- interface between data and software
- foloows ACID (Atomicity,Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
- Hierachical (tree-like structure)
- Network
- Relational
- Object Oriented
- 1-Tier Architecture - database on your machine for instance
- 2 Tier Architecture - presentaion layer runs on client, data stored on server, end user is not exposed directly
- 3 Tier Architecture - client-server(application layer)-database
- problem identifcation
- analysis
- logical ddesign
- physical design mapping
- implemetation
- testing and maintaince
- Entities - Rectangle
- Attributes - Ellipse
- Relationship - Diamond
- Domain Constrains
- Key Constrains
- Referential Integrity Constrains
- Insert
- Delete
- Modify
- Select