#Time-stamp: <2014-03-27 20:53:27 arne>
mc/mark-next-like-this, for example bound to C->
C-c C-e h / C-c C-e b => export to HTML
frustration with version 8, HTML export makes multi-file export
(add-hook ‘before-save-hook ‘time-stamp) + #Time-stamp: <>
org-capture : quick note taking with org-mode by Florian
for quickly capturing ideas
org-capture-templates variable contains the templates
(setq org-capture-templates
'((" t" " Todo" entry (file+headline " ~/org/gtd.org" " Tasks" )
" * TODO %?\n %i\n %a" )
(" j" " Journal" entry (file+datetree " ~/org/journal.org" )
" * %?\n Entered on %U\n %i\n %a" )
(" n" " Note" plain
(file (concat " ~/Schreiben/notes.org" ))
" \n %?\n\n %T\n "
:kill-buffer t :prepend t :empty-lines 1 )))
(org-capture) does the capturing
completion system, can work with projectile
projectile-ag: search files in project
alternatives: eproject, textmate-mode
M-* pop back to previous tags
Question: gow to better manage windows
Make windows like grep, help, smaller and auto-closing
Huebsch! they have an icon
works with Maildir, keep all your emails locally
Store link to org file (part of org-not-much-contrib)
alternatives: wanderlust, mu4e
creates isolated env per project+branch
Emacs configs of the group