From 44d9da65ab4b0422ee8415f5bafd755925cb23b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 10:10:11 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 01/20] New translations en-us.json (Czech) --- src/common/i18n/locales/cs-CZ.json | 2467 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2467 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/common/i18n/locales/cs-CZ.json diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/cs-CZ.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/cs-CZ.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c951ee2052b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/cs-CZ.json @@ -0,0 +1,2467 @@ +{ + "g": { + "add": "Add", + "edit": "Edit", + "clone": "Clone", + "copy": "Copy of", + "clone-success": "Created new draft copy", + "continue": "Continue", + "submit": "Write a post", + "search": "Search", + "loading-chunk": "Loading component", + "downloads": "Downloads", + "login": "Login", + "login-as": "Login As", + "signup": "Signup", + "permissions": "Permissions", + "delete": "Delete", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "reply": "Reply", + "update": "Update", + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "or": "OR", + "muted-message": "Muted author, Reveal content", + "modmuted-message": "Community Moderators muted, Reveal content", + "server-error": "Process could not be completed due to server error", + "day": "day", + "days": "days", + "finish": "Finish", + "next": "Next", + "previous": "Previous", + "back": "Back", + "load-more": "Load More", + "empty-list": "Nothing here", + "no-matches": "Nothing found", + "nothing-found-in": "Nothing found in", + "fill-feed": "You can follow more people to fill up this feed.", + "fill-community-feed": "You can join more communities to fill up this feed.", + "save": "Save", + "try-again": "Try again", + "show": "Show", + "on": "On", + "off": "Off", + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "hot": "feed", + "trending": "feed", + "created": "feed", + "muted": "muted", + "trail": "trail", + "controversial": "controversial", + "rising": "rising", + "found": "found", + "feed": "feed", + "blog": "blogs", + "logs": "logs", + "posts": "posts", + "comments": "comments", + "replies": "replies", + "done": "Done", + "apply": "Apply", + "applying": "Applying...", + "warning": "Warning", + "payout": "Payout", + "learn-more": "Learn more in our", + "faq": "FAQ", + "when": "When", + "price": "Price", + "more-results": "More results", + "close": "Close", + "loading": "Loading", + "stop": "Stop", + "settings": "Settings", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "username": "Username", + "past-few-days": "the past few days", + "you": "You", + "copy-clipboard": "Copy to clipboard", + "first": "First", + "last": "Last", + "ok": "OK", + "join": "Join", + "resend": "Resend", + "failed": "Failed", + "status": "Status", + "download": "Download", + "pin": "Pin", + "unpin": "Unpin", + "retry": "Retry", + "message": "Message", + "actions": "Actions", + "restore": "Restore", + "success": "Success", + "error": "Error", + "reset-form": "Reset form", + "all": "All" + }, + "confirm": { + "title": "Are you sure?", + "ok": "Confirm", + "cancel": "Cancel" + }, + "announcements": { + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "next": "Next", + "later": "Later" + }, + "floating-faq": { + "toggle-icon-info": "Click to expand", + "help": "Help", + "welcome": "Welcome to Ecency", + "need-help": "Need Help?", + "search-placeholder": "Search", + "suggestion": "Suggested articles", + "contact": "Contact us", + "submit": "Submit", + "username": "username", + "message": "message", + "no-results": "No results found" + }, + "entry-filter": { + "filter-trending": "Trending", + "filter-hot": "Hot", + "filter-created": "New", + "filter-promoted": "Promoted", + "filter-payout": "Payouts", + "filter-muted": "Muted", + "filter-feed": "Feed", + "filter-feed-friends": "Friends", + "filter-feed-subscriptions": "Communities", + "filter-global": "Global", + "filter-community": "My Community", + "filter-controversial": "Controversial", + "filter-rising": "Rising", + "filter-global-part1": "This feed contains ", + "filter-global-part2": " discussions on entire platform.", + "filter-global-part3": " discussions from Your subscribed communities. You can join more communities to fill up this feed.", + "filter-global-part4": " discussions from people you follow. You can follow more people to fill up this feed.", + "filter-global-discover": "Discover People", + "filter-global-join-communities": "Join Communities", + "filter-today": "Today", + "filter-week": "This week", + "filter-month": "This month", + "filter-year": "This year", + "filter-alltime": "All time", + "filter-no-reblog": "Exclude reblog", + "filter-with-reblog": "Include reblog" + }, + "navbar": { + "discover": "Discover", + "communities": "Communities", + "decks": "Decks", + "post": "Create Post", + "day-theme": "Day Theme", + "night-theme": "Night Theme", + "address-placeholder": "enter url or search query", + "home": "Home" + }, + "search": { + "placeholder": "Search", + "placeholder-proposals": "Search proposals", + "placeholder-count": "Search {{n}} posts", + "header-tag": "Tags", + "header-account": "Users", + "header-community": "Communities" + }, + "tag": { + "unmoderated": "Unmoderated topics", + "moderated": "Moderated community" + }, + "switch-lang": { + "contributors": "Contributors" + }, + "user-nav": { + "wallet": "Wallet", + "unclaimed-reward-notice": "You have unclaimed rewards", + "points": "Points", + "unclaimed-points-notice": "You have unclaimed points", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "profile": "Profile", + "profile-menu": "Profile menu", + "gallery": "Gallery", + "drafts": "Drafts", + "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", + "schedules": "Schedules", + "fragments": "Snippets", + "settings": "Settings", + "logout": "Logout", + "theme": "theme", + "light": "light", + "dark": "dark", + "switch-to": "Switch", + "vote-power": "Vote Power", + "boost": "Boost", + "submit": "Create a post", + "chats": "Chats", + "perks": "Buy perks" + }, + "intro": { + "title": "Aspire to greatness", + "sub-title": "rewarding communities", + "c2a": "Get Started" + }, + "login": { + "title": "Welcome back!", + "with-user-pass": "Login with your username and private key.", + "username-placeholder": "username", + "key-placeholder": "password / private key", + "login-info-1": "We don't store your private keys.", + "login-info-2": "More info", + "error-fields-required": "Please enter username and private key", + "captcha-check-required": "Please verify if you are a human", + "error-public-key": "You entered a public key. Password/WIF required", + "error-user-fetch": "User data could not be fetched", + "error-user-not-found": "User does not exist", + "error-user-not-found-cache": "Cache inconsistency detected. Please retry login with your credentials.", + "error-permission": "Couldn't get posting permission", + "error-authenticate": "Wrong private key. Master or active or posting private key required.", + "with-hive-signer": "Login with hivesigner", + "with-keychain": "Login with keychain", + "sign-up-text-1": "Don't have an account?", + "sign-up-text-2": "Sign up now!" + }, + "sign-up": { + "header": "Rewarding Web3 Communities", + "description": "Freespeech, True ownership, Financial freedom!", + "bottom-description": "One account, one wallet to manage everything on Blockchain.", + "learn-more": "Learn more about benefits in our FAQ", + "username": "Pick a username", + "email": "Enter your email address", + "ref": "Referred user (optional)", + "submit": "Continue", + "validation-username": "Username is required.", + "validation-email": "Email is required.", + "success": "We've sent an email to {{email}}.", + "success-2": "Verify to finalize signup process. Note: Check spam folder if you couldn't find email.", + "login-text-1": "Do you have an account?", + "login-text-2": "Login", + "free-account": "Free account", + "free-account-desc": "Get a full-fledged Hive account, this method has basic checks to make sure botnet doesn't abuse our signup faucet.", + "register-free": "Register free", + "buy-account": "Buy account", + "buy-account-desc": "Get a full-fledged Hive account with no extra checks and few perks such as:", + "buy-account-li-1": "Instant creation without extra checks and waiting", + "buy-account-li-2": "3x RC compared to normal new accounts", + "buy-account-li-3": "300 Points to help you get started", + "qr-desc": "Scan with Ecency mobile app to continue", + "username-min-length-error": "Length of username should be at least 3 characters", + "username-max-length-error": "Length of username should be no more than 16 characters", + "username-no-ascii-first-letter-error": "First character should be a Letter", + "username-contains-symbols-error": "Should contain Letters, Numbers, Hyphen only", + "username-contains-double-hyphens": "Should not contain double Hyphens", + "username-exists": "This username already registered. Please, try another one", + "username-starts-number": "Should not start with Numbers", + "referral-invalid": "This referral is invalid. Please, try another one", + "referral-min-length-error": "Length of referral should be at least 3 characters", + "referral-max-length-error": "Length of referral should be no more than 16 characters", + "email-max-length-error": "Length of email should be no more than 72 characters" + }, + "onboard": { + "title-active-user": "Onboard a friend", + "title-visitor": "Ask from a friend", + "description-active-user": "You can create account for a friend.", + "description-visitor": "You can ask a friend to create an account for you.", + "creating": "Create for a friend", + "asking": " Ask from a friend", + "creating-description": "Pay with hive or account credit", + "asking-description": "Copy account link and send to friend.", + "username": "Username:", + "email": "Email:", + "referral": "Referral:", + "copy-key": "Make sure you copy or download your keys.", + "download-keys": "Download Keys", + "create-account-hive": "Pay with HIVE", + "create-account-credit": "Pay with Account Credits ({{n}})", + "confirm-details": "Confirm Details", + "share": "(You can send code to a friend) Copy code", + "copy-link": "Account link copied successfully", + "click-link": "Click here to continue", + "continue": "Continue", + "public-active": "Public Active key:", + "public-memo": "Public Memo key:", + "public-owner": "Public Owner key:", + "public-posting": "Public Posting key:", + "login-warning": "Login to create an account for Friend!", + "pay-fee": "Pay Account Fee", + "modal-title": "Are you sure?", + "modal-confirm": "Confirm", + "file-warning": "Please handle your password & private keys with extra caution. Your account will no longer be accessible if you loose your password. We do not keep copy of it, it is confidential only you have access to it.", + "recommend": "We recommend that,", + "recommend-print": "PRINT this file out and store it securely.", + "recommend-use": "NEVER use your password/owner key on untrusted apps.", + "recommend-save": "Save all your keys within a password manager and/or Ecency mobile wallet, as you will need them frequently.", + "recommend-third-party": "Don't keep this file within the reach of a third party.", + "account-info": "Your Hive Account Information;", + "keys-use": "What your keys can be used for;", + "owner-private": "Owner private key:", + "active-private": "Active private key:", + "posting-private": "Posting private key:", + "memo-private": "Memo private key:", + "owner": "Owner key:", + "active": "Active key:", + "posting": "Posting key:", + "memo": "Memo key:", + "owner-use": "Change Password, Change Keys, Recover Account", + "active-use": "Transfer Funds, Power up/down, Voting Witnesses/Proposals", + "posting-use": "Post, Comment, Vote, Reblog, Follow, Profile updates", + "memo-use": "Send/View encrypted messages on transfers", + "copy-tooltip": "Copy password", + "regenerate-password": "Regenerate password", + "copy-password": "Password copied successfully", + "copy-info-message": "Copy Link below and SEND to a friend", + "success-message": "You successfully created the account ", + "sign-title": "Sign transaction with ", + "failed-title": "Failed", + "failed-subtitle": "Transaction failed", + "failed-message": "Failed to create account", + "try-again": "Try again", + "sign-header-title": "Sign transaction", + "sign-sub-title": "Sign your transaction", + "rc-to-new-acc": "Delegate some resource credits to", + "minimum-rc": "(Minimum Rc is 5Bn)", + "posts-comments": "Posts/Comments:", + "votes": "Votes:", + "transfers": "Transfers:", + "reblogs-follows": "Reblogs/Follows:", + "rc-error": "You can not delegate below 5bn Rc" + }, + "trending-tags": { + "title": "Topics" + }, + "sort-trending-tags": { + "sort": "Sort", + "ascending": "Ascending", + "descending": "Descending" + }, + "selected-tags": { + "title": "Featured" + }, + "entry-list-item": { + "cross-posted": "cross-posted", + "cross-posted-to": "to", + "reblogged": "{{n}} reblogged", + "promoted": "Promoted", + "pinned": "Pinned Post", + "replies": "1 response. Click to respond.", + "replies-n": "{{n}} responses. Click to respond.", + "vote-error": "Previous value is not acceptable. Vote with a different value.", + "vote-remove": "Voting 0% unvotes the content.", + "vote-warning": "Changing vote...", + "no-replies": "No responses yet. Click to respond.", + "old-post-error": "Voting on Content after their payout does not generate any new rewards.", + "old-post-error-suggestion": "Try tipping the author. " + }, + "nsfw": { + "reveal": "Reveal this post", + "signup": "create an account to save your preferences", + "settings-1": "adjust your", + "settings-2": "display preferences" + }, + "bookmark-btn": { + "add": "Add to bookmarks", + "added": "Added to bookmarks", + "delete": "Remove from bookmarks", + "deleted": "Removed from bookmarks" + }, + "entry-reblog": { + "reblog": "Reblog", + "confirm-title": "Reblog to @{{n}}'s blog?", + "confirm-ok": "Reblog", + "success": "Reblogged!", + "delete-reblog": "Undo Reblog", + "delete-confirm-title": "Undo reblog?", + "delete-confirm-ok": "Undo", + "delete-success": "Reblog removed" + }, + "entry-tip": { + "title": "Tip" + }, + "entry-share": { + "title": "Share" + }, + "entry-menu": { + "cross-post": "Cross post", + "share": "Share", + "edit-history": "Edit History", + "pin": "Pin", + "pin-to-blog": "Pin to blog", + "pin-to-community": "Pin to community", + "pin-success": "Post pinned", + "unpin": "Unpin", + "unpin-from-blog": "Unpin from blog", + "unpin-from-community": "Unpin from community", + "unpin-success": "Post Unpinned", + "mute": "Mute", + "mute-success": "Post muted", + "unmute": "Unmute", + "unmute-success": "Post unmuted", + "promote": "Promote", + "boost": "Boost" + }, + "cross-post": { + "title": "Cross Post", + "community-placeholder": "Choose a community", + "message-placeholder": "Start the conversation with a message", + "submit-label": "Confirm", + "published": "Post Published", + "no-subscription": "You don't have any community subscription to cross post.", + "info": "Rewards are automatically declined for the cross post and discussions under cross post will be different and will follow different community guidelines." + }, + "entry-payout": { + "reward": "Reward", + "full-power": "Power Up 100%", + "pending-payout": "Pending Payout", + "promoted": "Promoted", + "author-payout": "Author Payout", + "curators-payout": "Curators Payout", + "payout-date": "Payout", + "beneficiary": "Beneficiary", + "breakdown": "Breakdown", + "max-accepted": "Max accepted" + }, + "entry-index": { + "feed": "Feed", + "tags": "Popular", + "title": "{{f}} topics", + "description": "{{f}} topics on a social network owned and operated by its users.", + "description-tag": "{{f}} #{{t}} topics", + "description-user-feed": "{{u}}'s feed", + "faq": "FAQ", + "tos": "Terms of service", + "pp": "Privacy Policy" + }, + "decks": { + "title": "Decks", + "users": "User", + "header-info": "Click me to see extra options", + "username": "Username", + "content-type": "Content Type", + "trending-topics": "Topics", + "search": "Search", + "community": "Community", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "wallet": "Wallet", + "favorite": "Favorite", + "trending": "Trending", + "select": "Select content type", + "blogs": "Blogs", + "replies": "Replies", + "posts": "Posts", + "comments": "Comments", + "column": "column", + "hot": "Hot", + "muted": "Muted", + "new": "New", + "reload": "Reload", + "add": "Add", + "remove": "Remove", + "removed": "{{deck}} removed successfully.", + "payout": "Payouts", + "created": "New", + "go-back": "Go back", + "deck-exists": "The deck you're trying to add already exists!", + "limit-warning": "Maximum 10 decks are allowed. Delete any deck to add another.", + "empty-decks": "Click + icon to add Decks", + "select-column-type": "Which deck type do you want to add?", + "topic": "Custom", + "refresh": "Auto refresh for {{title}} saved.", + "settings": "Settings", + "refresh-time": "Refresh time", + "hours": "hours", + "save": "Save", + "update-interval": "Update interval", + "update-interval-min": "In minutes", + "update-n-seconds": "Every {{sec}} sec", + "update-n-minutes": "Every {{min}} min", + "update-n-hours": "Every {{hour}} h", + "update-custom": "Custom interval...", + "update-interval-value-error": "Interval should be between 30 seconds and 24 hours", + "update-interval-placeholder": "Select an interval", + "update-custom-interval-in-minutes-placeholder": "Enter interval in minutes", + "filters": "Filters", + "history": "History", + "type": "Type", + "add-column": "Add new column", + "back-to-feed": "Back to feed", + "faq": "FAQ", + "terms": "Terms Of Service", + "market": "Market", + "create": "Create", + "deck-settings": "Deck settings", + "create-deck": "Create a deck", + "delete-prompt": "Are you sure deleting deck?", + "use-local-text": "If its set local storage then this deck will be saved only on current device. Save on account if you want to get access to the deck from any device.", + "loading": "Loading decks...", + "local": "Local", + "decks": "Decks", + "save-locally": "Save locally", + "auth-required-title": "Authorization required", + "auth-required-desc": "You've to be authorized to see notifications", + "wave": "Wave", + "simple": "Simple", + "advanced": "Advanced", + "author": "Author", + "choose-one": "Choose one", + "user": "User", + "search-query": "Search query", + "columns": { + "view-full-post": "View full post", + "user": "User", + "user-description": "Find a profile and see what they've been up to.", + "community": "Community", + "community-description": "Find a community and follow their activity.", + "wallet": "Wallet", + "wallet-description": "Track people's transactions and funds.", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "notifications-description": "Follow notifications on any account.", + "trending": "Trending", + "trending-description": "Explore trending posts at this moment.", + "topics": "Topics", + "topics-description": "See the most popular topics and explore content.", + "search": "Search", + "search-description": "Explore specific posts based on your search query.", + "hot": "Hot", + "new": "New", + "payouts": "Payouts", + "muted": "Muted", + "add-username-text": "Enter a username below and select which type of content You want to see", + "click-to-change": "Click to change", + "all": "All", + "votes": "Votes", + "mentions": "Mentions", + "favourites": "Favourites", + "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", + "follows": "Follows", + "replies": "Replies", + "reblogs": "Reblogs", + "transfers": "Transfers", + "delegations": "Delegations", + "search-query": "Search query", + "enter-search-query": "Configure a search query and explore all posts", + "blogs": "Blogs", + "feeds": "Friends Feed", + "posts": "Posts", + "comments": "Comments", + "all-history": "All history", + "market-orders": "Market orders", + "interests": "Interests", + "stake-operations": "Stake operations", + "rewards": "Rewards", + "failed-fetch": "Account decks fetching failed. Please, refresh a page", + "failed-update": "Deck updating failed. Please, try again", + "new-column": "New column", + "new-data-available": "New content available", + "threads": "Waves", + "threads-host": "Wave host", + "threads-description1": "Catch the wave: read it quick, grasp it easy.", + "threads-description2": "Ride the wave: Short, snappy content made easy.", + "threads-description3": "Waves of clarity: Effortlessly grasp short and sweet content!", + "add-thread-host-text": "Specify a Waves host or see all of them together", + "all-thread-hosts": "All", + "thread-post-link-invalid": "This post is not existing.", + "show-replies": "Show {{n}} replies", + "show-reply": "Show 1 reply", + "show-all-replies": "Show all replies", + "see-full-thread": "See full thread", + "no-currency-data": "No data", + "hide-replies": "Hide replies", + "filters": "Filters", + "market-swap-form": "Market swap form", + "market": "Market", + "swap-form": "Swapping form", + "msf-description": "Swap your funds quickie with zero latency.", + "faq": "Help center", + "faq-subtitle": "FAQ", + "faq-description": "Find answer to all your questions about Ecency in our help center.", + "no-replies": "No replies yet", + "add-new-reply": "Add new reply", + "no-content": "No content", + "infinite-loading": "Loading 🌊...", + "end-reached": "You've reached end of 🌊.", + "feed-end-reached": "You've reached end of feed.", + "topics-subtitle": "The most popular", + "replied-to": "replied to", + "edit-wave": "Edit", + "updated": "Edited {{n}} ago", + "balance": "Balance", + "whats-new": "What's new", + "whats-new-description": "Keep in track the Ecency updates", + "updates": "Updates", + "release-list": "Release versions", + "current": "Current", + "infinite-failed": "Oops, fetching failed. Sit tight, we are retrying..." + }, + "threads-form": { + "save": "Save", + "publish": "Publish it!", + "create-regular-post": "Create long post", + "input-placeholder": "What's happening?", + "select-thread-host": "Select a waves host", + "thread-host": "Will be published in", + "no-threads-host": "This account is not a waves host", + "publishing": "Waving 🌊...", + "successfully-created": "Published successfully!", + "link-to-entry": "Click here to see", + "pending": "Waiting for transaction completing...", + "login-and-publish": "Sign in and publish", + "write-your-reply": "Write your reply here", + "max-length": "Oops! Your message a quite long. We want to use micro-blogging for the direct purpose and would like to offer You to create a long post." + } + }, + "market-data": { + "title": "Market price", + "trade": "Trade token", + "credits": "data by Coingecko" + }, + "market": { + "title": "Token exchange", + "description": "Decentralized exchange to Buy and Sell tokens on Hive blockchain. To learn more, read our FAQ.", + "last-price": "Last Price", + "volume": "24h volume", + "bid": "Bid", + "spread": "Spread", + "ask": "Ask", + "buy": "Buy", + "sell": "Sell", + "available": "Available", + "highest-bid": "Highest bid", + "price": "Price", + "amount": "Amount", + "total": "Total", + "orders": "Orders", + "date": "Date", + "open-orders": "Open Orders", + "pending-orders": "Pending orders", + "type": "Type", + "mode-limit": "Limit", + "mode-swap": "Swap", + "mode-advanced": "Advanced", + "action": "Action", + "trade-history": "Trade History", + "stock-params": "Params", + "stock-info": "Stock information", + "barter": "Exchange tokens", + "stock-values": "Values", + "transaction-low": "Total amount exceeds your available balance. Please add more funds or try with smaller amount.", + "confirm-cancel": "Are you sure? You are cancelling order #{{orderid}}!", + "confirm-buy": "You're trading {{amount}} HIVE for {{price}} HBD/HIVE and total will be {{total}} HBD.", + "confirm-sell": "Values", + "transaction-succeeded": "Transaction submitted", + "lowest-ask": "Lowest ask", + "decimal-error": "Only {{decimals}} decimal digits allowed!", + "from": "From", + "to": "To", + "sign": "Sign", + "swapping": "Swapping...", + "continue": "Continue", + "balance": "Balance", + "fee": "Fee", + "fee-free": "Free", + "order-book-impact": "Order book impact", + "swap-title": "Swap your funds", + "advanced-title": "Trade token", + "sign-title": "Sign your transaction", + "fetching-market": "Fetching market...", + "back": "Back", + "swap-by": "Sign by {{method}}", + "success-title": "Transaction completed", + "more-than-balance": "You've entered more than available balance", + "invalid-amount": "Invalid from amount. Please, enter less value", + "too-much-slippage": "We highly recommend you to reduce amount for better pricing!", + "auth-required-title": "Authorization required", + "auth-required-desc": "You have to be authorized to swap own funds", + "start-new-one": "Start new Swap", + "signing": "Signing..", + "success-swap": "Successfully swapped!", + "calculating-in": "Calculating in", + "advanced": { + "history": "History", + "stake": "Order book", + "pairs": "Pairs", + "form": "Order form", + "open-orders": "Open", + "completed-orders": "Completed", + "status": "Status", + "all-orders": "All", + "active": "Active", + "view-details": "View details", + "chart": "Chart", + "trading-form-auth-required": "You have to be authorized for trade", + "open-orders-auth-required": "You have to be authorized to see open orders", + "empty-open-orders": "No orders", + "history-widget": { + "price": "Price", + "amount": "Amount", + "volume": "Volume", + "time": "Time" + } + } + }, + "list-style": { + "title": "Toggle list style" + }, + "entry-votes": { + "title": "1 Vote", + "title-n": "{{n}} Votes", + "title-empty": "No Votes", + "sort": "Sort", + "sort-reward": "Reward", + "sort-timestamp": "Time", + "sort-reputation": "Reputation", + "sort-percent": "Percentage", + "pending-message": "Content has pending votes. Please, wait a minute and refresh this dialog to see new votes." + }, + "entry": { + "via-app": "via {{app}}", + "author-reputation": "Author's reputation", + "comment-entry-title": "You are viewing a single comment's thread from: ", + "comment-entry-go-root": "View the full context", + "comment-entry-go-parent": "View the direct parent", + "hidden-warning": "This content got low rating by people.", + "delete-disabled": "Content after their payout cannot be deleted.", + "muted-warning": "This content was muted by {{community}} moderators for not following community guidelines.", + "lowrep-warning": "Author of this content has low reputation.", + "deleted-content-warning": "This content was deleted by the author. You can see it from Blockchain ", + "comments-hidden": "Author of this post is muted by you.", + "address-copy": "Copy link", + "address-copied": "Link copied to clipboard", + "content-copied": "Content copied to clipboard", + "browse-original": "Open original post", + "cross-post-by": "Cross post by", + "cross-post-community": "community", + "community-in": "in", + "post-word-count": "Words:", + "post-read-time": "Reading:", + "post-read-minuites": "min", + "raw": "View RAW format", + "post-top-curator": "Top Curator:" + }, + "edit-history": { + "title": "Edit History", + "show-diff": "Show Difference", + "version": "Version {{n}}" + }, + "similar-entries": { + "title": "Read next" + }, + "comment": { + "body-placeholder": "Write your reply here", + "preview": "Preview" + }, + "discussion": { + "join": "Join the conversation now", + "btn-join": "Join", + "replies": "1 Comment", + "n-replies": "{{n}} Comments", + "order": "Sort Order", + "order-trending": "Trending", + "order-reputation": "Reputation", + "order-votes": "Votes", + "order-created": "Age", + "read-more": " more replies...", + "reveal-muted": "Muted author - Reveal comment", + "reveal-muted-long-description": "Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content", + "reveal": "Reveal comment", + "no-conversation": "No conversation yet, be first to reply", + "start-conversation": "Start conversation" + }, + "community": { + "page-description": "{{f}} topics", + "subscribe": "Join", + "subscribed": "Joined", + "unsubscribe": "Leave", + "post": "New Post", + "posts": "Posts", + "subscribers": "Members", + "activities": "Activities", + "roles-title": "User Roles", + "roles-account": "Account", + "roles-role": "Role", + "roles-account-title": "Title", + "roles-add": "Add User", + "already-joined-community": "You have already joined this community" + }, + "community-cover": { + "rewards": "rewards", + "authors": "posters", + "lang": "language", + "cover-image": "Community cover image", + "cover-image-edit": "Edit cover image", + "cover-image-updated": "Cover image updated!" + }, + "community-card": { + "description": "Description", + "rules": "Rules", + "team": "Leadership", + "edit": "Edit settings", + "edit-team": "Edit roles", + "community-rewards": "Community Rewards", + "profile-image": "Profile image", + "profile-image-edit": "Edit profile image", + "profile-image-updated": "Profile image updated!" + }, + "community-role-edit": { + "title": "Set user role", + "username": "Username", + "role": "Role", + "user-not-found": "The user does not exist!", + "explanations": "

Role Permissions

Owner - assign admins

Admin - edit settings, assign mods

Moderator - mute, pin, set user titles

Member - listed on leadership team

Guest - default; can post and comment

Muted - new posts automatically muted

" + }, + "community-settings": { + "dialog-title": "Community Settings", + "title": "Title", + "about": "About", + "lang": "Language", + "description": "Description", + "rules": "Rules", + "rules-help": "One per line", + "validation-title": "Title is required." + }, + "communities": { + "title": "Communities", + "description": "Best online, decentralized, immutable, rewarding communities", + "n-subscribers": "{{n}} members", + "n-authors": "{{n}} posters", + "n-posts": "{{n}} posts", + "admins": "admins:", + "sort-hot": "Hot", + "sort-rank": "Rank", + "sort-subs": "Members", + "sort-new": "New", + "no-results": "No results found", + "create": "Create community" + }, + "communities-create": { + "page-title": "Create a community", + "title": "Title", + "about": "About", + "description": "Create a best, decentralized, immutable, rewarding communities", + "fee": "Creation fee", + "creator": "Creator", + "username": "Community username", + "username-available": "Available.", + "username-not-available": "Not available.", + "username-wrong-format": "Not a valid format. hive-1xxxxx format required.", + "checkbox-validation": "Please tick this box if you want to proceed.", + "title-validation": "Please fill in this field.", + "password": "Community password", + "confirmation": "I have securely saved my owner username and password.", + "submit": "Create Community", + "progress-account": "Creating account...", + "progress-user": "Preparing user data...", + "progress-role": "Setting @{{u}} as admin...", + "progress-props": "Updating community settings...", + "done": "Your community was created 🎉", + "reason-one": "True ownership", + "reason-two": "Permanent, rewarding", + "password-copied": "Password copied to clipboard", + "reason-three": "Powered by blockchain technology", + "reason-four": "It costs 3 HIVE to create permanent, immutable, true ownership community", + "done-link-label": "Get started." + }, + "community-rewards-registration": { + "body-text": "Register your community to get Ecency POINTS", + "btn-next-label": "Register", + "done-body-text": "Registration completed. Your community will receive POINT rewards as your members publish posts with Ecency apps.", + "conflict-body-text": "This community is already registered.", + "min-required-body-text": "Minimum 100 subscribers required to register." + }, + "mute-btn": { + "mute": "Mute", + "unmute": "Unmute", + "dialog-title-mute": "Mute post/comment", + "dialog-title-unmute": "Unmute post/comment", + "notes": "Notes", + "note-placeholder-mute": "Provide a note regarding your decision to mute this content.", + "note-placeholder-unmute": "Provide a note regarding your decision to unmute this content." + }, + "profile": { + "voting-power": "Voting Power", + "followers": "Followers", + "following": "Following", + "follows-you": "Follows you", + "section-blog": "Blog", + "section-posts": "Posts", + "section-trail": "Likes", + "section-comments": "Comments", + "section-replies": "Replies", + "section-communities": "Communities", + "section-wallet": "Wallet", + "section-settings": "Settings", + "section-referrals": "Referrals", + "section-permission": "Permission", + "communities-title": "Membership", + "create-community": "Create a community", + "witnesses": "Witnesses", + "proposals": "Proposals", + "referrals": "Referrals", + "go-community": "Community page", + "com-mod": "Moderator of these communities" + }, + "profile-info": { + "joined": "Joined: {{n}}", + "last-active": "Last active: {{n}}", + "vote-value": "Vote value: {{n}}", + "vote-value-max": "(out of max {{n}})", + "vote-power": "Vote Power: {{n}}%", + "rc-power": "Resource Credits: {{n}}%", + "recharge-time": "(fully charged {{n}})", + "down-vote-power": "Downvote Power: {{n}}%", + "post-count": "Post Count: {{n}}", + "no-posts": "No content published, yet", + "no-posts-user": "Follow, be first to know", + "no-posts-community": "Join and post in this community", + "create-posts": "Let's create a new post", + "link-copied": "Search link copied to clipboard", + "no-posts-found": "Found nothing!" + }, + "rc-info": { + "available": "Available", + "used": "Used", + "resource-credits": "Resource Credits", + "resource-credit": "RC", + "delegated": "Delegations Out", + "received-delegations": "Delegations In", + "delegation-button": "Delegate RC", + "rc-available": "Available", + "rc-used": "Used", + "outgoing": "Outgoing", + "incoming": "Incoming", + "delete": "delete", + "update": "update", + "confirm-delete": "Are you sure?", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "check-faq": "Learn more about RC in our", + "learn-more": "/faq#what-are-rc", + "faq-link": "FAQ", + "insufficient-rc-error": "Insufficient resource credits", + "minimum-rc-error": "Mininum RC is 5,000,000,000", + "extra-details-heading": "What's possible with current available RC?", + "transfers": "Transfers:", + "comments-posts": "Posts / Comments:", + "votes": "Votes:", + "reblogs-follows": "Reblogs / Follows:", + "claim-accounts": "Claim account credits:", + "no-outgoing": "No outgoing delegation", + "no-incoming": "No incoming delegation", + "delegate-title": "Delegate", + "delegate-sub-title": "Delegate Resource Credit", + "extra-details-transfer": "Transfers", + "extra-details-post": "Posts/Comments", + "extra-details-upvote": "Votes", + "boost": "Boost", + "you-have-claimed-rc": "Already claimed account credits", + "claim": "Claim", + "you-claiming": "You are claiming {{n}}", + "successfully-claimed": "Successfully claimed!" + }, + "profile-edit": { + "title": "Profile", + "name": "Display Name", + "about": "About", + "cover-image": "Cover Image", + "profile-image": "Profile Image", + "website": "Website", + "location": "Location", + "copied": "Referral link copied to clipboard", + "updated": "Profile updated successfully!" + }, + "image-upload-button": { + "uploaded": "Image uploaded" + }, + "preferences": { + "title": "Preferences", + "notifications": "Notification alerts", + "currency": "Currency", + "language": "Language", + "nsfw": "Show NSFW content", + "referral-link": "Referral link", + "theme": "Theme Settings", + "theme-system-default": "System Default", + "theme-day": "Day mode", + "theme-night": "Night mode", + "updated": "Preference updated!" + }, + "wallet": { + "unclaimed-rewards": "Unclaimed rewards", + "claim-reward-balance": "Claim reward balance", + "claim-reward-balance-ok": "Reward balance claimed", + "estimated": "Estimated Wallet Value", + "estimated-points": "Estimated Points Value", + "estimated-description": "The estimated value is based on a 7 day average value of HIVE.", + "estimated-description-points": "The estimated value is based on purchase value of Points.", + "hive": "HIVE", + "hbd": "HBD", + "hive-description": "HIVE are tradeable tokens that may be transferred at anytime.HIVE can be converted to Hive Power in a process called powering up.", + "hive-power": "HIVE POWER", + "hive-power-description": "Hive Power are influence tokens that earn more power for holding long term and voting on content. The more Hive Power one holds, the more one can influence other’s rewards and earn rewards for accurate voting. Hive Power is staked HIVE token that can be unstaked in 13 weeks.", + "hive-power-apr-rate": "APR interest rate for Hive Power is {{value}}%", + "hive-dollars-apr-rate": "APR interest rate for HBD($) is {{value}}%", + "hive-dollars-apr-claim": "Estimated interest since last payment {{value}}:", + "hive-dollars-apr-day": "Claim in {{value}} days", + "hive-dollars-apr-hour": "Claim in {{value}} hours", + "hive-dollars-apr-now": "Claim now", + "hive-power-delegated": "Delegated Hive Power", + "hive-power-received": "Received Hive Power", + "next-power-down-amount": "Next power down amount", + "hive-power-total": "Total Hive Power", + "hive-dollars": "HIVE DOLLARS", + "hive-dollars-description": "Tokens worth about $1.00 of HIVE.", + "savings": "SAVINGS", + "savings-description": "Balance subject to 3 day withdraw waiting period.", + "next-power-down": "The next power down is {{time}}, (~{{amount}}, {{weeks}} weeks remaining)", + "transfer": "Transfer", + "transfer-to-savings": "Transfer to savings", + "convert": "Convert", + "power-up": "Power up", + "withdraw-hive": "Withdraw Hive", + "withdraw-hbd": "Withdraw Hive Dollar", + "delegate": "Delegate", + "power-down": "Power down", + "withdraw-routes": "Withdraw Routes", + "calculating": "Calculating", + "converting-hbd-amount": "Converting to HIVE", + "converting-hive-amount": "Converting to HBD", + "withdrawing-amount": "Withdrawing from Savings", + "reserved-amount": "Reserved for Open order in Market", + "spk": { + "claim": { + "title": "Claim", + "unclaimed-rewards": "Unclaimed rewards" + }, + "delegate": { + "title": "Delegate", + "subtitle": "Delegate tokens", + "node-operator-placeholder": "Select a node operator", + "delegated-larynx-power": { + "title": "Delegated LARYNX Power" + } + }, + "power-up": { + "title": "Power up", + "subtitle": "Power up to earn passive rewards" + }, + "power-down": { + "title": "Power down", + "subtitle": "Power down to earn passive rewards", + "in-progress": "A power down is scheduled to happen in {{date}} ({{count}} installments remaining)" + }, + "lock": { + "title": "Lock Liquidity", + "subtitle": "Locking Larynx for liquidity reward", + "button": "Lock liquidity" + }, + "unlock": { + "title": "Unlock Liquidity", + "subtitle": "Unlock LARYNX to liquid form", + "button": "Unlock liquidity" + }, + "send": { + "balance": "Balance", + "button": "Send", + "from": "From", + "to": "To", + "amount": "Amount", + "optional": "optional", + "title": "Send SPK", + "memo": "Memo", + "next": "Next", + "subtitle": "Move funds to another SPK wallet", + "warning": "Transferring more than available balance" + }, + "token": "SPK Token", + "token-description": "The governance token for the SPK network.", + "larynx-already-claimed": "Already claimed.", + "larynx-token": "LARYNX Token", + "larynx-token-description": "The mining token for the SPK network.", + "larynx-power": "LARYNX Power", + "larynx-power-description": "Powered tokens used to mine SPK", + "larynx-power-benefits": { + "title": "Benefits of LARYNX Power", + "1": "Earns SPK governance tokens", + "2": "Instant Lock | 4 Week Unlock", + "3": "Delegate to node service accounts to build consensus (DPoS)", + "4": "LARYNX POWER (LP) earns SPK tokens at {{rate}}%", + "5": "Delegated LP (DLP) earns SPK tokens for both delegator and delegate at {{rate}}%" + }, + "larynx-locked-benefits": { + "title": "Benefits of LARYNX Locked", + "1": "Proof of Stake Consensus", + "2": "Collateral for DEX transactions", + "3": "Instant Lock | 4 Week Unlock", + "4": "Requires an operating LARYNX node", + "5": "Earns 0.100%" + }, + "account-value": "Estimated Account Value", + "account-value-description": "The approximate US Dollar value for all SPK assets in your account", + "larynx-locked": "LARYNX Locked", + "larynx-locked-description": "Locked tokens provide liquidity to the network, aid in determining consensus, and earn rewards for node runners" + } + }, + "wallet-engine": { + "title": "Hive Engine Tokens", + "description": "Hive Engine is a smart contracts side-chain platform for the Hive blockchain.", + "no-results": "No tokens found.", + "token": "Token", + "balance": "Balance", + "staked": "Staked" + }, + "sort-engine-tokens": { + "sort": "Sort", + "sort-in-ascending": "Ascending", + "sort-in-descending": "Descending", + "sort-by-value": "Value", + "sort-by-balance": "Balance", + "sort-by-stake": "Stake", + "sort-by-delegations-in": "Delegations in", + "sort-by-delegations-out": "Delegations out" + }, + "wallet-engine-estimated": { + "title": "Estimated Tokens Value", + "description": "The approximate US Dollar value for all engine tokens in your wallet." + }, + "withdraw-routes": { + "title": "Withdraw accounts", + "account": "Account", + "percent": "Percent", + "validation-account": "Account is required.", + "validation-percent": "Percentage is required.", + "auto-power-up": "Automatically power up" + }, + "points": { + "get": "BUY POINTS", + "unclaimed-points": "Unclaimed points", + "claim-reward-points": "Claim reward points", + "main-description": "Points can be used for in-app services, like Promote, Boost, Gifting. Earn them just by using Ecency apps and improve your experience.", + "earn-points": "How to earn more Points", + "post-desc": "You can earn point by posting regularly. Posting gives you 15 points.", + "comment-desc": "Each comment you make helps you to grow your audience and make friendship but also earns you 5 points.", + "checkin-desc": "Checking in on Ecency gives you 0.25 points and helps you stay connected with your friends.", + "vote-desc": "By voting you give reward to other creators and show your appreciation but also earn 0.01 x vote weight points.", + "reblog-desc": "Share what post you like with your friends and earn 1 points.", + "login-desc": "When you login into Ecency you are entitled to earn 10 points automatically.", + "checkin-extra-desc": "Consistent use of app gives you extra chances to earn more 10 points, be more active and earn more.", + "delegation-desc": "You can earn ~100 points per day for each 1000HP delegation.", + "community-desc": "Register your community to get 20 points for per post published with Ecency applications.", + "history": "History", + "post-list-desc": "Points for post", + "comment-list-desc": "Points for comment", + "vote-list-desc": "Points for vote", + "reblog-list-desc": "Points for reblog", + "login-list-desc": "Points for login", + "checkin-list-desc": "Points for heartbeat", + "checkin-extra-list-desc": "Usage bonus", + "transfer-sent-list-desc": "Transfer to {{n}}", + "transfer-incoming-list-desc": "Transfer from {{n}}", + "delegation-list-desc": "Delegation reward", + "referral-list-desc": "Referral reward", + "community-list-desc": "Community reward", + "transfer": "Gift", + "claim-ok": "Points claimed", + "promote": "Promote", + "boost": "Boost", + "filter-all": "All History", + "filter-10": "Points for heartbeat", + "filter-20": "Points for login", + "filter-30": "Usage bonus", + "filter-100": "Points for post", + "filter-110": "Points for comment", + "filter-120": "Points for vote", + "filter-130": "Points for reblog", + "filter-150": "Delegation reward", + "filter-160": "Referral reward", + "filter-170": "Community reward", + "filter-998": "Outgoing transfer", + "filter-999": "Incoming transfer" + }, + "purchase": { + "select-asset": "Select Asset", + "slider-hint": "Drag the slider to adjust the amount.", + "submit": "Purchase", + "purchase-message": "Or send any amount to with `points` as a memo to purchase Points." + }, + "purchase-qr": { + "scan-code": "Scan with Ecency mobile app to continue", + "select-user": "Please, select an user", + "title": "Account boost", + "title-points": "Buy points", + "copied": "Account boost link copied!", + "select-type": "Select a type", + "boost": "Boost", + "points": "Points", + "boost-info": "Ecency has right to revoke delegations/boosts if stake is used improperly", + "points-amount": "{{n}} points" + }, + "promote": { + "title": "Promote", + "sub-title": "Promote your post", + "duration": "Duration", + "learn-more": "Learn more about promotion" + }, + "boost": { + "title": "Boost", + "sub-title": "Boost your post", + "amount": "Amount", + "slider-hint": "Drag the slider to adjust the amount.", + "hint": "Actual value of vote you receive may vary", + "learn-more": "Learn more about boosting" + }, + "redeem-common": { + "balance": "Balance", + "post": "Post", + "post-hint": "Autocomplete input", + "post-placeholder": "username/permlink", + "post-error": "Not a valid post address", + "post-boosted-exists": "This content is already boosted", + "post-promoted-exists": "This content is already promoted", + "success-message": "Your request submitted. It will be activated in a couple minutes.", + "account": "Account" + }, + "transfer": { + "transfer-title": "Transfer to Account", + "transfer-title-point": "Gift to Account", + "transfer-sub-title": "Move funds to another Hive account", + "stake-hive-engine-title": "Stake token", + "stake-hive-engine-sub-title": "Stake token to earn passive rewards", + "unstake-hive-engine-title": "Unstake token", + "unstake-hive-engine-sub-title": "Unstake token you will stop earning passive rewards", + "transfer-saving-title": "Transfer to Savings", + "transfer-saving-sub-title": "Protect funds by requiring a 3 day withdraw waiting period", + "withdraw-saving-title": "Savings Withdraw", + "withdraw-saving-sub-title": "Withdraw funds after the required 3 day waiting period", + "power-up-title": "Stake Hive as Power", + "convert-title": "Convert", + "power-up-sub-title": "Influence tokens which give you more control over post payouts and allow you to earn on curation rewards.", + "convert-sub-title": "Only recommended when HBD is below $1. You will get $1 of HIVE in 3.5 days.", + "delegate-title": "Delegate", + "delegate-sub-title": "Delegate Hive Power", + "delegate-hive-engine-title": "Delegate", + "delegate-hive-engine-sub-title": "Delegate Tokens", + "undelegate-hive-engine-title": "Undelegate", + "undelegate-hive-engine-sub-title": "Undelegate Tokens to add them back to your Hive Engine balance", + "power-down-title": "Power Down", + "power-down-sub-title": "Power Down Hive Power", + "claim-interest-title": "Claim HBD Interest", + "claim-interest-sub-title": "Withdraw small amount that will be cancelled right away", + "from": "From", + "to": "To", + "to-placeholder": "username", + "to-not-found": "The user that you are trying to transfer funds to does not exist!", + "to-bad-actor": "Use caution sending to this account. Please double check your spelling for possible phishing.", + "amount": "Amount", + "amount-placeholder": "amount", + "wrong-amount": "Wrong amount value", + "amount-precision-error": "Use only 3 digits of precision", + "balance": "Balance", + "power-down-estimated": "+ {{n}} Estimated Weekly", + "memo": "Memo", + "memo-placeholder": "enter your notes here", + "memo-help": "This memo is public", + "memo-error": "Never put private keys into a memo field, it is publicly visible to everyone.", + "memo-required": "Transfer to an exchange must have a memo.", + "invalid-asset": "You can only send HIVE to an exchange account.", + "available-hp-hint": "* available hive power", + "override-warning-1": "The new amount overrides the previous one.", + "override-warning-2": "Account ({{account}}) has already been delegated with {{previousAmount}}.", + "confirm-title": "Confirm your transaction", + "confirm-sub-title": "Please, check if everything is correct", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "recent-transfers": "Recent transfers", + "transfer-summary": "{{amount}} transferred from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "transfer-saving-summary": "{{amount}} transferred from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "withdraw-saving-summary": "{{amount}} transferred from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "convert-summary": "{{amount}} being converted", + "power-up-summary": "{{amount}} staked from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "stake-summary": "{{amount}} staked from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "unstake-summary": "{{amount}} unstaked from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "delegate-summary": "{{amount}} delegated from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "undelegate-summary": "{{amount}} undelegated from {{from}} to {{to}}", + "power-down-summary": "Power down completed as {{amount}}", + "claim-interest-summary": "Interest claimed and added to your savings balance", + "claim-summary": "Claimed and added to your savings balance", + "powerup-summary": "Power up completed successfully", + "powerdown-summary": "Power down completed successfully", + "reset": "Reset", + "powering-down": "You are currently powering down.", + "stop-power-down": "Stop", + "claim-title": "Claim", + "powerup-title": "Power Up", + "powerdown-title": "Power down", + "lock-title": "Lock liquidity", + "unlock-title": "Unlock liquidity", + "lock-summary": "Locking completed as {{amount}}", + "unlock-summary": "Unlocking completed as {{amount}}" + }, + "trx-common": { + "insufficient-funds": "Insufficient funds", + "sign-title": "Sign transaction", + "sign-sub-title": "Sign your transaction", + "success-title": "Success", + "success-sub-title": "Transaction successful" + }, + "transactions": { + "title": "History", + "group-all": "All History", + "group-transfers": "Transfers", + "group-market-orders": "Market Orders", + "group-interests": "Interests", + "group-stake-operations": "Stake operations", + "group-rewards": "Rewards", + "type-curation_reward": "Curation reward", + "type-author_reward": "Author reward", + "type-comment_benefactor_reward": "Comment benefactor reward", + "type-claim_reward_balance": "Claim rewards", + "type-transfer": "Transfer", + "type-transfer_to_vesting": "Power up", + "type-withdraw_vesting": "Power down", + "type-set_withdraw_vesting_route": "Withdraw route changed", + "type-fill_vesting_withdraw": "Partial Power down occurred", + "type-fill_order": "Open trade filled", + "type-producer_reward": "Producer reward", + "type-interest": "Interest", + "type-transfer_to_savings": "Transfer to savings", + "type-fill_convert_request": "Convert fulfilled", + "type-fill_collateralized_convert_request": "Collateralized convert fulfilled", + "type-fill_collateralized_convert-detail": "ID: {{request}}, Returned: {{returned}}", + "type-cancel_transfer_from_savings": "Cancel transfer from savings", + "type-cancel_transfer_from_savings-detail": "From: @{{from}}
Request id: {{request}}", + "type-return_vesting_delegation": "Return delegations", + "type-proposal_pay": "Proposal pay", + "type-update_proposal_votes": "Proposal vote", + "type-comment_payout_update": "Content payout update", + "type-comment_reward": "Content reward", + "type-recurrent_transfer": "Recurring transfer", + "type-recurrent_transfer-detail": "{{executions}} transfers, each every {{recurrence}} hours", + "type-fill_recurrent_transfer": "Recurring transfer occurred", + "type-fill_recurrent_transfer-detail": "Remaining {{remaining_executions}} transfers", + "type-delegate_vesting_shares": "Delegation", + "type-collateralized_convert": "Collateralized convert", + "type-collateralized_convert-detail": "Request id: {{request}}", + "type-update_proposal_vote-detail": "Proposal id: {{pid}}", + "type-limit_order_create": "New trade created", + "type-limit_order_cancel": "Open trade cancelled", + "type-effective_comment_vote": "Effective vote", + "type-account_witness_proxy": "Governance proxy update" + }, + "key-or-hot": { + "sign": "Sign", + "key-placeholder": "Enter active/owner/master key", + "with-hivesigner": "Sign with hivesigner", + "with-keychain": "Sign with keychain" + }, + "delegated-vesting": { + "title": "Delegated Hive Power", + "undelegate": "undelegate", + "subtitle": " HP Pending delegation returns" + }, + "received-vesting": { + "title": "Received Hive Power" + }, + "conversion-requests": { + "title": "Convert requests", + "request-id": "Request id", + "amount": "Amount", + "pending": "Pending" + }, + "collateralized-conversion-requests": { + "title": "Collateralized Convert requests", + "request-id": "Request id", + "collateral_amount": "Collateral", + "converted_amount": "Converted", + "pending": "Pending" + }, + "savings-withdraw": { + "title": "Withdraw from Savings", + "to": "To" + }, + "open-orders-list": { + "title": "Open orders", + "created": "Created", + "expires": "Expires", + "order-id": "Order id" + }, + "friends": { + "followers": "Followers ({{n}})", + "following": "Following ({{n}})", + "search-placeholder": "Search", + "active": "Active:" + }, + "friends-filter": { + "all": "All", + "recently": "Recently", + "this-month": "This month", + "this-year": "This year", + "one-year": "One year", + "two-years-more": "More than a year", + "filter": "Filter" + }, + "follow-controls": { + "follow": "Follow", + "unFollow": "Unfollow", + "mute": "Mute", + "unMute": "Unmute" + }, + "favorite-btn": { + "add": "Add to favorites", + "added": "Added to favorites", + "delete": "Remove from favorites", + "deleted": "Removed from favorites" + }, + "editor-toolbar": { + "bold": "Bold (Alt + B)", + "italic": "Italic (Alt + I)", + "header": "Heading", + "code": "Code (Alt + C)", + "quote": "Quote (Alt + M)", + "ul": "Unordered List", + "ol": "Ordered List", + "link": "Link (Alt + K)", + "image": "Image (Alt + D)", + "table": "Table (Alt + T)", + "table-3-col": "3 columns", + "table-2-col": "2 columns", + "table-1-col": "1 column", + "upload": "Upload", + "gallery": "Gallery", + "emoji": "Emoji", + "image-error": "Couldn't upload image.", + "image-error-cache": "Couldn't upload image. You seem to be signed out. Try signing in again.", + "image-error-size": "Image size is too large, try smaller size image again.", + "image-error-conflict-name": "You have image with this filename already. Select it from gallery instead.", + "image-error-network": "Couldn't upload image. Network issue with status {{0}}.", + "image-error-url-missed": "Image uploading caused error. Please, try again.", + "fragments": "Snippets", + "link-image": "Link", + "polls": "Polls" + }, + "emoji-picker": { + "filter-placeholder": "Filter", + "filter-no-match": "No match", + "recently-used": "Recently Used" + }, + "gif-picker": { + "filter-placeholder": "Filter", + "credits": "Powered by GIPHY" + }, + "submit": { + "page-title": "Create a post", + "page-description": "Publish an article, earn reward, uncensored, immutable, decentralized content!", + "title-placeholder": "Title", + "body-placeholder": "Tell your story...", + "reward": "Reward", + "take-tour": "Take a tour", + "reward-hint": "Set author reward ratio for liquid and staked tokens", + "reward-default": "Default 50% / 50%", + "reward-sp": "Power Up 100%", + "reward-dp": "Decline Payout", + "preview": "Preview", + "publish": "Publish", + "update": "Update", + "save-draft": "Save Draft", + "load-draft": "Load Draft", + "draft-saved": "Draft saved", + "update-draft": "Update Draft", + "draft-updated": "Draft updated", + "cancel-update": "Cancel", + "clear": "Clear", + "published": "Post Published", + "updated": "Post Updated", + "thumbnail": "Thumbnail", + "advanced": "Advanced", + "beneficiaries": "Beneficiaries", + "beneficiaries-hint": "Set beneficiaries to share author reward with other accounts", + "reblog": "Reblog", + "reblog-hint": "Auto share content to your blog", + "schedule": "Schedule", + "schedule-hint": "Auto publish content on specific time", + "scheduled": "Post scheduled", + "empty-title-alert": "Enter post title", + "empty-tags-alert": "Enter post tags", + "empty-body-alert": "Enter post body", + "description": "Short description", + "should-be-only-one-unpublished": "Post should contain only one unpublished video. Please, remove other ones." + }, + "video-upload": { + "choose-video": "Select a video", + "record-video": "Record a video", + "choose-thumbnail": "Set a thumbnail(optional)", + "continue": "Continue", + "encode": "Send for encoding", + "success": "Video succesfully uploaded", + "finished": "Finished", + "upload-video": "Upload video", + "video-gallery": "Video gallery", + "preview": "Preview", + "to-gallery": "Go to gallery", + "congrats": "Congratulations", + "publishing": "Don't refresh this page, wait for few seconds for video to process", + "no-record-permission": "You don't have permission to record video", + "confirm-and-upload": "Confirm and upload to 3Speak", + "uploading": "Uploading..{{n}}/{{total}}", + "uploaded": "Uploaded!", + "reset": "Reset", + "source": "Video source", + "thumbnail": "Thumbnail", + "min-duration-alert": "Video less than 15 seconds in duration will be ignored by 3Speak." + }, + "video-gallery": { + "all": "All", + "title": "Video gallery", + "published": "Published", + "encoding": "Encoding", + "encoded": "Encoded", + "failed": "Failed", + "status-encoded": "Ready for posting", + "status-encoding": "Encoding", + "status-published": "Published", + "status-failed": "Encoding failed", + "status-deleted": "Deleted", + "info-created": "Created:", + "status": "Status:", + "info-views": "Views:", + "info-duration": "Duration:", + "info-size": "File size:", + "insert-video": "Insert", + "insert-nsfw": "Insert as NSFW", + "refresh": "Refresh to get updated status", + "video-info": "Videos are stored and powered by SPK network, might have some storage and encoding fees." + }, + "nsfw-content": { + "title": "NSFW contents", + "warning": "Please check this if your content is NSFW", + "continue": "Continue" + }, + "tag-selector": { + "placeholder-empty": "Tags. First tag is main category. Sortable.", + "placeholder-focus": "Enter tag", + "placeholder-has-tags": "Add More", + "suggestion-header": "Tags", + "error-max": "Max {{n}} tags", + "limited_tags": "Only 10 tags allowed, remove some", + "limited_length": "Maximum length of each tag should be 24", + "limited_dash": "Use one dash in each tag", + "limited_space": "Use space to separate tags", + "limited_lowercase": "Only use lower letters in tag", + "limited_characters": "Use only lowercase letters, digits and one dash", + "limited_firstchar": "Tag must start with a letter", + "limited_lastchar": "Tag must end with letter or number" + }, + "community-selector": { + "choose": "Choose a community", + "my-blog": "My Blog", + "search-placeholder": "Search Communities" + }, + "word-count": { + "label": "{{n}} words", + "read-time-less-1-min": "< 1 min read", + "read-time-n-min": "~ {{n}} min read" + }, + "beneficiary-editor": { + "title": "Beneficiaries", + "btn-label": "Set Beneficiaries", + "btn-label-n": "Set Beneficiaries ({{n}})", + "username": "Username", + "reward": "Reward", + "user-error": "{{n}} is not a valid user.", + "validation-percentage": "Percentage is required.", + "validation-username": "Username is required.", + "user-exists-error": "{{n}} is already in the list" + }, + "post-scheduler": { + "title": "Schedule", + "btn-label": "Schedule", + "error-message": "Please select a valid future date and time." + }, + "notification": { + "popup-title": "You have a new notification", + "voted": "{{source}} voted your post", + "mention-post": "{{source}} mentioned you in a post", + "mention-comment": "{{source}} mentioned you in a comment", + "favorite": "{{source}} made new post", + "bookmark": "{{source}} replied to bookmarked content", + "followed": "{{source}} followed you", + "replied": "{{source}} replied you", + "reblogged": "{{source}} reblogged your post", + "transfer": "{{source}} sent you {{amount}}", + "delegations": "{{source}} delegated you {{amount}}" + }, + "notifications": { + "type-all": "All Notifications", + "type-all-short": "All", + "type-rvotes": "Votes", + "type-replies": "Replies", + "type-mentions": "Mentions", + "type-follows": "Follows", + "type-reblogs": "Reblogs", + "type-transfers": "Transfers", + "type-delegations": "Delegations", + "type-nfavorites": "Favorites", + "type-nbookmarks": "Bookmarks", + "group-title-recent": "Recent", + "vote-str": "{{p}}% voted post", + "reply-str": "replied to post", + "mention-str": "mentioned in", + "favorite-str": "made new post", + "bookmark-str": "replied to bookmarked content", + "followed-str": "followed", + "unfollowed-str": "unfollowed", + "ignored-str": "ignored", + "reblog-str": "reblogged post", + "transfer-str": "sent", + "delegations-str": "delegated", + "spin-str": "Time to earn more Points, Play Spin on Ecency Mobile app", + "inactive-str": "Be active! Write a post, continue earning", + "referral-str": "joined with referral, welcome them", + "refresh": "Refresh", + "mark-all-read": "Mark All as Read", + "mark-read": "Mark as Read", + "mute": "Turn off notification alerts", + "unmute": "Turn on notification alerts", + "settings": "Settings", + "select": "Select notification", + "unselect": "Unselect notification", + "mark-selected-read": "Mark selected as read" + }, + "leaderboard": { + "title-stars": "Most active", + "title-curators": "Curators", + "title-day": "Daily leaders", + "title-week": "Weekly leaders", + "title-month": "Monthly leaders", + "period-day": "Daily", + "period-week": "Weekly", + "period-month": "Monthly", + "header-score": "Activities", + "header-score-tip": "Post + comments made by a user for selected period", + "header-reward": "Reward", + "header-votes": "Votes", + "header-votes-tip": "Number of votes in this period" + }, + "popular-users": { + "title": "Popular Users" + }, + "discover": { + "title": "Discover", + "description": "Discover top online users" + }, + "search-page": { + "title": "Search", + "description": "Find uncensored content, communities and users" + }, + "search-comment": { + "title": "Results", + "matches": "{{n}} matches", + "matches-singular": "1 match", + "advanced": "Advanced", + "search": "Search", + "search-placeholder": "Search content", + "author": "Author", + "author-placeholder": "username", + "type": "Type", + "type-": "All", + "type-post": "Post", + "type-comment": "Comment", + "category": "Category", + "category-placeholder": "category", + "tags": "Tags", + "tags-placeholder": "comma separated tags", + "date": "Date", + "date-week": "Last Week", + "date-month": "Last Month", + "date-year": "Last Year", + "date-all": "All", + "sort": "Sort", + "sort-popularity": "Popularity", + "sort-relevance": "Relevance", + "sort-newest": "Recent", + "hide-low": "Hide low payout content", + "show-more": "show more" + }, + "search-people": { + "title": "People" + }, + "search-topics": { + "title": "Topics" + }, + "search-communities": { + "title": "Communities" + }, + "witnesses": { + "page-title": "Witnesses", + "page-description": "Consensus block producers selection", + "page-description-long": "Role of witnesses or block producers in Hive blockchain is to act as the network's governance body. Community elects them to represent their voice and each user can elect up to 30 witnesses. Top 20 witnesses are producing blocks every minute while rest remain as backup witness and gets randomized chance every minute. This role is integral part of consensus mechanism blockchain runs on and recommend user engagement to vote on trusted witnesses.", + "remaining": "{{n}} of {{max}} votes remaining", + "search-placeholder": "Search", + "sort": "Sort", + "sort-rank": "Rank", + "sort-name": "Name", + "sort-fee": "Fee", + "searching": "Searching", + "no-results": "No results found", + "list-rank": "Rank", + "list-witness": "Witness", + "list-miss": "Miss", + "list-url": "URL", + "list-fee": "Fee", + "list-feed": "Feed", + "list-version": "Version", + "username-placeholder": "username", + "extra-description": "Enter account name below to vote for a witness outside of Top 50", + "proxy-description": "You can also choose a proxy that will vote for witnesses for you. This will reset your current witness selection.", + "proxy-btn-label": "Set Proxy", + "proxy-active-description": "You have set a voting proxy. If you would like to re-enable manual voting, please clear your proxy.", + "proxy-active-current": "Your current proxy is", + "proxy-active-btn-label": "Clear Proxy", + "proxy-votes-for": "@{{username}} votes for", + "proxy-active-highlighted": "Your proxy votes are highlighted", + "check-witness-highlighted": "votes are highlighted" + }, + "referral": { + "page-title": "Referrals", + "page-description-long": "Here is a list of all the users you have referred to the Ecency application.", + "created": "Created", + "list-referral": "Account", + "rewarded": "Rewarded", + "pending-reward": "Pending Points", + "earned-reward": "Earned Points", + "delegate-hp": "Delegate HP" + }, + "proposals": { + "page-title": "Proposals", + "page-description": "The Decentralized Hive Fund (DHF) is an on-chain funding mechanism that allows anyone to submit a proposal and get funding once community votes pass certain threshold. To learn more read our FAQ.", + "by": "by", + "for": "for", + "duration-days": "{{n}} days", + "daily-pay": "Daily {{n}}", + "votes": "Votes: {{n}}", + "status-active": "active", + "status-expired": "expired", + "status-inactive": "upcoming", + "remaining-days": "Remaining: {{n}} days", + "filter-all": "All", + "filter-active": "Active", + "filter-inactive": "Upcoming", + "filter-team": "Ecency Projects", + "return-description": "This is the base return proposal. Every proposal with less votes will not receive funds.", + "threshold-description": "This is a threshold proposal.", + "votes-dialog-title": "Votes on Proposal #{{n}}", + "see-all": "see all proposals", + "daily-funded": "daily funded", + "daily-budget": "daily budget", + "total-budget": "total budget", + "search-placeholder": "Search", + "sort": "Sort", + "sort-reputation": "Reputation", + "sort-hp": "Hive Power", + "no-results": "No results found", + "searching": "Searching" + }, + "gallery": { + "title": "Gallery", + "copied": "Copied to clipboard" + }, + "drafts": { + "title": "Drafts", + "filter": "Search by title" + }, + "schedules": { + "title": "Scheduled Posts", + "move": "Move to drafts" + }, + "bookmarks": { + "title": "Bookmarks" + }, + "favorites": { + "title": "Favorites" + }, + "fragments": { + "title": "Snippets", + "create-first": "Create your first snippet", + "filter": "Search by title", + "form-title": "Title", + "validation-title": "Title is required.", + "validation-value": "Value is required.", + "validation-body": "Body is required.", + "form-body": "Body" + }, + "password-update": { + "title": "Change Password", + "account": "Account", + "cur-pass": "Current password", + "new-pass": "New password", + "new-pass2": "Confirm new password", + "error-new2": "Passwords must be same", + "pass-gen": "Click to generate password", + "label-check": "I have securely saved my generated password", + "validation-password": "Password is invalid.", + "validation-label": "Please tick this box to proceed.", + "updated": "Password updated successfully!" + }, + "view-keys": { + "title": "View Private keys", + "header": "Manage keys", + "account": "Account", + "cur-pass": "Current password", + "owner": "Owner", + "active": "Active", + "posting": "Posting", + "memo": "Memo", + "view-keys": "Click to view keys", + "copied": "Private key copied into clipboard", + "error": "Password seem incorrect, please double check!" + }, + "manage-authorities": { + "title": "Manage Authorities", + "type": "Type", + "key": "Key", + "weight": "Weight", + "posting": "posting", + "revoke": "Revoke", + "owner": "owner", + "active": "active", + "copy": "Copy", + "import": "Import private key", + "sign-title": "Sign transaction", + "sign-sub-title": "Sign your transaction", + "success-message": "You revoke the permission of posting from ", + "copied": "Key copied into clipboard", + "keys-success-message": "Authorities keys imported successfully", + "password-title": "Enter password or private key", + "password-sub-title": "Individual Private key or Master password to import all keys", + "reveal-public-key": "Reveal public key", + "reveal-private-key": "Reveal private key", + "submit": "Submit", + "error-fields-required": "Please enter private key", + "error-wrong-key": "Please enter correct private key", + "password-label": "Master password/Private key", + "actions": "Actions", + "memo": "memo", + "placeholder": "Master password or Private key", + "success-title": "Successful", + "success-sub-title": "Import successful" + }, + "account-recovery": { + "title": "Change Recovery Agent", + "curr-recovery-acc": "Current Recovery Agent", + "new-recovery-acc": "New Recovery Agent", + "new-recovery-email": "Email", + "confirm-title": "Confirm your transaction", + "confirm-sub-title": "Please, check if everything is correct", + "req-error": "Sorry! Your request of recover agent change is already in progress", + "to-not-found": "The user that you are tyring to set, does not exist!", + "sign-title": "Sign transaction", + "sign-sub-title": "Sign your transaction", + "success-message": "New recovery agent is effective after 30 days", + "info-message": "Overwrite pending request? @{{n}}", + "same-account-error": "You can't set yourself as recovery account!", + "same-recover-agent-suggestion": "Please change your recovery account to Ecency or any other account", + "email-placeholder": "Email, used for verifying recovery process", + "update-successful": "Update successful", + "update-success-message": "Your Recovery email has been updated successfully" + }, + "chat": { + "page-title": "Conversations", + "read-only": "Read-only", + "why-read-only": "This user has changed their chat key. Please, find new account by username in search above.", + "user-not-joined": "Hasn't joined yet", + "title": "Chats", + "messages": "Messages", + "key": "Ecency chat key", + "new-message": "New Message", + "direct-messages": "Direct messages", + "collapse": "Collapse", + "expand": "Expand", + "scroll-to-bottom": "Scroll to Bottom", + "joined": "Joined", + "followers": "Followers", + "start-chat-placeholder": "Start a new message", + "search": "Search people or communities", + "join-chat": "Join chat", + "join-channel": "Join channel", + "back": "Back", + "no-chat": "No conversation found", + "start-chat": "Start chatting", + "not-joined": "This user hasn't joined the chat yet", + "subscribers": "Subscribers", + "invite": "Invite", + "send-invite": "Send an invite", + "leave:": "Leave", + "refresh": "Refresh", + "message-warning": "You cannot send messages in this group.", + "edit-community-roles": "Edit Community Roles", + "add": "Add", + "no-admin": "No admin or moderator for this community chat.", + "blocked-users": "Blocked Users", + "action": "Action", + "unblock": "Unblock", + "ecency-key": "Ecency key", + "no-locked-user": "Blocked users not found", + "no-hidden-messages": "Hidden messages not found", + "enter-private-key": "Enter Chat private key", + "enter-private-key-detail": "Enter chat private key to import all chats", + "close": "Close", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "error-updating-community": "Error occurred while updating community", + "leave-channel": "Leave channel", + "leaving": "Leaving", + "edit-roles": "Edit Roles", + "manage-chat-key": "Credentials info", + "block": "Block", + "communities": "Communities", + "dms": "Direct messages", + "import-chat": "Import Chat", + "create-new-account": "Create New Account", + "loading": "Loading...", + "blocked-user-message": "You have been blocked from this community", + "start-community-channel": "Start community channel", + "view-community-channel": "View community channel", + "submit": "Submit", + "chat-priv-key": "Please, save Chat key by clicking on download button or scanning QR code to restore your conversations.", + "public-key": "Public key", + "private-key": "Private key", + "copy-priv-key": "Copy Private key", + "extended-view": "Extended View", + "you-haven-t-joined": "You haven't joined the Chat yet. Please join to get started!", + "invalid-private-key": "Invalid private key", + "enter-username": "Enter temporary username", + "hide-message": "Hide message", + "block-author": "Block author", + "unblock-author": "Unblock author", + "create-an-account": "Create chat account", + "create-description": "Welcome aboard! Your account is almost ready. Dive into conversations and enjoy connecting with others privately.", + "create-pin-description": "Please, set PIN for getting access to your chats from any device", + "logout": "Logout", + "specify-invitation-message": "This invitation message will be sent as comment to latest user post", + "successfully-invited": "Successfully invited!", + "invite-couldnt-be-sent": "Invite couldn't be sent due to user doesn't have any post yet", + "no-posts-for-invite": "Unfortunately, User doesn't seem active and haven't made any posts.", + "warn-key-saving": "Backup your Chat key to keep account secure and also have uninterrupted service!", + "view-and-save": "Show keys and save", + "blocked-users-management": "Blocked users management", + "unlock-the-section": "Please, enter your PIN to see your credentials information", + "no-contacts-or-channels": "No conversations yet", + "upload-image": "Upload image", + "hidden-messages": "Hidden messages", + "hidden-messages-management": "Hidden messages management", + "saved-messages": "Saved messages", + "fetch-error": "While you were away, network change detected. Reload page now to fetch new data", + "pin": "Pin", + "unpin": "Unpin", + "select-contact-or-channel": "Select contact or channel", + "message-forwarding": "Message forwarding", + "forward": "Forward message", + "forwarded-from": "Forwarded message", + "welcome": { + "title": "Welcome to Chats", + "description": "Create or import an account start using Chats", + "already-joined-title": "Looks like, you've already joined the Chats", + "already-joined-hint": "Please, verify your account and get access by entering PIN", + "pin-failed": "Invalid PIN. Failed to verify.", + "oops": "Oops!", + "user-not-joined-yet": "You can't send a message. This user or channel hasn't joined to chats yet.", + "hello": "Hello", + "start-description": "Search a person or community and start messaging", + "join-description": "You aren't part of channel", + "rejoin-description": "You have left this community chat. Rejoin the chat now!" + }, + "import": { + "title": "Importing account", + "description": "Please, enter public and private key pair to import your existing account", + "button": "Import", + "iv": "Initial vector value" + }, + "reply": "Reply", + "reply-to": "Replying to {{account}}" + }, + "add-image": { + "title": "Add Image", + "text-label": "Image Text", + "link-label": "Image Link", + "validation-text": "Text is required.", + "validation-image": "Image is required." + }, + "add-image-mobile": { + "title": "Add Image", + "recent-title": "Recently uploaded", + "gallery": "Gallery", + "upload": "Upload image" + }, + "add-link": { + "title": "Add Link", + "text-label": "Text", + "link-label": "https://", + "validation-text": "Text is required.", + "validation-link": "Link is required." + }, + "scroll-to-top": { + "title": "Scroll to Top" + }, + "static": { + "about": { + "page-title": "About", + "intro-title": "What is Ecency", + "intro-content": "Ecency is beautiful and handy wrapper interface around the Hive blockchain network allowing you to create your own posts, surf your feeds, vote what you like, write comments, read replies, do all major Hive functions in your daily social surfing as well as wallet actions and other extras such as search, discover different tags etc.", + "faq-title": "FAQ", + "faqs": "All FAQs", + "contact-title": "Contacts", + "contact-blog": "Founder's blog", + "contact-news": "News on Hive", + "contact-email": "Email us" + }, + "faq": { + "about-ecency": "About Ecency", + "working": "Working of Ecency", + "about-blockchain": "About Blockchain", + "features": "Features of Ecency", + "toggle-icon-info": "Tap on me to toggle", + "page-title": "How can we help you?", + "search-link-copied": "Search link copied to clipboard", + "page-sub-title": "Table of Contents", + "what-is-ecency-header": "What is Ecency?", + "search": "Related results for {{search}} filtered below", + "search-not-found": "Nothing was found. To ask our community, join our ", + "search-placeholder": "Search our articles", + "what-is-ecency-body": "

Ecency is a blockchain based decentralized social network - powered by Hive.

Ecency is home of free speech and rewarding communities for content creators with true/full ownership.

Project is founded by Feruz Muradov in August 2016 as an alternative social network that's uncensored, user controled, immutable and opensource. There are many independent and voluntary contributors who work together to bring the vision to masses.

Ecency is hub of communities powered by cutting edge technology where users are getting paid for their time, resources and learn while having complete control over their account, communities and content. Through ease of use, users not only learn but also become investors, innovators of the new internet.

", + "what-is-hive-header": "What is Hive blockchain?", + "what-is-hive-body": "

Hive is a blockchain that was designed to be fast, feeless, decentralized, uncensored platform for Web3.0 applications, with built-in features where stake holders can earn rewards by staking, curating, posting, playing games, trading - all without any middle man (decentralized). Tokens on Hive blockchain called HIVE, HIVE DOLLARS, HIVE POWER.

", + "what-is-difference-header": "What's the difference from other Social Networks?", + "what-is-difference-body": "

The primary difference, Ecency is based on a blockchain which means content is immutable and uncensorable. You own your community and account, nobody but you have full control of your data. Empowering true free speech. Ecency is also opensource, rewarding and innovative, built and owned by users. Aspire for greatness!

", + "why-choose-ecency-header": "Why would I choose Ecency?", + "why-choose-ecency-body": "

Tailored feature set to empower you to create, inspire your audience and community. Ecency mobile application giving you on-go solution. With desktop app you are always sure to get uncensored content right from the blockchain, with website reach thousands of readers accross globe with best ranked content on search engines. State of art security measures so your keys will always stay encrypted and out of reach for ill-intentioned individuals. Fast and beautiful website, helps you to get discovered online and gain exposure for your content and gain loyal followers and readers. Build your community with Ecency today and take advantages of emerging blockchain technology and uncensored content, true free speech!

", + "how-ecency-works-header": "How does Ecency work?", + "how-ecency-works-body": "

Ecency stores and reads data from the blockchain, and thus data is accessible and uncensored. Ecency rewards content creators with built-in incentive mechanism of blockchain, with tokens (HIVE, HIVE DOLLARS, HIVE POWER) as well as Points. Tokens can be purchased and sold in major cryptocurrency exchanges (e.g. Binance, Bittrex). Points could be utilized within platform and traded for goods, services.

", + "how-to-join-header": "How to join Ecency?", + "how-to-join-body": "

Go to and create an account. After signup you will receive email with further instructions. Your password is your master password to your account. Please store it safely, if you loose your password, you ultimately loose access to your account and your funds. Accounts cannot be deactivated or deleted, account names can not be changed as well. The account along with all of its activity is permanently stored in the blockchain. Without password, accounts cannot be restored, store your keys safely.

", + "how-to-signin-header": "How to sign in to Ecency?", + "how-to-signin-body": "

You can sign-in to Ecency by using your Username and Master password or by using Active Private Keys. We take security very seriously, that's why we never store your private keys, on mobile app they are encrypted with extra PIN code of your choice, on website they are never stored. You can also use Hivesigner OAuth2 authentication service to easily login, manage and perform actions.

", + "how-referrals-work-header": "How referral system work on Ecency?", + "how-referrals-work-body": "

Referral system is simple, you can invite your friends by adding your username in this link and share it with your friends. Once your friends join Ecency and earn their first 250 Points, you will earn 100 Points. There is no limits on referrals and its reward.

", + "what-is-points-header": "What are Ecency Points and how to use them?", + "what-is-points-body": "

Ecency Points are continually minted and rewarded for all users for various social activities they perform on website, mobile or desktop app. Points can be used for promoting, take Ecency delegation, can even be transferred or gifted to another user. You can also purchase Points with our mobile apps.

", + "where-tokens-come-header": "Where do the tokens come from?", + "where-tokens-come-body": "

The Hive network continually creates new digital tokens to reward content creators and curators. Some of the newly-created tokens are transferred to users who add value to platform by posting, commenting, and voting on other people's posts. The remainder is distributed to holders of HIVE POWER and the witnesses that secures the blockchain.

", + "how-promotion-work-header": "How content promotion works?", + "how-promotion-work-body": "

Promoting content on Ecency is very simple and easy. Ecency Points are used to promote content for 1, 2, 3, 7 or 14 days to get more exposure. Promoted posts are shuffled across the feeds to all users in mobile app, desktop app and website. There is no limit or restrictions, any post can be promoted to get more exposure and engagement. We hold right to remove posts from promotion list if it violates certain internet etiquette.

", + "how-to-transfer-header": "How to transfer blockchain tokens?", + "how-to-transfer-body": "

After login, you will find Wallet page in top header on website and desktop app or in Profile page, bottom navigation bar on mobile app. In wallet page you can initiate transfer of any token you hold to another user or exchange accounts, click on arrow next to your balance and find transfer operations. Transfers are irreversible because they are registered on blockchain, make sure to send correct recipient.

", + "how-see-rewards-header": "How do I see my post rewards?", + "how-see-rewards-body": "

In Wallet page (in top header on website and desktop app, bottom navigation bar on mobile app), you can see Curation rewards (the rewards earned for upvoting posts and comments) and Author rewards (the rewards earned by your own posts and comments)

You can also view the same information for other users by visiting their wallet profile.

", + "how-dhf-work-header": "How DHF works?", + "how-dhf-work-body": "

Anyone can create a proposal and convince community to vote on their proposal to get funded. Before creating proposal, normal post should be published on blockchain and it is recommended to gather feedback before creating proposal. Proposal creation has fee of 10 HBD + 1 HBD for each day it lasts over 60 days.

Once proposal reaches certain threshold of tallied votes, it will start receiving funds each hour. If proposal falls below threshold, system will halt funding for that proposal. You can vote as many proposals as you want, there are no limits. Proposal cannot be edited, but can be deleted/withdrawn by creator.

", + "when-claim-rewards-header": "When can I claim my rewards?", + "when-claim-rewards-body": "

Posts and comments remain active for 7 days and rewards are fluctuates depending on votes and market price of token, that is why rewards are approximated as pending reward. When the period is over, pending reward changes to actual reward and you are able to claim earned rewards. In your Wallet, click the Claim Rewards button to add the tokens to your account.

", + "what-are-rc-header": "What are Resource Credits?", + "what-are-rc-body": "

Transacting on the Hive blockchain has zero fees, transaction rate-limiting is employed to safeguard the blockchain from spam attacks. Every action that you take on the blockchain will consume a small amount of Resource Credits. This includes posting, commenting, voting, transferring tokens, etc. Viewing content does not consume Resource Credits.

Every user has a limited amount of Resource Credits to use each week. The more transactions a user does, the less Resource Credits they will have left (until they recharge). Users with more HIVE POWER will have more Resource Credits.

If you run out of Resource Credits, you will be unable to transact with the blockchain until your Resource Credits recharge (happens automatically) or you acquire additional HIVE POWER to increase your Resource Credit balance or you can request Boosting account from Ecency to receive temporary delegation.

", + "how-boost-account-header": "How to request account boosting?", + "how-boost-account-body": "

If your account is low on Resource Credits, you can request account boosting from Ecency. You will receive 30 days delegation (553311 VESTS) which should boost your account to perform more activities on blockchain. Delegation could be withdrawn anytime if our team finds inappropriate use of power. You can request account boosting quickly with QR page just change username and scan QR image with Ecency mobile app.

", + "what-spam-abuse-header": "What is considered spam or abuse?", + "what-spam-abuse-body": "

", + "can-link-post-header": "Can I request adding backlink to my website from Ecency team?", + "can-link-post-body": "

All the content on our site is created by our users and we don't modify or able to add backlinks. You are free to contact author of the post or Signup to open your own blog and community, publish articles to create backlinks for free.

", + "can-guest-post-header": "Is it possible to guest post on your website?", + "can-guest-post-body": "

Publishing on Ecency is simple and easy, Signup to open your own blog and community, start posting your content.

", + "source-label-header": "Content source labels, what are those?", + "source-label-body": "

Content source helps you understand how content was published. In some cases you may see a third-party client name, which indicates the Content came from a non-Ecency application. Authors sometimes use third-party client applications to manage their blogs, communities. Third-party clients are software tools used by authors and therefore are not affiliated with, nor do they reflect the views of, the content. Content can be directly created by humans or, in some circumstances, automated by an application.

", + "how-to-contribute-header": "How to contribute to the Ecency?", + "how-to-contribute-body": "

Our awesome contributors helping us to shape Ecency. You can be part of this great movement, by joining our Translation team: Website, Mobile or by contributing with Ideas, Developing, Designing, Social media outreach skills. We try our best to support our contributors!

", + "can-change-username-header": "Can I change my username?", + "can-change-username-body": "

Account names on Ecency and Hive blockchain can not be changed. If you would like a new account name, you can create new account.

", + "can-delete-account-header": "Can I delete or deactivate my account?", + "can-delete-account-body": "

Accounts on Ecency can not be deactivated or deleted. The account along with all of its activity is permanently stored in the Hive blockchain.

", + "different-reward-choices-header": "What are the differences in Reward types?", + "different-reward-choices-body": "

In publishing settings section, you can see 3 different Reward types/choices.

", + "how-exchange-work-header": "How token exchange works?", + "how-exchange-work-body": "

Exchanging and trading tokens on Ecency is very simple. We utilize internal peer-to-peer, decentralized exchange built into Hive blockchain. Offer easy to use interface so you can exchange one token to another, completely decentralized manner. Create buy or sell order and wait for other people to fill your order. If you want to quickly swap tokens then you can fill someone else's open order for quick trade.

", + "how-voting-works-header": "How voting content on Ecency?", + "how-voting-works-body": "

To vote content on Ecency is quite simple, you can learn all about it in following article Voting content

", + "what-reputation-header": "What is Reputation?", + "what-reputation-body": "

Your reputation is an important indicator of your behavior and how the community perceives your work. When you join Hive, you begin with a reputation score of 25, which can change based on the number of upvotes you receive. The direction of this change is solely determined by your actions. By contributing high-quality content and engaging in meaningful discussions, you can increase your reputation and earn a good income. However, if your content involves abuse or plagiarism, receiving downvotes will inevitably lead to a decrease in your reputation.

", + "improve-reputation-score-header": "How to improve my Reputation score?", + "improve-reputation-score-body": "

The more upvotes you receive from users with high reputation, the higher your reputation score will be. Earning upvotes by giving value to the community is the greatest approach to improving your reputation score.

", + "why-score-going-down-header": "Why my Reputation score is going down?", + "why-score-going-down-body": "

Your reputation score is affected by the upvotes and downvotes you receive. If a user with a higher reputation downvotes you, it can decrease your reputation score. However, if you have more upvotes than downvotes (taking into account the weight of each vote), your reputation score will still increase overall.

", + "what-hive-witnesses-header": "What are Hive witnesses?", + "what-hive-witnesses-body": "

The witnesses or block producers in the Hive blockchain have the responsibility of serving as the governing body of the network. The top 20 witnesses continuously produce blocks every minute, while the remaining witnesses act as backup and have a randomized chance of producing blocks. These witnesses are elected by the community to represent their interests, and each user has the ability to vote for up to 30 witnesses. This role is crucial to the consensus mechanism of the blockchain, and it is recommended for users to actively engage in voting for trusted witnesses. In return for their block production, witnesses are rewarded with Hive Power.

", + "how-vote-witnesses-header": "How can I vote for witnesses?", + "how-vote-witnesses-body": "

Visit Witness page and click the voting icon.

", + "what-are-hive-header": "What are HIVE tokens?", + "what-are-hive-body": "

HIVE tokens are tradable and can be transferred at any time. They can also be converted into Hive Power through a process known as powering up or staking HIVE. HIVE is a type of cryptocurrency token, similar to Bitcoin.

", + "what-is-hive-power-header": "What is HIVE POWER?", + "what-is-hive-power-body": "

Hive Power refers to tokens of influence that increase in value when held for a longer period and used for voting on content. The greater the amount of Hive Power one possesses, the greater their ability to impact the rewards of others and earn rewards through accurate voting. Hive Power is obtained by staking HIVE tokens, which can be withdrawn after a 13-week period.

", + "what-are-hd-header": "What are HIVE DOLLARS or HBD?", + "what-are-hd-body": "

Hive Dollars, often shortened as HBD, are tokens equivalent to approximately $1.00 worth of HIVE. These tokens can be exchanged for HIVE and can be transferred to other accounts for commercial purposes or trading. Additionally, Hive Dollars can be converted into HIVE, but this conversion process takes around 3.5 days.

", + "what-delegated-hp-header": "What is delegated Hive Power?", + "what-delegated-hp-body": "

Users can delegate Hive Power to other users, allowing them to have the same benefits and privileges as if they had their own Hive Power. This includes having their Resource Credits, content votes, and curation rewards calculated based on the delegated Hive Power. However, users who receive delegated Hive Power cannot power down or withdraw it as it still belongs to the original owner.

", + "what-powering-up-header": "What is powering up?", + "what-powering-up-body": "

You have the option to increase the power of your earned Hive tokens by converting them into Hive Power. This process involves keeping your HIVE tokens in your wallet and converting them into HIVE Power, which in turn boosts your voting power and resource credits on the blockchain. By having more Hive Power, you can earn higher curation rewards and receive additional vested tokens. Additionally, possessing more HP gives you greater influence in approving Hive witnesses.

", + "what-powering-down-header": "What is powering down?", + "what-powering-down-body": "

You can both power up and power down Hive Power using the same wallets. However, when you choose to power down, your Hive Power will not be immediately accessible as Hive. Instead, it will be converted into 13 equal parts and transferred to your Hive wallet on a weekly basis. The first portion will only be available one week after the power down process has been initiated.

", + "why-different-keys-header": "Why are there different keys?", + "why-different-keys-body": "

There are different keys with the appropriate permissions for what you are doing.

", + "stolen-hive-hbd-header": "What can I do if my HIVE or Hive dollar tokens are stolen or sent to the wrong account?", + "stolen-hive-hbd-body": "

If your liquid tokens are stolen or sent to the wrong account, there is no action you can take. However, if your tokens are in Hive Power, the chances of being hacked are less than 1/13 per week. Additionally, if your tokens are in savings, there is a three-day waiting period before they can be transferred. It may be safer to stake/power up or transfer funds into savings.", + "what-are-tags-header": "What are tags or topics?", + "what-are-tags-body": "

A tag is a description of the assigned content, used by search engines to identify and provide accurate search results. Tags must be in lowercase letters and cannot contain spaces, but hyphenated words with a single dash are acceptable.

", + "how-use-tags-header": "How to use tags?", + "how-use-tags-body": "

Users have the freedom to create their own tags, but it is important to choose a relevant and useful tag in order to make your post easily discoverable. For instance, using the 'introduction' tag can make your first introduction post popular. It is crucial to use tags that are related to your post to avoid receiving downvotes for mislabeling.

", + "why-publish-gray-header": "Why is the Publish button grayed out?", + "why-publish-gray-body": "

Once you have finished writing your post, make sure that you have selected a suitable title and at least one valid tag. If you forget to do so, the Publish button will remain grayed out and you will not be able to proceed.

", + "what-links-show-header": "What do the Trending, Hot, New, Rising and Controversial links show?", + "what-links-show-body": "

This is the way of sorting content on Ecency.

", + "what-my-rewards-header": "What kind of rewards do I have in my wallet?", + "what-my-rewards-body": "

There are three kinds of rewards shown in your wallet:

", + "what-information-profile-header": "What kind of information is shown on my profile?", + "what-information-profile-body": "

The initial details displayed alongside your picture include your reputation score, display name, and description. Below that, you can find information about your followers, the accounts you are following, and your registration date on Ecency. In the Ecency settings, you can choose to add additional details such as your bio, profile picture, cover image, and location.

", + "what-can-post-header": "What can I post on Ecency?", + "what-can-post-body": "

Ecency is a platform that promotes freedom, allowing users to share a wide range of content they have created, such as phrases, quotes, blogs, anecdotes, photos, videos, memes, songs, and more. It encourages users to unleash their creativity!Just be careful of spam or abuse

", + "add-images-videos-header": "How to add images and videos to my posts?", + "add-images-videos-body": "

You have multiple choices for adding an image. You can browse your hard drive and select the image from within the editor. Alternatively, if you have copied an image, you can simply press ctrl+v (cmd+v) to upload it into your post or comment. Another option is to paste the web address (URL) of the image or video into the editor, and it will be automatically added.

", + "what-thumbnail-image-header": "What is thumbnail image?", + "what-thumbnail-image-body": "

A thumbnail is a smaller version of a picture from your post that serves as the initial impression for viewers. You have the option to select a thumbnail before publishing your post. On the editor page, click the Advanced button and choose one of your images to use as the thumbnail.

", + "what-dollar-amount-header": "What are the dollar amounts next to posts and comments?", + "what-dollar-amount-body": "

The estimated dollar amounts displayed next to posts and comments represent the potential payout that will be received at the end of the payout period. This estimate is based on the current voting activity and price of HIVE. The actual payout may fluctuate until the period ends. Payouts are a combination of Hive Power and Hive Dollars, although in certain cases, HIVE may be used instead of Hive Dollars depending on market conditions.

", + "hive-dollar-worth-header": "Will 1 Hive Dollar always be worth $1.00 USD?", + "hive-dollar-worth-body": "

The value of Hive Dollar fluctuates around 1 USD based on the demand and supply in the market. If the price falls below 1 USD, it is recommended to convert HBD to HIVE in order to obtain HIVE tokens worth 1 USD. Conversely, if the price exceeds 1 USD, you can trade them to acquire more HIVE on the market.

", + "convert-hive-dollar-header": "How long does it take to convert Hive Dollars to HIVE?", + "convert-hive-dollar-body": "

The conversion of Hive Dollars to HIVE will be processed by the blockchain for a duration of 3.5 days.

", + "what-voting-power-header": "What is voting power?", + "what-voting-power-body": "

Your voting power goes down a little bit every time you vote. It begins with 100% voting power and by voting you use a small amount of voting power. The more you vote the less influence you have, meaning the efficiency of your vote will decay. Daily 10 votes are recommended to utilize efficiency and curation rewards better.

", + "how-many-vote-header": "How many times can I vote with my voting power?", + "how-many-vote-body": "

Every 100% vote you cast will use 2% of your remaining voting mana. Your voting mana will recharge by 20% each day. You can vote more than 10 times per day, but each vote will be worth less, and it will take longer to reach full voting power again.

", + "what-is-hivesigner-header": "What is Hivesigner?", + "what-is-hivesigner-body": "

When you registered on Hive, you were provided with numerous keys that are difficult to recall. The purpose of Hivesigner is to allow you to generate a password that is memorable to you and to safeguard against using your active key when logging into Hive platforms.

", + "what-is-keychain-header": "What is Keychain?", + "what-is-keychain-body": "

Hive Keychain is a wallet browser extension for the Hive blockchain and cryptocurrency and allows users to securely log into and access multiple Hive-based platforms. It is available for Chrome, Brave, and Firefox.

", + "videos-pictures-stored-header": "Are pictures and video stored on the blockchain?", + "videos-pictures-stored-body": "

Typically, media content like pictures and videos are not directly stored on a blockchain. Instead, when you add such content, you are simply adding a reference to the location where they are stored. This means that you can include video content from various sources. Currently, when you upload a photo, it is hosted on a regular web server.

", + "value-hive-hbd-header": "What determines the value of HIVE and HBD?", + "value-hive-hbd-body": "

The value of HIVE comes from the demand and supply of the token. HIVE will always be in demand based on the way the system is designed and there will always be supply for HIVE. As long as the Hive blockchain exists with continuous development and users being active, there will always be demand and supply for HIVE, adding value to the token.

", + "exclude-reblogs-feed-header": "How to exclude reblogs from Friends Feed?", + "exclude-reblogs-feed-body": "

Your Feed displays updates on your friends' actions, such as when they reblog posts they like. If you prefer not to see posts about your friends' reblogged activity in your Feed, you can use the Excluding Reblog option located at the top right to filter them out.

", + "how-to-sort-feed-header": "How to sort Trending, Hot, and New links?", + "how-to-sort-feed-body": "

You have the choice to sort posts by Global or My Community options. Typically, the Global option is chosen by default. Under the Global option, you can access links for Hot, Trending, and New posts from all areas of Hive. On the other hand, if you select the My Community option, you will only see posts from the Community link that you are a part of.

", + "how-to-follow-header": "How to Follow people?", + "how-to-follow-body": "

When you choose to follow a profile, you will receive updates from that person in your Feed. To do this, go to the top left of the Ecency and click on the Searching Bar. Enter the name of the person you want to follow from the search results. Once you are on their profile page, click on the Follow icon.

", + "how-find-information-followers-header": "How to find information about Your Following and Followers?", + "how-find-information-followers-body": "

You can see the number of people you're following and your Followers by clicking Followers and Following below your cover photo.

", + "how-to-search-header": "How to search something on Ecency?", + "how-to-search-body": "

To search on Ecency, click on the search icon located in the upper left corner. Enter the desired search term and select from the list of results. While typing, you may receive suggestions for your search query. If you find what you are looking for in these suggestions, simply click on it to save time.

", + "how-to-search-advanced-header": "How to use Advanced Search options on Ecency?", + "how-to-search-advanced-body": "

Once you enter a search query, you will immediately see a limited set of results. However, you have the option to broaden or refine your search by clicking on `More Results,` which will take you to a separate search page. On this page, you will have access to an `Advanced` feature that provides additional filtering options such as author, topic, category, time range, keywords, and type of content (comment or post). These extra search parameters can assist you in locating information more efficiently and staying informed about topics of interest.

", + "what-appears-search-header": "What appears in search results?", + "what-appears-search-body": "

The search results you see are determined by the posts, communities, accounts, and topics you looked for. Additional results provide advanced options to refine and assist you in finding the specific information you are seeking.

", + "what-are-referrals-header": "What are referrals?", + "what-are-referrals-body": "

Your referral link is a shareable link that can be used to invite friends to the platform. You can view a list of all the users you have referred to Ecency, and access your referral link and other details by clicking on `Referrals` below your cover photo.

", + "what-mean-promoted-header": "What does the Promoted icon in the Feed mean?", + "what-mean-promoted-body": "

When looking through the feed, you may notice a Promoted icon next to certain posts. This icon signifies that the post's creator has used Ecency's Promote Post feature to expand the post's reach to more users. To promote your own post in the feed, simply click the three dots above the post and choose the Promote function from the options.

", + "how-market-works-header": "How Market works on Ecency?", + "how-market-works-body": "

The market is a decentralized platform for trading tokens on the Hive blockchain. In the Ecency Market, users can access comprehensive details about Hive sales, purchase history, current price offers, and demands in chart format.

", + "how-to-swap-header": "How to swap funds?", + "how-to-swap-body": "

You can carry out different tasks with your tokens by selecting the Market option on the main page. Initially, you can convert Hive to HBD or HBD to Hive instantly and without any fees, without having to wait for 3.5 days.

", + "criteria-boosting-post-header": "Is there any criteria for boosting post?", + "criteria-boosting-post-body": "

Each curator has their own set of criteria for using their votes to provide boosts when Ecency VP falls below 80%. For instance, one curator may choose to boost only posts published on Ecency, while another may opt to boost posts that have received less than 300 Points. Some curators may focus on boosting low-rewarded posts, while others may prioritize posts with over 200 words. There are no strict guidelines for determining which posts receive boosts, as it is ultimately at the discretion of each curator. This decentralized approach reflects the volunteer and independent nature of curators, with Ecency offering suggestions but allowing curators the freedom to make their own selections.

", + "what-gift-button-mean-header": "What does the gift button mean on Ecency?", + "what-gift-button-mean-body": "

You can reward the posts you like by upvoting them. However, there are other ways to reward posts, such as with Hive, HBD, or Ecency points. Simply click on the gift icon below the post to do so. This feature is also useful for rewarding posts that have already been rewarded after 7 days.

", + "what-savings mean-header": "What does the Savings mean in my wallet?", + "what-savings mean-body": "

You have the option to generate income from your current Hive or HBD holdings without needing to convert them into Hive Power. By moving Hive or HBD from your balance to Savings, you can receive an annual interest rate of 20% APR. Although you can withdraw it whenever you want, there is a 3-day waiting period for balance withdrawals.

", + "what-engine-tokens-header": "What is the HIVE engine?", + "what-engine-tokens-body": "

Hive Engine is a platform that operates as smart contracts side-chain for the Hive blockchain. It serves as a decentralized marketplace for the trading of tokens on the Hive blockchain and other cryptocurrency networks. Users have the ability to perform various functions on Hive Engine, such as generating and distributing custom tokens, establishing liquidity pools with integrated rewards, forming tokenized communities known as outposts with built-in token reward systems, producing NFTs, creating decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) called Decentralized Token Fund (DTF), initiating airdrops, claiming drops, engaging in token mining, and more.

", + "what-staking-header": "What is staking?", + "what-staking-body": "

Staking is depositing a token in your wallet and receiving rewards for not selling it while it is staked. It is a process that involves committing your tokens to support a blockchain network. Staking is an easy way to earn interest on your cryptocurrency holdings. If a token you own allows staking you can “stake” some of your holdings and earn a percentage-rate reward over time.

", + "how-to-stake-header": "How to stake tokens?", + "how-to-stake-body": "Details regarding your tokens, including the types and quantities, as well as their potential uses, are available in your wallet. It's important to note that not all tokens are eligible for staking. If you're interested in staking, make sure to verify the staking eligibility of a specific token by selecting it in your wallet. If it can be staked, there should be a staking option available. Simply click on it and input the desired amount of tokens to be staked in your wallet.", + "what-is-reblogging-header": "What is Reblogging?", + "what-is-reblogging-body": "

A reblog is when you see a post you find usefull, and by clicking the reblog button, you make the post appear on your blog too. Now all of your followers can enjoy the post. You can fing Reblog icon under the post or you can choose from the options that appear when you click on the three dots at the top of the post .

", + "how-to-bookmark-header": "How to bookmark content on Ecency?", + "how-to-bookmark-body": "

If you want to engage and read content later, simply bookmark it and come back later to read and engage. You can learn all about it in following article How to bookmark content

", + "how-to-favorite-header": "How to favorite people on Ecency?", + "how-to-favorite-body": "

When you add friends to your Favorites list on Ecency, you'll get notifications when they create a post. To add Favorites: Tap the friends like to add. Click on a star that will appear next to their photo. You can remove friends Favourites list at any time.

", + "what-notifications-get-header": "What kind of notifications I get on Ecency?", + "what-notifications-get-body": "

Ecency may send notifications for several reasons, including when someone:

", + "how-create-community-header": "How to create a Community on Ecency?", + "how-create-community-body": "

Creating Community includes several steps, you can learn all about it in following article Voting content

", + "turn-off-notifications-header": "How to turn off notifications I don't want to be notified?", + "turn-off-notifications-body": "

You can turn off notifications you don't want to get notified on Ecency. Firstly Click on the Notifications bell and find Settings icon. Turn off Notifications you don't want to get notified.

", + "getting-post-notifications-header": "Why am I getting notifications that people are publishing posts?", + "getting-post-notifications-body": "

If you add someone to your Favorite list, you will get notified when their post is published. Go to the main menu and check your Favorites list. If you don't want to get notifications you can just Unfavorite them by going to their page.

", + "manage-notifications-header": "Can I manage my Notifications?", + "manage-notifications-body": "

", + "find-friends-header": "How to Find more friends on Ecency?", + "find-friends-body": "

At the top right of the Ecency page, you can see Discover/Community button. By clicking Discover, you can find information about Most Active users, Curators and Popular users.

", + "accounts-included-leaderboard-header": "Which accounts are included in the Leaderboard?", + "accounts-included-leaderboard-body": "

Leaderboard acoounts are based on the total number of actions performed, such as commenting and creating a post. The most Actives are always the ones who earn the most Points by being active on Ecency. The list takes a certain time frame and is constantly updated. Leaderboard people are recommended to new signups, when new people join Ecency they will see leaderboard accounts as recommendation to follow.

", + "find-communities-header": "How to discover Communities?", + "find-communities-body": "

By clicking Communities in the Discover/Communities button at the top right of the page, you will be presented with a list of Communities. The Communities are sorted in a certain order, and you can join the group you want by choosing one of the sorting options, such as Hot, Rank, Members, New, by clicking the Join button.

", + "what-communities-header": "What are Communities?", + "what-communities-body": "

Many accounts with a similar outlook unite around one Community to support each other and share their experiences. You can join various communities at the same time potentially connect and make more friends, get hundreds of followers and support on your new content. Joining communities is pretty simple and very easy.

", + "how-post-community-header": "How can I publish my post in Community?", + "how-post-community-body": "

Choosing the right Community is just as important as choosing the right Title when you start writing your Post. After choosing a title, under title you have a button to choose whether to publish the post on your blog or in one of the Communities joined. The Community ID number you choose will be your first tag. Don't forget to introduce with the rules of the Community before publishing a post in any Community.

", + "leave-community-header": "How to leave Community on Ecency?", + "leave-community-body": "

From your Feed, click Communities in the left menu and select your group. Go to the Joined button where you can see Leave option, select Leave.After leaving Community will be removed from your list of Communities and you will no longer see them in your Feed.

", + "how-schedule-header": "How to schedule a post?", + "how-schedule-body": "

You can schedule a post to publish at a specific time.

", + "how-delete-scheduled-header": "How to edit or delete a scheduled post?", + "how-delete-scheduled-body": "

From the main Menu choose Schedule. Thee you will se a list of scheduled posts. Under posts there are 2 options: Move to drafts(there you can reschedule, edit)or delete scheduled post.

", + "how-set-beneficiaries-header": "How to set beneficiaries?", + "how-set-beneficiaries-body": "

You can set beneficiaries to share author reward with other accounts. Authors may share their rewards with others for a variety of reasons. It's up to you how much of your reward you want to share with. First create Post then Click Advanced. There you can Set Beneficiaries by clicking on it. Choose username and percent of the reward you want to share and click Done.

", + "possible-current-RC-header": "What's possible with my current available RC?", + "possible-current-RC-body": "

Below your username, there is a brief description of your RC. Click on the bottom of this information. You will have complete details on how many RC you have, your RC delegations, and how many activities you can perform with your existing RC.

", + "what-delegating-RC-header": "What is delegating RC?", + "what-delegating-RC-body": "

If you have extra RC that you don't use you can delegate your RC. It recharges during the time so you don't loose anyting. You can't delegate all your RC (and end up with 0 RC). RC give extra recoursec to perform more operations to the account you delegate. They can make more post or comments....

", + "how-to-delegate-header": "How to delegate RC on Ecency?", + "how-to-delegate-body": "

Clicking on your RC information under your username you can see Delegate RC operation. Enter username and amount RC you want to delegate then click Next and Confirm it.

", + "who-are-curators-header": "Who are curators?", + "who-are-curators-body": "

Curators discover and vote for posts created by authors. They play an important role in Hive. The consensus in the community is that good content should be upvoted and should be rewarding for authors. The spam, plagiarized content should be downvoted.

", + "what-curation-reward-header": "What is curation reward?", + "what-curation-reward-body": "

Curators will have reward (Hive Power) from the post payout. As a result of the vote given by the curators, the post will have a certain amount of payout. The author and the curator(s) share the post payout in the ratio of 50:50. The post payout happens in 7 days. So at the end of the 7 days, the author's and curator's rewards are available for claim.

", + "what-ecency-wallet-header": "What is Ecency wallet?", + "what-ecency-wallet-body": "

Ecency wallet is is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows Ecency community to manage their Hive, HBD, Hive Power, Savings and other different tokens. So a Ecency wallet provides all the features that are necessary for safe and secure transfers.

", + "what-do-hive-tokens-header": "What can I do with my Hive tokens?", + "what-do-hive-tokens-body": "

In the Ecency wallet, you can perform various operations on your Hives:

", + "what-delegated-HP-header": "What is Delegated Hive Power?", + "what-delegated-HP-body": "

When you delegate Hive power you make a portion of your HIVE Power available to another user. Delegated Hive Power increases Voting Powe, Curation Rewards and Recourse Credits of that account. When a delegation is cancelled the HIVE Power will only be available again after 7 days.

", + "what-information-feed-header": "What kind of information contain Feed?", + "what-information-feed-body": "

The feed consists of a collection of posts with their titles, the community they were published in, the rewards they received, and the number of upvotes and comments they received. To perform further actions on a post, simply click on the three dots located below it.

", + "what-hot-feed-header": "What does the Hot feed show?", + "what-hot-feed-body": "

The Hot Feed displays the most popular posts from the past few hours.

", + "what-friends-feed-header": "What does the friends feed show?", + "what-friends-feed-body": "

Friends feed contains information about posts and reblogs of the accounts you follow.

", + "how-to-reblog-header": "How to Reblog post on Ecency?", + "how-to-reblog-body": "

Click on the Rectangular Arrow Icon under the post you like. Then choose Reblog and this post will appear in your Blog.

", + "what-is-reblog-header": "What is Reblog?", + "what-is-reblog-body": "

A reblog is when you see a post you enjoy on Ecency, and by clicking the reblog button, you make the post appear on your blog too. Now all of your followers can enjoy the post.

", + "how-sort-feed-header": "How to sort Friends feed?", + "how-sort-feed-body": "

Your Friends Feed contains posts published by your friends and their reblogs. If you only want to see the posts of your friends, you can select Exclude Reblog through the sorting function.

", + "what-trending-feed-header": "What does the Trending feed show?", + "what-trending-feed-body": "

Trending feed shows widely mentioned or discussed posts of entire platform.

", + "how-sort-trending-header": "How to sort Trending feed?", + "how-sort-trending-body": "

Trending feed can be sorted depending on what information you want to see. For example, you can choose one depending on whether you want to see only posts from My Community or Global posts from the entire platform. If you wan to see Trending feed on specific tag or topic, you can do so here as well by selecting topics from left side.

", + "how-search-tags-header": "How to search content by tags?", + "how-search-tags-body": "

On the left side of your feed there are mostly used tags shown for fasten your search. By clicking on the tag you can see posts that used this tag.

", + "what-new-feed-header": "What does the New feed show?", + "what-new-feed-body": "

The newest posts sorted by the published time are shown in the New feed.

", + "how-change-design-header": "How to change feed design?", + "how-change-design-body": "

Click on the grid icon at the top right of the feed. Choose one of the look designs: Classic or Grid.

", + "what-is-deck-header": "What is Deck wiew on Ecency?", + "what-is-deck-body": "

From other Classic and Grid views there is another view called Deck. Decks makes easy to manage your account. With decks not only you get to see multiple things in parallel but you can configure each decks and shuffle things around.

", + "what-deck-types-header": "What are the deck types", + "what-deck-types-body": "By clicking + icon you will have new pop-up window that is shown deck types. You can choose any type of deck and each deck has its own setup. For example choosing User deck you can see posts created user you want to see.", + "what-rising-feed-header": "What does Rising feed show?", + "what-rising-feed-body": "

Risind feed shows posts that have more comments and votes compare to others on entire platform.

", + "how-sort-rising-header": "How to sort Rising feed?", + "how-sort-rising-body": "The rising feed can be sorted by today, this week, this month, this year, and all time posts created during the specific time. Choose one of them and get a chance of seeing posts that become rising you wanted time.", + "what-controversial-feed-header": "What does controversial feed show?", + "what-controversial-feed-body": "

Controversial feed shows posts that have a relatively equal number of upvotes and downvotes. Sometimes posts get a lot of upvotes with little rewards.

", + "how-sort-controversial-header": "How to sort Controversial feed?", + "how-sort-controversial-body": "

Controversial feed can be sorted by today, this week, this month, this year and all the time posts that is created during the specular time.

", + "how-many-witnesses-header": " How many witnesses can I vote?", + "how-many-witnesses-body": "

Each account can vote for up to 30 witnesses.

", + "sort-witnesses-page-header": "How to sort witnesses page?", + "sort-witnesses-page-body": "

At the end of the Witnesses page, click on the Sort button to display options for sorting witnesses. You can sort them by rank, name and fee. You can choose any option as your wish for example choosing a rank option will give you witnesses according to the order of voting rank.

", + "how-vote-proposals-header": "How to vote proposals?", + "how-vote-proposals-body": "

Go to the Proposals Page there you can see all Proposals that can be voted on. You can click on them to see further information about the proposal before voting or you can click on the voting icon near the proposal without opening.

", + "what-my-blog-header": "What does My blog contain?", + "what-my-blog-body": "

Your blog is the first page that visitors can see when they visit to your profile. A blog includes all your reblogs. The Posts you create are collected on the Posts page. If you want your community posts to appear on your Blog, you can reblog it.

", + "how-find-comments-header": "How to find my comments?", + "how-find-comments-body": "

Your comments are aggregated on the comments page, just like blogs and posts are aggregated. There you can see all the comments you've made and the upvotes you've received on comments. You can also find the comment you want using the search function.

", + "how-often-comment-header": "How often can I comment?", + "how-often-comment-body": "

There is a three second wait time in between comments to limit spam.

", + "can-reward-comments-header": "Can I get rewards from my comments?", + "can-reward-comments-body": "

Yes, comments that are upvoted can earn rewards just like posts.

", + "can-comment-boost-header": "Can comments be boosted?", + "can-comment-boost-body": "

You can boost the comments you like. Of course, the comment must fit some the boosting criterias.

", + "what-information-available-header": "What information available in Replies page?", + "what-information-available-body": "

On the Replies page you can see all replies other users have made to your posts and comments.

", + "what-is-waves-header": "What is Waves?", + "what-is-waves-body": "

Waves is a new way of engaging through microblogging on Web3, where one can publish anything at any moment and still get rewarded for it. Waves can contain words up to 250 characters long, links, photographs, and GIFs. You can share your thoughts, opinions, updates, or information in brief and clear messages.

", + "what-is-boost-body": "What is Boost+?", + "what-is-boost-header": "

The Boost+ feature allows users to take HP delegation from Ecency.This feature has been introduced, allowing users to use their points to get delegation for 7, 30, or 90 days. Approximately 350,000 VESTS, equivalent to 200+ HP, have been allocated for this purpose.

", + "can-pin-comments-header": "Can I pin comments on my post?", + "can-pin-comments-body": "

Yes, you have the ability to pin comments that you want by selecting the three dots located near the comment and choosing the Pin option.

", + "what-are-snippets-header": "What are Snippets?", + "what-are-snippets-body": "

Snippets are small fragment of notes, footnotes, phrases, sentences you can format and insert in your posts and comments any time. They are very helpful if you have footnote on your posts or if you have catch-phrases that you use often.

", + "can-upload-video-header": "Can I upload a video on Ecency?", + "can-upload-video-body": "You have the option to upload a video on both the Mobile App and by clicking on the video icon on the editor page when creating content." + } + }, + "contributors": { + "title": "Contributors", + "description": "These great people contributed in one way or another to Ecency, we would like to thank them all. If you want to join our team by contributing with Translation, Ideas, Development, Designing, Social awareness, feel free to join. To learn more read our FAQ." + }, + "context-menu": { + "cut": "Cut", + "copy": "Copy", + "paste": "Paste", + "open-image-browser": "Open image in browser", + "copy-image-url": "Copy image url" + }, + "updater": { + "new-version-available": "New version is available", + "download": "Download", + "update": "Update", + "dismiss": "Dismiss", + "downloading": "Downloading new version...", + "download-completed": "Download is completed", + "restart": "Restart" + }, + "chain-error": { + "min-root-comment": "You may only post once every five minutes.", + "identical-vote": "Your current vote on this content is identical to this vote.", + "insufficient-resource": "Insufficient Resource Credits.", + "delete-comment-with-vote": "Cannot delete a content with positive pending rewards.", + "comment-cashout": "Content after their payout cannot be deleted.", + "comment-children": "Cannot delete a content with replies.", + "paid-out-post-forbidden": "Voting for paid out content is not available.", + "missing-authority": "This operation requires Active private key or authority.", + "missing-owner-authority": "This operation requires Owner private key or authority." + }, + "landing-page": { + "welcome-text": "Ecency", + "what-is-ecency": "Freespeech, True ownership, rewarding communities on Web3", + "powered-by-hive": "powered by Hive", + "how-it-works": "HOW IT WORKS?", + "get-started": "JOIN NOW", + "explore": "EXPLORE", + "earn-money": "Earn money", + "earn-money-block-chain-based": "Blockchain-based social network, ", + "join-us": "join-us", + "various-digital-tokens": " and earn various digital tokens, reward others and build a rewarding community.", + "read-more": "Read more", + "true-ownership": "True ownership", + "true-ownership-desc": "Ecency is the next generation social network for Web 3.0. Blockchain technology gives you a real free speech, without any censorship or banning. Only you control your own account, content and communities.", + "decentralization": "Decentralization", + "hive-blockchain": "Hive blockchain", + "decentralization-desc": " has many social, gaming and financial apps that you can access with a single account you own. Access your social network account and content from any other 3rd party apps in decentralized way.", + "open-source": "Open source", + "open-source-desc": "Join and be part of the building team on Web 3.0. Everything that we build is blockchain-based and open source. We welcome tech talents, developers, creators and entrepreneurs.", + "feel-free-join": " Join and lets build together!", + "posts": "Posts", + "unique-visitors": "Unique visitors", + "points-distrubuted": "Points distributed", + "new-users": "New users", + "download-our-application": "Download our application", + "download-our-application-desc-1": "Looking for a unique experience?", + "download-our-application-desc-2": "The social network with real free speech experience on your mobile phone or desktop. Blockchain's powerful benefits now always under your fingertips.", + "download-for-windows": "Download for Computer", + "download-for-ios": "Download for IOS", + "download-for-android": "Download for Android", + "our-history": "Our History", + "our-history-p-one": "Ecency (previously Esteem) started out in 2016, founder Feruz Muradov started implementing a mobile application that would revolutionize the way you interact and create, build, engage online. With time grew to something much bigger.", + "our-history-p-two": "Since then we have been continuing to build for Web 3.0 and improve our blockchain-based social network, making sure apps are as accessible as possible, secure and in many languages the world speaks.", + "our-vision": "Our Vision", + "our-vision-p-one": "We want to bring a secure and rewarding blockchain experience to all people. Social media without any limits and censorship, where only you control your own account and your communities. Secured by blockchain, powered by people.", + "our-vision-p-two": "Our main principles: Bring rewarding communities, true ownership, empowered creators, free speech into the hands of millions.", + "our-team": "Our Team", + "founder": "Founder", + "devops-guru": "Devops master", + "design-guru": "Design guru", + "community-contributors": "Community Contributors", + "blockchain-witnesses": "Blockchain Witnesses", + "about": "About Us", + "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", + "terms-of-service": "Terms of Service", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "sign-in": "Sign in", + "communities": "Communities", + "help": "Help", + "subscribe-us": "Subscribe Us", + "enter-your-email-adress": "Enter your email adress", + "send": "Send", + "subscribe-paragraph": "Be first to know what's happening in decentralized web.", + "copy-rights": "©2021 Ecency. All right reserved.", + "success-message-subscribe": "You are subscribed to our newsletters!", + "validation-email": "A valid email is required", + "error-occured": "A server error has been occured." + }, + "layouts": { + "grid": "Grid", + "classic": "Classic", + "deck": "Deck" + }, + "top-communities": { + "title": "Top communities" + }, + "feedback-modal": { + "title": "Error details", + "question": "How to fix this?", + "insufficient-resource-title": "How to get more Resource credits?", + "insufficient-resource-purchase": "Purchase account boost or delegation", + "insufficient-resource-buy-hive": "Buy HIVE and Power it up", + "insufficient-resource-wait": "Wait few hours for RC refill", + "report": "Report" + }, + "perks": { + "page-title": "Welcome to Perks", + "title": "Meet Ecency perks", + "title-next": "unified, fast and simple way to boost your account", + "points-title": "Buy points", + "points-action": "Buy", + "points-description": "Jump start to improve engagement on your content by purchasing Points with Ecency Mobile", + "account-boost-title": "Account boosting", + "account-boost-action": "Boost now!", + "account-boost-description": "Use In-App purchase to acquire extra powers", + "promote-title": "Promote your post", + "promote-action": "Promote", + "promote-description": "Impressions boost that will increase eyeballs on your content", + "boost-plus-title": "Boost+", + "boost-plus-action": "Boost+", + "boost-plus-description": "Boost your account with your points in few clicks" + }, + "boost-plus": { + "title": "Boost+", + "sub-title": "Boost your account using Ecency points", + "already-boosted-account": "This account boosted already" + }, + "submit-tour": { + "title": "Post creating", + "title-hint": "You may to set any title for your post", + "tags-hint": "Tags helps to find out your post by special keywords", + "body-hint": "Post body is rich text which may contain various of different components, styles", + "community-hint": "Post may be attached to specific community which helps to promote your post within community members", + "toolbar-hint": "Toolbar allow to insert a lot of different components, apply formatting, insert images, videos and links", + "advanced-hint": "Configure advanced settings such as scheduling, beneficiaries", + "help-hint": "Have any questions? Check out help center" + }, + "polls": { + "poll": "Poll", + "title": "Create a poll", + "edit-title": "Edit a poll", + "title-placeholder": "Poll question", + "choices": "Choices", + "post-poll": "Post's poll", + "choice-placeholder": "Choice {{n}}", + "add-choice": "Add choice", + "attach": "Attach to post", + "update": "Update", + "polls-form-hint": "To attach poll to post, need to fill all choices without duplicates", + "options": "Options", + "account-age": "Account age for voting(in days)", + "end-time": "End time", + "vote": "Vote", + "account-age-hint": "Only accounts older than {{n}} days allowed", + "preview-mode": "Preview mode", + "videos-collision-error": "Polls and 3speak videos cannot be published in same post since there are different kind of posts. Please choose only one of them.", + "number_of_votes": "By number of votes", + "tokens": "By tokens", + "view-votes": "View votes", + "back-to-vote": "Back to vote", + "votes": "Votes", + "votes-list": "Votes list", + "show-voters": "Show voters", + "vote-confirmation-and-sign": "Sign and confirm your vote", + "your-choice": "Your choice", + "not-found": "Poll not found", + "voting": "Voting...", + "vote-change": "Changing a vote", + "current-standing": "Hide votes", + "finished": "Finished", + "expired-date": "End date should be in present or future", + "interpretation": "Interpretation", + "creating-in-progress": "Creating in progress...", + "invalid-time": "Invalid time format. Use HH:MM", + "max-choices-voted": "Max choices voted by user", + "max-votes-hint": "You may select {{n}} choices" + } +} From d3551850f6ad657143986a78461b1aa3a67ea429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 12:15:38 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 02/20] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) --- src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json index e28049e3c8a..cfd6f733a89 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "finish": "Finish", "next": "Nästa", "previous": "Previous", - "back": "Back", + "back": "Tillbaka", "load-more": "Load More", "empty-list": "Nothing here", "no-matches": "Nothing found", @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ }, "announcements": { "dismiss": "Dismiss", - "next": "Next", + "next": "Nästa", "later": "Later" }, "floating-faq": { @@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ "help": "Hjälp", "welcome": "Welcome to Ecency", "need-help": "Need Help?", - 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Your account will no longer be accessible if you loose your password. We do not keep copy of it, it is confidential only you have access to it.", "recommend": "We recommend that,", "recommend-print": "PRINT this file out and store it securely.", @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ "entry-index": { "feed": "Feed", "tags": "Popular", - "title": "{{f}} topics", + "title": "{{f}} ämnen", "description": "{{f}} topics on a social network owned and operated by its users.", "description-tag": "{{f}} #{{t}} topics", "description-user-feed": "{{u}}'s feed", @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ "blogs": "Blogs", "feeds": "Friends Feed", "posts": "Posts", - "comments": "Comments", + "comments": "Kommentarer", "all-history": "All history", "market-orders": "Market orders", "interests": "Interests", @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ "add-thread-host-text": "Specify a Waves host or see all of them together", "all-thread-hosts": "All", "thread-post-link-invalid": "This post is not existing.", - "show-replies": "Show {{n}} replies", + "show-replies": "Visa {{n}} svar", "show-reply": "Show 1 reply", "show-all-replies": "Show all replies", "see-full-thread": "See full thread", @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ "topics-subtitle": "The most popular", "replied-to": "replied to", "edit-wave": "Redigera", - "updated": "Edited {{n}} ago", + "updated": "Redigerades {{n}} sedan", "balance": "Balance", "whats-new": "What's new", "whats-new-description": "Keep in track the Ecency updates", @@ -621,15 +621,15 @@ "bid": "Bid", "spread": "Spread", "ask": "Ask", - "buy": "Buy", - "sell": "Sell", + "buy": "Köp", + "sell": "Sälj", "available": "Available", "highest-bid": "Highest bid", "price": "Price", "amount": "Amount", "total": "Total", "orders": "Orders", - "date": "Date", + "date": "Datum", "open-orders": "Open Orders", "pending-orders": "Pending orders", "type": "Type", @@ -653,10 +653,10 @@ "to": "To", "sign": "Sign", "swapping": "Swapping...", - "continue": "Continue", + "continue": "Fortsätt", "balance": "Balance", "fee": "Fee", - "fee-free": "Free", + "fee-free": "Gratis", "order-book-impact": "Order book impact", "swap-title": "Swap your funds", "advanced-title": "Trade token", @@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ "open-orders": "Open", "completed-orders": "Completed", "status": "Status", - "all-orders": "All", + "all-orders": "Alla", "active": "Active", "view-details": "View details", "chart": "Chart", @@ -701,9 +701,9 @@ "title": "Toggle list style" }, "entry-votes": { - "title": "1 Vote", - "title-n": "{{n}} Votes", - "title-empty": "No Votes", + "title": "1 röst", + "title-n": "{{n}} röster", + "title-empty": "Inga röster", "sort": "Sort", "sort-reward": "Reward", "sort-timestamp": "Time", @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ "lowrep-warning": "Author of this content has low reputation.", "deleted-content-warning": "This content was deleted by the author. 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Role Permissions

Owner - assign admins

Admin - edit settings, assign mods

Moderator - mute, pin, set user titles

Member - listed on leadership team

Guest - default; can post and comment

Muted - new posts automatically muted

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Please double check your spelling for possible phishing.", @@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ "override-warning-2": "Account ({{account}}) has already been delegated with {{previousAmount}}.", "confirm-title": "Confirm your transaction", "confirm-sub-title": "Please, check if everything is correct", - "confirm": "Confirm", + "confirm": "Bekräfta", "recent-transfers": "Recent transfers", "transfer-summary": "{{amount}} transferred from {{from}} to {{to}}", "transfer-saving-summary": "{{amount}} transferred from {{from}} to {{to}}", @@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ "claim-summary": "Claimed and added to your savings balance", "powerup-summary": "Power up completed successfully", "powerdown-summary": "Power down completed successfully", - "reset": "Reset", + "reset": "Återställ", "powering-down": "You are currently powering down.", "stop-power-down": "Stop", "claim-title": "Claim", @@ -1382,18 +1382,18 @@ "order-id": "Order id" }, "friends": { - "followers": "Followers ({{n}})", - "following": "Following ({{n}})", + "followers": "Följare ({{n}})", + "following": "Följer ({{n}})", "search-placeholder": "Search", "active": "Active:" }, "friends-filter": { - "all": "All", + "all": "Alla", "recently": "Recently", "this-month": "This month", "this-year": "This year", - "one-year": "One year", - "two-years-more": "More than a year", + "one-year": "Ett år", + "two-years-more": "Mer än ett år", "filter": "Filter" }, "follow-controls": { @@ -1419,11 +1419,11 @@ "link": "Link (Alt + K)", "image": "Image (Alt + D)", "table": "Table (Alt + T)", - "table-3-col": "3 columns", - "table-2-col": "2 columns", - "table-1-col": "1 column", + "table-3-col": "3 kolumner", + "table-2-col": "2 kolumner", + "table-1-col": "1 kolumn", "upload": "Upload", - "gallery": "Gallery", + "gallery": "Galleri", "emoji": "Emoji", "image-error": "Couldn't upload image.", "image-error-cache": "Couldn't upload image. You seem to be signed out. Try signing in again.", @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ "update-draft": "Update Draft", "draft-updated": "Draft updated", "cancel-update": "Avbryt", - "clear": "Clear", + "clear": "Rensa", "published": "Post Published", "updated": "Post Updated", "thumbnail": "Thumbnail", @@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ "choose-video": "Select a video", "record-video": "Record a video", "choose-thumbnail": "Set a thumbnail(optional)", - "continue": "Continue", + "continue": "Fortsätt", "encode": "Send for encoding", "success": "Video succesfully uploaded", "finished": "Finished", @@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ "status": "Status:", "info-views": "Views:", "info-duration": "Duration:", - "info-size": "File size:", + "info-size": "Filstorlek:", "insert-video": "Insert", "insert-nsfw": "Insert as NSFW", "refresh": "Refresh to get updated status", @@ -1530,14 +1530,14 @@ "nsfw-content": { "title": "NSFW contents", "warning": "Please check this if your content is NSFW", - "continue": "Continue" + "continue": "Fortsätt" }, "tag-selector": { "placeholder-empty": "Tags. First tag is main category. Sortable.", "placeholder-focus": "Enter tag", "placeholder-has-tags": "Add More", "suggestion-header": "Tags", - "error-max": "Max {{n}} tags", + "error-max": "Max {{n}} taggar", "limited_tags": "Only 10 tags allowed, remove some", "limited_length": "Maximum length of each tag should be 24", "limited_dash": "Use one dash in each tag", @@ -1553,9 +1553,9 @@ "search-placeholder": "Search Communities" }, "word-count": { - "label": "{{n}} words", - "read-time-less-1-min": "< 1 min read", - "read-time-n-min": "~ {{n}} min read" + "label": "{{n}} ord", + "read-time-less-1-min": "< 1 min läsning", + "read-time-n-min": "~ {{n}} min läsning" }, "beneficiary-editor": { "title": "Beneficiaries", @@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ "btn-label-n": "Set Beneficiaries ({{n}})", "username": "Användarnamn", "reward": "Reward", - "user-error": "{{n}} is not a valid user.", + "user-error": "{{n}} är inte en giltig användare.", "validation-percentage": "Percentage is required.", "validation-username": "Username is required.", "user-exists-error": "{{n}} is already in the list" @@ -1576,8 +1576,8 @@ "notification": { "popup-title": "You have a new notification", "voted": "{{source}} voted your post", - "mention-post": "{{source}} mentioned you in a post", - "mention-comment": "{{source}} mentioned you in a comment", + "mention-post": "{{source}} nämnde dig i ett inlägg", + "mention-comment": "{{source}} nämnde dig i en kommentar", "favorite": "{{source}} made new post", "bookmark": "{{source}} replied to bookmarked content", "followed": "{{source}} followed you", @@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ "mark-read": "Mark as Read", "mute": "Turn off notification alerts", "unmute": "Turn on notification alerts", - "settings": "Settings", + "settings": "Inställningar", "select": "Select notification", "unselect": "Unselect notification", "mark-selected-read": "Mark selected as read" @@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ "date-week": "Last Week", "date-month": "Last Month", "date-year": "Last Year", - "date-all": "All", + "date-all": "Alla", "sort": "Sort", "sort-popularity": "Popularitet", "sort-relevance": "Relevance", @@ -1762,12 +1762,12 @@ "copied": "Copied to clipboard" }, "drafts": { - "title": "Drafts", + "title": "Utkast", "filter": "Search by title" }, "schedules": { "title": "Scheduled Posts", - "move": "Move to drafts" + "move": "Flytta till utkast" }, "bookmarks": { "title": "Bookmarks" @@ -1787,10 +1787,10 @@ }, "password-update": { "title": "Ändra lösenord", - "account": "Account", + "account": "Konto", "cur-pass": "Current password", - "new-pass": "New password", - "new-pass2": "Confirm new password", + "new-pass": "Nytt lösenord", + "new-pass2": "Bekräfta nytt lösenord", "error-new2": "Passwords must be same", "pass-gen": "Click to generate password", "label-check": "I have securely saved my generated password", @@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@ "password-sub-title": "Individual Private key or Master password to import all keys", "reveal-public-key": "Reveal public key", "reveal-private-key": "Reveal private key", - "submit": "Submit", + "submit": "Skicka", "error-fields-required": "Please enter private key", "error-wrong-key": "Please enter correct private key", "password-label": "Master password/Private key", @@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ "messages": "Meddelanden", "key": "Ecency chat key", "new-message": "Nytt meddelande", - "direct-messages": "Direct messages", + "direct-messages": "Direktmeddelanden", "collapse": "Collapse", "expand": "Expand", "scroll-to-bottom": "Scroll to Bottom", @@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ "manage-chat-key": "Credentials info", "block": "Block", "communities": "Communities", - "dms": "Direct messages", + "dms": "Direktmeddelanden", "import-chat": "Import Chat", "create-new-account": "Skapa nytt konto", "loading": "Loading...", @@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ "iv": "Initial vector value" }, "reply": "Reply", - "reply-to": "Replying to {{account}}" + "reply-to": "Svarar på {{account}}" }, "add-image": { "title": "Add Image", @@ -1984,11 +1984,11 @@ "add-image-mobile": { "title": "Add Image", "recent-title": "Recently uploaded", - "gallery": "Gallery", - "upload": "Upload image" + "gallery": "Galleri", + "upload": "Ladda upp bild" }, "add-link": { - "title": "Add Link", + "title": "Lägg till länk", "text-label": "Text", "link-label": "https://", "validation-text": "Text is required.", @@ -1999,7 +1999,7 @@ }, "static": { "about": { - "page-title": "About", + "page-title": "Om", "intro-title": "What is Ecency", "intro-content": "Ecency is beautiful and handy wrapper interface around the Hive blockchain network allowing you to create your own posts, surf your feeds, vote what you like, write comments, read replies, do all major Hive functions in your daily social surfing as well as wallet actions and other extras such as search, discover different tags etc.", "faq-title": "FAQ", @@ -2010,15 +2010,15 @@ "contact-email": "Email us" }, "faq": { - "about-ecency": "About Ecency", + "about-ecency": "Om Ecency", "working": "Working of Ecency", "about-blockchain": "About Blockchain", "features": "Features of Ecency", "toggle-icon-info": "Tap on me to toggle", - "page-title": "How can we help you?", + "page-title": "Hur kan vi hjälpa dig?", "search-link-copied": "Search link copied to clipboard", "page-sub-title": "Table of Contents", - "what-is-ecency-header": "What is Ecency?", + "what-is-ecency-header": "Vad är Ecency?", "search": "Related results for {{search}} filtered below", "search-not-found": "Nothing was found. To ask our community, join our ", "search-placeholder": "Search our articles", @@ -2265,7 +2265,7 @@ "what-my-blog-body": "

Your blog is the first page that visitors can see when they visit to your profile. A blog includes all your reblogs. The Posts you create are collected on the Posts page. If you want your community posts to appear on your Blog, you can reblog it.

", "how-find-comments-header": "How to find my comments?", "how-find-comments-body": "

Your comments are aggregated on the comments page, just like blogs and posts are aggregated. There you can see all the comments you've made and the upvotes you've received on comments. You can also find the comment you want using the search function.

", - "how-often-comment-header": "How often can I comment?", + "how-often-comment-header": "Hur ofta kan jag kommentera?", "how-often-comment-body": "

There is a three second wait time in between comments to limit spam.

", "can-reward-comments-header": "Can I get rewards from my comments?", "can-reward-comments-body": "

Yes, comments that are upvoted can earn rewards just like posts.

", @@ -2327,29 +2327,29 @@ "earn-money-block-chain-based": "Blockchain-based social network, ", "join-us": "join-us", "various-digital-tokens": " and earn various digital tokens, reward others and build a rewarding community.", - "read-more": "Read more", + "read-more": "Läs mer", "true-ownership": "True ownership", "true-ownership-desc": "Ecency is the next generation social network for Web 3.0. Blockchain technology gives you a real free speech, without any censorship or banning. Only you control your own account, content and communities.", "decentralization": "Decentralization", "hive-blockchain": "Hive blockchain", "decentralization-desc": " has many social, gaming and financial apps that you can access with a single account you own. Access your social network account and content from any other 3rd party apps in decentralized way.", - "open-source": "Open source", + "open-source": "Öppen källkod", "open-source-desc": "Join and be part of the building team on Web 3.0. Everything that we build is blockchain-based and open source. We welcome tech talents, developers, creators and entrepreneurs.", "feel-free-join": " Join and lets build together!", "posts": "Posts", "unique-visitors": "Unique visitors", "points-distrubuted": "Points distributed", - "new-users": "New users", + "new-users": "Nya användare", "download-our-application": "Download our application", "download-our-application-desc-1": "Looking for a unique experience?", "download-our-application-desc-2": "The social network with real free speech experience on your mobile phone or desktop. Blockchain's powerful benefits now always under your fingertips.", "download-for-windows": "Download for Computer", - "download-for-ios": "Download for IOS", - "download-for-android": "Download for Android", + "download-for-ios": "Ladda ner för iOS", + "download-for-android": "Ladda ner för Android", "our-history": "Our History", "our-history-p-one": "Ecency (previously Esteem) started out in 2016, founder Feruz Muradov started implementing a mobile application that would revolutionize the way you interact and create, build, engage online. With time grew to something much bigger.", "our-history-p-two": "Since then we have been continuing to build for Web 3.0 and improve our blockchain-based social network, making sure apps are as accessible as possible, secure and in many languages the world speaks.", - "our-vision": "Our Vision", + "our-vision": "Vår vision", "our-vision-p-one": "We want to bring a secure and rewarding blockchain experience to all people. Social media without any limits and censorship, where only you control your own account and your communities. Secured by blockchain, powered by people.", "our-vision-p-two": "Our main principles: Bring rewarding communities, true ownership, empowered creators, free speech into the hands of millions.", "our-team": "Our Team", @@ -2358,7 +2358,7 @@ "design-guru": "Design guru", "community-contributors": "Community Contributors", "blockchain-witnesses": "Blockchain Witnesses", - "about": "About Us", + "about": "Om oss", "privacy-policy": "Integritetspolicy", "terms-of-service": "Terms of Service", "faq": "FAQ", From f3ea29a6fd9e05c8691668195be41be024e1fc96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 18:47:09 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 05/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 46 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index d190670e518..aa9a7edd353 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ "message": "Mensagem", "actions": "Ações", "restore": "Restaurar", - "success": "Success", - "error": "Error", + "success": "Sucesso", + "error": "Erro", "reset-form": "Reset form", "all": "All" }, @@ -1892,15 +1892,15 @@ "edit-community-roles": "Edit Community Roles", "add": "Add", "no-admin": "No admin or moderator for this community chat.", - "blocked-users": "Blocked Users", - "action": "Action", - "unblock": "Unblock", - "ecency-key": "Ecency key", - "no-locked-user": "Blocked users not found", - "no-hidden-messages": "Hidden messages not found", + "blocked-users": "Usuários Bloqueados", + "action": "Ação", + "unblock": "Desbloquear", + "ecency-key": "Chave da Ecency", + "no-locked-user": "Usuários bloqueados não encontrados", + "no-hidden-messages": "Mensagens ocultas não encontradas", "enter-private-key": "Enter Chat private key", "enter-private-key-detail": "Enter chat private key to import all chats", - "close": "Close", + "close": "Fechar", "confirm": "Confirmar", "error-updating-community": "Error occurred while updating community", "leave-channel": "Sair do canal", @@ -1911,9 +1911,9 @@ "communities": "Comunidades", "dms": "Direct messages", "import-chat": "Importar Chat", - "create-new-account": "Create New Account", + "create-new-account": "Criar Nova Conta", "loading": "Loading...", - "blocked-user-message": "You have been blocked from this community", + "blocked-user-message": "Você foi bloqueado por esta comunidade", "start-community-channel": "Start community channel", "view-community-channel": "View community channel", "submit": "Enviar", @@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ "enter-username": "Enter temporary username", "hide-message": "Hide message", "block-author": "Block author", - "unblock-author": "Unblock author", + "unblock-author": "Desbloquear autor", "create-an-account": "Create chat account", "create-description": "Welcome aboard! Your account is almost ready. Dive into conversations and enjoy connecting with others privately.", "create-pin-description": "Please, set PIN for getting access to your chats from any device", @@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ "invite-couldnt-be-sent": "Invite couldn't be sent due to user doesn't have any post yet", "no-posts-for-invite": "Unfortunately, User doesn't seem active and haven't made any posts.", "warn-key-saving": "Backup your Chat key to keep account secure and also have uninterrupted service!", - "view-and-save": "Show keys and save", + "view-and-save": "Mostrar chaves e salvar", "blocked-users-management": "Blocked users management", "unlock-the-section": "Por favor, insira seu PIN para ver suas informações de credenciais", "no-contacts-or-channels": "No conversations yet", @@ -2401,21 +2401,21 @@ "points-description": "Jump start to improve engagement on your content by purchasing Points with Ecency Mobile", "account-boost-title": "Account boosting", "account-boost-action": "Impulsionar agora!", - "account-boost-description": "Use In-App purchase to acquire extra powers", - "promote-title": "Promote your post", - "promote-action": "Promote", - "promote-description": "Impressions boost that will increase eyeballs on your content", + "account-boost-description": "Utilize as compras no aplicativo para adquirir mais poderes", + "promote-title": "Promover sua publicação", + "promote-action": "Promover", + "promote-description": "Impulso de Impressões aumentarão as visualizações no seu conteúdo", "boost-plus-title": "Impulso+", "boost-plus-action": "Impulso+", - "boost-plus-description": "Boost your account with your points in few clicks" + "boost-plus-description": "Impulsione a sua conta com os seus pontos em poucos cliques" }, "boost-plus": { "title": "Impulso+", - "sub-title": "Boost your account using Ecency points", - "already-boosted-account": "This account boosted already" + "sub-title": "Impulsione a sua conta utilizando os pontos da Ecency", + "already-boosted-account": "Essa conta já foi impulsionada" }, "submit-tour": { - "title": "Post creating", + "title": "Criação de post", "title-hint": "You may to set any title for your post", "tags-hint": "Tags helps to find out your post by special keywords", "body-hint": "Post body is rich text which may contain various of different components, styles", @@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ "interpretation": "Interpretation", "creating-in-progress": "Criação em andamento...", "invalid-time": "Invalid time format. Use HH:MM", - "max-choices-voted": "Max choices voted by user", - "max-votes-hint": "You may select {{n}} choices" + "max-choices-voted": "Máximo de escolhas votadas pelo usuário", + "max-votes-hint": "Você pode selecionar {{n}} opções" } } From e06488564999777e17b2c6595e3022f3f3ac9cc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 09:16:56 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 06/20] New translations en-us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- src/common/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json index f3172074275..24591dcc152 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/zh-CN.json @@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ "g": { "add": "添加", "edit": "编辑", - "clone": "Clone", - "copy": "Copy of", - "clone-success": "Created new draft copy", - "continue": "Continue", + "clone": "克隆", + "copy": "(副本)", + "clone-success": "已创建新草稿副本", + "continue": "继续", "submit": "撰写帖子", "search": "搜索", - "loading-chunk": "Loading component", + "loading-chunk": "正在加载组件", "downloads": "下载", "login": "登录", "login-as": "切换账号", "signup": "注册", - "permissions": "Permissions", + "permissions": "权限", "delete": "删除", "cancel": "取消", "reply": "回复", "update": "更新", - "learnMore": "Learn more", + "learnMore": "了解更多", "or": "其他登录方式", - "muted-message": "Muted author, Reveal content", + "muted-message": "屏蔽作者、显示内容", "modmuted-message": "Community Moderators muted, Reveal content", "server-error": "由于服务器出错,无法完成操作。", "day": "天", From 351c57b33a08ed00a817fec12b7681035ad5621c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 02:29:44 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 07/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index aa9a7edd353..6a49d9ca4b0 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "success": "Sucesso", "error": "Erro", "reset-form": "Reset form", - "all": "All" + "all": "Tudo" }, "confirm": { "title": "Tem a certeza?", From 980d263d56b5001ecede2bcddde0e70d1aa3f409 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 21:57:59 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 08/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index 6a49d9ca4b0..a8e53782302 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ "restore": "Restaurar", "success": "Sucesso", "error": "Erro", - "reset-form": "Reset form", + "reset-form": "Limpar formulário", "all": "Tudo" }, "confirm": { @@ -1912,7 +1912,7 @@ "dms": "Direct messages", "import-chat": "Importar Chat", "create-new-account": "Criar Nova Conta", - "loading": "Loading...", + "loading": "Carregando...", "blocked-user-message": "Você foi bloqueado por esta comunidade", "start-community-channel": "Start community channel", "view-community-channel": "View community channel", @@ -1926,9 +1926,9 @@ "invalid-private-key": "Invalid private key", "enter-username": "Enter temporary username", "hide-message": "Hide message", - "block-author": "Block author", + "block-author": "Bloquear autor", "unblock-author": "Desbloquear autor", - "create-an-account": "Create chat account", + "create-an-account": "Criar conta de chat", "create-description": "Welcome aboard! Your account is almost ready. Dive into conversations and enjoy connecting with others privately.", "create-pin-description": "Please, set PIN for getting access to your chats from any device", "logout": "Logout", From 034fcfbd7a2186011a86bacc129843c38d34de40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 21:26:27 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 09/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index a8e53782302..b1b9509dadc 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "username-contains-symbols-error": "Deve só conter letras, números, hífen", "username-contains-double-hyphens": "Não deve conter dois hífens seguidos", "username-exists": "Utilizador já registado. Por favor, tente outro", - "username-starts-number": "Should not start with Numbers", + "username-starts-number": "Não deve começar com Números", "referral-invalid": "Está referência é invalida. Por favor, tente outra", "referral-min-length-error": "O tamanho da referência deve ter no mínimo 3 caracteres", "referral-max-length-error": "O tango da referência não pode ter mais do que 16 caracteres", @@ -317,11 +317,11 @@ "try-again": "Tente novamente", "sign-header-title": "Assinar a transação", "sign-sub-title": "Assine sua transação", - "rc-to-new-acc": "Delegate some resource credits to", + "rc-to-new-acc": "Delegar alguns créditos de recursos para", "minimum-rc": "(Minimum Rc is 5Bn)", - "posts-comments": "Posts/Comments:", - "votes": "Votes:", - "transfers": "Transfers:", + "posts-comments": "Publicações/Comentários:", + "votes": "Votos:", + "transfers": "Transferências:", "reblogs-follows": "Reblogs/Follows:", "rc-error": "You can not delegate below 5bn Rc" }, @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ "fee-free": "Grátis", "order-book-impact": "Impacto no livro de ordens", "swap-title": "Trocar seus fundos", - "advanced-title": "Trade token", + "advanced-title": "Operar token", "sign-title": "Assine sua transação", "fetching-market": "Atualizando informações do mercado...", "back": "Anterior", @@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ "image-error-url-missed": "Image uploading caused error. Please, try again.", "fragments": "Trechos", "link-image": "Link", - "polls": "Polls" + "polls": "Enquetes" }, "emoji-picker": { "filter-placeholder": "Filtro", @@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ "title-placeholder": "Título", "body-placeholder": "Conte a sua história...", "reward": "Recompensa", - "take-tour": "Take a tour", + "take-tour": "Faça um tour", "reward-hint": "Configura a taxa de recompensa do autor para tokens líquidos e ilíqüidos.", "reward-default": "Padrão 50% / 50%", "reward-sp": "Força Total 100%", @@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ "uploading": "Enviando..{{n}}/{{total}}", "uploaded": "Enviado!", "reset": "Reiniciar", - "source": "Video source", + "source": "Origem do vídeo", "thumbnail": "Thumbnail", "min-duration-alert": "Video less than 15 seconds in duration will be ignored by 3Speak." }, @@ -1878,19 +1878,19 @@ "start-chat-placeholder": "Criar mensagem", "search": "Procurar pessoas ou comunidades", "join-chat": "Entrar no bate-papo", - "join-channel": "Join channel", + "join-channel": "Entrar no canal", "back": "Voltar", "no-chat": "Nenhuma conversa encontrada", "start-chat": "Comece a conversar", - "not-joined": "This user hasn't joined the chat yet", + "not-joined": "Esse usuário ainda não se juntou ao chat", "subscribers": "Subscribers", - "invite": "Invite", - "send-invite": "Send an invite", + "invite": "Convidar", + "send-invite": "Enviar um convite", "leave:": "Leave", "refresh": "Refresh", "message-warning": "You cannot send messages in this group.", "edit-community-roles": "Edit Community Roles", - "add": "Add", + "add": "Adicionar", "no-admin": "No admin or moderator for this community chat.", "blocked-users": "Usuários Bloqueados", "action": "Ação", From 081caaf37faa38f8d3b4618bb76ef3146a58a82b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 22:37:50 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 10/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 174 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index b1b9509dadc..5cd0950adba 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ "sign-up-text-2": "Registe-se agora!" }, "sign-up": { - "header": "Rewarding Web3 Communities", - "description": "Freespeech, True ownership, Financial freedom!", - "bottom-description": "One account, one wallet to manage everything on Blockchain.", + "header": "Comunidades da Web3 que Valem a Pena", + "description": "Liberdade de expressão, Propriedade verdadeira e Liberdade financeira!", + "bottom-description": "Uma conta. Uma carteira. Tudo na Blockchain.", "learn-more": "Aprenda mais sobre benefícios acessando nossas Perguntas Frequentes", "username": "Escolha um nome de usuário", "email": "Insira o seu email", @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ "validation-username": "O nome de usuário é necessário.", "validation-email": "Email obrigatório.", "success": "Enviamos um e-mail para {{email}}.", - "success-2": "Verify to finalize signup process. Note: Check spam folder if you couldn't find email.", + "success-2": "Confira seu e-mail para finalizar o cadastro. Nota: Caso não encontre nossa mensagem, verifique na pasta de \"spam\".", "login-text-1": "Você tem conta?", "login-text-2": "Entrar", "free-account": "Conta grátis", @@ -318,12 +318,12 @@ "sign-header-title": "Assinar a transação", "sign-sub-title": "Assine sua transação", "rc-to-new-acc": "Delegar alguns créditos de recursos para", - "minimum-rc": "(Minimum Rc is 5Bn)", + "minimum-rc": "(O mínimo de Créditos de Recursos é de 5 bilhões)", "posts-comments": "Publicações/Comentários:", "votes": "Votos:", "transfers": "Transferências:", - "reblogs-follows": "Reblogs/Follows:", - "rc-error": "You can not delegate below 5bn Rc" + "reblogs-follows": "Reblogs/Seguindo:", + "rc-error": "Você não pode delegar menos de 5 bilhões de Créditos de Recursos" }, "trending-tags": { "title": "Tópicos" @@ -1428,9 +1428,9 @@ "image-error": "Não foi possível carregar imagem.", "image-error-cache": "Não foi possível enviar a imagem. Você parece estar desconectado, tente realizar o login novamente.", "image-error-size": "O tamanho da imagem é muito grande, tente novamente com uma imagem mais pequena.", - "image-error-conflict-name": "You have image with this filename already. Select it from gallery instead.", - "image-error-network": "Couldn't upload image. Network issue with status {{0}}.", - "image-error-url-missed": "Image uploading caused error. Please, try again.", + "image-error-conflict-name": "Você já tem uma imagem com esse mesmo nome salva. Selecione-a a partir da galeria em vez disso.", + "image-error-network": "Não foi possível carregar a imagem. Problema de rede com status {{0}}.", + "image-error-url-missed": "Carregamento de imagem falhou. Por favor, tente novamente.", "fragments": "Trechos", "link-image": "Link", "polls": "Enquetes" @@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ "reset": "Reiniciar", "source": "Origem do vídeo", "thumbnail": "Thumbnail", - "min-duration-alert": "Video less than 15 seconds in duration will be ignored by 3Speak." + "min-duration-alert": "Vídeos com menos de 15 segundos de duração serão ignorados pelo 3Speak." }, "video-gallery": { "all": "Todos", @@ -1883,56 +1883,56 @@ "no-chat": "Nenhuma conversa encontrada", "start-chat": "Comece a conversar", "not-joined": "Esse usuário ainda não se juntou ao chat", - "subscribers": "Subscribers", + "subscribers": "Assinantes", "invite": "Convidar", "send-invite": "Enviar um convite", - "leave:": "Leave", - "refresh": "Refresh", - "message-warning": "You cannot send messages in this group.", - "edit-community-roles": "Edit Community Roles", + "leave:": "Sair", + "refresh": "Atualizar", + "message-warning": "Você não pode enviar mensagens neste grupo.", + "edit-community-roles": "Editar Funções da Comunidade", "add": "Adicionar", - "no-admin": "No admin or moderator for this community chat.", + "no-admin": "Nenhum administrador ou moderador para este chat da comunidade.", "blocked-users": "Usuários Bloqueados", "action": "Ação", "unblock": "Desbloquear", "ecency-key": "Chave da Ecency", "no-locked-user": "Usuários bloqueados não encontrados", "no-hidden-messages": "Mensagens ocultas não encontradas", - "enter-private-key": "Enter Chat private key", - "enter-private-key-detail": "Enter chat private key to import all chats", + "enter-private-key": "Inserir chave privada do Chat", + "enter-private-key-detail": "Introduza a chave privada para importar todas as conversas", "close": "Fechar", "confirm": "Confirmar", - "error-updating-community": "Error occurred while updating community", + "error-updating-community": "Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar a comunidade", "leave-channel": "Sair do canal", "leaving": "Saindo", "edit-roles": "Editar Papéis", "manage-chat-key": "Informações das credenciais", "block": "Bloco", "communities": "Comunidades", - "dms": "Direct messages", + "dms": "Mensagens diretas", "import-chat": "Importar Chat", "create-new-account": "Criar Nova Conta", "loading": "Carregando...", "blocked-user-message": "Você foi bloqueado por esta comunidade", - "start-community-channel": "Start community channel", - "view-community-channel": "View community channel", + "start-community-channel": "Iniciar canal da comunidade", + "view-community-channel": "Ver canal da comunidade", "submit": "Enviar", - "chat-priv-key": "Please, save Chat key by clicking on download button or scanning QR code to restore your conversations.", - "public-key": "Public key", - "private-key": "Private key", - "copy-priv-key": "Copy Private key", - "extended-view": "Extended View", - "you-haven-t-joined": "You haven't joined the Chat yet. Please join to get started!", - "invalid-private-key": "Invalid private key", - "enter-username": "Enter temporary username", - "hide-message": "Hide message", + "chat-priv-key": "Importante: salve a Chave do Bate-Papo clicando no botão de download ou escaneando o código QR para restaurar as suas conversas.", + "public-key": "Chave pública", + "private-key": "Chave privada", + "copy-priv-key": "Copiar Chave Privada", + "extended-view": "Visão Estendida", + "you-haven-t-joined": "Você ainda não começou no bate-papo. Junte-se e faça parte!", + "invalid-private-key": "Chave privada inválida", + "enter-username": "Insira um nome de usuário temporário", + "hide-message": "Ocultar mensagem", "block-author": "Bloquear autor", "unblock-author": "Desbloquear autor", "create-an-account": "Criar conta de chat", "create-description": "Welcome aboard! Your account is almost ready. Dive into conversations and enjoy connecting with others privately.", - "create-pin-description": "Please, set PIN for getting access to your chats from any device", - "logout": "Logout", - "specify-invitation-message": "This invitation message will be sent as comment to latest user post", + "create-pin-description": "Por favor, defina uma senha (PIN) para obter acesso às suas conversas de qualquer dispositivo", + "logout": "Encerrar sessão", + "specify-invitation-message": "Este convite será enviado através de um comentário na última publicação do usuário", "successfully-invited": "Convite enviado!", "invite-couldnt-be-sent": "Invite couldn't be sent due to user doesn't have any post yet", "no-posts-for-invite": "Unfortunately, User doesn't seem active and haven't made any posts.", @@ -1940,20 +1940,20 @@ "view-and-save": "Mostrar chaves e salvar", "blocked-users-management": "Blocked users management", "unlock-the-section": "Por favor, insira seu PIN para ver suas informações de credenciais", - "no-contacts-or-channels": "No conversations yet", + "no-contacts-or-channels": "Não há conversas ainda", "upload-image": "Enviar imagem", "hidden-messages": "Mensagens ocultas", "hidden-messages-management": "Hidden messages management", - "saved-messages": "Saved messages", + "saved-messages": "Mensagens salvas", "fetch-error": "While you were away, network change detected. Reload page now to fetch new data", - "pin": "Pin", - "unpin": "Unpin", + "pin": "Fixar", + "unpin": "Desafixar", "select-contact-or-channel": "Select contact or channel", "message-forwarding": "Message forwarding", - "forward": "Forward message", + "forward": "Encaminhar mensagem", "forwarded-from": "Forwarded message", "welcome": { - "title": "Welcome to Chats", + "title": "Bem-vindo ao Bate-Papo", "description": "Create or import an account start using Chats", "already-joined-title": "Looks like, you've already joined the Chats", "already-joined-hint": "Please, verify your account and get access by entering PIN", @@ -2219,13 +2219,13 @@ "what-ecency-wallet-body": "

Ecency wallet is is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows Ecency community to manage their Hive, HBD, Hive Power, Savings and other different tokens. So a Ecency wallet provides all the features that are necessary for safe and secure transfers.

", "what-do-hive-tokens-header": "What can I do with my Hive tokens?", "what-do-hive-tokens-body": "

In the Ecency wallet, you can perform various operations on your Hives:

  • Transfer- If you want to Transfer your Hive to someone, you can select Transfer and fill in the account name and amount of Hives to Transfer it.
  • Transfer to Savings- By transferring your Hive to Savings, you will get annual Interest from them.
  • Power Up- When powered up, your HIVE becomes staked and converts to HIVE Power, which increases your voting power and resource credits on the blockchain. You can Power Up Hive and Save it in your Account or Transfer it to other accounts as Hive Power through filling account name field.
  • Trade Token- Clicking on it redirects you the Ecency Market Page where you can exchange tokens. Hive can be Swapped to HBD wihtout waiting period 3,5 days.

", - "what-delegated-HP-header": "What is Delegated Hive Power?", - "what-delegated-HP-body": "

When you delegate Hive power you make a portion of your HIVE Power available to another user. Delegated Hive Power increases Voting Powe, Curation Rewards and Recourse Credits of that account. When a delegation is cancelled the HIVE Power will only be available again after 7 days.

", + "what-delegated-HP-header": "O que significa Poder Hive delegado?", + "what-delegated-HP-body": "

Quando você delega o seu Poder Hive, você disponibiliza uma parte do seu Poder (HP) para outro usuário. O Poder Hive delegado aumenta a forca do Voto, as Recompensas de Curadoria e os Créditos de Recursos daquela conta. Quando uma delegação é cancelada, o Poder HIVE só ficará disponível novamente após 7 dias.

", "what-information-feed-header": "Que tipo de informação contém nos Feeds?", "what-information-feed-body": "

The feed consists of a collection of posts with their titles, the community they were published in, the rewards they received, and the number of upvotes and comments they received. To perform further actions on a post, simply click on the three dots located below it.

", "what-hot-feed-header": "O que o feed \"Quente\" mostra?", "what-hot-feed-body": "

The Hot Feed displays the most popular posts from the past few hours.

", - "what-friends-feed-header": "What does the friends feed show?", + "what-friends-feed-header": "O que o feed Amigos exibe?", "what-friends-feed-body": "

Friends feed contains information about posts and reblogs of the accounts you follow.

", "how-to-reblog-header": "Como repostar na Ecency?", "how-to-reblog-body": "

Click on the Rectangular Arrow Icon under the post you like. Then choose Reblog and this post will appear in your Blog.

", @@ -2273,11 +2273,11 @@ "can-comment-boost-body": "

Você pode impulsionar comentários, desde que se enquadrem nos critérios de impulsionamento.

", "what-information-available-header": "Quais informações estão disponíveis na página de Respostas?", "what-information-available-body": "

Na página Respostas aparecem todos os comentários que outros fizeram nas suas publicações.

", - "what-is-waves-header": "What is Waves?", - "what-is-waves-body": "

Waves is a new way of engaging through microblogging on Web3, where one can publish anything at any moment and still get rewarded for it. Waves can contain words up to 250 characters long, links, photographs, and GIFs. You can share your thoughts, opinions, updates, or information in brief and clear messages.

", - "what-is-boost-body": "What is Boost+?", - "what-is-boost-header": "

The Boost+ feature allows users to take HP delegation from Ecency.This feature has been introduced, allowing users to use their points to get delegation for 7, 30, or 90 days. Approximately 350,000 VESTS, equivalent to 200+ HP, have been allocated for this purpose.

", - "can-pin-comments-header": "Can I pin comments on my post?", + "what-is-waves-header": "O que são Ondas?", + "what-is-waves-body": "

Ondas é uma nova maneira de se envolver através de microblogs na Web3, onde se pode publicar qualquer coisa a qualquer momento e ainda ser recompensado por isso. As ondas podem conter: palavras de até 250 caracteres, links, fotografias e GIFs. Você pode compartilhar seus pensamentos, opiniões, atualizações ou informações em mensagens breves e limpas.

", + "what-is-boost-body": "O que é +Impuslo?", + "what-is-boost-header": "

O +Impulso é um recurso que permite aos usuários pegarem uma delegação de Poder Hive (HP) da Ecency. A função funciona com os pontos Ecency para obter delegação, durante 7, 30 ou 90 dias. Cerca de 350.000 VESTS, equivalente a + de 200 Poder Hive (HP), foram alocados para esta finalidade.

", + "can-pin-comments-header": "Posso fixar comentários na minha publicação?", "can-pin-comments-body": "

Yes, you have the ability to pin comments that you want by selecting the three dots located near the comment and choosing the Pin option.

", "what-are-snippets-header": "What are Snippets?", "what-are-snippets-body": "

Snippets are small fragment of notes, footnotes, phrases, sentences you can format and insert in your posts and comments any time. They are very helpful if you have footnote on your posts or if you have catch-phrases that you use often.

", @@ -2322,7 +2322,7 @@ "powered-by-hive": "possibilitado pela Hive", "how-it-works": "COMO FUNCIONA?", "get-started": "INSCREVA-SE JÁ", - "explore": "EXPLORE", + "explore": "EXPLORAR", "earn-money": "Ganhe dinheiro", "earn-money-block-chain-based": "Rede social baseada em Blockchain, ", "join-us": "junte-se a nós", @@ -2399,7 +2399,7 @@ "points-title": "Comprar pontos", "points-action": "Comprar", "points-description": "Jump start to improve engagement on your content by purchasing Points with Ecency Mobile", - "account-boost-title": "Account boosting", + "account-boost-title": "Impulsionamento de conta", "account-boost-action": "Impulsionar agora!", "account-boost-description": "Utilize as compras no aplicativo para adquirir mais poderes", "promote-title": "Promover sua publicação", @@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ }, "submit-tour": { "title": "Criação de post", - "title-hint": "You may to set any title for your post", + "title-hint": "Você pode definir qualquer título para a sua publicação", "tags-hint": "Tags helps to find out your post by special keywords", "body-hint": "Post body is rich text which may contain various of different components, styles", "community-hint": "Post may be attached to specific community which helps to promote your post within community members", @@ -2425,42 +2425,42 @@ "help-hint": "Have any questions? Check out help center" }, "polls": { - "poll": "Poll", - "title": "Create a poll", - "edit-title": "Edit a poll", - "title-placeholder": "Poll question", - "choices": "Choices", - "post-poll": "Post's poll", - "choice-placeholder": "Choice {{n}}", - "add-choice": "Add choice", - "attach": "Attach to post", - "update": "Update", - "polls-form-hint": "To attach poll to post, need to fill all choices without duplicates", - "options": "Options", - "account-age": "Account age for voting(in days)", - "end-time": "End time", - "vote": "Vote", - "account-age-hint": "Only accounts older than {{n}} days allowed", - "preview-mode": "Preview mode", - "videos-collision-error": "Polls and 3speak videos cannot be published in same post since there are different kind of posts. Please choose only one of them.", - "number_of_votes": "By number of votes", - "tokens": "By tokens", - "view-votes": "View votes", - "back-to-vote": "Back to vote", - "votes": "Votes", - "votes-list": "Votes list", - "show-voters": "Show voters", - "vote-confirmation-and-sign": "Sign and confirm your vote", - "your-choice": "Your choice", - "not-found": "Poll not found", - "voting": "Voting...", - "vote-change": "Changing a vote", - "current-standing": "Hide votes", - "finished": "Finished", - "expired-date": "End date should be in present or future", - "interpretation": "Interpretation", + "poll": "Enquete", + "title": "Criar uma enquete", + "edit-title": "Editar uma enquete", + "title-placeholder": "Pergunta da enquete", + "choices": "Opções", + "post-poll": "Enquete do post", + "choice-placeholder": "Opção {{n}}", + "add-choice": "Adicionar escolha", + "attach": "Anexar à publicação", + "update": "Atualizar", + "polls-form-hint": "Para anexar uma enquete na publicação, é necessário preencher todas as opções, sem repetir", + "options": "Opções", + "account-age": "Idade da conta para votação (em dias)", + "end-time": "Horário de término", + "vote": "Voto", + "account-age-hint": "Apenas contas mais antigas do que {{n}} dias são permitidas", + "preview-mode": "Modo de pré-visualização", + "videos-collision-error": "Enquetes e vídeos do 3Speak não podem ser colocados na mesma publicação, uma vez requerem formas diferentes de postagens. Por favor, escolha apenas um deles.", + "number_of_votes": "Por número de votos", + "tokens": "Por tokens", + "view-votes": "Ver votos", + "back-to-vote": "Voltar ao voto", + "votes": "Votos", + "votes-list": "Lista de votos", + "show-voters": "Mostrar votantes", + "vote-confirmation-and-sign": "Assine e confirme o seu voto", + "your-choice": "Sua escolha", + "not-found": "Enquete não encontrada", + "voting": "Votando...", + "vote-change": "Alterando um voto", + "current-standing": "Ocultar votos", + "finished": "Concluídas", + "expired-date": "A data final deve ser presente ou futura", + "interpretation": "Interpretação", "creating-in-progress": "Criação em andamento...", - "invalid-time": "Invalid time format. Use HH:MM", + "invalid-time": "Formato de hora inválido. Use HH:MM", "max-choices-voted": "Máximo de escolhas votadas pelo usuário", "max-votes-hint": "Você pode selecionar {{n}} opções" } From abb5016f8544976f81348d184b44608de07de713 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 23:55:41 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 11/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 44 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index 5cd0950adba..2d5322e3ad9 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -1960,18 +1960,18 @@ "pin-failed": "Invalid PIN. Failed to verify.", "oops": "Oops!", "user-not-joined-yet": "You can't send a message. This user or channel hasn't joined to chats yet.", - "hello": "Hello", + "hello": "Olá", "start-description": "Search a person or community and start messaging", "join-description": "You aren't part of channel", "rejoin-description": "You have left this community chat. Rejoin the chat now!" }, "import": { "title": "Importing account", - "description": "Please, enter public and private key pair to import your existing account", - "button": "Import", - "iv": "Initial vector value" + "description": "Por favor, insira ambas chaves, pública e privada, para importar sua conta existente", + "button": "Importar", + "iv": "Valor vetorial inicial" }, - "reply": "Reply", + "reply": "Responder", "reply-to": "Replying to {{account}}" }, "add-image": { @@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ "why-publish-gray-header": "Por que o botão Publicar está acinzentado?", "why-publish-gray-body": "

Once you have finished writing your post, make sure that you have selected a suitable title and at least one valid tag. If you forget to do so, the Publish button will remain grayed out and you will not be able to proceed.

", "what-links-show-header": "O que os links de Destaque, Quente, Novo, Em Alta e Controverso mostram?", - "what-links-show-body": "

This is the way of sorting content on Ecency.

  • Trending - Widely mentioned or discussed posts.
  • Hot - Popular posts in the last couple of hours.
  • New - The newest posts are sorted by the published time.
  • Rising - Posts that have more comments and votes compared to others.
  • Controversial - Has a relatively equal number of upvotes and downvotes.

", + "what-links-show-body": "

Esta é a forma de classificar o conteúdo na Ecency.

  • Destaques - Posts amplamente mencionados ou discutidos.
  • Quentes - Posts populares nas últimas horas.
  • Novos - Os posts mais recentes são organizados pelo horário de publicação.
  • Subindo - Posts que têm mais comentários e votos em comparação com outros.
  • Controverso - Têm um número relativamente igual de votos positivos e negativos.

", "what-my-rewards-header": "Quais recompensas tenho na minha carteira?", "what-my-rewards-body": "

There are three kinds of rewards shown in your wallet:

  • Curation rewards - The rewards earned for upvoting posts and comments.
  • Author rewards - The rewards earned by your own posts and comments.
  • Points rewards - Social actions and interactions are also rewarded with Ecency points.

", "what-information-profile-header": "Quais informações são exibidas no meu perfil?", @@ -2140,7 +2140,7 @@ "exclude-reblogs-feed-header": "Como excluir reblogs de feed dos amigos?", "exclude-reblogs-feed-body": "

Your Feed displays updates on your friends' actions, such as when they reblog posts they like. If you prefer not to see posts about your friends' reblogged activity in your Feed, you can use the Excluding Reblog option located at the top right to filter them out.

", "how-to-sort-feed-header": "Como classificar links em tendência, em alta e novos?", - "how-to-sort-feed-body": "

You have the choice to sort posts by Global or My Community options. Typically, the Global option is chosen by default. Under the Global option, you can access links for Hot, Trending, and New posts from all areas of Hive. On the other hand, if you select the My Community option, you will only see posts from the Community link that you are a part of.

", + "how-to-sort-feed-body": "

Você tem a opção de classificar os posts por Comunidades, ou Global. Normalmente, a opção Global é escolhida por padrão. Nessa opção, você pode acessar publicações nos Feeds: Quentes, Destaques e Novos, de todas as áreas da Hive. Por outro lado, se você selecionar a opção Comunidades, verá apenas posts de Comunidades das quais faz parte.

", "how-to-follow-header": "Como seguir pessoas?", "how-to-follow-body": "

When you choose to follow a profile, you will receive updates from that person in your Feed. To do this, go to the top left of the Ecency and click on the Searching Bar. Enter the name of the person you want to follow from the search results. Once you are on their profile page, click on the Follow icon.

", "how-find-information-followers-header": "Como encontrar informações sobre seus Seguidores e Seguidos?", @@ -2233,10 +2233,10 @@ "what-is-reblog-body": "

A reblog is when you see a post you enjoy on Ecency, and by clicking the reblog button, you make the post appear on your blog too. Now all of your followers can enjoy the post.

", "how-sort-feed-header": "Como organizar o feed \"Amigos\"?", "how-sort-feed-body": "

Your Friends Feed contains posts published by your friends and their reblogs. If you only want to see the posts of your friends, you can select Exclude Reblog through the sorting function.

", - "what-trending-feed-header": "What does the Trending feed show?", - "what-trending-feed-body": "

Trending feed shows widely mentioned or discussed posts of entire platform.

", + "what-trending-feed-header": "O que o feed de Destaques mostra?", + "what-trending-feed-body": "

O feed Destaques mostra posts amplamente mencionados ou discutidos de toda a plataforma.

", "how-sort-trending-header": "Como organizar o feed \"Destaque\"?", - "how-sort-trending-body": "

Trending feed can be sorted depending on what information you want to see. For example, you can choose one depending on whether you want to see only posts from My Community or Global posts from the entire platform. If you wan to see Trending feed on specific tag or topic, you can do so here as well by selecting topics from left side.

", + "how-sort-trending-body": "

O feed de Destaques pode ser organizado de acordo com as informações que você deseja ver. Por exemplo, você pode escolher entre ver apenas posts da Minha Comunidade ou posts Globais de toda a plataforma. Se você quiser ver o feed de Destaques em uma tag ou tópico específico, também pode fazer isso aqui, selecionando os tópicos no lado esquerdo.

", "how-search-tags-header": "Como pesquisar conteúdo por tags?", "how-search-tags-body": "

No lado esquerdo do seu feed estão as tags mais utilizadas, para agilizar sua busca. Clicando na tag desejada, você encontrará todas as publicações que a utilizaram.

", "what-new-feed-header": "O que o feed \"Novo\" mostra?", @@ -2278,11 +2278,11 @@ "what-is-boost-body": "O que é +Impuslo?", "what-is-boost-header": "

O +Impulso é um recurso que permite aos usuários pegarem uma delegação de Poder Hive (HP) da Ecency. A função funciona com os pontos Ecency para obter delegação, durante 7, 30 ou 90 dias. Cerca de 350.000 VESTS, equivalente a + de 200 Poder Hive (HP), foram alocados para esta finalidade.

", "can-pin-comments-header": "Posso fixar comentários na minha publicação?", - "can-pin-comments-body": "

Yes, you have the ability to pin comments that you want by selecting the three dots located near the comment and choosing the Pin option.

", - "what-are-snippets-header": "What are Snippets?", - "what-are-snippets-body": "

Snippets are small fragment of notes, footnotes, phrases, sentences you can format and insert in your posts and comments any time. They are very helpful if you have footnote on your posts or if you have catch-phrases that you use often.

", - "can-upload-video-header": "Can I upload a video on Ecency?", - "can-upload-video-body": "You have the option to upload a video on both the Mobile App and by clicking on the video icon on the editor page when creating content." + "can-pin-comments-body": "

Sim, você consegue fixar os comentários que desejar, selecionando os três pontos próximos ao comentário e escolhendo a opção Fixar.

", + "what-are-snippets-header": "O que são Trechos?", + "what-are-snippets-body": "

Trechos são pequenos fragmentos de notas, notas de rodapé, frases ou idéias que você pode formatar e inserir em suas postagens e comentários a qualquer momento. Eles são muito úteis se você tiver nota de rodapé em seus posts ou se tiver frases \"de impacto\" usadas frequentemente.

", + "can-upload-video-header": "Posso fazer o upload de um vídeo na Ecency?", + "can-upload-video-body": "Você pode fazer upload de um vídeo tanto pelo aplicativo móvel quanto pelo site. Basta clicar no ícone de vídeo na página do editor ao criar conteúdo." } }, "contributors": { @@ -2318,7 +2318,7 @@ }, "landing-page": { "welcome-text": "Ecency", - "what-is-ecency": "Freespeech, True ownership, rewarding communities on Web3", + "what-is-ecency": "Liberdade de Expressão. Propriedade verdadeira. Comunidades que valem a pena na Web3", "powered-by-hive": "possibilitado pela Hive", "how-it-works": "COMO FUNCIONA?", "get-started": "INSCREVA-SE JÁ", @@ -2393,12 +2393,12 @@ "report": "Reportar" }, "perks": { - "page-title": "Welcome to Perks", - "title": "Meet Ecency perks", + "page-title": "Bem-vindo aos Benefícios", + "title": "Conheça os Benefícios Ecency", "title-next": "unified, fast and simple way to boost your account", "points-title": "Comprar pontos", "points-action": "Comprar", - "points-description": "Jump start to improve engagement on your content by purchasing Points with Ecency Mobile", + "points-description": "Impulsione o engajamento do seu conteúdo comprando Pontos com o aplicativo da Ecency", "account-boost-title": "Impulsionamento de conta", "account-boost-action": "Impulsionar agora!", "account-boost-description": "Utilize as compras no aplicativo para adquirir mais poderes", @@ -2420,9 +2420,9 @@ "tags-hint": "Tags helps to find out your post by special keywords", "body-hint": "Post body is rich text which may contain various of different components, styles", "community-hint": "Post may be attached to specific community which helps to promote your post within community members", - "toolbar-hint": "Toolbar allow to insert a lot of different components, apply formatting, insert images, videos and links", - "advanced-hint": "Configure advanced settings such as scheduling, beneficiaries", - "help-hint": "Have any questions? Check out help center" + "toolbar-hint": "A barra de ferramentas permite inserir diversos componentes diferentes. Edite a formatação, insera imagens, vídeos e links", + "advanced-hint": "Configurar configurações avançadas como agendamento e beneficiários", + "help-hint": "Tem alguma dúvida? Confira o centro de ajuda" }, "polls": { "poll": "Enquete", From 9fe44a8692c075b242079a82c3501ea4581a6879 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 19:07:18 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 12/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index 2d5322e3ad9..24f751f2fbd 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -2250,7 +2250,7 @@ "what-rising-feed-header": "O que mostra no feed \"Subindo\"?", "what-rising-feed-body": "

Risind feed shows posts that have more comments and votes compare to others on entire platform.

", "how-sort-rising-header": "Como ordenar o feed \"Destaques\"?", - "how-sort-rising-body": "The rising feed can be sorted by today, this week, this month, this year, and all time posts created during the specific time. Choose one of them and get a chance of seeing posts that become rising you wanted time.", + "how-sort-rising-body": "O feed \"Subindo\" pode ser classificado por hoje, esta semana, este mês, este ano e desde o início. Escolha uma dessas opções para ver posts que se tornaram populares no período desejado.", "what-controversial-feed-header": "O que aparece no feed controverso?", "what-controversial-feed-body": "

O feed \"Controverso\" mostra posts que contém um número relativamente igual de votos positivos e negativos. Algumas vezes, posts tem muitos votos, porém pouca recompensa.

", "how-sort-controversial-header": "Como ordenar o feed de controvérsias?", @@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ "how-many-witnesses-header": " Em quantas testemunhas posso votar?", "how-many-witnesses-body": "

Cada conta pode votar em até 30 testemunhas.

", "sort-witnesses-page-header": "Como ordenar a página das testemunhas?", - "sort-witnesses-page-body": "

At the end of the Witnesses page, click on the Sort button to display options for sorting witnesses. You can sort them by rank, name and fee. You can choose any option as your wish for example choosing a rank option will give you witnesses according to the order of voting rank.

", + "sort-witnesses-page-body": "

No final da página de Testemunhas, clique no botão \"Classificar\" para exibir opções de classificação das testemunhas. Você pode classificá-las por ranking, nome e taxa. Você pode escolher qualquer opção à sua escolha. Exemplo: escolha a opção de ranking para listar as testemunhas de acordo com a ordem de classificação dos votos.

", "how-vote-proposals-header": "Como votar nas propostas?", "how-vote-proposals-body": "

Go to the Proposals Page there you can see all Proposals that can be voted on. You can click on them to see further information about the proposal before voting or you can click on the voting icon near the proposal without opening.

", "what-my-blog-header": "O que contém no meu blog?", From de4f5279f0ab450d22a30859f39c8b6369fff7e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 20:32:15 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 13/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index 24f751f2fbd..b1980621b17 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -1929,26 +1929,26 @@ "block-author": "Bloquear autor", "unblock-author": "Desbloquear autor", "create-an-account": "Criar conta de chat", - "create-description": "Welcome aboard! Your account is almost ready. Dive into conversations and enjoy connecting with others privately.", + "create-description": "Bem-vindo a bordo! A conta está quase pronta. Mergulhe nas conversas e conecte-se com o mundo como preferir.", "create-pin-description": "Por favor, defina uma senha (PIN) para obter acesso às suas conversas de qualquer dispositivo", "logout": "Encerrar sessão", "specify-invitation-message": "Este convite será enviado através de um comentário na última publicação do usuário", "successfully-invited": "Convite enviado!", - "invite-couldnt-be-sent": "Invite couldn't be sent due to user doesn't have any post yet", - "no-posts-for-invite": "Unfortunately, User doesn't seem active and haven't made any posts.", - "warn-key-saving": "Backup your Chat key to keep account secure and also have uninterrupted service!", + "invite-couldnt-be-sent": "O convite não pôde ser enviado porque o usuário ainda não fez nenhuma publicação", + "no-posts-for-invite": "Infelizmente, o Usuário não parece ativo e não fez nenhuma publicação.", + "warn-key-saving": "Faça backup da sua chave de Bate-Papo para manter a conta segura e o serviço ininterrupto!", "view-and-save": "Mostrar chaves e salvar", - "blocked-users-management": "Blocked users management", + "blocked-users-management": "Gerenciamento de usuários bloqueados", "unlock-the-section": "Por favor, insira seu PIN para ver suas informações de credenciais", "no-contacts-or-channels": "Não há conversas ainda", "upload-image": "Enviar imagem", "hidden-messages": "Mensagens ocultas", - "hidden-messages-management": "Hidden messages management", + "hidden-messages-management": "Gerenciamento de mensagens ocultas", "saved-messages": "Mensagens salvas", - "fetch-error": "While you were away, network change detected. Reload page now to fetch new data", + "fetch-error": "Enquanto você estava ausente, uma alteração de rede foi detectada. Recarregue a página para atualizar", "pin": "Fixar", "unpin": "Desafixar", - "select-contact-or-channel": "Select contact or channel", + "select-contact-or-channel": "Selecione contato ou canal", "message-forwarding": "Message forwarding", "forward": "Encaminhar mensagem", "forwarded-from": "Forwarded message", @@ -1957,16 +1957,16 @@ "description": "Create or import an account start using Chats", "already-joined-title": "Looks like, you've already joined the Chats", "already-joined-hint": "Please, verify your account and get access by entering PIN", - "pin-failed": "Invalid PIN. Failed to verify.", + "pin-failed": "PIN inválido. Falha ao verificar.", "oops": "Oops!", "user-not-joined-yet": "You can't send a message. This user or channel hasn't joined to chats yet.", "hello": "Olá", "start-description": "Search a person or community and start messaging", - "join-description": "You aren't part of channel", + "join-description": "Você não faz parte do canal", "rejoin-description": "You have left this community chat. Rejoin the chat now!" }, "import": { - "title": "Importing account", + "title": "Importando conta", "description": "Por favor, insira ambas chaves, pública e privada, para importar sua conta existente", "button": "Importar", "iv": "Valor vetorial inicial" @@ -2179,8 +2179,8 @@ "how-to-favorite-body": "

Quando amigos são adicionados como favoritos na Ecency, você recebe notificações quando eles criam uma nova publicação. Para adicionar aos favoritos basta clicar no símbolo da estrela, localizado ao lado da foto de perfil. É possível recover amigos dos favoritos a qualquer momento.

", "what-notifications-get-header": "Qual tipo de notificações recebo na Ecency?", "what-notifications-get-body": "

Ecency may send notifications for several reasons, including when someone:

  • Follows you
  • Votes on your comment or post
  • Mentions you
  • Replies your comment or post
  • Reblogs one of your content
  • Transfers (HIVE, HBD and new Engine token transfers)
  • Delegations (Hive Power delegations)
  • Your Favorite author pulishes a post
  • Replies your Bookmarked content

", - "how-create-community-header": "How to create a Community on Ecency?", - "how-create-community-body": "

Creating Community includes several steps, you can learn all about it in following article Voting content

", + "how-create-community-header": "Como criar uma Comunidade na Ecency?", + "how-create-community-body": "

Criar uma comunidade inclui várias etapas. Aprenda mais no artigo a seguirConteúdo de votação

", "turn-off-notifications-header": "How to turn off notifications I don't want to be notified?", "turn-off-notifications-body": "

You can turn off notifications you don't want to get notified on Ecency. Firstly Click on the Notifications bell and find Settings icon. Turn off Notifications you don't want to get notified.

", "getting-post-notifications-header": "Por que estou a receber notificações de que as pessoas estão a publicar?", @@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@ "title-hint": "Você pode definir qualquer título para a sua publicação", "tags-hint": "Tags helps to find out your post by special keywords", "body-hint": "Post body is rich text which may contain various of different components, styles", - "community-hint": "Post may be attached to specific community which helps to promote your post within community members", + "community-hint": "Publicações podem ser vinculadas em comunidades específicas, o que ajuda a promovê-las entre membros", "toolbar-hint": "A barra de ferramentas permite inserir diversos componentes diferentes. Edite a formatação, insera imagens, vídeos e links", "advanced-hint": "Configurar configurações avançadas como agendamento e beneficiários", "help-hint": "Tem alguma dúvida? Confira o centro de ajuda" From 7cdf66f439694ec55b9a294bfbba1498dfacc5f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 22:44:11 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 14/20] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) --- src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json | 50 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json index 589fb72521b..87bc001c040 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ "description": "Freespeech, True ownership, Financial freedom!", "bottom-description": "One account, one wallet to manage everything on Blockchain.", "learn-more": "Learn more about benefits in our FAQ", - "username": "Pick a username", + "username": "Välj ett användarnamn", "email": "Ange din e-postadress", "ref": "Referred user (optional)", "submit": "Fortsätt", @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ "validation-email": "Email is required.", "success": "We've sent an email to {{email}}.", "success-2": "Verify to finalize signup process. Note: Check spam folder if you couldn't find email.", - "login-text-1": "Do you have an account?", + "login-text-1": "Har du ett konto?", "login-text-2": "Login", "free-account": "Free account", "free-account-desc": "Get a full-fledged Hive account, this method has basic checks to make sure botnet doesn't abuse our signup faucet.", @@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ "sign-sub-title": "Sign your transaction", "rc-to-new-acc": "Delegate some resource credits to", "minimum-rc": "(Minimum Rc is 5Bn)", - "posts-comments": "Posts/Comments:", - "votes": "Votes:", + "posts-comments": "Inlägg/Kommentarer:", + "votes": "Röster:", "transfers": "Transfers:", "reblogs-follows": "Reblogs/Follows:", "rc-error": "You can not delegate below 5bn Rc" @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ "username": "Användarnamn", "content-type": "Content Type", "trending-topics": "Topics", - "search": "Search", + "search": "Sök", "community": "Community", "notifications": "Notifications", "wallet": "Plånbok", @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ "filters": "Filters", "history": "History", "type": "Type", - "add-column": "Add new column", + "add-column": "Lägg till ny kolumn", "back-to-feed": "Back to feed", "faq": "FAQ", "terms": "Terms Of Service", @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ "advanced": "Advanced", "author": "Author", "choose-one": "Choose one", - "user": "User", + "user": "Användare", "search-query": "Search query", "columns": { "view-full-post": "View full post", @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ "all": "Alla", "votes": "Votes", "mentions": "Mentions", - "favourites": "Favourites", - "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", + "favourites": "Favoriter", + "bookmarks": "Bokmärken", "follows": "Follows", "replies": "Replies", "reblogs": "Reblogs", @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ "rewards": "Rewards", "failed-fetch": "Account decks fetching failed. Please, refresh a page", "failed-update": "Deck updating failed. Please, try again", - "new-column": "New column", + "new-column": "Ny kolumn", "new-data-available": "New content available", "threads": "Waves", "threads-host": "Wave host", @@ -557,14 +557,14 @@ "threads-description2": "Ride the wave: Short, snappy content made easy.", "threads-description3": "Waves of clarity: Effortlessly grasp short and sweet content!", "add-thread-host-text": "Specify a Waves host or see all of them together", - "all-thread-hosts": "All", + "all-thread-hosts": "Alla", "thread-post-link-invalid": "This post is not existing.", "show-replies": "Visa {{n}} svar", - "show-reply": "Show 1 reply", - "show-all-replies": "Show all replies", + "show-reply": "Visa 1 svar", + "show-all-replies": "Visa alla svar", "see-full-thread": "See full thread", "no-currency-data": "No data", - "hide-replies": "Hide replies", + "hide-replies": "Dölj svar", "filters": "Filters", "market-swap-form": "Market swap form", "market": "Market", @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ "edit-wave": "Redigera", "updated": "Redigerades {{n}} sedan", "balance": "Balance", - "whats-new": "What's new", + "whats-new": "Nyheter", "whats-new-description": "Keep in track the Ecency updates", "updates": "Updates", "release-list": "Release versions", @@ -649,13 +649,13 @@ "transaction-succeeded": "Transaction submitted", "lowest-ask": "Lowest ask", "decimal-error": "Only {{decimals}} decimal digits allowed!", - "from": "From", - "to": "To", + "from": "Från", + "to": "Till", "sign": "Sign", "swapping": "Swapping...", "continue": "Fortsätt", "balance": "Balance", - "fee": "Fee", + "fee": "Avgift", "fee-free": "Gratis", "order-book-impact": "Order book impact", "swap-title": "Swap your funds", @@ -771,27 +771,27 @@ "subscribed": "Joined", "unsubscribe": "Lämna", "post": "New Post", - "posts": "Posts", + "posts": "Inlägg", "subscribers": "Medlemmar", "activities": "Aktiviteter", "roles-title": "Användarroller", "roles-account": "Konto", "roles-role": "Roll", "roles-account-title": "Title", - "roles-add": "Add User", + "roles-add": "Lägg till användare", "already-joined-community": "You have already joined this community" }, "community-cover": { "rewards": "rewards", "authors": "posters", - "lang": "language", + "lang": "språk", "cover-image": "Community cover image", "cover-image-edit": "Edit cover image", "cover-image-updated": "Cover image updated!" }, "community-card": { "description": "Beskrivning", - "rules": "Rules", + "rules": "Regler", "team": "Leadership", "edit": "Edit settings", "edit-team": "Redigera roller", @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ "lang": "Språk", "description": "Beskrivning", "rules": "Regler", - "rules-help": "One per line", + "rules-help": "En per rad", "validation-title": "Title is required." }, "communities": { @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "password-copied": "Password copied to clipboard", "reason-three": "Powered by blockchain technology", "reason-four": "It costs 3 HIVE to create permanent, immutable, true ownership community", - "done-link-label": "Get started." + "done-link-label": "Kom igång." }, "community-rewards-registration": { "body-text": "Register your community to get Ecency POINTS", @@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ "notifications": { "type-all": "All Notifications", "type-all-short": "Alla", - "type-rvotes": "Votes", + "type-rvotes": "Röster", "type-replies": "Replies", "type-mentions": "Mentions", "type-follows": "Follows", From bc3ed805173e736d387e16b4f58bf77f604d3df8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 22:47:38 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 15/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index b1980621b17..16468090a4f 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -1951,19 +1951,19 @@ "select-contact-or-channel": "Selecione contato ou canal", "message-forwarding": "Message forwarding", "forward": "Encaminhar mensagem", - "forwarded-from": "Forwarded message", + "forwarded-from": "Mensagem encaminhada", "welcome": { "title": "Bem-vindo ao Bate-Papo", - "description": "Create or import an account start using Chats", + "description": "Crie ou importe uma conta para usar o chat", "already-joined-title": "Looks like, you've already joined the Chats", "already-joined-hint": "Please, verify your account and get access by entering PIN", "pin-failed": "PIN inválido. Falha ao verificar.", - "oops": "Oops!", - "user-not-joined-yet": "You can't send a message. This user or channel hasn't joined to chats yet.", + "oops": "Ops!", + "user-not-joined-yet": "A mensagem não pode ser enviada. O usuário ainda não entrou no chat.", "hello": "Olá", "start-description": "Search a person or community and start messaging", "join-description": "Você não faz parte do canal", - "rejoin-description": "You have left this community chat. Rejoin the chat now!" + "rejoin-description": "Você saiu do chat dessa comunidade. Junte-se agora!" }, "import": { "title": "Importando conta", @@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ "iv": "Valor vetorial inicial" }, "reply": "Responder", - "reply-to": "Replying to {{account}}" + "reply-to": "Respondendo para {{account}}" }, "add-image": { "title": "Adicionar imagem", @@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ "what-delegated-hp-header": "O que é Hive Power delegado?", "what-delegated-hp-body": "

Users can delegate Hive Power to other users, allowing them to have the same benefits and privileges as if they had their own Hive Power. This includes having their Resource Credits, content votes, and curation rewards calculated based on the delegated Hive Power. However, users who receive delegated Hive Power cannot power down or withdraw it as it still belongs to the original owner.

", "what-powering-up-header": "O que é fazer Power Up?", - "what-powering-up-body": "

You have the option to increase the power of your earned Hive tokens by converting them into Hive Power. This process involves keeping your HIVE tokens in your wallet and converting them into HIVE Power, which in turn boosts your voting power and resource credits on the blockchain. By having more Hive Power, you can earn higher curation rewards and receive additional vested tokens. Additionally, possessing more HP gives you greater influence in approving Hive witnesses.

", + "what-powering-up-body": "

Você tem a opção de aumentar o poder dos seus tokens Hive ganhos, convertendo-os em Poder Hive. Esse processo envolve manter seus tokens HIVE na sua carteira e convertê-los em Poder Hive, o que, por sua vez, aumenta seu poder de voto e créditos de recursos na blockchain. Ao ter mais Poder Hive, você pode ganhar maiores recompensas de curadoria e receber tokens adicionais investidos. Além disso, possuir mais Poder Hive dá a você maior influência na aprovação de testemunhas da Hive.

", "what-powering-down-header": "O que significa fazer Power Down?", "what-powering-down-body": "

You can both power up and power down Hive Power using the same wallets. However, when you choose to power down, your Hive Power will not be immediately accessible as Hive. Instead, it will be converted into 13 equal parts and transferred to your Hive wallet on a weekly basis. The first portion will only be available one week after the power down process has been initiated.

", "why-different-keys-header": "Por que existem várias chaves?", @@ -2205,7 +2205,7 @@ "how-delete-scheduled-body": "

From the main Menu choose Schedule. Thee you will se a list of scheduled posts. Under posts there are 2 options: Move to drafts(there you can reschedule, edit)or delete scheduled post.

", "how-set-beneficiaries-header": "Como estabelecer beneficiários?", "how-set-beneficiaries-body": "

You can set beneficiaries to share author reward with other accounts. Authors may share their rewards with others for a variety of reasons. It's up to you how much of your reward you want to share with. First create Post then Click Advanced. There you can Set Beneficiaries by clicking on it. Choose username and percent of the reward you want to share and click Done.

", - "possible-current-RC-header": "What's possible with my current available RC?", + "possible-current-RC-header": "O que é possível com os meus Recursos de Créditos disponíveis atualmente?", "possible-current-RC-body": "

Below your username, there is a brief description of your RC. Click on the bottom of this information. You will have complete details on how many RC you have, your RC delegations, and how many activities you can perform with your existing RC.

", "what-delegating-RC-header": "O que significa delegar RC (créditos de recursos)?", "what-delegating-RC-body": "

If you have extra RC that you don't use you can delegate your RC. It recharges during the time so you don't loose anyting. You can't delegate all your RC (and end up with 0 RC). RC give extra recoursec to perform more operations to the account you delegate. They can make more post or comments....

", @@ -2213,11 +2213,11 @@ "how-to-delegate-body": "

Clicking on your RC information under your username you can see Delegate RC operation. Enter username and amount RC you want to delegate then click Next and Confirm it.

", "who-are-curators-header": "Quem são os curadores?", "who-are-curators-body": "

Curators discover and vote for posts created by authors. They play an important role in Hive. The consensus in the community is that good content should be upvoted and should be rewarding for authors. The spam, plagiarized content should be downvoted.

", - "what-curation-reward-header": "What is curation reward?", + "what-curation-reward-header": "O que é recompensa por curadoria?", "what-curation-reward-body": "

Curators will have reward (Hive Power) from the post payout. As a result of the vote given by the curators, the post will have a certain amount of payout. The author and the curator(s) share the post payout in the ratio of 50:50. The post payout happens in 7 days. So at the end of the 7 days, the author's and curator's rewards are available for claim.

", "what-ecency-wallet-header": "O que é a carteira Ecency?", "what-ecency-wallet-body": "

Ecency wallet is is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows Ecency community to manage their Hive, HBD, Hive Power, Savings and other different tokens. So a Ecency wallet provides all the features that are necessary for safe and secure transfers.

", - "what-do-hive-tokens-header": "What can I do with my Hive tokens?", + "what-do-hive-tokens-header": "O que posso fazer com meus tokens Hive?", "what-do-hive-tokens-body": "

In the Ecency wallet, you can perform various operations on your Hives:

  • Transfer- If you want to Transfer your Hive to someone, you can select Transfer and fill in the account name and amount of Hives to Transfer it.
  • Transfer to Savings- By transferring your Hive to Savings, you will get annual Interest from them.
  • Power Up- When powered up, your HIVE becomes staked and converts to HIVE Power, which increases your voting power and resource credits on the blockchain. You can Power Up Hive and Save it in your Account or Transfer it to other accounts as Hive Power through filling account name field.
  • Trade Token- Clicking on it redirects you the Ecency Market Page where you can exchange tokens. Hive can be Swapped to HBD wihtout waiting period 3,5 days.

", "what-delegated-HP-header": "O que significa Poder Hive delegado?", "what-delegated-HP-body": "

Quando você delega o seu Poder Hive, você disponibiliza uma parte do seu Poder (HP) para outro usuário. O Poder Hive delegado aumenta a forca do Voto, as Recompensas de Curadoria e os Créditos de Recursos daquela conta. Quando uma delegação é cancelada, o Poder HIVE só ficará disponível novamente após 7 dias.

", From 5688bab07d4d34cce4ae5fc83f682fce73036e2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:00:56 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 16/20] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese) --- src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json index 16468090a4f..535be9e0ad6 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -1949,19 +1949,19 @@ "pin": "Fixar", "unpin": "Desafixar", "select-contact-or-channel": "Selecione contato ou canal", - "message-forwarding": "Message forwarding", + "message-forwarding": "Encaminhamento de mensagem", "forward": "Encaminhar mensagem", "forwarded-from": "Mensagem encaminhada", "welcome": { "title": "Bem-vindo ao Bate-Papo", "description": "Crie ou importe uma conta para usar o chat", - "already-joined-title": "Looks like, you've already joined the Chats", - "already-joined-hint": "Please, verify your account and get access by entering PIN", + "already-joined-title": "Parece que você já entrou no Chat", + "already-joined-hint": "Por favor, verifique sua conta e obtenha acesso digitando o PIN", "pin-failed": "PIN inválido. Falha ao verificar.", "oops": "Ops!", "user-not-joined-yet": "A mensagem não pode ser enviada. O usuário ainda não entrou no chat.", "hello": "Olá", - "start-description": "Search a person or community and start messaging", + "start-description": "Procure uma pessoa ou comunidade e envie mensagens", "join-description": "Você não faz parte do canal", "rejoin-description": "Você saiu do chat dessa comunidade. Junte-se agora!" }, @@ -2080,13 +2080,13 @@ "improve-reputation-score-header": "Como melhorar o nível de Reputação?", "improve-reputation-score-body": "

The more upvotes you receive from users with high reputation, the higher your reputation score will be. Earning upvotes by giving value to the community is the greatest approach to improving your reputation score.

", "why-score-going-down-header": "Por que minha pontuação de Reputação está menor?", - "why-score-going-down-body": "

Your reputation score is affected by the upvotes and downvotes you receive. If a user with a higher reputation downvotes you, it can decrease your reputation score. However, if you have more upvotes than downvotes (taking into account the weight of each vote), your reputation score will still increase overall.

", + "why-score-going-down-body": "

Sua pontuação de reputação é afetada pelos votos positivos e negativos que você recebe. Se um usuário com uma reputação mais alta der um voto negativo em você, isso pode diminuir sua pontuação de reputação. No entanto, se você receber mais votos positivos do que negativos (levando em consideração o peso de cada voto), sua pontuação de reputação ainda aumentará no geral.

", "what-hive-witnesses-header": "O que são as testemunhas da Hive?", "what-hive-witnesses-body": "

The witnesses or block producers in the Hive blockchain have the responsibility of serving as the governing body of the network. The top 20 witnesses continuously produce blocks every minute, while the remaining witnesses act as backup and have a randomized chance of producing blocks. These witnesses are elected by the community to represent their interests, and each user has the ability to vote for up to 30 witnesses. This role is crucial to the consensus mechanism of the blockchain, and it is recommended for users to actively engage in voting for trusted witnesses. In return for their block production, witnesses are rewarded with Hive Power.

", "how-vote-witnesses-header": "Como votar nas testemunhas?", "how-vote-witnesses-body": "

Visite a Página das testemunhas e clique no ícone de voto.

", "what-are-hive-header": "O que são os tokens HIVE?", - "what-are-hive-body": "

HIVE tokens are tradable and can be transferred at any time. They can also be converted into Hive Power through a process known as powering up or staking HIVE. HIVE is a type of cryptocurrency token, similar to Bitcoin.

", + "what-are-hive-body": "

Os tokens HIVE são negociáveis e podem ser transferidos a qualquer momento. Eles também podem ser convertidos em Poder Hive através de um processo conhecido como Aumento de Poder (Power up) ou \"staking\" de HIVE. A HIVE é um tipo de token de criptomoeda, similar ao Bitcoin.

", "what-is-hive-power-header": "O que é o PODER HIVE?", "what-is-hive-power-body": "

Hive Power refers to tokens of influence that increase in value when held for a longer period and used for voting on content. The greater the amount of Hive Power one possesses, the greater their ability to impact the rewards of others and earn rewards through accurate voting. Hive Power is obtained by staking HIVE tokens, which can be withdrawn after a 13-week period.

", "what-are-hd-header": "O que são HIVE DOLLARS ou HBD?", @@ -2199,9 +2199,9 @@ "how-post-community-body": "

Escolher a Comunidade certa é tão importante quanto decidir os títulos das suas publicações. Após escrever o título, escolha abaixo se a publicação deverá ser feita no seu blog ou em alguma de suas comunidades. O ID da comunidade escolhida será sua primeira tag. Não esqueça de seguir as regras internas de cada comunidade.

", "leave-community-header": "Como deixar a uma Comunidade no Ecency?", "leave-community-body": "

From your Feed, click Communities in the left menu and select your group. Go to the Joined button where you can see Leave option, select Leave.After leaving Community will be removed from your list of Communities and you will no longer see them in your Feed.

", - "how-schedule-header": "How to schedule a post?", + "how-schedule-header": "Como agendar uma publicação?", "how-schedule-body": "

You can schedule a post to publish at a specific time.

  • Click on the pen icon and write a post.Then Click on the Advanced right under your post.
  • Choose Schedule option.
  • Select the date and time that you want the post to publish.
  • Click Apply then Schedule button.

", - "how-delete-scheduled-header": "How to edit or delete a scheduled post?", + "how-delete-scheduled-header": "Como editar ou excluir uma publicação agendada?", "how-delete-scheduled-body": "

From the main Menu choose Schedule. Thee you will se a list of scheduled posts. Under posts there are 2 options: Move to drafts(there you can reschedule, edit)or delete scheduled post.

", "how-set-beneficiaries-header": "Como estabelecer beneficiários?", "how-set-beneficiaries-body": "

You can set beneficiaries to share author reward with other accounts. Authors may share their rewards with others for a variety of reasons. It's up to you how much of your reward you want to share with. First create Post then Click Advanced. There you can Set Beneficiaries by clicking on it. Choose username and percent of the reward you want to share and click Done.

", @@ -2209,16 +2209,16 @@ "possible-current-RC-body": "

Below your username, there is a brief description of your RC. Click on the bottom of this information. You will have complete details on how many RC you have, your RC delegations, and how many activities you can perform with your existing RC.

", "what-delegating-RC-header": "O que significa delegar RC (créditos de recursos)?", "what-delegating-RC-body": "

If you have extra RC that you don't use you can delegate your RC. It recharges during the time so you don't loose anyting. You can't delegate all your RC (and end up with 0 RC). RC give extra recoursec to perform more operations to the account you delegate. They can make more post or comments....

", - "how-to-delegate-header": "How to delegate RC on Ecency?", + "how-to-delegate-header": "Como delegar os Recursos de Créditos na Ecency?", "how-to-delegate-body": "

Clicking on your RC information under your username you can see Delegate RC operation. Enter username and amount RC you want to delegate then click Next and Confirm it.

", "who-are-curators-header": "Quem são os curadores?", "who-are-curators-body": "

Curators discover and vote for posts created by authors. They play an important role in Hive. The consensus in the community is that good content should be upvoted and should be rewarding for authors. The spam, plagiarized content should be downvoted.

", "what-curation-reward-header": "O que é recompensa por curadoria?", "what-curation-reward-body": "

Curators will have reward (Hive Power) from the post payout. As a result of the vote given by the curators, the post will have a certain amount of payout. The author and the curator(s) share the post payout in the ratio of 50:50. The post payout happens in 7 days. So at the end of the 7 days, the author's and curator's rewards are available for claim.

", "what-ecency-wallet-header": "O que é a carteira Ecency?", - "what-ecency-wallet-body": "

Ecency wallet is is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows Ecency community to manage their Hive, HBD, Hive Power, Savings and other different tokens. So a Ecency wallet provides all the features that are necessary for safe and secure transfers.

", + "what-ecency-wallet-body": "

A carteira Ecency é uma carteira de criptomoedas que permite à comunidade da Ecency gerenciar seus tokens Hive, HBD, Hive Power, Poupanca e outros tokens da Hive. Desfrute de todos os recursos necessários para transferências seguras e protegidas.

", "what-do-hive-tokens-header": "O que posso fazer com meus tokens Hive?", - "what-do-hive-tokens-body": "

In the Ecency wallet, you can perform various operations on your Hives:

  • Transfer- If you want to Transfer your Hive to someone, you can select Transfer and fill in the account name and amount of Hives to Transfer it.
  • Transfer to Savings- By transferring your Hive to Savings, you will get annual Interest from them.
  • Power Up- When powered up, your HIVE becomes staked and converts to HIVE Power, which increases your voting power and resource credits on the blockchain. You can Power Up Hive and Save it in your Account or Transfer it to other accounts as Hive Power through filling account name field.
  • Trade Token- Clicking on it redirects you the Ecency Market Page where you can exchange tokens. Hive can be Swapped to HBD wihtout waiting period 3,5 days.

", + "what-do-hive-tokens-body": "

Na carteira da Ecency, você pode realizar várias operações:

  • Transferir - Se você deseja transferir seu Hive para alguém, pode selecionar Transferir e preencher o nome da conta e a quantidade de Hive que deseja enviar.
  • Transferir para Poupança - Ao transferir seus Hives para Poupança, você receberá juros anuais sobre eles.
  • Aumento de Poder - Quando você faz o aumento de poder, seu HIVE é bloqueado e convertido em HIVE Power, o que aumenta seu poder de votação e créditos de recursos na blockchain. Você pode aumentar o poder dos Hives e salvá-los na sua conta ou transferi-los para outras contas como Hive Power, preenchendo o campo de nome da conta.
  • Trocar Token - Clicar nele redireciona você para a Página de Mercado da Ecency, onde você pode trocar tokens. Hive pode ser trocado por HBD sem período de espera de 3,5 dias.

", "what-delegated-HP-header": "O que significa Poder Hive delegado?", "what-delegated-HP-body": "

Quando você delega o seu Poder Hive, você disponibiliza uma parte do seu Poder (HP) para outro usuário. O Poder Hive delegado aumenta a forca do Voto, as Recompensas de Curadoria e os Créditos de Recursos daquela conta. Quando uma delegação é cancelada, o Poder HIVE só ficará disponível novamente após 7 dias.

", "what-information-feed-header": "Que tipo de informação contém nos Feeds?", @@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ "how-to-reblog-header": "Como repostar na Ecency?", "how-to-reblog-body": "

Click on the Rectangular Arrow Icon under the post you like. Then choose Reblog and this post will appear in your Blog.

", "what-is-reblog-header": "O que é Reblog?", - "what-is-reblog-body": "

A reblog is when you see a post you enjoy on Ecency, and by clicking the reblog button, you make the post appear on your blog too. Now all of your followers can enjoy the post.

", + "what-is-reblog-body": "

Um reblog acontece quando você encontra um post que gosta na Ecency e, ao clicar no botão de reblog, ele é compartilhado no seu blog. Assim, todos os seus seguidores poderão ver e aproveitar essa publicação também.

", "how-sort-feed-header": "Como organizar o feed \"Amigos\"?", "how-sort-feed-body": "

Your Friends Feed contains posts published by your friends and their reblogs. If you only want to see the posts of your friends, you can select Exclude Reblog through the sorting function.

", "what-trending-feed-header": "O que o feed de Destaques mostra?", @@ -2395,7 +2395,7 @@ "perks": { "page-title": "Bem-vindo aos Benefícios", "title": "Conheça os Benefícios Ecency", - "title-next": "unified, fast and simple way to boost your account", + "title-next": "maneira unificada, rápida e simples de impulsionar sua conta", "points-title": "Comprar pontos", "points-action": "Comprar", "points-description": "Impulsione o engajamento do seu conteúdo comprando Pontos com o aplicativo da Ecency", @@ -2417,7 +2417,7 @@ "submit-tour": { "title": "Criação de post", "title-hint": "Você pode definir qualquer título para a sua publicação", - "tags-hint": "Tags helps to find out your post by special keywords", + "tags-hint": "As etiquetas ajudam a encontrar a sua publicação por palavras-chave", "body-hint": "Post body is rich text which may contain various of different components, styles", "community-hint": "Publicações podem ser vinculadas em comunidades específicas, o que ajuda a promovê-las entre membros", "toolbar-hint": "A barra de ferramentas permite inserir diversos componentes diferentes. Edite a formatação, insera imagens, vídeos e links", From b162c0a5107a88576f7a06127fa722c34b93af55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 20:32:08 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 17/20] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) --- src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json index 87bc001c040..0eea61d1f87 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json @@ -1903,7 +1903,7 @@ "close": "Stäng", "confirm": "Bekräfta", "error-updating-community": "Error occurred while updating community", - "leave-channel": "Leave channel", + "leave-channel": "Lämna kanal", "leaving": "Leaving", "edit-roles": "Redigera roller", "manage-chat-key": "Credentials info", @@ -1941,8 +1941,8 @@ "blocked-users-management": "Blocked users management", "unlock-the-section": "Please, enter your PIN to see your credentials information", "no-contacts-or-channels": "No conversations yet", - "upload-image": "Upload image", - "hidden-messages": "Hidden messages", + "upload-image": "Ladda upp bild", + "hidden-messages": "Dolda meddelanden", "hidden-messages-management": "Hidden messages management", "saved-messages": "Sparade meddelanden", "fetch-error": "While you were away, network change detected. Reload page now to fetch new data", From aff5c37f063c7ff547b241eae4cec34d9fcaa2d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 16:48:02 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 18/20] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) --- src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json index 0eea61d1f87..7f16446b432 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json @@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@ "list-fee": "Fee", "list-feed": "Feed", "list-version": "Version", - "username-placeholder": "användarnamn", + "username-placeholder": "Användarnamn", "extra-description": "Enter account name below to vote for a witness outside of Top 50", "proxy-description": "You can also choose a proxy that will vote for witnesses for you. This will reset your current witness selection.", "proxy-btn-label": "Set Proxy", From 94b53d9c0be629b6ea5855a8caf90a624b04c4b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 20:49:32 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 19/20] New translations en-us.json (Finnish) --- src/common/i18n/locales/fi-FI.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/fi-FI.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/fi-FI.json index 21685bf814b..f6c204b942d 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/fi-FI.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/fi-FI.json @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "success": "Onnistui", "error": "Virhe", "reset-form": "Tyhjennä lomake", - "all": "All" + "all": "Kaikki" }, "confirm": { "title": "Oletko varma?", From be2d3789f2333cc3a3278c5270ab62a53571b15d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Feruz M Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 10:02:44 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 20/20] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) --- src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json | 70 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json index 7f16446b432..82d3ee9e44f 100644 --- a/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/common/i18n/locales/sv-SE.json @@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ "rc-error": "You can not delegate below 5bn Rc" }, "trending-tags": { - "title": "Topics" + "title": "Ämnen" }, "sort-trending-tags": { "sort": "Sort", - "ascending": "Ascending", - "descending": "Descending" + "ascending": "Stigande", + "descending": "Fallande" }, "selected-tags": { "title": "Featured" @@ -570,10 +570,10 @@ "market": "Market", "swap-form": "Swapping form", "msf-description": "Swap your funds quickie with zero latency.", - "faq": "Help center", + "faq": "Hjälpcenter", "faq-subtitle": "FAQ", "faq-description": "Find answer to all your questions about Ecency in our help center.", - "no-replies": "No replies yet", + "no-replies": "Inga svar än", "add-new-reply": "Add new reply", "no-content": "No content", "infinite-loading": "Loading 🌊...", @@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ "cross-post-by": "Cross post by", "cross-post-community": "community", "community-in": "in", - "post-word-count": "Words:", + "post-word-count": "Ord:", "post-read-time": "Reading:", "post-read-minuites": "min", "raw": "View RAW format", @@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ "sort-rank": "Rank", "sort-subs": "Medlemmar", "sort-new": "New", - "no-results": "No results found", + "no-results": "Inga resultat hittades", "create": "Create community" }, "communities-create": { @@ -1109,8 +1109,8 @@ }, "sort-engine-tokens": { "sort": "Sort", - "sort-in-ascending": "Ascending", - "sort-in-descending": "Descending", + "sort-in-ascending": "Stigande", + "sort-in-descending": "Fallande", "sort-by-value": "Value", "sort-by-balance": "Balance", "sort-by-stake": "Stake", @@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ }, "withdraw-routes": { "title": "Withdraw accounts", - "account": "Account", + "account": "Konto", "percent": "Percent", "validation-account": "Account is required.", "validation-percent": "Percentage is required.", @@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ "post-boosted-exists": "This content is already boosted", "post-promoted-exists": "This content is already promoted", "success-message": "Your request submitted. It will be activated in a couple minutes.", - "account": "Account" + "account": "Konto" }, "transfer": { "transfer-title": "Transfer to Account", @@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ }, "savings-withdraw": { "title": "Withdraw from Savings", - "to": "To" + "to": "Till" }, "open-orders-list": { "title": "Open orders", @@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ "friends": { "followers": "Följare ({{n}})", "following": "Följer ({{n}})", - "search-placeholder": "Search", + "search-placeholder": "Sök", "active": "Active:" }, "friends-filter": { @@ -1397,13 +1397,13 @@ "filter": "Filter" }, "follow-controls": { - "follow": "Follow", + "follow": "Följ", "unFollow": "Unfollow", "mute": "Mute", "unMute": "Unmute" }, "favorite-btn": { - "add": "Add to favorites", + "add": "Lägg till i favoriter", "added": "Added to favorites", "delete": "Remove from favorites", "deleted": "Removed from favorites" @@ -1614,8 +1614,8 @@ "inactive-str": "Be active! Write a post, continue earning", "referral-str": "joined with referral, welcome them", "refresh": "Refresh", - "mark-all-read": "Mark All as Read", - "mark-read": "Mark as Read", + "mark-all-read": "Markera alla som lästa", + "mark-read": "Markera som läst", "mute": "Turn off notification alerts", "unmute": "Turn on notification alerts", "settings": "Inställningar", @@ -1639,14 +1639,14 @@ "header-votes-tip": "Number of votes in this period" }, "popular-users": { - "title": "Popular Users" + "title": "Populära användare" }, "discover": { "title": "Discover", "description": "Discover top online users" }, "search-page": { - "title": "Search", + "title": "Sök", "description": "Find uncensored content, communities and users" }, "search-comment": { @@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ "search": "Sök", "search-placeholder": "Search content", "author": "Author", - "author-placeholder": "username", + "author-placeholder": "Användarnamn", "type": "Typ", "type-": "Alla", "type-post": "Post", @@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ "title": "People" }, "search-topics": { - "title": "Topics" + "title": "Ämnen" }, "search-communities": { "title": "Communities" @@ -1692,13 +1692,13 @@ "page-description": "Consensus block producers selection", "page-description-long": "Role of witnesses or block producers in Hive blockchain is to act as the network's governance body. Community elects them to represent their voice and each user can elect up to 30 witnesses. Top 20 witnesses are producing blocks every minute while rest remain as backup witness and gets randomized chance every minute. This role is integral part of consensus mechanism blockchain runs on and recommend user engagement to vote on trusted witnesses.", "remaining": "{{n}} of {{max}} votes remaining", - "search-placeholder": "Search", + "search-placeholder": "Sök", "sort": "Sort", "sort-rank": "Rank", "sort-name": "Namn", "sort-fee": "Fee", "searching": "Searching", - "no-results": "No results found", + "no-results": "Inga resultat hittades", "list-rank": "Rank", "list-witness": "Witness", "list-miss": "Miss", @@ -1754,11 +1754,11 @@ "sort": "Sort", "sort-reputation": "Reputation", "sort-hp": "Hive Power", - "no-results": "No results found", + "no-results": "Inga resultat hittades", "searching": "Searching" }, "gallery": { - "title": "Gallery", + "title": "Galleri", "copied": "Copied to clipboard" }, "drafts": { @@ -1770,10 +1770,10 @@ "move": "Flytta till utkast" }, "bookmarks": { - "title": "Bookmarks" + "title": "Bokmärken" }, "favorites": { - "title": "Favorites" + "title": "Favoriter" }, "fragments": { "title": "Snippets", @@ -1788,7 +1788,7 @@ "password-update": { "title": "Ändra lösenord", "account": "Konto", - "cur-pass": "Current password", + "cur-pass": "Nuvarande lösenord", "new-pass": "Nytt lösenord", "new-pass2": "Bekräfta nytt lösenord", "error-new2": "Passwords must be same", @@ -1879,20 +1879,20 @@ "search": "Search people or communities", "join-chat": "Join chat", "join-channel": "Join channel", - "back": "Back", - "no-chat": "No conversation found", + "back": "Tillbaka", + "no-chat": "Ingen konversation hittades", "start-chat": "Start chatting", "not-joined": "This user hasn't joined the chat yet", - "subscribers": "Subscribers", + "subscribers": "Prenumeranter", "invite": "Invite", "send-invite": "Send an invite", "leave:": "Lämna", "refresh": "Refresh", "message-warning": "You cannot send messages in this group.", "edit-community-roles": "Edit Community Roles", - "add": "Add", + "add": "Lägg till", "no-admin": "No admin or moderator for this community chat.", - "blocked-users": "Blocked Users", + "blocked-users": "Blockerade användare", "action": "Action", "unblock": "Unblock", "ecency-key": "Ecency key", @@ -1940,7 +1940,7 @@ "view-and-save": "Show keys and save", "blocked-users-management": "Blocked users management", "unlock-the-section": "Please, enter your PIN to see your credentials information", - "no-contacts-or-channels": "No conversations yet", + "no-contacts-or-channels": "Inga konversationer än", "upload-image": "Ladda upp bild", "hidden-messages": "Dolda meddelanden", "hidden-messages-management": "Hidden messages management", @@ -2000,7 +2000,7 @@ "static": { "about": { "page-title": "Om", - "intro-title": "What is Ecency", + "intro-title": "Vad är Ecency", "intro-content": "Ecency is beautiful and handy wrapper interface around the Hive blockchain network allowing you to create your own posts, surf your feeds, vote what you like, write comments, read replies, do all major Hive functions in your daily social surfing as well as wallet actions and other extras such as search, discover different tags etc.", "faq-title": "FAQ", "faqs": "All FAQs",