Bad charge lines in mol blocks for large molecules (issue 2692246)
- Order dependence in AssignAtomChiralTagsFromStructure (issue 2705543)
- Order dependence in the 2D pharmacophore code
- the LayeredFingerprints now handle non-aromatic single ring bonds between aromatic atoms correctly.
- BRICS implementation
- Morgan/circular fingerprints implementation
- The 2D pharmacophore code now uses standard RDKit fdef files.
- Atom parity information in CTABs now written and read. If present on reading, atom parity flags are stored in the atomic property "molParity".
- An optional "fromAtoms" argument has been added to the atom pairs and topological torsion fingerprints. If this is provided, only atom pairs including the specified atoms, or torsions that either start or end at the specified atoms, will be included in the fingerprint.
- Kekulization is now optional when generating CTABs. Since the MDL spec suggests that aromatic bonds not be used, this is primarily intended for debugging purposes.
- the removeStereochemistry() (RemoveStereoChemistry() from Python) function has been added to remove all stereochemical information from a molecule.
- The Qt3-based GUI functionality in $RDBASE/rdkit/qtGui and $RDBASE/Projects/SDView is deprecated. It should still work, but it will be removed in a future release. Please do not build anything new on this (very old and creaky) framework.
- The function DaylightFingerprintMol() is now deprecated, use RDKFingerprintMol() instead.
- For C++ programmers: The ROMol methods getAtomPMap() and
getBondPMap() have been removed. The molecules themselves now support
an operator method that can be used to convert graph iterators
(e.g. ROMol:edge_iterator, ROMol::vertex_iterator,
ROMol::adjacency_iterator) to the corresponding Atoms and Bonds.
New API for looping over an atom's bonds:
... molPtr is a const ROMol * ...
... atomPtr is a const Atom * ...
ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg,end;
boost::tie(beg,end) = molPtr->getAtomBonds(atomPtr);
const BOND_SPTR bond=(*molPtr)[*beg];
... do something with the Bond ...
New API for looping over a molecule's atoms:
... mol is an ROMol ...
ROMol::VERTEX_ITER atBegin,atEnd;
boost::tie(atBegin,atEnd) = mol.getVertices();
while(atBegin!=atEnd){ ATOM_SPTR at2=mol[*atBegin]; ... do something with the Atom ... ++atBegin; }
(Changes relative to Release_Q32008_1)
- A fix in the handling of stereochemistry in rings means that the SMILES generated with this release are different from those in previous releases. Note that the canonicalization algorithm does not work in cases of pure ring stereochemistry : the SMILES should be correct, but it is not canonical. Rings containing chiral centers should be fine.
- Kirk DeLisle, Markus Kossner, Greg Magoon, Nik Stiefl
- core leaks in learning code (issue 2152622)
- H-bond acceptor definitions (issue 2183240)
- handling of aromatic dummies (issue 2196817)
- errors in variable quantization (issue 2202974)
- errors in information theory functions on 64 bit machines (issue 2202977)
- kekulization problems (issue 2202977)
- infinite loop in getShortestPaths() for disconnected structures (issue 2219400)
- error in depictor for double bonds with stereochemistry connected to rings (issue 2303566)
- aromaticity flags not copied to null atoms in reaction products (issue 2308128)
- aromaticity perception in large molecule hangs (issue 2313979)
- invariant error in canonicalization (issue 2316677)
- mol file parser handling of bogus bond orders (issue 2337369)
- UFF optimization not terminating when atoms are on top of each other (issue 2378119)
- incorrect valence errors with 4 coordinate B- (issue 2381580)
- incorrect parsing of atom-list queries with high-numbered atoms (issue 2413431)
- MolOps::mergeQueryHs() crashing with non-query molecules. (issue 2414779)
- SLN parser (request 2136703).
- Mol2 parser : Corina atom types (request 2136705).
- Building under mingw (request 2292153).
- Null bonds in reaction products are replaced with the corresponding bond from the reactants (request 2308123).
- a bunch of deprecation warnings from numpy have been cleaned up (issue 2318431)
- updated documentation
- some optimization work on the fingerprinter
(Changes relative to Release_May2008_1)
- Noel O'Boyle, Igor Filippov, Evgueni Kolossov, Greg Magoon
- A memory leak in the ToBase64 and FromBase64 wrapper functions was fixed.
- The UFF atom typer has been made more permissive: it now will pick "close" atom types for things it does not recognize. (issue 2094445)
- The handling of molecules containing radicals has been greatly improved (issues 2091839, 2091890, 2093420)
- Iterative (or secondary, or dependent) chirality is now supported, see this page for more information: http://code.google.com/p/rdkit/wiki/IterativeChirality (issue 1931470)
- Isotope handling has been changed, this allows correct matching of SMARTS with specified isotopes. (issue 1968930)
- Some problems with the MACCS key definitions have been fixed. (issue 2027446)
- Molecules with multiple fragments can now be correctly embedded. (issue 1989539)
- Adding multiple bonds between the same atoms in a molecule now produces an error. (issue 1993296)
- The chemical reaction code now handles chiral atoms correctly in when applying reactions with no stereochem information provided. (issue 2050085)
- A problem with single-atom cores in TemplateExpand.py has been fixed. (issue 2091304)
- A problem causing bicyclobutane containing molecules to not be embeddable has been fixed. (issue 2091864)
- The default parameters for embedding are now molecule-size dependent. This should help with the embedding of large, and crowded molecules. (issue 2091974)
- The codebase can now be built with boost 1.36. (issue 2071168)
- A problem with serialization of bond directions was fixed. (issue 2113433)
- The RDKit can now be built under Darwin (Mac OS/X).
- Tversky similarity can now be calculated. (request 2015633)
- Many of the core datastructures now support equality comparison (operator==). (request 1997439)
- Chirality information can now be assigned based on the 3D coordinates of a molecule using MolOps::assignChiralTypesFrom3D(). (request 1973062)
- MolOps::getMolFrags() can now return a list of split molecules instead of just a list of atom ids. (request 1992648)
- ROMol::getPropNames() now supports the includePrivate and includeComputed options. (request 2047386)
- the pointers returned from Base64Encode/Decode are now allocated using new instead of malloc or calloc. the memory should be released with delete[].
- the generation of invariants for chirality testing is now quite a bit faster; this results in faster parsing of molecules.
- The use of C include files instead of their C++ replacements has been dramatically reduced.
- The new (as of May2008) hashing algorithm for fingerprints is now the default in the python fingerprinting code (Chem.Fingerprints.FingerprintMols).
- The functions MolOps::assignAtomChiralCodes() and MolOps::assignBondStereoCodes() are deprecated. Use MolOps::assignStereochemistry() instead.
- The RDKit no longer uses the old numeric python library. It now uses numpy, which is actively supported.
- By default Lapack++ is no longer used. The replacement is the boost numeric bindings: http://mathema.tician.de/software/boost-bindings.
(Changes relative to Release_Jan2008_1)
- A fix to the values of the parameters for the Crippen LogP calculator means that the values calculated with this version are not backwards compatible. Old values should be recalculated.
- topological fingerprints generated with this version may not be compatible with those from earlier versions. Please read the note below in the "## Other" section.
- Please read the point about dummy atoms in the "## New Features" section. It explains a change that affects backwards compatibility when dealing with dummy atoms.
- Some of the bugs fixed in this release were found and reported by Adrian Schreyer, Noel O'Boyle, and Markus Kossner.
- A core leak in MolAlign::getAlignmentTransform was fixed (issue 1899787)
- Mol suppliers now reset the EOF flag on their stream after they run off the end (issue 1904170)
- A problem causing the string "Sc" to not parse correctly in recursive SMARTS was fixed (issue 1912895)
- Combined recursive smarts queries are now output correctly. (issue 1914154)
- A bug in the handling of chirality in reactions was fixed (issue 1920627)
- Looping directly over a supplier no longer causes a crash (issue 1928819)
- a core leak in the smiles parser was fixed (issue 1929199)
- Se and Te are now potential aromatic atoms (per the proposed OpenSmiles standard). (issue 1932365)
- isotope information (and other atomic modifiers) are now correctly propagated by chemical reactions (issue 1934052)
- triple bonds no longer contribute 2 electrons to the count for aromaticity (issue 1940646)
- Two bugs connected with square brackets in SMILES were fixed (issues 1942220 and 1942657)
- atoms with coordination numbers higher than 4 now have tetrahedral stereochemistry removed (issue 1942656)
- Bond.SetStereo() is no longer exposed to Python (issue 1944575)
- A few typos in the parameter data for the Crippen logp calculator were fixed. Values calculated with this version should be assumed to not be backwards compatible with older versions (issue 1950302)
- Isotope queries are now added correctly (if perhaps not optimally) to SMARTS.
- some drawing-related bugs have been cleared up.
- A bug in Chem.WedgeMolBonds (used in the drawing code) that was causing incorrect stereochemistry in drawn structures was fixed. (issue 1965035)
- A bug causing errors or crashes on Windows with [r] queries was fixed. (issue 1968930)
- A bug in the calculation of TPSA values in molecules that have Hs in the graph was fixed. (issue 1969745)
- Support for supplying dummy atoms as "[Du]", "[X]", "[Xa]", etc. is now considered deprecated. In this release a warning will be generated for these forms and in the next release the old form will generate errors. Note that the output of dummy atoms has also changed: the default output format is now "*", this means that the canonical SMILES for molecules containing dummies are no longer compatible with the canonical SMILES from previous releases. (feature request 186217)
- Atom and bond query information is now serializable; i.e. query molecules can now be pickled and not lose the query information. (feature request 1756596)
- Query features from mol files are now fully supported. (feature request 1756962)
- Conformations now support a dimensionality flag. Dimensionality information is now read from mol blocks and TDT files. (feature request 1906758)
- Bulk Dice similarity functions have been added for IntSparseIntVect and LongSparseIntVect (feature request 1936450)
- Exceptions are no longer thrown during molecule parsing. Failure in molecule parsing is indicated by returning None. Failure to open a file when reading a molecule throws BadFileExceptions (feature requests 1932875 and 1938303)
- The various similarity functions for BitVects and SparseIntVects now take an optional returnDistance argument. If this is provided, the functions return the corresponding distance instead of similarity.
- Some additional query information from Mol files is now translated
when generating SMARTS. Additional queries now translated:
- number of ring bonds
- unsaturation queries
- atom lists are handled better as well (feature request 1902466)
- A new algorithm for generating the bits for topological fingerprints has been added. The new approach is a bit quicker and more robust than the old, but is not backwards compatible. Similarity trends are more or less conserved.
- The molecule drawing code in Chem.Draw.MolDrawing has been modified so that it creates better drawings. A new option for drawing that uses the aggdraw graphics library has been added.
- The RingInfo class supports two new methods: AtomRings() and BondRings() that return tuples of tuples with indices of the atoms or bonds that make up the molecule's rings.
- Changes in the underlying boost random-number generator in version 1.35 of the boost library may have broken backwards compatibility of 2D fingerprints generated using the old fingerprinter. It is strongly suggested that you regenerate any stored fingerprints (and switch to the new fingerprinter if possible). There is an explicit test for this in $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/Fingerprints/test1.cpp
- The unofficial and very obsolete version of John Torjo's v1 boost::logging library that was included with the RDKit distribution is no longer used. The logging library has been replaced with the much less powerful and flexible approach of just sending things to stdout or stderr. If and when the logging library is accepted into Boost, it will be integrated.
- The DbCLI tools (in $RDBASE/Projects/DbCLI) generate topological fingerprints using both the old and new algorithms (unless the --noOldFingerprints option is provided). The default search uses the newer fingerprint.
- The directory $RDBASE/Data/SmartsLib contains a library of sample SMARTS contributed by Richard Lewis.
(Changes relative to Release_Aug2007_1)
- Bug fixes in the canonicalization algorithm have made it so that the canonical SMILES from this version are not compatible with those from older versions of the RDKit.
- Please read the point about dummy atoms in the "## New Features" section. It explains a forthcoming change that will affect backwards compatibility when dealing with dummy atoms.
- The build system has been completely changed. Makefiles and Visual Studio project files have been removed. See the "## Other" section for more info.
- Adrian Schreyer uncovered and reported a number of the bugs fixed in this release.
- the Recap code no longer generates illegal fragments for highly-branched atoms. (issue 1801871)
- the Recap code no longer breaks cyclic bonds to N (issue 1804418)
- A bug in the kekulization of aromatic nitrogens has been fixed (issue 1811276)
- Bugs in the Atom Type definitions for polar carbons and positive nitrogens in BaseFeatures.fdef have been fixed. (issue 1836242)
- A crash in the sanitization of molecules that only have degree 4 atoms has been fixed; it now generates an exception. The underlying problem with ring-finding in these systems is still present. (issue 1836576)
- Mol files for molecules that have more than 99 atoms or bonds are no longer incorrectly generated. (issue 1836615)
- Problems with the sping PIL and PDF canvases have been cleared up. The PIL canvas still generates a lot of warnings, but the output is correct.
- The query "rN" is now properly interpreted to be "atom whose smallest ring is of size N" in SMARTS queries. It was previously interpreted as "atom is in a ring of size N". (issue 1811276) This change required that the default feature definitions for aromaticity and lumped hydrophobes be updated.
- The MolSuppliers (SDMolSupplier, TDTMolSupplier, SmilesMolSupplier) no longer fail when reading the last element. (issue 1874882)
- A memory leak in the constructor of RWMols was fixed.
- A problem causing rapid memory growth with Recap analysis was fixed. (issue 1880161)
- The Recap reactions are no longer applied to charged Ns or Os (issue 1881803)
- Charges, H counts, and isotope information can now be set in reactions. (issue 1882749)
- The stereo codes from double bonds (used for tracking cis/trans) are now corrected when MolOps::removeHs is called. (issue 1894348)
- Various small code cleanups and edge case fixes were done as a result of things discovered while getting the VC8 build working.
- The SparseIntVect class (used by the atom pairs and topological torsions) is now implemented in C++.
- The package $RDKit/Python/Chem/MolDb has been added to help deal with molecular databases. (this was intended for the August release and overlooked)
- The module $RDKit/Python/Chem/FastSDMolSupplier has been added to provide a fast (at the expense of memory consumption) class for working with SD files. (this was intended for the August release and overlooked)
- A new directory $RDKit/Projects has been created to hold things that don't really fit in the existing directory structure.
- The new project $RDKit/Projects/DbCLI has been added. This contains command-line scripts for populating molecular database and searching them using substructure or similarity.
- The code for calculating some descriptors has been moved into C++ in the new module Chem.rdMolDescriptors. The C++ implementation is considerably faster than the Python one and should be 100% backwards compatible.
- The MaxMinPicker (in Code/SimDivPickers) supports two new options:
- the user can provide a set of initial picks and the algorithm will pick new items that are diverse w.r.t. to those
- the user can provide a function to calculate the distance matrix instead of calculating it in advance. This saves the N^2 step of calculating the distance matrix.
- A new piece of code demo'ing the use of the RDKit to add chemical functionality to SQLite is in Code/Demos/sqlite. This will eventually move from Demos into Code/sqlite once some more functionality has been added and more testing is done.
- The distance geometry embedding code now supports using random initial coordinates for atoms instead of using the eigenvalues of the distance matrix. The default behavior is still to use the eigenvalues of the distance matrix.
- The function Recap.RecapDecompose now takes an optional argument where the user can specify the minimum size (in number of atoms) of a legal fragment. (feature request 180196)
- Dummy atoms can be expressed using asterixes, per the Daylight spec. Dummy atoms are also now legal members of aromatic systems (e.g. c1cccc1 is a legal molecule). Support for supplying dummy atoms as "[Du]", "[X]", "[Xa]", etc. is now considered deprecated. In the next release a warning will be generated for these forms and in the release after that the old form will generate errors. Note that the output of dummy atoms will also change: in the next release the default output format will be "". (feature request 186217)
- A proof of concept for doing a SWIG wrapper of RDKit functionality has been added in: $RDBASE/Code/Demos/SWIG/java_example. This isn't even remotely production-quality; it's intended to demonstrate that the wrapping works and isn't overly difficult.
- The full set of tests is now easier to setup and run on new machines. (issue 1757265)
- A new build system, using Boost.Build, has been put into place on both the windows and linux sides. The new system does much better dependency checking and handles machine-specific stuff a lot better. The new system has been tested using Visual Studio 2003, Visual Studio Express 2005, Ubuntu 7.10, and RHEL5.
- The "Getting Started in Python" document has been expanded.
- There's now an epydoc config file for building the python documentation ($RDBASE/Python/epydoc.config).
(Changes relative to Release_April2007_1)
- operators and SparseIntVects. (issue 1716736)
- the Mol file parser now calculates cis/trans labels for double bonds where the two ends had the same substituents. (issue 1718794)
- iterator interface to DiscreteValueVects and UniformGrid3D. (issue 1719831)
- improper removal of stereochemistry from ring atoms (issue 1719053)
- stereochemistry specifications and ring bonds. (issue 1725068)
- handling of aromatic bonds in template molecules for chemical reactions. (issue 1748846)
- handling of unrecognized atom types in the descriptor calculation code. (issue 1749494)
- ChemicalReactionException now exposed to Python. (issue 1749513)
- some small problems in topological torsions and atom pairs
- The Atom Pairs and Topological Torsions code can now provide "explanations" of the codes. See $RDBASE/Python/Chem/AtomPairs for details.
- The PointND class has been exposed to Python
- The "Butina" clustering algorithm [JCICS 39:747-50 (1999)] is now available in $RDBase/Python/Ml/Cluster/Butina.py
- A preliminary implementation of the subshape alignment algorithm is available.
- The free version of MS Visual C++ is now supported.
- There is better support for queries in MDL mol files. (issue 1756962) Specifically: ring and chain bond queries; the not modifier for atom lists; R group labels.
- An EditableMol class is now exposed to Python to allow molecules to be easily edited. (issue 1764162)
- The RingInfo class is now exposed to Python.
- The replaceSidechains and and replaceCore functions have been added in the ChemTransforms library and are exposed to Python as Chem.ReplaceSidechains and Chem.ReplaceCore.
- pickle support added to classes: PointND
- atoms and bonds now support the HasQuery() and GetSmarts() methods from Python.
- Similarity scores can now be calculated from Python in bulk (i.e. calculating the similarity between one vector and a list of others). This can be substantially faster than calling the individual routines multiple times. The relevant functions are BulkTanimotoSimilarity, BulkDiceSimilarity, etc.
- The calculation of AtomPairs and TopologicalTorsions fingerprints is now a lot more efficient.
- Optimization of the Dice metric implementation for SparseIntVects
- The Visual Studio build files have been moved to the directories $RDBASE/Code/Build.VC71 and $RDBASE/Code/Build.VC80. This allows simultaneous support of both versions of the system and cleans up the source trees a bit.
- Boost version 1.34 is now supported (testing has been done on 1.34 and 1.34.1).
- Updates to the "Getting Started" documentation.
(Changes relative to Release_Jan2007_1)
- handing of isotope information in SMILES has been fixed
- "implicit" hydrogens are now added to charged atoms explicitly when writing SMILES. (issue 1670149)
- the 2D->3D code no longer generates non-planar conjugated 4-rings (e.g. C1=CC=C1). (issue 1653802)
- removing explicit hydrogens no longer produces incorrect smiles (issue 1694023)
- bit indices and signature lengths in the AtomPairs code no longer being calculated incorrectly. NOTE this changes the bits that are set, so if you have existing signatures, they will need to be regenerated.
- Fixed a bug causing MolSuppliers to generate incorrect length information when a combination of random access and iterator interfaces are used. (issue 1702647)
- Fixed a bug leading to incorrect line numbers in error messages from the SDMolSuppler. (issue 1695221)
- chemical reactions are now supported
- there is a new entry point into the 2D depictor code, compute2DCoordsMimicDistMat(), that attempts to generate 2D depictions that are similar to the structure described by the distance matrix. There's also a shorthand approach for calling this to mimic a 3D structure available as: AllChem.GenerateDepictionMatching3DStructure()
- DiscreteValueVect and UniformGrid3D now support the binary operators |, &, +, and -.
- a reader/writer for TPL files has been added.
- support has been added for MolCatalogs: hierarchical catalogs that can store complete molecules.
- the protrude distance metric for shapes has been added
- pickle support added to classes: UniformGrid, DiscreteValueVect, Point
- added the class DataStructs/SparseIntVect to improve performance and clarity of the AtomPairs code
- the non-GUI code now supports python2.5; the GUI code may work with python2.5, but that has not been tested
- the Mol and SD file parsers have been sped up quite a bit.
- the "Crippen" descriptors are now calculated somewhat faster.
- in-code documentation updates
- new documentation for beginners in $RDBASE/Docs/Book
(Changes relative to Release_Oct2006_1)
- zero-atom molecules now trigger an exception
- dummy atoms are no longer labelled 'Xe'
- core leak in the mol file writer fixed
- mol files with multiple charge lines are now correctly parsed
- a workaround was installed to prevent crashes in the regression tests on Windows when using the newest VC++ v7 series compiler. (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1607290&group_id=160139&atid=814650)
- chirality perception (which requires partial sanitization) is no longer done by the MolFileParser when sanitization is switched off.
- Two potential memory corruption problems were fixed (rev's 150 and 151).
- optional use of chirality in substructure searches
- MolWriters can now all take a stream as an argument
- Chiral terms can now be included in the DistanceGeometry embedding.
- $RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/BinaryIO is a demonstration of using boost IOStreams and the ROMol pickling mechanism to generate highly compressed, random-access files of molecules.
- the Point code has been refactored