.. versionadded:: 6.0
This extension exposes the functionality of the PostGIS library. It is a vast library dedicated to handling geographic and various geometric data. The scope of the EdgeDB extension is to mainly adapt the types and functions used in this library with minimal changes.
As a rule, many of the functions in PostGIS library have a ST_`
prefix, however, we omitted it since in EdgeDB all these functions would already be in the ext::postgis
namespace and additional disambiguation is unnecessary.
There are four basic scalar types introduced by this extension:
.. eql:type:: postgis::geometry The type representing 2- or 3-dimensional spatial features. By default most of the ``geometry`` values are assumed to be representing planar geometry in a Cartesian coordinate system. Every other ``ext::postgis`` scalar type is castable into ``geometry``. Many of the PostGIS functions only accept ``geometry`` as input.
.. eql:type:: postgis::geography The type representing spatial features with geodetic coordinate systems. The PostGIS ``geography`` data type provides native support for spatial features represented on "geographic" coordinates (sometimes called "geodetic" coordinates, or "lat/lon", or "lon/lat"). Geographic coordinates are spherical coordinates expressed in angular units (degrees).
.. eql:type:: postgis::box2d The type representing a 2-dimensional bounding box.
.. eql:type:: postgis::box3d The type representing a 3-dimensional bounding box.
There are many functions available for processing all this geometric and geographic data. Of note are the functions that represent operations affected by the indexes (pg::gist
, pg::brin
, and pg::spgist
). These functions all have a op_
prefix to help identify them.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_above( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``|>>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_below( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``<<|`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_contained_3d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``<<@`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_contains( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``~`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_contains_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::box2d, \ b: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_contains_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::box2d, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_contains_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``~`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_contains_3d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``@>>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_contains_nd( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``~~`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_distance_box( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing the ``<#>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_distance_centroid( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing the ``<->`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_distance_centroid_nd( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing the ``<<->>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_distance_cpa( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing the ``|=|`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_distance_knn( \ a: ext::postgis::geography, \ b: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing the ``<->`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_is_contained_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::box2d, \ b: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_is_contained_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::box2d, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_is_contained_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``@`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_left( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``<<`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_neq( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``<>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overabove( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``|&>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overbelow( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&<|`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overlaps( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_overlaps( \ a: ext::postgis::geography, \ b: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&&`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overlaps_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::box2d, \ b: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_overlaps_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::box2d, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::op_overlaps_2d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&&`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overlaps_3d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&/&`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overlaps_nd( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&&&`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overleft( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&<`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_overright( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``&>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_right( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``>>`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_same( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``~=`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_same_3d( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``~==`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_same_nd( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``~~=`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_within( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``@`` operator.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::op_within_nd( \ a: ext::postgis::geometry, \ b: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing the ``@@`` operator.
The core functions can be roughly grouped into the following categories.
:eql:func:`ext::postgis::coverageunion` | :eql:func-desc:`ext::postgis::coverageunion` |
:eql:func:`ext::postgis::clusterintersecting` | :eql:func-desc:`ext::postgis::clusterintersecting` |
:eql:func:`ext::postgis::clusterwithin` | :eql:func-desc:`ext::postgis::clusterwithin` |
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::addmeasure( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_addmeasure``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::addpoint( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::addpoint( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_addpoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::affine( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ a4: std::float64, \ a5: std::float64, \ a6: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::affine( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ a4: std::float64, \ a5: std::float64, \ a6: std::float64, \ a7: std::float64, \ a8: std::float64, \ a9: std::float64, \ a10: std::float64, \ a11: std::float64, \ a12: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_affine``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::angle( \ line1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ line2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::angle( \ pt1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ pt2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ pt3: ext::postgis::geometry, \ pt4: ext::postgis::geometry = <ext::postgis::geometry>'POINT EMPTY', \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_angle``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::area( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::area( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::area( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_area``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::area2d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_area2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asbinary( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bytes ext::postgis::asbinary( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> std::bytes ext::postgis::asbinary( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::str, \ ) -> std::bytes ext::postgis::asbinary( \ a0: optional ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional std::bytes Returns a geometry/geography in WKB format without SRID meta data. Returns the OGC/ISO Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID meta data. This is exposing ``st_asbinary``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asencodedpolyline( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ nprecision: std::int64 = 5, \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_asencodedpolyline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asewkb( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bytes ext::postgis::asewkb( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::str, \ ) -> std::bytes Returns a geometry in EWKB format with SRID meta data. Returns the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data. This is exposing ``st_asewkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asewkt( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asewkt( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asewkt( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asewkt( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asewkt( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> std::str Returns a geometry in WKT format with SRID meta data. Returns the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data. This is exposing ``st_asewkt``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asgeojson( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asgeojson( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 9, \ options: std::int64 = 8, \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asgeojson( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 9, \ options: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_asgeojson``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asgml( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asgml( \ geom: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxdecimaldigits: optional std::int64 = 15, \ options: optional std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> optional std::str ext::postgis::asgml( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 15, \ options: std::int64 = 0, \ nprefix: std::str = 'gml', \ id: std::str = '', \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asgml( \ version: std::int64, \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 15, \ options: std::int64 = 0, \ nprefix: std::str = 'gml', \ id: std::str = '', \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::asgml( \ version: optional std::int64, \ geom: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxdecimaldigits: optional std::int64 = 15, \ options: optional std::int64 = 0, \ nprefix: optional std::str = {}, \ id: optional std::str = {}, \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``st_asgml``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::ashexewkb( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::ashexewkb( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::str, \ ) -> std::str Returns a geometry in HEXEWKB format (as text). Returnss a geometry in HEXEWKB format (as text) using either little-endian (NDR) or big-endian (XDR) encoding. This is exposing ``st_ashexewkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::askml( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::askml( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 15, \ nprefix: std::str = '', \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::askml( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 15, \ nprefix: std::str = '', \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_askml``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::aslatlontext( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ tmpl: std::str = '', \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_aslatlontext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asmarc21( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ format: std::str = 'hdddmmss', \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_asmarc21``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asmvtgeom( \ geom: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ bounds: optional ext::postgis::box2d, \ extent: optional std::int64 = 4096, \ buffer: optional std::int64 = 256, \ clip_geom: optional std::bool = true, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_asmvtgeom``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::assvg( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::assvg( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ rel: std::int64 = 0, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 15, \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::assvg( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ rel: std::int64 = 0, \ maxdecimaldigits: std::int64 = 15, \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_assvg``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::astext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::astext( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::astext( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::astext( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::astext( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> std::str Returns a geometry/geography in WKT format without SRID metadata. Returns the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID metadata. This is exposing ``st_astext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::astwkb( \ geom: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ prec: optional std::int64 = {}, \ prec_z: optional std::int64 = {}, \ prec_m: optional std::int64 = {}, \ with_sizes: optional std::bool = {}, \ with_boxes: optional std::bool = {}, \ ) -> optional std::bytes ext::postgis::astwkb( \ geom: optional array<ext::postgis::geometry>, \ ids: optional array<std::int64>, \ prec: optional std::int64 = {}, \ prec_z: optional std::int64 = {}, \ prec_m: optional std::int64 = {}, \ with_sizes: optional std::bool = {}, \ with_boxes: optional std::bool = {}, \ ) -> optional std::bytes This is exposing ``st_astwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::asx3d( \ geom: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxdecimaldigits: optional std::int64 = 15, \ options: optional std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> optional std::str Returns a geometry in X3D format. Returns a geometry in X3D xml node element format: ISO-IEC-19776-1.2-X3DEncodings-XML. This is exposing ``st_asx3d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::azimuth( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::azimuth( \ geog1: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog2: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_azimuth``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::bdmpolyfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_bdmpolyfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::bdpolyfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_bdpolyfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::boundary( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_boundary``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::boundingdiagonal( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ fits: std::bool = false, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_boundingdiagonal``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::box2dfromgeohash( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::int64 = {}, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``st_box2dfromgeohash``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::buffer( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::buffer( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::buffer( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::buffer( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::buffer( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::buffer( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::buffer( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ radius: std::float64, \ quadsegs: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::buffer( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ radius: std::float64, \ options: std::str = '', \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distance from a geometry. This is exposing ``st_buffer``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::buildarea( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_buildarea``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::centroid( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::centroid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::centroid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography This is exposing ``st_centroid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::chaikinsmoothing( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64 = 1, \ a2: std::bool = false, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_chaikinsmoothing``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::cleangeometry( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_cleangeometry``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::clipbybox2d( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ box: ext::postgis::box2d, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_clipbybox2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::closestpoint( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::closestpoint( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::closestpoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography Returns the 2D point of the first geometry closest to the second. Returns the 2D point of the first geometry/geography that is closest to the second geometry/geography. This is the first point of the shortest line from one geometry to the other. This is exposing ``st_closestpoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::closestpoint3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Returns the 3D point of the first geometry closest to the second. Returns the 3D point of the first geometry/geography that is closest to the second geometry/geography. This is the first point of the 3D shortest line. This is exposing ``st_3dclosestpoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::closestpointofapproach( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_closestpointofapproach``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::clusterintersecting( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry> \ ) -> array<ext::postgis::geometry> This is exposing ``st_clusterintersecting``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::clusterwithin( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry>, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> array<ext::postgis::geometry> This is exposing ``st_clusterwithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::collect( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry> \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::collect( \ geom1: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_collect``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::collectionextract( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::collectionextract( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_collectionextract``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::collectionhomogenize( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_collectionhomogenize``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::combinebbox( \ a0: optional ext::postgis::box3d, \ a1: optional ext::postgis::box3d, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box3d ext::postgis::combinebbox( \ a0: optional ext::postgis::box2d, \ a1: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box2d ext::postgis::combinebbox( \ a0: optional ext::postgis::box3d, \ a1: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box3d This is exposing ``st_combinebbox``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::concavehull( \ param_geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ param_pctconvex: std::float64, \ param_allow_holes: std::bool = false, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_concavehull``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::contains( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_contains``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::containsproperly( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if every point of *geom2* lies in the interior of *geom1*. This is exposing ``st_containsproperly``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::convexhull( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_convexhull``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::coorddim( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int16 This is exposing ``st_coorddim``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::coverageunion( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry> \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Computes polygonal coverage from a set of polygons. Computes the union of a set of polygons forming a coverage by removing shared edges. This is exposing ``st_coverageunion``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::coveredby( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional std::bool ext::postgis::coveredby( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::coveredby( \ geog1: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog2: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_coveredby``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::covers( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional std::bool ext::postgis::covers( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::covers( \ geog1: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog2: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_covers``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::cpawithin( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if two trajectoriesis approach within the specified distance. Tests if the closest point of approach of two trajectoriesis within the specified distance. This is exposing ``st_cpawithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::crosses( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_crosses``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::curven( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry, \ i: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_curven``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::curvetoline( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ tol: std::float64 = 32, \ toltype: std::int64 = 0, \ flags: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_curvetoline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::delaunaytriangles( \ g1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ tolerance: std::float64 = 0.0, \ flags: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_delaunaytriangles``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::dfullywithin( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if two geometries are entirely within a given distance. This is exposing ``st_dfullywithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::dfullywithin3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_3ddfullywithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::difference( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64 = -1.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Computes a geometry resulting from removing all points in *geom2* from *geom1*. Computes a geometry representing the part of geometry *geom1* that does not intersect geometry *geom2*. This is exposing ``st_difference``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::dimension( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_dimension``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::disjoint( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_disjoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::distance( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::str, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::distance( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::distance( \ geog1: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog2: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_distance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::distance3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 Returns the 3D cartesian minimum distance between two geometries. Returns the 3D cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. This is exposing ``st_3ddistance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::distancecpa( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_distancecpa``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::distancesphere( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::distancesphere( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ radius: std::float64, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_distancesphere``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::distancespheroid( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_distancespheroid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::dwithin( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ a2: optional std::float64, \ ) -> optional std::bool ext::postgis::dwithin( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::dwithin( \ geog1: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog2: ext::postgis::geography, \ tolerance: std::float64, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_dwithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::dwithin3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_3ddwithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::endpoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_endpoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::envelope( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_envelope``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::equals( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_equals``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::expand( \ a0: ext::postgis::box2d, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::box2d ext::postgis::expand( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::box3d ext::postgis::expand( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::expand( \ box: ext::postgis::box2d, \ dx: std::float64, \ dy: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::box2d ext::postgis::expand( \ box: ext::postgis::box3d, \ dx: std::float64, \ dy: std::float64, \ dz: std::float64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::box3d ext::postgis::expand( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ dx: std::float64, \ dy: std::float64, \ dz: std::float64 = 0, \ dm: std::float64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_expand``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::exteriorring( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_exteriorring``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::filterbym( \ a0: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: optional std::float64, \ a2: optional std::float64 = {}, \ a3: optional std::bool = false, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_filterbym``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::flipcoordinates( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_flipcoordinates``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::force2d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_force2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::force3d( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ zvalue: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_force3d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::force3dm( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ mvalue: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_force3dm``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::force3dz( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ zvalue: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_force3dz``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::force4d( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ zvalue: std::float64 = 0.0, \ mvalue: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_force4d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::forcecollection( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_forcecollection``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::forcecurve( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_forcecurve``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::forcepolygonccw( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_forcepolygonccw``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::forcepolygoncw( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_forcepolygoncw``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::forcerhr( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Forces the orientation of the vertices in a polygon to follow the RHR. Forces the orientation of the vertices in a polygon to follow a Right-Hand-Rule, in which the area that is bounded by the polygon is to the right of the boundary. In particular, the exterior ring is orientated in a clockwise direction and the interior rings in a counter-clockwise direction. This is exposing ``st_forcerhr``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::forcesfs( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::forcesfs( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ version: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_forcesfs``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::frechetdistance( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64 = -1, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_frechetdistance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::generatepoints( \ area: ext::postgis::geometry, \ npoints: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::generatepoints( \ area: ext::postgis::geometry, \ npoints: std::int64, \ seed: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_generatepoints``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geogfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography Creates a geography value from WKT or EWTK. Creates a geography value from Well-Known Text or Extended Well-Known Text representation. This is exposing ``st_geogfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geogfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography Creates a geography value from WKB or EWKB. Creates a geography value from a Well-Known Binary geometry representation (WKB) or extended Well Known Binary (EWKB). This is exposing ``st_geogfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geography_cmp( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``geography_cmp``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geohash( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxchars: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::geohash( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ maxchars: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_geohash``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomcollfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::geomcollfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Makes a collection Geometry from collection WKT. Makes a collection Geometry from collection WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. This is exposing ``st_geomcollfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomcollfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::geomcollfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_geomcollfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geometricmedian( \ g: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ tolerance: optional std::float64 = {}, \ max_iter: optional std::int64 = 10000, \ fail_if_not_converged: optional std::bool = false, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_geometricmedian``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geometry_cmp( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``geometry_cmp``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geometry_hash( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``geometry_hash``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geometryn( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_geometryn``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geometrytype( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::geometrytype( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``geometrytype``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromewkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from EWKB. Creates a geometry value from Extended Well-Known Binary representation (EWKB). This is exposing ``st_geomfromewkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromewkt( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from EWKT representation. Creates a geometry value from Extended Well-Known Text representation (EWKT). This is exposing ``st_geomfromewkt``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromgeohash( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::int64 = {}, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_geomfromgeohash``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromgeojson( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::geomfromgeojson( \ a0: std::json \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from a geojson representation of a geometry. Takes as input a geojson representation of a geometry and outputs a ``geometry`` value. This is exposing ``st_geomfromgeojson``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromgml( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::geomfromgml( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from GML representation of a geometry. Takes as input GML representation of geometry and outputs a ``geometry`` value. This is exposing ``st_geomfromgml``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromkml( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from KML representation of a geometry. Takes as input KML representation of geometry and outputs a ``geometry`` value. This is exposing ``st_geomfromkml``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfrommarc21( \ marc21xml: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_geomfrommarc21``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::geomfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from WKT representation. Creates a geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). This is exposing ``st_geomfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromtwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_geomfromtwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::geomfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::geomfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry value from WKB representation. Creates a geometry value from a Well-Known Binary geometry representation (WKB) and optional SRID. This is exposing ``st_geomfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::get_proj4_from_srid( \ a0: std::int64 \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``get_proj4_from_srid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::hasarc( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_hasarc``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::hasm( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_hasm``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::hasz( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_hasz``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::hausdorffdistance( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::hausdorffdistance( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_hausdorffdistance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::hexagon( \ size: std::float64, \ cell_i: std::int64, \ cell_j: std::int64, \ origin: ext::postgis::geometry = 'POINT(0 0)', \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_hexagon``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::interiorringn( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_interiorringn``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::interpolatepoint( \ line: ext::postgis::geometry, \ point: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_interpolatepoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::intersection( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::intersection( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::intersection( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64 = -1, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_intersection``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::intersects( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional std::bool ext::postgis::intersects( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::intersects( \ geog1: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog2: ext::postgis::geography, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_intersects``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::intersects3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if two geometries spatially intersect in 3D. Tests if two geometries spatially intersect in 3D - only for points, linestrings, polygons, polyhedral surface (area). This is exposing ``st_3dintersects``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::inversetransformpipeline( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ pipeline: std::str, \ to_srid: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_inversetransformpipeline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::isclosed( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool Tests if a geometry in 2D or 3D is closed. Tests if a LineStrings's start and end points are coincident. For a PolyhedralSurface tests if it is closed (volumetric). This is exposing ``st_isclosed``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::iscollection( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_iscollection``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::isempty( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_isempty``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::ispolygonccw( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool Tests counter-clockwise poligonal orientation of a geometry. Tests if Polygons have exterior rings oriented counter-clockwise and interior rings oriented clockwise. This is exposing ``st_ispolygonccw``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::ispolygoncw( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool Tests clockwise poligonal orientation of a geometry. Tests if Polygons have exterior rings oriented clockwise and interior rings oriented counter-clockwise. This is exposing ``st_ispolygoncw``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::isring( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_isring``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::issimple( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_issimple``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::isvalid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::isvalid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_isvalid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::isvalidreason( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::isvalidreason( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_isvalidreason``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::isvalidtrajectory( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_isvalidtrajectory``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::length( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::length( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::length( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_length``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::length2d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_length2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::length3d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_3dlength``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linecrossingdirection( \ line1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ line2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_linecrossingdirection``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::lineextend( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ distance_forward: std::float64, \ distance_backward: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_lineextend``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linefromencodedpolyline( \ txtin: std::str, \ nprecision: std::int64 = 5, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linefromencodedpolyline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linefrommultipoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linefrommultipoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linefromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::linefromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry from WKT LINESTRING. Makes a Geometry from WKT representation with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. This is exposing ``st_linefromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linefromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::linefromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linefromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoint( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::float64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::float64, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography This is exposing ``st_lineinterpolatepoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoint3d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_3dlineinterpolatepoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoints( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::float64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoints( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ repeat: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::lineinterpolatepoints( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::float64, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ repeat: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography This is exposing ``st_lineinterpolatepoints``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linelocatepoint( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional std::float64 ext::postgis::linelocatepoint( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::linelocatepoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_linelocatepoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linemerge( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::linemerge( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::bool, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linemerge``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linestringfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::linestringfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linestringfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linesubstring( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::linesubstring( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::linesubstring( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::float64, \ a2: optional std::float64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linesubstring``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::linetocurve( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_linetocurve``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::locatealong( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry, \ measure: std::float64, \ leftrightoffset: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_locatealong``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::locatebetween( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry, \ frommeasure: std::float64, \ tomeasure: std::float64, \ leftrightoffset: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_locatebetween``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::locatebetweenelevations( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry, \ fromelevation: std::float64, \ toelevation: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_locatebetweenelevations``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::longestline( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_longestline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::longestline3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_3dlongestline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::m( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_m``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makebox2d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``st_makebox2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makebox3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::box3d This is exposing ``st_3dmakebox``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makeenvelope( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ a4: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makeenvelope``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makeline( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry> \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::makeline( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makeline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makepoint( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::makepoint( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::makepoint( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makepoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makepointm( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makepointm``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makepolygon( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::makepolygon( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: array<ext::postgis::geometry>, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makepolygon``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makevalid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::makevalid( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ params: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makevalid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::maxdistance( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_maxdistance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::maxdistance3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::float64 Returns the 3D cartesian maximum distance between two geometries. Returns the 3D cartesian maximum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. This is exposing ``st_3dmaxdistance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::memsize( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_memsize``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::minimumboundingcircle( \ inputgeom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ segs_per_quarter: std::int64 = 48, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_minimumboundingcircle``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::minimumclearance( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_minimumclearance``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::minimumclearanceline( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_minimumclearanceline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::mlinefromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::mlinefromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_mlinefromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::mlinefromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::mlinefromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_mlinefromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::mpointfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::mpointfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry from WKT MULTIPOINT. Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. This is exposing ``st_mpointfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::mpointfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::mpointfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_mpointfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::mpolyfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::mpolyfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry from WKT MULTIPOLYGON. Makes a MultiPolygon Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. This is exposing ``st_mpolyfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::mpolyfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::mpolyfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_mpolyfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multi( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multi``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multilinefromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multilinefromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multilinestringfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::multilinestringfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multilinestringfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multipointfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multipointfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multipointfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::multipointfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multipointfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multipolyfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::multipolyfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multipolyfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::multipolygonfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::multipolygonfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_multipolygonfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::ndims( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int16 This is exposing ``st_ndims``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::node( \ g: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_node``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::normalize( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_normalize``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::npoints( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_npoints``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::nrings( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_nrings``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::numcurves( \ geometry: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_numcurves``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::numgeometries( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_numgeometries``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::numinteriorring( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_numinteriorring``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::numinteriorrings( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_numinteriorrings``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::numpatches( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 Return the number of faces on a Polyhedral Surface. This is exposing ``st_numpatches``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::numpoints( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_numpoints``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::offsetcurve( \ line: ext::postgis::geometry, \ distance: std::float64, \ params: std::str = '', \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_offsetcurve``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::orderingequals( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if two geometries are the same geometry including points order. Tests if two geometries represent the same geometry and have points in the same directional order. This is exposing ``st_orderingequals``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::orientedenvelope( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_orientedenvelope``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::overlaps( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if two geometries overlap. Tests if two geometries have the same dimension and intersect, but each has at least one point not in the other. This is exposing ``st_overlaps``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::patchn( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_patchn``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::perimeter( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 ext::postgis::perimeter( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_perimeter``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::perimeter2d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_perimeter2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::perimeter3d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_3dperimeter``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::point( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::point( \ a0: std::float64, \ a1: std::float64, \ srid: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_point``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointfromgeohash( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::int64 = {}, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_pointfromgeohash``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::pointfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Makes a POINT geometry from WKT. Makes a POINT geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to unknown. This is exposing ``st_pointfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::pointfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_pointfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointinsidecircle( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_pointinsidecircle``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointm( \ xcoordinate: std::float64, \ ycoordinate: std::float64, \ mcoordinate: std::float64, \ srid: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_pointm``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointn( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Returns the Nth point in the first LineString in a geometry. Returns the Nth point in the first LineString or circular LineString in a geometry. This is exposing ``st_pointn``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointonsurface( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_pointonsurface``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::points( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_points``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointz( \ xcoordinate: std::float64, \ ycoordinate: std::float64, \ zcoordinate: std::float64, \ srid: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_pointz``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::pointzm( \ xcoordinate: std::float64, \ ycoordinate: std::float64, \ zcoordinate: std::float64, \ mcoordinate: std::float64, \ srid: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_pointzm``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polyfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::polyfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_polyfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polyfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::polyfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_polyfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polygon( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_polygon``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polygonfromtext( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::polygonfromtext( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Creates a geometry from WKT POLYGON. Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. This is exposing ``st_polygonfromtext``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polygonfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::polygonfromwkb( \ a0: std::bytes, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_polygonfromwkb``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polygonize( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry> \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Computes a collection of polygons formed from a set of linework. Computes a collection of polygons formed from the linework of a set of geometries. This is exposing ``st_polygonize``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_addbbox( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``postgis_addbbox``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_constraint_dims( \ geomschema: std::str, \ geomtable: std::str, \ geomcolumn: std::str, \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``postgis_constraint_dims``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_constraint_srid( \ geomschema: std::str, \ geomtable: std::str, \ geomcolumn: std::str, \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``postgis_constraint_srid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_dropbbox( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``postgis_dropbbox``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_full_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_full_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_geos_compiled_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_geos_compiled_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_geos_noop( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``postgis_geos_noop``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_geos_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_geos_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_getbbox( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``postgis_getbbox``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_hasbbox( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``postgis_hasbbox``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_lib_build_date( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_lib_build_date``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_lib_revision( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_lib_revision``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_lib_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_lib_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_libjson_version( \ \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``postgis_libjson_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_liblwgeom_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_liblwgeom_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_libprotobuf_version( \ \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``postgis_libprotobuf_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_libxml_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_libxml_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_noop( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``postgis_noop``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_proj_compiled_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_proj_compiled_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_proj_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_proj_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_scripts_build_date( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_scripts_build_date``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_scripts_installed( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_scripts_installed``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_scripts_released( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_scripts_released``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_srs_codes( \ auth_name: std::str \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``postgis_srs_codes``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_svn_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_svn_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_transform_geometry( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::str, \ a2: std::str, \ a3: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``postgis_transform_geometry``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_transform_pipeline_geometry( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ pipeline: std::str, \ forward: std::bool, \ to_srid: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``postgis_transform_pipeline_geometry``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_typmod_dims( \ a0: std::int64 \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``postgis_typmod_dims``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_typmod_srid( \ a0: std::int64 \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``postgis_typmod_srid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_typmod_type( \ a0: std::int64 \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``postgis_typmod_type``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::postgis_wagyu_version( \ \ ) -> optional std::str This is exposing ``postgis_wagyu_version``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::project( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ distance: std::float64, \ azimuth: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::project( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ distance: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::project( \ geog_from: ext::postgis::geography, \ geog_to: ext::postgis::geography, \ distance: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::project( \ geog: optional ext::postgis::geography, \ distance: optional std::float64, \ azimuth: optional std::float64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geography Returns a point projected from a start point by a distance and bearing. This is exposing ``st_project``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::quantizecoordinates( \ g: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ prec_x: optional std::int64, \ prec_y: optional std::int64 = {}, \ prec_z: optional std::int64 = {}, \ prec_m: optional std::int64 = {}, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_quantizecoordinates``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::reduceprecision( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_reduceprecision``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::relate( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::relate( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::str, \ ) -> std::bool ext::postgis::relate( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::int64, \ ) -> std::str Tests if two geometries have a topological relationship. Tests if two geometries have a topological relationship matching an Intersection Matrix pattern, or computes their Intersection Matrix. This is exposing ``st_relate``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::relatematch( \ a0: std::str, \ a1: std::str, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_relatematch``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::removeirrelevantpointsforview( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::box2d, \ a2: std::bool = false, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_removeirrelevantpointsforview``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::removepoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_removepoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::removerepeatedpoints( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ tolerance: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_removerepeatedpoints``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::removesmallparts( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_removesmallparts``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::reverse( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_reverse``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::rotate( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::rotate( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::rotate( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_rotate``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::rotatex( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_rotatex``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::rotatey( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_rotatey``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::rotatez( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_rotatez``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::scale( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::scale( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::scale( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::scale( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ origin: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_scale``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::scroll( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_scroll``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::segmentize( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::segmentize( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ max_segment_length: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography Makes a new geometry/geography with no segment longer than a given distance. This is exposing ``st_segmentize``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::seteffectivearea( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64 = -1, \ a2: std::int64 = 1, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_seteffectivearea``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::setpoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ a2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_setpoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::setsrid( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ srid: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::setsrid( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography, \ srid: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography This is exposing ``st_setsrid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::sharedpaths( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_sharedpaths``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::shiftlongitude( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_shiftlongitude``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::shortestline( \ a0: optional std::str, \ a1: optional std::str, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::shortestline( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::shortestline( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography, \ a1: ext::postgis::geography, \ use_spheroid: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography This is exposing ``st_shortestline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::shortestline3d( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_3dshortestline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::simplify( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::simplify( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::bool, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_simplify``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::simplifypolygonhull( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ vertex_fraction: std::float64, \ is_outer: std::bool = true, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_simplifypolygonhull``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::simplifypreservetopology( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_simplifypreservetopology``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::simplifyvw( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_simplifyvw``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::snap( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_snap``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::snaptogrid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::snaptogrid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::snaptogrid( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ a4: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::snaptogrid( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ a4: std::float64, \ a5: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_snaptogrid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::split( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_split``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::square( \ size: std::float64, \ cell_i: std::int64, \ cell_j: std::int64, \ origin: ext::postgis::geometry = 'POINT(0 0)', \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_square``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::srid( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int64 ext::postgis::srid( \ geog: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> std::int64 This is exposing ``st_srid``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::startpoint( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_startpoint``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::subdivide( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ maxvertices: std::int64 = 256, \ gridsize: std::float64 = -1.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_subdivide``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::summary( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::str ext::postgis::summary( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> std::str This is exposing ``st_summary``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::symdifference( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64 = -1.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Merges two geometries excluding where they intersect. This is exposing ``st_symdifference``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::symmetricdifference( \ geom1: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_symmetricdifference``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::tileenvelope( \ zoom: std::int64, \ x: std::int64, \ y: std::int64, \ bounds: ext::postgis::geometry = <ext::postgis::geometry>'SRID=3857;LINESTRING(-20037508.342789244 -20037508.342789244, \ 20037508.342789244 20037508.342789244)', \ margin: std::float64 = 0.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_tileenvelope``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::to_box2d( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> ext::postgis::box2d ext::postgis::to_box2d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``box2d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::to_box3d( \ a0: ext::postgis::box2d \ ) -> ext::postgis::box3d ext::postgis::to_box3d( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::box3d This is exposing ``box3d``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::to_geography( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography ext::postgis::to_geography( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geography This is exposing ``geography``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::to_geometry( \ a0: std::str \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::to_geometry( \ a0: std::bytes \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::to_geometry( \ a0: ext::postgis::box2d \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::to_geometry( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::to_geometry( \ a0: ext::postgis::geography \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``geometry``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::touches( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool Tests if two geometries touch without intersecting interiors. Tests if two geometries have at least one point in common, but their interiors do not intersect. This is exposing ``st_touches``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::transform( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::transform( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ to_proj: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::transform( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ from_proj: std::str, \ to_proj: std::str, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::transform( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ from_proj: std::str, \ to_srid: std::int64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry Transforms a geometry to a different spatial reference system. Returns a new geometry with coordinates transformed to a different spatial reference system. This is exposing ``st_transform``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::transformpipeline( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ pipeline: std::str, \ to_srid: std::int64 = 0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_transformpipeline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::translate( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::translate( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_translate``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::transscale( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ a2: std::float64, \ a3: std::float64, \ a4: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_transscale``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::triangulatepolygon( \ g1: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_triangulatepolygon``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::unaryunion( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64 = -1.0, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_unaryunion``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::union( \ a0: array<ext::postgis::geometry> \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::union( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::union( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_union``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::voronoilines( \ g1: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ tolerance: optional std::float64 = 0.0, \ extend_to: optional ext::postgis::geometry = {}, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_voronoilines``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::voronoipolygons( \ g1: optional ext::postgis::geometry, \ tolerance: optional std::float64 = 0.0, \ extend_to: optional ext::postgis::geometry = {}, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_voronoipolygons``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::within( \ geom1: ext::postgis::geometry, \ geom2: ext::postgis::geometry, \ ) -> std::bool This is exposing ``st_within``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::wrapx( \ geom: ext::postgis::geometry, \ wrap: std::float64, \ `move`: std::float64, \ ) -> ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_wrapx``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::x( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_x``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::xmax( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_xmax``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::xmin( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_xmin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::y( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_y``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::ymax( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_ymax``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::ymin( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_ymin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::z( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_z``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::zmax( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_zmax``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::zmflag( \ a0: ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> std::int16 This is exposing ``st_zmflag``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::zmin( \ a0: ext::postgis::box3d \ ) -> std::float64 This is exposing ``st_zmin``.
These functions operate of sets of geometric data.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::clusterintersecting_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional array<ext::postgis::geometry> This is exposing ``st_clusterintersecting``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::clusterwithin_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry, \ a1: std::float64, \ ) -> optional array<ext::postgis::geometry> This is exposing ``st_clusterwithin``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::collect_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_collect``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::coverageunion_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Computes polygonal coverage from a set of polygons. Computes the union of a set of polygons forming a coverage by removing shared edges. This is exposing ``st_coverageunion``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::extent3d_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``st_3dextent``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::extent_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``st_extent``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::makeline_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_makeline``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::memunion_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::box2d This is exposing ``st_memunion``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::polygonize_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry Computes a collection of polygons formed from a set of linework. Computes a collection of polygons formed from the linework of a set of geometries. This is exposing ``st_polygonize``.
.. eql:function:: ext::postgis::union_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry ext::postgis::union_agg( \ a0: set of ext::postgis::geometry, \ gridsize: std::float64, \ ) -> optional ext::postgis::geometry This is exposing ``st_union``.