Want to win one (out of four) EuRuKo tickets?
irb(main):001:0> puts %q{ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _..__ ___
irb(main):002:0' / _ \ ...'__....|/ // _ \
irb(main):003:0' __/ |_... .|_.. <.(_)
irb(main):004:0' \___|\__,_|_. \__,_|_|\_\\\___/
irb(main):005:0' }.gsub '.','| '
___ _ _ _ __ _ _| | __ ___
/ _ \ | | | '__| | | | |/ // _ \
__/ |_| | | | |_| | <| (_)
\___|\__,_|_| \__,_|_|\_\\___/
=> nil
Prize One ticket to EuRuKo 2012 in Amsterdam, including accommodation.
Deadline May 20th, 23:59 CET
Task Write a tweetable (= 140 characters or less) ruby program that outputs EuRuKo ASCII art — see wooga.rb
for an example.
Rules Fork this repo, add your submission under your twitter handle, send us a pull request .... and don't forget to tweet it!
After careful consideration of all 23 submissions, we have selected the following 4 winners:
21.times{|r|"!ğ³³³£!ﲙ⊡⊡≡ﴙ!蘭࠳こࡳ!邙ꢡꢡꡡ䄙!ट縱衉聥䂣!炑ꢩꢩꢩゑ!အࠡࠡအ!炥裣裃邳ﺭ!䂝ꣃꢳꢫ!ࢥㄟࢡ!¥ãó".codepoints{|c|print" (_) _ (_)"[(c-33>>r-2)%4*3,3]};puts}
require'zlib';s='';'༭橂ㅊ0ↆ㲢߽ឡ⡎䒼ᾛ᱓̨ᬟ⒴∀ቆ㫼ᒀᖀ㓷⬓努ᮇ⠖㌠◆敌啑庝ⓖ㣬ḫ浔䵻㑬嵆䑥ኳⱄ慏丟棏㶯㶶㉹㖟㢘怞䦞ᱬ汿䭒尩撿泝ч暨堠'.codepoints{|p|s<<"%15b"%p};puts Zlib.inflate [s].pack'b*'
'WWuSQSwqu'.unpack('b23'*3).each{|n|puts n.tr'10','# '}
x=->c,v{(v==v.to_s)?print(v*(c%4)):x[x[x[c,"\u{1f49a} "]," "],"\n"];c>>2};"𫖳𫒩𫖱𫒩".codepoints{|c|4.times{x[c%32,c=c>>5]}}
Gerrit works at wooga, so unfortunately he can't be an official winner.