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113 lines (102 loc) · 4.01 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (102 loc) · 4.01 KB


Lights are used to illuminate the scene. There are 6 types of lights supported in Framer Form:

  • Pointlight
  • Directional Light
  • Hemisphere Light
  • Spotlight
  • Ambient Light
  • Rectangle Area Light
new Light
  parent: scene
  type: 'point'
  y: 300
  z: 400


  • type - String - Specifies what type of light
    • point
    • directional
    • hemisphere
    • spot
    • ambient
    • rectarea
  • parent - Object - Specifies the light parent. Usually a scene. Default is null
  • intensity - Number - Specifies the light intensity. Default is 1.
  • x - Number - Specifies the light x position. Default is 0.
  • y - Number - Specifies the light y position. Default is 0.
  • z - Number - Specifies the light z position. Default is 0.
  • position - Vector3 - Get the light position.
  • rotationX - Number - Specifies the light rotationX position. Default is 0.
  • rotationY - Number - Specifies the light rotationY position. Default is 0.
  • rotationZ - Number - Specifies the light rotationZ position. Default is 0.
  • rotation - Vector3 - Get the light rotation.
  • visible - Bool - Specifies if the light should render or not. Default is true
  • states - Object - The light states.
  • light - Light - Returns the native THREE.Light

Type-specific Properties

  • color - Color - Specifies color of the light. Should be used with new THREE.Color syntax. Default is 0xffffff.
    • Pointlight
    • Directional Light
    • Ambient Light
    • Spotlight
    • Rectangle Area Light
  • angle - Number - Maximum extent of the spotlight, in radians, from its direction. Should be no more than Math.PI/2. The default is Math.PI/3
    • Spotlight
  • castShadow - Bool - Specifies if the light should cast shadows or not. Default is true
    • Spotlight
    • Pointlight
    • Directional Light
  • decay - Number - The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. Default is 1. For physically correct lighting, set this to 2.
    • Pointlight
    • Spotlight
  • distance - Number - The distance from the light where the intensity is 0. When set to 0, then the light never stops. Default is 0.
    • Pointlight
    • Spotlight
  • width - Number - Specifies the surface-width of the light. Default is 10.
    • Rectangle Area Light
  • height - Number - Specifies the surface-height of the light. Default is 10.
    • Rectangle Area Light
  • target - Object - A target to cast light towards. This should be a model or similar. Default is new Vector(0, 0, 0)
    • Spotlight

TODO: Add documention to more properties


.lookAt(Vector3) .lookAt(x, y, z)

Rotates the light to face the point in world space. Use this within the animationLoop to always face the position regardless of animations or similar.

.animate(Object) .animate(String)

Animates the light with the specified properties. If the argument is a string instead of an object, Framer Form expects it to be a State-name. Exactly as the regular Framer Animation-API.

options - Object - If argument is an object, you may specify an options-object with following properties:

  • time - Number - Animation length in seconds
  • delay - Number - Animation delay in seconds
  • curve - String - Animation Easing. This does only support the following strings:
    • linear
    • easeInQuad
    • easeOutQuad
    • easeInOutQuad
    • easeInCubic
    • easeOutCubic
    • easeInOutCubic
    • easeInQuart
    • easeOutQuart
    • easeInOutQuart
    • easeInQuint
    • easeOutQuint
    • easeInOutQuint
    • easeInSine
    • easeOutSine
    • easeInOutSine
    • easeInExpo
    • easeOutExpo
    • easeInOutExpo
    • easeInCirc
    • easeOutCirc
    • easeInOutCirc
    • easeInElastic
    • easeOutElastic
    • easeInOutElastic

.stateCycle(StateName: String)

  • Cycles between the specified states. The method takes unlimited amount of arguments.
  • If no arguments are specified, this method will cycle through all available states.

.stateSwitch(StateName: String)

Instantly applies the specified state's properties.