diff --git a/staging/agent/ubuntu.md b/staging/agent/ubuntu.md index e69de29..24a859f 100644 --- a/staging/agent/ubuntu.md +++ b/staging/agent/ubuntu.md @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +# Install the Open Horizon Agent (Anax) on Ubuntu + +This page describes the installation of the Open Horizon Agent (Anax) on Ubuntu. These instructions have been tested with ... + +> This installation should be done on a separate machine than that of Open Horizon hub to avoid environment variable and port collisions. + +## Pre-requisites + +The following pre-requisites apply for the machine where the agent is to be installed. + +1. Version: Latest build recommended +2. RAM: 4 GB +3. Storage: 8GB minimum +4. Root access - use `sudo -s` + +## Installation + +1. Update the package manager + +``` bash +apt-get -y update +``` + +2. Install and test Docker + +``` bash +curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh +docker --version +``` + +3. Configure package manager for the Open Horizon (Anax) Agent using the commands below. + +> If you did not copy the CRLF after `EOF`, then you will need to press Enter/Return on your keyboard. + +``` bash +wget -qO - http://pkg.bluehorizon.network/bluehorizon.network-public.key | apt-key add - +aptrepo=testing +cat < /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bluehorizon.list +deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] http://pkg.bluehorizon.network/linux/ubuntu xenial-$aptrepo main +deb-src [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] http://pkg.bluehorizon.network/linux/ubuntu xenial-$aptrepo main +EOF + +``` + +For Ubuntu 18.x (Bionic) release, change the commands as shown below. + +> If you did not copy the CRLF after `EOF`, then you will need to press Enter/Return on your keyboard. + +``` bash +wget -qO - http://pkg.bluehorizon.network/bluehorizon.network-public.key | apt-key add - +aptrepo=testing +cat < /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bluehorizon.list +deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] http://pkg.bluehorizon.network/linux/ubuntu bionic-$aptrepo main +deb-src [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] http://pkg.bluehorizon.network/linux/ubuntu bionic-$aptrepo main +EOF + +``` + +4. Refresh package manager index list + +``` bash +apt-get -y update +``` + +## Configure Open Horizon Agent (Anax) + +1. Create a file at `/etc/default/horizon` + +``` bash +sudo mkdir -p /etc/default +sudo touch /etc/default/horizon +``` + +2. Add the following contents to `/etc/default/horizon`. Replace `x.x.x.x` with the actual IP address of the machine running the Open Horizon Hub Services. + +```bash +HZN_EXCHANGE_URL=http://x.x.x.x:3090/v1/ +HZN_FSS_CSSURL=http://x.x.x.x:9443 +HZN_DEVICE_NODE=mynode +``` + +_`HZN_DEVICE_NODE` is not set in installation of agent on Mac_ + +## Install and run the agent + +5. Install and run the Agent with the following command + +_Installation of agent on Mac requires certificate; not here, why?_ + +``` bash +apt-get -y install bluehorizon +``` + +_Does this installation also trigger `horizon-container start`?_ + +6. Exit out of root, back to your user account + +``` bash +exit +``` + +7. Check the version to confirm that the Horizon CLI is installed and working + +``` bash +hzn version +``` + +Check to ensure that it is working and your machine/node is "unconfigured" + +``` bash +hzn node list +``` +