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There were two main talks:
connection-local variables - devops / netops with tramp by Michael Albinus. The full slides are available as (of course) org file: 20170426-connection-local.org
yasnippets by Francesc Elies
Once the scheduled talks are over it's open mic! Did you discover a new package, learned something about Elisp, or just used Emacs for developing a cool project, then we want to hear about it!
One of lightning talks was Arne demoing the Emacs Mastodon client
Arne also talked about applying sound to images with https://github.com/plexus/syna.esth.etic
Klaus showed us how to browse without a mouse using https://github.com/mooz/keysnail/wiki and other tricks
Jack inspired us to use emacs any way we want, giving a https://gist.github.com/jackrusher/26be42a5a60d0372c872161d81114784 as example