- Describe problem we're solving
- Have the three users in this sceario be Eric, Nathan and Faisal.
- Open with a list of things to do for this project.
- Introduce the idea of a list of cards and action history on the right.
- Then open the lists panel, to show all of my lists.
- Create a new list for a Night Out with Alice, Bob and Charlie
- Open the list builder - walk through the movie search features and pick two movies that Alice likes.
- show some movie options
- show search?
- need a story around the movies Alice adds Rogue One
- Open the Yelp search. Select a couple of restaurants that Alice likes.
- Have Alice share the list with Bob and Charlie. Every list has a unique URL that can be shared.
- Have people vote on their options
Potential Features:
- Show cards collapsed by default in the middle channel
- Select default builder best on card types in list.
- Sorting by votes
- Remember collapsed state